Games for girls to evaluate new. Dress up for girls to be judged by the jury

Games for girls to evaluate new.  Dress up for girls to be judged by the jury
Games for girls to evaluate new. Dress up for girls to be judged by the jury

All girls, to one degree or another, love to dress up and preen. Each girl prefers her own options for how to become more beautiful and attract the attention of the stronger sex - classmates or children from the yard. Someone secretly from their mother learns to paint, someone constantly changes their outfits, and some do the same thing, only in the virtual world. There are many more opportunities, and most importantly, no one will scold for spoiled cosmetics or wrinkled clothes. You can choose a heroine, for example, a princess, a fairy, or just a model with long legs and a cute face to dress her the way you want. Hundreds of options for dresses, jeans, trousers, skirts, sundresses, overalls, suits, shoes and accessories - all this awaits you in the virtual dressing room. You just have to choose the right clothes!

Little fashionistas to help

It may seem that choosing clothes is so easy that anyone can easily cope with it. But in fact, millions of people around the world are dressed somehow, completely tasteless and boring. But if you develop a sense of beauty and style from an early age, then things can go better. Girls are especially interested in this topic, because they always want to look attractive - at home, and on a date, and at school, and on a walk. You can, of course, train and learn the style in reality, but such classes cost money. But in the virtual world, you can find a variety of things and learn how to combine them completely free of charge. Your models can be both fictional girls whom you create yourself, and various heroines of fairy tales, films, games and comics. Fairies, princesses, girls with superpowers, aliens, funny creatures such as ponies. After that, find out how the heroine wants to look, where they are going to go. If a fairy is in a hurry to save the world, then she will be uncomfortable in a long dress, but in shorts or a short skirt with a top it will be just that. If the princess is hosting a party, there are a wide variety of outfits to choose from, depending on what the theme of the party is.

On weekdays, you can dress however you want, although restrictions sometimes get in the way. For example, in many schools it is allowed to wear only school uniforms, some adults also cannot wear to work, for example, shorts and a T-shirt, only shirts, trousers, blouses, skirts and other classic things are allowed, they are also called business. This does not stop many fashionistas, they can even embellish a business outfit with the help of accessories - straps, bags, scarves, ties and bow ties, as well as other little things. Practice a bit on the model girls, and you too will learn how to decorate and complement any outfit with stylish little things.

You can dress every girl from head to toe, and also do hair and makeup, or dwell on one thing. For example, you can choose the Winx fairies and dress each of them in a sporty style. However, this does not mean that they will all look the same, you can choose different tracksuits, shorts, T-shirts, sneakers and trainers. You can make a unique hairstyle for each fairy, with which it is convenient to play sports - run, jump, and so on.

Different events - different outfits

Walking in the same clothes all the time is not very good. Especially when there is a sea of ​​things in the closet, and everything is idle. At home, of course, you can relax and not change your clothes every day. But if, for example, today you are going to the theater, yesterday you went to a football match with friends, and tomorrow you are going to visit a fashion exhibition, then it is unacceptable to go everywhere in the same thing. You can go to a match in jeans and a T-shirt, it is best to wear a dress to the theater, and a trouser suit to an exhibition. While you can find other options, it depends on your imagination. And if you are afraid to make mistakes in colors and styles, then, again, you can first practice on virtual heroines, they also do not like to sit at home, so they also often go out to people.

They have even more things than television stars and other public figures. Choosing is also not easy for them, so the heroines need your help. Play as a stylist, pick up outerwear, underwear, T-shirts, jackets, sweaters, blouses, pants, shorts, skirts, dresses and much more. Remember that clothes should look concise and stylish, that is, say, you should not wear a bright red T-shirt and toxic green trousers, it is better to choose something classic - light blue or blue jeans, for example.

Since virtual heroines have busy days, they can climb mountains, jump with a parachute, go to the movies, and run a marathon. For each case, you need to choose the right image, in this case, the main thing is not to rush. Then do your hair stylishly and don’t forget about makeup. And then you will be given a grade, the more beautiful the girl turned out - the higher the grade. Thus, you can dress up as many different girls as you like, in parallel you will develop a sense of style and taste. By the way, you can dress not only heroines, but also heroes.

Step by step towards excellence

Hundreds of girls are ready to serve as models so that you can hone your stylist and image maker skills in one person. Among the virtual models, you can meet a wide variety of heroines - just long-legged beauties with pretty faces, famous princesses or fairies, mysterious aliens and superheroes with unique abilities. It is not worth dressing them in the same way, first you should find out where the girls dress up. One can rush to a date, another is about to save the world from another disaster, the third wants to please the guy, the fourth dresses for a new job and does not want to hit the face in the mud on the very first day, the fifth goes on a hike, and the sixth will be sick at the stadium for your favorite team. As you understand, for each you need to choose a special image that will emphasize strengths and hide weaknesses.

Not all girls in dressing simulators can boast of perfect looks, some are not tall, some are overweight, some are slouching, some cannot walk in heels. This also needs to be taken into account when creating an image. Thanks to the huge variety of clothes, you can dress up even the most demanding model.

You can dress several girls at the same time in order to choose the most harmonious outfits. For example, you can take on the selection of clothes for the Winx fairies. Usually they do not have enough time to select clothes, because the world is constantly in danger, and you can easily get lost in their closets! Therefore, they need the help of a person from the outside, a person who skillfully knows how to combine colors and styles, understands the style and does not make annoying mistakes. If it is still difficult for you to dress several girls at once, you can choose one of them. Let's say Princess Anna or Cinderella. Both of them live in castles, but differ in character, Cinderella is a homebody and keeper of the hearth. And Anna loves adventure and often finds problems on her head somewhere in snowy forests, foreign kingdoms and dungeons. Accordingly, clothes should also be radically different.

The jury is waiting

Dress ups are different, although at first glance they are practically the same. There are some in which you can independently learn how to choose outfits, combine colors, and understand the styles of different eras. Nobody limits you on time, does not advise or suggest anything, you do not get grades at the end either. But such a pastime can quickly get bored, because it makes no sense. But if every time your work is evaluated by the jury, then you will receive a feedback. That is, the jury will give its assessment and explain whether everything is perfect in your image or there are flaws. It may also happen that the image of the next model is completely unsuccessful. Then you can, taking into account the mistakes, correct.

The jury members can give the lowest, middle or highest mark. In another way, we can say that three stars are the highest rating, two are average, one is the lowest. To go to the next stage, you need to get at least two stars from the judges, but if you want to get everything from the game, then always strive for three stars.

With each new stage, it will be more and more difficult to dress female models, because there is little time, and the choice of clothes is simply huge. The reasons will also become more complicated and change, for example, one of the models is going on a date, but the date can take place literally anywhere - in a restaurant, in a park, on a rooftop, on a skating rink, and so on. To choose the best outfit, you must learn everything about the girl, then you can count on the highest mark.

Having picked up clothes for ten or twelve girls, you will already begin to understand styles and fashion, each subsequent girl will help hone the knowledge gained. In real life, this will probably come in handy, so meet the models and help them become even more beautiful.

Feel like a budding designer in the jury's Dress Up Game for girls: designing the clothes of the season is so fun!

On the task of the first level, create stellar hip-hop fashion! Create an interesting look and present it on the main catwalk. The jury will give points based on the relevance to the theme. The more stars the collection gets, the more options: outfits, hairstyles and new jewelry.

How to play

In the next level of dress up, you will find a winter trend with the slogan "riot of colors". Choose contrasting bright images, it is also important to match the season! The jury expects comfortable and elegant casual fashion from the casual style. Imagine what street style looks like and embody it in the show. Be sure to mix colors, so you are guaranteed to get a high score. Each task has its own threshold for passing through the stars.

From the ready-made items, combine a beautiful outfit, complement with accessories, shoes and a matching wig. Then present the image in public, the fashion designers in the jury will check the suitability for the task, be sure to follow the inscription on the podium.

We invite you to plunge headlong into the mysterious and alluring world of show business. Imagine yourself as a top-class couturier.

Rock, world-famous pop stars dream of entrusting you with shaping their image, style and wardrobe. Only you can give a true cut to their talent and appearance. Do not believe? It’s in vain. Our dress up games for evaluation are so believable and exciting that it is easy to imagine yourself coming up with new images of Shakira and Lady Gaga. Plunge headlong into this sparkling world, feel your power over the model-artists and have a full blast. Moreover, today a triple pleasure awaits you: not one, but as many as three singers at once, awaiting your verdict regarding their appearance. Still don't believe that rating dress up games are cool? Play at least once and see for yourself that

Dress up games to rate: it's fashionable

Enjoy a luxurious assortment of super trendy stage costumes. In addition to the fact that there are many of them, individual details are perfectly combined with each other, creating an infinite number of options and images. In addition to these, there is a whole arsenal of cool rocker accessories: headscarves, wristbands, baubles, sparkling glamor jewelry: tiaras, earrings, bracelets and elegant evening shoes with high heels.

Dress up games to rate: it's fun

Three pretty singers are in your absolute power. If you want - you will turn them into glamorous beauties, if you want - into informal hooligans, if you want - into ordinary schoolgirls from the neighboring yard. Also no? Then you can pick up each of the most awkward and funny costume of all available, creepy hairstyle, stupid accessories, unsuitable shoes and .... enjoy the result. Isn't it funny?

Dress up games for rating: it's useful

In addition to the fact that our games are great fun, they also have quite tangible practical benefits. Where else can you quickly, effortlessly and cost-effectively learn to combine things with each other, mix styles and trends, combining incongruous, pick up hairstyles, accessories and makeup? In real life, such a pleasure is worth a lot, and experiments, for example, with hair, in general, can end tragically. It will take years to grow a braid after an unsuccessful haircut or dyeing. In our virtual world, everything is simple and safe: one click with the mouse to select the desired option, and the same click to cancel what did not fit.

The ability to harmoniously combine clothes and accessories, to feel the colors is not given to everyone. An innate sense of style is very, very rare. Evidence of this: faceless crowds of identical gray citizens on our streets. But there is good news as well. The ability to dress stylishly can be learned, trained as muscles or, for example, literacy. To do this, you need to constantly try, experiment, compare results, find and fix errors.

And even when you are just having fun, inventing the most ridiculous and indigestible images for the heroines, you (imperceptibly to yourself) learn.

Each stylist is interested in the opinion of others on the fruits of his labor, and little girls who love to change images and dress up characters are no exception. After all, it is much more interesting not only to help someone transform, but also to find out the assessment of their work. It is this opportunity that dress up games have, in which at the end of the process an assessment of the work done is displayed.

Such games require from a young stylist not only a developed imagination and sense of style, but also diligence, attentiveness and logical thinking. After all, you need to dress the character in full accordance with the picture, which is shown at the very beginning of the game for a short time, or choose clothes so that it meets the stated requirements, for example, create a strawberry costume for a masquerade or choose clothes for a walk in the park on a cold autumn evening.

Visual memory also develops, for example, in the game there is a condition: pick up the girl's clothes so that it looks like a rock band star, and for a few seconds they show the same star. It is necessary to remember all the details of the wardrobe, from boots to skull earrings. It is quite difficult to completely recreate the appearance of a rock girl; this task requires the player to be attentive and in good order.


It is very interesting to play such games, because each image should be very carefully thought out. There are many games in which an assessment of the work done is given at the end, but the most interesting are:
  • Dress up for two players - playing such a game together is much more interesting, because you can see the work done by a friend or sister, and during the game you can even compete with who is better at completing the task;
  • Date Dress Up - Help the girl character get ready for the date by choosing her makeup and wardrobe. But there is a hint condition, which is given at the very beginning of the game - what does the guy of the girl-character like, what colors impressed him, what hairstyles and hair color he likes. You should also prepare the meeting place - set the table, cook the guy's favorite dishes, light candles (if he likes it). Depending on the correspondence of the results of the work to the whims of the young man, an assessment is given;
  • Dressing for the wedding - follow the prompts to dress and make up the bride, prepare accessories that match the dress and hairstyle. If all the conditions are met - the highest score from the bride is guaranteed !;
  • Dressing up for School - Choose the outfit, accessories, and hairstyle that will work for your class at school. Also, at the beginning of the game, tips are given, or a photograph of the finished appearance, which should be repeated in the smallest detail;
  • Dress up Barbie - follow the tips that tell you all the preferences and desires of the beautiful Barbie, because she should always look 5+! If you manage to dress the capricious as she likes, the highest score in the assessment is guaranteed!
After the end of the game, having received the highest score, the young stylist receives praise and a pleasant surprise, which one - you will only find out after completing the game with brilliant results!

Dress Up Games

The basis of the gameplay of these games is the dressing up of characters from the available assortment. They boast a wide variety of colorful costumes and fashion accessories. In addition, trying on clothes is diluted with logic puzzles, or arcade mini-games.

Princess Rapunzel

A series of dress up games dedicated to the fairy princess Rapunzel. Prepare to choose from the best outfits and dizzying adventures in the wizarding world.

- today a significant event will take place, and you are invited to become a direct participant. Rapunzel herself invited you to become a bridesmaid at her wedding. Your task is to choose the best dress for the bride and the suit for the groom.

- the princess can be different, in this game it is possible to see her from two sides. The player's task is to become a designer for each look and choose the most appropriate outfits.

Rapunzel and Snow White Dress Up: Winter Style - in this game, two princesses from fairy tales meet to have fun. It's winter outside, help them dress for the weather, not forgetting about style.

Disney princesses

In this series of games, the main characters are characters from popular cartoons from Disney. You will definitely be delighted with the appearance on the screen of your favorite characters and addictive mini-games.

Dressing up a Disney princess on the beach in swimsuits - today is a hot day, and our heroines decided to get out to the beach. Your task is to choose a swimsuit for each of the princesses so that everyone is satisfied.

- you have received invitations to a fashion show. Now you have to choose worthy outfits for Cinderella, Ariel, Belle, Merida. Make them the most stylish at the event.

Disney Princess Dress Up: Night Party - Tonight the princesses decided to get together and watch their favorite movie. Help me choose clothes for Rapunzel, Elsa, Anna Moana. They will be at home, so choose cozy and pretty outfits.

Disney princess dress up online: animal style - get ready for a theme party. This time Rapunzel, Elsa and Jasmine decided to choose outfits for themselves in the style of their favorite animals. Help the girls dress up for maximum resemblance to their favorites.


Barbie is a series of dress up games about the most famous doll in the world. Explore a wide variety of locations with Barbie and try on a variety of themed outfits.

Dressing up - Barbie's magical wedding - the most important day in the life of our heroine has come. Barbie chooses just you to become a bridesmaid. You are now on a very important task, to choose a gorgeous outfit for her. In addition, you are responsible for making up and choosing accessories.

Dress up Barbie as a flight attendant - this time, you become a witness to the employment of Barbie. Soon the first working day and your task is to take care of her hairstyle and appearance, because only beautiful girls are taken as flight attendants. Help her choose the right shoes and clothes.

- our heroine graduated from high school and now preparations for graduation are in full swing. She has an important task ahead of her, to take the podium and deliver the final speech. Help with the hairstyle, tie the hair into a ponytail, or, on the contrary, make lush curls. It is possible to choose the color of the eyes, skin and make your own makeup. After that, you can proceed to the most important thing, choosing the right outfit and accessories for this important day.