What does esoteric mean. Directions of esotericism

What does esoteric mean.  Directions of esotericism
What does esoteric mean. Directions of esotericism

What is Esotericism! Great detailed explanation!

EZO Journal is a journal about esoterics, self-development, philosophy and astrology.

Family, children, work - what else? What is my individual contribution to this Life ?!

This question comes to many today. Many begin to look for an answer, but do not find it, and it begins - stress, disbelief in today and tomorrow, in bliss, in happiness. Everything seems so far-fetched, unreal ... It seems that everyone is just talking about a bright "tomorrow", but what about today ?!

When a person does not find a way out of a difficult situation, having tried many official means, he comes to esoteric teachings. And, having shown perseverance, he certainly gets the result.

Often a person comes to esotericism when he is desperately trying to get help from conventional medicine. He is looking for something more. And, if fate allows him, he really finds help right here. In fact, it is in esoteric practices that the lesson goes not only with the physical body, not only with the consequences, but also with the subtle bodies of a person, with the reasons, with the soul.

Also, very often people come to esotericism for new sensations. Sooner or later, the world begins to lose its colors, the routine of life bothers, the soul is ready to step up a step, and consciousness is ready to unite with the soul. Esoteric practices can present to a person those sensations and experiences that he will never achieve in material life. But esotericism is not a toy, to enter there - consequently to change your life. To clear the place of spirituality, upward movement, meaningfulness and the Highest. The whole worldview often changes if a person enters the path of esotericism. Esotericism is a different worldview of the world, not limited to materiality, but also having an infinite spiritual in itself. That which is truly eternal.

The term "Esotericism" appeared in the Hellenistic era (4-3 centuries BC). Historically, he denoted occult science, the "internal doctrine" of a religious, philosophical, or other teaching, accessible only to those who had undergone the rites of higher initiations, in contrast to the exoteric, "external", the study of which was not only publicly available, but was obliged to everyone. Suffice it to mention the secret teachings of Pythagoras and his "general educational program", the Christian sacraments, of which all seven are available only in the Orthodox Church and priests and laity. In the Catholic Church, however, only priests have this right, different degrees of initiation ("degrees") for Masons (from the first to the third in the French rite and up to the thirty-third in the Scottish one).

Esotericism is a word whose origin we owe to Pythagoras. Literally, esotericism means "inner territory". Accordingly, esoteric knowledge is information and technology built on an internal or, more correctly, a deep principle. This knowledge, as a rule, is passed from mouth to mouth, and you can use it only after going through a period of adaptation in consciousness. Esoteric knowledge appeared naturally long before Pythagoras and was present among all peoples inhabiting the Earth, without exception.

Esotericism is not just a worldview and a way of life. Not just learning and practice. Esotericism is a conscious life. Comprehension of the world. Living in harmony with others and oneself, esotericism is not just an opportunity, but also a responsibility. The duty to keep track of your thoughts, in fact, thought on the subtle plane works as well as deed - on the physical. And how, of course, from the reasons, our thoughts, creep out the consequences that manifest themselves on the physical plane. Esotericists have much more powerful thoughts than ordinary people. And the more esotericism develops, the more powerful the subtle becomes in it. Thoughts, desires, intentions.

Esotericism is essentially about magic. However, magic is something beyond the realm of real-world consciousness. Unknown to people, supernatural. The ability to control the world with the help of a developed spirit (subtle bodies).

Magic invariably relies on psychology and esotericism as the main levers of control over the world and oneself.

Magic and esotericism is a centuries-old wisdom that, throughout its existence, has helped many people to know themselves, aimed at knowing the inner world of a person. To unravel many laws of the Universe, because the forces of magic are the forces of the cosmos, the unity of the material and spiritual worlds, learn how to manage energy.

To date, magic and esotericism have become available to many people thirsting for new knowledge, wanting to get answers to many questions that arise in their souls.

Magic is not something special. Magic is already in everything. Magic is life itself, as it is, but such as few know it.

In addition, everyone has their own life, and no one can be taught life. But the ability to manage your life is possible!

Magical and esoteric knowledge, endows us with insight and understanding, allows us to change ourselves and the world in which we live.

With the help of magical and esoteric knowledge, one can explore the possibilities of freedom.

The magic is surprisingly simple. Magic and esotericism are like the synthesis of knowledge that humanity has accumulated over the years, they contain grains of Truth that complement each other helping us achieve our goals, It will help expand your understanding of your capabilities, develop personal abilities and perception.

Esotericism is a way to free yourself from attitudes and limitations that narrow the limits of your capabilities: to explore your life, take a closer look at yourself, understand and modify the behaviors, emotional reactions and thinking patterns that impede our development. Have boldness and esotericism will set you free! Esotericism is within each of us. These forces are from the very birth of their liberation. It is in your power.

Let's give a few definitions, esotericism, what is it?

Esotericism is the concentration of "thought" during a long pause in the "breathing" of Kundalini, where the meaning of the accumulation of energies is built, due to which "Time" enters the "breath" of life at the level of the Samadha chakra, in which there is control over the strength of the "current" of thought .. ...

Esoteric "culture" "Vision" ... Esotericism is a secret (that is, unconscious as direct) language of thought, where diversity is fixed ...

Esoteric (directed inward) - intended only for the elite, for specialists and understandable only to them. The opposite is exoteric.

Brief Encyclopedia of Philosophy. - M., Publishing group "Progress" - "Encyclopedia", 1994. - p. 447

Esoteric teaching, secret teaching - teaching accessible only to initiates who have no right to spread it further. For example, the Jewish Kabbalah, the ancient Greek mysteries, and the Gnostic teachings are considered secret teachings. At present, the teachings of the Freemasons, Theosophists, and Anthroposophists are secret.

Brief Encyclopedia of Philosophy. - M., Publishing group "Progress" - "Encyclopedia", 1994.576 pages - p. 530

Esotericism is secret, hidden knowledge. Ancient Esoteric Knowledge - this is the name of everything that has been collected and stored among different peoples for centuries, passed down from generation to generation, was lost and reappeared. This is age-old wisdom, understanding of oneself and knowledge of life.

Esoteric knowledge includes:

Numerology - the ability to correlate various kinds of numbers with current and future events associated with the people and objects marked with these numbers, as well as calculating the number of a name and the impact on a person given by this number;

Astrology - the ability to determine the quality of time depending on the location of the planets and luminaries in the solar system;

Physiognomy - the ability to determine personal qualities and possible actions by a person's appearance;

Palmistry and chirology - the ability to determine personal qualities and the possible course of events in a person's life along the lines of the palm, the shape of the hand and fingers;

Ceremonial magic

Tarot cards




The practice of lucid dreaming and projection into subtle planes



Thai massage


Ancient Greek Mysteries and the Teachings of the Freemasons

Vedic knowledge, etc.

All these are systems of closed, carefully guarded secret knowledge, although they are rejected by official science (in addition to astrology), however, they are of great interest to ordinary people. Because esotericism has a wide range of practical applications in real life.

In a narrower sense, to define what esotericism is - this is the doctrine of the inner nature of man.

A person has incredible hidden abilities that can be developed and feel confident in any situation.

The goal of esotericism is a conscious change in a person's personality. Esotericism offers a whole set of methods for changes that are sustainable, in contrast to the so-called "altered states of consciousness" achieved by the followers of many religions or psycho-cults. The basis for these changes is the Elevated States of Consciousness.

In the world of esotericism, thoughts, intentions, desires are something that should be given a lot of attention, since thoughts are also manifested on the physical plane.

Esotericism is hidden and secret knowledge collected by different peoples over the centuries.

Esotericism is the knowledge of oneself and the mysteries of the surrounding world.

Esotericism is most likely the disclosure of one's true self ...

Esotericism is a sacred secret knowledge that organizes the life of the human soul.

Esotericism is psychotechnology of self-adjustment of the soul and its connection with the soul of the mentor.

Often the methods and practices related to the esoteric defy explanation and understanding, but they work! When "healing", turning off your mental dialogue is one of the first necessary conditions. Esotericism beyond understanding the brain. Disable logic, disable scoring factor and just do it. In most cases, consciousness and intention are at work! It is consciousness that makes changes in the real world, this is the mechanism that launches the process towards which the "magic" ritual is directed. There are no limits to consciousness! According to the Bible, man was created in the image and likeness of God, and even the impossible is possible for God. And a person just needs to remember who he is and act in accordance with this awareness.

It becomes possible and real to change the program of reality and gain access to hidden possibilities. The more non-standard elements in a person's picture of the world, the more variants of events, the wider the permissible boundaries of what is possible in reality for a particular person.

What is esotericism? Here's what Kryon has to say about this:

“Every human being is so linear and so accustomed to it that none of you realize how distorted your reality is. As 3D linear human beings, you have come to a seven-hour conference where each speaker must convey a message to you in sequence. And your brain has to perceive the words in turn, one after the other. Your whole reality is like a narrow, small path, you only walk forward, never backward, up or down, right or left - only forward. It's like a thin string on which you are trying to maintain balance, and everything around you is built on the same principle. But you are used to it, so you do not feel that it somehow limits you.

Then some will say: “I won't believe it until I see it. Let me deal with this question first, as it often arises among you. “I have to see this,” some say.

“Plus, Mr. New Era, don't talk about weird things in the air. Don't tell me about the muscle movement you call kinesiology. Don't tell me about numerology, astrology and past lives. Don't talk about Lemurians. I do not see them because they do not exist. This is all fiction. " Things you don't see are everywhere and you take them for granted, but they are part of your 3D reality. For some reason, you recognized them. The air is too small to see it, but you can see it under a microscope. Aha! “So he’s not so invisible,” you say.

Love is an emotion that you feel but don't see. It exists because you can experience it. The forces of magnetism and gravity are so significant that you can constantly observe their influence, which means that they also exist, according to your three-dimensional mind. Thus, the three-dimensional mind regards as real everything that can be measured with instruments, or felt with the body. But I'm talking about something that will soon become available to you, since you can only see and feel it with the intention of your heart ... by slightly changing the rules of 3D reality. "

Esotericism is new, renewed sensations. Esoteric practices can give a person those experiences and sensations that he cannot achieve in material life. When a person takes a step into esotericism, his worldview often changes, he sees the world in a new way, he begins to see eternal values. His life is changing, becoming more conscious. Harmony comes into life, both with oneself and with the surrounding world.

So what is esotericism - it is Development, Harmony, Healing, Awakening.

The difficulty of moving to a higher level of cognition, to a more accurate perception of the world lies in the need to switch to pure consciousness, which is associated with a constant look at the surrounding situation from the outside, as it were.

If you are not only a physical body, and you are not indifferent to the issues of immortality, freedom, if you analyze your real essence and touch the spiritual world, then perhaps esotericism is just for you!

Interest in esotericism has grown quite recently. And many would like to figure out what kind of science is it? Esoterics where to start studying and knowing it? Does it benefit or harm?

This means that it is necessary to deal with the ideas of esotericism, what it studies, its prospects, its shortcomings.

Achieving something higher, accepting religion as something higher, all of this is initially the foundation of esotericism. Alchemists at one time transferred inanimate objects to a new level, and in Judaism, esotericism was noted in a special unity with God. In every history and culture, esotericism unwittingly spread and made its own contribution. Sooner or later, everyone in some way will feel the imprint of such a science. Now we can say that such a body of knowledge still influenced modern life. After all, even if mysticism is found in our life, it leaves a good imprint for a long time.

Esoterics- this is the doctrine of inexplicable forces that are denied by science. Scientists have long considered esotericism - the doctrine of mysticism.But, as life proves, many "mystical" factors are part of our life and even part of science. Airplanes, phones,televisions - all of this in the past seemed unrealistic. And, therefore, esotericism is a science, a science that is just beginning.People either believe and study esotericism, or they reject it, do not recognize it. And the third way, to treat it neutrally, not especially analyzing.

The foundations of the secret doctrine and body of knowledge date back to the times of Plato and Aristotle. For thousands of years, esotericism has lost its true etymology, now theory is taught in courses, and on the Internet everyone can collect bit by bit the information of interest about the mystical. Earlier, since the origin of esotericism, the uninitiated did not have the opportunity to possess knowledge of something higher, magical. Now the situation has taken a completely different angle. And, at least, the interpretation of the concept of "esotericism" is now perceived in a completely different way.

And yet there are obligatory factors that reveal the concept, although not completely, but quite clearly. Esotericism offers to gain knowledge about Man, the structure of the World, about Good and Evil. Obtaining this knowledge provides for your future choice between Light and Dark. Therefore, it is necessary to treat such teachings with great responsibility.

Esoterics - what are the directions

There are many directions studies esotericism: human mind, dreams, meditation, hypnosis, trance, mind control, work with energy,parallel worlds, fortune telling, palmistry, psychology, rituals, clairvoyance, work on the body, yoga, qigong, all unusual phenomena,.

Esotericism has a bunch of ramifications and one of the most disturbing is occultism. According to modern scholars, it is believed that occultism is a pseudoscience. Since for a long time only an initiate or a person with "special abilities" could be awarded with occult experience. Science studies the material world, but the "philosophia occulta" as a rule promotes the secret and unknown forces of man. It also has practical forms: alchemy, theosophy, Kabbalah, spiritualism.

Esotericism - the direction of alchemy

The prerogative of all alchemists was the transition of an animate or inanimate object to a "new level", the transmutation of the spirit and the achievement of immortality through exercise and certain occult actions. Alchemy gave rise to the concept of the Philosopher's Stone, which would become a panacea and a solution to all health problems.

Esotericism - theosophy direction

Translated from the ancient Greek language means as "divine wisdom". Religion, which, in their opinion, unites the human soul with the deity, is a consequence of direct communication with him.

Esotericism - the direction of Kabbalah

Religious and mystical movement in Judaism. It is necessary to understand that such a direction is associated with reflections on the creator, the essence of human nature. Esoteric Kabbalah represents rituals, habits, skills passed down from generation to generation.

The benefits of esotericism

Plunging and absorbing knowledge of esotericism, a person begins to change, or rather, his consciousness changes. Many things in his lifetake on a different meaning. His views on life, his values ​​are changing. A person wants to get to the bottom, to reach the truth. HE begins to thinkreflect on the nature of things. Of course, he is growing intellectually, spiritually. And all this positive information affectshis inner world. Man becomes a creator. He begins to love and appreciate life.

The harm of esotericism

Human esoteric student, this is a thinking person. This is the one who knows how to analyze, the one who comes to the truth.Of course, these people are harmful to the government, the system, and society. We are in a certain society, in a rigid framework,each has a specific role to play. And if a person begins to think, it can take him out of the box.His actions will be meaningful, and this is not at all desirable for those who control us. Always remember if you fight backherds, they will try to drive you back.

Esotericism - start its study and knowledge

If anyone is interested in esotericism, and you decide to try yourself in this area, then specialized literature can immerse yourself in the secret. mysticism and is great for beginners. For a better understanding of some key knowledge of esotericism, you can also read fiction on this topic. For example, Green's Journey of the Iero introduces the understanding of clairvoyance and telepathy. A lot of scientific literature has been written on this topic, and the main task for beginners is not to get lost in such a "pile" of information.

: Start thinking differently (

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A comment

Esotericism (from Greek - internal) is the area of ​​views about the deeply mystical essence of human life. Esotericism includes teachings about the nature of the Human World. This is not a single system of views, but many separate schools, groups and movements, some of which are very different from each other. This includes Reiki Natural Healing System, bioenergy, qigong, cosmoenergy, magic, theosophy, lucid dreaming practices and projections into thin plans and much more. A person has incredible hidden abilities that can be developed and feel confident in any situation.

Esotericism is not just teaching and practice. Esotericism is a conscious life... Comprehension of the world. Living in harmony with others and oneself, esotericism is not only opportunities, but also responsibilities. Responsibility to monitor your thoughts.

Thought on the subtle plane works as well as action on the physical.

From the reasons, our thoughts, effects creep out, which are also manifested on the physical plane. Esotericists have much more powerful thoughts than ordinary people. And the more esotericism develops, the more powerful the subtle becomes in it. Thoughts, desires, intentions. Esotericism is essentially about magic. However, magic is something beyond the realm of real-world consciousness. Unknown to people, supernatural. The ability to control the world with the help of a developed spirit (subtle bodies).

The goal of esotericism is a conscious change in a person's personality. Esotericism offers a whole set of methods for changes that are sustainable, in contrast to the so-called "altered states of consciousness" achieved by the followers of many religions or psycho-cults. The basis for these changes is the Elevated States of Consciousness.

What does esotericism bring to a person? In modern esotericism, several directions can be distinguished.

Knowing yourself

These are numerous schools that teach a person to be himself without unnecessary husks. Through meditation, breathing techniques, travel to the ends of the earth and many other things, a person is freed from what enslaves him, does not allow him to manifest in certain life moments. What should happen in the end is enlightenment, complete liberation, going beyond all conceivable and inconceivable frameworks (of course, not everyone succeeded in doing this). Here esotericism is very strongly intertwined with Tibetan Buddhism, tantra yoga, sutra yoga and Dzogchen.

Health improvement, the discovery of new abilities, including the healing of others

In this field, many are achieving stunning success. There are people who can tear stones with their fingers, bend spoons with a glance, levitate, heal from deadly ailments. There are a lot of abilities that a person can develop, like teachings that are ready to help in this.

Influence on the outside world

This includes all teachings that help a person to influence reality. Surely everyone has heard about the numerous psychics, black and white magicians who send positive or negative effects, and this also includes many teachings on achieving success in business, love, etc. This is the direction most unloved by society, because it is incomprehensible (and, like everything incomprehensible, it scares). But is it really that scary? Most of the work for the "spoiling" and "jinxing" is done by the "spoiled" and "overlooked". And those who really can do something will not waste their time on trifles. This also includes theoretical and practical research on the topic: what is astral, what is energy, what is the nature of a poltergeist, etc.

Of course, there are no such strict divisions, many teachings cover all three areas at once, and many are generally difficult to attribute to any of them. But this classification is no better or worse than others.

In our time, esotericism is increasingly entering ordinary life. There are already emerging doctors talking about positive thinking and biofields. There are more and more programs on TV on esoteric topics, books on esotericism are written not even in thousands, but in hundreds of thousands. Elements of esotericism are used in their work by businessmen, managers, marketers and many other professions. What to do - to continue persistent condemnation or to open up to a new trend - depends only on you.

What does esoteric knowledge give?

Why is it believed that esoteric knowledge is not given to everyone? Only a select few? Because not everyone is ready to say goodbye to the old world, three-dimensional space, the feeling of the shaky stability of his life. Each person is a blacksmith of his own happiness. Those who understand this strive for the best. To transform yourself. From the inside. Starting with thoughts. And thoughts are what happens to us.

Esoteric practices give people not only knowledge. They help to feel the surrounding space. Start thinking differently, not like before. Wake up one day and realize what is happening. What you need to do to succeed in your desired industries. Understand that the world is not three-dimensional. It is generally limitless. Consciousness is omnipotent.

Why does a person come to esotericism?

Different roads can lead to this or that knowledge. Events, people, coincidence? In any case, esotericism appears in a person's life when it is needed. The reasons may be different:

  • Search for new, unprecedented sensations. When it gets boring, the world loses its attractiveness, others do not bring its former joy. Esotericism will help you look at everything in a different light, see new things and believe in miracles.
  • Search for a method of treatment. When conventional medicine is powerless. When the pills didn't work. And it's not only about the usual illnesses, but also about constant depression, about the illness of life itself, when, no matter how hard a person tries, he cannot achieve his goals. The man turns in despair. And esotericism, magic, rituals help to heal.

Esotericism and magic are ancient sciences. This is knowledge accumulated over many years and centuries. This is great wisdom that anyone who really wants it can comprehend. And help yourself to overcome difficulties. Free yourself from heaviness and become free. Achieve results and be happy.

Esotericism and occultism: substitution of concepts

Considering information about what esotericism is and what it studies, we often come across such a concept as occultism... Occult sciences are a system of secret knowledge about the spiritual and material world, which gives the initiate tremendous opportunities. They are indeed somewhat similar to esoteric teachings, but there is one fundamental difference. Esotericism is spiritual development and self-knowledge, awareness of one's Divine essence and complete detachment from the material world. Occultism is the development of one's abilities to gain strength and power in the material world, such knowledge helps to achieve high status and material wealth. At present, occult sciences such as numerology, palmistry, healing, astrology, fortune telling, etc. are called esotericism. This is not entirely true, since their main task is to improve life in the material world. While esotericism is the path to God and spiritual perfection.

Esoterics and self-knowledge

Modern science and esotericism have more differences than similarities. Science deals with the study of phenomena and processes in the material world, using logic and experiment. The field of study of esotericism is the spiritual world of a person, emotions and energy flows.

In order to finally understand what esotericism is in the modern world, and what it studies, it is necessary to expand the boundaries of your consciousness and worldview.

The literal translation of the word "esoterics" from Greek sounds like "internal" and is used to refer to spiritual, mystical, processes hidden in the heart of people. If a person understands that he is not only a body, that his real nature is immortality, freedom and an endless creative process, if a person analyzes his real essence and tries to live in the spiritual world, then he can be safely called an esoteric. Over the years, completely different people in different parts of the planet have formed their own methods of self-knowledge and self-realization, including psychology, religion, yoga, magic, etc. There are so many of these methods (and their combinations) that those who have just realized their true nature are simply lost and do not know where to start ...

In order to help you choose the right Path or realize your own, this site was created. So that every beginner, practitioner or master can find their way, reinforce their experience with new knowledge or help those who need tips. It is intended for seekers and free people.

Esoterics Is a teaching, a body of knowledge intended only for initiated people who carry this secret in themselves and do not have the right to spread it beyond their knowledge. The concept of esotericism comes from the Greek word "esterikos", which means in translation - hidden, internal. The teaching contains everything that was collected, accumulated, stored for centuries, passed down from generation to generation and improved in the culture of different peoples. Esotericism is a process of cognition of the surrounding world and being, cognition of oneself as a part of the whole. Each person carries a secret within himself, and it should belong only to him - this is the true meaning of esotericism. (The philosopher gave / gave the meaning of the word esotericism)

Esotericism Is a very important and interesting area of ​​human knowledge. This knowledge has always existed, it has accompanied the entire history of mankind, of course, developing and changing. But most people's access to this knowledge has always been limited. Now is the time when the degree of this limitation is rapidly decreasing, and we are lucky in this.

The modern approach of philosophical and natural sciences divides esotericism into a number of parts: historical, philosophical, natural science, religious, ethical, medical, psychological, etc. In ancient times, all these aspects were an inseparable whole.

The concept of esotericism can be considered in several of the following meanings, which we will do:

The classic definition of esotericism is a secret teaching accessible only to a select few, initiated.

Knowledge that was publicly available now, which was previously secret.

A wide range of issues that partly fall under definitions such as occultism, mysticism, magic, etc.

"Positive" mysticism. The classic definition of esotericism

The term "esotericism" comes from the Greek word "esotericos", which means "inner", "hidden", "hidden".

Initially, this concept was used to denote secret knowledge accessible only to a select few, initiated, as opposed to exotericism, which means openness to all, accessibility to all. Something intimate is always associated with true esotericism, communicated to only a few. These people had to go through long training and self-improvement beforehand. Instructions in esoteric teachings, as a rule, were given orally, as well as the transmission of basic principles, their interpretations and traditions.

If we turn to the history of mankind, we will see that these two types of knowledge have existed since the most ancient times. One was exoteric, the other esoteric. The first type of knowledge was available to the broad masses of the population, any person could possess it. The second type of knowledge could not be mastered by everyone, since its acquisition was associated with significant difficulties, hardships and dangers of a very different nature.

Esoteric knowledge was taught in the mysteries. The word "mysteries" comes from the Greek "muo", which meant "to close your mouth." Those guilty of divulging the secrets of the Mysteries could be punished by death. Here is how H.P. Blavatsky defines the mysteries in her work "Isis Unveiled":

“Mysteries are Greek teletai, or completion, which is analogous to teleuteia or death. These were rituals usually kept secret from the profane1 and the uninitiated. In these rituals, through dramatized performances and other methods, the origin of things, the nature of the human spirit, its relationship to the body and the methods of purifying it and returning to a more sublime life were taught. Physics, medicine, the laws of music, divination were taught in the same way ... The sacred mysteries were played out in ancient temples by consecrated hierophants for the benefit of training candidates ... As Plato and many other ancient sages confirm, the mysteries as schools of ethics were highly religious, moral and beneficial ... Their secret meaning explained to candidates for initiation and embodied in philosophical doctrines. "

The famous American researcher of ancient traditions M.P. Hall wrote:

"The Mysteries were the keepers of transcendental5 knowledge so deep and incomprehensible to all but the most exalted intellects, and so powerful that it could only be discovered by those whose personal ambitions were dead and who devoted their lives to selfless service to humanity."

Mysteries existed in almost all ancient countries. Here is some of them:

  • Mysteries of Asar-Hapi in Egypt;
  • Bacchic and Dionysian rituals in Ancient Greece;
  • Orphic mysteries, the main plot of which was the love of Orpheus and Eurydice;
  • The Eleusinian Mysteries were performed in honor of Ceres (Demeter, Rhea or Isis) and her daughter Persephone;
  • Persian mysteries dedicated to the cult of Mithra;
  • Mysteries of the Druids of Britain and Gaul and others.

At the dawn of the emergence of Christianity, many ideas of the pagan world, including the institution of the mysteries, passed into a new religion. In Christianity, there were the Mysteries of Jesus and the Mysteries of the Kingdom, in which special conditions were also imposed on those seeking initiation, necessary for the acquisition of knowledge. Christianity, closely associated with Jewish, Persian and Greek beliefs, with a touch of the more ancient beliefs of India and colored by Egyptian thought, was the later branch of the common religious trunk. Therefore, it carried in itself a confirmation of ancient legends and transferred the basic ideas of ancient teachings to the Western peoples.

The origins of esoteric knowledge should be sought in the Vedas - the most ancient scriptures known to mankind today. For this knowledge, philosophers and thinkers of ancient times came to Egypt and the East: Herodotus6, Thales7, Parmenides8, Empedocles9 and Pythagoras10. There Moses11 acquired his wisdom and Jesus spent the young years of his life. Students from all countries rushed there.

Aurobindo Ghosh, an eminent Indian mystic scholar, believed that the Vedas are replete with hints of secret teachings and mystical philosophy. He wrote that the Vedas are a secret religion, corresponding to the Orphic and Eleusinian beliefs of ancient Greece. “The hypothesis I propose is that the Rig Veda12 itself is the only significant document of the early period of human thought development that has come down to us, from which the Eleusinian and Orphic mysteries survived only as fading vestiges, when the spiritual and psychological knowledge of the human race, for reasons that it is difficult now to determine whether they were hiding behind a veil of specific material forms and symbols, blocking the meaning from the uninitiated and revealing it only to the initiated. One of the guiding principles of the mystics is holiness and mystery, self-knowledge and true knowledge of the gods. They believed that this wisdom was unsuitable and, perhaps, concealed a danger to the ordinary human mind and that, in any case, if opened to a gross and unpurified spirit, it could be perverted and become an object of abuse, ”he wrote.

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, in her main work, The Secret Doctrine, speaks of esotericism:

“A true philosopher who studies Esoteric Wisdom is completely freed from personalities, dogmatic beliefs and special religions. In addition, Esoteric Philosophy reconciles all religions and, removing from each of its outer shell, human, points to the identity of the root of each with the basis of every other great religion. It proves the necessity of the Divine and Absolute Principle in Nature. "

H.P. Blavatsky also believed that the origins of ancient wisdom should be sought in India. She wrote that India is the cradle of modern mankind and that even ancient Egypt owes all its achievements to India. She pointed out that the first king of Egypt, Menes, abandoned by the Brahmins, emigrated along with all his supporters from India; while he went through Iran, Arabia and reached Cairo.

Knowledge that was previously secret

The term "esotericism" nowadays can have a much broader meaning - that from the secret has become public. In the history of mankind, periods periodically come when a certain part of esoteric knowledge is revealed to the broad masses. And although this knowledge, widely promulgated and published, has actually ceased to be esoteric in the classical sense of the word, nevertheless it is passed on by the general public under the concept of "esotericism" due to its unorthodox1 and novelty of ideas that cannot be summed up under the dominant views of religion, philosophy, science or ideology of its time.

In modern language, the concept of "esotericism" is often interpreted and used in a noticeably different way than before. Today, it means not only its classical meaning, but also a wide range of problems, which partly fall under such definitions as occult1, mystic2, magic3, expansion of consciousness, alternative medicine, frontier sciences, complex thinking, holistic4 view of the world, metaphysics5, etc. e. The transmission of such information was previously only allowed for a few teachers; only a select few could receive their instruction. Adhering to the classical meaning of the term "esotericism", it can also include the ways and methods of developing personal consciousness, familiarizing with the comprehensive world knowledge and achieving health of the human body, soul and spirit. The esoteric approach differs significantly from other approaches to the same problems: it is unorthodox in relation to the dominant worldview system. Esoteric postulates do not fall within the framework of the generally accepted system of cognition, they are not yet the usual routine of life, for example, in those cases when we turn to the holistic model of the world or to the Eastern schools of knowledge - such as Vedanta6, Yoga7 or Ayurveda8.

Esotericism in its explanations is mainly not based on rational analysis, logical thinking and materialistic perception of the world and man, despite the fact that these methods of cognition are also important. These functions of the left hemisphere of our brain are mainly related to the processes of the earthly material plane, which, acting on the five senses of the average person, provide him with information about the objects of the visible world. But how fatal can be the absolutization of these functions of the left hemisphere of our brain, the conviction that only with their help it is possible to achieve higher knowledge and happiness. The internal, spiritual abilities of the average person, which are provided by the right hemisphere of the brain, are in an undeveloped, dormant state, as a result of which he lives not quite in reality, perceiving the world one-sidedly. Eastern philosophy calls such an incomplete, distorted perception of the world illusory (Maya). This spiritual blindness is the main calamity of modern mankind, bringing him innumerable suffering and even putting him on the brink of catastrophe. The zones of the right hemisphere have flexible, subtle properties that make it possible to comprehend the hidden meaning of life processes using intuition, figurative and associative9 thinking, etc.

Moreover, the path to true and all-embracing understanding can be achieved only when the qualities that are not related to the functions of the cerebral hemispheres are developed - peacefulness, sympathy and love. These qualities are mainly associated with the activity of the awakened heart, with the so-called heart mental center.

1 - occultism - (from Lat. Occultus - secret, secret), the general name of teachings that recognize the existence of hidden forces in man and space, inaccessible to ordinary people, but available to people who have the necessary knowledge and training. The scope and content of occultism has changed throughout history. A number of phenomena that were previously considered purely occult (for example, magnetism in the Renaissance, gravity in astrology, hypnotism in the 18th century, human subtle energies, aura), later moved into the realm of science. These facts and the development of science make it possible to say with confidence that most of the phenomena of occultism will be explained and accepted by science.

2 - mysticism - (Greek mistikos - mysterious), a sacred (sacred) religious practice aimed at achieving direct supersensible communication and union with God in the ecstasy of revelation experienced, as well as a system of knowledge that allows this practice to be carried out. Often everything that seems incomprehensible, mysterious is called mysticism, not very accurately.

3 - magic - (lat., Lit. "Great science"). The modern understanding of magic, as a rule, boils down to the practical application of hidden and intimate secrets of nature, the influence on people, events or phenomena through the so-called "subtle energies". This is witchcraft, spells, magical rituals that can affect nature and humans. White magic is free from selfishness, lust for power, ambition and self-interest and is entirely aimed at creating kindness and justice. Its antipode - black magic - is opposite in all the indicated parameters. A black magician - a person who has embarked on an unrighteous path, makes his karma heavier by many orders of magnitude.

“… Like everything violent, magic reaches its darkest manifestations. The very boundary between black and white magic becomes elusive in its complexity. Therefore, on the path to the future, all magic should be set aside (Fiery World 2, 249). "

4 - holistic - from the Greek. holos - whole, whole.

5 - metaphysics - translated from the ancient. Greek as "what is after physics" - a branch of philosophy that deals with the study of the original nature - reality, being and the world as such. For the first time this name was given by the students of Aristotle to the records of his reasoning about the conceptually comprehended principles of life.

6 - Vedanta - here this word means one of the main schools of Indian philosophy.

7 - Yoga - in this context, this word means one of the Indian schools of thought.

8 - Ayurveda is part of the Vedic teachings. Literally translated from Skt. it means "knowledge of life."

9 - associative - established by the relationship between separate views, by virtue of which one view calls another.

Source; http: //www.aum.news/

If you are not only a physical body and you are not indifferent to questions immortality, freedom if you analyze your true essence and touch the spiritual world then perhaps esotericism for you.

Man has long thought about hidden spiritual, mystical processes, including religion, magic, yoga... There are a lot of methods of self-knowledge and self-realization, and a person is often lost in the vast world of ways of knowing oneself. Traps lie in wait at every step, but if you are a seeker, free, living person, you will find the right Path.

Esoterics(from Greek - internal) - the area of ​​specific views about the deeply mystical essence of human life. Esotericism includes teachings, concepts, practices of comprehending secret knowledge about the nature of the Human World. This is not a single system of views, but many separate schools, groups and movements, some of which are very different from each other. This includes the natural healing system Reiki, bioenergy, qigong, cosmoenergy, magic, theosophy, lucid dreaming practices and projections into thin plans and much more. A person has incredible hidden abilities that can be developed and feel confident in any situation.

The purpose of esotericism- a conscious change in a person's personality. Esotericism offers a whole set of methods for changes that are sustainable, in contrast to the so-called "altered states of consciousness" achieved by the followers of many religions or psycho-cults. The basis for these changes is the Elevated States of Consciousness.

Esotericism is characterized by dichotomy between secret and open canonical forms, but neither external nor internal are mutually exclusive. Harmony between the inner spiritual life and the outer is possible.

In the world of esotericism thoughts, intentions, desires, - this is something that should be given a lot of attention, since thoughts manifest themselves on the physical plane.

Now everything that has a spiritual aspect, and is not limited exclusively to material qualities and leads to the development of body and spirit, is called esotericism. Esoteric practices work not only with the physical body, but also with thin human bodies, with soul.

When a person does not find a way out of a difficult situation, having tried many official means, he comes to esoteric teachings. And, having shown perseverance, he will definitely get the result.

Often the methods and practices related to the esoteric defy explanation and understanding, but they work! When "healing", turning off your mental dialogue is one of the first necessary conditions. Esotericism beyond understanding the brain. Disable logic, disable scoring factor and just do it. Most of the time it works consciousness and intention! It is consciousness that makes changes in the real world, this is the mechanism that launches the process at which it is directed "magical"ritual. There are no limits to consciousness. According to Bible, man was created in the image and likeness of God, and even the impossible is possible for God. And a person just needs to remember who he is and act in accordance with this awareness.

It becomes possible and real to change the program of reality and gain access to hidden possibilities. The more non-standard elements in a person's picture of the world, the more variants of events, the wider the permissible boundaries of what is possible in reality for a particular person.

Esotericism is a new renewed sensation... Esoteric practices can give a person those experiences and sensations that he cannot achieve in material life. When a person takes a step into esotericism, his worldview often changes, he sees the world in a new way, he begins to see eternal values. His life is changing, becoming more conscious. Harmony comes into life, both with oneself and with the surrounding world.

Esotericism is Development, Harmony, Healing, Awakening.