Children of the madonna. Why did the Madonna adopt two more children? Which of these celebrities was the Madonna's husband?

Children of the madonna.  Why did the Madonna adopt two more children? Which of these celebrities was the Madonna's husband?
Children of the madonna. Why did the Madonna adopt two more children? Which of these celebrities was the Madonna's husband?

Outrageous, and, of course, talented American pop diva Madonna, posted modern photos of all her four children to the network

A mother of many children rarely shows pictures of children, she is one of those who do not like to advertise their personal life too much. However, even the most secretive star mothers cannot restrain their feelings all the time, because you sometimes want to brag. So the 57-year-old Madonna recently posted on Instagram a collage made up of photographs of her children. The singer signed a snapshot: "Here are the four corners of my heart"

The first child - a girl Lourdes Maria Ciccone Leon Madonna gave birth in October 1996. The baby's father, the singer's personal trainer (at that time) is Cuban Carlos Leon. Seven months after the birth of Lourdes, Madonna and Carlos Leon broke up. He currently has a family, but the girl maintains relations with her father and his new wife. 19-year-old Lourdes Maria grew up to be a real beauty and her resemblance to her mother is simply amazing

Lourdes Maria

In 1998, at one of the parties, Madonna met British director Guy Ritchie, and after two years of a romantic relationship, they entered into a marriage. In the same 2000, 42-year-old Madonna gives birth to her second child - a boy, Rocco.

In 2006, Madonna, during a humanitarian visit to shelters in Malawia (East Africa), she rescued a one-year-old boy, David Banda, who was dying of pneumonia and exhaustion, by persuading the government of the republic to allow him to be adopted. This adoption was accompanied by a loud scandal, because in this impoverished country the adoption of children by foreigners is prohibited. Now David is already 9 years old, he is growing up a healthy and happy child.

The marriage with Guy Ritchie lasted 8 years, and in 2008 Madonna divorced her husband, leaving her children. However, he did not give up his fatherly responsibilities and meets with children regularly, they often visit him at home, maintain excellent relations with his new wife and children.

"3 flowers in the Garden!" Chifundo Mercy James and David Bandu

Travels to Africa continued, and in June 2009 Madonna adopted a little girl from Malawi, Chifundo Mercy James, who became the fourth child in this large family. In January, the girl will turn 9 years old.

The singer's whole life is accompanied by scandals, rumors and speculation, in many ways, she herself provokes them with her shocking behavior. It is not uncommon for her to be reproached for adopting children for the sake of her own PR, that she is not at all interested in and does not deal with them. Who knows where the truth is, but one way or another, all her children grow up healthy and happy. Judge not lest ye be judged…

Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone(English Madonna Louise Ciccone, born August 16, 1958, Bay City, Michigan, USA) is a singer, actress, director, songwriter, music producer and entrepreneur. On this page you will find a complete biography of Madonna, her success story and the main stages of her ascent to the musical Olympus.

I am interested in learning more about famous and successful people in order to understand what helped them to achieve such heights in life. For this, I created where you can get acquainted with the biographies of prominent people of our time who have succeeded in life.

But now there are only men in this section. Perhaps this is not entirely fair, there are many amazing examples among women, whose experience can be adopted. Therefore, let's urgently correct this injustice!

They say that good is not forever, and sooner or later ends. These are the words of people who have achieved nothing in life. / Madonna

It is very difficult to write something new about a person known to the whole world. The popularity of our today's heroine is really off scale.

It is hard to remain a humble "gray mouse" if you are the most commercially successful singer who has set a record for the sales of her records - more than 250 million copies of albums and 100 million singles. "Queen of Pop" - this is how her fans call her.

In this article, we will go through the known facts of her biography and trace how a simple girl from a large family managed to achieve tremendous success.

A person's dreams can be judged by what he achieved in adulthood. At 59 years old, Madonna looks 100%, and can boast of more than one achievement. A girl from the state of the great lakes, as Michigan is fondly called by the Americans, has really achieved a lot.

Madonna's name is inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, along with stars such as Louis Armstrong, ABBA, Queen

At the same time, as rightly noted in the official biography of the singer in the Internet version of the Hall of Fame, her achievements are not limited to the field of music, "and in terms of celebrity, she is comparable to Marilyn Monroe."

By the way, Madonna is very close to this image, in which she brings her own unique charm. See for yourself - on her website the singer will meet you just that way - beautifully, brightly and invitingly, as befits a real "style icon". However, Madonna herself considers physical beauty, although beautiful, but ephemeral, and appreciates not her more, but "Self-confidence that comes with achieving goals."

By the way, a very apt statement that I felt on myself. Be sure to take it on board.

The fact is that when you have confidence in your own abilities, then you are not afraid of any new goals and obstacles. This is especially important for achieving financial success.

After all, when we make money, we always risk something. People often avoid risk because they are insecure.

Madonna (Ciccone Louise Veronica, Madonna, Louise Veronica Ciccone) was born in 1958, in the month of August, on the 16th in Bay, Michigan. At this hour, he is 162 cm tall, weighing 54 kg. Parameters and sizes (girth) of the bust (figure): bust 92 cm, waist 61 cm, hips 87 cm. Footwear size 39. Green eyes. Hair color is light brown. She is a Kabbalist by religion, formerly a Catholic.

Ciccone's father Silvio is an engineer at Chrysler and General Motors. Upon the death of his wife (Madonna Fortin), the citizen of Ciccone married the maid Gustafson Joan, who, subsequently, gave birth to two children.

Ciccone's mother Madonna Fortin (Madonna Fortin Ciccone, born in 1933) is a technical engineer in the X-ray room. She is French from Canada by nationality. Jansenist by confession (French Catholic movement). She died in 1963 from breast cancer (probably due to radiation at work).

There are five brothers and sisters.

She studied at the schools of St. Andrew, St. Frederick, Western High School (West), at Adam High School in Rochester (Adams), at the University of Michigan. Since 1973 she has been engaged in ballet and choreography.

Since 1978 she has lived in New York. She worked as a dancer for Pearl Lang. She worked part-time in diners and as a model for filming. In 1979 she was noticed by producers Perrelin and Van Lie and she collaborated with them in Europe for a year.

She was a drummer in the Breakfast Club group. Then, in 1980, she founded her own group "Madonna and the Sky", later "Emmy". Since 1981, she worked with Camilla Barbon, who became her manager.

Since 1982 he has been collaborating with Stan Seymour. As a result, cooperation with Warner Bros. continued right up to 2009. The first album entitled "Madonna" was released in 1983. Received all kinds of Grammy (as many as 7 pieces!) And golden globes. Not without golden raspberries. The song of the same name, from the second album, "Like a Virgin", entered the two hundred most iconic songs of the Rocknroll Hall of Fame. "Like a Prayer" from the third album of the same name, British magazine "New Musical Express" put it in 3rd place in the history of popular music, and VH1 in 2nd place.

And always a song from her subsequent albums like Bedtime Stories, Ray of Light, Music, American Life, Confessions on a Dance Floor, Hard Candy and MDNA won honorary a prize-winning place in some chart.

She starred in "A Concrete Victim", "Vision Search", "Desperate Search for Susie", in "Who Is This Girl", in "Dick Tracy", in the documentary "Madonna. Truth or Dare "(in our box office" In Bed with Madonna ")," A Dangerous Game "," Body as Evidence "," Best Friend ".

In 2007, she shot Dirt and Wisdom with the vocalist of the Gogol Bordello group, Evgeny Alexandrovich Nikolaev, better known under the pseudonym Evgeny Gudz (his mother's maiden name). In 2010 she shot “We. We believe in love. " In 2013, the short film "SecretProjectRevolution".

In 1973, she met with Long Russell (born 1956).

In 1979 she cohabited with Dan Gilroy (head of the little-known rock group Breakfast Club).

In the same 1979 she cohabited with Stephen Bray, drummer.

In 1983 she cohabited with Benitez John, nicknamed "Marmalade".

From 1985-08-16 (by the way, this is her birthday) to January 1989, she was married to Penn Sean.

According to unconfirmed information in 1988, she had a connection with Bernhard Sandra (Sndra Bernhard, 1955-06-06).

In 1990, she cohabited with Beatty Warren (Henry Warren Beatty, 1937-03-30, director), but refused to marry him.

In 1992, she had a relationship with Van Winkle Robert Matthew (1967-10-31), better known as Vanilla Ice.

In 1996, in October, the 14th day from the actor and fitness instructor Leon Carlos gave birth to the daughter of Leon Lourdes Maria Ciccone (if it's simpler, then Lola Leon).

In 1998 she cohabited with Andy Bird, an actor and screenwriter from Great Britain.

From 2000 to 2008 for Richie Guy. In 2000, in August, on the 11th day, she gave birth to her son, Richie Rocko. There is also an adopted 2008-05-28 son of Richie Ciccone David Banda (born 2005-09-24) and an adopted daughter of Ciccone Chifundo Mercy James (born 2005) on 2009-06-12.

Since 2010, she has been cohabitating with break performer Zeba Brahim.

Singer Madonna not so long ago spun a stormy ..

Rumors that the popular singer Madonna wants to adopt more children have been circulating for a long time. She has repeatedly spoken about her desire to become a mother of many children in interviews with various foreign publications.

Yesterday, February 7, these rumors were confirmed by the actions of the singer. As it became known to journalist Ulyana Ulitkina, yesterday the high court of the state of Malawi allowed Madonna to adopt two 4-year-old twin girls.

Madonna with her lawyer and 2 little girls, with their biological father, appeared at the courthouse. As you know, the girls' mother died back in 2012, and for some time their grandmother held custody of the little ones, but then they were sent to an orphanage.

The representative of the court said that the girls' grandmother could not provide them with dignity, so the social services sent the girls to an orphanage.

Madonna with children

Recall that Madonna had four children. From her former fitness trainer Carlos Leon, the singer gave birth to a daughter, Lourdes, who is already 20 years old. Rocco's son (now 16) was born in a marriage to British director Guy Ritchie. The pyriemic 12-year-old Chifundo Mercy James Ciccone and 11-year-old David Banda Ciccone-Richie, whom the star adopted in 2006 and 2007.

Madonna and Lourdes

Madonna and son Rocco

Eyewitnesses claim that Madonna, when she left the courthouse with the new adopted members of her family, looked very happy.

It remains to be wondered why the star, with her busy schedule, has so many children? Indeed, the singer does not always find a common language with her own children.

Earlier, the singer's family photos caused a scandal on social networks. So, Madonna posted a photo where adopted children massage her feet. Followers instantly reacted with criticism, and compared children with slaves in the comments.

Madonna and the adopted children of Chifundo Mercy James Ciccone and David Banda Ciccone-Richie

The Madonna herself could hardly have imagined that there would be such a negative reaction to a completely ordinary family photo. Surely the singer, without a second thought, signed the photo: “… this is how I want to spend the day. Mercy and David are the best at massaging the feet. " Madonna added the hashtag #motherlove (motherly love) to the picture.

In addition to adoption, the singer fiercely defends her political views. At a recent protest march, to which the president responded in kind.

Madonna is the queen of pop music, writer, director, producer, fashion designer ... in a word, a multifaceted and creative person. Her life story is the embodiment of the American dream, she proves that with tremendous hard work, you can make a meteoric rise from the bottom to the very top. But most importantly, Madonna has become a symbol of the sexual revolution of the 20th century.

Today Madonna Louise Ciccone is one of the richest and most influential women in the world of show business. In 2018, her fortune was estimated at $ 580 million.

Childhood and family

Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone was born on August 16, 1958 in Bay City, Michigan. The celebrity's mother, Madonna Louise Fortin, came from a Canadian French family, worked as an X-ray technician. His father, Italian-American Silvio "Tony" Ciccone, was a design engineer at a Chrysler automobile plant.

Madonna became the third child and the first daughter in the family, where two more sons and a daughter were subsequently born. As the first daughter, in accordance with Italian traditions, she received the name of her mother.

When Madonna Jr. turned 5, her mother died of breast cancer. A 30-year-old woman was carrying her sixth child, and chemotherapy meant an imminent miscarriage. As a religious woman, she couldn't do it. The child was born, and a few months later the mother died. The father remarried the family's maid, Joan Gustafson. So the girl had half-brother Mario and sister Jennifer.

Madonna grew up in a devout Catholic family in the suburbs of Detroit. As the singer admits, she was not a universal favorite in childhood, everyone considered her a girl "with regards".

- I was treated cruelly, but I did not allow them to wipe my feet and only emphasized my foreignness.

Madonna was an exemplary excellent student, for which her classmates did not like her, but the teacher adored her. She did not shave her armpits or dye her hair, took piano lessons and jazz choreography.

But at the age of 14, the good girl's reputation was destroyed: she came to the school talent competition in a bikini, and her body was painted with fluorescent paints. After a cheeky dance to "Baba O'Riely" by The Who, the father went berserk and put Madonna under house arrest, and the school recalled this performance for a long time, calling her a "whore." The girl herself, being on stage, finally felt who she is. And the concept of "virgin / whore" has been a leitmotif throughout her work ever since.

The mother of the future celebrity loved to dance. The daughter followed in her footsteps and convinced her father to enroll her in ballet lessons. Later, in high school, she performed on the cheerleader team. After graduating from school as an external student, Madonna received a choreographic education at the University of Michigan. Some of the teachers convinced her not to waste time studying, but to build a career as a dancer. So in 1958 Madonna dropped out of college and moved to New York with a couple of tens of dollars in her pocket.

She barely made ends meet, lived in poverty, worked for Dunkin 'Donuts and collaborated with a number of dance groups. Now Madonna recalls that period of her life as the most desperate:

- When I arrived in New York, it was the first time when I flew on a plane, for the first time I even called a taxi - it was all for the first time. And I arrived with 35 dollars in my pocket. This was my most courageous act in my life.

First steps to success

In 1979, Madonna danced with French disco artist Patrick Heronandez during his world tour and went crazy with musician Dan Gilroy. With the latter, a little later, the pop diva created her first rock group called Breakfast Club. Madonna played drums and guitar, as well as sang.

In the same year, for a fee of one hundred dollars, she starred in the movie "A Specific Victim", playing a sex slave. Years later, Madonna tried to buy out the rights to the film in order to destroy all reminders of this shame, but she never succeeded.

Madonna in the movie "A Specific Sacrifice"

In 1981, Madonna parted ways with Gilroy and began singing in the group Emmy, along with drummer and Stephen Bray. At the same time, the girl signed a contract with Gotham Records, but the cooperation was short-lived - the manager of the aspiring singer did not share her views on creativity. Soon, with the support of Bray, she recorded a demo tape of four "street" tunes ("Ain't No Big Deal", "Stay", "Burning Up" and "Everybody"), which she distributed herself.

Madonna's demo impressed DJ and producer Mark Kamins, who played at the Danceteria, where Madonna often visited. Kamins introduced the rising star to Sire Records founder Seymour Stein. The result was a contract for the release of the debut single "Everybody". Kamins and Bray began to fight for the right to be called Madonna's agent, while both were her lovers. The choice was not easy, but in the end the singer settled on Mark.

"Everybody", Madonna's very first clip

Before recording and releasing their debut album, Madonna's producers decided to test the waters and understand whether the singer's success was accidental or not. For this, a second maxi-single was written. If it becomes a hit, then the recording of the album will be given the go-ahead, the producers said. A more experienced producer, Reggie Lucas, was recruited to replace Cumings. In collaboration with him, Madonna recorded the single "Burning Up" with the song "Physical Attraction" on side B. For the first song, a video was released that got into rotation on MTV.

Madonna's first music video was just a play on the dance floor. But "Burning Up", replete with inviting angles of a relaxed blonde, writhing in languid ecstasy, became a real breakthrough in the music industry. Before Madonna, none of the singers dared so openly exploit the sexual theme in videos. This is the absolute norm in the pop industry today.

Madonna - Burning Up

Madonna's debut album was titled "Madonna" and hit record stores in July 1983. It includes 8 compositions in the synthetic disco genre. The album entered the Billboard 200 chart at position 190. It took the plate a year to get to the eighth line. Critical reviews were mixed. Many music experts accused Madonna of excessive sexuality and deliberate "girlishness" and gave her a "minute of fame" at most six months. But Ciccone only chuckled, declaring that she knew perfectly well what image she had in her work, but this does not mean that this is the only thing that she can offer: “I am in control and waiting for it to be understood and confused”.

Worldwide success

Madonna's second album "Like a Virgin", dedicated, according to the insert on the cover, to all the virgins of the planet, was released in 1984. The producer was Knight Rogers, who had previously worked with David Bowie on the Let’s Dance album, which won him over.

Madonna performed the lead single "Like a Virgin" at the very first MTV Video Music Awards. The singer entered the stage in a wedding dress and a belt with the inscription "Boy Toy", and during the performance she rolled on the floor, showing the audience stockings with garters and white panties. For the time, the performance was shockingly sexy. Many years later, eyewitnesses recalled: “It was this moment that became a powerful impetus for the release of female power. This is one of the most significant musical numbers of the 20th century. "

Madonna - Like a Virgin (MTV VMA 1984)

In the wake of her first success in 1985, Madonna starred in two films. She got her first role in the film "Visual Search", where Madonna sang the track "Crazy For You" in the episodic role of a singer in a club. Then the singer appears in the film "Desperate Search for Susan", which introduced the world to "Into The Groove" and revealed Ciccone as an actress. Many film critics believe that Suzanne is the only successful role in Madonna's filmography.

In the same year, Madonna embarked on her first American tour, The Virgin Tour, with the Beastie Boys. Later, a video for the song "Material Girl" is recorded, and Madonna begins a relationship with actor Sean Penn. At the same time, the magazines Penthouse and Playboy showed on their pages black and white photographs of the naked singer, which were taken in 1979. Madonna sued the rights to ban the publication of pictures.

Madonna released her third studio album, True Blue, in 1986. It has been described by Rolling Stone as "sounding from the heart." On the disc was the ballad "Live to Tell", which the singer wrote for the tape "Point Blank", which starred her husband Sean Penn. And the name is a direct reference to Penn; Madonna gave him the nickname true blue, which means "devotee".

The album made Madonna a global star and reached the top of the charts in 28 countries. The Guinness Book of Records called this disc absolutely unprecedented. At the same time, the singer took part in the filming of the film "Shanghai Surprise" and played for the first time in the theatrical production "Goose and Tomt" together with Sean Penn.

Queen of outrageous

In 1986, a video for the song “Papa Don’t Preach” was released, in which Madonna touched upon the topic of teenage pregnancy. Her lyrical minor heroine wants to give birth to a child from a loved one. Suddenly, the song served as a pretext for a conflict between Catholics and pro-life (opponents of abortion). Catholics blamed Madonna for propaganda of extramarital affairs, pro-lifers saw in her song an anti-abortion message. Madonna herself claimed that this song is about a protest against any patriarchal authoritarianism, be it a father, church or society.

Madonna - Papa Don "t Preach

In 1987, Madonna appeared on the set of Who Is This Girl and recorded four songs for her soundtrack, including Causing a Commotion.

In 1988, in the city of Pacentro, where the singer's ancestors lived, a four-meter-high statue of the Madonna was erected.

In early 1989, the singer signed a 5-million contract with Pepsi, and the new song Like A Prayer was presented just in an advertising campaign for soda. The video for the song, however, like the advertisement itself, provoked indignation among religious viewers: crosses burned in the background. The video shocked the Vatican and called for a boycott of Pepsi, and the holding had no choice but to break the sponsorship contract with the pop diva. However, Madonna received her 5 million, and the scandal that broke out fueled public interest for a long time.

Madonna - Like a Prayer

In 1989, the album of the same name was released to the scandalous video, which the singer dedicated to the memory of her deceased mother and all members of her family. The lyrics touched upon Madonna's childhood and the formation of her personality, the influence of her mother's death on her worldview, relationships with her father and, of course, female sexuality - this is the song "Express Yourself", which was directed by director David Fincher.

1990 saw the release of the video for the song "Justify My Love", co-written with Lenny Kravitz. MTV's management banned the video from being broadcast on the channel because of the erotic content, references to homosexuality and sadomasochism. The decision was supported by a number of music channels in other countries. Madonna found a way out - she was the first in the music industry to release a clip in the "video single" format to the market.

Madonna - Justify My Love

Next year is another scandal. The documentary "Truth or Dare" is released, filmed during the Blond Ambition World Tour, during which Toronto police intended to arrest Madonna for faking masturbation on stage.

In 1992, Madonna founded her own company Maverick, which was engaged in entertainment, in particular, the production of films, the release of music CDs and books. First of all, the company released on the shelves a book by Madonna, entitled "Sex" with the revelations and sexual fantasies of the singer, who appears in the text under the name of Dita. Along with the book, the single "Erotica" was sold, accompanied by a photograph of Madonna holding a whip in her hands. Despite the controversial public reaction, the book became a bestseller. In the first week, more than 500,000 people purchased a copy of Sex, and a total of 1.5 million books were sold.

The release of the book was part of a deliberate promotion of the fifth album "Erotica", which was all about sex. However, the PR campaign also had a downside: the disc was expected to be a commercial success, but listeners perceived it more as an addition to the book, so Erotica did not make it to the first lines of the charts.

On March 31, 1994, Madonna entered the studio of The Tonight Show with David Letterman. During the broadcast, she said the word "fuck" 14 times, held out her panties to the presenter and offered to sniff them, and when he refused, she said: "Money made you weak." In a word, in the entire history of the program, this issue was recognized as the most censored.

In the same year, the album "Bedtime Stories" was released, which re-developed the concept of Ciccone's work in a different direction. The track of the same name was written by Bjork. The theme echoed with the previous disc, the degree of sexuality fell by an order of magnitude, while the lyricism of the lyrics increased. The single "Secret" was especially fond of the listeners, however, in general, the attention to the album was kept on average.

Passion for Kabbalah

Around 1997, Madonna embarked on the study of Kabbalah and Judaism in general. This led to the appearance of calmer intonations in her work and style. Prior to that, she studied Buddhism, yoga and Vedas, but only Kabbalah "put her life upside down."

Not long before that, Madonna played the main role in the musical "Evita", dedicated to the biography of the Argentine singer and subsequently the wife of the dictator Juan Peron - Eva Duarte. Filming took place in South America, and Antonio Banderas became the woman's partner on the set. While preparing for filming, Madonna took vocal lessons, which, by the way, is clearly seen in the album "Ray of Light", released a year later, which was recognized as the most successful since the days of "Like a Prayer".

The record symbolized the singer's spiritual rebirth, which was influenced by many factors - from the birth of her daughter (after filming Evita, Madonna became pregnant and soon gave birth to a daughter, Lourdes, from the dancer Carlos Leon) to an affair with screenwriter Andy Byrd. The songs of the Madonna now told not about the delights of intimate life, but called to pay attention to the ecological catastrophe, talked about the universe and metaphysical categories. The 39-year-old woman gave up on the defiant outfits and began to wear a sari and veil over her face.

The public accepted the new image favorably, and in 1999 Madonna received three Grammy awards at once. Before that, there was only one such statuette in her collection - received in 1991 in the nomination "Best Video Clip". In general, the album was able to compete even with the boy bands and young singers such as Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera that flooded the music market.

Pop queen of the world

"Ray of Light" set the bar high, but the album released in 2000 and kept in the "American" style with the laconic name "Music" broke the records of its predecessor. The main hits are the songs "Music", "Don" t Tell Me "and" What It Feels Like for a Girl ", the video for which was banned on MTV, but not because of nudity, but because of violent scenes.

Madonna - What It Feels Like For A Girl

At the same time, her attempts to be realized in big cinema failed. In 2000, Ciccone starred in the romantic comedy Best Friend opposite Rupert Everett. Reviews for her acting work were devastating. A year later, Gone, directed by Guy Ritchie, then husband of Madonna, received five Golden Raspberry awards, including the most offensive nominations for Worst Actress, Worst Film and Worst Director. Since then, Richie has vowed to shoot his wife in his films, and the singer only agreed to small roles, for example, in Die Another Day with Pierce Brosnan and Halle Berry.

But 2003 brought Madonna the first setbacks in the musical field. The disc "American Life", in which the singer touched upon a number of topical political issues and revealed mental ulcers, no longer wanting to endure being treated as a "mercantile girl". The album was not a commercial failure, but it was still inferior to the previous ones.

The tenth studio album "Confessions on a Dance Floor" (2005) rehabilitated Madonna in her own eyes. It is worth noting that the first song "Hung Up" became Madonna's main hit throughout her career.

Madonna - Hung Up

On March 26, 2012, Madonna's twelfth album, MDNA, was released. This album on the very first day topped the top of all charts in Great Britain and the USA. But, everything turned out to be not so rosy. Critics called the album very dark, attributing it to the singer's painful separation from Jesus Luz. The music video for the second album, the single Girl Gone Wild, is censored due to explicit scenes. The disc, devoid of a promotional tour in support, becomes the worst-selling album in the singer's career, breaking the 2003 American Life anti-record.

The singer embarks on the MDNA Tour, which kicks off on May 31st and becomes the most successful tour of 2012. The concerts have caused a public outcry in the United States due to the use of imitation weapons on stage. Billboard calls Madonna the record holder for music industry revenue - $ 34.6 million per year. In 2013, Madonna received 3 Billboard Music Awards. In August 2013, Forbes magazine named the singer the leader of the year in celebrity income, earning $ 125 million.

madonna ft. Nicki Minaj - Bitch, I "m Madonna!

In December 2014, 13 demo versions of songs were leaked to the Internet, which were recorded while working on Madonna's thirteenth studio album. In a rage at what had happened, the artist recorded several menacing messages addressed to the pirates. A few days after the leak, on December 20, Madonna officially announced her thirteenth album, Rebel Heart. The album was released on March 10, 2015.

Fashion designer and entrepreneur

In 2010, Madonna takes part in the advertised company of the Dolce & Gabbana fashion house, which dreamed of getting a singer. Together with her daughter Lourdes, the singer has made her own line of youth clothing "Material Girl". The self-titled album of live recordings was released in the same year, and a little later a collection of the best songs "Celebration" appeared. In the same year, Madonna became the screenwriter and director of the film "W.E.", Which is scheduled to be shown in the summer of 2011.

Among other things, Madonna opened a fitness club chain called "Hard Candy" - in honor of her 11th album.

Madonna's personal life

You can write a separate book about Madonna's love affairs, so below we will tell only about the most sensational and serious relationship of the singer.

During her life, she often started relationships with non-public men and was never shy about a big age difference.

Madonna's first serious novel, which ended in marriage, is associated with the name of actor Sean Penn. At the time of their acquaintance in 1985, the singer was dating Prince, but easily left the young man for the sake of a young (Sean was 2 years younger) genius of cinema with a reputation as a rebel. They met on the set of the Material Girl music video. Very soon, the lovers announced their engagement and got married on August 16, 1985.

Very soon married life disappointed Ciccone. It turned out that both spouses have a violent temperament and an innate tendency to constant rivalry. The situation was aggravated by Penn's drunkenness. By 1988, their marriage had practically fallen apart. In 1989, the artist demanded a divorce.

Penn broke into her house one night, tied her to a chair and beat her for several hours. By cunning, the girl got out of the house and got to the police station. Penn denied everything, although the policemen, horrified by the bruised and bruised pop idol, had no doubts. However, the case did not come to court - Madonna asked not to open a criminal case against her ex-spouse. “He always had trouble controlling his anger,” she later said.

For the next few months, Madonna was recovering from psychological trauma. In 1990, the singer started an affair with Warren Beatty, whom she met on the set of "Dick Tracy", and in 1991 she remembered a short affair with the model Tony Ward, who starred in her candid video "Justify My Love".

Madonna dated Tupac. In 1996, the rapper was shot

Then the singer got carried away by her personal trainer Carlos Leon, from whom she gave birth to her daughter Lourdes in 1997.

Madonna's friend, actress Elizabeth Taylor, urged her to marry Carlos so that the girl would have a father. However, this time Carlos himself began to lose interest in the relationship. A proud man with a fiery temperament, he flew into a rage at the publicity of his beloved. All attention was focused on her, while he remained in the shadows with the prefix "Mr. Madonna."

When Lourdes was one year old, the paparazzi caught Carlos in the company of another woman. Like a real man, he did not expand on the details of the breakup and rejected all the multimillion-dollar proposals of journalists who elicited the ins and outs of their novel. He did not disappear from the life of Madonna and Lourdes, and always tried to spend his free time with his daughter.

Then the singer had a short relationship with screenwriter Andy Byrd, which ended in 1998 after his incautious phrase thrown to reporters: "Well, we have a passionate relationship, but they need to work on it." After the breakup, she realized that she was pregnant. The woman immediately refused an abortion. A dilemma arose: whether to tell Byrd about the pregnancy or not. But fate decided her itself - there was a miscarriage.

In the same year, at a party at Sting's, Madonna met British director Guy Ritchie. In a matter of days, they became close. The director was 10 years younger than the artist and had just brilliantly presented to the public his debut film Lock, Stock, Two Barrels. As it turned out later, Richie was aware that Madonna would be at the party, and he was going there with one goal - to get to know her.

At the same time, he always treated the singer not as a star, but as an ordinary person. “He called me Madge and made me wash his car,” she recalled. Their romance developed rapidly. In 1999, Richie, accidentally meeting Madonna's ex-lover, Bird, in the park, punched him in the face with all his might.

In 2000, Madonna and Guy Ritchie got married, soon she gave birth to a son, Rocco. In 2005, they adopted a black boy from Malawi, who was given the name David Banda Malawa and the double surname Ciccone-Richie. Later, already divorced, she adopted three more girls: first the little Chifundo in 2006, then, in 2012, the twins Stella and Esther.

Rumor has it that she will star as silent film star Norma Desmond in the musical Sunset Boulevard.