The main heroines of the story and the dawns here are quiet. Boris Vasiliev - And the dawns here are quiet ...

The main heroines of the story and the dawns here are quiet.  Boris Vasiliev - And the dawns here are quiet ...
The main heroines of the story and the dawns here are quiet. Boris Vasiliev - And the dawns here are quiet ...

About B. Vasiliev's story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet"

Materials for work on the story.

B. Vasiliev is a well-known Russian writer, most famous are his works "Not on the lists", "The dawns here are quiet", "Don't shoot white swans", "There was a war tomorrow", also B. Vasiliev is the author of historical novels.

B. Vasiliev was born in the family of a career soldier in 1924. In 1941 he volunteered for the front. That is why his works on military themes sound so piercingly poignant, touching our souls every time we turn to them.

The story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" brought fame and popularity to B. Vasiliev as a writer; in 1969 he was even awarded the State Prize for this story. The novelty of this work was in the subject matter: B. Vasiliev raised the topic “woman in war”.

B. Vasiliev's works about the Great Patriotic War have entertaining plots, the development of which the reader follows with great interest. For example, reading the story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet", we all hope that the girls and the foreman of the Vaskov will cope with the outnumbered enemy, defeat him and remain alive. Following the plot of the story "Not included in the lists" we are worried about the main character, who, losing friends and strength, left alone, continues to fight the enemy, and together with him we really want him to destroy as many fascists as possible and stay live.

However, not only the fascination of the plot is the merit of the works of B. Vasiliev. The main thing for the writer has always been the desire to conduct a conversation on moral topics: about cowardice and betrayal, about self-sacrifice and heroism, about decency and nobility.

The story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" attracts with the unusual plot: in a cruel, inhuman war, where it is difficult for a man to cope with emotions and to endure physical deprivation, girls who voluntarily went to the front become soldiers of the same war. They are 18-19-20 years old. They have different education: some of them studied in universities, some have only primary education. They have different social status: someone from an intellectual family, someone from a remote village. They have different life experiences: someone has already been married and lost a husband in the war, and someone only lived with dreams of love. Their commander, who is watching them, Sergeant Major Vaskov, tactful and sensitive, takes pity on his soldiers, understands how hard it is for them to learn army science. He is infinitely sorry for these girls who performed an impossible combat mission with him and died in a collision with an enemy superior in strength and power. These girls died at the dawn of their years, in the prime of beauty and youth.

The central heroes of the story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" are five female anti-aircraft gunners and the foreman, 32-year-old Fedot Evgrafovich Vaskov. Fedot Vaskov is a country man with four classes of education. However, he graduated from the regimental school and for 10 years in military service, he rose to the rank of foreman. Even before the Great Patriotic War, he took part in military campaigns. He was unlucky with his wife: he was caught frivolous, walking and drinking. The son of Fedot Evgrafovich was raised by his mother, but she did not save him once: the boy died. Fedot Evgrafovich is wounded by life and fate. But he didn’t harden, he didn’t become indifferent, he was sick of everything. At first glance, he is a dense goof, knowing nothing but the provisions of the Charter.

Five female anti-aircraft gunners as five types of women.

Rita Osyanina. The wife of a career officer, married out of great conscious love, is a real officer's wife. She, unlike the ex-wife of Sergeant Major Vaskov, devoted her whole life to her husband and went to the front to continue his work as a defender of the Fatherland. Rita is probably a beautiful girl, but for her the main thing in life is duty, whatever it may be. Rita is a man of duty.

Zhenya Komelkova. A girl of divine beauty. Such girls are created in order to admire them. Tall, long-legged, red-haired, white-skinned. Zhenya also experienced a personal tragedy - in front of her eyes, the Nazis shot her entire family. But Zhenya does not show anyone his emotional wound. Zhenya is a girl who adorns life, but she became a fighter, an avenger.

Sonya Gurvich. A girl from a Jewish family who valued education. Sonya also dreamed of getting a university education. Sonya's life is theater, library, poetry. Sonya is a spiritual girl, but her war also forced her to become a fighter.

Liza Brichkina. A girl from a remote village may be the most useful fighter of all five, because it is not for nothing that Vaskov gives her the most difficult task. Living in the forest with her father, the gamekeeper, Lisa learned many of the wisdoms of life outside of civilization. Liza is an earthly, folk girl.

Galya Chetvertak. Zhenya and Rita's friend. Nature did not endow her with at least some hint of female beauty, she did not give her luck either. Galya is a girl whose fate, or God, or nature have taken away beauty, intelligence, spirituality, strength - in general, almost everything. Galya is a sparrow girl.

The action takes place in May 1942. We can say that this is the first year of the Great Patriotic War. The enemy is still strong and in some ways surpasses the Red Army, in which even young girls become fighters, replacing their dead fathers and husbands. Somewhere far along the entire front, fierce battles are taking place, but here, in a deaf forest edge, the front line of defense is not, but the enemy is still felt, and the war here also indicated its presence, for example, by raids by enemy aircraft. The place where the female anti-aircraft gunners serve is not so dangerous, but suddenly an emergency arises.

Characteristics of the characters.

Sergeant Major Vaskov is the commander of a small anti-aircraft point located in the rear, whose task is to destroy enemy aircraft that are raiding our land. The place in which he serves as a commander is not the front line, but Vaskov understands perfectly well that his task is also important, and he treats the assigned task with honor. He worries that in this relatively calm place the soldiers are losing, so to speak, their combat form, drinking intoxicated from idleness. He gets reprimanded for poor educational work, but still writes reports to his superiors and asks to send teetotal fighters. He did not even think that, fulfilling his request to send non-drinkers, a whole detachment of girls would be sent to him. It was difficult for him with his new fighters, but he tried to find a common language with them, although he, who is shy in terms of the female sex, accustomed not to sharpen fringes, but to prove his worth by deeds, is very difficult with sharp-tongued women. Vaskov does not enjoy authority with them; rather, he serves only as an object for ridicule. The girls did not see in him a very extraordinary personality, a real hero.

He is the embodiment of a hero from folk tales. He is one of those soldiers who cook porridge from an ax and “shave with an awl and warm themselves with smoke”. None of the girls, maybe, except for Liza Brichkina, in relatively peaceful circumstances, did not understand the essence of his heroic nature. And his heroism, of course, did not consist in the ability to loudly shout "Follow me!" and rush to the embrasure, closing your eyes. He is one of those "essential", rare, maybe now people who can be relied on in any situation. He is a real man who will not be frightened by the enemy, no matter how much he appears before him. Vaskov thinks first and then acts. He is humanistic in nature, because his soul is rooting for his fighters, he does not want them to die in vain. He does not need victory at any cost, but he does not spare himself. He is a real living man, because he is not an ascetic. He shares a bed with the owner of the apartment simply out of vital necessity, simply because the circumstances have developed that way, and he is used to living in harmony with the world around him, and it is not disgusting to him.

Rita Osyanina is a man of duty. A real Komsomol member, because she loves her homeland. And she marries a border guard, because the border guard stands guard over the Motherland. Probably, Rita mostly married an idea, albeit for love. Rita is the ideal brought up by the Party and the Komsomol. But Rita is not a walking idea. This is really the ideal, because she is also a real woman: a mother and a wife. And also a good friend. Rita is also one of those people you can always rely on.

Zhenya Komelkova is, rather, the opposite of Rita in terms of the female essence. If Rita is more of a social being, then Zhenya is purely personal. People like Zhenya never do like everyone else, like the majority, and even more so, as it should be. People like Zhenya always break the law. They feel that they have such a right, because they are special, they are Beauties. Any man will forgive any beauty for any fault. But behind the external fragility and crystallinity of the woman's beauty, a very strong nature is hidden. As you know, life is not easy for beauties. They meet with envy, they constantly have to prove that they are worth something in this life, life-struggle temper them. Zhenya is a fighter in life. This allows Zhenya to fight to the last in war. Zhenya died as a hero. As a beauty, she did not demand privileges for herself.

Liza Brichkina is not a beauty, unlike Zhenya. But Liza is brought closer to Zhenya by the fact that she also lives with her heart and gut. She did not receive a school education due to her mother's illness (as Vaskov once did due to the death of her father), but she developed her soul, reflecting on what surrounded her. Lisa passionately dreamed of love and even herself broke the laws of female behavior, but God did not allow her to make a mistake. And now, at the outpost, Liza met her ideal in the gloomy, taciturn foreman Vaskov. Liza rushed headlong to carry out Vaskov's instructions. Despite the fact that it was very dangerous, Lisa did not think about it for a minute. Anything, she was ready to do for him and even, if necessary, sacrifice her life, if only he said: "Well done, a fighter of Brichkin."

Sonya Gurvich is a person of a completely different history and culture. Sonya is a person of Jewish culture. Her religion is a global culture. Sonya studied to be a translator from English in order to be even closer to the world achievements of spirituality or to bring them closer to her homeland. Sonia is characterized by restraint and asceticism, but under her "armored" dresses and under the soldier's tunic a quivering and at the same time stoic heart was beating.

Jackdaw Quartertak is a weak person keeping close to strong girls, her girlfriends. She had not yet had time to learn the same resilience as theirs, but she probably really wanted it. If the world had not been disturbed by the war, Galka could become an actress, because all her life she tried on various roles, maybe she would become a writer, because her imagination was limitless.

Ideological and thematic analysis.


The theme of the story is “a woman at war”. The choice of this topic is humanistic. It is very important to raise such a topic, to consider the nuances of a woman's existence in a war.


The idea of ​​the story is to show the unnaturalness of such a fact as a woman in war. The natural task of a woman is to bear and raise children. And in war, she must kill, going against her natural essence. In addition, the very phenomenon of war is killing women who continue to live on earth. And therefore, life on earth also kills. It is also well known that it was after the war that smoking spread among women in our country, a phenomenon that disfigured the female nature.


There is an external and internal conflict in the story.

An external conflict on the surface: this is the struggle of female anti-aircraft gunners under the command of Sergeant Major Vaskov with a superior enemy. This is a conflict of tragic sound, because inexperienced girls are faced with an obviously invincible enemy: the enemy is superior in quantity and quality. The enemy of girls is trained, physically strong, prepared men.

Internal conflict is a clash of moral forces. The evil, criminal will of a politician guided by delusional immoral ideas opposes life on earth. The struggle of these forces. And the victory of good over evil, but at the cost of incredible efforts and losses.

Analysis of artistic features.

Of the artistic features that can be noted, the use of words and expressions of the colloquial style should be noted. This feature is most clearly represented in Vaskov's speech. His speech characterizes him as an uneducated, rural person. Here he says: "theirs", "if anything", "sheburshat", "girls", "exactly", etc. He formulates his thoughts with phrases similar to proverbs: "For peasants this war is like a smoke for a hare, and for you ... "," A chirp to a military man is a bayonet in the liver "... But this is quite from the folk speech:" There is something nice to look at. " It is Vaskov who, with his folk speech, draws up the outline of the narrative. He organizes dialogues. And they are always filled with jokes, his personal aphorisms, official business expressions from the charter, adapted to the situation. He comforts in sorrow, gives wise instructions, directs the life and activities of the detachment in the right direction.

Here is an example of such a dialogue.

Eh, you are my girls, girls! Did you eat at least a piece, did you sleep half-eyed?

I didn't want to, comrade foreman ...

What kind of foreman am I to you now, sisters? I'm kind of like a brother now. That's what you call Fedot. Or - Fedya, as my mother called.

And Jackdaw?

Our comrades died a heroic death. A quarter in a shootout, and Liza Brichkina drowned in a swamp. They did not die in vain: they won a day. Now it's our turn to win the day. And there will be no help, but the Germans are coming here. So let's remember our sisters, and then the battle will have to be accepted. Last. apparently.

Subject analysis.

Original event.

The initiating event is, of course, the beginning of the war. It was the outbreak of war that changed the lives of the heroes, forced them to live in a new way, in new conditions, in new circumstances. For some heroes, the war has destroyed everything that was valuable in their lives. Heroes have to defend their right to live on their land with arms in hand. The heroes are filled with hatred for the enemy, but they understand that the enemy is cunning, cunning, strong, and just like that, with one desire, you cannot cope with it, you will need to sacrifice something. However, they all hope that happiness will still come to them. For example, Rita Osyanina is already happy that, having transferred to the trip, she has the opportunity to see her son two or three times a week. And other girls, although they did not forget about the pain that the enemy caused them, are still not in a depressed mood, and even in these conditions, performing a combat mission, they find an opportunity to enjoy life.

Main event.

The plot of events is that Rita, returning to the unit, saw the saboteurs. This meant that the enemy had already made his way to the rear of the army and was beginning to create a threat from within. This enemy must be destroyed. Sergeant major Vaskov, having learned from Rita that there are only two saboteurs, undertakes this task, calculating that he and the assistant girls will be able to cope with such an enemy on their own. He creates a group of five girls, leads this group, and they are sent to the task. The fulfillment of this task becomes the central event, during which the characters of the heroes are revealed, their essence is manifested.

Central event.

The central event is the struggle of girls and Vaskov with fascist saboteurs. This clash takes place in a forest near Lake Vop. At the very beginning of this event, the girls and Vaskov learn that they were mistaken: there are not two saboteurs, as they assumed, but sixteen people. They do not leave the chosen position, hoping that they will be able to deceive the enemy. Of course, this was not a naive hope, they understood that the forces were unequal, but duty would not allow them to escape to save their lives. Vaskov tried to foresee possible dangers, but the impulsiveness and emotionality of the girls defies control or planning.

Liza Brichkina is the first to die. She did not listen to Vaskov's warnings about caution and did not take a slug, without which one cannot walk through the swamp. She was so anxious to carry out the order of the foreman as quickly as possible that she neglected her safety. Then Sonya Gurvich dies, recklessly rushing for Vaskov's pouch, because out of the kindness of her heart she wanted to do something nice for the commander. The next was Galya quarter. She ran out of cover in panic and came under machine-gun fire.

These girls died exactly like women, that is, because they committed impulsive, rash actions, and this is impossible in a war. However, a woman is not a woman. Rita Osyanina and Zhenya Komelkova showed an example of true courage and heroism, grappling with a four times superior enemy in this brutal struggle. The enemy retreated, but the girls were killed. They died like heroines. They did not yield to the enemy, but lost to him, giving their lives in this struggle.

Final event.

After the battle, which was accepted by Vaskov, Zhenya and Rita, only six Germans survived. They retreated to their hiding place. Vaskov, having lost Zhenya and Rita in battle, vowed to avenge the girls. The wounded himself, barely standing on his feet from fatigue and pain, he kills the sentry and takes the sleeping Germans by surprise. From the weapon he had only a grenade without a fuse and a revolver with the last cartridge. But the will, determination, courage, surprise and pressure, as well as the fact that the Germans did not believe that he attacked them alone, helped him not only to shoot them, taking possession of a machine gun, but he took them prisoner and brought them to the location of the Soviet troops ...

Main event.

Post-war time. In those places where the events of the play unfolded, vacationers (born after the war) catch fish and enjoy the silence and beauty of these places. They see that an old man without an arm and a military man, whose name is Albert Fedotych, arrive there. These men came to erect a monument in those places. We understand that this old man is the same foreman of the Vaskov, and the military man is his adopted son Albert Osyanin. The beauty of these places is especially visible in the final scene, and it is clear to us that the girls died so that the dawns in these places and throughout Russia were always quiet.

Super task.

The author's super task is to show that Good overcomes Evil. Even having died, Good still triumphs over Evil. The victory of Evil, even if it happens, is only temporary. This is the law of Divine justice. But to win, Good almost always has to die. So it was in the story of Jesus Christ. And yet, despite death, Good dies to continue life. And it continues. And that means there is no death for him. It means that for us too, if we do good.

Telling about the fates of five female anti-aircraft gunners and their commander during the Second World War.

History of creation

According to the author, the story is based on a real episode during the war, when seven soldiers, after being wounded, who served at one of the junction stations of the Petrozavodsk-Murmansk railway, prevented a German sabotage group from blowing up the railway in this area. After the battle, only the sergeant survived, the commander of a group of Soviet soldiers, who after the war was awarded a medal "For Military Merit". “And I thought: this is it! A situation when a person himself, without any order, decides: I will not let you in! They have nothing to do here! I started working with this plot, I have already written seven pages. And suddenly I realized that nothing would come of it. It will just be a special case in the war. There was nothing fundamentally new in this plot. The work has stopped. And then suddenly it came up - let my hero have not men under his command, but young girls. And that's all - the story immediately lined up. After all, women find it most difficult in war. There were 300 thousand of them at the front! And then no one wrote about them. "


The main plot line of the story is the reconnaissance campaign of the heroes of the work. It is during the campaign that the characters of the heroes are cognized with each other, heroism and love feelings are manifested.


Fedot Vaskov

Fedot Vaskov was already at the Finnish War, and now he is defending the rear of the Soviet troops. He is the commander of the patrol, to whom, after lengthy requests to send teetotal and not walking fighters, they sent very young girls who had barely crossed the school threshold.

Vaskov is the only survivor of his entire squad, however, he lost an arm due to infection in the resulting wound.

There is no direct indication in the book that Vaskov serves in the air defense. Anti-aircraft gunners were sent to the facility to protect against air raids. During the Winter War, Vaskov was a scout.

Zhenya Komelkova

A very beautiful red-haired girl, the rest of the heroines were amazed at her beauty. Tall, slender, with fair skin. When the Germans captured the village of Zhenya, an Estonian woman managed to hide Zhenya. In front of the girl's eyes, the Nazis shot her mother, sister and brother.

In Vaskov's platoon, Zhenya showed artistry; but there was room for heroism as well - it was she who, calling fire on herself, leads the Germans away from Rita and Vaskov. She also saves Vaskov when he is fighting the second German who killed Sonya Gurvich. The Germans first wounded and then shot her point-blank.

In the film, the role of Komelkova was played by the actress Olga Ostroumova.

Rita Osyanina

Rita Mushtakova was the first of the class to marry Lieutenant Osyanin, from whom she gave birth to a son, Igor. Rita's husband was killed during a counterattack on June 23, 1941.

In Vaskov's platoon, Rita became friends with Zhenya Komelkova and Galya Chetvertak. She died last, having put a bullet in her temple and thereby saving Fedot Vaskov. Before she died, she asked him to take care of her son.

Liza Brichkina

Liza Brichkina is a simple country girl who is under pressure from her father. At the same time, a hunter-traveler comes to their house, with whom Lisa falls in love. But not experiencing mutual feelings for Lisa, and at the same time seeing the conditions in which the girl grows up, he invites her to come to the capital and enter a technical school. But Lisa did not succeed in becoming a student - the war began.

Lisa drowned in a swamp while performing the assignment of foreman Vaskov, for which she had love feelings.

Galya Chetvertak

Galya grew up in an orphanage. There she got her nickname for her short stature.

During the battle with the Germans, Vaskov took Galya with him, but she, unable to withstand the nervous tension from the expectation of the Germans, ran out of hiding and was shot by the Nazis. Despite such a "ridiculous" death, the foreman told the girls that she had died "in a shootout."

Sonya Gurvich

Sonya Gurvich is a girl who grew up in a large Jewish family. She knew German and could be a good translator, but there were a lot of translators, so she was sent to the anti-aircraft gunner (who, in turn, were few).

Sonya is the second victim of the Germans in Vaskov's platoon. She runs away from the others to find and return Vaskov's pouch, and stumbles upon the patrol saboteurs who killed Sonya with two stabs in the chest.

Screen adaptations

The story was filmed in 1972, 2005 and 2008:

  • "" - a film directed by Stanislav Rostotsky (USSR, 1972).
  • "" Is a film directed by Mao Weining (China, Russia, 2005).
  • “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” - TV series (Russia, 2008).

Theatrical performances

In addition, the story was staged in the theater:

  • “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” - a performance by the Moscow Theater on Taganka, director Yuri Lyubimov (USSR, 1971);
  • “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” - opera by Kirill Molchanov (USSR, 1973).
  • “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” - performance by the Volzhsky Drama Theater, director Alexander Grishin (Russia, 2007).
  • "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" - a performance by the Borisoglebsk Drama Theater named after N.G. Chernyshevsky (Russia, 2012).


  • Boris Vasiliev, Karelia, 1975
  • Boris Vasiliev, DOSAAF, Moscow, 1977
  • Boris Vasiliev, True, 1979
  • Boris Vasiliev, Soviet writer. Moscow, 1977
  • Boris Vasiliev, Daguchpedgiz, 1985
  • Georgy Berezko, Boris Vasiliev, True, 1991
  • Boris Vasiliev, 2010
  • Boris Vasiliev, Eksmo, 2011
  • Boris Vasiliev, Astrel, 2011
  • Boris Vasiliev, AST, 2011

The beginning of the 70s was literally illuminated by the light of the "Dawn". The people read out Boris Vasiliev's story The Dawns Here Are Quiet, published in 1969 in the Yunost magazine. Two years later, readers were already bursting with the famous play "Taganka". And 45 years ago, a two-part film by Stanislav Rostotsky was released, which in the first year was watched by 66 million - every fourth inhabitant of the USSR, if you count infants. Despite the subsequent film adaptations, the viewer gives the unconditional palm to this mostly black and white picture and generally considers it one of the best films about the war.
From the heroes of the old days

In those years, the war was often filmed, and filmed great. A film about five dead girls and their rude, but such a sincere foreman managed to stand out from this constellation. Probably because former front-line soldiers gave him their memories, soul, experience, starting with the scriptwriter, writer Boris Vasiliev.

He knew how to write about the war especially. His characters were never perfect. Vasiliev seemed to be saying to the young reader: look, people like you went to the front - those who escaped from lessons, fought, fell in love at random. But something in them turned out to be like that, which means there is also in you.

Film director Stanislav Rostotsky also passed the front. Vasiliev's story interested Stanislav Iosifovich precisely because he wanted to make a movie about a woman in war. He himself was carried out of the battle by nurse Anya Chegunova, who later became Beketova. Rostotsky found the savior, who, as it turned out, reached Berlin, then got married and gave birth to beautiful children. But by the time the shooting was over, Anna was already blind and fading from brain cancer. The director took her to the studio viewing room and recounted the whole picture in detail what was happening on the screen.

The chief cinematographer Vyacheslav Shumsky, the chief artist Sergei Serebrennikov, the make-up artist Alexei Smirnov, the assistant to the costume designer Valentin Galkina, the director of the painting Grigory Rimalis fought. They simply physically could not admit untruths on the screen.
Sergeant Major Vaskov - Andrey Martynov

It was a difficult task to find actors - such that they would be believed. Rostotsky conceived: let the foreman be played by someone famous, and the girls, on the contrary, should be debutantes. For the role of foreman Vaskov, he chose Vyacheslav Tikhonov, and Boris Vasiliev believed that the front-line soldier Georgy Yumatov would do the best. But it so happened that the search for "Vaskov" continued. The assistant saw the 26-year-old actor at the graduation performance.

Andrei Leonidovich was born in Ivanovo, from childhood he raved about the theater. And his hero not only was six years older, but also from the village, had a "corridor education", he dropped his words - as he gave a ruble.

The first tests were very unsuccessful, but, apparently, Rostotsky was very attracted by the type of the actor and his perseverance. In the end, Martynov played Vaskov, so much so that the viewer unconditionally fell in love with this ridiculous foreman following his screen fighters. Martynov also superbly performed the final scenes of the film, where he, already gray-haired, one-armed, together with his adopted son, erects a modest tombstone in honor of his girls.

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The actor had another starring role - in the television series "Eternal Call". Martynov successfully worked in cinema and theater. He has voiced over 120 foreign films, including The Godfather and Schindler's List.

Life presented him with a kind of surprise: his wife was a German citizen whom he met at the festival. Franziska Thun spoke excellent Russian. The couple had a son, Sasha. But Andrei did not want to live in Germany, although at home his colleagues literally pecked him for marrying a foreigner. And Franziska did not want to move to the USSR. Their union eventually fell apart.

Rita Osyanina - Irina Shevchuk

Rita is the only heroine who was married and became a widow in the very first days of the war. In the rear, she and her mother left a small child, who is then adopted by Vaskov.

The agonizing personal drama of her heroine Shevchuk helped to play her difficult romance with the then gaining popularity actor Talgat Nigmatulin ("Pirates of the XX century"). But the happiness of motherhood Irina fell to experience many years later. In 1981, she gave birth to a daughter, the famous actress Alexandra Afanasyeva-Shevchuk (the girl's father is composer Alexander Afanasyev).

Irina Borisovna successfully combines an acting and public career. In 2016, she starred in the movie Stolen Happiness. At the same time Shevchuk is vice-president of one of the largest film festivals in Russia "Kinoshock".

Zhenya Komelkova - Olga Ostroumova

By the time of filming "Dawn" Olga at the same Rostotsky played a memorable role in "We'll Live Until Monday." Zhenya Komelkova - bright, daring and heroic - was her dream.

In the film, Ostroumova, whose grandfather was a priest, had to play a completely unusual "nudity" for the USSR. According to the scenario, the anti-aircraft gunner girls washed in the bathhouse. It was important for the director to show beautiful female bodies intended for love and motherhood, and not for being hit by bullets.

Olga Mikhailovna is still considered one of the most beautiful Russian actresses. Despite her extremely feminine appearance, Ostroumova has a strong character. She was not afraid to divorce her second husband, the chief director of the Hermitage Theater Mikhail Levitin, although they had two children in marriage. Now she is an actress three times a grandmother.

In 1996, Olga Mikhailovna married actor Valentin Gaft. Two such brilliant creative people managed to get along, although Gaft is the star of Sovremennik, and Ostroumova works at the Theater. Mossovet. Olga Mikhailovna said that at any time she was ready to listen to the poems of Valentin Iosifovich, which he wrote as talentedly as he played in films and on stage.
Liza Brichkina - Elena Drapeko

Lena, of course, really wanted to play Zhenya Komelkova. But in her, a slender girl who was born in Kazakhstan and studied in Leningrad, the director "saw" the full-blooded beauty Liza, who grew up in a remote forest hut and secretly in love with the foreman. In addition, Stanislav Iosifovich decided that Brichkina should not be a Bryansk, but a Vologda girl. Elena Drapeko learned to "okat" so much that for a long time she could not get rid of the characteristic dialect.

Some of the most difficult scenes for the young actress were the scenes when her heroine is drowning in a swamp. Everything was filmed in natural conditions, a wetsuit was put on Lena-Lisa. She had to dive into dirty goo. She had to die, and everyone around was laughing at how the "swamp kikimora" looked. Moreover, her freckles were being restored all the time ...

The unyielding character of Elena Grigorievna manifested itself in the fact that she became not only a very famous actress, who is still filming, but also a public figure. Drapeko is a State Duma deputy, candidate of sociological sciences.

Political activity has not always been conducive to personal life. But Elena Grigorievna has a daughter Anastasia Belova, a successful producer, and a granddaughter Varenka.
Sonya Gurvich - Irina Dolganova

Irina Valerievna in life was as modest as her heroine, the quietest and "bookish" among the five fighters. Irina arrived for samples from Saratov. She did not believe in herself so much that she did not even leave an address. They barely found her and immediately sent to play scenes at the rink with the then beginner Igor Kostolevsky, otherwise she would have to wait until next winter.

Rostotsky forced Irina, as it should be according to the script, to wear boots two sizes larger, which caused the girl real torment. And from the scene, when her Sonya dies from a blow with a German knife and her friends find her, Irina Shevchuk and Olga Ostroumova were in genuine horror: Dolganova's face looked so lifeless.

Despite the "modest" role, Irina received an offer to stay in Moscow, at the film studio. Gorky. But she decided that the theater is more important for the actress. For many years she has been playing in the Nizhny Novgorod Youth Theater. Irina Valerievna has a husband - a businessman and a son - a doctor. In her city, Dolganova is well known not only as an actress, but also as a defender of homeless animals.

Galya Chetvertak - Ekaterina Markova

For Markova, the realities of childhood and adolescence were sharply different from those that fell to the orphanage Galka Chetvertak, who even invented her surname for her small stature. Ekaterina grew up in the family of the famous Soviet writer Georgy Markov. As a girl, she was very purposeful: she specially went to study at an evening school for working youth, as she wanted to graduate from a studio at the Moscow Theater. Stanislavsky.

But what, of course, brought Katya and Galka closer together is a rich imagination. Jackdaw invented everything for herself: parents, a groom and a happy future, which was not allowed to come true by a German bullet. And Markova became a writer, while not leaving work in one of the best theaters in the country - "Sovremennik".

Several stories by Ekaterina Georgievna have been successfully filmed.

Markova lived for many years in a happy union with the magnificent actor Georgy Taratorkin, who recently passed away. The couple have two children. His son Philip is a historian by training, now he has taken the ordination of a priest. And the viewer knows her daughter Anna Taratorkina well from films, TV series and roles in the RAMT.

characterization of the heroes "the dawns here are quiet"

  1. Fedot Vaskov

    Fedot Vaskov was already at the Finnish War, and now he is defending the rear of the Soviet troops. He is the commander of the patrol, to whom, after lengthy requests to send teetotal and not walking fighters, they sent very young girls who had barely crossed the school threshold.
    Vaskov is the only survivor of his entire squad, however, he lost an arm, contaminating the resulting wound.

    There is no direct indication in the book that Vaskov serves in the air defense. Anti-aircraft gunners were sent to the facility to protect against air attacks. During the Winter War, Vaskov was a scout.
    Zhenya Komelkova

    A very beautiful red-haired girl, the rest of the heroines were amazed at her beauty. Tall, slender, with fair skin. When the Germans captured the village of Zhenya, an Estonian woman managed to hide Zhenya. In front of the girl's eyes, the Nazis shot her mother, sister and brother.
    In Vaskov's platoon, Zhenya showed artistry; but heroism also had room, and it was she who, calling fire on herself, took the Germans away from Rita and Vaskov. She also saves Vaskov when he is fighting the second German who killed Sonya Gurvich. The Germans first wounded and then shot her point-blank.

    In the film, the role of Komelkova was played by the actress Olga Ostroumova.
    Rita Osyanina

    Rita Mushtakova was the first of the class to marry Lieutenant Osyanin, from whom she gave birth to a son, Albert. Rita's husband was killed during a counterattack on June 23, 1941.
    In Vaskov's platoon, Rita became friends with Zhenya Komelkova and Galya Chetvertak. She died last, having put a bullet in her temple and thereby saving Fedot Vaskov. Before she died, she asked him to take care of her son.
    Liza Brichkina

    Liza Brichkina is a simple country girl under pressure from her father. At the same time, a hunter-traveler comes to their house, with whom Lisa falls in love. But not experiencing mutual feelings for Lisa, and at the same time seeing the conditions in which the girl grows up, he invites her to come to the capital and enter a technical school. But the war did not start to become a student Lisa.
    Lisa drowned in a swamp while performing the assignment of foreman Vaskov, for which she had love feelings.
    Galya Chetvertak
    Galina Chetvertak introduces herself to Marion Dixon (still from Rostotsky's film)

    Galya grew up in an orphanage. There she got her nickname for her short stature.
    During the battle with the Germans, Vaskov took Galya with him, but she, unable to withstand the nervous tension from the expectation of the Germans, ran out of hiding and was shot by the Nazis. Despite such a ridiculous death, the foreman told the girls that she had died in a shootout.
    Sonya Gurvich

    Sonya Gurvich is a girl who grew up in a large Jewish family. She knew German and could be a good translator, but there were many translators, so she was sent to the anti-aircraft gunner (of whom, in turn, there were few).
    Sonya is the second victim of the Germans in Vaskov's platoon. She runs away from the others to find and return Vaskov's pouch, and stumbles upon the patrol saboteurs who killed Sonya with two stabs in the chest.

  2. Zhenya is a beautiful red-haired girl. She is distinguished by her artistry and extraordinary charm. She is admired by her friends. However, the important qualities of her character are strength and fearlessness. In war, she is also driven by a desire for revenge. The characteristics of the heroes of the work A Dawns here are quiet, connected with their destinies. Each of the characters is a person with a sad story. Most of the girls' parents were taken away by the war. But Zhenya's fate is especially tragic, because the Germans shot her mother, sister and brother in front of her. She is the last of the girls to die. Taking the Germans away with her, she suddenly thinks about how stupid it is to die at the age of eighteen. The Germans shot her point-blank, and then peered at her beautiful, proud face for a long time.
    Fedot Vaskov Petty officer went through the Finnish war. He was married and had a child. But by the beginning of the Patriotic War, he became an absolutely lonely person. The wife left. The young son died. And there was no person in the whole world who would yearn for Vaskov, would wait for him from the front and hope that he would survive in this war. But he survived.
    Rita Osyanina She seemed older than other girls. Rita was the only mother from a platoon of anti-aircraft gunners who died in those days in the Karelian forests. She gives the impression of a more serious and reasonable person compared to other girls. After being seriously wounded, Rita shot herself in the temple, thereby saving the life of the foreman. Characteristics of the heroes of the story A Dawns here are a quiet description of the characters and a brief prehistory of the pre-war years. Unlike her friends, Osyanina managed to get married and even give birth to a son. The husband died at the very beginning of the war. And the war did not give her a son to raise.
    Liza Brichkina is a girl from Siberia who was brought up without a mother and, like any young woman, dreamed of love. Therefore, when meeting with an elderly officer Vaskov, a feeling awakens in her. The foreman will never know about him. Carrying out his task, Lisa drowns in a swamp.
    Galina Chetvertak is a former pupil of the orphanage. She did not lose anyone during the war, because in the whole world she did not have a single soul mate. But she so wanted to be loved and have a family that she indulged in dreams with selflessness. Rita was the first to die. And when the bullet overtook her, Mom cried out a word that she did not call any woman during her lifetime. Once upon a time Sonya Gurvich had parents, brothers and sisters. During the war, all members of the large Jewish family died. Sonya was left alone. This girl was distinguished from others by her sophistication and education. Gurvich died when she was returning for a pouch, forgotten by the foreman.
  3. "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" is a work that describes interesting female characters. Sonya, Galya, Liza, Zhenya, Rita - five different, but in some ways very similar girls. Rita Osyanina is gentle and strong-willed, she is distinguished by spiritual beauty. She is the most fearless, courageous, she is a mother. Zhenya Komelkova is white-skinned, red-haired, tall, with childish eyes, always funny, cheerful, mischievous to the point of adventurism, tired of pain, war and painful and long love for a married and distant person. Sonya Gurvich is an excellent student, a refined poetic nature, as if she came out of a book of poems by Alexander Blok. Liza Brichkina always knew how to wait, she knew that she was destined for life, and it was impossible to pass her by. The latter, Galya, always lived more actively in an imaginary world than in a real one, therefore she was very afraid of this merciless terrible phenomenon, which is a war. "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" portrays this heroine as a funny, never matured, clumsy, childish orphanage girl. Escape from the orphanage, notes and dreams ... about long dresses, solo parts and universal worship. She wanted to become the new Lyubov Orlova.
  4. In general, nothing special