What does it mean to be a patriot. What is patriotism or why do we need a strong state Why is it important to be a patriot right now?

What does it mean to be a patriot. What is patriotism or why do we need a strong state Why is it important to be a patriot right now?

State autonomous professional educational institution

"Gorodetsky Provincial College"

Development of a classroom hour for students of 1-2 courses

« What does it mean to be a patriot?»

Solokhina Julia Sergeevna,

teacher of special

and general education disciplines,

group curator


201 8 year

Explanatory note

This class hour is based on the application techniques of technology for the development of critical thinking through reading and writing (TRKMCHP), will allow achieving the following goals: creating conditions for the formation of an active civic position through the actualization of knowledge about patriotism.

In the course of the work, it is planned to solve interrelated tasks:

    Educational: formation of knowledge about patriotism as a phenomenon and its manifestations;

    Developing: the formation of skills to work with illustrations, analyze videos, compare, draw conclusions, as well as the ability to use personal experience and accept the opinions of others, develop communication skills, actively interact when organizing group work, develop communication skills;

    Educational: foster a culture of communication, develop communicative qualities, contribute to the formation and development of patriotism.

The techniques of TRKMCHP allow considering large amounts of information, focusing on working with concepts, on comparing various examples and points of view, on forming one's own value judgments. They correspond to age characteristics, are feasible for the development of students of various levels of academic performance, cause genuine interest and high motivation in the course of studying this topic.

Necessary technical means and visibility

The class hour using the materials described is held in an office equipped with tables and chairs, required by the number of participants and arranged for group work. The teacher will need:

    patriotic videos;

    a cluster prepared on the board, printouts of similar clusters for each group of students;

    handout material: "words - hints" for compiling a cluster for each group of students;

    PC with speakers;

    handouts for reflection: supporting schemes for drawing up reviews - syncwines.

Work with these materials can be carried out with a combination of frontal, individual and group forms of organizing a lesson (it is most effective to combine students into groups).

Class hour progress:

    Organizing time.

Greetings , creating a favorable working mood.

Remember the poem by N.A. Nekrasov "The Poet and the Citizen":

You may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen,

And what is a citizen?

A worthy son ...

What do you think, are the concept of "citizen" used by N.A. Nekrasov and the modern concept of "patriot" the same? I propose to answer this question.

Today, at the class hour, we are considering a very important topic for every person and citizen: "What does it mean to be a patriot?"

II... Updating. Formulating the goal of the class hour.

The key concepts of today's classroom hour are "Motherland", "patriotism", "civic engagement."

Let's remember what we know about our country:

    What was the name of our country in the past? (Rus, Russian Empire, RSFSR, USSR)

    What is the name of our country now? (Russian Federation or Russia) this name appeared in 1991, it is enshrined in the current Constitution of the Russian Federation, adopted in 1993.

    What does federation mean? (in case of difficulty, it should be said that we will become more familiar with this concept during the lesson).

    Now take another look at our class hour, what do you think we're going to talk about today? (about the Motherland, love for it, devotion, about patriotism, civic engagement.)

III... Presentation of the topic of the class hour.

Let's start by discussing what is for you Homeland?

A cluster is depicted on the blackboard, which is filled by the class teacher as students receive answers.

(Didactic material No. 1 ). Cluster example:

Ancestral land

The place where the person lives


The place where you were born

A place where a person feels comfortable

Emotional actualization of the topic takes place with the help of a video fragment - the song "Where the Motherland Begins". Demonstration of a video fragment.

Do you agree with the poet? Do I need to add something to the cluster?

Our Motherland is a federation. By federation, we mean a union of equal members of a single whole.

Now let's move on to the concept “ patriot».

Emotional updating of the topic by watching a video clip (demonstration of the video clip "One weirdo ...")

Subsequent discussion of issues:

1) Is it enough to be born in one place or another to be considered a patriot? 2) Who can you call a patriot at the moment?

Patriot- a person who benefits the Motherland, rises to its defense if necessary. Please name the professions that require heroism, courage, patience (military personnel, firefighters, miners, pilots ...).

For a long time, our ancestors considered patriotism to be the main quality of a person, which is confirmed in sayings and proverbs.

People's thoughts about the homeland and patriotism help to realize the full power of patriotic feelings and respect for their homeland and people.

Look you have material on your tables ( Didactic material number 2 ), please read, discuss in groups the meaning of proverbs and express your opinion, do you agree with the aphorisms-proverbs, sayings of folk wisdom. (Proverbs are read and commented on)

    Take care of the dear land, like a beloved mother

    In the battle for the Fatherland and death is red

    Houses and walls help

    Needed where was born

    The main thing in life is to serve the Fatherland

    For your Motherland, do not regret neither strength nor life

    The smoke of the Fatherland is lighter than someone else's fire

    To live - to serve the Motherland

    Whoever is a mountain for the Motherland is a true hero

    Who loves the homeland and people is a real patriot

    Whoever loves the Motherland will not be in debt to him

    Whoever serves the Motherland faithfully fulfills his duty approximately

    Love for the Motherland is stronger than death

    On the wrong side, the Motherland is sweet in twins

    In a foreign land and kalach is not a joy, but in the homeland and black bread is a sweet

    There is no in the world more beautiful than our Motherland

    About those and the radio broadcasts who defends the Motherland

    One mother is dear and one Motherland

    Homeland is a mother, know how to stand up for her

    They protect their homeland with their heads

    Homeland, like parents, is not chosen

    Homeland - paradise to the heart

    Don't leave your native land

    Boldly go into battle, the Motherland is behind you

    That land is sweet, where the mother gave birth

    Only to that honor will be, who loves the Motherland not in word, but in deed.

So, patriot Is a citizen who cares about his Motherland, about its nature, who defends its honor, who knows the history of his country.

Students are invited to complete a cluster and thereby give an answer to a question from the topic of the class hour: "What does it mean to be a patriot?"

They work on a separate sheet. (Didactic material No. 3 ) At the same time, a video fragment is played (D. Maidanov)

IV... Anchoring.

Vladimir Putin put it this way: “If we want to live better, the country needs to be more attractive for everyone. We do not have and cannot have any other unifying idea other than patriotism, because if this is the case, every citizen will live better, and prosperity will be greater and more comfortable. This is the national idea ”. (See video clip "Putin on Patriotism").

The national idea is the true religious, socio-political and cultural self-awareness of the people, an understanding of its historical destiny. The national idea is supported by an active civic position.

Active citizenship Is an acquired quality that develops and improves throughout the entire life of a person.

Active citizenship presupposes the presence of interest in social work, initiative, diligence, awareness of personal significance, the presence of organizational skills.

It is in the team that such important motives of the behavior and activities of a young person as a sense of duty, collectivism, and camaraderie are formed.

V... Summarizing. Reflection.

Let's go back to the words of N.A. Nekrasov about "citizen", in what sense did he use this word?

Of course, for Nekrasov, the concept of "citizen" is identified with the modern concept of "patriot".

Continue the phrase: "I want to be a patriot because ..."

Let's compose a syncane:

Noun - the concept of topic (For example, citizen, patriot ...)

Two adjectives ...

Three verbs….

A sentence expressing the main idea ...

Noun (synonym for the concept being revealed, reflecting the conclusion)

Examples of syncwines written by students on this topic:

Summing up the conversation - b It is not so difficult to be a patriot, true love for the Motherland is not only and not so much expressed in words as supported by concrete deeds. So - everything is in our hands!

Now, when the situation in many countries has become rather calm, patriotism is spoken of less and less often, but in literature and history this phenomenon is very important and striking.

What does it mean to be a patriot

What does it mean to be a patriot means to feel patriotism, to experience love in your homeland and to put its interests above your own, this is the desire to do everything possible to preserve it, its people and its culture, the desire to protect its interests and borders. Patriotism was not always inherent in the human community, in primitive communities there were no states, but the rudiments of patriotism appeared in the form of attachment to their tribe, a sense of kinship and unity with its members, the awareness of oneself as one of them.

  • Patriotism performs various functions, it helps to maintain the unity of a particular state or nation, helps to protect it from external adverse factors.
  • We see especially vivid manifestations of patriotism during hostilities, where one person is only a small part of his people and his country, and he himself, feeling this, is able to go to great lengths defending it, often sacrificing himself for the common good.
  • Patriotism is often assessed as a positive quality, it is valued and rewarded by the state and the authorities, it is written about in literature and devotes headlines in the media, but not everyone considers it useful and good.
  • What does it mean to be a patriot, according to Leo Tolstoy, means to experience a rude, harmful and immoral feeling of patriotism, which becomes the cause of wars. And there are reasons for this point of view: after all, if the unity of the people is very strong, then a feeling of “we” is formed, which expresses the thought “we are all alike and we need to stick together and protect each other,” while at the same time the feeling “we - they ”, which tells a person that everyone who does not belong to his people is different, they are not understandable, they are not as good as his compatriots and therefore one must defend against them and cannot accept their views. Such patriotism turns into radical and becomes nationalism, but it becomes the cause of wars and interethnic conflicts. At the same time, patriotism here is only an initial, initially positive feeling.
  • Patriotism also had a negative connotation in the Soviet Union, since there a person was left no other choice, he was born in the USSR had to be a patriot, loyal to his state, if he expressed any ideas that contradicted this, it was punished by the authorities.
Recently, in our country, more and more often they began to talk about patriotism and the need for appropriate education of young people. One gets the impression that society has been covered by another wave of fashionable topics, terms, ideas about what qualities a person should have. What is behind these conversations: empty flowery or serious intentions? This and many other questions are answered by the rector of the church in the name of the holy first-supreme apostles Peter and Paul in Saratov, the chairman of the Council of the Orthodox military-patriotic club "Patriot", editor-in-chief of the magazine "Orthodoxy and Modernity" and a journalist who visited "hot spots", Abbot Nektariy (Morozov).

Father Nektarios, why do you think they are now talking about patriotism?

- If you observe how reality correlates with the slogans proclaimed through the media, you will notice that often an active discussion of something is associated with a complete absence of what is being said. Now the situation is such that we talk a lot about patriotism. And it is clear why: there are problems in the relations of states on the world stage, in international politics, there are serious problems inside our country. This is the theme of patriotism and rises on the shield. But if we look at how work aimed at patriotic education is carried out in the Russian regions, we will see that the funds allocated for this work per year amount to tens of thousands. Although, for example, in Kazan, as I heard, millions are spent on this. Apparently, someone is interested in the development of patriotic education in Kazan, and not in the Saratov region. Why? It's hard for me to answer.

As for fashion, patriotism, as they say today, is a kind of trend. On the other hand, those who are really engaged in patriotic education today can refer to the president's statements and relevant documents, justifying the need for what they are doing, and this is important.

Everything is generally ambiguous. It would seem that the law "On patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation" is being prepared for adoption, and even at the stage of its preparation, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Education and Science cannot decide which of them should engage in patriotic education, shifting this responsibility onto each other. And at the same time in Russia there are military-patriotic clubs, in which leaders and teachers are enthusiasts who have found the time, effort and means to carry out this work, often in the full sense of the word, on a voluntary basis.

- What do you think, does a sudden interest in patriotism mean that things are bad in a society with patriotic feelings?

- It is enough to look at the statistics: a lot of people leave the country. If in the 1990s they left in search of a better life or were hiding from responsibility for the crimes committed, today they are leaving from despair, the desire to live according to the law and have certain guarantees. And this is scary, because, as a rule, it is not children or pensioners who emigrate, but young and active people. By the way, many people, when they talk about Russia, more and more often call it either "this country" or use other names. Few people say "Russia", even less often - "Motherland" or "Fatherland".

Tell me, who should be involved in the education of patriots?

- First of all, the power to which the people have entrusted the management of the state and which must realize the trust. But, of course, parents should at the same time educate and teach, without waiting for their children to be taught by school, street, computer, TV. And, in essence, there is no one to expect patriotic education from, except from patriots. You just need to ask them for help. We have heroes, wonderful people living in obscurity after the wars in which they fought. They need to be involved in the work, especially since they themselves would like to. But this is not happening yet. There is a saying: "Words edify, but deeds attract." So today slogans disgust, words annoy, and only deeds really attract people.

How much is being done by the state to educate patriots? Is it done at all?

- Periodically, different events are held, as a rule, for show. But if you think about it, what do they have to do with patriotic education? What do they teach and what do they give? To achieve a result, you need systematic work. From the first grade, the concept of the Motherland should be formed in the minds of children. But this is not the case. If a child does not have certain established priorities, then he will not show attention to them and will grow up as a person with different principles and aspirations.

In the Soviet Union, the student had an idea that there was his country, it must be loved and protected. And this was a fact that no one would have thought to dispute. It was considered sacred. Naturally, in a healthy society there is a healthy attitude towards patriotism, and in a sick society it is appropriate. Today there is another given: did you earn and buy? It means you are successful. Otherwise, you are an empty space. This is the ideology of modern Russian society. We criticize the Americans for a lot, but they have patriotism in the first place. They have different forms of patriotic education, which, although they seem ridiculous, stupid, artificial, but work. They have pride in their country and love for it, perhaps of a pragmatic, utilitarian, selfish character, but it is.

What is happening with us? Here's an example: people who returned home after the fighting in Chechnya. They had to kill, their comrades died in front of their eyes, they were seriously wounded, and around a society that does not understand them at all. Nobody has taken care of them and is not going to. And this is a real crime. Therefore, our patriotism is really bad. But not hopeless. The Russian people are themselves a patriotic people, possessing an amazing ability to recover from the shocks they have experienced. We have not yet reached the point of no return, although we are being carefully led to it.

You mentioned the concept of the Motherland. What do you think, what is the Motherland for us, because it is, its face is constantly changing?

- A person's face also changes with age: it grows decrepit, wrinkles appear. Sometimes a person in old age is not very similar to himself in his youth or childhood. But the soul remains the same. When we talk about the Motherland, we must bear in mind not the face and other external signs, but the soul inherent in it. In order to know this soul, you need to thoughtfully and carefully study our history, which is formed from the destinies of specific people, and understand that the time in which we live is also a part of it. Each of us has a specific place in history. And the answer to the question of what is the Motherland for us, what it is and what it will be, can be found only in oneself.

But still, what do we need to love?

- When a person loves, he himself determines who is the one for him, whom he loves. Here a young man loves a girl and sees in her something that others do not notice, because he looks at her with the eyes of love. The same thing happens when a person looks at his country. You cannot tell what his country is if he does not understand it with his heart. What is his country? In Soviet times, they said: "One sixth of the land." But, in addition, this is history, glorious military victories and bitter defeats, the history of the Russian Orthodox Church, art, literature. The more a person learns about his country, the closer he comes to becoming its patriot. Because being a patriot without knowing anything is somehow strange.

Why do you need to be a patriot? And is it necessary at all?

- The question itself contradicts the essence of patriotism, which consists in disinterested love for the country. Why love? If you read what the Apostle Paul says about love, then you need to love in order to give, sacrifice, forgive, not demand anything and keep love, regardless of what happens in response. It turns out that it is unprofitable to love and be a patriot, since a person is required to be willing to give his life for the Motherland, moreover, she may not take care of him. On the other hand, a person who does not love is an incomplete person, because sacrificial love is something natural for our nature. Therefore, you need to be a patriot in order to be a real person. Why be a real person? To think, feel and experience life in a different way that God has let go. How many people live who, it would seem, have everything except happiness: they are not able to rejoice, love, give and receive warmth, since there is no place for it in the heart.

Is it difficult in our time to be a patriot, respectively, a real person?

- And it is difficult to be a patriot at all times. For example, the Roman hero Gaius Muzio Scsevola, refusing to betray his people and state and showing that he was not afraid of torture, burned his own hand in front of his enemies. A patriot is a person who must always be ready to sacrifice something, which is very difficult. But there are sacrifices that impoverish, and there are those that enrich us.

Can faith, in particular Orthodoxy, educate patriots?

- By definition, a believer must be a patriot. Now within Orthodoxy, such a direction as uranopolitism is developing. In my opinion, this is a false ideology, the main idea of ​​which is that since our Fatherland is the Heavenly Fatherland, we should not concentrate on love for the Earthly Fatherland. But the Lord gave a person to be born in some kind of family. And it's not always perfect or just a good family. But nevertheless, we have been given the commandment to honor our parents. This commandment also implies honoring the country in which a person was born. We call the country Fatherland or Motherland, because here we were born, here we have a kinship with our history and people. If a person does not like his parents, then I have great doubts that he is a believer. Accordingly, if a believer does not love his Fatherland, then, probably, there is a big flaw in his Christian self-awareness and perception of the world. Faith teaches a person to be a patriot. And the believer must be ready to lay down his life for his friends, that is, not only for his family, friends, but also for the country, for the whole community of people in which the Lord led him to live.

What do you think will become of the state in which there are no patriots?

- Hitler wanted to turn many countries into territories where one could engage in agriculture, extract minerals and organize some kind of production. When a state lacks such a concept as patriotism, then it becomes such a territory.

Interviewed by Daria Khokhlova

Class hour: "What does it mean to be a patriot today?"

Classroom leadership

Olga Vasilinina, biology teacher

Lesson objectives:

  • 1. Formation of a sense of patriotism in the younger generation, respect for their native country, its history;
  • 2. Ability to navigate in a social environment, have their own judgments and views, have social responsibility for their thoughts and actions;



· Raising the intellectual level; manifestation of independent creative activity;


  • · Develop the ability to work with various literature;
  • · The ability to use personal experience, to accept the opinions of others;
  • · Continue to develop skills in working with information technology.


· Foster a culture of communication, develop communicative qualities (the ability to communicate in the process of pair and group interaction);


  • · a computer,
  • · projector,
  • · screen.

Preparatory part of the event.

Conducting a questionnaire, data processing

The class is divided into groups and receives an assignment.

Carrying out an event

I'm a patriot. I am Russian air,

I love the Russian land.

I believe that nowhere in the world

I can't find the second one.

N. Kogan

It is with these words of Nikolai Kogan that I would like to start our conversation: "What does it mean to be a patriot today?"

Student: let's look into Dahl's explanatory dictionary: “A patriot is one who loves his fatherland, is devoted to his people, ready for sacrifices and deeds in the name of the interests of his Motherland.

Teacher: we will try to understand our thoughts, feelings, attitudes towards this concept. Therefore, today I invite you to a free microphone.

Sample student responses

Disciple 1.“A patriot is a person who loves his homeland, is ready to defend it, but not necessarily with a weapon in his hands. Knowing and accepting the history of your country, no matter how they talk about it, is important, and especially today "

Apprentice 2... “A patriot in my understanding is a person who works and is socially active, builds his future, linking it only with his Motherland. He will do much more than a person who is willing to defend the country's prestige in words. This is much more difficult than just talking about love for the Motherland. This is real patriotism. "

Student 3.“It is very difficult to be a patriot in our time, there is a lot of temptation around - the pursuit of money, leading to escape from Russia. To be a patriot means to be the master of your country, not a guest. In case of danger, be able to protect her, treat her gifts with care ”

Student 4.“Unfortunately, sometimes patriotism is misunderstood. On the screen we see a group of "skins" who, with a firm conviction in their innocence, beat to death innocent people of other nationalities. "Russia for Russians!", "Let's cleanse Russia of blacks!" - they shout ... It's great, of course, that people have a desire to ensure that a greater percentage of the country's inhabitants were Russians ... But this does not mean that others should be exterminated! There are a sea of ​​ways ... Violence is the worst of them ... You know, lies always hurt the ear ... Therefore, I am disgusting and furious that they hide behind the word "patriot".

Student 5.“Probably few of us have asked ourselves this question. And why? Apparently, we are so busy with everyday worries and problems that we are not up to it. What is the main thing for our parents now? Give us children a good education. And children go crazy over American films and proudly declare: "We are not patriots" And not all parents will be scared when they hear this phrase. Or maybe there is nothing to be afraid of? It remains to be seen what the teenager meant by this. "I don't like my country" or "I want to live in a rich and prosperous country." And yet it is safe to say that the Russian people are patriots. Not for show, no. " patriotism education pupil

Student 6.“The first thing that comes to mind when talking about patriotism is America. The one who loudly proclaims to the whole world that they are patriots is the Americans. Patriotism has become the hallmark of the United States. Americans make films on patriotic themes, write about it in the press "

Student 7.“I do not agree with such conclusions“ in my opinion, this is abnormal or pathological patriotism. The bombing of Iraq because of the weapons of mass destruction allegedly located there and Yugoslavia because of the general just like that - the president did not like it - this is all the consequences of their "patriotism". Their "patriotism" has nothing to do with real Patriotism, so I think we have nothing to learn from the Americans.

Student 6.“One should look for shortcomings not in others - in oneself. We must not criticize and hate someone else's, but do better our own. "

Apprentice 8“A true patriot, in my opinion, should at least know the history of his country. How can you love your homeland without knowing anything about it? !! Is it possible to count people who allegedly are fighting for the purity of the Slavic race, they do not know the history of this very race, their faces are written: aggression and a desire to fight no matter with whom. Here is a saying that can be read on the fence "Beat the Jews" - this calls us some regular "patriot". And, probably, it did not occur to him that knowledge of the native language is included in the list of requirements for a true patriot. And a real patriot will not yell at every corner about his passionate love for his homeland, he will simply silently do his job, thereby really helping the country.

Student 10.“And I think knowledge of state symbols is also a manifestation of patriotism. We conducted a small case study at the school.

Studying the opinion of the students of our school, the results were as follows:

  • 1. 98% of the respondents know what is depicted on the state emblem;
  • 2. 100% know the colors of the national flag and their location;
  • 3. 95% can say the first verse of the national anthem;
  • 4. Feelings that they experience when they see or hear state symbols - pride, admiration, sympathy
  • 5. The majority of the respondents have a positive attitude towards the actions for the distribution of ribbons (tricolor) with national symbols.

Teacher: The conversation can go on for a long time. There will always be pros and cons, there will be other interpretations of the problem. In the classical sense, the word "patriotism" has never changed its meaning.

Student: Let us recall the words of A.S. Pushkin:

“I swear on my honor that in the world I would not want to change my Fatherland or have a history other than the history of our ancestors.” Let's turn to the history of our ancestors: in the war against Napoleon, patriots died for Russia, in the Great Patriotic War millions of patriots died ... They were all ready for a feat for the sake of their native land ...

(bells ringing sounds, and the student, against the background of this sounding, says the words about A. Nevsky).

Student: Prince A. Nevsky lived only 43 years, he became a prince at 16, at 20 - defeated the Swedes in the battle on the Neva River, and at 22 - won a famous victory on the ice of Lake Peipsi. And his name was glorified. And then, with his cautious policy, he saved Russia, allowed it to grow stronger, to recover from ruin. He is the founder of the revival of Russia!

Student: my Motherland, my Russia in those people she can be proud of ...

The music of Tchaikovsky sounds, against the background of it read the words about N.I. Vavilov

“Let's go to the fire, we will burn, but we will not give up our convictions” - these words belong to the great Russian scientist Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov. All his life and work were confirmation of these words. World famous botanist, geneticist, traveler and explorer, Nikolai Ivanovich in 1929. become an academician of the USSR. He is the first president of the All-Union Agricultural Academy of the USSR. Science was his goal in life. He never forgot that he was a citizen of his country, even when he was arrested in 1940 and accused of leading an anti-Soviet counter-revolutionary organization. He perceived the Motherland as the only thing that cannot be bought, sold or changed, although he was offered the best laboratories in the world. In prison, he continues to work a lot, writes the book "History of the development of world agriculture", more than a hundred lectures on genetics. While on death row, Vavilov wrote: “Having extensive experience and knowledge in the development of crop production, I would be happy to give myself completely to my homeland.” He died of starvation in 1943 in the Saratov prison ...

Teacher: Examples of true patriotism can be continued ...

My village sat above the clear sky

Do you remember the terrible battles?

Under the blue, under the obelisk

Your defenders lie.

72 soldiers of the Soviet Army died a heroic death in January 1943, liberating Livenka from the fascist invaders. These are the soldiers and officers of the 48th Guards Red Banner Orders of Suvorov and Kutuzov of the Krivoy Rog Infantry Division.

About 2,500 Livonian soldiers fought on all fronts of the Great Patriotic War. Didn't come back 613.

Student: We can read about the exploits of Russian people in books, ask veterans, or visit a museum.

There is also a museum in our village. The main direction of our museum's work is military-patriotic. Most of the expositions are associated with the military exploits of fellow countrymen and the war period in the history of the village.

From the museum's archives: “Before us is a photograph of Ivan Ivanovich Ponamarev, a former sailor of the Northern Fleet. After being wounded, he ended up in a rifle division. He did not think, did not wonder that he would have to be the first, before the advanced units, with the joyful news of his imminent liberation, to enter his native village. And it happened like this. The three of us went on reconnaissance. The commander of the group Drobyazko, who knew German perfectly, radio business, the charter of the fascist army. Checkered German cloaks with deep hoods hid soldiers' earflaps and gray overcoats from prying eyes. And here is the native village of Livenka. The house where he was born and raised. Only the sailor did not recognize him at once. The night is dark. And from a distance it seems that the house is uninhabited. The windows are covered with sacks. They came closer and knocked. Nobody opened it for a long time. Finally the bolts rattled, the door opened. We met him with caution. They did not recognize by the voice, and a small kaganets made of a cartridge case illuminated only a small circle of the table. The German raincoats aroused suspicion and fear.

  • - Father, respond. It's me - your son Ivan!
  • - My son died - an old voice answered from somewhere in the far corner,
  • - I did not die, Dad, alive, here I am.

Shuffling footsteps were heard, the father, screwing up his eyes, went up to the speaker, ran his hand over his cheek and said:

  • -Right! Ivan, the birthmark is in place. But suddenly he frowned:
  • -So what are you? Sold out to the Germans? he raised his voice.
  • - No, Dad, we are our own, Soviet. The task is with us.
  • “Well, if that’s so, then it’s a son!” The father said, still warily.

And only in the morning, when, at the signal of the scouts, the advancing troops seized the Palatovka station and liberated Livenka, did the father believe that his son Ivan, a sailor from Severomorets, was alive.

For his military path, Ivan Ivanovich was awarded by the government 9 medals, among them: the medal "For Military Merit" and the medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad", as well as the Order of the Red Star and the Order of the Patriotic War of the 2nd degree.

Now our fellow countryman is not with us, but we cannot forget about his role in the liberation of the village. After all, it was thanks to the skillful actions of the reconnaissance group that the Soviet troops drove the enemy out of the village with the least losses. And we must not forget our fellow countrymen.

The poet B. Kovtun has the following lines:

We are not fed with bread alone!

And if there is emptiness in the soul -

We will also be forgotten

There will be no cross above us.

Teacher: Remembrance, memory, memory ... it is like bonfires in the snow, which sanctify and sanctify, warming the hearts of the older generation, and beckon to themselves the youth that overlooks its own roads.

Student: And who keeps this memory, who completes the material, is engaged in educational work? Can these people be considered patriots of their small homeland? Who are they? To understand this, we invited the director of the museum, Alexander Vasilyevich Kononov, to our meeting. (Speech by the director of the museum A. V. Kononov). Photos of history teachers - founders of the museum.

Student: Let's stop at the "Warriors - Internationalists" stand. In one of the photographs my father is Sergey Fedorovich Kirillov. He performed his military duty in Afghanistan. I turned to him with a question: “Dad, how do you think service in the Army is patriotism. After all, today many young people, having received a diploma of higher education and finding a decent job, do not want to serve in the Army? There are, of course, those who are simply afraid that they might return from there as an invalid. Do you think they are not patriots? " - (video or perhaps the presence of a participant at the class hour)

Student: our group with the same question turned to the head of the cadet class, Sergey Dmitrievich Adamov. Here are his thoughts:

  • “In my opinion, military service is not an ideal indicator of patriotism. By patriotism, I mean a person's activity for the good of the Motherland, regardless of profession or position. The activity of the entire state depends on how effectively it works. Therefore, patriotism is a full-blooded return of human activity for the benefit of his people and state. History knows confirmation of this. Take, for example, the people's militia during the Great Patriotic War. Some of the people from its composition were not at all military personnel, but this did not prevent them from showing unprecedented courage and heroism. Isn't this a manifestation of patriotism?
  • - And those working in the rear for 20-22 hours a day, giving the front so much needed ammunition, medicines, uniforms. Peasants who were swollen with hunger, but supplied the front with food.

They did not serve in the army, were not military personnel, but how can you blame them for the lack of patriotism?

  • - Therefore, if a young person has received a diploma of higher education, works with full dedication for the people, for his country he can be considered a patriot. Even if he did not serve in the army, the language will not turn to accuse him of lack of patriotism "
  • - Defense of the Motherland is another matter. In this case, military service is indeed the main component of a person's patriotic education. The young man must overcome the fear of the army, and the state must take care of this - preventing hazing. And a disabled person can be done on the street or in the alley. So, let's not go out now? "
  • - I think that at a crucial moment for their homeland, every citizen should stand up to protect his people and state. For his effective protection, a young man must complete military service. Here the state must take a tough stance. And in this case, refusal to serve can really be considered as a lack of patriotism "

Let's compose an associative array

"Patriot, who is he?"

  • 1. Everyone who loves the place where he was born and raised
  • 2. One who loves and does not forget his mother, his home
  • 3. Who is proud to realize that there is no country on Earth better than ours.
  • 4. The nature of Russia is fabulously rich. One who not only loves, but also protects nature.
  • 5. Ready to defend the Fatherland
  • 6. Defends the prestige of his country
  • 7. Knows state symbols
  • 8. I am ready to give all my strength and abilities to my homeland
  • 9. A patriot is the one who beautifies the Motherland with his labor
  • 10. Builds his future, linking it only with his fatherland
  • 11. Knows his native language
  • 12. Knows the history of his country, is proud of his ancestors.


Patriots are not born, they become. And no matter how many people talk about patriotism, all these are words. Truth in the soul. As Sergei Yesenin said, “Let us be poor, even if we are cold, hungry, but we have a soul, from ourselves we will add - a Russian soul.” It was with such thoughts that the hymn to our small homeland “Livensky Waltz” was created by our compatriot Nadezhda Andreevna Bitutskaya (students perform a song).