Grebenshchikov year of birth. Boris Grebshchikov - biography, information, personal life

Grebenshchikov year of birth.  Boris Grebshchikov - biography, information, personal life
Grebenshchikov year of birth. Boris Grebshchikov - biography, information, personal life

Boris Grebenshchikov was born on November 27, 1953 in Leningrad.
In 1974 he graduated from the Faculty of Applied Mathematics - Control Processes of the Leningrad State University. In July 1972, the "Aquarium" group was created, at its origins were Boris Grebenshchikov and his school friend Anatoly Gunitsky. Boris Grebenshchikov's first performance took place in the spring of 1973, and the Aquarium group debuted in November 1974. The performance at the rock festival in Tbilisi in 1980 brought fame to both the group and its leader. With the opening of a rock club in Leningrad, Grebenshchikov took an active part in its activities. For a decade and a half of creative activity "Aquarium" has released many albums, marked by experiments in the field of style. In the mid-1980s, with the advent of the era of "glasnost and perestroika", the group came out of the "underground" state and began a rich concert activity, albums and records began to be widely released. The songs of "Aquarium" sounded in the films "Assa", "Darling, dear, beloved, the only one", "Black rose - the emblem of sadness, red rose - the emblem of love", "House under the starry sky", "Tender age". Grebenshchikov himself acted as a composer and actor in the film "Two Captains-2". The author of the music of songs on the verses of Gumilyov for the play "Liar" by R. Viktyuk by Goldoni.

The legendary Grebenshchikov is deservedly considered the founding father of Russian rock. Thanks to his talent, the audience enjoyed amazing compositions and got acquainted with a completely unusual genre in music.


Boris Borisovich is a hereditary Leningrader, born into an intelligent family on November 27, 1953. Dad, Boris Alexandrovich, is a university researcher, mother is a teacher of mathematics. The family lived near the Moskovskaya metro station. The childhood of the future legend of the Russian rock movement passed here. He studied at first in a regular school, in the middle grades he moved to a school with a mathematical bias. The boy successfully passed the exams and entered the university, choosing a mathematical specialty. In parallel, he organizes the first musical ensemble in his life, his friend Anatoly Gunitsky becomes his assistant. The opening rehearsals were held in the assembly building of the university. In his younger years, Boris Grebenshchikov, Gunitsky, like all young people, listened to Western music. The idols of millions were the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Deep Purple, etc. The genre chosen by the young performers was influenced by the work of Morrison, Dylan, Marley. Being fluent in English, Grebenshchikov could easily translate any composition. In 1973, the first vinyl "The Temptation of the Holy Aquarium" was released. The audience heard something unusual, not similar to the compositions of the Soviet stage - familiar and of the same type.

All photos 7

In 1974 the ensemble was replenished by Feinstein and Romanov. In parallel with the creation of the group, the guys organized a theater group at the institute and take part in performances. Gunitsky became the author of plays, Grebenshchikov and Romanov tried on the roles of actors. But the constant busyness on the stage negatively affects the rehearsals of "Aquarium", and the group finds itself on the verge of disintegration. At the same time, the leadership of the faculty forbids the children to speak, and Grebenshchikov comes into conflict with the dean's office. The composition of the ensemble is reduced to one person. A few months later, Grebenshchikov met Seva Gakkel, a talented cellist. He, without hesitation, invites him to perform together and writes compositions that are included in the golden list of hits of "Aquarium". The group's performances are completely prohibited by the university administration, and the guys begin to perform underground. For some period, Boris Grebenshchikov and his colleagues played in apartments where fans of Russian rock gathered. To prevent the neighbors from calling law enforcement officers, it was necessary to sing and play the instruments very quietly. But for the "closed" musicians in those years there was another problem: they could not record their songs, recording studios did not work with them. I had to look for illegal ways in samizdat, and in 1976 the album “Mirror Glass” was recorded, two years later - “All Brothers-Sisters”. Despite the fact that the last disc had a circulation of 10 copies, the listeners began to pass the disc from hand to hand and rewrite the hit at home. Thanks to the growing popularity, the guys had useful contacts and already worked in a semi-legal position in the studio. Boris began to collaborate with Andrey Tropillo. With his help, the albums "Triangle", "Day of Silver" and several others were published. For the first time, the "Aquarium" group announced itself openly at a rock festival in Tbilisi. The audience accepted the performance with a bang, but the nomenclature jury was dissatisfied with the success of the guys. During the concert, Grebenshchikov met Viktor Tsoi and said flattering words about his work. The management was also outraged by the fact that "Aquarium" performed a different composition, which was announced earlier. Instead of an acoustic performance, the musicians performed the songs "Heroes", "Piece of Life" and "Minus 30". The jury left the concert, the rehearsal hall in Leningrad was sealed. Boris Grebenshchikov was expelled from the Komsomol, the family broke up. An educated person had to get a job as an ordinary watchman. To engage in creativity, he agreed to become a member of the trade union committee of playwrights and continued to work in the "Aquarium". Sergei Kuryokhin, who has repeatedly come to the aid of underground performers, begins to promote Aquarium. Soon the group was invited to broadcast the program "Merry Guys". Then they become participants in the popular "Musical Ring". Thus began the television career of the legendary "Aquarium".

At the end of the 80s "Aquarium" completely came out of the underground. The guys with enviable consistency give concerts at the best venues in the country. Popularity has become a guarantee of packed stadiums and halls, compositions sound in the cult films "ASSA", "Black Rose - the emblem of sadness, red rose - the emblem of love", "City", etc. Listeners can calmly enjoy the songs "Equinox", " Golden City "," Ten Arrows ". Boris Grebenshchikov travels around the world, in the 90s he joins the legendary British group U-Rhythmics and sings with the unsurpassed Anne Lennox. In 1986, a single of the ensemble was released in the USA, then two discs at once "Radio London" and "Radio Silence". In 2003, the talented musician was awarded the Order of the 4th degree "For Services to the Fatherland", as well as the "Triumph" award for his contribution to art.

Personal life

The leader of "Aquarium" has been officially married several times. The musician's first wife was Natalya Kozlovskaya. Young people met, while still very young, Natasha just graduated from the institute. The wedding celebrations were magnificent, they walked in the legendary Astoria restaurant, friends and relatives were invited. The family idyll did not last long. After the birth of his daughter Alice, Boris left the family. He never stopped communicating with his daughter, helped in everything, including supported when she announced that she wanted to become an actress. After leaving the family, the leader of "Aquarium" asked to stay with a friend of Gakkel. His wife, Lyudmila Shurygina, was a woman of dazzling beauty. Grebenshchikov was so carried away that he not only took useful meters, but also took his wife from a close friend. Surprisingly, Seva calmly reacted to such news and did not enter into conflict with a friend. The friends maintain excellent relationships to this day. The young people left Leningrad for a small village in Valdai and settled in a former cultural center. There, a newly married couple rented a plot of land and took up farming. At first, the artist liked the peace and quiet. So they lived for nine years, the boy Gleb was born. The musician dreamed of a country house for a long time, but the son of the intelligentsia, accustomed to urban life, soon got tired of village life. Soon he left his wife and child and went to St. Petersburg. The second wife remained in the village and began pouring alcohol into her loneliness. In 1991, our hero met with the wife of the soloist of the group "Earthlings" Alexander Titov Irina. Boris fell in love at first sight, felt a kindred spirit in the woman and took her away from her legal husband. In the same year, a wedding took place. Irina has a son, Mark, from her first marriage; a little later she gave birth to a daughter, Vasilisa, to the performer of the "City of Gold". The couple is still together and, apparently, is not going to part.

Boris Grebenshchikov

Natalia Muschinkina

This spring, a famous American singer in the past. And rock idols suddenly appeared completely different than they had been trying to seem for many years. So, Boris Grebenshchikov, this heavenly elf, soaring in other worlds, in many pictures - with a child in his arms, is quite earthly and accessible to himself. About the tangled matrimonial ties, which made BG immediately related to several musicians of his group "Aquarium" - in today's investigation.

In an interview, Boris Grebenshchikov, speaking about what prompted him to become a musician, honestly admitted: “I started playing to please girls. If there were no women, I wouldn't do anything at all. " The leader of the "Aquarium" was not deprived of the attention of the ladies. That in the old days, that now - there are always a lot of fans around him, ready to follow him even to the ends of the world. But for some reason Grebenshchikov himself preferred girls from his inner circle. All three of his spouses, before he officially legalized relations with them, were companions of his best friends. An amazing fact: by taking his wives away, he managed to stay on good terms with their ex-husbands. Talent, not otherwise.

Don't cry, Alice

The first time Boris Grebenshchikov got married in 1976. His wife was Natalya Kozlovskaya, whom BG took away from the bassist of "Aquarium" Misha Feinstein. The wedding was celebrated widely - in the Astoria restaurant, with the presence of a large number of guests. Both local, St. Petersburg, and visitors - they remember that musicians from the friendly group "Time Machine" arrived from Moscow. They made friends thanks to Natalia. “The acquaintance began with the fact that Makarevich tried to seduce my wife and take her to his room, but he had to take me along with her. We got drunk there, my wife remained untouched, ”BG said in Aquarium's True Autobiography about his first meeting with the leader of the Time Machine at the Tallinn Rock Festival in 1976.

However, less than two years later, the relationship went wrong. And when the couple had a daughter, Alice, BG almost stopped appearing at home. Therefore, the girl, although she bore the loud name of her father, hardly saw him. In addition, her mother remarried, and her new husband, Dmitry Ovechkin, a practicing psychotherapist, raised Alice. It was the stepfather, not her own father, who was involved in the education of the girl. Noticing what interests her, he carefully guided in the right direction. He advised Alice to try herself as an actress.

Natalia Gubernatorova

Her debut in the film "American" by Dmitry Meskhiev became noticeable. Although few watched the picture, almost all the media wrote about the leading role (Alisa then studied only in her second year of the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Arts). And precisely because of the loud surname: where did the rock guru's daughter suddenly appear from? Interestingly, Alice herself was shy about her surname for a long time. At the beginning of her acting career, she was even going to take a pseudonym - Alisa Elmaa. And I looked at the passport office with the question of what needs to be done for this. But once I read an interview with Liza Boyarskaya, who proudly talked about her family, and wondered: why, in fact, should she be ashamed that her father is a legendary musician?

Today Alisa Grebenshchikova is an independent creative person. On her account - more than fifty paintings, work in entreprise, Boyakov's "Polytheater" and "Practice". With her famous father, whom she forgiven long ago, Alice does not see each other as often as she would like. Everyone has a busy life, and they also live in different cities. However, they are constantly in touch.

In the summer of 2008, Alice made Boris Grebenshchikov a grandfather. The actress brings up her son Alyosha without a husband. Relations with the child's father, Sergei Donduryan, went wrong just at the moment when it became known: soon they both would become parents. When, during the next scandal, Sergei gave up “go away,” Alice silently packed her things and - even though there was nowhere to go - left the house where she had once been happy. Now the actress carefully hides her personal life. But, apparently, she does not feel lonely: there are many loving people around her.

Mikhail Kovalev

Love on the roof

We can say that Alisa Grebenshchikova in some way repeats the fate of her mother. After all, Natalia Kozlovskaya and Boris Grebenshchikov began to have problems when it became known about the imminent birth of an heiress. After the birth of Alice, the couple hardly lived together. Boris then preferred to spend the night with his friend, cellist of the "Aquarium" group Vsevolod Gakkel. As it turned out later, Grebenshchikov fled to stay with Seva, not only because of the scandals at home, but also for another reason.

... Vsevolod Gakkel - "a thoroughbred brunette with blue eyes" - was also popular with women. But he was completely devoted to music. Even with his wife, the beautiful Lyudmila Shurygina, he met only from time to time. Seva devoted most of the day to rehearsals with the Aquarium, which did not contribute to peace and harmony in the family. When Seva was not at home, Lyudmila fought with his mother (in the literal sense of the word), and when her beloved appeared, she took out his brain.

For this reason, Luda was not favored in the group. And the leader of the "Aquarium" did have a poorly concealed dislike for her. He even dedicated the following lines to the quarrelsome wife of his cellist: "If you had sugar, I swear I would make it rain ... We will all be better off when you leave."

But just as there is only one step from love to hate, the path in the opposite direction can be very short. When Grebenshchikov, due to family problems, began to spend more and more nights at Gakkel's, then at some point he suddenly discovered that his friend's wife also had dignity ... Their connection was secret and vicious: Boris and Lyudmila (Bo and Liu, as they called themselves) got out on the roof at night and, while Vsevolod was peacefully sleeping in the room, indulged in passion. The husband, as often happens, was almost the last to know about everything. But not only did he not curse his wife and friend, but also continued to communicate with them further. As Lyudmila once joked, Seva simply always loved BG more than her, so he just stepped aside.

Soon a new unit of society was born. Lyudmila and Boris lived together for nine years - from 1980 to 1989. According to fans of "Aquarium", these were the "golden" years of the group. Lyudmila was engaged in housekeeping, Boris - in music. They had a son, Gleb, who looked like a beautiful mother like two drops of water.

... And then Lyudmila, a happy wife and mother, accidentally found out that her husband had affairs on the side. That's right, plural. Friends told her that Grebenshchikov had not one, but even several connections, and he did not particularly hide them. “I loved my husband very much then, and now I treat him warmly, but the dog Grebenshchikov is top-notch. Not a single woman will more or less pass her by. They say she was even bearded! In short, everything that moves is what I like. And that's nature. Maybe this is how he draws ideas for creativity? I don’t know, ”Lyudmila said in an interview.

Having learned about the existence of rivals, Lyudmila even found out the name of one of them. Irina Titova, wife of Alexander Titov, bassist and friend of Grebenshchikov (later she would become the third wife of a rock musician). The deceived woman did not fight for the family, she filed for divorce. And having received a stamp on divorce, she fell into depression: there was no husband, no job (she never received an education and was only a housewife for all nine years of marriage). There is no sense of life either.

And Lyudmila began to drink. A lot, often, thoughtlessly. The apartment has turned into a real bum. Even the hostess herself did not know who all these people were, whom she found after another binge in different corners.

Friends and relatives tried to fight for her. We were coded and taken to the best doctors. But when Lyudmila finally came to her senses, she was even more scared. She lost interest in life. She tried several times to commit suicide. Fortunately, it didn't work out ...

Third attempt

Today Lyudmila regrets that she spent her best years in a drunken stupor. About the fact that she could not restrain her husband. But most of all - that she devoted little time to her son, who was born in a marriage with Grebenshchikov. After the parents divorced, the boy was left on his own. He lived with his mother only in her rare days of getting out of the binge. The rest of the time I spent with my father or (which happened more often) with my grandmother.

As a result, Gleb Grebenshchikov changed several schools, according to his mother, had problems with drugs and alcohol. And when, after receiving the certificate, the question arose of where to go, the famous father had to connect all his connections. As a result, Gleb was admitted to the St. Petersburg office of the French university college, to the correspondence department. But he did not particularly strive to study. But he married very early, giving his parents a granddaughter Alice.

Today Gleb is a well-known DJ Gebe. By his thirty years, he has not yet been able to achieve even a thousandth of the popularity that his father has. Will it break through?

Well, and Boris Grebenshchikov, having married for the third time, apparently found the ideal of a woman that he had been looking for for so long. With Irina, the ex-wife of his friend, bassist of "Aquarium" Alexander Titov, they have been together for a quarter of a century. Although ill-wishers try to separate this couple from time to time, this marriage has passed the test of time. Including because, as the musician's entourage assures, Irina wisely closed her eyes to her husband's hobbies. And there were a lot of them. At least one of Grebenshchikov's alleged mistresses, the secular party girl Linda Yonnenberg, even released a scandalous book about sexual pleasures with a cult musician. BG appeared there under the name Krasin, and, according to Linda's assurances, she even practiced threesome with him.

This triple alliance lasted six months. Later, Linda and Boris, according to the girl, already met together. Linda also assures that Irina's wife knew about the existence of rivals. But she took it for granted - she didn’t pretend that she didn’t know anything, but at the same time she didn’t ask unnecessary questions. However, none of BG's entourage officially confirmed that the book is really about Grebenshchikov.

Vladimir Chistyakov

Affiliated undertaking

When Boris Borisych married Irina, she had a son from her marriage to Titov, Mark. Grebenshchikov adopted him and raised him as his own. Later, the couple had a common daughter, who was named Vasilisa. Unlike the older children of BG, she fully received parental love.

“I think my parents did a great job: they taught me to see the beauty around me and treat people the way you want them to treat you. Thanks to this, I am absolutely happy today and I want to make other people happy - I realized recently that this is my goal in life, ”the girl says about herself. At first, she also wanted to become an actress - like the older half-sister of Alice. And she even played Mochalka in West Side Story at the Theater for Youth Creativity in Anichkov Palace. However, then I decided to become a designer. This is her own choice. After graduating from The Fly, she traveled around the world for three more years trying to understand what exactly interests her in life. In Vienna, she studied German and worked as an assistant interior designer. In Paris, she mastered French and worked as a stylist's assistant. And when she returned to St. Petersburg, with new knowledge and experience, she helped the famous English stage designer Isabela Bywater, who staged the opera Faust at the Mariinsky Theater. In general, Vasilisa's track record, despite her young age, is impressive. During the Manifesto biennial, she was an apprentice to Thomas Hirschhorn - together with other assistants, she built his gigantic ruins. I interviewed Wolfgang Tillmans and took photos for an art project. As a result, the girl was even invited to one of the capital's theaters as a stage designer. Vasilisa was delighted with the offer and ... without hesitation, she refused it: “I don’t want to sit in Moscow. I want to live the way I want, because there is only one life ”. It seems that Grebenshchikov is growing a worthy replacement!

The outgoing 2016 will be remembered, among other things, for the huge photo album unveiled by the American singer Joanna Stingray: the pictures show Tsoi, Grebenshchikov and other stars of Russian rock.

Joanna Stingray posted on her website a huge number of photographs taken in the USSR in 1984-1989.

The pictures show the legends of Russian rock: the leader of the group "Kino" Viktor Tsoi, leader of the "Aquarium" Boris Grebenshchikov, Sergei Kuryokhin, the leader of "Alice" Konstantin Kinchev, the leader of the rock group "Zoo" Mike Naumenko, as well as a poet and performer of his songs Alexander Bashlachev... There are also photos Vyacheslav Butusov, Sergey Galanin, Andrey Makarevich, Garik Sukachev.

Joanna Stingray released her first music album in 1983. In 1984, the singer visited the USSR, in Leningrad she met with Grebenshchikov, who later became her friend. The American woman repeatedly came to the USSR in the 1980s, was familiar and worked with many Russian rock musicians.

The album contains many photos of Stingray with Boris Grebenshchikov:

And also with Boris Grebenshchikov and Sergey Kurekhin

In 1986 Joanna Stingray released the double compilation Red Wave, the first Russian rock album in the West. The album featured four Leningrad groups: "Aquarium", "Kino", "Alice" and "Strange Games".

Andy Warhol with the album Sergey Kuryokhin, New York, mid 80s

June 20, 1992 at the Luzhniki Stadium Joanna Stingray took part in a concert in memory Viktor Tsoi... In 1993, she starred in the film "Freak" by Roman Kachanov Jr. In 1996, together with Alexander Lipnitsky, she shot a documentary about Viktor Tsoe"Sunny days".

Marianne, Victor and Sasha Choi, 1985

Group "Kino"

Stingray was married to the guitarist of the "Kino" group Yuri Kasparyan, as well as to the drummer of the "Center" group Alexander Vasiliev, from whom she has a daughter, currently Stingray is married to an American and lives in California.

Boris Borisovich Grebenshchikov(also known under the pseudonym BG) - Russian poet and musician, composer, singer and guitarist of the rock group "Aquarium", one of the founders of Russian rock music. He was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (November 13, 2003) - for his great contribution to the development of musical art. Boris Grebenshchikov is a laureate of the Tsarskoye Selo Art Prize (2002) and the Triumph Prize (1997).

The early years and education of Boris Grebenshchikov

Father - Boris Alexandrovich Grebenshchikov(1926−1975) - engineer, was the director of the pilot plant of the Baltic Shipping Company.

Mother - Lyudmila Kharitonovna Grebenshchikova(1929-2009), worked as a legal adviser at the Leningrad House of Models. The grandmother and mother of Boris Grebenshchikov are blockade women. “My mother was a schoolgirl who endured the blockade. Her grandmother raised her alone to survive, worked in three places. It is clear that it was a monstrous, hungry time, but my mother considered him happy too, ”Grebenshchikov recalled.

Boris Grebenshchikov first studied until the 8th grade at the prestigious Leningrad school number 421, but then moved to the physics and mathematics school number 239, which he graduated in 1971. Boris Grebenshchikov in the same year entered the Leningrad State University. Zhdanova to the Faculty of Applied Mathematics, where he graduated. Grebenshchikov graduated from Leningrad State University in 1977.

Grebenshchikov showed musical talent from childhood. Boris Grebenshchikov began playing the guitar at school, in 1968. Boris also composed songs based on his own verses. As reported in the biography of Grebenshchikov on the RIA Novosti website, Boris's first memorized song was the Beatles' Ticket to Ride. At first, Boris Grebenshchikov wrote his own songs in English, and then began to compose in Russian.

Musical career of Boris Grebenshchikov

In the summer of 1972, Grebenshchikov, together with Anatoly Gunitsky founded the Aquarium group. The debut album of the collective, entitled "The Temptation of the Holy Aquarium", was released in a samizdat way in 1974, this disc opens the so-called "prehistoric" discography of Grebenshchikov and "Aquarium". As stated in the biography of Boris Grebenshchikov on Wikipedia, the entry, which was considered lost, thanks to the virtual community "Planet" Aquarium "" was found at the end of 1997.

Until the mid-1980s, the musicians lived a semi-underground life, making home recordings and occasionally going on short tours to other cities.

Having received his education at the university, and after graduation, working at the Research Institute of Sociology as a junior researcher, Boris Grebenshchikov continued to write songs and gave concerts. Also, his group collaborated with the experimental student theater of the Leningrad State University.

From his youth, Boris Grebenshchikov was fond of creativity Boba dylan, imitated him in his early performances, quite consciously wanted to be like the famous American bard. “It is important that B.G. openly worked under Dylan and other American rebels of the 1960s. And all the American rebels of the 1960s were thoroughly anti-bourgeois, anti-commercial and advocated overcoming market relations between people at all levels, ”wrote about Grebenshchikov Alexey Tsvetkov.

In the 70s, several "prehistoric" albums of BG were released, to which the famous recording "All brothers and sisters", made with Mike Naumenko... The first official disc of "Aquarium", which was recorded in a real recording studio Andrey Tropillo and appeared in magnitizdat in 1981, became the "Blue Album". The songs "Railway Water", "Heroes of Rock and Roll" ("Young Punks"), "Electric Dog", "Plane" from this album became Grebenshchikov's hits.

In the future, the magnetic albums of "Aquarium" were recorded and released at an accelerated pace, several times a year. In 1981, after the "Blue Album", "Triangle" and "Electricity" were released (with the songs "Old Man Kozlodoev", "Mochalkin Blues", "My friend is a musician", "Babylon" and other legendary works of Russian rock in the near future). In 1982, "Acoustics" and "Taboo" came out, in 1983 - "Radio Africa", in 1984 - "Ichthyology". "Keeping to the roots", "My star", "10 arrows", "25 to 10", "Rock and roll is dead" - hits of Boris Grebenshchikov and the group "Aquarium" conquered the USSR music lovers.

Concert activity of "Aquarium" in the seventies - early eighties was limited to "home". The apartment owner meant the acoustic format of a speech at the apartment of one of the listeners. We played quietly so that the neighbors would not call the police. At that time, performing at the "apartment house" was no less dangerous than coming to it as a listener - and nevertheless, people supported the "forbidden" music, despite all the dangers of getting themselves into trouble.

After the group successfully performed at a rock festival in Tbilisi in the early 80s, Boris Grebenshchikov was expelled from the Komsomol and fired from his job. Boris got a job as a watchman, and after a while became a member of the trade union committee of playwrights, which allowed him not to work and engage in creative activities without fear of being convicted of parasitism. Cooperation with a prominent representative of the Leningrad underground Sergey Kurekhin contributed to the greater popularity of the collective. Soon Grebenshchikov first appeared on television - on the air of the "Merry Boys" program, the "Aquarium" group sang the song "Two Tractor Drivers" to the soundtrack. After that, "Aquarium" repeatedly appears in the "Musical Ring" program and other television projects on Soviet television.

Then the Leningrad Rock Club was created as a completely legal platform. Grebenshchikov's creativity developed successfully. Released in 1984, The Day of Silver, the fifth “natural” album by the Aquarium group, is considered the pinnacle of Aquarium's creativity in the 1980s, and Boris Grebenshchikov himself adheres to this opinion. This album includes such famous songs as "Sitting on a beautiful hill", "Ivan Bodhidharma", "The Case of Master Bo". In 1986, the last underground album of "Aquarium", "Children of December", was released.

In the biography of Boris Grebenshchikov on the "Know Everything" website, it is reported that in 1986 the first single of "Aquarium" was released in the USA, and three years later two English-language albums were released at once - "Radio Silence" and "Radio London". While abroad, Grebenshchikov met many famous representatives of the Western rock scene. At the same time, BG failed to conquer Western listeners.

In 1988, the Melodiya company released the official album of the Equinox group with the songs "Partisans of the Full Moon", "Adelaide", "Gold on Blue" and others.

In the second half of the 80s, the music and songs of Boris Grebenshchikov were actively used in cinema, this was especially clearly manifested in films Sergei Soloviev"Assa", "Black rose - the emblem of sadness, red rose - the emblem of love", "House under the starry sky." Grebenshchikov himself starred in the film by Sergei Kuryokhin "Two Captains-2". In the cult film "Assa" BG was publicly "deified", the hero of the film reported that "Grebenshchikov's radiance emanates from".

The biography of Boris Grebenshchikov says that on March 4, 1991, the activities of "Aquarium" were terminated. For some time, Boris Grebenshchikov's group was called "BG", in 1992 a new composition of "Aquarium" ("Aquarium 2.0") was assembled.

In the 90s, Boris Grebenshchikov's group released new popular albums: "Library of Babylon", "Favorite Songs of Ramses IV", "Sands of Petersburg", "Kostroma mon amour", "Navigator", "Snow Lion", "Hyperborea". In parallel, Boris Grebenshchikov recorded solo albums, in particular, with songs Alexander Vertinsky and Bulat Okudzhava.

In 1997 Boris Grebenshchikov became a laureate of the Triumph Prize. In the same year, the biography of Aquarium 2.0 was completed. Then Boris Grebenshchikov recorded the album "Lilith" with The Band in the USA.

The discography of "Aquarium 3.0" began in 1999 with "Ψ" ("Psi") - the fourteenth "natural" album of the "Aquarium" group. "Masha and the Bear", "Stop, Machine!", "The Carpenter's Son", almost all the songs on the album became hits. Soon there were new albums: "Territory", "Sister Chaos", "Songs of a Fisherman", "ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM", "Careless Russian Tramp". There were many new songs, concerts in Russia, the CIS and the world.

In 2003, Boris Grebenshchikov's 50th birthday was celebrated with a big concert in the Kremlin. In 2007 a concert of the "Aquarium" group took place in London's Royal Albert Hall. The event was organized with the support of the Indian Philosopher, Preacher and Musician Foundation Sri Chinmoy, spiritual mentor Grebenshchikov.

In 2009, Grebenshchikov and Aquarium were among the first to use the “download and pay as you think fair” model in Russia, having posted their new album, Pushkinskaya 10, on the website.

The 22nd album "Aquarium +", released in 2013, according to the classification of Grebenshchikov himself summed up "Aquarium 3.0".

In 2014, a new solo album "Salt" was released, which critics called "the best in 40+ years." Then, within the framework of Aquarium 4.0, the albums Songs of the Unloved and Doors of Grass were released, and in 2018 a new solo disc, Vremya N, was released. This album, released digitally on February 16, 2018, according to Boris Grebenshchikov, became the thematic continuation of his disc "Salt".

In 2015, Boris Grebenshchikov managed to raise 1.3 million rubles in less than a day to record a new album.

In recent years, Grebenshchikov has often played on the streets in various cities of Russia and Ukraine. In Omsk, Grebenshchikov played in an underground passage to collect money for journalists "for milk for harm."

Boris Grebenshchikov's career in other guises

Literature occupies a lot of space in the biography of Boris Grebenshchikov. In 1977 he founded the samizdat music magazine Roxy. Boris Grebenshchikov wrote several prose works: the story "Forest" ("A novel that is never finished") and the story "Ivan and Danilo".

In 2005, Boris Grebenshchikov began his career as a radio host and since then has been conducting an almost one-hour author's program "Aerostat" on Radio Russia. The texts for the radio program releases were included in Boris Grebenshchikov's four-volume musical encyclopedia "Aerostat".

In 2007, the musician organized his own exhibition of non-professional photographs of his hometown "Infra Petersburg".

In 2017, Boris Grebenshchikov became the artistic director of the annual St. Petersburg festival “Parts of the World”.

Boris Grebenshchikov says in an interview that he is not interested in politics, but is familiar with many politicians. In 2005, he organized a meeting of a number of rock musicians and producers with Vladislav Surkov, the deputy head of the presidential administration, which caused a great resonance in the media. Boris Grebenshchikov also met with the Chairman of the RF IC Alexander Bastrykin.

During the meeting, Alexander Bastrykin told Boris Grebenshchikov about the advisory council set up in the Investigative Committee on helping orphans and children left without parental care, as well as about the public coordination council for helping children in southeastern Ukraine. According to the musician, he conducts concerts, the fees from which he transfers to the treatment of seriously ill children. At the same time, Grebenshchikov, like the Investigative Committee, makes donations to children undergoing treatment at the clinic of Doctor Lisa.

The Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and a rock musician agreed on cooperation in the field of charity. At the same time, Grebenshchikov did not rule out his participation in joint targeted charitable actions with the Investigative Committee.

Boris Grebenshchikov awards

Boris Grebenshchikov was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2003), is a laureate of the Triumph Prize (1998), the Tsarskoye Selo Art Prize (2002), the Own Track Prize named after Vladimir Vysotsky(2004). In 2009, Grebenshchikov received the Steppenwolf award for one of the books in the Aerostat series. In 2012, the musician won an award from the Russian Pioneer magazine in the category "Poems of the XXI century. Poetry of the www era ”.

Boris Grebenshchikov's health

In 2006, Boris Grebenshchikov underwent an operation to correct his vision. In January 2009, the musician underwent bypass surgery in Berlin.

According to a source from the Saint Petersburg TV channel, heart disease became the reason for seeking medical attention. This version is supported by the fact that nine years ago the musician underwent bypass surgery. However, later representatives of Grebenshchikov reported on his VKontakte page that information about heart problems was a lie.

In the spring of 2018, Boris Grebenshchikov was urgently hospitalized in the intensive care unit of one of the clinics in St. Petersburg with pneumonia. The leader of the Russian rock group "Aquarium" Boris Grebenshchikov, despite the illness, did not change the date of the concert planned in St. Petersburg, the news reported.

However, later the group "Aquarium" postponed several previously planned concerts. As reported on the official website of the musical group, such a step had to be taken due to the illness of the irreplaceable leader of the group, Boris Grebenshchikov.