Additional type of activity for SP. Changes to okved ip (adding codes)

Additional type of activity for SP. Changes to okved ip (adding codes)

Entrepreneurs are required to register their activities with the tax office. When submitting an application, they enter into the document the codes of the activity they plan to be engaged in - OKVED. The IFTS transmits the information received to the statistics authorities, which monitor the economic situation and the distribution of business by industry.

Changes to OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs in 2018

Since July 2016, newly registered entrepreneurs are required to choose activity codes in the OKVED-2 classifier, otherwise it is called OK 029–2014. For businessmen who registered earlier, the tax office automatically changed the codes from the old OKVED to new ones - you can find them out by ordering an extract from the USRIP.

Classifier structure

The OKVED-2 classifier was created to distribute all possible types of entrepreneurial activity into categories. It contains sections designated by Latin letters from A to U, within which there are classes indexed with two numbers, subclasses with three numbers, and categories designated with four numbers.

When choosing a type of activity, go from general to specific: first select a section, then a class, and inside it - a category and type

For example, section I - "Activities of public catering establishments" includes classes:

  • 55 - "Provision of places of residence";
  • 56 - "Provision of food".

Within each class of section I, there are subclasses:

  • 1 - "Hotel activities";
  • 2 - "Provision of places for short-term residence";
  • other.

What gives the choice of a code to an individual entrepreneur

The choice of OKVED affects the ability to apply one or another taxation system. Individual entrepreneurs prefer to change the general system to a simplified system (STS), imputed (UTII) or patent (PSN). The list of activities for which the UTII regime can be determined is limited. Thus, it cannot be used by legal services firms or notary offices. With the simplified tax system, the situation is simpler, but there are also limitations. The chosen type of activity affects the amount of paid insurance premiums.

If, when registering an individual entrepreneur, you chose one code, and later decided to engage in another activity, you must submit a tax application and add / change codes, and this must be done within three days from the start of a new type of activity. Changing the direction of work is a frequent occurrence among entrepreneurs, so the procedure for changing the OKVED is extremely simple.

An example of incorrect use of codes: starting to trade in fruits under the current OKVED "Hairdressing services", you run the risk of getting a fine and other sanctions from the tax inspectorate

For late filing of an application to change OKVED, a fine of up to 5 thousand rubles is threatened. Work in a direction that does not correspond to the declared OKVED entails more serious problems: refusal to reimburse VAT, fines for non-submission of declarations, overstated fees “for injuries”.

The main OKVED is one, but the number of additional codes is not limited. You can rewrite even the entire classifier into a statement.

What documents are needed to make changes

Collect a package of documents for making changes. If you go to the tax office in person, you will need:

  • passport or copy;
  • statement Р24001.

If your representative goes to the IFTS, you will have to write a power of attorney in his name allowing you to make changes to the USRIP, and the signature in the application and a copy of the passport must be certified by a notary. For notarization of the signature, you will need a passport, original TIN, OGRNIP certificate and an extract from the register of entrepreneurs. The cost of the service is 1200–1700 rubles.

It is not necessary to draw up an application in duplicate - after checking the submitted documents, the tax inspector will simply give you a receipt for their acceptance.

Changing the code of the main economic activity

You can change the main OKVED without fear if you work independently. But as an employer, remember that some activities are considered risky. If the selected OKVED indicates a hazardous activity, you will have to pay large contributions for employees.

If you are registered as an individual entrepreneur and change the main OKVED, then by April 15 of the year following the reporting year, you must inform the Social Insurance Fund of the changes. In this case, the main type of activity is considered the type of activity from which the largest income was received in the previous year.

How to choose a code for a change

There can be only one main OKVED, the rest are secondary. Changing the direction of work, you have to change the code. Algorithm for choosing OKVED for the main activity:

  1. Open the extract from EGRIP and look at the codes indicated in it.
  2. If you issued an individual entrepreneur earlier than July 2016, then the codes that you indicated according to OKVED-1 should be automatically replaced with new ones from OKVED-2. If, for some reason, the extract contains old data, independently correlate them with the OKVED-2 classifier using comparative tables.
  3. Select the new code of the main activity according to OKVED-2 within four digits.
  4. Check if the new direction is subject to licensing and if additional help is needed to specify it.

For example, you were engaged in dog training, and then decided to open a veterinary clinic and understand that it will bring more income. So, apply to change OKVED. Training refers to code 96.09 - "Provision of other services", and veterinary activities - to code 75.00 with the same name. At the same time, a license is required to open a veterinary clinic.

How to fill out an application, a sample of filling

The current application form can be downloaded on the FTS website and filled out in one of the following ways:

  • by hand in black pen, printed in capital letters;
  • on a computer in Courier New font;
  • using the program "Preparation of a package of documents for state registration".

There are 9 sheets in the P24001 form in total, but you do not need to fill out everything. To change the main OKVED, the following are required:

  • title page with information about the entrepreneur;

    When submitting an application to change OKVED, indicate your data on the title page

  • sheet E, page 1, paragraph 1.1 (enter a new OKVED);

    In the R24001 application, the first page of sheet E is intended for the introduction of new OKVED codes

  • sheet E, page 2, point 2.1 (insert old code);

    In the R24001 application, the second page of sheet E serves to exclude old OKVED codes

  • sheet J.

    Sign an application to change OKVED in the presence of a tax inspector - this way you will avoid the costs of notarization of documents

Use the program "Preparation of a package of documents for state registration" if you are afraid of making mistakes when filling out the application manually. Procedure for automatic filling:

  1. Download the program download file from the tax office website.
  2. Open the program and click on the "New Document" button. Select the type of application - P24001.

    In the program for the automatic generation of documents, you can fill out not only a form to replace OKVED, but also other applications

  3. Fill out the cover page and go to the “Sheet E” tab. Click on the "Add Sheet" button - on the right.

    The number of E sheets in the P24001 application is not limited - you can add sheets in the program as the codes are entered

  4. Fill in paragraphs 1.1 and 2.1 to change the main OKVED or 1.2 to enter additional codes.
  5. Go to the "Sheet G" tab and enter your contacts - phone number and e-mail.

    It is necessary to check the correctness of the applicant's email address and phone number - the tax office uses the data to inform about the status of the service

  6. Click on the "Print" button with your printer to save or print your document.

Having prepared the document, you can bring it to the tax office in person or sign it using the Program for the preparation of electronic documents and submit it to the inspector in automatic mode. Sending an electronic application online is possible only if you have access to the individual account of the individual entrepreneur and an electronic signature.

To work in the program:

  1. Download the installation file from the tax office website.
  2. Install and open the program.
  3. Select the type of application: Р24001.
  4. Fill in the fields "Tax authority code" and "Information about the applicant".

    The program for automatically signing an application to change OKVED warns of errors made during the entry of IP data

  5. Download the application form and fill it out.
  6. Open the application in the program by clicking "Add", then click the "Sign" button.

    A completed application template for changing OKVED codes must be added to the electronic signature program

  7. Select the required signature and click "Generate".

    When a package of documents for the tax inspection is generated, it will be automatically packed into the archive

  8. Upload the finished package of documents to the individual account of the individual entrepreneur in the section "Services - Changes to information".

    Documents certified with an electronic signature, you can send to the inspection directly through the entrepreneur's personal account

  9. Click the "Submit" button.

The next day you will receive a notification that the application has been accepted.

A sample of the completed application to change the main OKVED - download.

Video: how to fill out an application to change the OKVED IP

Changing the codes of additional activities

The number of additional codes for an entrepreneur is not limited. You can write 57 codes on one sheet, and then add new sheets. Be careful - unnecessary codes threaten with fines and sanctions from the tax office.

If OKVED contains codes by which the STS and UTII can be used, and you work only on UTII, then the tax inspectorate will issue a fine for non-submission of zero declarations according to the STS.

To add additional codes without changing the main type of activity, fill out the following sheets of application P24001:

  • sheet 1 (title);
  • sheet E, page 1, item 1.2 (add new codes);
  • sheet G, page 1.

Register only new activity codes on sheet E - those that have already been indicated will be saved in the information automatically.

If one of the selected codes relates to the fields of education, medical care, child-rearing or culture, you may be required to provide a certificate of no criminal record (Federal Law No. 129, Art. 22.1). Usually, the IFTS requests a certificate directly, but to speed up the procedure, you can submit the document yourself.

To exclude unnecessary codes, fill out sheet E, page 2, clause 2.2. If you wish, you can make several changes at the same time - for this, fill out all the sheets on which the data will be changed.

Photo gallery: sample filling Р24001

Fill in the information about the entrepreneur on the title page Enter additional codes in Sheet E that you will add to the existing ones On sheet G, choose how you will receive an answer and sign your signature

Submission of documents for changing OKVED codes

No state duty is charged for making changes to OKVED. You just need to bring an application to the tax office where the individual entrepreneur was registered.

Application methods:

  • personally or through a representative - discussed above;
  • online, through your personal account on the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation - discussed above;
  • sending by mail to Russia.

To send documents by mail, sew and certify the application and a copy of your passport with a notary. When excluding / adding additional codes, you do not need to certify a photocopy. Check that the application is dated, stamped and signed, and send the package by registered mail with notification and a list of the attachments.

The term for making changes is 5 working days. You can pick up new documents by contacting the tax office with a passport and an employee's receipt for accepting the application. The inspector will issue:

  • EGRIP record sheet;
  • extract from USRIP with new codes.

When the tax office can refuse to amend the OKVED

In practice, failures are rare, usually for technical reasons. If the inspector informs that you are denied to make changes, ask him to provide a written decision on the refusal with an indication of the reason, the signature of the person who made the decision, and the seal of the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate.

Possible grounds for refusal:

  • provision of an incomplete set of documents;
  • incorrectly completed application;
  • documents are not certified by a notary or certified with errors;
  • the signature of an unauthorized person in the application for the change of OKVED.

After receiving a reasoned refusal, eliminate the cause and re-apply. Having come to the tax office in person, you can ask the inspector to look through the papers for errors - most of the IFTS employees are sympathetic to such requests.

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This step-by-step instruction "how to add OKVED to IP in 2018" is conceived rather as an educational program for beginners, since the registration action itself is quite simple.

What changes in OKVED for individual entrepreneurs can be made

For an individual entrepreneur, as for an LLC, with OKVED codes contained in the USRIP, four actions can be done:
  • add new codes without changing old ones;
  • completely replace all codes;
  • replace only part of the codes;
  • delete some of the existing ones without adding new ones.
You can also simply add the code of the main activity (then the previous code will become an additional type), or delete the previous one and specify a new one.

How to make changes to OKVED for individual entrepreneurs in 2018

To make these changes, you will need to fill out and submit it to the registration authority. If you submit in person, you will not need a notarial certification of the signature on the application.

The procedure for filling out the application is as follows:

Page 1: point 1 is filled in completely. subparagraph 2.1 select the value "1".

Sheet E. Paragraph 1 of sheet E for entering new codes according to OKVED, paragraph 2 - for deleting those already existing in the USRIP. Hereinafter, codes are used that are at least four digits long.

If we want to introduce a new main type of activity, we fill out subparagraph 1.1. If not, leave it blank. Accordingly, if we want to delete the old main one, we fill in subparagraph 2.1, if we want to transfer it to additional ones, we do not fill it.

In subparagraph 1.2, we enter all the codes that we want to enter.

In subparagraph 2.2, we indicate all the codes that we want to remove from the USRIP.

On Sheet G, we indicate the desired method of obtaining documents (in person, through an intermediary, by mail), and also be sure to indicate the contact phone number and e-mail address of the applicant.

In addition to the application in the P24001 form, you will need a notarized power of attorney if the individual entrepreneur does not submit it himself, but sends a courier. But then the application itself will need to be certified by a notary.

Should an individual entrepreneur change OKVED when changing activities

Quite frequent questions that entrepreneurs ask are whether there is an upper limit on the number of OKVED codes indicated in the USRIP, and is it necessary to change these codes if you change your activity.

On the one hand, in paragraphs. "O" clause 2 of Art. 5 indicates codes according to OKVED with information that must be indicated in the USRIP. At the same time, paragraph 5 of the same article instructs an individual entrepreneur to make the necessary changes to the USRIP within three days if the information, including about the codes according to OKVED, has been changed. True, how can he confirm his decision to change? SP does not make written decisions to change anything. Most likely, the legislator hopes for the good faith of the individual entrepreneur.

And if the necessary changes are not made, there is a risk of being fined 5,000 rubles under Part 3 of Art. 14.25 Administrative Code. If, of course, someone will sit and compare what the individual entrepreneur is actually doing, and what he has indicated about it in the USRIP. In fact, hardly anyone will catch him.

On the other hand, if an individual entrepreneur under a special tax regime receives income from an activity whose type is not indicated in OKVED, the tax authority has the right to consider these incomes received by an individual and not an individual entrepreneur, with the appropriate tax rate. Example - in case No. А32-46885 / 2014:

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 5 of the Federal Law of 08.08.2001 N 129-FZ "On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs", the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs contains information about the codes for the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities. When registering as an individual entrepreneur, a taxpayer independently indicates the types of economic activities that he plans to carry out.
If the type of activity is not registered in USRIP, then an individual entrepreneur can make a corresponding change in the information and, from the date of registration of this change, begin to carry out the specified activity, taking into account the income received within the framework of the simplified taxation system.

Based on this, income from activities falling under the type of activity specified by an individual entrepreneur during registration are recognized as income received from the implementation of entrepreneurial activities, and a simplified taxation system is applied to such income.

If an individual entrepreneur applying the simplified taxation system carries out activities outside the scope of the types of activities specified by the individual entrepreneur during registration, and contracts for the sale of real estate are concluded by him as 16 А32-46885 / 2014 by an individual, and not an individual entrepreneur, then income he received from such activities are subject to taxation of personal income tax in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 23 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

It is reasonable to imagine other possible problems with the tax authorities if the actual activity of the individual entrepreneur does not match the one included in the USRIP.

Since state fees are not paid for entering OKVEDs for individual entrepreneurs, an application for personal filing can also not be certified, it is easier to make the necessary changes to the USRIP in order to avoid possible problems in the future.

If an organization decides to open a new activity, it is necessary to inform the tax authority about this by adding OKVED codes (All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities) to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Read our instructions on how to add OKVED for LLC in 2019.

Attention! If you do not enter new codes in the register on time, officials will issue you a warning or fine you 5,000 rubles (according to Art. 25 of the Law on State Registration No. 129-FZ and Art. 14.25 of the Administrative Code).

When it is necessary to make changes according to OKVED

The organization indicates codes by type of activity during registration, thereby declaring the field of activity in which it will work. If an existing organization decides to open a new and / or close a previous direction, it will have to tell the state about this and secure the current OKVED codes. In 2019, the codes are in one document OKVED OK 029-2014.

STEP 1. Make a decision to add a list of OKVED codes

Before changing activities or opening a new direction, document your decision. If the company has one founder, he alone decides on this. If there are several founders, the minutes of the meeting of the founders are drawn up.

Making a decision:

  • the OKVED code is added / removed;
  • changes are made to the Charter (if it is accepted in the Charter that the company can conduct any legal activity, there is no need to make changes);
  • the person responsible for the registration of code changes is selected.

STEP 2. Select the application form for changing codes

The organization submits an application to the Federal Tax Service in the form of P13001 or P14001. The choice of application form depends on your Articles of Association:

  • Application form R130001 served if certain types of activities are prescribed in the Charter of the organization. We'll have to pay a state fee of 800 rubles.
  • Application form R140001 filed if the organization's charter states that it can conduct any activity that is not prohibited in the Russian Federation.

STEP 3. Fill out the application for changing the codes. Assure by a notary

When we have decided on the application form, we need to fill it out.

  • Form P130001: we fill in the title page, on the sheet "L" we write down the added codes and exceptions. Information about the applicant is filled in on sheet "M".
  • Form P140001: we fill in the title page, on sheet "H" we indicate the changing codes, on sheet "P" we enter information about the applicant.

We will certify the paper with a notary. This is a required step., even if the director hand over documents to the tax office with his own hands.

STEP 4. Submit the documents to the tax

We hand over the documents to the tax office where the LLC was registered. Also, the package of documents is accepted by the MFC.

Important! From the moment of registration of the protocol, the application submission period is 3 working days. In case of violation of the term, a fine of 5,000 rubles is possible.

The required documents are divided into two types. If the code is added with changes to the bylaws, submit:

  • application form R130001;
  • the decision of the founder or the minutes of the meeting of participants on changes in the Charter and the addition of a new code;
  • new Charter in 2 copies;
  • a receipt for payment of the state duty of 800 rubles.

If the code is added without changes to the charter:

  • application form R140001;
  • the decision of the founder or the minutes of the meeting of participants to add the code;
  • in this case, you do not need to pay the state fee.

STEP 5. Collect the documents

All changes are submitted to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities within 5 working days. After that, contact the tax office for an up-to-date extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and a copy of the charter with a tax mark. If you submitted documents through the MFC, the term for making changes may be increased.

The procedure for making changes does not take much time, if you do not make mistakes. Thanks to step-by-step instructions, any legal entity can open a new type of activity. The main thing is not to master a new direction until its legality is confirmed.

Are you opening a new activity? The Kontur.Accounting web service is suitable for most small businesses. Easily keep records, pay salaries, submit reports via the Internet and get advice from our experts.

Starting his own business, an individual entrepreneur selects from the table of the classifier of OKVED codes the types of activities that he plans to engage in. And although their number is not legally limited, it is still quite often necessary to add new activity codes with the subsequent registration of changes with the tax authorities.

Key Steps in the Process for Adding an Economic Activity Code

The requirements for the registration of changes and the procedure for introducing a new code of entrepreneurial activity are regulated by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The procedure for adding a new type of activity can be represented in several stages:

  1. Selecting a code from the OKVED list.
  2. Filling out an application.
  3. Application submission.
  4. Obtaining supporting documents.

Code selection

The choice of the code is made according to the OKVED classifier (All-Russian classifier of types of economic activities). Moreover, at present, only the classifier OKVED-2 or OK 029-2014 is used. It was put into effect by order of Rosstandart No. 14-st of 01/31/2014.

Currently, only OKVED2 is used to designate codes of economic activity (OK 029-2014)

It should be borne in mind that the transition period when it was possible to use codes from the old OKVED classifier has now ended. In order not to be mistaken and not to apply the old code instead of the new one, you can see the transition table created by the FTS specialists.

Entrepreneurs who registered their activities before the latest changes in OKVED are not required to change the old codes of their activities to new codes or report this to the tax office. However, the new classifier may lack an analogue of the old code at all. In this case, the entrepreneur will have to write a statement to the tax authority and go through the entire procedure. True, there is no punishment for using the code in the old edition.

Adding new code, on the other hand, must be taken seriously. All codes in the classifier are divided into 21 sections and are designated by Latin letters from A to U. These letters are not used to designate the codes themselves. The code is encrypted in a series of numbers, placed in pairs and separated by a dot between the pairs. The code that denotes a specific type of economic activity contains from 2 to 6 digits. The activity code for individual entrepreneurs should not be less than 4 digits.

When choosing codes, a novice entrepreneur often makes a mistake: he unnecessarily narrows the scope of his business. This subsequently leads to the need to add new codes. Theoretically, it is possible to enter into the registration application any number of OKVEDs, of which there are more than 2 thousand in the classifier. The page contains the names of 57 codes, but there can be several such pages. In practice, an entrepreneur, guided by common sense, enters no more than 20 codes that characterize the directions of his business.

And it should also be remembered that many types of activities require special permits or licenses. This, of course, does not hurt to enter them into the list of codes, but it will be possible to work in the indicated directions only if the appropriate permits exist.

It is necessary to approach the choice of the main activity code with even greater care: there can be only one. This is primarily due to the calculation of contributions to the FSS of the Russian Federation, the amount of which directly depends on specific types of activities. For example, the higher the risks of damage to health during work, the higher the insurance premiums will naturally be.

And of course, one should not forget that some types of activities are prohibited for individual entrepreneurs. For example, this applies to the manufacture of drugs or to many jobs in the production and repair of weapons and military equipment. And to perform some work, in addition to a license, you may also need other documents. For example, to work in the field of upbringing and development of children, you must have a certificate of no criminal record.

Remember that it is necessary to coordinate the planned activities with the chosen taxation method.

Registration of the application

To make changes to the codes of economic activity recorded during registration and entered in the register of the USRIP, and, in particular, to add new codes, an application is submitted to the tax office in the form of P24001. It contains 9 pages, but in case of changes in the form of adding new types of activities, only sheets 1 (title), "E" and "F" are drawn up.

On the title page, in the appropriate columns, the following are recorded:

  • Full name of the entrepreneur;
  • taxpayer identification number (TIN);
  • main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur (OGRNIP);
  • the reason for submitting the application (as the reason, the number "1" is put down, indicating changes in information about the individual entrepreneur and, including the addition of a code).

On the title page of the P24001 form, when adding new codes, the number 1 is put in the reason column

Sheet "E" serves for registration of changes in activities. It has two pages. If an activity code is added, records are made only on page 1. When an activity is liquidated, the record on page 2 is applied. a new kind of activity and at the same time the old kind is eliminated.

When adding new types of economic activity, page 1 of sheet "E" of the statement is drawn up, where the designation of this code is entered

The last to be filled in is sheet "F". The contact numbers are indicated here, as well as the method by which the entrepreneur is going to receive supporting documents from the tax authorities.

The signature on sheet "G" of the P24001 form is put only in the presence of a tax inspector, or it is certified by a notary office

The column with the signature indicated at the end of the application is filled out already at the tax office itself in the presence of the responsible employee receiving the documents. If the papers are submitted through a proxy, then a power of attorney in his name and certification of the IP signature by a notary are required.

When filling out the error columns, corrections are not allowed. Registration of records is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Tax Service. According to these rules, if applications are completed by hand, then only in capital block letters and black ink or black paste. When using a computer, the font is Courier New, 18 pixels high.

Printing the application, like other documents submitted to the IFTS, on both sides of the sheet is strictly prohibited. All sheets of the application are stapled or stapled with a stapler. It is currently not required to flash the application.

Application submission

To submit an application in person to the tax office, except for him, only a passport is required. If the application is sent through a proxy or by mail, then a copy of the passport, certified by a notary, is submitted. When the individual entrepreneur appears at the inspection on his own, the application is submitted to the registration window, and under the supervision of the inspector, a signature is put in the appropriate column on sheet "F".

Of course, if the tax office is nearby, and the physical condition of the individual entrepreneur is good and he has enough time, then filing an application in person seems to be the best solution. If there are no such conditions, then you can resort to the services of the Federal Tax Service, provided by it on the website of state services.

Here the entrepreneur is registered and receives a virtual personal account, through which he carries out all the required operations.

It is necessary for every businessman to create a "Personal Account" on the State Services portal

Obtaining documents on the changes made

The fact of submitting the application to the tax authority is recorded by a certificate signed by the employee who accepted the application, which indicates which document and when it was received by him.

By the number of the issued certificate or receipt, you can track the status of processing the application on the FTS website using a special service called "Information about legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in respect of which documents for state registration are submitted."

According to the law, a five-day period is provided for the verification and processing of the submitted documents by the tax inspectorate. After this period, the entrepreneur can go to the tax office for a document confirming the changes made. To obtain it, it is enough to present a passport or power of attorney addressed to the interested individual entrepreneur.

Currently, the only document issued by the tax office when codes are added is the entry sheet of the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (USRIP). By order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 139n of 03/11/2014, the automatic issuance of an extract from the USRIP was abolished. If a businessman needs to obtain such a statement, then he must fill out an appropriate application directly to the tax office or via the Internet.

It should be noted that if an individual entrepreneur in his application chose mail as a method of obtaining a supporting document, then the period for issuing a document increases by the time it is on the way.

Sample sheet of ERGIP confirming the fact of entering information on additional types of activities of an individual entrepreneur

The tax inspectorate has the right to refuse an individual entrepreneur to issue a document approving changes to the USRIP. The usual reasons for this decision when adding new codes are the following:

  • the application was sent to the wrong address, that is, not to the “native” tax inspectorate responsible for registering this individual entrepreneur;
  • the application is not notarized or certified with errors;
  • the application was signed not by an individual entrepreneur or a trusted person, but by an outsider;
  • errors, blots, typos and the like were found in the document;
  • there is a judicial act prohibiting the introduction of changes.

If the approval is denied, the individual entrepreneur can correct his mistakes and reapply. If the businessman does not agree with this decision of the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate, then you can appeal it within 3 months from the time of receipt of the refusal (Federal Law No. 129 of 08.08.2001).

Cost of adding OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs

Adding new codes for individual entrepreneurs is completely free of charge. At the same time, the state duty is not paid and no other payment documents are also provided.

If an entrepreneur, to add or change the codes of his economic activity, resorts to the help of third-party organizations providing legal services, then he will have to pay from 3 to 5 thousand rubles.

The algorithm for adding codes of economic activity for an individual entrepreneur is a fairly simple task and does not require much effort. It is enough to carefully study the procedure for passing the procedure and strictly follow it.

Lists the types of activities for which he will work. However, life and the market dictate their own terms, and over time, new prospects may open up. To work in a different direction, it is imperative to make changes to the USRIP. And then the question arises of how to add OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs.

Where to begin?

Adding or removing OKVED for individual entrepreneurs is a completely simple procedure. Documents must be submitted to the Federal Tax Service at the place of registration; amendments will take a maximum of a week. Documentation is provided personally by an individual entrepreneur or his authorized representative.

First of all, you need to raise your registration documents and carefully read the existing codes. Then you need to decide which of the entered codes are no longer relevant: they will need to be indicated in the appropriate section when submitting an application.

Before adding OKVED, an individual entrepreneur needs to study the classifier of activities in force in Russia.

It lists the permitted areas of management, all of them are grouped according to the spheres of the economy. The guide is freely available on the Internet.

Through free sites, you can search and find a suitable encoding for new directions of services, production or work. The classifier is compiled on a hierarchical basis, which greatly facilitates the search even for a novice entrepreneur.

How will the new code affect taxation?

Before adding OKVED for an individual entrepreneur, you need to find out whether it is possible to implement it on the taxation system according to which the entrepreneur is already working. For example, an entrepreneur, and a new type of activity is. In this case, the tax authorities will prohibit the use of the simplified system, since this area of ​​activity is not allowed on the STS.

The same difficulties can arise with. Before applying for amending registration data, you need to clarify whether a new type of service (production) falls under preferential taxation in this region.

In addition, the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for compulsory licensing of certain types of activities. Therefore, the entrepreneur should familiarize himself with the list established by law.

Application submission

When the preparatory stage is completed and the desired code is selected, you should draw up a statement on the addition of OKVED for individual entrepreneurs. filled in quite simply. The sample can be printed from the official website of the Federal Tax Service (section "Amendments"), you can also use a copy from the registration service.

When using the official website, you can use the “fill in online” service or print the form and fill it in manually.

The individual entrepreneur fills out the title page of the application, in which it is necessary to list the identification data. In addition, you must fill out sheet E.

The first page of this sheet contains information about the new OKVED codes, on the second it is necessary to register codes that are no longer needed if activities on them will not be carried out. If you only need to add codes, and you do not need to remove anything, then the second page of sheet E is not filled. The application is certified by the signature in the presence of the registrar.

Documents for changes

Before adding OKVED, an individual entrepreneur must collect some documents in addition to the application:

  1. EGRIP record sheet, confirming the registration of an individual entrepreneur;
  2. SP passport;
  3. a power of attorney certified by a notary, if the documents are submitted by an authorized person;
  4. the passport of the authorized person.

It is possible to send documents by mail, in which case the P24001 statement is certified by a notary.

You can also make changes using the official website, following the prescribed instructions, but this requires an electronic digital signature. The data is entered by the registrar into USRIP within five days. After that, you can get an updated extract from the state register.

Video: How to choose the right OKVED?