Where to get a good mood. Intimate talk

Where to get a good mood.  Intimate talk
Where to get a good mood. Intimate talk
Didn't you have a very good day? Is something going wrong in your life?! Are you tired and overwhelmed?! With everyone there are moments that unsettle us and we lose interest in everything. The feeling of apathy gradually worsens our mood, increasing nervousness, anxiety and emotional instability. Naturally, one cannot remain in this state for a long time. You can change the situation by raising your mood. This must be done as quickly as possible. And today in the article we will talk about all the ways to improve mood.

26 ways to cheer yourself up at home or at work

There are 26 most effective ways to cheer yourself up. They should be used not only on bad days, but also on good ones, in order to prevent such situations.
  1. Listen to loud music. Music is one of the best ways to cheer yourself up, whether it's danceable or not. It is desirable that she be with words, and you can sing along with her (which also matters). You can listen to music both in headphones (at work) and at home on ordinary speakers, but turn them on to the maximum.

  2. Dance. As if continuing the previous paragraph - we advise you to dance to the music. It doesn't matter if you know how to do it or not. The main thing is to move actively and do it with pleasure. Yes, unfortunately, you can’t do this at work, but at home it’s a great place. In addition, you can dance (although you probably even need to) at a disco in a club where there are a lot of people and it will be much more pleasant and more fun to move to the beat of the music.

  3. Smile to spite everything. No matter how bad it is for you, learn to smile and not lose the smile on your face. Treat problems and troubles more simply and with irony. For example, for another failure, say: “But I will gain experience for the future!”. Smiling will help you pay less negative attention to the situation.

  4. Put things in order. When we are in a bad mood, a lot of things annoy us. First of all, this is a mess and things that are not in their places. Therefore, start by putting things in order at your workplace or at home. When everything is neatly folded and in the right place, it will feel like a stone will fall from your soul, and you will be able to breathe deeply. The mood will at least not worsen.

  5. Take care of household chores. If you are at home, it is home chores that help relieve stress - cleaning the apartment, cooking, washing bed linen and clothes, and the like. Firstly, these are physical exercises that distract from bad thoughts, and secondly, you have to be distracted from a sore subject, thinking about other things (products, volumes, household tasks, etc.). Thus, you are not only distracted from problems, but also doing useful things, which cannot but rejoice.

  6. Set yourself up for a successful alignment of events. Mentally try to say to yourself that everything will be fine and wonderful for you. Go to any meeting or even work with the confidence that only good news awaits you there. From such an attitude, your mood will rise and any problems that arise will not be able to upset.

  7. Feel free to talk about the sore. When you are in a bad mood, you should definitely express everything that is sore to a friend or close relative who will understand and support you. You will see for yourself when you speak out - it will immediately become easier on your soul and your mood will stop falling and you will even want to smile.

  8. Go in for sports. Combine a pleasant activity with a useful one. Physical activity significantly improves mood - this has been proven more than once by scientists in many countries. Therefore, if there is such an opportunity, go to the gym and work out from the heart there. Of course, you should not load yourself heavily, but you will have to sweat. You can also do exercises at home, however, from the personal experience of journalists on the site, we can say that classes at home are much more sluggish and not as intense (and therefore not as productive) as in the gym.

  9. Play games. Any games (computer, board, card, sports and intellectual) can get a guy or a girl out of a bad mood. They noticeably distract from problems and have a lot of fun, it is preferable to do this in a company.

  10. Watch movies or series. Choose from this year's funniest comedies and quickly organize movie screenings with friends and popcorn. It doesn't matter if you go to the cinema or stay at home to watch. The main thing is that the films were chosen interesting and funny.

  11. Take on a new business. Nothing is more exciting than a new activity. Think about what you always dreamed of doing, however, constantly put off. Create your site? Make a beautiful family budget? Read a book? Learn to knit? Juggle? It doesn't matter what! The main thing is to do something new!

  12. Visit an old friend. You can get a positive charge by visiting an old friend, and not just by calling him by phone or sending a letter by mail or ICQ, but by coming to him. There will be a sea of ​​smiles, new stories and old memories.

  13. Promise yourself that next time you will be prepared for a similar failure. If the problem haunts you, then in order to forget about it, think again and promise with an oath that next time you will be ready to fight back a bad mood, and also take a vow to avoid this. Promises will help you quickly forget about failure and improve your mood faster.

  14. Treat yourself to delicious treats. Be sure to buy for yourself some goodies that you haven’t eaten for a long time - a can of ice cream, a portion of barbecue, a huge pizza, a delicious cake, a kilogram of expensive sweets, a pack of chips. In general, everything that only the soul desires.

  15. Do a good deed. You cannot imagine how a good deed can raise your mood, self-esteem and change your attitude towards yourself. Give alms in large bills. Help an elderly person cross the road or go up to the floor. Transfer some of the accumulated money to the orphanage. Repair the fence in the front garden. Offer to help a neighbor. Try it!

  16. Think of the happiest moment in your life that has ever been or will be. Reminiscing about the past (pleasant ones) or imagining future moments (weddings, buying new clothes, equipment, etc.) also helps very well.

  17. Take a contrast shower. A contrast shower helps to relieve tension - first you should pour hot water, then cold. Repeat the procedure several times. Such a shower relieves emotional instability, and is also very beneficial for health (for both women and men).

  18. Take a walk. Walking in the fresh air raises the tone, improves physical and mental well-being. The environment of people, the noise of cars or the sounds of the forest will also pacify your mood and attitude to problems.

  19. Share the problem in your diary or blog. If you have a personal diary in which you share your emotions, moods and life situations, then this is very good. Try to write in it all the feelings that are now in your soul. Lay it all out. Describe the current situation. Draw your own conclusions. The posted thoughts are much easier to understand and this “procedure” also improves your mood, since you yourself will give yourself the right advice and take a sober look at what is happening.

  20. Make a list of 100 things that make you happy. Often in a bad mood, we do not notice elementary things and people who bring us sincere joy and happiness. But there are a lot of them (husband, wife, mom, dad, dog, delicious ice cream, whatever). Write there all the factors that you can think of that bring at least a little joy. You will be surprised when you make a list of how many good things you have in life.

  21. Look at old photos of your family. To remember good moments from the past, old photos from your childhood, youth, or even photos taken several years ago on vacation or at a birthday party will help.

  22. Shout into your pillow. There is no strength to restrain emotions, then try to take a slightly crazy step - shout loudly into the pillow (so that none of the neighbors hears). Or it can be done somewhere on the field away from people. It helps a lot to relieve stress.

  23. Be constantly busy. If you are constantly passionate about something, then you simply won’t have time to delve into yourself, so the best way to forget about your mood is to immerse yourself in work or a business that literally absorbs you for hours (for example, reading books) .

  24. Call your friends. If it is not possible to talk with a friend (he lives far away or you are now at work and cannot come to him), then just call. Chat about your and his affairs. Tell your problem, listen to his advice. Talk about joint plans (when you meet, where you will go, what you will do, etc.). Find out how he is doing and be sure to listen. Perhaps something good will tell you. After communication, the soul will become very calm and pleasant.

  25. Put all your work away and go to sleep. Remember, we were taught from childhood: “Sleep is the best medicine!”. So it is, sound and healthy sleep is capable of much. Including cheer up (after a long sleep). Work on this day should be postponed if you understand that you cannot control yourself, otherwise you will make mistakes.

  26. Sometimes it's worth crying - this is the best emotional discharge. If a lump comes to your throat, and you understand that you are no longer able to restrain yourself, cry. This is very useful, otherwise the whole “emotional stone” will be deposited in your soul and it will be very difficult to deal with it later.

What not to do when trying to cheer yourself up:

  • Eat a lot. After all, you don’t need a problem with excess weight and diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract ?!

  • Take alcohol, and even more so do not try drugs. They are only able to “disconnect” you from the world for a while, but addiction and a large dose are VERY dangerous to health (up to death).

  • Trying to spoil the mood of others. In a bad mood, you want to ruin everyone's life so that everyone feels this pain. Do not do this!

  • Shut yourself in and not pay any attention to the problem. To create the appearance of a normal state, and in the soul and in the absence of people, literally dying from one's misfortune is not the surest option.

  • No need to plan for revenge. Revenge does not paint a person, but only makes him lower in society.

  • You don't have to do something you'll regret later. Before you do anything, think five times if you would have done it in a good mood!

That's all the tips that can cheer you up in a short time, and some of them you can use both at home and at work. The main thing is not to lose heart and do not lose heart. Everything will be fine!

Make a playlist of your favorite tracks that energize you. No melancholy: sad music will only fuel your already dull mood. If the situation needs to be corrected urgently, and your own selection is not ready yet, enable .

Be aware of the link between mental and physical health. The American Psychological Association recommends incorporating exercise into a psychotherapy regimen. Therefore, dance, jump, do a light workout: any physical activity is suitable for the production of endorphins.

3. Call a friend

Surely you have chats with friends - write there: a good portion of words of support, jokes and stickers with cats will fix the situation! Better yet, call your loved ones or meet them. Pleasant social interactions make us happier.

If your friends can't help quickly, go in search of something funny on Telegram. Scroll through LaQeque - a channel with memes from all over the Internet, look at cats in difficult life situations on the channel " Stroke the cat"(An alternative for dog lovers is" Stroke the dog"), look at" The dog ate"- a channel with ridiculous and funny excuses.

5. Simple Goals

Bad mood and apathy deprive of strength and efficiency. Don't beat yourself up: if the day is so-so, plan three simple things instead of ten difficult ones. Achieving a goal, even a small one, will return a sense of satisfaction with oneself.

Perhaps you had a fight with your best friend, or something went wrong at school or at work, or maybe the weather just affects your mood. Everyone has periods when what is happening in life does not bring a feeling of happiness, and therefore the first thing you should remember is that you are not alone in such a state. Regardless of the situation, both short-term and long-term solutions can be found to help you get out of this state and move on.


Deal with a bad state in the moment

    Cry. Emotional tears trigger the body to release endorphins, or “happy hormones,” that bring back peace of mind and a sense of well-being. Tears not only help the body get rid of stress hormones, but also bring, in the end, peace, because after a good cry, the level of heartbeat and breathing is restored. Beneficial crying is crying that allows you to release stress and accumulated negative emotions without negatively impacting your life.

    • If you feel unable to control when and how often you cry, or if your tears prevent you from doing your work and doing household chores, this is an indicator of a more serious problem: depression or an illness associated with anxiety and anxiety. Schedule an appointment with a counseling psychologist or therapist who can teach you techniques for controlling tears that interfere with your daily functioning.
  1. Stop for a few minutes and take a series of deep breaths. Something as simple as taking a deep breath can make you feel better. Deep breathing saturates the entire body with oxygen, allowing the muscles to relax during times of stress and helping to reduce pressure. Deep breathing also allows you to engage your parasympathetic nervous system, which brings you to a state of rest. Even the very fact of focusing on your breath and taking your mind off a stressful situation can help you feel better.

    Start keeping a diary. The description of emotional experiences gives a kind of outlet for these emotions, as well as the opportunity to work out the circumstances that caused them on a rational level. Clarification of the situation is one of the additional components of reducing the level of emotional pain. In fact, studies have shown that journaling restores a sense of well-being and brings comfort when emotionally stressed. In addition, it is believed that journaling has a positive effect on the immune system.

    Turn to a creative hobby. Creative expression has a long history and a close relationship with emotions in many cultures, where music, dance, and stories have been used to express emotions in a healing way. Whether you're in the role of creator or connoisseur, try to use your hobby as a channel for transforming negative and painful emotions into something creative.

    Develop your personal support system. Numerous studies prove the benefits of a support system from loved ones: family and friends - who can be turned to during a difficult life period. Social support provides a sense of belonging and security without leaving a person alone with their emotional pain, and this also leads to increased self-esteem. Try to call a trusted friend or visit a family member to whom you can tell about your painful and desperate emotions.

    Reward yourself. In times of emotional chaos, it's good to indulge in something special. It can be anything that gives you pleasure. Getting a massage, going to an amusement park, shopping for a new pair of shoes, making your favorite dessert, going to the movies, or any of your favorite activities. Take some time for yourself and pamper yourself.

    • Do not forget to treat this item with all responsibility. Do not spend too much time on entertainment or wait until worries about the spent budget are added to negative emotions.
  2. Relax and laugh. Laughter is the best medicine, as it does everything at once: it promotes muscle relaxation, reduces the stress level of the whole organism, and improves mood. It is believed that laughter is able to cheer up during periods of depression and anxiety. Let yourself laugh by remembering a funny situation, calling your funniest friend, or just watching a funny video online. Use everything that comes at your disposal to distract and laugh.

    Allow yourself a break. A five-minute walk or a light morning exercise can help you reduce painful levels of emotional energy. Even if you are not a yoga master or even a fan, elementary stretching exercises contribute to positive emotions. Stretching exercises are believed to help release negative energy associated with stress, anxiety, depression, and so on.

    Avoid alcohol and drugs. While alcohol and drugs can provide immediate relief during times of stress, there is consensus among experts that the short-term relief is not worth the long-term risks associated with the use of these substances. Constant stress and other traumatic emotions are one of the leading risk factors in the development of substance abuse problems. While all of the other recommendations in this article are essentially tools for coping with negative feelings, drugs and alcohol create a vicious cycle of dependence on a substance that makes you feel better in the moment.

    • If you find yourself constantly resorting to the use of drugs and/or alcohol in an effort to cope with emotional pain, seek the advice of a specialist.
  3. Donate your time to what you are passionate about and believe in. Feeling satisfied with your contribution can greatly enhance your self-esteem. Try volunteering with a charity that helps people in need, help feed the homeless, or find another topic that sparks your interest and desire to get involved.

    Don't forget the wider perspective. One of the hardest aspects of maintaining a healthy emotional state is to constantly remember that difficult situations that create emotional chaos are a natural part of life, that we grow and develop through such situations, and that overcoming such problems is this is a reason to be proud of yourself. Remember that you are able to deal with the source of your emotional exhaustion, and what is especially important is how you will deal with your emotions, as well as how quickly you learn to contain them in order to continue to function in your daily life.

    Consult a psychologist or psychiatrist for advice. If, despite your best efforts to cope, you are still feeling stressed, anxious, frustrated, or depressed, make an appointment with a psychologist or therapist. A professional will help you find the right tool to deal with the situation that affects you. A professional can also prescribe you appropriate medications, contact support groups, or recommend other sources that you may not be able to find out on your own.


  • If you have thoughts of harming yourself, see a healthcare professional right away.
  • If you find yourself increasingly resorting to alcohol or drugs for solace, seek professional help before the habit grows into a serious problem.

Sources and resources

  1. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/emotional-freedom/201007/the-health-benefits-tears
  2. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/emotional-freedom/201007/the-health-benefits-tears
  3. http://www.stress.org/take-a-deep-breath/
  4. http://www.stress.org/take-a-deep-breath/
  5. http://www.stress.org/take-a-deep-breath/
  6. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
  7. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
  8. http://www.apa.org/monitor/jun02/writing.aspx

What is a "bad mood"? These are emotions. They may be different. Anger, irritation, resentment, sadness, fear - any of these can become both a cause and a consequence of a bad mood. How to cheer yourself up if everything is bad and the world is not in a hurry to meet us?

Living through certain emotions, a person plunges into various psychological states. The state of resentment, depression, dissatisfaction with oneself or others, anxiety, meaninglessness of what is happening - it is easier for us to call any of these states a “bad mood”.

Oh, this desire of the mind to create illusions and its unwillingness to work! Having told ourselves, a friend, a loved one that we are in a "damn bad mood", we simply allow this state to dominate us.

And you have to be honest and reasonable. It is necessary to analyze each deterioration in mood in order to prevent long-term frustrations and avoid deep immersions in negativity.

How to cheer yourself up, or I'm my own psychologist

Raise, improve mood, restore the taste and joy of life - means to eliminate the cause of his fall, the cause of the loss of taste and joy. But more often than not, it won't work at all. Then you need to accept the reason and change your attitude towards it.

For example, what about bad weather, lingering fogs and rains, lack of daylight and sun, frost penetrating to the bone? Man cannot stop the natural chariot. And this is one of the most serious causes of seasonal depressions and declines in people's vital activity. Let's start with her.

The first way: nature does not have bad weather, and I do not have a bad mood!

Our body is adapted to any manifestation of nature in the area where we live. And only failures in health can seriously and permanently shake our emotional background, which most often happens. The physical level affects the mental. Simply put, the body lacks something and this is reflected in the emotions. What kind of unreasonable joy is there if you don’t lift your head from the pillow in the morning? If before two cups of coffee the pressure is below 90/60? If dampness and wind exacerbate a chronic runny nose, and the skin cracks from frost?

It is necessary to help the body, since it is extremely difficult to raise a bad mood, being in illness or weakness. The following methods will work:

  • the use of vitamin teas;
  • hardening of the body;
  • taking anti-allergic, restorative, prophylactic drugs;
  • adjustment of the daily routine in the direction of increasing the time for rest;
  • adjusting the nutrition system, increasing the amount of water, fruits and vegetables in the diet.
These are well-known methods, but they will support our body in the off-season and at a time when it is especially difficult for our body to stay healthy.

Do not notice the bad weather - you can! If there is eternal spring in the soul.

The second way: I am not a horse, I have the right to rest!

Modern people work hard. And some are aware of this, and some are not. But the result is always the same. Along with chronic fatigue, chronic bad mood comes to us.
And the question “how to cheer yourself up?” in such a situation, it is a question of work, workload, the need for a vacation, or at least a quiet weekend. Is it right to direct all your life force to work, and then spend the money you earn on finding the lost joy of life and spoiled mood? Wouldn't it be better to just not allow it?

Method Three: My Emotions Are My Friends

Human emotions speak volumes. And first of all about bad mood. There is no balance and peace inside, there is no harmony with the outside world, there is no feeling of happiness of being, there is no joy from communication - these states can arise as a result of events that have occurred in the present, past, and even not yet occurred.

Why is this happening? Because we worry a lot about the future, we cling to the past and misperceive the present. You can deal with emotions and establish control over them with the help of other people or on your own.
For example, psychological consultations, meetings with people who have similar problems, visiting constellations, etc. help many people. The meaning of all work with negative emotions is to identify the causes that provoke them, to experience emotions, as well as to establish control or turn on the internal observer.

Learn to observe from the outside those who are indignant, irritated, afraid, offended in you. It's not you! You are not that emotion! You are a completely different person! Is not it? You are not fear and not pain, not longing and not anger. Negative energy has simply taken possession of you and your task is to cope with it.

The fourth way: live here and now!

Living today is the most correct position in life. Not destructive for the psyche and for the mind, but creative. Maximum immersion releases from all negative states experienced in the past. And there is no time to worry about the future.

Fifth way: I am not an ostrich with my head in the sand, I love this world!

The world is wonderful! And there are so many pleasures in it that nourish not only the body, but also the soul of a person! Think theaters, museums, circuses, book fairs, horse races or cockroach races, squash or tennis tournaments, sales. It does not matter what it is from the outside world that will pull you out of the sand. The main thing is that you do not want to go back after that! And so that it does not destroy you physically and spiritually. It's not about alcohol and excessive food. It's about creating something beautiful and pleasant.

The sixth way: how to cheer yourself up by raising it to others?

Friends are the elixir of health and good mood. Take it more often. Do good deeds, give a part of yourself to the world, and it will surely cheer you up, give warmth and gratitude to those whom you helped.

Seventh way: my hobby is my outlet

A hobby is a broad definition of a person's individual taste. Some people have many hobbies, others have one, but swallowed them whole. Find time for your hobby, and a bad mood will not be able to get through to you. After all, a hobby is something that pleases your soul. And if it is in harmony and peace, then the external will not upset you.

Eighth way: remember the experienced joy!

Keep in mind the most joyful moments of your life. Your success, acquisitions, trips, meetings, unexpected purchases, sports or creative achievements, happy events in your personal life - all this forms a positive attitude and strengthens the nervous system.

The ninth way: no bad habits - I'm free!

None of the bad habits cultivates a consistently good mood. On the contrary, freedom from them gives a person joy and a feeling of fullness of life. After all, good usually takes the place of bad. This is the law of the universe. Get rid of bad habits, and your mood will be much better!

Tenth way: calm the mind, expand consciousness

Spiritual practice, spiritual growth, spiritual search - this is what will completely allow a person to control himself. Yoga, meditation, mantra chanting, prayer, qigong - the choice of the path is up to the person. Spiritually developed people are always in the same even mood - in a state of complete trust in Life and God!

There are many ways to cheer up and improve your emotional state. They can be conditionally divided into two groups - physiological and psychological methods. The use of these techniques, how to quickly cheer yourself up, in some cases depends on the situation and specific circumstances.

How to cheer yourself up in the morning?

Morning is a difficult time for many people, especially for women. Most of us have so much to do in the morning - make breakfast, get the kids ready for school, clean up. But how to do all this if the mood is at zero and there is no desire to move.

Morning apathy and lethargy will disappear, they will be replaced by cheerfulness and emotional upsurge if you apply simple rules:

  1. Breathe deep. Fresh air activates the flow of oxygen to the cells of the brain and muscles, activates blood circulation and eliminates drowsiness. To do this, just open the window and breathe in fresh air.
  2. Take a shower. Sometimes it seems that there is no time for water procedures in the morning, but this is not so. A light shower takes 5-10 minutes, and the effect of it is simply amazing.
  3. Turn up the music. Psychologists have proven that music has a very powerful effect on the emotional state, peppy dance music will help cheer you up in the morning.
  4. smile. Even if you don't feel like it at all. Human facial expressions are interconnected with the psychological state, and not only mood affects facial expressions, but vice versa.
  5. Indulge in delicious treats. Even if you are on a diet, morning is just the time when you can even afford high-calorie foods and sweets. Delicious food always cheers you up, and you will have a whole day to burn extra calories.

How to cheer up at work?

If in the morning it was not possible to cope with bad emotions or there was a nuisance at work, then the following methods will help to get rid of a bad mood:

  1. Conversation - the usual communication with a friend or an understanding interlocutor will allow you to escape from sad thoughts, this can be a conversation on the phone or on a social network.
  2. Lay out the problem on paper - divide the sheet of paper into three columns, in the first describe the problem, in the second - its cons, in the third - possible solutions and pros.
  3. Do some simple exercises - no matter how funny it may sound, but squats, push-ups, or just intensive walking up the stairs will help disperse the blood and refresh the mind.
  4. And again goodies - if you don't want to spoil your diet with cakes, eat a banana.

Many have heard about the ability of bananas to increase the level of endorphins in the blood, and few people know what other fruit improves mood. It turns out that to improve the emotional state, you need to eat fruits with a high content of vitamin C - oranges, tangerines, lemons, mangoes, kiwi, persimmons, gooseberries, currants. In addition to berries and fruits, hard cheeses, almost all types of nuts and seeds, seaweed, eggs, oats, buckwheat and, of course, dark chocolate should be added to the list of products for a good mood. The right lunch or snack will help you quickly cope with apathy and despondency.

Speaking of a bad mood, one cannot fail to mention the seasonal fluctuations in the emotional state. The answer to the question of how to cheer up in the off-season - in spring and autumn, is simple:

  1. Get more vitamins. If fruits and vegetables do not help, buy a vitamin-mineral complex at the pharmacy. This will help strengthen the immune system and give vigor.
  2. Go in for sports or just walk every day for at least half an hour. Physical activity improves circulation and oxygenates the brain.
  3. Arrange a meeting with friends. Communication helps relieve nervous tension and get rid of.
  4. Pay attention to your appearance. Go to a beauty salon, change your hair or go shopping. Nothing pleases a woman like updating her image.

The above tips at first glance seem too simple, but this is precisely where their effectiveness and efficiency lies.