Fortune-telling what is sweet in heart. "What's in the Heart": divination on a deck of playing cards

Fortune-telling what is sweet in heart.
Fortune-telling what is sweet in heart. "What's in the Heart": divination on a deck of playing cards

Often, girls who want to have an idea of ​​the true feelings of their chosen one resort to fortune telling. What is in the heart of a loved one, everyone wants to find out. You can find out with the help of a regular playing deck, which is sold in almost every store.

Taming the deck

Before starting the process itself, you need to tame the cards. At the moment, there are a colossal number of methods used by practitioners. The easiest ones are to shuffle the deck or leave it under a pillow overnight. Any of these methods works, but there is a main requirement for a fortuneteller - a respectful attitude towards the oracles that stand behind each of the cards. Respect for the deck is manifested as follows:

  • must be stored in a specially designated place;
  • you can not take cards with dirty hands;
  • it is forbidden to use for games;
  • you can not guess in a state of alcoholic intoxication;
  • it is forbidden to transfer for use to other people.

Fortune-telling "What's in the heart" will be accurate only if you manage to strictly comply with all the requirements listed above. Try to keep track of the condition of the deck, set aside its own place for it, for example, in a drawer of a writing desk or in a box in which you store valuables.

Rendering the image

Fortune-telling on the cards "What's in the heart" can be used if you need to find out about the true feelings of a beloved, beloved, or in order to understand yourself. Before spreading the deck, imagine an image of a person, and then mentally transfer it to the appropriate card - king or queen. The suit is chosen taking into account marital status and age (for men), as well as hair color (for women):

  • tambourines - blank;
  • worms - married;
  • clubs - aged;
  • blondes - tambourines;
  • brunettes - clubs;
  • red - worms.


The first step is to shuffle the deck. If the fortune-telling "What's in the heart" is directed at someone, then the cards are removed with the left hand away from oneself. If the alignment is done on your own person - then with the same hand, but already on yourself. We begin to lay out cards face down (opening pictures). Each row should contain three cards. We put them on the table until the hidden one falls out. After that, we turn to the analysis of the environment of the map, which will carry accurate information indicating what is happening with this person in the present.

We leave the main card in the center of the table. We evenly distribute a quarter of the deck by moving the cards to the header, legs and on the sides of the main one. Shuffle the images in each stack. We leave a couple of top cards face down, and collect the others in a deck and shuffle them. Then we fill in the gaps in the cross between the main card and the secondary ones. As soon as the gaps disappear, we draw any card from the deck, put it under the main one. It is she who will tell about the feelings and thoughts of a person of interest to a fortuneteller.

Then from the remaining deck we take the first card, which falls on the main one. Next, we count three pieces and put them aside. We repeat this until the deck ends.

Fortune-telling "What's in the Heart" has come to the final stage. The main information is contained in the cards located on the main page. They are able to tell about what is going on in a person's soul. Now you can turn all cards face down. The images mean this:

  • in the head indicate real thoughts;
  • at the feet - on the outgoing-coming;
  • on the right - important events in the future;
  • on the left - important events in the past.

The following card combinations carry important information:

  • four sixes - a long journey;
  • sevens - a long-awaited meeting;
  • eights - to material well-being;
  • nines - disease;
  • dozens - wedding;
  • jacks - chores;
  • ladies - gossip;
  • kings are powerful connections;
  • aces - a secret wish will come true.

The process should be stopped if, during fortune-telling, all cards of spades fell out. Do not decipher the alignment under any circumstances.

    I tried online fortune telling on the feelings of a loved one, everything seems to be correct. I learned that maps are interpreted differently in certain places. How do gypsies look and talk so fast? I tried it myself and looked at your site what which card means. It is very difficult, but how you want to know whether you like it or not.

    And I wondered several times, about the same thing turns out) And to other guys who just sympathize with me, can you guess or is it better not to tempt fate? I heard somewhere that you can only guess once at a time, because the rest of the results will be incorrect. This is true?

    I had a situation in my life when everything seemed to be fine in a relationship with a man, but at the same time some doubts crept into my head about the sincerity of his feelings. I didn’t trust him, I was jealous and didn’t understand what all this would lead to. An old friend helped, made a layout on the cards for his feelings for me and opened her eyes a little. I believe in cards and believe in what they say.

    Oooh, this hobby we loved with our girlfriends was in adolescence! What worries were about the boys then, how interesting and important it all seemed at that time ... We got together with our company, took decks of cards and laid them out on the relationship of the boys we liked to us. Thanks for the youth-inspired reminders)

    Girls, by the way, this article caught my eye now! A month of complete discord with my husband, and I don't understand why. I don't seem to be hysterical and can't stand his brain, he constantly finds some reason to find fault with me, with the food that I cook, to get to the bottom of my friends ... Hands are already losing heart, maybe he got himself on the side and is looking for an excuse get away from me? I'll do this fortune telling, but, to be honest, I'm afraid to find out the truth.

    I was always skeptical about this kind of fortune-telling-layouts. I trust numbers and numerology more, even the same palmistry (reading lines on my hands) I also believe more. But my friend had a non-standard situation, it would take a long time to describe, but the point is that the cards, to my surprise, very accurately gave everything that was at that moment, and even gave a little advice on how to be and how to act. Tell me, are there any other similar fortune-telling? Maybe it really works ..

    Lady of Hearts - symbolizes a young girl. It's funny, but my colleague has me signed this way on the phone, I don't even know why. Somehow he started calling me that as a joke and off it went, the klikuha clung to it. Now I'm not practicing fortune-telling, because ugh ugh, everything is fine with a guy in a relationship. But there were situations in which the cards opened a little our eyes to a man and his feelings for me.

    Since he himself does not want to admit, I will wonder what his feelings for me are. I use all fortune-telling, because it is so interesting to know what a person is silent about. The girls and I always guess at new guys and decide which one suits best by name, character, fate. And then when you meet everyone is so good, but how do you know better ..)

    Can a guy guess at a girl? How does she feel about me? I just wondered and it fell out that she perceives me as a lover. I came across your site - there is just a storehouse of fortune telling and conspiracies. I will bewitch my princess now. She says she will never be with me. So let's see how magic works.

    A very interesting article, and online fortune telling is as easy as shelling pears. Now you can guess at any time, anywhere) I noticed that cards are issued differently when we have a fight, in a quarrel, and when everything is fine with us. I still use many other online fortune-telling on this site - both for the name and for the date of birth and yes and no.

    The fortune-telling gave me not quite what I would like ... Tell me, can I somehow change the situation to try? or fortune-telling drops out once and never changes again? stumbled upon your conspiracies, so from feelings for the boy blows my head off that I would love to bewitch)

    I started reading the article and realized that when I moved to a new apartment I couldn't remember the cards in my luggage! and I had a deck, I remember exactly! still old like that, my grandmother gave it .. I often did fortune-telling on it and sometimes laid out solitaire games out of boredom) but I look, I can not steam too much - here you can do everything online now)

    I laughed a lot when I stumbled upon the "lady of hearts"))))) When we met my husband, he wrote me down on the phone just like that, because he met with friends at a party, then played cards, and I beat him as a fool, the victory card was exactly the lady of hearts)) I'll keep my fortune-telling, but we already have love, I don't need it yet)

    Yes, I'm also wondering if a man can guess by a similar fortune-telling, only for a girl? I've been trying to get her for a month now, but she's either playing with me, or she doesn't like me, but she's afraid to say and offend. somehow I don’t want to waste time, but the girl is very worthwhile, if there is a chance, I will continue.

    Well, this is what remains when you go to him with both soul and body, as they say, and he is cold as an iceberg in the ocean ... and does not write first, and does not say hello during breaks. or to score or try, I'll try to turn to the cards .. as they say, maybe try again "everything will be, you just have to get sick"?) men are enraged by a sharp ignore

    For me, in general, the guy is ideal, rather stingy with words. A man should not flutter his tongue a lot, well, preferably tall, pumped up dark-haired and handsome ... But from such figs you will wait for a clear understanding of their relationship to you! so sometimes I turn to fortune-telling when such "objects" appear

    girls, I don't understand my boyfriend ... or he's not even my boyfriend, but just a romantic friend. When we spend time with him (and more often he invites me to see each other), I feel sympathy and awe towards myself, gentle touches, gentlemen ... ..bound .. ah I'm afraid to write to him. what is better to do from fortune-telling in this case?

    The guy appeared about 3 weeks ago. and now disappeared somewhere! and everything was fine, talked, started an official relationship (offered to meet), we now have a beautiful candy-bouquet period, but suddenly he just turned off his mobile and stopped communicating. fortune-telling it turned out that he had feelings for me. I don’t know what to think now and what to do

    I don't understand how gypsies or some fortune tellers instantly tell the future on the cards. I watched the fortune-telling from this article on the meaning of the cards, and I myself understand that in order to interpret their meaning, you need to know a lot. It's even trite to answer the question "whether he loves me or not."

    But I'm kind of dating a guy, it seems like everything is in order. But sometimes such doubts are hammered into my head about his feelings and sincerity towards me! I had to look through my friends fortune-tellers, because at one time I just wound myself up so that there were already nervous breakdowns. I used to know that online you can also get an answer, I would do it here, now it is simply irrelevant.

    Tell me, is it possible to guess repeatedly on the same guy? Several times I wondered about my current boyfriend, in principle, the results were approximately the same, so I preferred to believe the prediction of the cards in your fortune-telling. But won't I smooth this prediction if I repeat my fortune-telling?

    Oh, how my classmates and I had fun after school! There were no social networks then, the Internet was not as popular and necessary for life as it is today. They opened our magic book, took a deck and walked in a row through all the boys from our class, from parallel ... As I remember, it becomes so funny)

    Very in time I came across this article on your website, I really want to check the feeling of my own husband for me. Dada, after several years of marriage, one can doubt his sincerity and loyalty. Recently, I began to look for reasons for a quarrel. Clings because of all sorts of garbage, either a mid-range crisis (but somehow it's too early), or found someone ... It's easier to live without men (

    For a couple of weeks we have been meeting a guy, we saw each other every day, but I don’t understand why, suddenly he stopped calling and writing to me. He answers calls, speaks normally, but there are many types of cases, busy, etc. I'm worried, suddenly what happened, I started digging and remembering the last meetings ... No, I could not spoil anything or push him away with something. Thanks for the fortune-telling, I will, and I hope I will calm down.

    And in general I still cannot understand who we are to each other with my current "friend". No, this is not friendship, we spend so much time together. We can kiss and cry on each other's shoulder, but I don't understand what's next. He is so constrained, and I am so worried now. From this uncertainty, it blows my head and tears sometimes, I'm afraid to do fortune-telling, because I can get not what I want to hear.

    Online fortune-telling is as easy as shelling pears) I go home by train, open it, make the layout and read the food, decode it, look for an application for my situations) In fact, the values ​​differ depending on the current relationship with my MCH. Sometimes on your site I also turn to the "coin" fortuneteller, as I call her - yes / no which answers)

    Found a link to this article in the history of the browser) My beloved slept, I hope she wondered at me, and not on someone on the side. Tell me, is there a similar fortune-telling for men for girls? There was a fear that my girlfriend was in love with someone else, she had already gotten herself so many bad thoughts ..

    I thought that I didn't have a single whole deck at home. Somewhere there are not enough cards, you will have to buy) I think that it is more effective when you hold the cards in your hands, they somehow absorb your energy, I think this alignment will be more correct in the end. Tell me, with which shirt is it better to buy a deck of cards for fortune-telling? Or does it not matter?

    I have a wonderful lover, but I want something more. And everything suits his campaign. I'm afraid to insist on something more, and it’s not a girl who should be inclined towards a more serious and regular relationship, but I want to move on to a new stage. Let the cards help me. They will say no, I will score on him.

    I love silent men. Silence is golden, I love little talk, conversations are clear in fact, without empty words, without "water". To be honest, I don’t like talkative women either, most often it turns into a bazaar. But from such an ideal man for me, it's hard to get the truth about feelings.

    I am from a fairly prosperous family, I don’t need anything. There are a lot of guys with all of them, normal relations, almost friendly, and they all do not live badly either. We hang out together and have a rest with our company. But then a guy from a poor society stuck to me, he is so nothing but constantly asks to marry him. I wondered but he has selfish intentions.

    I really like to tell fortunes to all my friends, they come and ask to tell fortunes on a guy or several. But lately they have become less likely to come. My cards started to lie or my layouts are out of date. I bought new cards and train with my relatives. With the help of your article. They say that everything turns out right.

    Very often we guess with friends about guys. There are a lot of layouts for guys. On their feelings for the girl and intentions, for the future. We always use only these layouts, it very accurately and faithfully shows the guy's relationship to you, and future problems, too, are very clearly visible. I recommend everyone here to guess.

    My husband and I are divorced. I married my husband for a long time, I live very happily. But my ex-faithful person never found a soul mate. Constantly comes to my house. Already sang with my husband, they go to football together and often sit and chat. But he is not breathing evenly towards me. Constantly hugs, then pinches. I wondered here he loves me monogamous.

    We are in the office after the New Year holidays with colleagues, we are hooked on online fortune-telling. As soon as lunch break, we immediately gather in the office with tablets and guess. There are a lot of fortune-telling here. It's good that Ulyanka found this site. Now we hang out here for all offices, even for lunch there is not enough time, it is very delayed.

Each of us represents love in our own way. For some, these are beautiful courtship, romantic gatherings under the moon. And for some, home comfort, reliability and stability. This unique rune chart will help you understand how you and your significant other understand love. Thus, you will check your compatibility, and also learn to understand each other better. This rune divination will help you improve your own relationships, better understand yourself and what you are subconsciously looking for in a partner.

Make an alignment

My vision of love

The first position "My vision of love" will tell you what is most important for you in a relationship. Pay attention to the general description of the rune and a separate line "Feelings". She will describe how you subconsciously see a love union. Negative values ​​indicate various psychological complexes and problems.

A partner's vision of love

The second position "The vision of love in a partner" will give information about his perception of love relationships. The dropped rune will answer the question of what is most important for him in love and how he subconsciously sees it for himself.

Key to my heart

The third position "Key to my heart" will tell you how to behave your loved one in order to win your love. This rune describes the ideal partner for you.

The key to his heart

The fourth position "Key to his heart" will explain how he wants to see his partner. By behaving in the manner described by this rune, you will get his heart forever.

Fortune-telling online on playing cards "Heart" will reveal the secrets of the relationship to you of a hidden person. It is enough to type in the name of the person you are interested in, click on the card and fortune-telling will answer questions such as “What does he (she) feel for me?”, “How does he (she) feel about me?”, “What kind of relationship do I have with him (her) will be? "," What awaits me in the future with this person? "

When starting the fortune-telling "Heart", do not forget - the result of fortune-telling will change, depending on how you indicate the name of the person of interest: in full, in abbreviated form, diminutive or in the form of a name, patronymic and surname.

Enter name:

click on the map

10 Hearts

The one whom you have made up your mind has only friendly sympathy for you, and nothing more. He sees in you only a faithful companion, friend and interesting interlocutor with whom to spend time pleasantly. You can be united by any common professional and business interests, aspirations for high achievements and growth. The most likely development of relations with this person is general cooperation, or, on the contrary, secret rivalry in the professional sphere.


The person you are interested in loves you very much, but you need to be patient and wait for everything to fall into place. An obstacle to love and the development of relationships can be elementary haste and the desire to accelerate events. In this case, any forcing of events in a relationship can destroy plans for a joint future, so be patient - avoid sudden and unexpected changes.


The person you are interested in has not yet decided in relation to you. The main obstacle in the development of relations with this person is the envy of other people and "noble" attempts to interfere with others, relatives and friends. Try to listen to your intuition more and do not take outside advice to heart. The card advises you to beware of intriguers and conspirators, people capable of meanness.


Be careful - the person you are interested in has a heart already taken, or someone has an eye on him. You will have to make a lot of efforts to gain affection for yourself and finally win it. The main obstacle to developing a relationship with this person is his former partners, some of whom still do not give up hope of reunification.


You should think about the correctness of your choice. Most likely, the person you are interested in is a real egoist and does not have any feelings for you. He only cares about his desires and interests, which you will have to indulge in if you want to enter into a relationship with him. Serious relationships weigh on this man, and the mere thought that he will have to spend many years in marriage terrifies him.

6 Hearts

Most likely, this person really likes you. However, do not expect anything good from him - he is able to resort to any means, wanting to achieve his goal, from gallant courtship to brute force. He can take cruel revenge on you, commit unpredictable actions in order to subordinate you to his will. Be careful not to anger him, but also don't let him get too close. Even if you are together, none of you will be happy.

7 Hearts

The person you are interested in is very serious about you. He will do everything for you - he will spare no money or time to bring you joy. If you want your relationship with this person to take place, never interfere in his affairs, do not give him advice, do not try to decide anything for him and never give him reasons for jealousy.

What is in the heart of a loved one is fortune-telling, which determines the feelings and intentions of a person, helps to softly and delicately correct their behavior, on the condition that it develops, and does not destroy, your personality. You can start reading the alignment by determining what is in your heart.

Enjoy your session!

  • Before guessing, focus on the request.

  • It is important to be in a calm environment.

  • You can take a couple of deep breaths and breaths.

  • It is useful to think ahead about the time of the fortune-telling.

  • You should not often guess at the same situation.

  • Think of the answers as an opportunity for personal growth.

  • You decide how great your future will be.

Enjoy your session!

  • What is in your heart in relation to your Partner?
  • What is in his heart in relation to you?
  • What will help keep the Partner with you?
  • What turns the Partner away from you?
  • Close plans of the Partner about you. Near future
  • Long-term plans of the Partner about you. Distant future
  • Surprise or force majeure on the part of the Partner
  • Outcome of the relationship: what will be the next level


  • What is in your heart in relation to your Partner?
  • What is in his heart in relation to you?
  • What will help keep the Partner with you?
  • What turns the Partner away from you?
  • Close plans of the Partner about you.
    Near future.
  • Long-term plans of the Partner about you. Distant future.
  • Surprise or force majeure on the part of the Partner.
  • Outcome of the relationship: what will be the next level?

Click on the cards to fill out the alignment

Click on the cards to find out the meaning


Features of the interpretation of the alignment

Pay attention to 1 personal card. We often ignore its meaning, in a hurry to find out the feelings and plans of the Partner. We are sure that we understand ourselves, our desires and know exactly what we feel about a person. Together with 3 and 4, the first card is a key that opens the door beyond the limiting situation.

Arcana Tarot with swords or restless wands, inverted cards in 1 position ask you to listen to yourself, to express your feelings, if they are suppressed, to recognize your needs. Also, the Major Arcana deserves special attention in this position (usually it is signed with an English name).

Such a card encourages you to live, trust in a certain experience (the one that symbolizes), not to reject (if it is upside down), but to use the strength that you receive with this experience. Looking at yourself, it is easier to understand what your partner is experiencing, how your partner is coping with feelings.

How does his feelings for you on card 2 fit in with his close plans for you in position 5, does he have distant plans for you and a relationship with card 6? What is the unpredictable to expect from a person in step 7? Where will your senses take you with Card 8? Are you satisfied with this level?

Inverted or conflicting arcana in positions 5 and 6 means the absence of clear plans, the uncertainty in which the Partner is. Curly cards (Kings, Queens, Knights, less often Pages) indicate the influence of other people, that the development of the issue depends on the expression of the specific qualities of yours or your Partner.

Wands personify temperament, passion, desire to achieve, the need for recognition, respect. Swords are associated with independence, discernment, rationality. Cups need tenderness, understanding, participation. Pentacles - reliability and stability.

Transform your interpretation of your alignment into an exciting Relationship story reading. Where, instead of fictional characters, you and your Partner are real people with their own weirdness and dignity, alive, real. Please treat your tarot reading as the art of noticing the invisible, making connections, getting into the very heart of what matters.

New project coming soon!

Red Book of Love

Online Practices

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