What does the Russian world mean for Donbass. Donbass is a multinational region

What does the Russian world mean for Donbass.  Donbass is a multinational region
What does the Russian world mean for Donbass. Donbass is a multinational region

The topic of hunger in Ukraine and, in particular, in the Donbass, is just one of those that is now fashionable to talk about at all levels, once a year to lay flowers, be sure to under the cameras, by all means making, at the same time, a mournful face, as if it were you. in fact, for something touched there. Alas, this is where all the interest in the subject melts away.

After declassification of the funds in 1989 by the State Archives of Donetsk Oblast, an exhibition was made about the scale of the famine that befell Donbass in 1932-1933.

According to the reports of the district committees of the CP (b) U, it was established that for the period from February 27 to March 9, more than 4 thousand hungry people were registered in 21 districts of the region. On the collective farms of the Belokurakinskaya MTS alone, about 2.5 thousand people were in dire need of food. Markovskiy, Rubezhanskiy, Novo-Pskovskiy, Starobelskiy, Novo-Aydarskiy, Verkhne-Teplyanskiy, Staro-Karanskiy districts of the region were especially hungry.

The facts of mass swelling of people from hunger and numerous cases of starvation are cited. Only in 10 days of February-March, 267 people died in 12 districts of the region, while far from all the dead were taken into account, their real number was much higher. In the Starobelsk collective farm, 150 people died in 2 months, and in the Belo-Kurakinsky collective farm, 578 people died in 3 months, and 679 in the Markovsky district.

The village of Eremovka in the Shaparskiy village council lies completely swollen. There are 63 deaths in the village of Lizino. In the memoranda, it is widely noted that "the soulless attitude of the population and even individual leaders to both the starving and the dead. The dead lay for 3-4 days or more:" The question of elementary sanitation is threatening, due to the fact that corpses are buried with a delay , often in cloons, sheds and apartment hallways. "

Dogs, cats and dead livestock were commonly eaten. In the village of Kuz, Mikhailovka, Staro-Karansky district, there have been cases of eating horses infected with glanders. In the village of Lyzino, Novo-Pskov region, the collective farmer Kondratenko lived for about a month and fed his family with carrion from the cattle cemetery, dogs and cats, and he froze to death in this cemetery, digging up a horse leg.

Numerous facts of cannibalism testify to the extremely plight of people during this period. A collective farmer from their district Krikonenko Methodius stabbed his son for 6 years and ate together with his wife for 4 days.

In the village of Rosokhovatom, Markovsky district, Rudenko Fedor had a family of 5 people, including three children. His wife Marina, under the duress of her husband, stabbed to death two children who were eaten by them.

There were facts of corpse eating. In 1933, in the village of Bonchukovka, Novo-Pskov region, collective farmer Vesely Fedor with his wife Evdokia and 14-year-old son dug 3 corpses in the cemetery and eaten them, after which they all died at once. In the same village, in the cellar of the collective farmer Kiyashchenkova, half of the corpse of her deceased brother was found.

And now the main thing!

All these devastated villages had to be filled with someone. Western and central Ukraine, also badly affected by hunger, could not offer human material, therefore, Russian poverty poured into the Donbass, as border areas, massively.

In addition, Donbass is still an industrial, not an agricultural region. The village, as we saw above, was actually cleared of the "Ukrainian element" for Russian settlers, and the cities, most of which were either built from scratch or expanded significantly during the Soviet era, were also massively populated by "purely Russian" nobody saw anything wrong with that then.

In those temporary times, when, among the Soviet people, myths planted by Russian propaganda about fifteen republics - fifteen equal sisters, about three fraternal Slavic peoples and God knows what else, "if only there was no war" and it never occurred to anyone, were actively walking, that the terrible time is not far off when fifteen republics will disintegrate, and a brother will come with weapons to kill his brother solely on ethnic grounds.

I would like to convey the impression of a Russian journalist from Kramatorsk, who arrived today from Dimitrov, who said:
"In the 1980s, a new mine, or rather a longwall, was launched in the miners' Dimitrov. The work of a miner was held in high esteem then, well paid. But there were not enough workers. The conditions were luxurious. Then a whole microdistrict was built, they named Damansky. Whoever came to work at the mine , handed over the keys to the apartment as soon as a person wrote an application. In addition, they gave out 1000 rubles for the arrangement. As far as I remember, the refrigerator then cost 300, color TV 400-500. We asked for help from colleagues from Western Ukraine, miners from the Lviv region. They refused. They invited the residents of Perm. There were a lot of them then. They settled in a whole microdistrict. They say now they are just waiting for Russia to come. "

This is the reason for the massive expectations of the "Russian world". Come to this area and it doesn't matter that it is the only one like this for this whole Dmitrov, but in the rest they may hate the aforementioned "Russian world". It is important that it exists, therefore, go there, shoot like a whole district, and on the air say - the whole city of Donbass, asks to go to Russia, to its, so to speak, "historical homeland", because "Russians have always lived here" and it doesn't matter that this "always" stems from the roots already in some 30-40 years. It is important that this is all, really Russian people, not only in spirit and blood, but banal, by nationality and Soviet passport, that for them the same thing and that it is absolutely natural for them to want to go to Russia, just like Ukrainians naturally demand from these immigrants to leave alone their primordial Ukrainian lands, on which they lived not for 30-40 years, but for centuries.

The problem is that Russia, having no good reason to justify its invasion of Ukraine, uses them to the fullest, and Ukraine, so far, has not done anything to break this stupid and deceitful version of "Russian mira "and would dispel doubts who still have them, that neither Donetsk nor Lugansk have ever been and will not be Russian just because Russia, at one time, settled them with ethnic Russians.

Anatoly Kravchuk, website obozrevatel.com

Donbass has always traditionally gravitated towards Russia, felt itself an integral part of Russian civilization. We were born together, we grew up together, matured and matured. We fought together, built together, feasted together. Together. The collapse of the USSR divided us, resettling us to different countries. But, despite this, we remained one people and continue, like twins, to feel each other. And in sorrow and in joy. Only now joy has bypassed Donbass for four years. In Russia, too, there is no honey, and every day everything is more cheerful and more cheerful. And, it seems, we live in different countries, but the trouble is common. The name of this trouble does not leave the screens and pages of the press. Her name is Putin.

This is the main problem of Donbass! Not the only one, but the main one! It was he who allowed the genocide of the population of the Russian Donbass. He turned the republics that rebelled against injustice and Nazism into tolerant. It is he who forbids the militia to give an adequate response to the shelling of residential areas. It does not allow us to drive off the occupiers to a safe distance from our cities. It is he who, behind the backs of several million residents, with the mouth of Surkov, is negotiating with the Americans, deciding our fate. It was he who proposed to bring "peacekeepers" into Donetsk and Lugansk. He offered to save what was stolen and taken to the West by his accomplices. The second goal of this degenerate proposal is a dream come true for Western uncles to pat the head and allow him to sit in the hallway (they won't let him go further, of course, no one sits down at the same table with traitorous thieves and cowards).

But not only the residents of Donetsk and Lugansk carry on their shoulders the heavy burden of "friendship" with the traitor. What is happening now with Russia, which earlier, especially during the time of the USSR, were so proud of its inhabitants? Moreover, they were quite rightly proud. What is happening now, how has the country changed under Putin?

It was he who turned great Russia into Neutrality, paying tribute to the invaders and marching in front of the whole world under a neutral rag, with a ban even to pronounce the word "Russia". It was he who allowed the establishment of a NATO base in Ulyanovsk. It is with him that NATO planes land and unload every day at the airport near Moscow. What are they bringing? And for what? Is Putin cooking something? For Russia or against? Who can give a definite answer?

Judging by what he and his pets say and do, who have occupied all state media, no good can be expected. In Russia, a country that won a terrible war, which destroyed 30% of the national property, they bashfully hide Lenin's mausoleum before the Victory Parade! The mausoleum to which the flags of the defeated enemy were thrown! There is a widespread distortion of history. People are being told that there were no great leaders in our history who raised the country from the ruins of the Civil and Patriotic War. They are trying to convince us that there were no our glorious victories and achievements. As if we were not the ones who built the world's first socialist state, as if we were not the ones who built tens of thousands of enterprises, settlements, and power plants. We did not defeat completely illiteracy and brought electricity to every village, to every house. Putin even got to the point where he said that Stalin and his government worked less stressful and productive than him and his comrade-in-arms, the micro-man Medvedev. Although, maybe he is right. It depends on what is considered work - creation or destruction. The Soviet Union built and created its potential for 70 long years, and Putin with his predecessor and his associates destroyed almost everything in 25! This is the pace, it will take your breath away! Stalin to study and study ...

When Putin's Russian Federation is called a gas station country, it is not an insult. In fact, this is flattery. RF does not sell gasoline. She trades only in raw materials - oil. But smart, economic uncles in the West (and Belarus too) are already making gasoline from oil, earning decent money from refining. Russia, on the other hand, depleting its irreplaceable resources, receives a pittance. Why is that? Because Putin!

He lit up even before his presidency. We all remember the explosions of houses in Moscow and Volgodonsk. Putin was then the director of the FSB. Namely, the FSB falls under suspicion for these explosions. This is evidenced by the failed bombing of a house in Ryazan. The FSB was then covered by Patrushev, who became the director of the FSB a week before the Ryazan event. Patrushev with Putin since Peter. Longtime acquaintances. So many years hand in hand. And today the name of Patrushev has surfaced again. The British newspaper The Telegraph claims that several suitcases of cocaine were transported on Patrushev's plane. From the Russian Embassy in Argentina to Moscow with diplomatic baggage.

When I say “Putin,” I do not always mean personally the one who traditionally “outperforms” everyone in a row and who lies to the whole world about the spectacular economic growth rates and the rapid growth of social and cultural life in his country or about high-profile victories on the distant approaches. No, I mean the consolidated Putin with all his entourage, all his camarilla. Visible and behind the scenes. In order to shit so revealingly in such a huge country, you need a remarkable mind, which cannot be said about Putin. If the aforementioned one was seven inches in the forehead, he would not be afraid to go out to debate with competitors, at least once every 6 years, before his next election. But it doesn’t come out. Fears. Because he understands perfectly well that any contender for the throne, even the filly Ksyusha, will shut him up for one or two. He will simply ask a couple of questions about Serdyukov, about Yakunin, about the owner of the customs deriban, that is, the terminal, Belyaninov, or about any other Putin comrade-in-arms. But you never know how you can drive a liar into a corner! That is why he is afraid. That is why it does not come out.

In an attempt to distort our past, to bring confusion into history, Putin, a passionate lover of the deceitful, like himself, anti-Soviet and Russophobe Solzhenitsyn, is trying to impose new heroes on us. Blinding them in haste from notorious enemies. He builds monuments to them. This is the Yeltsin Center - a monument to the man who destroyed the country, condoned the emergence of an oligarchy and reported on "successes" to the US Senate. These are monuments to the tsars, white officers who destroyed the Russian people, and memorial plaques to the same Mannerheim, who helped Hitler to keep the blockade of Leningrad. From the same clip and the so-called Wall of Sorrow, at the opening of which Putin was personally present. He personally paid for the monument to Denikin. It was with him that 2018 was called the year of Solzhenitsyn. It was he who repented for the destruction of Polish officers in Katyn, although historians and researchers have more than once proven the innocence of the Red Army in this execution.

And yes, it was with him that the Mir orbital station was flooded, explaining this sabotage by the fact that there is nothing to support it. The cost of maintaining the station was $ 200 million a year (compared to the capital that Putin's friends daily take to exotic islands, $ 200 million is a mere trifle). There were several proposals for saving the station and extending its life. Iran became interested in the capabilities of the station, which could track missile launches and flights of other objects in airspace from space. The Shah of Iran even offered the Kremlin to take over the maintenance of the station for another three years. Putin was not stopped by the warnings of experts insisting that the end of the "Peace" program will lead to the reduction of more than a hundred thousand jobs. Places, the loss of which is fraught with the loss of highly qualified personnel, which could be used for the good of the country. But Putin is not interested in all this. From this you will not get a rollback. Moreover, it became possible to bend in front of overseas partners. And Putin did not fail to use it. Or got a command? The answer lies on the surface.

It was he who turned the entire foreign policy of the Russian Federation into an impenetrable curtain with seven Fridays a week and widespread lies. Moreover, this lie and the unusual number of "Fridays" could be forgiven if they went to strengthen the country. But no! Russia is catastrophically losing friends and allies. Loses international credibility. The "friends" include only freeloaders, standing in line for the next freebie. A freebie, for which you will hardly need to pay. You can just throw it, or you can ask that the debt be forgiven. You can throw with complete impunity, everyone has already learned this. But just throwing is not in trend these days. Now it is in vogue to first take, not pay, and then demand more and more, at the same time spitting in the face and screwing up Russia all over the world, as Ukraine does.

And I think everyone understands how they “forgive” debts. Some country, which has taken up debts like a bitch of fleas, is negotiating with the Kremlin emissaries, they say, we will scratch the bottom of the barrel, and we will transfer a couple of billions to your personal account in the country of Offshore, and you agree with the Leader to give the command to write off the rest of our debt. To get out with the godfather is a piece of cake. Roldugin won't let you lie. And Russia says goodbye to its money, often invested by the USSR, allegedly forgiven free of charge, which means nothing. Countries ruled not by Putin, but by a person who cares about the country's well-being, find a way to get at least something from the debtors. For example, rum is received from Cuba. Why not? Not rum, but sugar. Not sugar, so bananas. You can get something from every country. At least their loyalty in different UNOs and other sharashki. You can build a military base on their territory. But you never know what you can think of if you are not an ordinary thief, but a statesman. And these debts floated away neither more nor less, 110 billion of evergreens! It would be enough for pensions and salaries of state employees for several years. But nanogenius decided, as always, not in the standard way. That's why he is a genius.

Under Putin, international relations have been reduced to a banal pumping of banknotes from the bins of the Motherland into the pockets of several especially close ones.

But you see, some of the government officials have a new villa or the world's largest yacht. And someone found money to train their offspring in the most prestigious universities in the world. And not only for training, but also for decent content. And this despite the fact that this someone has never done anything other than sitting in office. It's just that this someone took root at the trough and, spitting on the palms of his hands, began to saw the national property, constantly looking around to see if any of his colleagues was sawing more productively than himself. And these near-Kremlin prisoners do not have any restraining factors, in the form of conscience or supervising bodies. In the organs of these sit the same saws. If you don’t believe, ask Seagull, and preferably his sons.

To fall into the bottomless state freebie, all means are good. There are setups, divorces, and betrayal. You can also slap a competitor so that the rest of the applicants are discouraged. But not everyone fights to the trough. Only their own, proven ones. Those on whom the gray cardinals ruling the ball have reliable compromising evidence: volumes of documents and kilometers of film. Clever people, professionals in their field are working on this collection of works. They have no misfires. Without a doubt, there are volumes and kilometers on Putin too. And someone commands his actions from the outside. This can be seen from the way he rules the country, as if he saws the branch on which he sits. One gets the impression that he deliberately provokes the people into a social revolt. Another unforgettable classic, A. Pushkin, warned: "God forbid to see the Russian rebellion senseless and merciless." And soon the people will have no other choice but the socialist revolution. But Putin is bending his line, increasing the extortion from the people and tightening the nuts more and more tightly. Is he hoping for the National Guard, headed by his longtime ally Zolotov? Or received a command to plunge Russia into chaos, so that later it would be easier for partners to digest it?

After the final seizure of the State Duma by United Russia in September 2016, the plunder of the country intensified in parallel with the growth of social tension. How long will the safety margin of the current Russian Federation, which has been ruled by the State Department's henchmen for 25 years, last? Thanks to these figures, the sprouts of ordinary fascism and latent genocide are making their way in Russia. According to some reports, over the years of "independence" Russia has lost more than 32 million of its fellow citizens! Putin got involved in a war in Syria from which now he cannot get out, because they will laugh at all, provoked the massacre in Donbass, which has lasted longer than the Great Patriotic War lasted!

What did Putin do good for Russia, what groundwork did he do for the future, so that his descendants would not curse him like Gobachev and Yeltsin, but so that they would remember him with a kindly quiet word? And in response, silence. You can't even see his actions like this under a microscope. Only lies, pharisaism and "asymmetric" responses to external and internal threats, and even the squandering and collapse of the powerful economy that he inherited from the Soviet Union.

The list of his meanness and betrayal is endless! And there are still six years of his reign ahead! What will be left of Russia in these six years? And will Russia remain the way we knew and loved it?


Indeed, there is nowhere to retreat. THE TROUBLE IS ALREADY HERE IN OUR HOUSE

Editor of "Narodniy Zhurnalist" Artyom Sergeev

* Extremist and terrorist organizations banned in the Russian Federation: Jehovah's Witnesses, National Bolshevik Party, Right Sector, Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), Islamic State (IS, ISIS, Daesh), Jabhat Fatah ash-Sham ”,“ Jabhat al-Nusra ”,“ Al-Qaeda ”,“ UNA-UNSO ”,“ Taliban ”,“ Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people ”,“ Misanthropic Division ”,“ Brotherhood ”of Korchinsky,“ Trident named after. Stepan Bandera "," Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists "(OUN)

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When, in the early spring of 2014, the entire labor force of Donbass defended the Russian World, such concepts as “Russian Spring” and “Russian World” became very relevant. The Russian world is our common historical roots, it is a special historical and spiritual community of people based, first of all, on Russian culture and the Russian language as carriers of this special community. In our opinion, the Russian World is a supranational phenomenon, a phenomenon, and even being divided by state borders, it is a consolidating and solidary force.

According to the researchers, the concept of "Russian world" is narrower than the concept of "civilization". But, undoubtedly, one thing: the idea of ​​the Russian World is a cementing civilizational basis for the further progressive development of our native land - Donbass. It should be admitted that historians, literary and artistic figures interpret the content of this concept in different ways. Thus, the famous film director K. Shakhnazarov believes that the term "Russian world" is somewhat narrow and does not fully reflect the socio-economic and cultural processes that are taking place in the vastness of this Russian World. Therefore, he proposes to replace this concept with a broader term: for example, "Soviet World", or "Eurasian World".

As the Russian philosopher I. Ilyin rightly argued, the Russian idea is the idea of ​​the heart, the idea of ​​conscience and love, the idea of ​​truth and justice. After all, the Russian soul is especially sensitive to concepts such as Truth and Justice. Yes, the Russian World embodies truth and justice. And the bearers of these ideals, wherever they came, always came as equals to equals. They never forced other peoples to forget their identity and change their identity. This is evidenced by numerous historical events and facts. Suffice it to recall the campaign of the Russian army in Napoleonic Europe and the entry of its units into defeated Paris under the enthusiastic exclamations of the Parisians, the liberation campaign of the Russian troops in 1877-1878 and the liberation from the almost 300-year-old Turkish yoke of the Balkan peoples, the liberation of the European countries from Hitler's fascism by the Soviet Army ...

And now the People's Republics of Donbass, the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the Victors in the Great Patriotic War, have been fighting for the ideals of the Russian World for more than three years. It should be especially emphasized that for all the years of the so-called “independence”, everything Russian was systematically and with unprecedented consistency. For example, Russian-language schools were closed everywhere, and the Ukrainian language of instruction was forcibly introduced even in technical universities. By 2011, there were only six Russian-language schools in multimillion-dollar Kiev! Teaching the history of Russian culture has almost completely stopped - open Ukrainian textbooks on cultural studies for universities, there you will not find even a hint of Russian culture. The repertoire policy of theaters, philharmonic societies, all creative organizations and collectives was carried out in the same spirit.

And the dubbing of films only on "Mov!" And the throwing mud at Russia and the Russians and the exaltation of cave Ukrainian nationalists in school and university textbooks! "That is why we have risen to fight in order to defend our Russianness and the Russian world!" - Pavel Gubarev asserts in his book "Torch of Novorossiya" It was due to the fault of the Kiev punishers that a real civil war began, and its tragic statistics continue to run its bloody countdown. So, according to UN data for September 2016, 9,640 people died in Donbass, 22,431 people were injured, 1,658,206 people left the war zone. “What is happening now in Donbass,” says the Head of the DPR, Alexander Zakharchenko, is the forefront of Russia. This is the war of the Russian World against everything Western ... We are a line that cannot be surrendered ... after all, Moscow is behind. " "And when the Russian people begin to unite, there is no one stronger than our people in the world ... And the basis of the unity of the Russian world is those spiritual values ​​that we are all obliged to preserve for future generations."


1. Grechko IV Traditional bilingualism in Ukraine as a factor of its sustainable development / IV Grechko // Materials of the regional scientific conference, April 28, 2011. - Donetsk, 2011. - pp. 184-189.

2. Gubarev P. Torch of New Russia / P. Gubarev. - SPB .: Peter, 2016 .-- 416 p. 3. 1000 days of ATO // Donetsk Republic. - 2017. - No. 1. - P. 3. 4. Zakharchenko A.V. Our path lies through victory / A.V. Zakharchenko // Battle banner of Donbass. - 2016. - No. 42. - S. 2.

5. DPR - the front line of the struggle for the ideals of the Russian world // Donetsk Republic. - 2017. - No. 3. - C.1.

Dryamin V.A., Grechko I.V.

Compliance with the local history aspect in citizenship lessons

Donbass melodies

MOU "School No. 58 of Donetsk"


  • To form patriotic self-awareness among the younger generation;
  • to foster a sense of pride in their native Donetsk region and its multinational people;
  • foster a sense of respect for cultural achievements and the historical past, the traditions of Donbass;
  • develop citizenship, patriotism as the most important spiritual, moral and social values.

Read the poem expressively

  • Music lives everywhere

The wind sings barely audibly

Linden sighs by the garden ...

Sensitive music lives everywhere -

In the rustle of grasses, in the noise of oak groves -

You just have to listen.

The stream flows loudly,

Thunder falls from the firmament -

This is a melody of its eternal

The world is filled with nature.

The willow sheds its quiet tears at the ford ...!

Nightingales greet the night with trill.

The sound of the branches, the song of the rains -

The world is filled with nature.

The birds meet the sunrise

The swallow is happy with the sun! ,

Sensitive music lives everywhere, -

You just have to listen.

Vadim Semernin

- What does music mean to you? - What are your favorite pieces of music?

Collect Proverbs

  • Where the song flows, there is a bird without wings.
  • A world without music that lives happily.
  • Where songs are sung, it is easier to live there.

- How do you understand the meaning of these proverbs, explain.


  • 1 .Sleep and rest forgotten :

Writes the song ...


  • 2. Guitar strings, patience, talent plus inspiration equals ...


3. I stand in front of the choir

Everyone is silent, and I sing.,

Who am I? What kind of artist?

Surely, …


4. He waves his arms smoothly

Hears every instrument.

He is the most important in the orchestra,

He is the president in the orchestra. ...


Donbass is a mining region, NS To that a significant place in our life is occupied by songs about miners and for miners.

  • Do you know such artificial mountains? What are their names?
  • Listen to the song "Dark mounds are sleeping"

performed by Yosif Kobzon.


  • MOUND- a mound over an ancient grave.
  • TERRICON- a cone-shaped waste rock dump on the surface of the earth at a mine, mine.
  • OUTLET- the surface of the broken-off rock mass (minerals

or rock).

  • What feelings take over you when you see margins Donbass? Do you hear any sounds, melodies, music?

Donbass - this is not only mines and factories. Actually we have there are stunningly beautiful places

Listen to the songs: "Native Land - Donbass",

"In the bright sky of Donetsk".

  • TENOR- a high male voice, a singer with such a voice.

Listen to the songs performed by A. Solovyanenko

"Nich yaka mіsyachna", "I wonder at the sky", "Steppe and steppe all around", "Oh, you are a wide steppe", "I see a wonderful freedom."

Donbass Opera - Donetsk National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater. A. Solovyanenko

  • BARITONE- Male voice, middle between tenor and bass, and also a singer with such a voice.

Five songs that glorified Joseph Kobzon:

“And In Our Yard”, “Victory Day”, “Ballad of Paints”, “Somewhere Far Away”, “Officers”.

Listen to the song performed by I. Kobzon

"May there always be sunshine."

Donetsk Philharmonic

  • Are you familiar with chamber music?
  • Have you ever been to the Philharmonic?

PHILARMONY- Musical Society, an institution that sets itself the task of organizing concerts and promoting musical art.

The year 1991 became famous for the philharmonic society in Donetsk - given the name of our fellow countryman, an outstanding composer

Sergei Sergeevich Prokofiev


  • In 1957, a unique organ, on which, while studying at the Petersburg Conservatory, P.I. Tchaikovsky.

ORGAN- keyboard - wind musical instrument, the largest type of musical instruments

Young musicians of the Donetsk People's Republic show their performing skills in different classes of classical music of the "Native Spaces" competition

Listen to the song "Give a Smile to the World"

performed by the Children's group "Fidgets" (Donetsk)


- Whose name is the Donetsk Philharmonic?

- Which of the cosmonauts took on the flight a disc with A. Solovyanenko's songs?

- Whose name is the discovered minor planet?

  • Where and why is it written "Anatoly Solovyanenko - the mining duke"?
  • What songs made Joseph Kobzon famous?


  • The book word "vocals"

How would you call it simpler?

  • As a musical monologue is called,

When is he an artist on stage?

  • If you combine text with a melody

And then do it together

What you will hear is of course

It is called easily and simply - ...

Elena Efimova

The collection of Donbass poetry "Hour of Courage", prepared and published by the "Russkiy Mir" foundation, has just been published. On June 4, the collection is presented at the Rossiya Segodnya MIA, and the next day there will be a literary evening and a presentation by the authors of the collection in the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

Tatyana Sukhova, Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of the Russkiy Mir Foundation, Coordinator of the Hour of Courage project, tells the Russian Age about the special value and relevance of the book, about how the idea of ​​publishing it was born and how it succeeded to carry out.

- In the life of mankind, the word plays a huge role - a word can be saved, revived to life, and the world can be transformed. And very soon our compatriots in Russia and abroad will be able to find out what it is - the word of the unconquered Donbass, because the collection "Hour of Courage" has just been released, which has collected on its pages poems of the DPR poets. Please tell us about how the idea of ​​this publication was born - and how you managed to bring it to life. Who was the initiator of the project, who worked to get this book out?

The collection has just been released, it is a great joy for the authors and the entire team that prepared it, and now they will solve the problems of presentation and distribution of the book.

The idea of ​​the collection emerged in February, in those difficult days when, on the eve of the armistice reached in the course of the Minsk agreements, Ukrainian troops fired at Donbass especially brutally. I can even name the date - February 12, in correspondence with the poetess Alexandra Khairulina from Gorlovka.

The idea, of course, was not born out of nowhere: with the beginning of the resistance in Donbass, bright works of civic lyrics began to appear on the Internet and social networks. The idea that it is necessary to collect and publish these poems, I know, came to many. We at the Russkiy Mir Foundation were the first to do this.

The collection is truly a collective project. It would not have taken place without the active support of Vyacheslav Nikonov, Chairman of the Board of the Russkiy Mir Foundation, and Vladimir Kochin, Executive Director. We had two editor-compilers: Natalia Lyaskovskaya in Moscow and Vladislav Rusanov in Donetsk. The Luhansk poetess Lyudmila Gontareva and Alexander Korablev, the longtime leader of the Donetsk poetic association, helped in the selection of the material. The cover was presented to us by the St. Petersburg artist Pavel Losev, the photographs - by Graham Phillips and Alena Kochkina. Lada Klokova, editor-in-chief of the Russkiy Mir magazine, took over all the publishing concerns.

We started collecting material at the beginning of April, and at the end of May the collection was already published. Without the well-coordinated work of the entire team, such a timeline would have been impossible.

- The war does not stop in Donbass. Poems about the war are a whole layer of Russian literature, and each of us from childhood knows "Borodino", "Wait for me" or "Do you remember, Alyosha, the roads of the Smolensk region." The collection "Hour of Courage" continues this tradition - or is it imbued with other ideas?

Of course, "Hour of Courage" continues the high traditions of Russian literature, and even the title of the collection is a direct reference to the famous poem by Anna Akhmatova. Historians, sociologists, political analysts have yet to make a generalized analysis of the events in Donbass, but the first experience of comprehending the drama of Donbass and the values ​​for which people fight and live there was given precisely through poetic reflection. And it is also traditional for Russian literature to be ahead of philosophy and sociology.

- Donbass, which stood up to defend its land, culture, native language, has become a symbol of the struggle for a just cause, and many millions of our compatriots both in Russia and abroad support him in this struggle. The collection "Hour of Courage" will show the world the creativity of people who are going through the most severe trials. Who are they, the authors of the poems included in your publication?

There are many recognized poets among our authors, but there are also those who have never been published before. In their non-literary life, these are representatives of various professions - journalists, university teachers, school teachers, photographers, doctors. All these people got into a situation of tough existential challenge, being between life and death every day. Some joined the militia, the majority continued to fulfill their professional duty; both required courage. Both that, and another also required a special view of the world, sharpened the poetic feeling and the ability to precise and vivid statements.

There are emotions that cannot be imitated, and meanings that can only be understood through personal experience. Authenticity is the absolute value of this book.

- Since among the poets whose poems were included in the book were not only professional writers, but also beginning authors, how did the compilers manage to achieve the artistic integrity of the collection? And what was preferred - poetry, art - or politics?

You have correctly noticed: the collection makes a complete impression, but at the same time it is very polyphonic. What unites different voices in a chorus? Melody and conductor. The meanings reflected in these verses became such a "melody" for us - love for our land, dignity, mercy, protest against cruelty and war. And the editorial board of the foundation "conducted" all, and it was a difficult process, with numerous discussions.

- To give the world an opportunity to learn the poetry of Donbass is a great idea, but the circulation of the collection is relatively small, therefore, it seems to me, an electronic version of the book is also needed. Was this possibility considered?

To begin with, the circulation of the collection is not so small - 2,500 copies. Its distribution is a separate part of the project, and it will, of course, be free. We have planned to send the collection across Russia - to libraries, public organizations, the media, part of the circulation must be sent to Donbass. In addition, we will send the collection to the Russian centers created by the foundation abroad, and there are more than 100 of them, as well as to the organizations of compatriots. As for the electronic version, it will definitely appear on the website of the Russkiy Mir Foundation.

It is important that the voice of Donbass is heard in various countries, including those where the media has created a rather negative image of this heroic region. It is important that ordinary people can understand and feel the pain of Donbass, its courage, resilience and faith.

- It's hard about poetry talk... You have to read them, hear their music, sometimes even think with them. And yet - which poems included in the collection are closest to you, have you remained in your memory, in your soul?

I would not like to single out someone, the collection needs to be read in its entirety, this is how it makes the most powerful impression. Moreover, it seems to me that it is very suitable for stage implementation, and it would be just wonderful if there were a theater that could decide on such an experiment.

But if our interview needs to be ended with poetry, let it be the lines of a young poetess from Donetsk Alisa Fedorova, written in those difficult February days with which we began our conversation:

Humiliated and mutilated.

But not dehumanized.

Hungry and dehydrated.

But he is not obedient.

The hellish stove is burning.

Hot from sun and sorrow

My city burns like a candle

The Lord is on the throne.