Where does the neo relic fall v6. Warframe Abyssal Relics Farm

Where does the neo relic fall v6.  Warframe Abyssal Relics Farm
Where does the neo relic fall v6. Warframe Abyssal Relics Farm

The rarest items of the sample of the past eras, which are obtained only during the passage of special missions of the category "Breaking the Abyss".

There are only four relics in Warframe: Lith Era, Axi Era, Neo Era, and Meso Era. Moreover, each of the listed items is marked with a certain number or Latin letter.

All artifacts, without exception, are assembled from six key parts, and will also require a blueprint to start creation. Inside the relic, completely different things of a specific quality can be caught: two uncommon items, one rare, and also three common.

As we said, there are only four relics in Warframe, and they are distributed by era. To get them, you will have to complete certain quests, since it is not possible to collect them in the form of a regular resource. Moreover, each relic has a number of conditions necessary for its extraction.

This is about:

- Relics like Meso and Lit, which are issued only after completing one mission from the introductory chain from 1-20 lvl. Once this threshold is reached, the chance for relics to drop will increase, but the associated quests will increase significantly in terms of difficulty.

- Survival mode can present the player with a new relic every quarter of an hour.

- The same mode, if you manage to reach the ruins of the Orokin, will give you the relics of the Meso and Lit group. The drop itself will take place at certain intervals.

- Missions for the defense of targets, on which relics of the same type as described above fall.

- During the passage of the excavation, and specifically - during the third, seventh and eleventh rounds.

- During espionage quests. There you have to hack two safes in order to get one relic in the end.

Relics are used in Warframe in a variety of ways. So, to complete all the challenges of the game, you will need relics, since they are needed in the quests with the signature "Breaking the Abyss" if you are counting on an additional reward.

Of course, if you wish, you can complete all the tests without relics, but then you will have to be content with the echoes of the abyss in the form of the final reward (fairly cheap items).

Not only that, the Abyssal Fissure quests themselves will require you to complete the Path to the quest tree first. If there is a special task, this limitation can be bypassed.

During this quest, you will need to get to the enslaved and take reagents from them. By doing this, you will close the gap, and then you will be able to reach the exit point without hindrance.

If you have relics, then upon completion of the mission, you can receive one of four rewards to choose from. Keep in mind that once selected, your relic will be permanently destroyed.

To use the relic, when you first receive it, you need to complete the mission related to the Fracture of the Abyss. This task does not become available immediately, so you will have to wait or find a partner who already has free access.

Only after completing the mission will you be able to use the relics by inserting them into a specific artifact. During the quest like "Abyssal Fissure" you will have to get to the gap and close it.

You will then be able to use the Relic Rack to upgrade your mined artifacts. When making an improvement, there is always a chance that you will borrow a valuable item. If you are too lazy to farm relics, then just buy them in a chain store.

If another player chooses the same relic that you chose after completing the gap quest, then both of you will receive this reward. Not only that, you will also be given one echo of the abyss.

In this guide, I will talk about relics. This guide is intended for beginners who still appear in the game.

Let's start with the fact that there are 4 types of Relics in the game:

Lit Era Meso Era Neo Era Axi Era

To the right of the arsenal you have a Rack of Relics.

To activate it, you need to go through the node between Earth and Mars.

In this stand you can see all the relics that you have at the moment, and also shows the number of echoes that are needed to improve the Relics.

You can also improve your relics, there are 3 improvement options:

The upgrade option affects the drop chance of a rarer loot.

Type of

Regular reward

Unusual reward

Rare reward

















You can get Relics in 3 ways:

Relics are spent on Void Fissures. Gaps appear on random missions. These missions are indicated in a special tab on the map.

Abyssal Fissure missions are divided by difficulty: Lit Era-> Meso Era-> Neo Era-> Axi Era. At the start of such a mission, you will be given to choose one of the relics of the era that is on this planet.

When completing a mission, along the entire path of passage will appear Faults from which enemies will appear from which they fall Reagents required to close the Fault and Echoes of the Abyss which are needed to improve the Relics.

Abyssal Relics are very ancient artifacts, these ancient relics can be obtained by completing all of the Abyssal Breach missions.

There are four types of unique relics in Warframe: Axi Era, Lit Era, Neo Era and Meso Era. Meanwhile, all artifacts are designated by a number or by a letter of the Latin alphabet. Each artifact consists of six main items, parts, blueprints, and a form. The contents of the relics are divided into specific values, two unusual items, one rare item, and three common items.

Few Warframe players know, but in reality there are only four types of unique relics, distributed over the eras. Relics can be farmed and opened only by completing various tasks on any of the planets, as such there is simply no mission to collect relics. It is also worth noting that each individual relic has its own unique characteristics:

  1. Such relics as Meso and Lit, the player will receive only when he completes one of the tasks from the first to the twentieth level. When the twenty-first level is reached, such relics will drop out much more often than usual, the more difficult the mission, the greater the chance of getting this or that relic.
  2. In survival mode, the player can receive relics every twenty minutes.
  3. In survival mode, after reaching the ruins of Orokin, the player will be able to get artifacts of meso and litas, relics will drop out after a certain period of time.
  4. Completing the mission of the defense of the case, the player will also drop some types of relics, as in the ruins of the Orokin.
  5. During missions, relics also sometimes appear, but in certain rounds.
  6. At the excavation, you can also get several relics, namely in 3, 7, 11 rounds.
  7. During the espionage mission, the player will have to hack two vaults, and at the end will receive one relic.

You can use one of the unique relics in order to successfully complete all Warframe challenges that are included in the Abyss Breach quest. But you can go through all the tests without the relic, but at the end of the tasks you will not receive a reward, instead you will receive echoes of the abyss. Among other things, if the player does not open the path to the mission tree, then the task of breaking the Abyss will not work, since the road will be closed. But the player will be able to bypass this restrictive part only if his character has access to the task.

The main goal of the task is to collect the reagent from the enslaved, as a result, the gap will close, well, after which you can safely proceed to the evacuation point. Players who complete tasks with relics, then at the end of the successful completion of the task, they will be able to choose one of the four proposed rewards. When the reward is chosen, then all relics from the inventory will be permanently removed and cleared.

When the player finds a suitable relic, then at the beginning he will not be able to use it, first he has to go through a special task, namely, breaking the abyss. In order to complete this task, you first need to make sure that it is already available for execution. If it turns out that this task is not available to you, then you will need to find a friend from your team who has access to the task.

When all the conditions are met, you can use the relics. To begin with, the player will have to select a suitable artifact and place it in their inventory. When completing a mission of breaking the abyss, the main goal of the player is to close the gap, and get to the evacuation point as soon as possible.

When all the conditions are met, a new improvement will open to the player, namely the Relic Rack. Here you can improve the found artifacts. During upgrades, there is a very high chance of getting very rare items. Summing up, we can say that if for some reason a player does not want to farm relics, then he can purchase them inside the in-game store.

Relic rack

When the monorail condition is successfully completed, the player will receive an Abyssal relic, thanks to which you can open an arsenal rack. When the rack opens, the player will have a unique opportunity to improve their relics, and some items, for improvements will have to spend the echoes that he will receive for questing the echoes of the abyss.

Warframe - three options for upgrading relics

  • The first one is unusual (you will need to spend twenty-five echoes);
  • The second is incomparable (it takes fifty echoes to do this);
  • The third upgrade is radiant (you will need to spend one hundred echoes).

Thanks to the improvement, the player will be able to pick up rare items from his relics. Relics that have been upgraded cannot be upgraded again. A relic that has been upgraded will automatically be disconnected from the main relic to be upgraded.

Drop chances

Influence of the type of relic on the chance of dropping a rare item:

Type of Regular reward Unusual reward Rare reward
Untouched 76% 22% 2%
Unusual 70% 26% 4%
Peerless 60% 34% 6%
Shining 50% 40% 10%

A group of four players with relics of the same level has the following chances of obtaining rare items:

In a new update from the developers of Warframe, Abyssal Keys have been replaced with Abyssal Relics.

When the rift is successfully closed, then at the end the player will be able to choose one of two rewards, the number of rewards themselves will directly depend on the number of equipped relics. It is worth noting that one reward is directly one item from your relics, the rest of the rewards are unique relics of other players.

The player, in turn, can choose one of the proposed options, and no more than one available reward. If, during the mission, there is at least one relic in the player's inventory, then he will not receive any available reward. The allied reward will also be unavailable for selection.

If, after completing a Warframe mission, players choose the same relic, they will receive it at the end.

If another player chooses your relic, then you can receive one wonderful bonus as a reward, one echo of the abyss will be available to you.

Each relic has its own unique name, if the relic has the name of a letter, then this is most likely a rare blueprint. The name of the number is very often used if in the past the relic bore the name of a letter. The rarest relics are, of course, the relics of the abyss, unique artifacts of their kind.

Having obtained such a unique item, the player will be able to use it to purchase unique items that are very expensive. But only, few of today's gamers know how and where to farm these unique relics, and how to use them.