Distance learning: pros and cons.

Distance learning: pros and cons.

How is it with Pushkin: “What is a station superintendent? A real martyr of the fourteenth class, protected by his rank only from beatings, and even then not always ... What is the position of your dictator? ... Isn't it real hard labor? "

This quote involuntarily comes to mind every time you sit down to a cool magazine. What a hard labor it is: not a single blot, not a single accidentally missed mark with an assessment in the bustle of the lesson. ... And if the number or theme is mixed up? What if the student disagrees with the grade? You just can't fix it, write footnotes, put signatures, seals…. And certainly an explanation with the administration. And the broken binding, folded pages? And sometimes there are stains from tea, coffee or lipstick? How much does a class teacher suffer for the mistakes of colleagues in his "holy of holies"!

And what about the parents' desire to get acquainted with the magazine, with their homework, with the debts of their children? For some reason, not a diary, but precisely the covetedly inaccessible magazine, the goal of parents visiting school.

And now it happened

The coveted electronic magazine came to school. No, of course, the work of the teacher and the class teacher has not decreased, but this work is of a completely different quality.

First, for parents: everything is available - from the topic of the lesson to homework, grades, omissions. During the day, there is always an opportunity to find out: was the child at school today? It also became possible to receive letters from the class teacher, which replaced evening telephone conversations.

Secondly, the students: there was an opportunity to always find out their grades in a day, retake, improve their results. If you are sick or missed classes, you can always find out the tasks by looking at the page of any subject, ask the teacher a question and get an answer.

Thirdly, for teachers: neither coffee, nor tea, nor lipstick, etc. are scary. There is a possibility of correcting the results of the students. You can always send the necessary information to colleagues, students, parents. In the same way, get it. And the homeroom teacher should press the button and you will see a report on the attendance and performance of your class.

Fourthly, the school administration: looking at the electronic journal, it always sees who is “friends” with him and where is the Lyapkin-Tyapkin who is mistaken or is messing around, “submit it here”. You can always see the picture of progress and attendance by parallels, by classes, by links. Provide the necessary information to teachers, receive letters from the education department, other educational institutions of the city. Part of the work on the MSC was taken over by the electronic journal. And the “native” education department always sees the picture of work at school. You can endlessly list the advantages of an electronic journal ……….

Progress has come to school, have time for the "martyr of the fourteenth grade" to turn around.

Distance learning is a new step in modern education

Providing a real opportunity to receive education for various categories of students, including people with disabilities, is an urgent problem that can be solved with the help of distance education technologies.

Distance learning (DL)- a set of technologies that ensure the delivery of the bulk of the studied material to the students, the interactive interaction of students and teachers in the learning process, providing students with the opportunity to independently work on mastering the studied material, as well as in the learning process.

Remote technologies

  1. Case technology. The case technology is based on the use of sets (cases) of text, audiovisual and multimedia teaching materials and their distribution for independent study by students while organizing regular consultations with tutors.
  2. TV technology. TV technology is based on the use of television systems for the delivery of educational and methodological materials to students and the organization of regular consultations with tutors.
  3. Network technologies. Network technologies that use telecommunication networks to provide students with educational and methodological material and interaction with varying degrees of interactivity between teacher and student. Network technologies are classified as asynchronous and synchronous.
Types of distance lessons

The lesson is a fundamental part of the learning system. The basis for building a lesson is a set of components that determine its content, logic, techniques and methods of work. A modern lesson should be effective, socially oriented, have a direct bearing on the interests of the student, be focused on their practical activities (current and future), develop the thinking and practical skills of the student.

A distance lesson is a form of organizing distance learning, conducted within a certain time frame, in which the teacher guides the individual and group activities of students to create their own educational product, in order to master the basics of the studied material, education and development of creative abilities (E.V. Harunzhaeva) ...

The conditions for conducting a distance lesson may differ in the mode of interaction between the teacher and students:

  • online with a student at the same time at the automated workplace;
  • in off-line mode. In this case, the factor of location and time is not significant, since all interaction is organized in a deferred mode.
A systematic approach to building the educational material of online training courses contributes to the development of the student's self-education skills, effective and productive activity, as well as the emergence of sustainable motivation for cognitive activity in many areas, which contributes to the universality and improvement of the quality of the student's education.

Distance learning sessions are diverse:

  1. Announcing the lesson. The goal is to attract the attention of the student, to provide motivation for active learning activities. It can be burned to a CD and displayed in its original and archived form on the site for free access and forwarding.
  2. Introductory lesson. The goal is an introduction to the problems, an overview of the upcoming classes. Can be conducted on material from the history of the topic and draw on the student's personal experience. Can be recorded as a video lecture, for example in AVI format.
  3. Individual consultation. Differs in preliminary preparation of questions. Problems and ways of finding solutions are proposed. The individual characteristics of the student are taken into account. Can be conducted individually by e-mail or using i-chat technology.
  4. Remote testing and self-assessment of knowledge.
  5. Performing virtual laboratory work.
  6. Chat sessions are educational sessions carried out using chat technologies. Chat sessions are held synchronously, that is, participants in the educational process have simultaneous access to the chat. To conduct chat sessions, a schedule of stages and questions-problems are drawn up in advance.
  7. Web quest. A webquest in pedagogy is a problematic task with elements of a role-playing game, for the implementation of which information resources of the Internet are used. Students independently search for information on the Internet or on recommended electronic media, completing the teacher's assignment or under the influence of personal motivation.
  8. Webinar. (derived from two words: web - "network" and "seminar") is a seminar that takes place over the network. Webinars are divided into webinars proper, which involve the two-way participation of the teacher and students, and web castes, web conferences, where the interaction is one-way: one person makes a report, the rest listen to it (watch, read).
We have to learn all this.

There is no doubt that education is an essential part of every person's life. Some people consider distance learning the most effective sort of education, while others do not agree with this point of view.

To my mind, online learning has numerous advantages. Firstly, such lessons usually cost not as expensive as private ones with teacher. Thus, it helps people to save a plenty of money and spend it on other useful things.

Secondly, distance learning provides people with the great opportunity not to waste their time. For instance, students should not get to the place where the lesson takes part because the computer is only thing they need to get knowledge.

Nevertheless, there are those who suppose that traditional way of getting education is more preferable for people. According to their opinion, a computer screen is a real obstacle and distractor in assimilating new knowledge. Information is perceived better when people have a direct eye-to-eye contact with their teacher.

Personally, I do not agree with the above opinion. I am convinced that for a person who is really determined in getting new knowledge the computer screen will not bring any difficulties. Moreover, there are a lot of extremely qualified teachers in the Internet which are impossible to find in small towns or villages.

To conclude, even though there are controversial points of view on the issue of methods of learning, I firmly believe that distance one is certainly the most convenient and beneficial for people.

Effective preparation for the exam (all subjects) - start preparing

Updated: 2018-06-07

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"Educational organizations in modern conditions"

On the example of the Distance Learning program

I've done the work:

Faculty student of the State Medical University

Study group U-2.1

Shcherbinin Denis.



1.1. Relevance …………… ..3.

1.2. Goal 3.

1.3. Tasks …………… ..3.

1.4 Object 3.

1.5 Subject 3.

2.The main part 4.

Conclusion 12.

Bibliography: 13.


Distance learning is a new, specific form of education, somewhat different from the usual forms of full-time or part-time education. It presupposes other means, methods, organizational forms of teaching, a different form of interaction between the teacher and students, students among themselves. At the same time, like any form of education, any system of instruction, it has the same component composition: goals determined by the social order for all forms of education; the content, also largely determined by the current programs for a specific type of educational institution, methods, organizational forms, teaching aids. The last three components. Distance learning is due to the specifics of the technological basis used (for example, only computer telecommunications, computer telecommunications in complex with print media, CDs, the so-called case technology, etc.).

Distance learning and distance learning should not be confused. Their main difference is that systematic and effective interactivity is ensured in distance learning. Distance learning should be considered as a new form of education and, accordingly, distance education (both a result and a process, a system) as a new form of education. Although it cannot be regarded as a completely autonomous system. Distance learning is structured in accordance with the same goals and content as face-to-face education. But the forms of presentation of the material and the forms of interaction between the teacher and students and students are different. The didactic principles of organizing distance learning (principles of scientific nature, consistency and systematicity, activity, principles of developmental education, visibility, differentiation and individualization of education, etc.) are the same as in full-time education, but their implementation is different, which is due to the specifics of the new form of education, the possibilities of information the Internet environment, its services.

Thus, on the one hand, distance learning should be considered in the general education system (certainly in the continuous education system), assuming the continuity of its individual links. On the other hand, distance learning must be distinguished as a system and as a process. As in other forms of education, distance learning presupposes a theoretical understanding of the stage of pedagogical design, its content and pedagogical (in terms of pedagogical technology, methods, forms of education) components. Consequently, the tasks of the stage of pedagogical design are: the creation of electronic courses, electronic textbooks, complexes of teaching aids, the development of pedagogical technologies for organizing the learning process in networks.

Distance learning courses imply a careful and detailed planning of the student's activities, its organization, a clear statement of tasks and learning goals, the delivery of the necessary training materials that should ensure interactivity between the student and the teacher, feedback between the student and the training material, and provide the opportunity for group learning. The presence of effective feedback that allows the student to receive information about the correctness of his progress along the path from ignorance to knowledge. Motivation is also a critical element of any distance learning course. To increase it, it is important to use a variety of techniques and tools. And it is also necessary to provide for invariant components when developing distance learning courses.

Essay of a student of the distance department.

Distance education enters the life of Russians, gradually becoming its integral part.

Like any innovation, this form of education has both opponents and supporters. I am one of the latter: I believe that the Internet can make learning easier and more interesting. In addition, in some situations, distance learning is the only possible way to gain knowledge.

Not so long ago, I had health problems. Attending face-to-face college classes was not always successful. As a result, academic performance declined, and relations with teachers, and then with fellow students, deteriorated. The situation has reached an impasse. And then there was the idea of ​​remotely obtaining a specialty. It turned out that it is possible - I entered the remote department of RFET. Studying has become more comfortable: now I comprehend science without leaving my home.

In and outside of it there are many people for whom distance learning is a means of socialization. These are, first of all, disabled people. My friend Nastya has been bedridden for several years. As a child, the girl received a severe spinal injury - as a result, she was unable not only to move independently, but also to sit. School teachers conduct lessons for her at home - this is how Nastya moves from class to class, by the way, with excellent grades. But her cherished dream - to become a lawyer - until recently seemed unrealizable. Now I am sure: Nastya will enter the university and will be able to finish it - remotely. In accordance with one of the government programs, she even received expensive computer equipment, which she already uses for school education: home lessons alternate with Skype lessons.

Of course, in order for distance education to become accessible to people with disabilities, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of each of them. In the case of Nastya, as far as I know, there was one unpleasant moment. The request of the parents to replace the stationary computer provided to her with a laptop at the Center for the Support of the Disabled was initially refused: according to the instructions it is not allowed. But Nastya is physically unable to study while sitting - it turns out that the allocated equipment would be useless. Parents had to go through many authorities and collect a huge amount of certificates before their request was granted.

It's a shame when progressive and useful innovations run into the bureaucratic system, when they no longer see a specific person behind the lines of instructions and orders ... However, this is a typical Russian story.

There is another category of people who can receive Russian education only in a distance form. These are children who for some reason live abroad. Previously, it was almost impossible for them to complete a course in a secondary or higher educational institution in Russia. Now this problem has been solved thanks to the Internet. Distance learning is carried out by many schools, as well as higher and secondary educational institutions.

In recent years, online tutoring has also spread in Russia. This is one of the forms of distance learning, which, in my opinion, is quite effective. Companies providing such services compete with each other, fight for each student, and therefore the quality of their work is usually at its best.

My mother, a teacher of Russian language and literature, has been doing distance tutoring for several years. According to her, online lessons, with a competent organization, are in no way inferior to traditional lessons. In addition, distance learning is exciting, interesting for both the teacher and the student. They see and hear each other, write on the interactive whiteboard, exchange files.

So, distance education in Russia is developing at a fairly rapid pace. Its benefits are clear. However, one cannot but mention the shortcomings that still exist.

Distance learning needs an appropriate material and technical base, which, unfortunately, not all educational institutions can boast. Online classes on an old computer that constantly breaks down will never give the desired effect. And the speed of the Internet connection for such lessons is far from small. So it turns out that some state educational institutions carry out distance learning "for show". In the reports, everything looks decent, but in reality it is just an imitation of online classes, nothing more.

Another problem is the lack of preparedness for the innovations of some participants in the educational process. What, for example, can an elderly conservative university or college teacher who recently learned about the existence of the Skype program be able to remotely teach students? As a result, online learning loses its value. Students are sometimes only “trained” remotely on test questions, but the effectiveness of the lessons is close to zero. Serious work is needed to improve the qualifications of employees of educational institutions: now life itself demands this.

As far as I know, the legal framework related to distance education has not been fully developed in Russia either. It still has the status of "correspondence" in many documents, although it is a completely different form of education that requires a new approach. This issue has already been resolved in Western countries. I would like our state to clearly define the legal framework for distance education. Then the attitude of society to this innovation will become more loyal than now. After all, many Russians still do not take online education seriously.

So, distance education has taken root in our country: its advantages are obvious, however, there are still enough disadvantages. It is unlikely that online classes will completely replace traditional lessons, lectures and seminars in the near future: the classical system took shape and perfected for too long to surrender positions overnight. And yet I have not a single drop of doubt: the future belongs to the distance form of education.


+ Ability to study at any time

A student studying remotely can independently decide when and how much time during the semester to devote to studying the material. He builds an individual training schedule for himself. Some educational institutions provide their students with the opportunity to postpone their studies for a long time and return to it without having to pay for educational services again.

+ Ability to learn at your own pace

Distance learners do not need to worry about falling behind their fellow students. You can always return to studying more complex issues, watch video lectures several times, re-read the correspondence with the teacher, and you can skip already known topics. The main thing is to successfully pass intermediate and final attestations.

+ Ability to study anywhere

Students can study from the comfort of their home or office, from anywhere in the world. To start learning, you must have a computer with Internet access. The absence of the need to visit an educational institution every day is a definite plus for people with disabilities, for those living in hard-to-reach areas, serving sentences in prisons, for parents with small children.

+ Study without interrupting the main activity

You can study remotely in several courses at the same time, get another higher education. To do this, it is not at all necessary to take a vacation at the main place of work, to go on business trips. There are educational organizations that organize corporate training (advanced training) for company employees and government officials. In this case, study does not interrupt work experience, and the issues studied can be immediately applied in work.

+ High learning outcomes

As studies by American scientists show, the results of distance learning are not inferior or even superior to the results of traditional forms of education. The distance student studies most of the educational material independently. This improves memorization and understanding of the topics covered. And the ability to immediately apply knowledge in practice, at work helps to consolidate it. In addition, the use of the latest technologies in the learning process makes it more interesting and lively.

+ Mobility

Communication with teachers, tutors is carried out in different ways: both on-line and off-line. It is sometimes more efficient and faster to consult with a tutor via e-mail than to make an in-person appointment with a full-time or part-time study.

+ Availability of training materials

Distance learners are unfamiliar with such a problem as the lack of textbooks, problem books, manuals. Access to all the necessary literature is opened to the student after registering on the university website, or he receives educational materials by mail.

+ Distance education is cheaper

If we compare training in a separate specialty on a commercial basis, face-to-face and remotely, the latter will be cheaper. The student does not have to pay for travel, accommodation, and in the case of foreign universities, there is no need to spend money on a visa and an international passport.

+ Learning in a relaxed environment

Intermediate certification of students of distance courses takes place in the form of on-line tests. Therefore, students have less reason to worry before meeting teachers for tests and exams. The possibility of subjective assessment is excluded: the system that checks the correctness of the answers to the test questions will not be affected by the student's progress in other subjects, his social status and other factors.

+ Convenience for the teacher

Teachers, tutors, teachers engaged in teaching activities remotely can pay attention to more students and work while, for example, on maternity leave.

+ Individual approach

With traditional teaching, it is rather difficult for the teacher to pay the necessary amount of attention to all students in the group, to adjust to the pace of everyone's work. The use of remote technologies is suitable for organizing an individual approach. In addition to the fact that the student himself chooses the pace of learning, he can quickly get answers from the tutor to the questions that arise.