Characteristics of a Capricorn-Ox man from A to Z! Capricorn man born in the year of the Ox: characteristics and compatibility in relationships Combination Capricorn Ox.

Characteristics of a Capricorn-Ox man from A to Z!  Capricorn man born in the year of the Ox: characteristics and compatibility in relationships Combination Capricorn Ox.
Characteristics of a Capricorn-Ox man from A to Z! Capricorn man born in the year of the Ox: characteristics and compatibility in relationships Combination Capricorn Ox.

Characteristics and compatibility of the Capricorn-Ox man is interested in women who decide to seduce him. This man combines all the best traits of both signs - purposeful, stubborn, able to withstand difficulties. As a rule, such a man achieves very high goals. He has a clear understanding of the people around him and the world as a whole, so he can easily rely on his feelings and ability to understand people’s true motives.

He makes all decisions based on logic, because he wants to first analyze everything and only then make a decision. His diligence surprises new acquaintances, because he is able to work for days, wanting to get the desired result.

A man born in the year of the Ox under the sign of Capricorn has the ability to organize everything, which is his key ability, because he is used to relying only on himself. However, his ascent is always gradual and long, as he thinks through everything to the smallest detail.


The speech of the Capricorn-Ox man is always direct and frank. Despite all his ambition, he does not take part in adventures and is able, if necessary, to defend his rights, preferring open struggle to hidden intrigue. This guy is truly resilient, confident and strong.

In relation to others, he can be somewhat dry and prefers not to waste time. He is one of those people who say little and do more. The ability to concentrate on the main thing and integrity of nature are the main character traits of the Capricorn-Ox man.


Love is not capable of changing or in any way influencing the change in his character, so he is not so emotional and does not burn with passion. Although these feelings are not characteristic of him, he, just like other people, wants to be loved. This attitude towards love often makes him a receiver rather than a giver. It is not easy for him to accept compliments and he will not like a partner who acts as a knight. He primarily concentrates on business and pays almost no attention to the emotional sphere of life.

Emotionality creates difficulties in love relationships, but for women he is attractive because he will not lie and play around, and also walk to the left. Simplicity and straightforwardness in expressing feelings are characteristic of this guy. He will choose a partner based on common interests and projects that they can implement together.

The Capricorn-Ox man is very inclined to marry, since the status of a family man is extremely important to him. He is more inclined to choose a partner according to calculation, and not according to the dictates of his heart. With this formulation of the question, one can hardly expect that he will become a good owner and an attentive father. But he will always be able to defend his rights and protect his family.

Of course, he will not stand near the stove, wanting to please his loved ones, but he will take care to create favorable conditions for the family and will replenish the budget. A woman who decides to throw in her lot with this man will have to initially accept him as he is and not try to change him. And this can only be done by seeing the advantages.

As a woman, you can be more responsible and emotional towards him. It is difficult to change your own character, but this is what a family is created for. Of course, there will be times when you want to feel loved, and this can be achieved by behaving in a certain way towards this man. In all other respects, you need to fulfill your duties, because this is what will make you attractive in his eyes.

Horoscope of Capricorn born in the year of the Ox

Ox and Capricorn are a great combination. Such a person has the qualities of extraordinary endurance, stubbornness and determination. In his professional field, he always achieves success and climbs the career ladder. Ox-Capricorn is methodical, persistent and unhurried in achieving goals. He will spend so much time getting to the bottom of it. How much it may take to bring what you want to life.

He has cultivated this quality in himself since childhood. A person with this combination of signs always relies only on himself.
By nature, the Ox-Capricorn is honest and frank. He does not know how to be cunning and cunning. He is physically strong and self-confident, thanks to this he is fearless and, defending his rights, goes straight into battle. The Capricorn Ox is a man of few words, controls his emotions and, as a rule, keeps them under lock and key. He prefers action to words.

Ox-Capricorn is not a romantic. In love, he does not look for violent passions; he prefers stability, certainty and confidence. He is looking for a friend and ally to be his life partner.

Ox–Capricorn man

Such a man is a born leader. He leads people and those around him completely trust him. They often occupy high positions. They are talented leaders. The Ox-Capricorn man prefers to do what he loves, but his work should not only please the soul, but also make a profit. Such a person has inflated ambitions. Therefore, it is important for him to achieve success at all costs. He can climb the career ladder for a long time. But rest assured, such a person will achieve
Despite everything.

The Ox-Capricorn man is sentimental and sensitive in love relationships. It is difficult for him to express himself and for the time being such a man behaves with restraint. But if the relationship with him becomes serious, then it will be very difficult to break such a connection.

Ox–Capricorn woman

This woman is a fighter, both in achieving success in career growth and in family life. The Ox-Capricorn woman strives to start a family, although the role of a sweet, gentle wife and mother does not really suit her. She is a leader and manager even in the family. But rest assured, such a woman will always defend the rights of her household members to happiness and well-being. She is ready to work day and night for the benefit of her family and friends.

In the professional field, the Ox–Capricorn woman has the same qualities as a man of a similar combination
signs. She knows what she wants from life and will be persistent in achieving her goal.

The Capricorn-Ox sign includes people born from December 22 to January 20 in 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021.

In the Eastern horoscope, this is a self-confident, self-sufficient person, relying entirely and completely only on himself.

And in combination with Capricorn, a person receives from nature an incredibly strong will, stubbornness, rationality and perseverance.

A person born with the Capricorn-Ox combination is principled, logical and resilient. And his ability to recover as quickly as possible from any difficulties is admirable. He is not afraid of difficulties and easily overcomes any adversity.

On the way to achieving their cherished goals, Capricorn-Ox will definitely stop at nothing. Capricorn-Ox is the embodiment of morality and stubbornness. He is distinguished by his high efficiency, which helps him achieve whatever he wants.

In personal relationships, Capricorn-Ox is looking for a person who will share with him his ambitions and views on the world, and will also maintain a harmonious balance between home and work. He is not overly sensitive, but if he receives support from his life partner, he will certainly repay with gratitude, affection and protection.

It is very important for a person born with the Capricorn-Ox combination to feel a kindred spirit in a partner.

Capricorn – Ox characteristics

The combination of the signs Capricorn and Ox gave rise to good self-organization in one person, which is a key point in his character. Also, a person born under the sign of Capricorn in the year of the Ox is distinguished by honesty and frankness. For all his ambitions, he does not participate in adventures and, if necessary, to defend his rights, he prefers open struggle.

He does not know how to be cunning and deceitful, he is physically strong and self-confident. Perhaps that is why he is fearless and boldly defends his rights, enters into battle and wins.

Capricorn-Ox is a man of few words, he controls his emotions and, as a rule, keeps them under lock and key. He does not like empty chatter and prefers action to words. He has excellent logic and is able to find the shortest path to solve certain problems.

And thanks to his persistence, he is ready to analyze and think about the situation day and night, just to get to the bottom.

Born in the year of the Ox, climb the most inaccessible peaks, live in the most spartan conditions, withstand a double load and achieve the most incredible successes.

This is a political leader who can become a support for a large number of people. If he is sure of something, then it is almost impossible to convince him. Capricorn-Ox's attitude to life is quite practical, he is dry in communication, and has difficulty understanding humor and jokes.

This man is a monument to climbing the career ladder. He is not just stubborn, he is persistent and ready to work for days to get the desired result. And, sooner or later, he will receive it!

In a love relationship, Capricorn-Ox does not seek violent passions; he prefers stability, certainty and confidence. He is not a romantic, emotionally cool and rarely capable of breadth of feelings. He has no time to “dangle” in the waters of stormy emotions and feelings, so in a love partnership he is looking for an ally or comrade rather than a lover. However, behind this mask there may be a passionate and loving nature.

And, despite the fact that he is very careful in his emotions, and can even be cruel, he is very susceptible to mental pain. In relationships with his other half, he behaves just as straightforwardly and frankly. Family is very important to him, but it is like a continuation of his business. Therefore, a life partner is needed who would share his interests with him.

Capricorn - Ox woman

A woman born under the sign of Capricorn in the year of the Ox is a very bright person who strives with all her might to change the world for the better. At the same time, it is vital for her to follow the path of self-improvement. She easily adapts to any life situations, fits into any company, bringing a touch of freshness and positivity, but for all her adaptability, she does not know how to compromise.

Stubborn and intractable, often destroys good relationships with many people. She knows what she wants from life, is persistent in achieving her goals and relies only on herself. Tolerance and consideration for other people are what she really lacks.

The Capricorn-Ox woman always has many fans and can even have several romances at the same time. However, her impatience, stubbornness, and lack of flexibility prevent her from building harmonious relationships. Both professionally and personally, she is very serious. She knows what she wants and decisively achieves her goals. Family plays an important role for her, as it gives her the necessary status.

She strives to get married, but the role of a sweet, gentle and caring wife does not suit her well. The fact is that she is tuned in to public life and the affairs of society often occupy her more than the affairs of the family. In order for her thoughts to turn towards her family, she needs to receive a huge portion of love and care from her loved one. But can her chosen one do this? To be loved, you have to start changing yourself.

Born in the year of the Ox, she is a fighter and manager. She is an excellent organizer of the household and the head of the family, but the role of a caring and gentle wife and mother is the exception rather than the rule for her.

It is worth noting that she can be too picky, but she always remains honest. She was used to solving all problems at once, without putting anything off until tomorrow. She wants to do everything efficiently and at the same time very quickly.

And for the well-being of her family, she is ready to do anything. There is no doubt about her help and support. In her personal life, she needs, first of all, stability. And in men she values ​​constancy and determination most of all. Any imbalance on the personal front can throw her off balance.

Capricorn - Ox man

A man born under the sign of Capricorn in the year of the Ox is a born leader. He confidently leads people and those around him trust him. He does not know how to obey and will not allow interference in his life. The Capricorn-Ox man is a talented leader and often occupies a high position.

It is important for him to do what he loves, but it is even more important that the work pleases not only the soul, but also the body. He has high ambitions, so it is important for him to achieve success at all costs. He can change professions for a very long time and try himself in different types of activities until he finally finds something that will meet his requirements.

Born in the year of the Ox, . He always takes on the most difficult work, which he performs impeccably. But, he belongs to that category of people who do not seek to flaunt their abilities, but he will not hush up his achievements either.

This man has high self-discipline, clearly coordinates his actions and efforts to achieve maximum results.

In love relationships, the Capricorn-Ox man is quite sentimental, but carefully hides it. Not every woman succeeds in opening it and truly getting to know it. He does not believe in love and attributes it to metaphysics. Therefore, he will not try to save the relationship. He is freedom-loving and does not tolerate interference in his life, even from close people.

One may marry out of necessity, a sense of duty. By the age of 50, the Capricorn-Ox man nevertheless begins to value family and tries to build relationships, but not everyone has enough passion for life.

In personal relationships, this man is demanding, pedantic, and he needs an organized life partner, firmly on her feet, confident and independent, who will later become not only a wife, but also a faithful comrade, a partner on the path of life.

To become happier, both in family relationships and in life in general, the Capricorn-Ox man needs to think not only about material things, and not stray from the path of self-development. This will allow you to see bigger and better things in life.

Bull actors, compared to Rat actors, are more restrained; they are close to the heroics of everyday life and strong personalities: Pyotr Lyubeshkin (“Father of a Soldier,” “Forty-First,” “Two Captains”); the great Anthony Hopkins (“Silence of the Lambs”); actor and singer with an unusually nasal voice Mikhail Boyarsky (“Dog in the Manger”, “Don Cesar de Bazan”, “The Three Musketeers”).

Capricorn-Oxen are patriots, orthodox and conservative. So the Japanese writer Yukio Mishima (“Patriot”, “Cry of the Hero’s Soul”) gravitated towards the ancient Japanese tradition, professed the samurai spirit of freedom and honor and made himself hara-kiri for the sake of the greatness of his homeland. Actor, poet, performer of songs Mikhail Nozhkin (“Liberation”, “At the Beginning of Glorious Deeds”) became famous for his songs about the heroism of war and the exploits of an ordinary soldier: “We have not rested for so long, we have not rested for so long... The last battle, it is the most difficult.” Here we also mention the literary general of Stalin’s times, Alexander Fadeev (“Destruction”), who controlled Soviet literature, was forced to commit unseemly acts and, unable to bear the shame, shot himself.

In science, Capricorn-Ox is a modest worker and organizer: psychologist Lewis Theremin developed a test that measures intelligence; astronomer Vasily Fesenkov founded astrophysics, mathematician Ivan Petrovsky - rector of Moscow State University.

Sports: heavyweight boxer George Foreman; Formula 1 racing driver Giancarlo Fisichella; hockey player Mark Messier; swimmer Evgeny Sadovy.

Historian Vasily Klyuchevsky said: “Man is the greatest beast in the world.” Well, Capricorn-Oxen cannot be denied categorical judgments, but in some ways they are certainly right.

Horoscope of Capricorn-Ox woman

An example of reasonable power is the reign of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, who came to the throne as a result of a “soft” palace coup. And she also ruled gently, steadily and measuredly. Peter's daughter played an important role in strengthening the state, developing trade, banking, education, science and culture (Lomonosov and Shuvalov acted under her leadership). The country was in debt and poverty, but the economy was growing. Russia's role in the international arena also increased.

The reign of Elizabeth was bright and cheerful; the empress was remembered for her passion for dresses, balls and holidays and was the first fashionista of the court. The twenty years that she reigned were characterized by the dominance of French and the fall in fashion for German. The originality of the Empress is undeniable: she drank heavily in Russian and in a simple way, went on pilgrimages and observed fasting. This lady also entered into a secret marriage with the Cossack choir singer Alexei Razumovsky, making her favorite chamberlain, count and general.

The favorite of Louis XV, the Marquise Poisson de Pompadour, was distinguished by ambition and restraint. Her power and influence over the king was enormous. In fact, she ruled France for 20 years, freeing the king from boring duties - he was only interested in hunting and women. “The king should not be bored,” Pompadour repeated and founded the “Deer Park”, where she prepared mistresses for the entertainment of the monarch. Poisson maintained strict court etiquette and founded a military school and the production of Sèvres porcelain. She was also involved in the arts: she made etchings and engravings.

Pompadour loved to read and collected a huge library on political economy, philosophy and law. She was very lonely amid the palace splendor, pomp and intrigue, complained of poor health and drank chocolate and vanilla to maintain her temperament. The favorite did not live long.

Marlene Dietrich is an actress and singer of German origin. She attracted attention in the film “The Blue Angel”. Then, in pursuit of fame and escaping the Nazis, she came to Hollywood and stayed there, accepting American citizenship. The diva's hoarse and languid voice added to her charm. Dietrich created on the screen the image of a beautiful, sensual and immoral woman (“Blonde Venus”, “The Devil Is That Woman”). But there is nothing devilish in such a character. On the contrary, they are quite practical, hardworking, predictable and strict.

In life, Marlene played the role of a heartbreaker and was constantly married to rich people and one actor - Jean Gabin, who could not tolerate her adventures and left her.

Other women: organizer of women's tractor brigades Praskovya Angelina, singer Ekaterina Semenova (“So that you don’t drink, don’t smoke”). Although it would be better if Capricorn-Oxen did not sing. They have no voice.

See also the characteristics of the sign-year:

A complete collection of materials on the topic: Capricorn bull man from experts in their field.

They combine all the best qualities of both signs - they are stubborn, purposeful, and rarely give in to difficulties. In most cases, the highest goals are achieved. They have a clear understanding of the world and those around them, so they can quite rely on their ability to understand the true motives of people. They make all their decisions based on their logic, since it is important for them to analyze and only then make a decision.

Characteristics of a Capricorn-Ox man in LOVE

Love doesn't change him at all. He is not emotional and is never subject to passion. He does not have all these feelings, although he wants to be loved. Because of his opinion of love, he always acts as a receiver, not a giver. He has difficulty accepting compliments and does not like chivalry in his partner. The matter is important, and it can concern a variety of areas of life, except the emotional.

He is not emotional and this peculiar attitude towards love creates some difficulties for him, but he is attractive simply because he will never fuss and flirt. He is characterized by straightforwardness and simplicity in expressing feelings. Most often, he chooses a partner not based on any qualities, but on common interests or projects that they will implement together. That is, the approach to it lies in common hobbies.

Capricorn born in the year of the Ox in BED

Intimate life doesn’t mean much to him. He may well lead a monastic lifestyle, completely wasting his energy on work. Of course, he will not deny that these relationships exist and they are quite pleasant to him, but at the same time he will always strive to quickly finish with sentimentality, an area where it is necessary to show emotionality and get down to business. You may not like this approach, but that’s what it is.

Intimate life doesn’t mean much to him. Often this attitude towards intimate life gives rise to some misunderstanding in the relationship with the chosen one. And the whole point is that he cannot be different, so his partner should be loyal to him and accept him for who he is. In this case, harmony in relationships will be possible. This is especially true in the intimate sphere, since body language never lies and his partner will be able to interpret his coldness in his own way.

Horoscope of a Capricorn – Ox man in MARRIAGE

He always wants to get married. The fact is that the status of a married man is extremely important to him. At the same time, marry very wisely, never choose a partner according to your heart, only calculation will work here. As a result, he is happy in his own way. He will never be a good housekeeper or attentive father. By nature, he is a fighter who will always defend his rights and the rights of his family.