Dima Malikov Jr. presented his first culinary show. The heir to the Malikov dynasty became a chef Who does Dmitry Malikov Jr. meet?

Dima Malikov Jr. presented his first culinary show.  The heir to the Malikov dynasty became a chef Who does Dmitry Malikov Jr. meet?
Dima Malikov Jr. presented his first culinary show. The heir to the Malikov dynasty became a chef Who does Dmitry Malikov Jr. meet?
Dima Malikov(17) is one of the brightest heroes of our "". At 17, he has already entered the best culinary university in the world. (Paul bocuse in Leon) and is preparing to move to France... But before a difficult school year, you need to have a good rest and gain strength, and Dima told PEOPLETALK about where and how he did it.

I decided to connect my life with cooking. Why? The story is extremely simple: I was left alone at home. Came from school, in the evening there are a lot of classes, but there is nothing to eat at all! Then I realized that I had to somehow get out of the situation. I don’t remember what I cooked then, but the process itself fascinated me a lot. This is why I have been traveling in Italy all last summer. It was a real gastronomic tour! I did an internship at the best Italian restaurants and met a lot of interesting people. On Capri, for example, with the designer of all “ Coffeemania»Moscow. https://www.instagram.com/p/BIVFakgghWb/?taken-by=d_malikov This summer went on a different scenario. After I passed all the exams and found out that I had entered the university, I flew away to rest. I spent the last week of July in Dolomites and stayed with my mother in one of the hotels in an Italian city Cortina d'Ampezzo... During this week I walked about 100 kilometers - I walked for 6-8 hours every day, played sports and just enjoyed the beauty of the Alpine nature.

I did not climb all the ups and downs alone, but with coaches Andrey and Alexei- my sports mentors, comrades and tormentors. ( He laughs.) In general, I am the champion of the Moscow region in cross-country skiing, and I also play football and go to the gym three times a week, but in the Dolomites we just climbed the mountains - that was enough. https://www.instagram.com/p/BIh96yCAQHL/?taken-by=d_malikov The most incredible memory that I brought from there is our ascent in the rain to the highest point of the Dolomites - the mountain Marmolada... Its height is 3342 m! I wanted to spend time alone with myself and nature, and for this there is no better place than the Dolomites. Then there was a week with my mother. We spent it in the most beautiful places Greece: Chalhidikah and Peloponnese... There I was recovering from "mountain adventures" on the beaches and massages. ( He laughs.) https://www.instagram.com/p/BJTHQKaAbwJ/?taken-by=d_malikov And at the end of summer my sister (16) and her parents arrived at Forte dei Marmi... We fly there every year with the whole family. I adore Forte for the food, the sea, a huge number of friends, and I also go in for sports there. Site readers PEOPLETALK I can wish you two things: stay in good spirits and improve your cooking skills!

0 March 15, 2016, 17:13

Dmitry Malikov Jr. with his uncle, Malikov Sr.

The 17-year-old nephew of the famous singer Dmitry Malikov, Dmitry Malikov Jr., is actively interested in the restaurant business, plays sports and is friends with many stars of Russian show business and their children. What else do we know about the son of Inna Malikova?


Dmitry Malikov Jr. is the son of 39-year-old singer Inna Malikova and her mysterious ex-husband, businessman Vladimir, about whom very little is known. Dima is also the nephew of the famous singer Dmitry Malikov and his namesake. The guy spends a lot of time with his family, as evidenced by the photo on his Instagram account. In the profile of the young man there are many photos with his mother Inna, uncle Dmitry and cousin Stesha.


Malikov Jr. is seriously interested in the restaurant business. He learns to cook in the kitchens of popular restaurants together with renowned chefs, delights his friends and loved ones with delicious dishes, visits factories in various countries to better understand the intricacies of cooking. It is still unknown whether the young man dreams of becoming a chef in the future.

Dima is not threatened by the calories gained during numerous feasts - he is actively involved in sports. The young restaurateur loves cross-country skiing, which he uses in Austria. Malikov Jr. often posts selfies from the gym, where he is not too lazy to drop in after school.


Looking at the Instagram of Dmitry Malikov Jr., it seems that he is the best friend of almost all celebrities of Russian show business. Dima publishes photos with Valeria, Iosif Prigozhin, Stas Mikhailov, Oleg Gazmanov with enviable regularity. Despite the serious age difference, Dima gets along well with celebrities and invites them to dinner, surprising with his culinary talents.

Malikov Jr. is also friends with peers: Arseny Shulgin - the son of Valeria, Philip Gazmanov - the son of Oleg Gazmanov, Nikita Novikov - the son of restaurateur Arkady Novikov and many others.

Dmitry Malikov and Stas Mikhailov

Instagram photo

“To go to the stage, you need a special talent. I don't see the point of doing it just like that. I have my own way "

Dima Malikov Jr., contrary to family tradition, does not strive for the stage. Our today's hero lives in two cities: he masters the intricacies of the restaurant business in France, leads his own culinary show, tries to spend as much time as possible with his family and friends and sees the day on which he will become the first professional media chef in Russia. About why Dima chose such an unusual path, life priorities and attitude to business - in our interview.

Dima, to begin with, please tell us about your life. You are only 17 now. You have already completed your secondary education, where are you studying now?

I graduated from the Lomonosov school with almost excellent marks, without Cs. The last six months of the 11th grade I spent on individual training. It became impossible to continue the usual form, because I needed to study French 8-9 times a week with two teachers in order to enter the university where I am now studying. I was preparing for the exam in parallel, although not in full force, all the results for 85 points. And now for 2 months I have been living in France, in Lyon, and studying at the best culinary university in Europe, Institut Paul Bocuse. My department is called Culinary Arts and Restaurant Management.

But why did you choose this particular area? Considering that, in principle, any education is available to you, this is a rather unusual choice. And, to put it bluntly, on the stage you would already have a place ready.

Will explain. For three generations, everyone in our family has been making music. Two years ago I seriously thought, there were two options: the first was to go in the musical direction. I realized that I was late with the piano, I play, but not at the same level as, for example, my friend Arseny Shulgin, who gathers the halls with his music. As for the stage ... there is a show voice, when a participant comes out with his number, the audience either gets up from their seats and applauds, or they say: "Sorry, but ...". The last alignment in life in no way suits me, but any talent is still given by nature. It is impossible to suddenly sing at a high level, even with great effort. The second possible way is to graduate from a decent economics faculty in Russia, and only after that - choose the direction of business in which I want to realize myself.

But it so happened that a year and a half ago I was left alone at home, all alone. To have the strength to do my homework, I had to cook something myself. And this is how this big story began! First I started to cook at home, looking for some interesting recipes. After that, he ended up in Italy, tried to understand how the culinary business was organized abroad, and trained in various restaurants. And once one very respected person in this business, the heir of a large restaurant dynasty, explaining the intricacies of education in Italy, advised three options: New York, Sydney and, in fact, France, Lyon. The closest to Russia and the most demanded is the Institut Paul Bocuse Institute. And I firmly decided to go there, began to learn French, which before that I did not know at all. To study, you need a B2 level, this is about 7 years of learning a language, I had one option - to bury myself in studies in order to have time for all this in six months. In parallel, I continued to practice and cook. But in order to create something of your own, you need to navigate and learn from accomplished masters, professionals. If you are a musician, you need good notes and experience of composers, an artist looks at existing masterpieces, but where to look for someone who wants to comprehend the art of culinary art? You need at least good, competent recipes. In England, in America, there is a separate direction - "media chef". For example, my idol, Jimmy Oliver! Or Gordon Rams! These are not just people who know how to cook well or are in the restaurant business - they have mastered the media format, which includes television shows, magazines, Internet blogs, iPhone applications - everything related to the media industry. Are there such figures in Russia? Yes, there are culinary programs, for example, Ivan Urgant and the Smak show. I respect him very much, but he is a presenter, he has no professional education in the field of culinary. There is no person in our country who would devote his life to this area, would receive serious professional skills. I saw it as an empty window with the inscription "Dima Malikov, Welkam!" (laughs)

Now all children from families of famous musicians, and not only musicians, for some reason, certainly strive to go to the stage. I do not understand the negative and condemnations in the direction of their work, but for some reason everyone treats me good-naturedly. I have not heard a single evil word from my address, everyone says: "Well done for not going into this show business"! I am glad that the direction I have chosen evokes a response and respect from people, because, unfortunately, there is no such direction for the stage now. I like that I am mastering something that is interesting to me, unusual for Russia, and at the same time I am maximally involved in the media process - filming, recording, communication, direct interaction with the viewer. I am implementing several directions at once.

Tell us about your studies in Lyon? Who will you eventually be on the way out? A cook? A restaurateur? Or?

Training at the institute is divided into two parts: classes, which include management, business, marketing, gastronomy history, a bunch of subjects and practice, where we work in a team with the best chefs in Europe. Then there will be an internship: for four months I can live in any country in the world and practice in a restaurant there. This is an important and interesting experience for me. But I will be frank: I have the opportunity to go further, to cover more areas in this business. I see no need to spend time only working in a restaurant. But I plan to open several establishments in Moscow. Russia has its own restaurateurs, but the main difference is this: they are, rather, businessmen, managers. And I will have the right to go into the kitchen, to be aware of the internal process. I will know the matter thoroughly. Arkady Novikov was right on this score: “A restaurateur is one who has one, two, maximum, restaurants. From morning until closing, he personally monitors every little thing, meets guests, but I already have more than 50 establishments in Moscow, I am no longer a restaurateur, but a businessman ”... And again, the restaurateur doesn't work in the kitchen! After receiving my education, I will have access to all aspects of the culinary sphere.

How did the family react to such a non-standard choice?

Well very well. Dima (Dmitry Malikov Sr., the uncle of our hero, editor's note) and my grandfather share the opinion that in our time the business should be "in the hands". If you want to open a clinic, you need to at least graduate from a medical university; if you want a culinary business, you also need an appropriate professional education. This is important for your own satisfaction, so as not to buy a "pig in a poke", but to independently build a business from scratch, understand it and teach the people who work with you. Everyone is very supportive and sees great promise in my choice.

Is your name more likely to help or hinder your progress in life?

As I said, cooking saved everything! If I went into music, I would certainly be compared with my uncle and our dynasty. I adore my family and am proud of them, but, of course, I want to contribute something of my own. And the path I have chosen provides such an opportunity. But I have no illusions about myself: yes, the surname helped me to go through the initial stage of the formation of a public personality a little faster. But then I need to work hard to show that I am Malikov.

From your answers, it becomes clear that the opinion and support of your family is very important to you. What does the word "family" mean to you?

There are two concepts of the word family - the one in which you were born and the one that you build yourself after marriage.

Everyone knows our family very well, we have completely unique grandparents who light up, travel throughout the country, feel great. My grandfather is still performing on stage and touring. I have a very close relationship with my sister Stephanie, we miss each other very much, because of the study regime it is impossible to come to Moscow often. My mother is wonderful, we have complete trust and understanding. We all love and respect each other very much. This, probably, is the basis of the family - to be one.

As for the future family that a man should create ... I already have my own vision on this matter. I want at least four children, three boys and one girl, so that they all follow me, so that we spend a lot of time together. I dream of a wonderful wife, I want her first of all to take care of our family. But I do not limit anyone in any way, it is wonderful when a woman has a desire to create something in her free time. Everything should be in balance.

In addition to your family, friends play an important role in your life. Most of them are famous artists, singers and musicians. Can you name someone whose work is especially close to you?

On the stage, everyone knows each other. The wife of Stas Mikhailov is my godmother, we are family friends with Valeria and Joseph Prigozhin. Oleg Gazmanov, Philip Kirkorov, Nikolay Baskov, Grigory Leps and many others - they are all our friends, I really respect them and what they do. I really like Polina Gagarina - her voice and work on stage are really wonderful. But I cannot say that the albums of each artist are downloaded on my phone. But there are some songs that I really love. For example, when we are friends in the summer on vacation and shoot cool videos, I can play to the "Natural Blond", if I find melancholy - I can listen to Stas Mikhailov or my uncle's instrumental music. What the Black star is doing now arouses interest and respect. I treat everything with humor and love, I listen to different things. I'm not talking about classics, jazz now - they are also on my playlist.

Tell us about your plans. How do you see yourself in the near and far future?

As I said, in order to sing perfectly, you need talent and hard work, so in the culinary business - you need to study a lot, develop, watch. I know that when I return from college I will be 20 years old. I will start to work at full strength, to develop the direction in Russia. I believe that I will live this life with dignity, that everything will work out. But for me, time is a very important point. I look with admiration at such stars as Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber - at the age of 16-17 they created a high-quality and in-demand product on a level with adults, and sometimes even better. At thirty, I really do not want to understand that I missed my moment, that I could have done more in my time. I already want to implement something. I have my own YouTube channel. I do my job with all my heart, I try to present everything to the viewer in an interesting and understandable format. Now I want to move on. Starting from the new year, we are launching a new show of an absolutely unique format, which will be called Dancing chief. There will be 5 different headings. When Jimmy Oliver started his professional career, he started the program "The Naked Chef". Not because he performed without clothes, but because his recipes were simple, open and understandable to everyone. I also have my own vision - I want to share it! I don't want to get attached to one thing - either to the kitchen or to the show: I want to be a real professional chef and at the same time enjoy, dance, light up and communicate with the audience. We will sing, dance, have fun, give interesting recipes, talk about the benefits and vitamins, the right food, and share the so-called useful skills. In general, very soon it will be very interesting, and most importantly: in a new way. As the legendary Steve Jobs said: "Do not look at competitors, do not say" We will do better ", say -" We will do it our way! "... I think this is the right strategy. Before me, no one has done this, there is an opportunity to "conjure", to be a little bit of a magician.

You are only 17 years old. Not every adult has such a rich life and plans. Do you have enough time for everything? Is everything okay in this turbo mode?

Only one thing does not suit me: I would like to spend a little more time in Moscow, to work a little more here. I try to find time for family and friends, but it is not easy to realize professional plans when you have one or two days.

And our traditional advice to the reader. What will Dima Malikov recommend to people in order to be successful?

First: in terms of work and life, you need to find something that you will love and learn with interest, to find “yours”, that which will be in your hands.

The second point: always, whatever you do, keep your love for art, show interest in the works of great people. When I arrived in France, I started not with cooking, but with getting to know the culture, with trips to museums and galleries. You need to read more, watch, listen to the right music. Even if it has nothing to do with your profession, it all develops, forms a special vision, helps in difficult situations.

And third: always maintain a positive attitude, no matter how trite it sounds. I'm always doing well. I'm not talking, of course, about situations when something really sad happens, this is a separate topic. But I always believe in the best. And reality responds in the same way. If you take to heart everything that happens in the world, you can just go crazy. Well, as my uncle, Dmitry Malikov, said twenty years ago in one of his interviews, when he was asked how to become famous and successful: "It takes a lot of work, but you also have to be a little lucky." 🙂

Photographer: Ivan Shevchuk

Makeup / Hairstyle: Ma & Mi

The Malikov dynasty is famous for more than one generation of musical talents. People's Artist Yuri Fedorovich Malikov raised two talented and musical children Dmitry and Inna. The granddaughter of the creator of "Gems" Stefania followed in her father's footsteps and became a singer. Dmitry and his heiress have performed on the same stage more than once. But Inna's son chose a completely different profession. He decided to excel in the culinary arts.

Dmitry Malikov Jr. is only 17 years old. However, it will already give odds to many of the capital's chefs. The young man feeds the whole family - he often arranges homemade dinners and treats his relatives with delicious dishes. In April, the young man launches his own project. He organized the All to Table Cooking Show. The event will take place in one of the largest shopping centers in the capital.

Stesha Malikova will come to help his cousin. Perhaps, while Dima is cooking, his sister will entertain the guests of the master class with a good song. Most likely, his close friends will come to support the young chef, including the son of the famous restaurateur Arkady Novikov Nikita, the son of Valeria Arseny Shulgin, as well as the son of Christina Orbakaite Deni Baysarov. In addition, the guys have friendly relations with Stephanie.

We will remind, last month, the adorable daughter of Dmitry Malikov celebrated her 16th birthday. However, she did not invite the guys to her celebration, but arranged a bachelorette party. Dad helped Stesha with organizing the holiday. It was his gift to the heiress.

The composer and his wife Elena Malikova touchingly congratulated their beloved daughter on her birthday, publishing photos of little Stephanie in their microblogs. The girl heard many kind words in her address from friends and subscribers on Instagram. "Thank you all for your congratulations! - Stefania Malikova thanked her fans. - I love you very much and appreciate every written word. I wish you that everything that you wish for me will be returned doubly, and maybe even tripled for all of you. "

By the way, the young lady already often receives special signs of attention from her suitors. So, she recently posted on the Web a photo of a bouquet that weighs more than forty kilograms. It was decorated with the letter S lined with white buds on a background of pink - the first letter in the name of the singer's daughter. "1111 roses ... Love and appreciate each other!", - signed the publication Stephanie.

Dmitry Malikov is a versatile personality. Dmitry is known to the public as a talented singer, composer, producer and TV presenter.


Pope Yuri Fedorovich was a composer and musician, he directed the creative team of VIA "Samotsvety". Yuri was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation and awarded the Order of Friendship.

Mom Lyudmila Vyunkova was a famous ballerina, a soloist in the Moscow Music Hall, since 1984 she sang in the VIA "Gems".

Dmitry (right) with his father and sister as a child

Dima has a sister, Inna Malikova, who is 7 years younger than him. Now Inna is in charge of the New Gems team.

Parents were often on tour, so grandmother Valentina Feoktistovna was involved in raising Dima and Inna.

From early childhood, the boy had a dream of becoming a hockey player. He often played football, hockey with friends and did not even think about music.

The parents really wanted their son to follow in their footsteps, and hired a music teacher for Dima. But the boy did not like it - every time the teacher came to the Malikovs' apartment, Dima ran away from the house.

The family lived on the first floor, so the boy just jumped out of the window. The teacher constantly told Dima's grandmother that her grandson would never become a musician.

Later, the parents sent their son to a music school for a piano class. The boy began to compose songs at the age of 14, the first composition was called "Iron Soul".

In young age

Soon, music overshadowed his passion for sports: Dmitry devoted all his free time to playing the piano and writing his own songs.


After graduating from grade 8, Dmitry applied to the school at the Moscow Conservatory. The young man was enrolled in the piano class.

At the age of 15, Dmitry began to break into the world of Russian show business. First, his father took him to VIA "Gems" as a keyboard player.

The songs of Malikov Jr. "I am painting a picture" and "Sunny City" were included in the repertoire of the collective, and she performed the composition "House on a Cloud".

At the age of 16, Dmitry first appeared on the screens. In the popular show "Wider Circle" the young man sang the song "I am painting a picture."

Participation in the show became a turning point in the fate of the young musician, and already next year Malikov was invited to the show "Yuri Nikolaev's Morning Mail". There Dmitry performed the song "Terem-Teremok".

The performance of the aspiring singer was very warmly received by the audience, after the broadcast, Malikov began to receive many letters from fans.

1988 was incredibly successful and fruitful for Malikov. Then he wrote the compositions "Until Tomorrow", "You will never be mine" and "Moonlight".

The listeners especially liked the latter and in a couple of weeks topped the "Soundtrack" hit-parade. The song held its leading position for a whole year.

After the release of the songs, the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper named Malikov the “Discovery of the Year”. In 1989 and 1990 Dmitry was named Singer of the Year.

At the "New Year's Light" in 1989, the singer sang the song "Until Tomorrow", which still remains Malikov's calling card.

At this time, Dmitry does not forget about education. Malikov graduated from college and became a student of the Moscow Conservatory. Tchaikovsky.

Dmitry's debut solo concert took place in the fall of 1990. Then Malikov gathered fans in the Olympic sports complex.

In 1993, Malikov recorded a song in a duet with the singer Oscar. The song was called “Don’t be afraid”. The following year, the musician graduated with honors from the Conservatory.

Soon the album "Until Tomorrow" was released, in 1995 - the album "Come to Me". A year later, Malikov delighted fans with a new album "Fear of Flight".

In 1997 Dmitry performed in Stuttgart. The concert, at which Malikov played the piano masterly, was positively received by the German public.

In 1998, a collection of songs "My Distant Star" was released. In 2000, Malikov began producing the Plazma dance project.

Malikov continued to perform with the piano. He has performed with the Moscow Soloists, Moscow Virtuosi and Viva Music symphony orchestras.

In 2001, the album "Game" was added to the singer's discography. In the album, Dmitry covered many famous songs on the piano, and several of his own songs were also included in the album.

In 2007, the singer organized his own musical project called "PIANIOMANIA", the recording of this concert was later shown on the NTV channel.

In 2002 the album "Love story" was released, in 2007 the album "Pianomania" was released. In 2008, the famous album "From a Clean Face" was released, which became incredibly popular.

For the disc of the same name from this album, Malikov received the Golden Gramophone award. The album also includes the songs "Don't be bored", "You and me", "Mom-summer".

Dmitry Malikov also released the albums “My, My” (2009), “Panacea” (2012), “25+” (2013). In 2015, the artist's discography was replenished with the album Café Safari. In 2017, the musician released a mini-album entitled "How not to think about you."

In 2010 in France Dmitry organized a show of classical music "Symphonis Mania". Then, with this concert program, the musician traveled to more than forty cities in France.

In 2012, Malikov organized a social children's project "Music Lessons", thanks to which young pianists can show themselves and learn skills from Dmitry.


Dmitry Malikov's songs have become soundtracks for popular Russian films more than once. In addition, the singer took part in the filming as an actor several times.

Malikov's debut film role was the role of Yura Orekhov in the film "To See Paris and Not Die". Then in 1996 Dmitry was in the cast of the second part of the film "Old songs about the main thing." There he played a physics teacher.

In the third part of the film, which was released the following year, Dmitry played a singer at a disco. He could also be seen in the film "Old songs about the main thing. Postscript ”, which was released in 2000.

Dmitry has appeared several times in the famous television series My Fair Nanny. At first, viewers saw him in episode 103 "Love and Soup".

He then appeared in Episode 133, "The Long-Awaited Wedding." In both series, Malikov played himself. In 2008 Malikov became the composer of the film "And yet I love ...".

Since 2012, Malikov has been hosting a popular TV show for children "Good night, Kids!".


In 1999 Dmitry Malikov was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia, in 2008 the prize "Ovation" received for "Intellectual Contribution to the Development of Youth" was added to the collection of awards.

In 2013, the musician became an Honored Artist of the Republic of Adygea and received a medal "For Faith and Goodness" from the Governor of the Kemerovo Region. December 10, 2015 Dmitry Malikov was awarded the Order of Friendship.

Dmitry Malikov is the owner of several Golden Gramophone statuettes. The awards brought the songs "You are the only one, you are so", "Happy birthday, mom", "Who told you", "Birdman", "From scratch" and "Goodbye, my blonde."

Personal life

Handsome Dmitry captivated the hearts of many fans. The musician's first choice, singer Natalya Vetlitskaya, was 6 years older than him.

The couple lived in a de facto marriage for 6 years, after which Natalia left Dmitry. Soon Malikov met the designer Elena Izakson.

In 1992, the lovers began to live together, and on February 13, 2000, they had a daughter, who was named Stephanie.