The names of the Italian mafiosi are the most famous gangsters in the world. Camorra: the oldest and bloodthirsty mafia in Italy

The names of the Italian mafiosi are the most famous gangsters in the world.  Camorra: the oldest and bloodthirsty mafia in Italy
The names of the Italian mafiosi are the most famous gangsters in the world. Camorra: the oldest and bloodthirsty mafia in Italy

The modern world has many criminal gangs, and each has its own leader, boss, head. But comparing the current leaders of the mafia and criminal organizations with the bosses of past dashing years is a business doomed to failure and criticism. Past bosses of the criminal world have created whole empires of evil and violence, extortion and drug trafficking. Their so-called families lived according to their own laws, and the violation of these laws foreshadowed death and cruel reprisals for disobedience. We bring to your attention a list of the most legendary and influential mafiosi in history.

(1974 - present)

Once the leader of one of the largest drug cartels in Mexico, which is called Los Zetas. At the age of 17, he entered the Mexican army, and later worked in a special unit to fight the drug cartel. The transition to the side of the merchants occurred after he was recruited into the Golfo cartel. The private mercenary army of Los Zetas, which was hired by the organization, later became the largest drug cartel in Mexico. Heriberto very cruelly dealt with his competitors, for which his criminal group was given the nickname "Executioners".

(1928 — 2005)

Since 1981, he led the Genovese family, while everyone considered Antonio Salermo as the boss of the family. Vincent was nicknamed "The Wacky Boss" for his, to put it mildly, inappropriate behavior. But, it was only for the authorities, Gigante's lawyers for 7 years brought certificates proving that he was crazy, thereby avoiding the term. Vincent's men controlled crime throughout New York and other major cities in America.

(1902 – 1957)

Boss of one of the five mafia families of criminal America. The head of the Gambino family, Albert Anastasia, had two nicknames - "The Chief Executioner" and "The Mad Hatter", and the first was given to him for the fact that on account of his group "Murder Corporation" about 700 deaths. He was a close friend of Lucky Luciano, whom he considered his teacher. It was Anastasia who helped Lucky to get his hands on the entire criminal world, carrying out contract killings of bosses of other families for him.

(1905 — 2002)

Patriarch of the Bonanno family and the richest mafiosi in history. The history of the reign of Joseph, who was called "Banana Joe" is 30 years old, after this period Bonanno voluntarily resigned and lived in his own huge mansion. The Castelamarese War, which lasted 3 years, is considered one of the most iconic events in the criminal world. Ultimately, Bonanno organized a crime family that still operates in the United States.

(1902 – 1983)

Meir was born in Belarus, the city of Grodno. A native of the Russian Empire, he became the most influential person in the United States and one of the leaders of the country's crime. He is the founder of the National Crime Syndicate and the parent of the state gambling business. Was the largest bootlegger (illegal liquor dealer) during Prohibition.

(1902 – 1976)

It was Gambino who became the founder of one of the most influential families in criminal America. After taking control of a number of highly lucrative industries, including illegal bootlegging, the state port and airport, the Gambino family becomes the most powerful of the five families. Carlo banned the sale of drugs to his people, considering this type of business dangerous and attracting public attention. At the very dawn of power, the Gambino family consisted of more than 40 groups and teams, and controlled New York, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Chicago, Boston, Miami and Los Angeles.

(1940 – 2002)

John Gotti was a famous figure, he was loved by the press, he was always dressed with a needle. Numerous accusations by the New York law enforcement agencies have always failed, Gotti avoided punishment for a long time. For this, the press nicknamed him "Teflon John". He received the nickname "Elegant Don" when he began to dress only in fashionable and stylish suits with expensive ties. John Gotti has been the leader of the Gambino family since 1985. During the reign, the family was one of the most influential.

(1949 – 1993)

The most cruel and daring Colombian drug lord. He went down in the history of the 20th century as the most cruel criminal and the head of the largest drug cartel. He arranged the supply of cocaine to different parts of the world, mainly to the USA, on a grand scale, up to transportation by airplanes of tens of kilograms. During his entire activity as the head of the Medellin cocaine cartel, he was involved in the murders of more than 200 judges and prosecutors, more than 1,000 police officers and journalists, presidential candidates, ministers, and prosecutors general. Escobar's fortune in 1989 was over $ 15 billion.

(1897 – 1962)

Originally from Sicily, Lucky became in America, in fact, the ancestor of the underworld. His real name is Charles, Lucky, which means "Lucky", they began to call him after he was taken to a deserted highway, tortured, beaten, cut, burned with cigarettes on his face, and he survived after that. The people who tortured him were Maranzano gangsters, they wanted to find out the location of the cache of drugs, but Charles remained silent. After unsuccessful torture, they left the bloody body with no signs of life by the road, thinking that Luciano was dead, where he was picked up by a patrol car after 8 hours. He had 60 stitches and survived. After this incident, the nickname "Lucky" remained with him forever. Lucky organized the Big Seven, a group of bootleggers who he gave protection from the authorities. He became the boss of Cosa Nostra, which controlled all areas of the criminal world.

(1899 – 1947)

The legend of the underworld of those times and the most famous mafia boss in history. He was a prominent representative of criminal America. His spheres of activity were bootlegging, prostitution, gambling. He is known as the organizer of the most brutal and significant day in the criminal world - the Massacre on Valentine's Day, when seven influential gangsters from Bugs Moran's Irish gang were shot and killed, including the boss's right hand. Al Capone was the first among all gangsters to start "laundering" money through a huge network of laundries, the prices of which were very low. Capone was the first to introduce the concept of "racketeering" and successfully dealt with it, laying the foundation for a new vector of mafia activities. Alfonso received the nickname "Scarface" at the age of 19, when he worked in a billiard club. He allowed himself to object to the cruel and mother-in-law criminal Frank Galluchio, moreover, he insulted his wife, after which a fight and stabbing broke out between the bandits, as a result of which Al Capone received a famous scar on his left cheek. By right, Al Capone was the most influential and terrifying person in everyone, including the government, which was able to put him in jail just for tax evasion.

The world has long been waging a struggle between the state and criminal clans, but the mafia is still alive. Currently, there are many criminal gangs, each of which has its own boss and mastermind. Criminal bosses often feel unpunished and create real criminal empires, intimidating civilians and government officials. They live by their own laws, violation of which often leads to death. This article presents 10 famous mafiosi who really left a noticeable mark in the history of the mafia.

1. Al Capone

Al Capone was a legend in the underworld of the 30s and 40s. of the last century and is still considered the most famous mafiosi in history. The authoritative Al Capone instilled fear in everyone, including the government. This American gangster of Italian descent developed a gambling business, was engaged in bootlegging, racketeering, and drugs. It was he who introduced the concept of racketeering.

When the family moved to the United States in search of a better life, he was forced to work hard. He worked in a pharmacy and a bowling alley, and even in a candy store. However, Al Capone was attracted by the nocturnal lifestyle. At 19, while working at a billiard club, he made a cocky comment about the felon's wife, Frank Galuccio. After a fight and stabbing, he had a scar on his left cheek. Daring Al Capone learned to skillfully handle knives and was invited to the "Gang of Five Barrels". Known for his brutality in the massacre of competitors, he organized the Massacre on Valentine's Day, when, on his orders, seven tough mafiosi from the Bugs Moran group were shot dead.
His cunning helped him get out and avoid punishment for the crimes he had committed. The only reason he was sent to prison was tax evasion. After leaving prison, where he spent 5 years, his health was undermined. He contracted syphilis from a prostitute and died at the age of 48.

2. Lucky Luciano

Charles Luciano, born in Sicily, moved with his family to America in search of a decent life. Over time, he became a symbol of crime and one of the coolest gangsters in history. Since childhood, street punks have become a comfortable environment for him. He actively distributed drugs and went to prison at the age of 18. During the prohibition of alcohol in the United States, he was in the "Gang of Four" and was involved in the smuggling of alcohol. He was an impoverished immigrant, like his friends, and ended up making millions of dollars in crime. Lucky organized a group of bootleggers called the Big Seven and defended them from the authorities.

Later he became the leader of "Cosa Nostra" and controlled all areas of activity in the criminal environment. Maranzano's gangsters tried to find out where he was hiding drugs and for this they tricked him onto the highway, where they tortured, cut and beat him. Luciano kept the secret. The bloody body with no signs of life was thrown to the side of the road and after 8 hours a police patrol found it. At the hospital, he received 60 stitches and saved his life. After that, they began to call him Lucky. (Lucky).

3. Pablo Escobar

Pablo Escobar is the most famous violent Colombian drug lord. He created a real drug empire and established the supply of cocaine around the world on a huge scale. Young Escobar grew up in poor areas of Medellin and began his illegal activities by stealing tombstones and reselling them with worn out inscriptions to dealers. In addition, he sought to make easy money on the sale of drugs and cigarettes, as well as counterfeiting lottery tickets. Later, theft of expensive cars, racketeering, robbery and kidnapping were added to the sphere of criminal activity.

At 22, Escobar has already become a famous authority in poor neighborhoods. The poor supported him as he built cheap housing for them. Becoming the head of a drug cartel, he made billions. In 1989, his fortune was over 15 billion. During his criminal activities, he was involved in the murders of more than a thousand police officers, journalists, several hundred judges and prosecutors, and various officials.

4. John Gotti

John Gotti was known to everyone in New York. He was called "Teflon Don", because all accusations miraculously flew away from him, leaving untainted. He was a very quirky mobster who worked his way from the bottom up to the very top of the Gambino family. Thanks to its bright and elegant style, it also received the nickname "Elegant Don". During the management of the family, he was engaged in typical criminal cases: racketeering, theft, car theft, murder. The boss's right hand in all crimes has always been his friend Salvatore Gravano. In the end, this was a fatal mistake for John Gotti. In 1992, Salvatore began to cooperate with the FBI, testified against Gotti and imprisoned him for life. In 2002, John Gotti died in prison from throat cancer.

5. Carlo Gambino

Gambino is a Sicilian gangster who led and led one of the most powerful crime families in America until his death. As a teenager, he began stealing and extortion. Later I switched to bootlegging. When he became the boss of the Gambino family, he made them the richest and most powerful by controlling such lucrative properties as the state port and airport. During its dawn, the Gambino criminal group consisted of more than 40 teams, and controlled major cities in America (New York, Miami, Chicago, Los Angeles and others). Gambino did not welcome the drug trade by members of his group, as he considered it a dangerous business that attracts a lot of attention.

6. Meir Lansky

Meir Lansky is a Jew born in Belarus. At the age of 9 he moved with his family to New York. Since childhood, he became friends with Charles "Lucky" Luciano, which predetermined his fate. For decades, Meir Lansky was one of the most important authorities in crime America. During Prohibition in America, he was involved in the illegal transportation and sale of alcoholic beverages. Later, the National Crime Syndicate was created and a network of underground bars and bookmakers opened. For many years, Meir Lansky has developed a gambling empire in the United States. In the end, tired of the constant police surveillance, he leaves for Israel on a visa for 2 years. The FBI demanded his extradition. After the expiration of the visa, he wants to move to another state, but no one accepts him. He returns to the United States, where a trial awaits him. The charges were dropped, but the passport was canceled. In recent years he lived in Miami and died in a hospital from cancer.

7. Joseph Bonanno

This mafioso held a special place in the criminal world of America. At the age of 15, a Sicilian boy became an orphan. He illegally moved to the United States, where he quickly joined criminal circles. Created and ruled the influential Bonanno crime family for 30 years. Over time, it became known as "Banana Joe". Having reached the status of the richest mafiosi in history, he voluntarily retired. I wanted to live the rest of my life in peace in my own luxurious mansion. For a while, he was forgotten by everyone. But the release of an autobiography was an unprecedented act for the mafiosi and again attracted attention to him. He was even sent to prison for a year. Died Joseph Bonanno at 97 years old, surrounded by relatives.

8. Alberto Anastasia

Albert Anastasia was called the head of the Gambino, one of the 5 mafia clans. He was dubbed the Chief Executioner for the fact that his group "Killing Corporation" is responsible for more than 600 deaths. He did not go to jail for any of them. When a case was brought against him, it was not clear where the main witnesses for the prosecution disappeared. Alberto Anastasia loved to get rid of witnesses. He called Lucky Luciano his teacher and was devoted to him. Anastasia carried out the assassinations of leaders of other criminal groups at the request of Lucky. However, in 1957, Albert Anastasia himself was killed in a hairdresser at the request of his competitors.

9. Vincent Gigante

Vincent Gigante is a well-known authority among the mafiosi who controlled crime in New York and other major cities in America. He dropped out of school in grade 9 and switched to boxing. He got into a criminal gang at the age of 17. Since then, his ascent in the underworld began. At first he became a godfather and then a consolier (advisor). Since 1981 he became the leader of the Genovese family. Vincent was nicknamed "The Wacky Boss" and "The King of Pajamas" for his inappropriate behavior and walking around New York in a bathrobe. It was a simulation of a mental disorder.
For 40 years, he avoided jail by posing as a madman. In 1997, he was still sentenced to 12 years. Even while in prison, he continued to issue instructions to members of the criminal gang through his son Vincent Esposito. In 2005, the mobster died in prison from heart problems.

10. Heriberto Lazcano

For a long time, Heriberto Lazcano was on the list of wanted and most dangerous criminals in Mexico. From the age of 17 he served in the Mexican army and in a special unit to fight drug cartels. After a couple of years, he went over to the side of drug traffickers when he was recruited by the Gulf cartel. Over time, he became the leader of one of the largest and most influential drug cartels - Los Zetas. Because of his boundless cruelty against competitors, bloody murders against officials, public figures, police and civilians (including women and children) he was nicknamed the Executioner. As a result of the massacres, more than 47 thousand people were killed. When Heriberto Lazcano was killed in 2012, all of Mexico breathed a sigh of relief.

Modern pop culture has turned the mafia almost into the main brand of Sicily. Today, the state of affairs has changed significantly: in Sicily, you are unlikely to see mafiosi similar to the characters of "The Godfather", but nevertheless, the mafia in Sicily still exists. This is one of the reasons why Sicily remains one of the poorest regions in Italy. Many hotels, restaurants and shops in Sicily are forced to pay the mafia pizzo - the so-called payment for protection and patronage, which negatively affects their revenue and hinders further business development. But some brave people are fighting this phenomenon.

How can such a phenomenon as the mafia continue to exist in our time? This is a difficult question, but this is primarily due to social factors, such as the unemployment rate, lack of trust in the authorities on the part of residents, uncertainty in law enforcement agencies. An important role is played by the mentality of Italians, who are used to being suspicious of social services and innovations.

By some estimates, in Palermo alone, the capital of Sicily, more than 80% of small businesses are forced to pay the mafia. It is believed that the southern cities of Italy alone bring the mafia more than 20 billion euros a year. But the mafia in its current state continues to pose a threat to the Sicilians themselves rather than to tourists, who should primarily beware of pickpockets rather than local mafiosi.

What dangers can lie in wait for tourists in Sicily?

Overall, modern Sicily is a reasonably safe destination for travelers. The same precautions must be followed here as in other European cities. If you are in a crowd of people, keep an eye on your bag and valuables. Do not leave bags, phones, cameras and other items unattended.

The biggest danger in Sicily is not even the street thieves, but the drivers. In Sicily, especially in Palermo, only one rule of the road is followed: the fastest survives. Drivers are reluctant to give way to pedestrians, even at pedestrian crossings. However, if you are planning a trip to small towns and villages, you will be concerned about another problem: poor quality roads or lack of them. However, modern highways have been built between major cities and there is nothing to be afraid of.

It is also worth exercising extra vigilance when shopping in markets or small private stores. Always check prices and count your change carefully. And do not take such cases too close to your heart: in Sicily, they profit not only from tourists, but also from local residents.

When dealing with Sicilians, try not to use the word "mafia", especially in public places. You are a guest in Sicily, the problems of organized crime do not concern you, so there is no reason to raise this issue. For many Sicilians, this is a sensitive topic that they are not ready to discuss with strangers.

While the streets of Sicily are generally safe, we advise women traveling unaccompanied not to go outside at night. In Sicily, it is not customary for a woman to walk alone at night, this immediately attracts attention. Local women go out at such times only when accompanied by a man, and foreign travelers are also better off following their example.

There is no person in the world who has not heard about Italy. A wonderful country ... It surprises us with the architecture of the Vatican, citrus plantations, warm climate and gentle sea. But one more thing has made this country popular all over the world - it is the Italian mafia. There are many large criminal gangs in the world, but none arouses as much interest as this one.

History of the Sicilian Mafia

Mafia is a purely Sicilian name for independent criminal organizations. Mafia is the name of an independent criminal organization. There are 2 versions of the origin of the word "mafia":

  • It is an abbreviation of the motto of the revolt "Sicilian Vespers" 1282. Remained from the times when Sicily was the territory of the Arabs, and meant the protection of ordinary people from the ruling lawlessness.
  • The Sicilian mafia takes its roots from the XII century. sects of followers of St. Francis di Paolo. They spent their days praying, and at night they robbed the rich and shared with the poor.

There is a clear hierarchy in the mafia:

  1. CapodiTuttiCapi is in charge of all families.
  2. CapodiCapiRe is a title awarded to the head of the family who has left business.
  3. Capofamiglia is the head of one clan.
  4. Consigliere is a chapter consultant. Has influence on him, but lacks serious power.
  5. SottoCapo is the second person in the family after the chapter.
  6. Capo is a mafia captain. Subordinates to himself 10 - 25 people.
  7. Soldato is the first step on the mafia's career ladder.
  8. Picciotto - people who want to become part of the group.
  9. GiovaneD'Onore are friends and allies of the mafiosi. Often not Italians.

Cosa Nostra commandments

"Top" and "bottom" of the organization rarely intersect, they may not even know each other by sight. But sometimes the “soldier” knows enough useful information for the police about his “employer”. The faction had its own Code of Honor:

  • Clan members help each other under any circumstances;
  • Insulting one of the members is considered insulting the entire group;
  • Unquestioning obedience;
  • The "family" itself administers justice and its execution;
  • In case of betrayal by any of the members of his clan, he and his entire family shall bear the punishment;
  • A vow of silence or omerta. It is a ban on any cooperation with the police.
  • Vendetta. Revenge is based on the blood for blood principle.

In the XX century. interest in the Italian mafia was shown not only by the police, but also by art workers. This created a kind of romantic halo about the life of the mafia. But do not forget that, first of all, these are cruel criminals who profit from the troubles of ordinary people. Mafia is still alive, because it is immortal. Only changed a little.

The Corleone family

Thanks to The Godfather, the whole world learned about the Corleone family. What kind of family is this and what do they have to do with the real Sicilian mafia?

The Corleone family (Corleonesi) really was at the head of the entire Sicilian mafia (Cosa Nostra) in the 80-90s of the XX century. They gained their power during the Second Mafia War. Other families underestimated them a little and in vain! The Corleonesi family did not really stand on ceremony with the people who interfered with them, they are responsible for a huge number of murders. The loudest of them all: the assassination of General Dall Chiesa and his wife. General Chiesa is the prototype of the famous Captain Katani from the Sprut series.

In addition, there were many more rude murders: the leader of the Communist Party Pio La Torre, the traitor to the family of Francesco Maria Manoya and his family, as well as very high-profile murders of competitors: the leader of the Riesi clan, Giuseppe Di Cristina, nicknamed "Tiger" and Michele Cavatayo, nicknamed "Cobra" ... The latter was the instigator of the first mafia war in the sixties of the twentieth century. The Corleone family dealt with him very easily. In addition to the brutal murders, the Corleone family was famous for its clear organization and a wide network of the mafia.

Don Vito Corleone

Fictional character from The Godfather !, who led the Corleone clan in Italy and the United States. The prototypes of this character were Luciano Leggio, Bernardo Provenzano, Toto Riina, and Leoluca Bagarella - famous leaders of the Corleone family.

Sicilian mafia today

Significant efforts are being made to eradicate the phenomenon of the Sicilian Mafia. Every week in Italy there is news of the arrest of another member of the mafia clan. However, the mafia is immortal and still has power. More than a third of all illegal businesses in Italy are still controlled by representatives of Cosa Nostra. In the 21st century, the Italian police made significant progress, but this only led to increased conspiracy in the ranks of the mafiosi. Now this is not a centralized grouping, but several disunited clans, the heads of which communicate only in exceptional cases.

Today, Cosa Nostra has about 5,000 members and seventy percent of Sicily's businessmen still pay tribute to the mafia.

Guided tour in the footsteps of the Sicilian Mafia

We offer a guided tour in the footsteps of the Sicilian Mafia. We will visit the most iconic places of Palermo and the ancestral home of the Corleone family: the town of the same name. ...

Photo of the Sicilian mafia

In conclusion, a few photos of the mafia

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Capo di Capi, don, boss, sometimes "godfather" - the head of the "family". Receives information about every case carried out by any member of the "family". The boss is elected by a capo vote; in the event of a tie, the deputy boss must also vote. Until the 1950s, all family members participated in the vote, but then this practice was stopped because it attracted too much attention.

Assistant or deputy boss - appointed by the boss himself and is the second person in the family. The handyman is responsible for all the kapos of the family. In the event of the arrest or death of a boss, the henchman himself usually becomes the acting boss.

Between the "henchman" and the "leader" is the "advisor" (Consigliere). Consigliere is a family advisor. He is invited as a mediator to resolve disputes or as a family representative in meetings with other families. They usually engage in more or less legal activities (gambling or extortion). Consigliers are often lawyers or stockbrokers whom the boss can trust and even have a close friendship with. They usually do not have a team of their own, but they have significant influence in the family. Consigliers often act as diplomats.

A caporegime or capo, sometimes a captain, is the head of a team of soldier performers who is subordinate to the deputy boss or the boss himself and is responsible for certain areas of territory or types of criminal activity. There are usually 6-9 such teams in a family, each of which consists of up to 10 soldiers. Thus, the kapo heads his small family, but fully obeys all the restrictions and laws established by the boss of the large family, and pays him a share of his income. The submission to the capo is done by the boss's assistant, but usually the capo is appointed by the boss personally.

The soldier is a member of a family of exclusively Italian descent. At the beginning of his journey, the soldier is an accomplice and must prove his need for the family. When a seat appears, one or more kapos may recommend that a proven accomplice be promoted to the soldier. In the case when there are several such proposals, but only one person can be accepted into the family, the last word rests with the boss. After being elected, the soldier is usually assigned to the team whose capo recommended him.

An accomplice is not yet a member of the family, but is no longer an "errand boy". He usually acts as an intermediary in drug deals, acts as a bribed trade union representative or businessman, etc. Non-Italians are almost never accepted into the family and remain such accomplices (although there were exceptions - for example, Joe Watts, a close partner of John Gotti).

The current structure of the mafia and the way they operate is largely determined by Salvatore Maranzano - the "boss of the bosses" of the mafia in the United States (who, however, was killed by Lucky Luciano six months after his election). The latest trend in family organization is the emergence of two new positions - street boss and family messenger - invented by the former boss of the Genovese family, Vincent Gigante.


First level
Boss - don
Second level
Consigliere - advisor
Underboss - Don's assistant (henchman)
Third level
Caporegime - Captain of a squad of soldiers

A separate group in the structure of the mafia
Soldiers and associates are the boss's personal soldiers.


Koska is the highest managerial level in the organization of the mafia management, which is
uniting several mafiosi families. The word "koska" translates to "celery, artichoke or lettuce." With the help of the scythe, the mafiosos expand their sphere of influence. According to the requirements of the criminal environment, the mafiosi must have their own property - "land", the unification of families in one locality in a kosku gives the mafiosi the opportunity to play their personal possessions as a trump card, primarily in relation to the private property of non-mafia members, that is, the overwhelming majority of society.
Koska is organized at a higher level and as a patriarchal family, so within its independence the independence of a separate mafioso is minimal. In the outside world, the Koska exercises supreme power. Mafiosi of other koski must ask permission if interests force them to act in the territory of koski of which they are not members. Relationships between various kosks, as a rule, are friendly, business-like, sometimes in the nature of mutual assistance. However, when war breaks out between them,
especially if there are controversial issues when defining the boundaries of the respective territories, the mows lead it to the complete destruction of rivals. This is how the Mafia Wars began.