The Hebrew name is Misha. Michael - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

The Hebrew name is Misha.  Michael - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope
The Hebrew name is Misha. Michael - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

The name Mikhail is one of the most ancient in Russian culture, so knowledge about his characteristics and hidden talents is passed down from generation to generation. They will help Michael cope with difficulties and direct his life in the right direction.

The meaning and origin of the name

This name appeared long before the birth of Jesus Christ. The source of the origin of the name Michael is Hebrew culture. His meaning is very strong - "equal to God" or "close to God." Michael was one of the seven archangels, the supreme representatives of God on Earth.

Archangel Michael was the protector of the Jewish people. He appeared to several people in denunciation of the war. In Russia, this name appeared very early, so it can be considered one of the most ancient. Since the name Michael has Jewish roots, it is both Catholic and Orthodox. The Catholic version of Michael is Michael or Michael. There is even a female version - Mikhailina.

The fate and character of Mikhail

Throughout his life, Mikhail strives to find the perfect soul mate. His character does not allow him to cheat on his wife, as he appreciates what he has. He is attentive to everyone, since he does not want to offend anyone or deprive anyone of love. Each family member has a special value in the eyes of Mikhail.

The exact sciences are easy for Michael, but they prefer to become doctors, teachers, because they strive to help people and always want to see the result of their work. Their personal qualities often allow them to gain the favor of all colleagues, so they often become leaders of the highest level. In a word, fate does not deprive them of luck. Michael loves everything beautiful - beautiful films, books, paintings, cars, houses, clothes and, of course, women.

By nature, these men are very sociable and very charming. They are very active, as they love to work and relax. At work on weekdays, they work hard, and on weekends it is difficult to find them with work questions.

They are generous, kind and very pleasant personalities, with whom it is always pleasant to spend time, therefore, friends, acquaintances and close people accompany them on the path of life. In love, Mikhail is also generous, but in return he requires affection and mutual attention. In the character of Mikhail lies the desire for balance: he seeks to thank for the help, but he can harbor resentment and remember the injustice committed against those to whom he is not indifferent.

The meaning of the name Michael for a child: choosing a name for children

As a child, Mikhail likes to be in the spotlight. Usually boys named Michael are very handsome and attract many looks. Particularly gifted and resourceful people deftly use this for their own purposes.

From an early age, he appreciates beauty. With age, this side of Misha may change, but he will always have something of the connoisseur of beauty. That is why from an early age he always has a hobby. Also, Michael early begins to build love relationships with the opposite sex.

As for the meaning of an abbreviated name for a child, usually in childhood Mikhail likes to be called Misha. This form of the name sounds soft and pleasant, which corresponds to the energy of the child named Mikhail.

Characteristics of the name Mikhail

Energy named: Mikhail has a very light and light aura that attracts with its openness. Energetically, Mikhail is very dependent, but with the right nourishment from his parents and friends, he dramatically increases his chances of success in absolutely any business, breaking out into the first places in all spheres of life. For Mikhail, the main thing is help and support.

Mikhail's birthday: November 21 and September 19 are days dedicated to the Supreme Archangel Michael. December 31 is the day of St. Michael of Constantinople.

What patronymic the name Michael is suitable for: Igorevich, Vladimirovich, Petrovich, Pavlovich, Andreevich.

Patron animal: the bear and also the wolf are strong totemic beasts.

Name element: Michael is a typical representative of the fire element. It must be kindled and saturated with air, like a real fire. Without support, it will simply fade away.

Zodiac sign: Michael's craving for selfishness must be lowered, so this name is ideal for the Zodiac Signs Virgo or Taurus. If we take the Fire Signs, then the best of them is Sagittarius. The rest of the constellations affect the owner of this name much less.

Stone amulet: jasper, which protects Michael from evil people, evil spirits and bad intentions.

Metal: calm and not too flashy aluminum.

Colour: yellow and green. These colors are distinguished by the calmness that is characteristic of a man named Mikhail.

Planet: sociable and diplomatic Mercury.

Auspicious day of the week: Friday.

Plant: strawberries that represent joy and love.

Lucky number: 8.

Notable representatives: Mikhail Efremov (contemporary actor), Mikhail Lermontov (great Russian writer), Mikhail Lomonosov (scientist, outstanding scientist), Mikhail Kalashnikov (world-famous weapons designer), Mikhail Bulgakov (great writer), Mikhail Boyarsky (actor), Mikhail Sholokhov (Writer).

By acquiring knowledge of your name, you will discover your hidden talents and abilities. The name helps you to see yourself from the outside and identify what can lead you to success and well-being.

Numerology male name Mikhail

Eight, the number of the name Michael, speaks of decisiveness in actions and incredible sensitivity, the ability to grasp everything on the fly. He loves everything in life to go clearly, according to the schedule, although he knows that sometimes improvisation is also useful. If we talk about qualities, then this name gives out a strong nature that is able to achieve all the goals set, if there is a person nearby who can support ... A more detailed numerological analysis of the name is possible.

All names alphabetically:

Lent is a time of abstinence from animal food. It's very important to follow the rules every day, so ...

The moon and stars, the signs of the zodiac and the elements of the earth - all these forces exert on a person ...

Striving to look fashionable and stylish is one of your main priorities in life. Your clothes are always non-standard and correspond to the “latest trends”. However, one should not completely ignore the well-known truth that says: "It is better to be half a step behind fashion than one step ahead." Clothes should first of all correspond to the moment and emphasize your dignity, and not create them. Again, all the same, they are seen off in the mind, and the flashy external appearance does not in any way indicate its presence.

Name compatibility Mikhail, manifestation of love

Mikhail, your characteristic qualities are charm, romance and the ability to clothe your feelings in such forms that cannot but cause a response. Being in love gives you a feeling of fullness of life, continuous euphoria. Your gift to find features of beauty in every prospective partner is amazing and delightful. However, as soon as a relationship loses its charm of novelty, becomes routine and obligatory, your interest in us quickly fades away. But although you often endure the rupture itself, the memories of it remain quite painful for you for a long time, because you love to sort through and analyze the smallest details and circumstances, comparing the past with the present.


You are gifted with a bright personality, and all your spiritual aspirations are directed towards realizing your existing abilities in one way or another. This desire often determines your choice.

But the abilities are many, and they are very diverse. Accordingly, there may be several ways to implement them. Therefore, quite often you are faced with the need to give up one opportunity in favor of another.

It is good if you have enough discretion to focus on a specific goal, and direct all your efforts towards achieving it. It is bad if you are trying to "chase two birds with one stone", not wanting to give up even a small chance of success. In this case, you run the risk of wasting all your mental potential in vain, “spray” it, let it go down the wind. And - be left with nothing.

You should trust your heart more. He does not care about external brilliance, all that tinsel that usually adorns the life of artistic natures. Therefore, it is it that will prompt you the only correct decision at the right time. Try to "hear" him.

The name Michael is an interesting monument of Hebrew culture. It can tell a lot about the beginnings of world religions, about the emergence and formation of Christianity.

The name Michael is first mentioned in the Old Testament in the Bible. It comes from the Aramaic Mikael, which means "equal to the god Yahweh." This name is one of the most common all over the world, since the Archangel Michael is revered not only by Christians and Jews, but also by Muslims, whose religion is also based on biblical traditions.

According to another version, however, the Aramaic phrase "Mi ka el" literally means the interrogative "Who is like God?", That is, "No one is equal to God." Let's also admit another option: "The one who is like e-mail." "El", or "El" in Russian translations traditionally means "God", but the meaning of this word has historically undergone many changes, and its original meaning remains a mystery.

In the Old Testament, Michael is the senior messenger of the Most High and the protector of the Jewish people.

According to the books of the Old and New Testaments, the Archangel Michael is a warrior, a fighter against Ecumenical evil. In the Christian religious tradition, Michael is assigned the role of a judge at the Last Judgment. According to Jewish tradition, Michael is one of the four angels standing in front of the throne of the Lord and guarding the four cardinal points.

In some non-canonical, recognized as heretical teachings, the Archangel Michael appears as the main enemy of humanity and the Lord. According to the canonical text, God loved and singled out one of the archangels - Lucifer. Lucifer became proud and wanted to rule the world himself. For this, the Lord commanded Michael to drive Lucifer out of paradise, and with him the rest of the rebels. The fallen angels flew to earth and turned into demons, and since then Lucifer began to bear the name Satan. For the victory over Lucifer, the Lord gave Michael the title of Archangel, that is, the supreme military leader. In non-canonical teachings, Michael appears as an envious of Lucifer and a slanderer, and Lucifer is an innocently suffering angel.

Among the many miracles attributed to the Archangel Michael, two are the most famous. One of them is the so-called "Miracle of the salvation of Novgorod" in 1239 from the invasion of Batu, described in the Volokolamsk patericon. According to the source, God and the Mother of God protected the city with the appearance of Michael, who forbade Batu to go to Novgorod. Batu went to Kiev. Seeing a fresco with the image of Mikhail in Kiev, he said: "Choose this one to go to Veliky Novgorod." Another famous miracle is the help of the Archangel Michael to the heroine of France Jeanne d "Arc.

Name days: January 24, February 27, April 29, May 15, June 28, July 12, July 16, August 11, September 19, October 3, October 13, October 14, October 15, December 5, December 31.

Famous Michael: Mikhail Lomonosov, scientist; Mikhail Kutuzov, military leader; Mikhail Lermontov, poet; Mikhail Vrubel, artist; Mikhail Kalashnikov, gunsmith.

Sources: Petrovsky N.A. Dictionary of Russian personal names. A. V. Superanskaya Features of Russian proper names. Biblical legends and traditions. Old Testament. Orthodox Months. Higir B.Yu. Encyclopedia of names.

The meaning of the name Michael must be sought in hoary antiquity. The name Michael came to us in the Russian language along with the adoption of Orthodoxy in Kievan Rus. It came from Greece, but this is not the ancestral home of the name. This name came to Greece along with Christianity from the Middle East. In the Middle East, the name was popular with Jews and originally sounded like Michael (in Hebrew מִיכָאֵל). Comes from the fusion of several Hebrew words. These are the words "מי כמו" and the word "אלוהים", read as "mi kmo elohim". Often it was shortened to "mi-ka-el", and meant "Who is like God." In some sources it is deciphered in a little more detail - "He who is like God".

The meaning of the name Michael for a child

Little Misha is a friendly and companionable boy from an early age. He loves company and if the company is good, then this makes life much easier for parents and teachers. If you find Mikhail's company, then he doesn't need you at all during the game. Mikhail is a very diligent boy and if he gets down to business, it will be done conscientiously.

Misha is a very artistic boy and loves various amateur performances. Mikhail's excellent vocal abilities are not immediately visible, but if he studies, then he has great prospects in this direction.

Michael in adolescence may have problems with the perception of his Self. He is prone to insecurity and fearfulness. Parents have a lot of work to do so that the boy believes in his own strength and is not afraid to go through life himself.

Abbreviated name Mikhail

Misha, Micha, Miho, Mika, Michael, Minya, Mina, Mikhailo, Mishara, Mishata, Mishuta.

Diminutive names

Mishan, Mishunya, Mikhanya, Mishulya, Mikhailushka, Minyusha, Mishuk, Mikhail, Minush, Minyasha, Minash, Mikhas.

Patronymic of children

Mikhailovich and Mikhailovna. It does not have a common folk form of abbreviation of the patronymic.

Name Michael in English

Michael in English is spelled as Michael, and pronounced as Michael.

Name Michael for international passport differs from the English spelling. According to the latest transliteration rules in the Russian passport, it is correct to write Mikhail.

Translation of the name Michael into other languages

in Azeri - Mikayıl
in Arabic - مكايل, ميكائيل (Mikail)
in Armenian - Միքայել, Միքայէլ (Mikgayel), Միխէիլ (Mikhail)
in Belarusian - Mikhal, Mikhas
in Bulgarian - Mikhail
in Hungarian - Mihály
in Greek - Μιχαήλ
in Hebrew - מיכאל
in Spanish - Miguel
in Italian - Michele
in Chinese - 米哈依 尔
in Latin - Michael
in German - Michael
in Polish - Michał
in Portuguese - Miguel
in Romanian - Mihai
in Serbian - Mikhailo (Mikhailo)
in Ukrainian - Mikhailo (Mykhailo), Mikhaϊl (Mykhailo) Mikhaϊl.
in French - Michel
in Japanese - ミ ハ イ ル

Name Michael in the church(in the Orthodox faith) does not change. It is considered a very revered name.

Characteristics of the name Mikhail

Michaels are people with excellent communication skills. This characteristic brings Michael a lot of dividends. Michael also attracts people because it is easy to establish contact with him. He is not inclined to criticism, and if he jokes at a person, then he does not scoff at the same. Misha is also not prone to rancor. He either forgives offenses or simply forgets them. At the same time, Mikhail's character combines two opposites: he relies heavily on logic and sometimes acts at random. His unexpected switches from smart to gambling and back again confuse others.

Misha has a hard time enduring unfortunate moments in his life. If the failures lined up in succession, then he may lose heart and then Michael needs help. But this does not mean that he is afraid of life's challenges. This is especially noticeable in the adult Michael. He can get bored with life without challenges, and then he can suddenly change jobs or somehow diversify his life.

Mikhail is a responsible and persistent worker in his work. He easily copes with the work related to managing people, although he does not strongly strive for this. He has excellent data in financial services and other areas related to analytics. At the same time, Mikhail's intuition allows him to avoid many problems along the way.

Michael treats women with special trepidation. He can deify his beloved for so long that he will see shortcomings in many, many years. He cares about his chosen ones in such a way that any woman can envy. He will surround his beloved with attention and become her that very reliable back, behind which you can hide from any life's troubles. He likes gentle and sweet girls. Rudeness and vulgarity cause strong rejection in him.

Children for Mikhail are a very important part of family life. He loves children very much, and they reciprocate. She loves to please her children with gifts and is happy to pay attention to them.

In sex, Michael can not be called passionate. Rather, he is a caring and attentive lover. With age, Michael's sexuality is revealed, but it is still difficult to call her temperamental. Often, the first partner becomes Mikhail's wife. In the field of intimate relationships, he is very selective and it is very difficult to seduce him.

The mystery of the name Mikhail

Mikhail's main secret is his penchant for unexpected decisions. He is so predictable in everyday life that sometimes even rather small changes in behavior surprise his acquaintances. And this is not to mention the fact that it can really change dramatically.

Another secret is love for animals. In a pumped-up big man, you can find someone who goes to feed stray cats and dogs in the evenings. This gives little Misha's parents certain difficulties in the form of living creatures brought home or an empty refrigerator. Let the adult Mikhail negotiate with his other half himself, we will not dissuade him.

Planet- Saturn.

Zodiac sign- Scales.

Totem animal- Tiger.

The color of the name Mikhail- Red, Blue (more precisely, aqua).

Wood- Linden.

Plant- Strawberries.

Stone- Jasper, better if green.

Guardian angel named Michael and his patron can be found by date of birth. If you know the date of birth, then see the patron saint of the name Michael in a special article.

The meaning of the name Michael is translated from the Hebrew language as “ like god», « equal to god».

The name has a strong energy and the origin of the name Mikhail largely determines the character of its owner, however, its influence to some extent can be smoothed out, since the name is quite common. In its rather soft sound, one can feel at the same time firmness and severity, so in Russia this name has long been called a bear? Mikhail Potapych, which also has something to say.


Since childhood, Misha has been distinguished by great mobility, activity in children's games. He is interested in the world around him in all its diversity, his range of interests is not limited to school activities, he may have more than one hobby and hobby, many of which will depend on his environment and upbringing. It should be noted that Misha's activity is not burdensome for her parents, she is balanced.

Misha is rarely capricious and does stupid things that can upset his loved ones, he is good-natured. Differs in diligence and desire to please his family. But besides this, the name inclines to touchiness, sometimes Misha can get very upset, resentments penetrate deep into his soul, painfully perceives criticism.

With age, Mikhail becomes more calm and balanced. It is characterized by logical thinking and objectivity. However, his resentment can stay with him for life and give him a lot of trouble. Mikhail is endowed with sufficient pride, and resentment can shake his self-confidence, interfere with the fulfillment of his goals and the implementation of life plans, in general, become a serious problem for him. After all, resentment is not compatible with ambitious aspirations, in order to achieve something, you need to be able to sometimes ignore criticism and criticism, you need to be ready to resist those who want to suppress you morally. One can wish Michael just to learn this.


Often, Misha succeeds in resisting unfriendly critics with a sense of humor and a timely, sharp word. It will still be most favorable if Michael simply begins to believe in himself more and tries to make his pride less sensitive. And if he succeeds, then there is every reason for his life to be successful.

Mikhail is a sociable person, in an unfamiliar environment he will not be confused and will be able to find his place due to his natural balance. The characteristic of the name Mikhail is positive from any point of view. He will be a diligent and diligent worker, but in a family? a good host. He loves animals, almost always there is either a cat or a dog in Mikhail's house.

In women, Michael is repelled by rudeness and callousness. He himself is jealous, and he is not always able to control this feeling. His chosen one must have kindness and gentleness of character. Scandals in such a family will be minimized, since Mikhail himself is quick-witted and is always ready to forgive.

The mystery of the name Mikhail: For all his calmness, in the event of a dispute, Mikhail quite successfully ironic and wittily parries the opponent's attack. Recognize his point of view for him, it has a place to be, even if he may not always be right. Michaels are rarely vindictive.

Name horoscope

What does the name mean from the point of view of astrology:
  • Zodiac correspondence of the name: Libra.
  • Patron planet: Mercury.
  • Characteristic features: activity, curiosity, sensitivity.
  • Name colors: yellow, brown, green, light green.
  • Patron saints of the name: Michael the Archangel, Mikhail Bolgarsky.
  • Name days: November 21, December 5.
  • Talisman stone: chrysoprase, jasper.