Dishonored death of the outsider tattoo. Shan Yun Mansion

Dishonored death of the outsider tattoo.  Shan Yun Mansion
Dishonored death of the outsider tattoo. Shan Yun Mansion

Trophy difficulty level: 3/10.
Offline Trophies: 31 [
1. 6. 6. 18]
Online trophies: no.
Time to receive platinum: 5 hours.
Number of passes to platinum: 2
Glitchy Trophies: None.
Trophies that are easy to miss: Shadow. Art Aficionado / Art lover. Mercenary Work / Work of a mercenary.
Difficulty level affects trophies: no.

All the same Dishonored to which we are used to, Death of the Outsider looks more like an add-on, yet it comes without the main game. A fast and easy platinum trophy awaits you here. The guide is a sequence of trophies, achievements and a platinum trophy. The difficulty of getting platinum is not affected. Here you will find collecting paintings and fulfilling contracts. Nothing complicated and lengthy, there are only 8 paintings, 9 contracts. Most of the skipped trophies can be obtained by replaying the chapter selection.

Step one.

We begin to go through the plot, collect paintings and fulfill contracts.

Subject trophies.

Uncaged / Freedom. Free the Assassin Daoud.

Two Turns Take both keys from the bank vault.

Twin-bladed Knife Obtain ancient weapons.

Gnosis Find the stolen archive.

Dead Eye / Bull's eye. Touch the Eye of the Dead God.

Ending trophies.

Final Release Return the Alien to the mortal world.

Deicide / God is dead. Kill the Alien.

Trophy for paintings and contracts.

Mercenary Work / Work of a mercenary. Complete all contracts.

Art Aficionado / Art lover. Collect all of the paintings by Eleuterio Cienfuegos.

Step two.

The original game +. This is not a new game +, the skills of the protagonist are replaced by skills from Dishonored 2. Invisible passage.

Good Old Times / Like the good old days. Complete the main game +.

Shadow / Shadow. Beat the game without being noticed.

The rest of the trophies.

Most can be obtained by chance, if you did not receive it, do it through replaying the chapters.

Golden Locks / Gloriana's braids. Steal an audiogram from the gallery without disabling the security systems built into the floor.
2 Mission. Video guide.

Nightingale / Nightingale. Use the Likeness to transform into Shan Yun and sing into the microphone.
2 Mission. Video guide.

Public Shaming Throw Ivan Jacobi down the hatch.
2 Mission. Video guide.

Big-time Player / Largeplayer. Win an auction at Colibron Plaza.
3 Mission. Video guide.

Obsessive Safe-cracker-perfectionist. Open all safes in the main vault.
3 Mission. Video guide.

The Perfect Crime Loot the vault without breaking into the security system or causing harm to anyone.
3 Mission. Video guide.

Party Crasher Make the vault fall under the floor.
3 Mission. Video guide.

The Face of the AbbeyAbbeys. Visit the meeting in the guise of Brother Cardoza.
4 Mission. Video guide.

Voices / Voices. Break 4 censers in front of the Oracle and listen to the prophecies.
4 Mission. Video guide.

HarderthanStone / Harder than stone. Destroy the Seer.
5 Mission. Video guide.

Final Nudge / Last Effort. Use Void Strike to push your enemy to death.
4 Mission. V ideogide.

Hooked Send someone on a 40m flight with tenacious mines.
2 Mission. Video guide.

Mightier than the Sword / Featherstrongersword. Shoot the guard in the head with a pen.
2 Mission.

Some secrets are best not revealed.

To bookmarks

Studio Arkane is positioning the add-on as a full-fledged project and claims that the game will be the entry point for beginners. We will tell you if this is so.

Alien story

Death of the Outsider is a direct continuation of the general storyline of the series. Billy Lurk, familiar to players from the additions to the first part and from Dishonored 2, intends to put an end to the history of the Alien.

And alas, the events of the new addition do not give the intrigue for which you want to go through the previous parts. The only thing that could be caught in this narration is the story of the Alien: what kind of universal evil is this in general, since some hate him, while others idolize.

But Death of the Outsider deprives the backstory of the last trump cards and looks too weak outside the context of the entire series. The plot is straightforward and more reminiscent of Dishonored fanfiction, and the life story of the mighty Alien turns out to be primitive and even disappointing. The situation is saved only by the charisma of the main character.

Billy Lurk against the background of the windy Emily Kaldwin turns out to be more interesting and deeper. Even by the tired intonations in her voice, it is noticeable that she has a huge life experience behind her shoulders. She constantly comments on events, expresses her opinion, discusses social injustice, doubts, regrets, sympathizes, asks about philosophical questions and sometimes seems to be trying to break the fourth wall, arguing about the reasons for human actions: “Where does the filth live? In the Abyss or in us? "

Instruments of vengeance

Billy's abilities are for the most part sharpened for non-lethal passage, although now you can tear the enemy from the inside by teleporting directly to his place. In addition, the ghostly silhouette of the protagonist at the landing point can be viewed from the side.

However, the transfer itself is questionable. In the previous parts, the player held down the mouse button, aimed at the balcony or ledge, pressed the key, and the hero moved. Now you need two quick mouse clicks.

The game also preserved the creation of amulets that change the parameters of the heroine: some allow you to move more quietly, others improve the effect of healing. As before, some of the amulets are "defiled": increasing one parameter, they decrease another.

Billy's special skill is to hear rats' conversations. As planned, rodents suggest secret routes and give hints to hiding places. However, the skill turned out to be rather stupid, because rats more often complain about life than help.

Another novelty, now useful, is "Similarity". Billy steals his appearance from the NPC, and he faints at the same time. Having received someone else's face, the heroine can remain unrecognized for a long time surrounded by the enemy: mana is spent only at the moment when Billy moves (now she is restored automatically, and not with the help of bottles).

Having studied the routes of the opponents well, you can unnoticeably clear half of the floor with a minimum of movement. The main thing is not to get noticed at the time of the crime and hide the body, well, wolfhounds immediately recognize a stranger by smell.

"Foresight" stops time and allows you to move around the location, marking points of interest. So you can "highlight" enemies and discover hidden amulets.

Billy also accumulates energy in the blade and throws the enemy back with a magical wave. However, the waves are enough to inflict only small damage on the enemy, which will give time to either hide from sight or finish off. However, when attacking from a very close distance, enemies sometimes die.

However, aggressive and combined play styles are quite possible and not forbidden. Billy is provided with three types of crossbow bolts, spring mines, grenades and melee fencing. Tenacious mines have two modes at all - lethal and non-lethal. In this regard, Arcane finally managed to combine Corvo's assertiveness and Emily's caution in one character.

A loose count

Death of the Outsider partially unfolds in Karnak, allowing you to run through one of the old locations, although the memories are too fresh for nostalgia. In general, there are few new locations.

In addition to the usual optional quests in the storyline, there are contracts that Billy gets on the black market. And some quests can be taken simply by talking to people on the streets. There are few such tasks, however, and most NPCs mumble memorized phrases in the old fashioned way.

The contracts are short and more like a test of a full-fledged side quest system in future games in the series. This does not harm the integrity of the game, as sometimes happens in RPGs.

So, among the contracts you can find assignments for the murder, which are optional for the sake of "clean hands". Or you can do it without giving a damn about the consequences for the sake of a momentary reward. However, this restriction is primarily personal in nature and appeals to the conscience of the player, because the level of "chaos" in the game is no longer there, and it does not affect anything.

It would be rash to call Death of the Outsider a separate game, and the point of entry from it turns out to be very dubious. In addition to the disastrous disclosure of the Alien's intrigue, the game constantly spoils the events of the previous parts, when it would be worthwhile for newcomers to be interested in unfamiliar, but mentioned characters.

And the universe itself this time did not have enough depth. The add-on tells little about the structure of the world. In the first part, for example, a lot of attention was paid to the economic structure, technical progress, how the Dishonored universe exists, how it lives. And in Death of the Outsider, the focus shifted to personal stories, which is primarily intended for those who know lore.

And here is a paragraph for the Playground robot, which steals content from DTF.

Despite a number of good decisions, such as abandoning the influence of strict statistics, Death of the Outsider is an old game in a new wrapper, which primarily tries to draw belated attention to the failed Dishonored 2 at the start. from despair.

Write a message

A standalone add-on, like the second part, has many collectibles scattered throughout the game world. These, for example, include paintings that the developers have managed to hide well, so finding them on your own can be quite difficult. It is for this reason that we decided to put together a guide on how to find all the paintings in Dishonored: Death of the Outsider.

We add that at the end of each task, you can view a section in which it is indicated how many paintings can be found at one level or another and how many of them you have found. If you can collect all the paintings, you will receive the Art Connoisseur achievement.

Mission 1 - The Last Battle

Reach the baths, and then go to the ring, near which the cage hangs, where Daud is sitting. You should raise the camera up and take a closer look at the portrait, which depicts the Alien. Get close to him, jump and tear him off the wall.

If you don't take the painting, Daoud will take it. As a result, it will hang in the Fallen House, but the game will not count it, so you will not be able to get the achievement.

Mission 2 - On the trail of ink

The first picture (Upper Kiria). Go to the beauty salon and then turn left and head towards the Spectrum club. Walk past him and get to the gate. Behind them you will notice a small shop on the left side. It sells medicines. Use the transfer and teleport to the 2nd floor. You can find the painting right behind the easel.

Second painting (Shan Yun's house). Climb to the top floor and look for the door, near which there are statues of lions. This door leads to Yun's private quarters. In it you will notice a safe, and opposite it on the right side there will be a door leading to the office. Enter it, turn your head to the left and pluck another drawing hanging on the wall.

The third painting (Shan Yun's house). Exit Yun's private quarters, turn left and head down the small corridor. There is an elevator to the right, and right in front of it is a door leading to a small room. Go through it and turn your head to the right - on the wall you will see the image you need.

Mission 3 - Bank Robbery

The first picture (Upper Kiria). Approach the beauty salon and go around it on the right, where you can meet two dogs. Then turn left and walk towards the small pier. Here you will see a boat. Jump into the water nearby and find a key on the dead body that opens access to the cabin. In the latter, you will find the picture. You will also need to be brought to this place by one contract, which can provide you with a marker.

Second painting (Upper Kiria). To find this picture, you will need to take on the additional mission "To lull the bank employees" and visit the auction. Go to the drug store (earlier you found a picture on its 2nd floor). Return to Theresia and go to the auction. Here you will see a poppy seed tincture and a painting.

Third painting (Bank). Go to the bank located near the pharmacy and then turn left. Walk a little forward, turn your head to the right and pay attention to a small technical room in the bank building. Pick up a blubber tank from the table, fill it up and place it in the energy block opposite the main entrance. This will supply electricity to the carrycot. Climb upstairs, head to a small house and eventually you will find a bank.

Then get to the 3rd floor along the ladder, click on the red button and after you appear at the desired level, you will notice a drawing on the left side.

The fourth picture (Bank). Go back to the ladder and go down to the 1st floor. The door may be locked - unlock it with a button. Get out into the hall and take the camera upstairs. There you will see a small window. Get to it with transfer.

Then turn left and jump into another room. Here is the remote control that controls the service doors. Click on it and return to the hall. Then go through the doors between the two birds. Use the transfer to climb the chandeliers and go right. Enter the Administration Room. On the right side, you will find an energy block and an elevator. Go down the wires, take the blubber tank and turn off the power supply.

In the same place there is an elevator next to the entrance. Go even lower, using the ladder, and get to the hall with energy traps. The painting hangs in the farthest room.

The The Perfect Crime achievement in Dishonored: Death of the Outsider is unlocked by stealthily passing the vault at Michaels Loans and Deposits. The bank robbery takes place in Mission 3, when Billy Lerk comes to Upper Kyria for a Double Blade Knife, which will help in the future. The bank is located in the western part of the city, next to Christopher George's Office and Cienfuegos Pharmacy. During a robbery, it is important not to kill anyone or break into security systems. Any of these actions will block the Perfect Crime achievement.

Laudanum (poppy tincture) allows to simplify and reduce the number of guards in the bank. A vial of tincture can be won at the auction in the side quest of the same name. The auction starts in the evening at Calibron Plaza. The location is marked with a diamond-shaped marker. Before the bidding, you need to steal the appearance from any city dweller using the "Similarity" skill, so as not to arouse suspicion among the guards. Poppy tincture should be sprayed through the air duct on the roof of the bank, and then the robbery begins. Unlocks the Major Player achievement.

The First Way to Commit the Perfect Crime at Michaels Bank

  1. We pour the poppy seed into the air duct, we penetrate into the bank through the roof. We do not touch any of the guards, do not make noise and do not turn off security systems. We reach the courtyard of the bank with a sentry-robot guard and a vault.
  2. We go around the light wall using the skills "Foresight" and "Move". We go down the stairs or the elevator to the basement on the -1 floor to the safe deposit boxes. In the side room from the sleeping head of the guard we take access codes.
  3. We rise to the second floor to the security office with a locked iron door, press the red intercom button and tell the security guard the password.
  4. We overcome the electric corridor, use the skills "Displacement" and "Foresight". We reach the control room, using the remote control we raise the storage to the third floor. We calm down the sentry on the radio located to the right of the remote control by choosing the option "I'm just checking the mechanism."
  5. We reach the director's office on the third floor. Press the red button on the table. We take the key from the cache, open the vault, pick it up and leave the bank in any convenient way.
  6. At the exit from the bank we get the "Perfect Crime" trophy.

The Second Way to Commit the Perfect Crime at Michaels Bank

  1. We carry out all the actions up to the fifth point from the hint above.
  2. In the director's office we take the key from the vault from the cache.
  3. We return to the elevator, jump onto the iron visor above the elevator, open the hatch and go up to the technical floor.
  4. , open the safes, take the knife and return to Upper Kiria with the achievement "The Perfect Crime".

In the second story mission, Dishonored: Death of the Outsider goes beyond the main quests: there are four more that appear in the "Contracts" section if you visit the underground shop and press the action button next to the stand in it. All of them are optional, but they pay very well for them, so there are hardly any problems with motivation, not to mention the fact that these tasks are quite interesting.

Bartender kidnapping

Getting into the Eyeless bar, where the bartender is located, is not an easy task: unlike most other locations in the game, this bar does not have a large number of entrances and exits: we were able to find only two of them. The easiest way is to get yourself a tattoo of the Eyeless at the "Red Camellia" beauty salon nearby (you will visit there according to the story). Then they will not just let you in, but they will not touch you, taking for their own.

Another way is through the air corridor leading to the bar from Shan Yun's mansion, which is even more difficult to get into, not to mention the fact that this corridor goes from one building to another through the top floor. But the thing is that in Shan Yun's house you will in any way visit the plot, and on the top floor - including, so you have a full choice of how to invade the bar. Moreover, it is not a fact at all without a conflict that it will be possible to leave it later, because the bandits will hardly like the fact that you strangled one of them and are trying to take it out into the street.

In general, how to get to Shan Yun's house - we wrote in the previous article, where we described the passage of the main quest. Would you like to enter from there through the upper floor - you are welcome. In any case, the task in this contract is easy if you have already managed to get into the bar: you need to knock out the bartender and take him to a box on the roof of one of the buildings nearby. The game will kindly lead you to the goal with a marker, so there should be no difficulties.

Missing brother

And one more contract, for the sake of which you will inevitably need to get into the Eyeless bar. Only if the bartender is on the first floor, then the character needed in this task is on the contrary on the last. If you entered the bar as "your" thanks to the tattoo, you can easily reach the very top without resistance. Otherwise, you will have to cut everyone to the right and to the left in any way you like.

And the essence of the task as a whole practically does not differ from that in the quest with the bartender: you need to free the would-be visitor of the club and take him to the place indicated by the marker. Again, the main problem is getting into the bar, delivering the body will not be difficult. Moreover, this time it is not even necessary to climb onto the roof: the target room is located on the ground floor not far from the canal.

Death mime

It is necessary to kill a mime - a person working as a living statue. With one major caveat: murder must feel like suicide. Nearby there is a place with a huge abyss, where many other people took their own lives, therefore if you throw it down from there, no one will throw special suspicions on the customer. Mime is completely defenseless, because he is unarmed, however, to show aggression towards him in a frontal attack with a high degree of probability means to attract the attention of the guards rushing back and forth. Therefore, it may not be superfluous to first cut them out.

It is necessary to bring the mime to the abyss alive, therefore we will only be satisfied with stunning this character and transporting him to his destination on our shoulders. You can knock it out in any way - from the usual strangulation to the use of special equipment, such as electric charges or even attracting mines. Then, load the mime's body on your shoulders and drag it to the cliff, throw it down, which will end the fulfillment of this contract.

Threats at work

Another side mission in which we are actually assigned the role of an assassin. You need to get to the bank to find the blackmailer there, track her to find her customer, and then, when the latter becomes known, kill both on the spot. In general, the task is almost the simplest of all, but with one caveat: if you pre-cleared the guards along the route of the victim to another victim.

Otherwise, you will have to follow her, jumping on lamp posts, roofs, balconies and other hills, so as not to attract the attention of law enforcement officers. Fortunately, it will not go long and not far - literally 500 meters, no more. Also in a straight line, without wagging back and forth at intersections. And in order not to lose the trail - it is also marked with a marker, therefore, in general, this is a very easy job. And dealing with both of them will be easy.