Garfield - The fattest cat in the world! The cutest cat in the world What breed is a Garfield cat.

Garfield - The fattest cat in the world!  The cutest cat in the world What breed is a Garfield cat.
Garfield - The fattest cat in the world! The cutest cat in the world What breed is a Garfield cat.

Garfield is the acclaimed 2004 comedy based on Jim Davis comics. Also known as "Garfield: the Movie". According to the recommendations of the American Film Association, children can watch this film under the supervision of their parents. Despite the smash in the press, the film was commercially successful. At the box office, the film earned about 200 million, with 50 million invested in its creation.
Garfield is the most famous and popular cat in the USA today. He is a cynical, lazy, fat cat.

Garfield lives in John Arbuckle's home. His main occupation is teasing, mockery of his master and the Doberman Luka, who lives in the neighborhood. Garfield maintains a very unusual friendship with a mouse named Louis. He is also friends with the cat Nermel, whom Garfield often launches in a basket to the roof, and with Arlene the cat.
Garfield the cat frankly uses his master's love for his own purposes, feels like a privileged pet. But when the owner brings Oddi's dog into the house, Garfield immediately becomes devilishly evil.
Making every effort, he manages to send his main competitor out and he rejoices when Oddi finds himself with a popular TV presenter. However, the joy soon changes to pricks of conscience, the Red-haired villain suddenly realizes that Oddi's new owner is very bad and needs to be rescued.

A lazy ginger cat that does not lead an active life. He is very calculating in order to get delicious food and milk. Initially, John chose Garfield out of a box that offered free kittens to everyone. The ginger beast loves lasagna, but absolutely does not tolerate raisins. He has a favorite toy - a teddy bear, which the cat named "Mickey Concrete." Quite rightly, Garfield considers himself the only favorite of the owner, and he was very unhappy when the owner brought Oddi to the house. Later, the ginger cat was imbued with friendly feelings for the puppy. Garfield is very against the relationship between John and Liz, because he believes that a veterinarian is not necessary in the house.

The owner of the red-haired Garfield. He is in love with the veterinarian Liz Wilson. For this reason, he often brings the cat to the clinic, although Garfield is an absolutely healthy cat. John is a bachelor, eats canned food. He has a big house, a car. When Liz persuades him to take Oddi home, he agrees, deciding that in this way Liz shows her attitude towards John. Thinks Liz is dating him because of Oddi. In dealing with Liz, he is very timid and indecisive.

Veterinarian. Has a puppy Oddi, whom he loves very much. She has a pickup truck with the license plate PET DOC, which stands for Pet Doctor, Veterinarian. Was a member of the jury at the dog show. When John took Oddi to his home, she began to meet with him, although she said that she had fallen in love with the indecisive John at school.

The puppy that lives with Liz's vet. After Liz's request, he was taken by John. Garfield taught the puppy to dance. Oddi won the dog show, which attracted the attention of Happy Chapman. Because of Garfield, who tried to get rid of him, he fled and got lost. The TV presenter is sure that it is the puppy who is suitable for the show "Kibbly Dog", he stole it and tried to escape with him to New York.

A little-known TV presenter on a local channel. He has a younger brother who has achieved more on television than himself. Hates lasagna. Allergic to cats. Having met Oddi, is going to use him in a new show. But Oddi can only dance. And Chapman begins to use a very cruel method of training - an electroshock collar. If not for Garfield, who was able to stop Chapman, he would have fled to New York with Oddi. The main negative character of the film.

We never stop admiring cute and funny animals, but there is a cat in China that has become an internet star. He has a cute little face, a beautiful ponytail, huge eyes - all this will make even the most indifferent people be touched. This cat is the cutest cat in the world and he has his own page on the Internet.

The name is cutie Snoopy (English Snoopy) he is a representative of the breed exotic shorthair, color red tabby-van, was born on May 11, 2011 in China, Sichuan province.

Since the appearance of his photo on the Internet, the cat has become mega popular and a few months later, Snoopy has a huge number of fans. Ardent fans have created different pages on social networks with his photos and videos.

The owners of the cat claim that Snoopy did not fall ill with "star" disease and his character has not changed. The lifestyle is no different from the life of a simple pet, everything is according to the schedule: sleep 17 hours a day, play for at least 2 hours, 1 hour for hygiene procedures, 2 hours for food and a couple of hours for meditation.

Snoopy's several million admirers are read all over the world. The cartoon cat Garfield is very similar to Snoopy and it is believed that they may soon create a cartoon with a cute cat in the lead role.
There are similarities between cats because of the same breed - they are both exotic. The exotic shorthair breed was bred artificially in the 60s after crossing the Persians and American Shorthair cats.

The idea of ​​breeding a new breed was based on obtaining new colors of American Shorthair cats, but what happened exceeded all expectations. The appearance of newborn kittens prompted the idea of ​​breeding a new breed. Exotics have a phlegmatic character, they do not have aggressiveness, unlike the Persians, they like active games, they are well brought up and very smart.

Pedigree kittens from elite catteries are not cheap, but if you really want to have an unusual cute kitten in your house, you can spend it.

It is a pity that the latest videos with the participation of the cute cat Snoopy are boring, and while swimming, he practically sleeps. Plushy Snoopy was the cutest cat only when he was a kitten, and now he has grown up and become a simple exotic.

Garfield the cat, despite its terrible nature, is one of the most beloved pets by the audience. Many who have decided to get a cat look for the Garfield breed in all shelters and on all classified sites. So how did the beloved cartoon character come about, what breed is the cat from the movie "Garfield" and does such a breed even exist? We will try to answer this question as best as possible in our article.

Garfield from comics and cartoons

Garfield is one of the most beloved characters in children's comics. It was created by artist Jim Davis in 1978. He was named that way in honor of the grandfather-creator of the beloved hero. The first cartoon with the participation of this character appeared back in 1982, and for 13 years it was voiced by the same actor - Lorenzo Music.

Since 2004, the famous Hollywood actor Bill Murray has taken up the voice acting of Garfield. It is his voice that sounds in films and cartoons about the obnoxious cat.

But in the feature-length animated films released a little later, the obnoxious cat speaks in the voice of Hollywood's most successful actor, Frank Welker.

Garfield's personality

Garfield is the prototype of the most ordinary lazy person with a terrible character. The red color of the coat was also not chosen by chance. According to the creators, it is this color that characterizes the difficult temperament of the owner.

Garfield doesn't want to move a lot, hates Mondays and loves to receive rewards and gifts. His favorite dish is lasagna. And more than anything, he hates raisins, because, in his personal opinion, it causes allergic attacks. Vegetables for Garfield are also terrible and tasteless.

It is worth noting that Garfield's mood is constantly changing. There are times when he prefers not to be angry with the world around him and lies lazily on the couch. However, there are days when everything that falls under the paw of this obnoxious cat is scattered to pieces. In one episode he has a friend, a dog named Odie. It is this unfortunate dog who suffers most from Garfield's behavior: he saves him, then mercilessly mocks him.

Garfield finds it disgusting to eat mice. Therefore, he prefers to make friends with them.

Garfield cat breed

There are many opinions as to which breed the character of comics and cartoons was the prototype for. The most common assumption is that the cat breed from the movie "Garfield" is exotic.

This breed was bred about sixty years ago, for this, the American Shorthair and Persian species were crossed. Despite the fact that exotics are very different in temperament from their cartoon prototype, their external signs are identical. For example, exotic animals have short hair, full paws and a face like a bear. They have large eyes and a massive physique. These animals can weigh from 7 to 15 kilograms and live next to the owner for 15 years.

Representatives of the Garfield cat breed are, in fact, very friendly and unobtrusive. They love to lie around and move quite slowly. They can have completely different colors: gray, red, white, mixed. It is possible that they are also very fond of lasagna and hate vegetables.

A little more about the breed

Garfield the Cat is a fictional character. It is the result of the imagination of an artist who once created everyone's beloved fat ginger pet. Therefore, it is absolutely possible that such a breed as Garfield's cat simply does not exist. However, do not despair. You can grow your Garfield from absolutely any breed of cats that has short red hair and a great appetite. It is likely that after 2-3 years you will get an impudent ginger cat that will weigh about 15 kilograms and hate any kind of movement. To do this, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive exotics.

Name: Garfield

Country: USA


Activity: cartoon character

Family status: not married

Garfield: character story

Talking anthropomorphic cat, character in the comic book series "Garfield", as well as in a number of films and cartoons.

History of creation

Garfield first appeared in June 1978 in comics created by American artist Jim Davis. The Garfield comic is still being published. According to statistics, every day two hundred million people read another issue about the adventures of a ginger cat.

The artist named the red-haired cat, invented by him, after his own grandfather, whose name was James Garfield Davis. And that, in turn, was named so in honor of the twentieth American President James Garfield.


Garfield is a fat and handsome ginger cat. The hero's behavior resembles the natural behavior of domestic cats. For example, Garfield can sleep all day and look completely passive, and then suddenly fall into a state of fury and destroy the house, destroying anything that accidentally turns up under his claws.

By nature, Garfield is unusually cynical and lazy. The character leads a relaxed life and shows wonders of ingenuity when he wants to get some delicious food or milk. Garfield was a tiny kitten in a box, from where the hero was taken by John Arbuckle. Since then, the cat has lived with Arbuckle as a pet.

Garfield has friends - Arlene the cat and the Thai cat Nermal, with whom the hero loves to play astronauts. This game consists in the fact that Garfield launches a friend from the roof of a house in a bucket. The hero has also been friends with a mouse named Louis for a long time, and teases an aggressive neighbor's Doberman.

Of all the food, Garfield is particularly fond of lasagna and dislikes raisins, to which he is allergic. The hero has a favorite toy - a teddy bear, which Garfield gave the nickname "Mickey the Concrete".

For a long time Garfield remains the only favorite of Arbuckle, but then a mongrel puppy Odie appears in the house. At first, the cat is jealous of the owner of the new pet, but then Odie and Garfield become friends.

Arbuckle has a girlfriend, Liz Wilson, a veterinarian who was in charge of Odie's puppy. The role of Liz is played by an actress. The heroine began dating Arbuckle after he took the puppy into the house. Garfield is against this relationship. According to the cat, the veterinarian in the house is an overly stressful situation.

Garfield teaches Odie to dance. Thanks to his newfound skills, the puppy wins the dog show, which attracts the attention of Happy Chapman, an unsympathetic local TV host. Chapman has not achieved success on television, and this is all the more offensive because he has a much more successful younger brother who is making a brilliant career as a news anchor on a major channel.

Chapman wants to use Odie in the new show "Kibbly Dog". However, the puppy turns out to be a disappointment - Odie can dance, but this is his only interesting ability. To maximize the effect of training, the villain Chapman uses an electroshock collar.

Chapman is opposed to Garfield in the film. He is allergic to cats and hates lasagna. Chapman steals Odie and tries to leave with him to New York, but Garfield interferes with these plans.

Another time, Garfield and Audie almost end up at an animal shelter when the owner John Arbuckle leaves for London after his girlfriend Liz. At the last moment, the beasts manage to break free and get into Arbuckle's car.

In London, John settles in the same hotel where Liz is staying, with the intention of proposing to the heroine there. Arbuckle tries not to let Garfield go outside so that the cat is not lost. When Arbuckle and Liz go out for a walk around the city, Garfield and the puppy escape and end up on the streets of London.

In London, the cat Prince lives, like two peas in a pod similar to Garfield. The owner bequeathed her own castle to this cat, but an evil relative, Lord Dargis, tried to drown the cat in the river in order to grab wealth and property. The butler Smitty, seeing Garfield on the streets of London, takes him for the Prince and picks it up. Arbuckle, meanwhile, finds the real Prince and takes him for Garfield.

The evil Dargis wants to demolish the castle and build a resort on this place, and send the animals that live in the barnyard to the kitchen as food. The lawyers give a week to search for the Prince, after which the property will go into the grabbing hands of Dargis.

The prince escapes from Arbuckle to return home, and Garfield, meanwhile, in the castle tries to exterminate Dargis, who set a dog on the hero. Garfield is helped by a local beast, who strongly dislikes Dargis's plans.

In the finale, the Prince returns to the castle, Garfield to his own masters, and the evil Lord Dargis is in the hands of the police.

Screen adaptations

In 1987, the cartoon "Garfield Goes to Hollywood" was released from director Phil Roman. Here Garfield is trying to get rid of the owner, because he believes that Arbuckle can prevent him and Odie from taking the main prize on the show of talented animals because of their own mediocrity.

In 1988, based on the Garfield comic, an animated series was released, in the creation of which the author of the comics Jim Davis personally took part. The series, called Garfield and Friends, aired until 1994, with a total of seven seasons. Garfield was voiced by actor Lorenzo Music.

In 2004, the first film called "Garfield" was released, where the hero was voiced by an actor known to the audience in the films "Groundhog Day" and "Broken Flowers". The film was directed by Peter Hewitt. The film was filmed primarily at Universal Studios and on the streets of Los Angeles, but some scenes were filmed in the UK. The role of John Arbuckle, the owner of Garfield, was going to play, but after the actor changed his mind, the role went to the actor and musician Breckin Meyer.

Bill Murray also voiced Garfield in the 2006 film Garfield II: A Tale of Two Kitties. This tape was shot by director Tim Hill. In both films, computer animation is combined with the performance of live actors.

In the 2000s, several more cartoons about Garfield appeared. In 2007, The Real Garfield was released, a year later, the continuation of this cartoon - The Garfield Festival, and in 2009 - Garfield's Space Special Forces in 3D. In all three cartoons, the cat was voiced by actor Frank Welker.

The ginger cat also became a character in a video game called Garfield's Adventure.


"You can't push me out like I'm some kind of animal!"
“- Garfield! Did you eat 4 boxes of lasagna ?!
- That's not my fault! Forgive me!
- Well, what am I to do with you?
- Love, feed and never leave.
- Come on, I'll take you to one place! There they will quickly put you on your feet! "
"I have a collar, I just left it in a different fur."

In the last news I talked about a fat pug, and this time we will talk about an overweight cat Garfield. According to the latest information, he is the fattest cat in the world!

Garfield's love of food did not lead to anything good. The poor cat gained a few extra pounds and the last weigh-in showed that Garfield weighs over 18 kilograms!

Thus, the hefty cat became the heaviest in the world, but this did not bring him much joy. Garfield is clearly overweight, so today the cat was put on a strict diet.

It is worth noting that a few days ago a cat named Bob (also known as SpongeBob) was named the world's heaviest cat (15 kg), but today he is deprived of such an “honorary title”. All this suggests that obesity in the 21st century affects not only people, but also pets ...

But back to Garfield, who lived with his mistress in New York for a long time. Recently, animal activists decided to take the cat out of the house, as they thought that his owner was overfeeding the animal on purpose. And now Garfield is looking for new owners, though first he needs to lose weight ...

Despite the obvious excess of excess weight, according to veterinarians, Garfield is a completely healthy cat, but he was still put on a diet, since the consequences of obesity will make themselves felt sooner or later.

Dailymail notes that the cat by its behavior fully justifies its nickname, received from the red-haired cat Garfield from the cartoon of the same name. He likes to doze for a long time, lie on the couch and eat whatever edible he can find. The latter is now practically unrealizable, since the cat is fed low-calorie food, which he clearly does not like.