Where does Mikhail Zhvanetsky live now? Mikhail Zhvanetsky - biography, personal life, photo satirist

Where does Mikhail Zhvanetsky live now?  Mikhail Zhvanetsky - biography, personal life, photo satirist
Where does Mikhail Zhvanetsky live now? Mikhail Zhvanetsky - biography, personal life, photo satirist

Mikhail Manievich Zhvanetsky... People's Artist of Ukraine, Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation, Laureate of the President of the Russian Federation Prize, Artistic Director of the Moscow Theater of Miniatures, Honorary Citizen of the city of Odessa.

Born on March 6, 1934 in Odessa (Ukraine), into a family of doctors. Father - Zhvanetsky Emmanuil Moiseevich. Mother - Zhvanetskaya Raisa Yakovlevna.

Speaking about his childhood, Mikhail Zhvanetsky recalls “something very sunny, beachy ... Until the war broke out. Further - the train, Central Asia, school, Victory, return to Odessa. "

In 1951, Mikhail Zhvanetsky entered the Odessa Institute of Marine Engineers. It was here that 1953 found him. In the wake of the rapid growth of amateur performances, the studio "Our House" appears in Moscow, in Leningrad - "Spring at LETI", in Odessa - the student theater of miniatures "Parnas-2", created by Mikhail Zhvanetsky. "Parnas-2" became a real event in the life of the city: it was difficult to get into the evenings at the Institute of Marine Engineers, concerts were sold out like Lenkom's in Moscow. Zhvanetsky was actively involved in the work of the studio. In 1954 he met Viktor Ilchenko, played miniatures with him on the stage of Parnas-2, and conducted concerts. He began to write miniatures and monologues, which he often performed himself. It turned out funny, or rather not funny (funny Zhvanetsky never wrote), but sad, which caused laughter ...

After graduating from the institute in 1956 with a degree in mechanical engineer of handling equipment of ports, Mikhail Zhvanetsky worked as a shift mechanic in the Odessa commercial seaport, then as an engineer for lifting and transport mechanisms at the Odessa plant "Prodmash". “Eight years of loading and unloading,” recalls Mikhail Manievich, “traveling on a forklift, sitting in a steamer, in a hold, in a corner, when only eyes and teeth are visible. There I grew up ... "

In 1960, Mikhail Zhvanetsky went to work at the Central Design Bureau. Two years earlier, in 1958, he met with Roman Kartsev, and in 1962, during a tour in Odessa of the Leningrad Theater of Miniatures, an acquaintance with Arkady Isaakovich Raikin... A.I. Raikin took his works into the repertoire of the theater, and in 1964 he invited him to his theater for the position of zavlit. The works of M.M. Zhvanetsky read on the Leningrad stage and the favorite of young people - Sergey Yursky, but A.I. Raikin, from whose mouth Zhvanetsky's remarks went to the people. In 1969, under the leadership of A.I. The Raikin Theater staged the "Traffic Light" program based on the works of M.M. Zhvanetsky, in which the legendary miniatures "Avas", "Scarcity", "The Age of Technology", "There are no complaints about buttons" were performed for the first time.

During his work in the theater A.I. Raikin (1964-1969) M.M. Zhvanetsky creatively collaborated with Roman Kartsev and Viktor Ilchenko, for whom he wrote more than 300 miniatures and monologues. Having found his own individual style, he left the theater of A.I. Raikin and began to work independently.

In 1970, together with R. Kartsev and V. Ilchenko, he returned to Odessa, where, in his own words, he “started for the second time in his life,” creating the Theater of Miniatures. Success quickly came to the theater, and soon the first tour took place in the Rostov region. Before leaving for Rostov, R. Kartsev and V. Ilchenko recorded on television a miniature of Mikhail Zhvanetsky "Avas". After returning from a sold-out tour, M. Zhvanetsky, R. Kartsev and V. Ilchenko took part in the competition of pop artists, sharing 1st and 2nd places with Kokorin. Despite the persuasion of the director of "Ukrconcert" to stay in Kiev, they returned to Odessa.

In 1970-1972 M.M. Zhvanetsky worked as an artist of the spoken genre of the Odessa Philharmonic. In 1972 he was invited to the Moscow Theater of Miniatures (later the Hermitage) as an assistant to the chief director. During these years, he has already acquired all-Union fame.

From 1972 to 1974, Mikhail Zhvanetsky was the production director of the State Concert and Touring Association Rosconcert. In 1981-1983 he worked as a literary employee at the Molodaya Gvardiya publishing house.

In 1988 M.M. Zhvanetsky creates the Moscow Theater of Miniatures, of which he is the permanent art director to this day. In the theater, based on his works, performances have been created: "Bird Flight" (1988), "Selected" (1988), "Political Cabaret" (1989), "Sincerely Yours" (1991), "My Odessa" (1994), "Benefit" (1995), "The aged tomboy" (1999).

Mikhail Zhvanetsky is the author of the miniatures "Avas" (for R. Kartsev and V. Ilchenko), "Girlfriends" (from the play by A. Raikin), "I don’t understand what is happening to people" (for R. Kartsev), "A full day life "(for R. Kartsev and V. Ilchenko)," Only pleasant "(for R. Kartsev)," Gifted in physical culture "(for L. Polishchuk)," I'm fine "(for R. Kartsev)," Words , words ... "(for R. Kartsev and V. Ilchenko)," Strange boy "(for R. Roma)," Cities "(for R. Kartsev)," How old people are treated "(for R. Kartsev and V. Ilchenko ), "The Power of Words" (for A. Raikin), "In the Age of Technology" (for A. Raikin), "Dispute" (for R. Kartsev and V. Ilchenko), "Your Health?" (for R. Kartsev), "Drinking is harmful" (for R. Kartsev), "Monologue of a sincere person" (from the performance of the Moscow Theater of Miniatures "When we were resting ..."), "In the Greek Hall" (for A. Raikin), " Deficiency "(for A. Raikin)," Give me your hand, granddaughters! " (for A. Raikin), “On education” (for A. Raikin), “For you, women” (for A. Raikin), “Concentrated reflections” (for A. Raikin), “Two fools” (for A. Raikin), "Some kind of parting word from the 70s" (for A. Raikin), "At the checkout" (for R. Kartsev and V. Ilchenko), "Tasting" (for R. Kartsev), "In the warehouse" ( for R. Kartsev and V. Ilchenko), "Demographic explosion" (for R. Kartsev), "Put the bird down" (for R. Kartsev and V. Ilchenko), "Doctor, I beg you ..." (for R. Kartsev and V. Ilchenko), “At Night” (for S. Yursky), “Specialist” (for R. Kartsev), “Do not understand me correctly ...” (for S. Yursky), “Black Stripe” (for R. Kartsev and V. Ilchenko) , "Trainer" (for S. Yursky), "Meeting at a distillery" (for R. Kartsev and V. Ilchenko), "I appreciate a mixed person" (for A. Raikin), "Wedding for one hundred and seventy people" ( for R. Kartsev and V. Ilchenko), “Fine, Grigory! Great, Konstantin! Case history "(for R. Kartsev and V. Ilchenko)," He was not like that "(for S. Yursky)," Sunday "," I finally understood "(for R. Kartsev and V. Ilchenko)," Careful " , “Snow is falling” (for R. Kartsev), “Calm down, I'm leaving” (for R. Kartsev), “Cancers by five” (for R. Kartsev), “Steam locomotive for the driver”, “State and people” (for R . Kartsev and V. Ilchenko), "Hello to you" (for R. Kartsev), "Roll call" (for R. Kartsev and V. Ilchenko), "Our man in bed", "Bird flight" (for R. Kartsev and V. Ilchenko), “There was food”, “It will be better here” (for R. Kartsev), “Self-portrait in numbers”, “Badly audible” (for R. Kartsev) and others.

In 2001, the Vremya publishing house published the 4-volume Collected Works by Mikhail Zhvanetsky, and in 2006 the same publishing house released the 5th volume of the Collected Works entitled XXI Century.

MM. Zhvanetsky - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2001), People's Artist of Ukraine (1999), laureate of the President of the Russian Federation in Literature and Art (2001), laureate of the independent Triumph Prize (1994). He was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples. Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR / Russia (since 1978), Russian Pen-Center, President of the World Club of Odessa citizens. Honorary Citizen of the city of Odessa (1994).

Mikhail Zhvanetsky loves life in all its manifestations. He prefers books by A. Chekhov, J. Selinger, the music of Hollywood of the 1940s, the work of the ABBA group, volleyball. His favorite artists are S. Lyubshin, A. Freundlich, R. Kartsev. Favorite food - "Odessa, plus hot crayfish, plus cold beer, plus old friends, plus one or two new acquaintances."

Zhvanetsky looks at you, knowing what to say

Mikhail Manievich (Mikhailovich) Zhvanetsky(Hebrew races. מִיכָאֵ-ל בֵּן מאַנעֶ ז׳וואַנעֶצקִיי , genus. March 6, 1934) - ERJ a racial citizen of Odessa, a humorist writer. He started out as a literary black man with Arkady Raikin. He became famous, not least thanks to the epic srach with it, as a result of all the twists and turns he wriggled out of his suffocating embrace and healed a long, happy life of the soviet scribe humorist writer. At present, he is quoted due to his lack of inclination towards disorderly Petrosyanism, as a result of which his work quickly became available only to the “nebydla” who had left and was inaccessible to the majority of the population of this country. At the moment, he is the only sane available comedian. In the zomboyaschik appears rarely, because fuck! And the old one already. On April 5, 2009, Art Boulevard in Odessa was renamed into Zhvanetsky Boulevard, which caused great bewilderment among local residents.

  • 1 MikhMikh against cattle
  • 2 Honorary Member
  • 3 Robbery
  • 4 Country duty officer
  • 5 Short works
    • 5.1 Conservatory
    • 5.2 Call
    • 5.3 Head of the transport department
  • 6 Selected quotes
  • 8 Alternative point of view
  • 9 References
  • 10 Notes

MikhMikh against cattle

The "elite" creativity of this great "Russian" man, unfortunately, for many remains unreservedly transcendental. And no miserable attempts to learn the truth, having partaken of the short works of the writer, even with titanic efforts to find the meaning, will not force the school to fallomorphize into a bearded oldfag. The feeling of complete spectator insignificance is supported by the author's unique style of quick-steady sight-reading. Due to such a playful shit, the painstakingly thoughtful mosk Onotole melts like chocolate in his hands, and the venerable encyclopedist, who did not share the opinion of the duty officer, suddenly finds himself among the shkoloty and other infidels. The repertoire of Arkady Raikin is slightly less than completely written by Zhvanetsky.

Honorary member

“Meetings on the Streets” (1982), “Two Years” (1987), “My Odessa” (1993), “Collected Works” in 4 volumes (2001) + 5th “Two thousandths”.

Since 1988 Mikhail Zhvanetsky has been the artistic director of the Moscow Theater of Miniatures.

  • President of the World Club of Odessa citizens
  • Awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples (1994) and the independent Triumph Prize (1994)
  • Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR (1978-1991)
  • Member of the Writers' Union (1992)
  • Honorary Citizen of the City of Odessa - Ukraine (1994)
  • People's Artist of Ukraine (1999)
  • Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2001)
  • People's Artist of Russia (2012). So yes, Shmele has already signed the corresponding decree. According to Zhvanetsky himself, this was a complete surprise for him.

So it goes.


On January 6, 2002, he became the victim of a robbery. Three robbers suddenly hijack a premium SUV Mercedes G(Mercedes-Geländewagen) on the third day after purchase. Zhvanetsky, according to him, was pushed to the floor between the front and rear seats and commanded "Muzzle to the floor!" Then they threw him out into a deserted wasteland near the Moscow ring road, from where, according to him, he walked. Together with the car, Zhvanetsky's beloved old briefcase with his imperishable manuscripts left (according to Zhvanetsky himself, his notebooks were in the portfolio, which are the basis for his works, but the works themselves were not there).

The car was stolen by order of one of Zhvanetsky's admirers, repainted in a car service, re-registered in Zelenograd and delivered to a customer in Moscow for 44 thousand euros. At the author's tearful request, anonymous thieves returned the writer's portfolio.

After this incident, a bike went about that in one of the interviews they asked:

Country duty officer

Zhvanetsky, together with TV presenter Andrei Maksimov, hosts a monthly vinrar broadcast on the Rossiya1 (former RTR) channel, "The Country Duty Officer." The only reason the Bloody Gebnya still hasn't shut down this shop under her nose is probably the non-primetime airtime and small viewers. And also incessant maxims in the spirit: "But look, after all, life has become better!" Here MM alludes to Stalin's words: "Life has become better, life has become more fun," said during a speech on November 17, 1935, after which, in fact, mass executions began. MM pronounces this phrase with a poorly concealed instep.

Unverified fact: "tea", which Zhvanetsky usually drinks during the filming of the program, is cognac mixed half with something (Coca-Cola or the same tea). The fact was told by MM himself: at some concert, after intermission, there was tea on the table in a glass with a cup holder. Zhvania took a sip, someone in the hall applauded (apparently, from those who put down the glass), and the people did not understand why the author became more and more cheerful with each sip.

Short works

Statue of the portfolio of M. M. in Yalta



- Tell me, is this an institute for practicing missile orientation in airless space? - A-ah-ah! At the institute, a pipe fell and a shot rang out. The head of the first department was shot. The next day, a pile of fallen leaves, under which powerful trucks roared, moved into the taiga. In the old place, only the wind stirred the remaining piece of steam heating. Call. - Tell me, please, is this an institute for practicing the orientation of missiles in an airless space? - A-ah-ah! Again! A-ah-ah! Bang bang! An experienced secretary, the pride of the organization, shot himself. The next day, the entire taiga, along with the snow, moved to the Karakum Desert. Call. - Excuse me, please, it's me again, I'm probably tired of you ... Is this an institute for practicing missile orientation in airless space? - Yes. What do you want? - Can I Nadia?

Head of the transport department

Head of the transport department- a meme from the work of M. M. Zhvanetsky "Meeting at the distillery". It is used when the same things are repeated many times in a conversation, for example, with flash mobs (see scooter).

The point is that the director of the distillery, being in a state of alcohol intoxication (that is, in a normal state) during the meeting four times in a row, calls the head of the transport department to make a report. N. T. Ts., Being in a similar state, all four times still comes up with something.

Selected quotes

Fine, Gregory!- an exclamation of approval. In order to observe historical justice, they answer: "Excellent, Constantine!"


  • Cancers for five rubles. But yesterday. But oh-oh-oh-oh-very big. And today - three. But small.
  • Now spiritual food: books, films, stage, ceramics.
  • They ask me: the oligarchs have gone bankrupt, but what should we do? How to rejoice! This is the only joy! But we all understand that after a while they will become rich again, and we will be the same. In 10 years they will become poorer again, and we will do the same. After a while they will go bankrupt again, but we will still be the same! In another ten years they will be rich again. And we are all the same! I am pleased with this stability.

  • Alcohol in me, breaking the barrier, spoke out on acute political issues.
  • The inscription in the toilet: “Don't just sit there: think something. Zhvanetsky's mom. "
  • Doggie "Japanese Pekingese" died of a heart attack. An umbrella was suddenly opened in front of him. He saw the world in black.
  • If the wall in the apartment has become warm, it means that someone lay down on the other side.
  • We so accurately choose the wrong ones that you no longer need to worry.
  • Freedom is what we do when no one is seeing.
  • He was Rabinovich's national security adviser.
  • Wealthy people should not annoy us! - only against their background can we look honest.
  • Today's goal is clear - they already live there!
  • He died without finding meaning in life. And he died, finding meaning in life. And he died, not looking for meaning in life. And this one still lives. We ought to talk to him.
  • What are you to me all youth, youth! Yes, if we want, then there will be no youth at all.
  • Passengers with tickets to Lviv, flight 7704 are asked to leave the airport!
  • Our freedom is like a traffic light with three lights burning at once.
  • If you quit and sit down to write, then live on what, and if you work and write, when will you live?
  • We are so used to doing things that no one needs, that when someone needed it, it still didn’t work.
  • I look at you and think: how a small glass of my blood at breakfast has a beneficial effect on a woman.
  • Fools love to punish smart ones. First, they raise themselves. Secondly, they turn out smarter. Thirdly, everyone can see who is in charge. The only thing is that they don't know what to do afterwards.
  • There are no forbidden things, there are things that are not recommended.
  • The history of Russia is a struggle between ignorance and injustice.
  • Our perestroika is as merry as love, when frigidity is below and impotence is above.
  • Our people are not ready. Not ready to live yet. They do not want to die, but they are not ready to live.
  • If you cannot love - sit and be friends!
  • It's very hard to change without changing anything, but we will!
  • Why does the listener fall asleep but the speaker not? He gets tired more.
  • Russia is a land of talent. There are a lot of talents, there is no one to work.
  • In Odessa, what is quickly lifted is not considered to be fallen.
  • What do you most want when you climb up? Spit down.
  • So I think: maybe they are holding us as an example. The whole world looks and points a finger: - You see, children, you can't live like that.
  • I change vivid memories for fresh sensations.
  • The disease takes on healthy forms.
  • Doctors wonder how the patients are still alive with such treatment. Patients wonder how doctors are still alive with such a salary.
  • Alcohol in small doses is harmless in any amount.
  • What is our life: if you do not get used to it, you will die, if you do not die, you will get used to it.
  • Instead of living - a healthy lifestyle.
  • The one with the letter "I" lives longer - until it comes to him.

Same there

  • If I had frames, I would rearrange them too.
  • One awkward move and you are a father.
  • She could not restrain herself, opened her lovely mouth and ruined a beautiful figure and an expensive swimsuit.
  • Not only brains are leaking out of the country, but also muscles, if they have brains.
  • Thoughts and women do not come together.
  • The political influence of women in the country is very low during the day.
  • The children of the Weismannists are like their parents, the children of the Lysenkoites are like the environment.
  • The truth of the second half of the twentieth century admits some lies and is called genuine.
  • You sit at home - it seems that everyone is at home. You go out into the street - it seems that everyone went out. You get to the station - you think, well, everyone's gone. In the hospital, the impression is that everyone is there; at the cemetery - everyone bends over. Well, there are a lot of us. There is enough for everything. And too much everywhere.
  • Filmmakers have very big difficulties. The biggest, most terrible difficulties for filmmakers. You don't know directly. Requirements for reliability have increased, but there are no old tanks, there are few Mausers. People have forgotten how to wear a tailcoat. Rudeness and rudeness in Siberia just turn out to be nothing, but education in St. Petersburg is not going on yet. There is no aristocracy in St. Petersburg yet. If the hero just sits, that's okay, but when he opens his mouth, it doesn't work.
  • As one oriental sage who lives in Odessa said, you cannot be honest and dishonest at the same time, even if it happens in different places.
  • We understood two things: not believing words - one, relying on ourselves - two. We have no external enemies. They don't need us. To conquer us is our own dear. What if we win? So we dealt with external enemies by our own example. And inner happiness will not be. They live in our environment. We know each other by heart and see right through. So life goes on.
  • There are no happy ends. If happy, then not the end.
  • How one must hate this country to leave an apartment after such a renovation.
  • Old age is approaching like a train: here it is still there - and now it is already here.
  • Nobody is afraid of radiation in our country - it is believed that we simply will not have time to die from it.
  • Nice innovation: singing to the soundtrack. A favorite singer arrives at the concert, but does not take his voice with him.
  • You ask, how much are tomatoes? I'll ask for six, I'll give it for five. Okay, I'll take four, three for you.
  • We promise them, we promise, we promise, we promise, but everything is not enough for them!
  • I will drop everything and enter your position.
  • A cold woman is not yesterday's soup, you cannot warm her up.
  • Now the time has come when the accompaniment performs recitals.
  • A normal person in our country responds to his surroundings with only one thing - he drinks. Therefore, a non-drinker is still a bastard.
  • He added potatoes, salt - and set the aquarium on fire.
  • He thought so hard about the piece of sausage that the dogs gathered around him.
  • Love changes from adoration to hate vertically and from sex to complete frigidity horizontally. The cruciform form of love is typical for cities with a population of over one million.
  • Everything, silence, we will sit down! ... We will use Newton's third law. The first two bitches didn't work, can you imagine?
  • In our country, you can lead - and not know what.
  • Here is a sedative, and here are the cartridges for it.
  • Dear passengers, please fasten your seat belts and remain calm until the bombing is complete ... The fireflies you admired are anti-aircraft fire ... Greetings from the crew of the night bomber ...
  • We need to be more careful, guys, they gave us the formula CH 3 SOS 2 H 5, two hours for a couple - and it doesn't take. I have to take it ... Maybe the hands should be washed by that hardened kid who is holding the flask. He does not want to wash himself by force.

Alternative point of view

Most of MikhMikh's repertoire is made up of "elite humor", which does not even cause a grin. When reading such monologues, Zhvanetsky makes significant pauses in places where it is "funny." At the same time, he twists his face, adjusts his glasses and takes the pose of Petrosyan. In some cases, it gives out something like "I'll wait", and after 2-3 spectators squeeze out "gy-gy", continues.

Name: Mikhail Zhvanetskiy

Age: 85 years

Place of Birth: Odessa

Height: 171 cm

The weight: 75 Kg

Activity: writer, satirist

Family status: married

Mikhail Zhvanetsky - biography

Mikhail Mikhailovich is widely known in literary and cultural circles in Russia and abroad. The writer has long been creating in the genre of satire, and he does it very well.

Childhood, the family of Mikhail Zhvanetsky

A native of Odessa together with their parents leave to live in the Vinnitsa region. The head of the family and his wife are doctors with Jewish roots. The boy was seven years old, and the war thundered. The father is going to Tashkent for the post of chief physician in a military hospital. The family went with him.

Now the military biography of little Misha began. Misha graduated from three classes in Tashkent, then continued his studies in his hometown. Secondary school, then the Institute of Marine Engineers. As a student, he already tries to write his topical monologues and literary sketches.

Literary activity

The first topics were nature, everyday life, women. For the first time, Zhvanetsky received a positive assessment of his miniatures from the head of the Leningrad Theater of Miniatures, Arkady Raikin. The master read the works of a novice satirist and included several of them in the repertoire of his theater.

And four years after that, Mikhail comes to the theater to Raikin and remains to work there for six years. Returning to their homeland, Zhvanetsky with his fellow artists Ilchenko and Kartsev organized their own theater, and successfully toured the Soviet Union.

Satirist's career

Later Zhvanetsky worked as a production director at Rosconcert, changed this position to a new job at the Molodaya Gvardiya publishing house. Then he received an offer to take the position of artistic director at the Moscow Theater of Miniatures. The satirist created his monologues specifically for the performer.

His miniatures were read by Sergei Yursky, Arkady Raikin himself and many other artists. Collections and books of the author appear.

Mikhail Zhvanetsky - biography of personal life

The first time Mikhail got married after he received his diploma from the institute. His wife's name was Larisa Kulik. The newlyweds did not have their own home and lived with Larisa's mother. No personal life, so everyone slept in the same room with their mother-in-law. The woman's indignation grew with every day she lived together. Zhvanetsky was still poor at that time. But soon the entire biography of the satirist completely changed. He followed Arkady Isakievich everywhere, and when he received five hundred rubles as a reward for his humoresques and spent all of them for joy, Larisa decided to divorce her husband.

Mikhail went to Leningrad, and his wife left for Paris, where she continued to run the gallery, as her uncle bequeathed to her. Together with the theater of miniatures, Mikhail Mikhailovich goes on tour in Siberia. Zhvanetsky began an affair with a Siberian woman, as a result of which he had a daughter, Olya, whom he recognized as his own much later. In his native Odessa, he began cooperation with the city team, which played in KVN. Along with the guys, Nadezhda Gaiduk competed and drew costumes, demonstrating her intelligence and beauty.

The beauty took the advances of a satirist for a year, then left for the capital. Mikhail lived in another capital, the lovers met occasionally, but they were in no hurry to register their relationship. After ten years of romance, the couple had a child, a girl Lisa. Long acquaintance and the birth of a daughter did not bring this union together. Zhvanetsky at that time already had a mistress, and Nadezhda broke off all relations with the writer.


Zhvanetsky's television career is firmly connected with the continuation of the biography of love affairs. The satirist is trying to break into television through the program Around Laughter. This project was led by the one whose heart Mikhail managed to conquer. Lovelace settled in the apartment of a Muscovite Tatiana, thanks to whom he made his dream come true. At the same time, he meets Regina Ryvkina, his mother's nurse.

Regina quickly became pregnant, made a scandal and left for the States, where she gave birth to her son Andrei and demanded alimony payments from the child's own father. The next common-law wife of Mikhail was a Tatar graduate of a chemical university, Venera Usmanova, who sought to move to America. The couple lived together for ten years, their son Maxim was born, but the wife still made her dream come true. She left Russia, taking her son with her.

Family of Mikhail Zhvanetsky

    ZHVANETSKY Mikhail Mikhailovich- (b. 1934) Russian satirist writer, performer of his works. Topical feuilletons, reprises, miniatures (collection Two Years, 1989), novel feuilleton My life, stay with me! (published 1987 89) marked by the boldness and sharpness of the analysis ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Zhvanetsky, Mikhail Mikhailovich- Writer satirist, author and performer of satirical miniatures, editor of the satirical magazine "Shop" since 1992; born on March 6, 1934; graduated from the Odessa Institute of Marine Engineers in 1956; worked in the Central Design Bureau of Morflot in ... Big biographical encyclopedia

    Zhvanetsky Mikhail Mikhailovich- (b. 1934), Russian satirist writer, performer of his works. Feuilletons, reprises, miniatures (collections "A Year in Two", 1989; "My Odessa", 1993), the novel "My Life, Stay with Me!" (published in 1987 89) are topical, witty, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Zhvanetsky Mikhail Mikhailovich

    Mikhail Mikhailovich Zhvanetsky- Mikhail Zhvanetsky Date of birth: March 6, 1934 (75 years old) Place of birth: Odessa, USSR Occupation: writer satirist and performer of his own works Awards ... Wikipedia

    Zhvanetsky- Zhvanetsky, Mikhail Mikhailovich Mikhail Zhvanetsky Date of birth: March 6, 1934 (76 years old) Place of birth: Odessa, SSS ... Wikipedia

    Michael (name)- Michael (מיכאל) Jewish Gender: husband. Interpretation of the name: "Who is like God?" Patronymic: Mikhailovich Mikhailovna Other forms: Misha, Mishenka, Mishuta, Mishutka, Mishuk, Mishanya, Mishka, Mishgan, Mikhailo, Mishuka, Mikhei, Mikhan. On others ... Wikipedia

    Zhvanetsky- Mikhail Mikhailovich (born 1934), Russian satirist writer, performer of his works. Feuilletons, recapitulations, miniatures (Sat in Two Years, 1989), novel feuilleton My life, stay with me! (published in 1987 89) are topical and witty, directed ... ... Russian history

    Zhvanetsky (disambiguation)- Zhvanets is a village in Kamenets, Podolsky district of Khmelnitsky region of Ukraine, formerly a city, from its name were formed: Zhvanetsky castle Zhvanetsky castle surname Zhvanetsky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (born 1934) writer satirist ... Wikipedia

    Mikhail Zhvanetsky- Biography of Mikhail Zhvanetsky The famous satirist writer, popular performer of his works Mikhail Mikhailovich Zhvanetsky was born on March 6, 1934 in the city of Odessa (Ukraine) into a family of doctors. In 1956 he graduated from the Odessa Institute of Engineers ... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers


  • Collection of works in one volume, Zhvanetsky Mikhail Mikhailovich, For the first time in the series, a collection of the king of humor, the great satirist Mikhail Zhvanetsky is presented. The book includes the most famous works written over the past forty years. "Mikhail Zhvanetsky is higher ... Category: Humor and satire Series: Complete Works Publisher: Eksmo, Buy for 893 rubles
  • Mikhail Zhvanetsky. XXI century, Zhvanetsky Mikhail Mikhailovich, Collection of the king of humor, the great satirist Mikhail Zhvanetsky. The book includes works of the XXI century from the collections "Who am I so as not to drink", "The noise of the past" and "Conversations between father and son." "Mikhail ... Category: Humor and satire Series: Complete Works (gift design) Publisher:

Mikhail Zhvanetsky was born on March 6, 1934. His parents were Jews, his father became a therapist, his mother worked as a dentist. The family spent the years of the war in Asia, then they again lived in Odessa. In 1951, Mikhail went to college and began to engage in amateur performances. He organized the Parnas-2 miniature theater, which became famous in the city.

In 1954 Zhvanetsky met with Viktor Ilchenko, with whom he began to conduct concerts together. Later, Mikhail began to compose monologues, which he performed independently. In 1956 Zhvanetsky graduated from the institute and got a job as a mechanic in the port. Then he moved to a factory, where he began to work as an engineer.

Career heyday

In 1958 Zhvanetsky met with Roman Kartsev, and 2 years later he met Raikin. The famous artist decided to replenish his repertoire with the works of a young satirist. In 1964 Raikin invited Zhvanetsky to move to Leningrad, in 1969 the public presented the program "Traffic Light" based on the works of Mikhail.

Often Zhvanetsky's works were performed by Jurassic. The satirist also collaborated with Kartsev, Ilchenko. Then Mikhail became an independent writer, he performed his own compositions on stage.

In 1970 Zhvanetsky and his friends returned to their hometown. There they organized a miniature theater. The band was invited to tour, which turned out to be very successful. The head of the Ukrkontsert organization even invited the artists to Kiev, but they stayed in Odessa.

In the seventies, Zhvanetsky was an artist of the spoken genre, worked in the Philharmonic. In 1972 he was invited to become an assistant to the chief director at the Moscow theater of miniatures. Then Zhvanetsky worked as a production director at Rosconcert.

In the eighties he was an employee of the Young Guard. Later Zhvanetsky created the Theater of Miniatures in the capital. Many performances have been staged based on his works, and several of the writer's books have been published. All of his texts are distinguished by a special style.

In 2012, the writer became the People's Artist of the Russian Federation. Zhvanetsky is a co-host of the TV show "Duty in the Country", which covers political and everyday topics.

Personal life

Zhvanetsky was officially married once. Mikhail's wife was a girl named Larisa. The marriage was concluded in 1954, in 1964 they divorced on the initiative of the wife. Zhvanetsky was no longer officially married. His chosen one was also Nadezhda Gaiduk, she had a daughter, Liza. Then the couple broke up.

Zhvanetsky lives in a civil marriage with Natalya Surova. She is 32 years younger than her husband. Mikhail and Natalia first met in 1991 in Odessa. The couple have a common son Dmitry. Zhvanetsky himself promotes patriarchal values.