What is wrong with me? Why don't I have a boyfriend? What to do no guy 15 years old.

What is wrong with me?  Why don't I have a boyfriend?  What to do no guy 15 years old.
What is wrong with me? Why don't I have a boyfriend? What to do no guy 15 years old.

6 responses

    You write like it's something supernatural. Why do you need these inconsistencies? Do you want to spray on everyone? Or just seen enough of your friends and want to be like them? In any case, there will be no normal relations until the age of 20-22. There will be fleeting loves, partings, tears, and so on in a circle. You can participate in it, you can not. You should not think that now at the age of 15 you will meet “the one” and will be with him all your life. This does not happen in our society. Until the guy gets wiser, gets on his feet, does not go crazy at a transitional age, you should not expect any adequate behavior from him. And why would you waste your time on it? Now is the age when tastes will change with lightning speed. Now I like one, in a month - another. But in the end, when the body stabilizes, you will understand that all this was nonsense and you didn’t have to spend your time on it, but it would be better to do something useful. But now it’s hard to understand, because hormones are raging in the body and I’ve seen enough of my classmates, most likely, how their “relationships” are in full swing. Well, since I came for advice, here it is: now don’t think about any serious relationships, don’t get involved in them deeply. It will only bring experiences. This does not mean that you do not need to communicate with boys at all. Without this, there’s no way, but there will be enough good friendship and fun pastime here, without formalizing it all in the form of a “boyfriend - girl” with some kind of obligations, jealousy, feelings. In any case, you will not meet true love at this age. Well, why then save up these bad luck? Wouldn't it be better to be the one for that same person when the time really comes?


    In my opinion, without these loves there will be nothing to remember, thanks to them, not only tears and depression, but also good memories remain.


    I'm not saying that without them at all, this is a natural process. It’s just that many cannot control themselves, they turn these loves into an absolute, they suffer, they suffer, they think that this is “just him”. It becomes an obsession, and against the backdrop of girlfriends who change boyfriends, this becomes an even bigger problem. Therefore, it is important here to control yourself and understand that these relationships are for a while and not to do stupid things. It was a little different for us at this age, we also naturally fell in love, but often they hid it, for a long time they could not admit it, then they nevertheless decided. For few people this led to reciprocity, mostly they simply “suffered” to themselves. It was not such that all the polls "met". Now everyone has a VK, there is marital status and all that, all these relationships have come out of personal experiences for everyone to see, which has added fuel to the fire and now it is much more difficult to be different from everyone else. Therefore, I only suggest not to be buried under this mainstream wave and not to lose your individuality. First of all, be guided by your feelings, and not by the trends that the environment sets. It’s not right to think: I don’t have a boyfriend, but my friends do, so I feel bad. You need to start from the presence of feelings, and not from their absence.


    Well, the advice is this, if you don’t take the first step, then it remains to hope for others, if you are really beautiful, then the problem is a little more. The guys in this case will be more shy than if you were, let's say, "Standard". Yes, and I see no reason to start such a relationship without love (albeit teenage but love). If no one likes it, then there is no point in looking, but if there is still someone who is not indifferent, you will have to take the first steps yourself.


What to do, if you don't have a boyfriend, but I really want to - this question worries many girls suffering from the inattention of guys. If we talk about beautiful girls, then this does not concern them, because guys always run after them. But every girl wants to be happy, regardless of appearance. In fact, happiness is not in beauty, but not all people understand this. Before falling in love with a girl, a guy develops sympathy.

How to get a guy's attention

To attract a guy first of all you need overcome fears and anxiety. If he rejects you, then you will understand that there is no more chance. And stop suffering.

To attract a guy's attention, you need to start showing signs of attention so that he understands that you are not indifferent to you. Maybe he likes you too, but he's too shy to say so. And if you take the first step, then he will not be so afraid to confess his feelings.

You can ask friends to help the process, for example, let the girlfriend hint to the guy that you like him. You should not talk directly to him, it is better to speak in hints. It is worth remembering that guys do not understand hints well and therefore they should contain as much directness as possible.

How to please a guy?

To please a guy gotta look good. If you have flaws related to appearance, then first of all you need to correct them. A common reason why guys don't like girls is overweight. Today, many diets have been developed that even schoolgirls can adhere to, since they do not harm the body.

One of the simple diets can be considered water. Its essence lies in the fact that before each meal you need to drink a glass of water, filling the stomach. This diet can have a beneficial effect on health, because everyone needs water.

If there are no problems with appearance, then you need to conquer the guy with interests. It is necessary with the help of friends to find out what he is interested in and support him. All males love it when girls support them and are interested in hobbies.

For example, if a guy likes movies, then you can invite him to the cinema.

It’s not worth talking about feelings right away, it can stun a person. It is better to become friends in order to understand whether a person is interesting to you. Perhaps it will not seem as interesting to you as it seemed at first glance.

For girls aged 14-16, love relationships play an important role. This age is considered the period when people fall in love, and can seriously worry about being separated from a guy. To meet a good guy, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • Visit cultural places where you can meet a decent guy;
  • Be yourself - guys don't like it when girls build someone out of themselves;
  • It is worth behaving according to the norms, since the guy’s depraved behavior will not be appreciated;
  • You need to be interested in your partner's hobbies;
  • To see a friend and adviser in a guy;
  • If you like a guy, then it is better to seek his attention than to have an affair with those who like you;
  • If you study with a guy in the same school, then you need to talk and communicate at breaks so that he sees a friend in your face;
  • You need to joke witty and be the soul of the company.

In life girls aged 16-18 guys play an important role. Since they are already adults and crave a relationship. Ladies of this age, you need to follow the following tips to attract a guy:

  • Spend a lot of time with friends who can introduce you to a good person;
  • Even if you don't like the guy's appearance, you can go on a date with him. Perhaps it will dispel doubts;
  • Don't get hung up on one person;
  • It is worth being thrifty and showing culinary delights - guys appreciate it;
  • You should not be available to a guy, and give yourself to him on the first date - he will take advantage of your availability and will not build relationships with you;
  • If you want to find a stylish guy, then you can go to the clubs, that's where most guys spend their time;
  • You should not do stupid things if the guy does not reciprocate;
  • Know: sooner or later you will meet;

If you are going on a date with a guy, then you need to look your best, put on makeup, do your hair and put on your best outfit. You have to learn how to impress a guy.

How to get a guy back if he dumped you?

Often in adolescence, the relationship between a guy and a girl is not stable. They break up, then get back together. And if a guy left you, then you need to try to get him back.
Parting with a loved one is a difficult experience. When a person loses a loved one, he experiences emotional distress and a feeling of loneliness that is difficult to overcome. But, unfortunately, many people are familiar with such feelings, especially teenagers. If you find yourself in a similar situation, you can do the following:

  1. Forget about relationships and just cry;
  2. Bring back the old love.

The girls who they want their lover back you need to do the following:

  1. Do not limit yourself in anything and enjoy life to the fullest. You need to do what you have long dreamed of. Perhaps this is an occasion to return old connections and make new acquaintances. Do not do it feignedly, feelings must be sincere;
  2. You need to stop talking to your ex. Thanks to this method, you will attract attention;
  3. After a month, you can try to communicate with the person with whom you broke up. Agree, it is not difficult to come up with a reason for a meeting. The conversation should be short, and you should not talk about your love stories and ask your ex how he is doing on a personal front;
  4. Then you need to arrange a casual date, which should melt the feelings of a loved one. You need to show that you do not hold a grudge against the chosen one and that everything is fine with you. This behavior will hurt the guy's pride and he will think about how to get you back.

If there is love between you, then the relationship will be able to return, because loved ones do not part.

Deal with not having a boyfriend

If you do not have a boyfriend, but you want a relationship, then you need to try all the above methods. If the guy does not want to be friends with you, then you should not run after him and humiliate yourself. Do not forget about self-esteem. Remember - you need to respect yourself.

If you were unable to meet a guy in the real world, then you can create an account on a dating site and meet a person there. Sometimes such acquaintances are more effective than acquaintances in real life.

It is better not to be puzzled by the question - what to do if there is no boyfriend, but simply to believe that he himself will appear in your life when the time comes.

Relationship video

Anya, age: 15 / 25.05.2012


Anya, your wording "I don't like myself and others" simply speaks of low self-esteem. You are very beautiful, but many simply do not see it. For starters, just find yourself more friends. Talk more, find yourself an interesting hobby, and there will be a guy. Good luck to you!

Eugene, age: 05/18/26/2012

Anya, you are already a person coming out of childhood, and you don’t want to let go of your childhood ideas. You want to be friends with you as a child, pay attention both at school and at home. In a word, they nursed. It's time, daughter, to gain adult experience. The main indicator of "maturity" is the ability to take responsibility for everything that happens on yourself and help someone who needs your help. Further, gradually growing up, you will understand that it is not appearance that is decisive, but kindness , responsiveness, patience with the mistakes of others, the ability to forgive, etc. Therefore, I propose the following. First, become a support and helper for your mother. I think she will be glad if you take on some of the household duties. Let her see that the time has come , which all mothers dream of, that children become good helpers to them. The second - when dealing with peers, do not wait for people to pay attention to you. If you see that someone needs help, and you can help, then help. Be friendly not only with positive, but also with rude people. At first, it is difficult change all this in yourself. The remnants of childish self-love will remind you of yourself. But tell yourself - I don’t want to go back and remain a child, but I will try to grow up. Everything is given by hard work, but for the sake of the goal - to become independent, self-sufficient and confident in my own the forces of a girl, it is worth the effort. Good luck.

Alexander, age: 57 / 05/26/2012

Everything is ahead of you, and the fact that there was no one yet, as I understand it, the pain of loss, disappointment have not touched you yet. As far as I know, few people marry their first love. So do not grieve, love will find it on the stove. And mom, with such a rhythm of work, is probably very tired, help her around the house, and you will have less time for melancholy. If you are so happy with your appearance, then now in the summer, earn money, and visit a stylist, not necessarily very expensive, and he will help you look at yourself from the right side. It is clear that you want impressions from this life, but life gives us what we are ready for. So get ready for your happy life, just don't rush. And rejoice for your friends, because it's great that they fell in love, share their joy, and they will become closer to you.

Olga, age: 51 / 05/26/2012

Hello Anya. I'm just sure that you are a beautiful girl. But apparently there is no one to tell you. You know, when I was your age, I wasn't friends with anyone either. Always been alone. Then everything changed, and friends and the closest person appeared in my life. Trust me and things will change for the better. Do not rush things. No boyfriend, so it will be a little later. Everything has its time. Try to talk to someone over the Internet, if in reality there is no one yet. You need to take your mind off the sad thoughts. You can talk to me.

Alex , age: 05/26/2012

The fact that you haven’t had a boyfriend yet is absolutely normal at 15, that’s all
ahead. It's better to wait than to meet someone just to
meet. Maybe try to find yourself an interesting occupation -
take up dancing, for example, find friends with the same interests.
I think your friends will pass the first euphoria and they will remember your
friendship, now they want to experience new sensations.
Well, if you could talk to your mother, say that you don't
enough communication with her, just watch a movie together on the weekend,
go for a walk together.
Hold on, don't give up!

Olga, age: 05/28/2012

Hello. Anya, you have the most ordinary life, you have a mother (thank God), friends, you are not ugly .... but whine. All in your hands. Well, friends began to meet, well, rejoice for them, but most likely you will sympathize a hundred times, anyway, they will come running to you as soon as they settle down. What to envy. You are not 5 years old. Mom is trying so hard for you. After all, she is at home. Come talk - you won't refuse. Why did you decide that everyone should directly feel what is happening to you. Keep it simple and people will come to you. The fact that you are bored is your problem. There are books, needlework, mugs. Why do you think that entertainment will bring you on a platter? If you read more, you will have fun yourself and be interesting for new friends. In general, come on, wake up and put the nonsense out of your head. Get busy and there will be no time to think garbage.

Love, age: 05/32/2012

You are 15! I had my first girlfriend only at 17, of course I was small and stupid. No wonder they broke up. It's like that for almost everyone. Regarding relationships, I recommend reading the materials on this site, they can help a lot in life.

My father married for the first and last time at the age of 37, if he had given up at 15 because of something, then now I wouldn’t be here and I wouldn’t be writing this to you. God bless you!

Rusik, age: 05/22/2012

Anechka, hello! I was in your situation, I remember well. Only now no one told me how to do it right. Why is everything so arranged. And now I understand why.
The fact is that you want to be happy - at the expense of others - a boyfriend, friends, mom's support. But that will never work. I can give a 100% guarantee that even if you had a boyfriend, friends, mom support, you would still feel lonely or would find reasons to be sad and suffer. This is how life works: that the source of happiness / unhappiness is not in you, but inside. And even if you don't have a boyfriend, friends and parents, you can feel happy if you learn to look at these things in a special way. In a special way: this is not from a position - I need it, support me, stay with me, entertain me, but from a position - I will support, I will stay with you (with my mother, with a friend), with sympathy, respect, without envy, kindly, with compassion for others. And then life will immediately sparkle with new colors, and then the lack of support from your mother will only be an excuse for you to console her yourself and help her around the house, and not a reason for your sadness, the absence of friends, then it will be a reason to help other people - to meet real friends among them, and maybe even one and only, etc.
Anechka - besides - at your age - you should push your studies and have a lot of hobbies (dancing, sports, reading, etc.) that should just absorb all your negative thoughts and positive ones. Dare!

Sveta, age: 29 / 27.05.2012

Hello Anya. I am also 15 years old, until 13 I considered myself not a beautiful and full teenage girl. Having matured a little, I fell in love with my appearance and became softer in character. I started making new acquaintances with other teenagers, many of them became good friends for me. Before my 15th birthday, a boy met me. Later, he offered me to become his girlfriend, to which I agreed. And my advice to you, if you want to be happy, love yourself first of all and happiness will find you. Good luck!

dear julia, age: 15/11.07.2012

I am in the same situation...

kick ms, age: 09/15/2012

Hello. Your problems are very close to me ... Maybe we will become friends. And let's support each other? And so it seems to me that everything will get better! And what about the disabled, for example, who are chained to the bed all their lives. Thinking about it, I still have nothing and you.

Diana, age: 09/14/2012

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When a girl grows up and sees that her friends have boyfriends, she involuntarily wonders why she is lonely. The absence of a boyfriend can damage a girl's self-esteem, make her doubt her own attractiveness. In fact, the presence of relationships, or their absence, is not an indicator of the attractiveness of a girl. And female loneliness has many underlying causes. From this article you can find out why there is no boyfriend, what to do about it and how to prepare yourself for a relationship with a guy.

As a rule, at the age of 13-14, a girl dreams of meeting her love, thinks about relationships with men. But here you need to understand whether she is ready to enter into a relationship. At this age, love has the character of an owner - a young lady wants to have a guy as a property, so that he would give flowers to his lady of the heart, admire her and give gifts. Young people subconsciously feel that a girl wants a relationship for the sake of a relationship, and not specifically them.

It looks like this“Let’s meet, I’m so good, beautiful and talented. You will walk me home and take me to the cinema.” Unfortunately, this is not a relationship. With such an attitude, a girl at the age of 13-14 will never find a boyfriend for herself. In order to enter into a relationship at this age, you need to understand that boys mature more slowly than girls, and when building relationships with a peer, you need to understand that he needs, first of all, a girl - a friend who shares his interests, life views, shares his hobbies.

A good move would be: go to the karate, volleyball or karting section, take a keen interest in these activities, read special literature and be able to keep up the conversation on “male” topics. After some time of such communication, the surrounding guys will pay attention to a pretty, smart girl who has common hobbies with them. And then it's up to the small - to show their strengths. For example, treat him to a pie prepared on his own, or surprise him with a non-standard act. For example, take part in karting competitions or participate in a school physics olympiad.

At this age, a girl should not obsess over relationships. You should start developing yourself, find a hobby, study, engage in self-education. It is worth remembering that love is not an end in itself, but only a means to achieve spiritual harmony. Life has prepared for every woman a fateful meeting that can happen at any age.

At the age of 13 or 14, a girl is no longer small, but sometimes she is not psychologically ready for a relationship yet. She wants love - adoration, not love - cooperation.

There is no boyfriend at 15-16 years old, how to answer the question?

At the age of 15 - 16, every second girl experiences the feeling of first falling in love. It is at this age that the first love relationships appear. But, unfortunately, first love rarely develops into real feelings. Dating a boy at this age is the norm. But why is there no guy at 15, 16? Young people at this age have already gone through a period when a girl should be a friend and like-minded person. Here they choose primarily by external signs, that is, the brighter the plumage of a bird, the faster it will be noticed.

Psychologists interviewed 100 young people aged 15 to 16 and found out which girl they would not like to date.

So boys don't like:

  • Groomed girls, in dirty clothes, sloppy.
  • Capricious, whining and annoying.
  • Smoking, drinking.
  • Evil, envious and bilious.
  • Promiscuous in relations with the opposite sex.

So, in order to understand why there is no guy at 15-16 years old, you need to dig a little into yourself, if 2-3 years ago young people needed a smart girlfriend, now they need a beautiful picture. If a girl understands that she really looks bad, then hard work on herself is required here. Even if at this age it is not possible to find a guy, then with a good figure and well-groomed appearance it will be easier to do in the future.

So, if you are going to meet a guy, every girl would do well to:

  • Get rid of extra pounds, if any.
  • Visit the dentist, treat your teeth and achieve a perfect smile.
  • Visit a hairdresser - stylist and choose a hairstyle that emphasizes the dignity of the girl.
  • Flip through fashion magazines, get acquainted with fashion trends. If possible, visit a stylist.
  • Understand that bad habits do not adorn a girl. Don't even start smoking or drinking. It is better to play sports - aerobics, sports dancing or jogging. These exercises will have a beneficial effect on the figure, and on health and well-being.

Thus, by the age of 15 or 16, a girl, having worked on her appearance, is more likely to find a guy. But don't forget about content. A stupid beauty is less likely to find a boyfriend than a smart girl with an average appearance.

You also need to understand that the reason for the absence of a boyfriend is hidden not only in the girl herself, many young people of this age are simply afraid to start a relationship.

Even if relationships with the opposite sex do not add up, do not despair, at any age you can meet your love. Most importantly, learn to understand what we expect from relationships, and why they are needed.

Why can't there be a guy at 17-18 years old, but girlfriends have?

It's a shame when your seventeen year old girlfriends go on dates and you don't. Well-groomed, pretty, well-read, fluent in a foreign language, and all alone. But Masha from a technical school is dating a handsome man. Is the situation familiar? Yes, then read on.

If most of her friends are dating boys, then they have found a person who completes them. So, each person strives to build relationships with a person who is as similar as possible to himself. Therefore, at the age of 17 - 18 years old, it is worth looking for a person close to you in terms of interests. If you learn French, sign up for public lectures at the French Cultural Center, if you love football, go to the stadium more often and attend matches of your favorite team.

At this age, guys are also looking for a like-minded girl. It doesn't matter to them what she looks like, how long her legs are. But the interesting inner world of the girl, the easy character and cheerful disposition will be much more significant.

A girl at any age should know that angry and envious women scare away men. If you want to date a guy, be a good darling. All in your hands.

Also, guys 17 - 18 years old pay attention to girls who are enthusiastic, find an occupation for yourself - a passion to which you are ready to devote your time. Whether it is: volunteering, animal protection, studying, drawing or collecting. If at 13 - 14 years old guys were looking for a friend, at 15 - 16 years old they were looking for a beautiful appearance, at 17 - 18 years old they need a girl - an ally.

But you need to understand what kind of ally a young man needs - if the circle of his interests is beer and discos, then decide for yourself whether you are ready to become his ally. It is better to look for a guy where there are promising and socially adapted young people - a university, sports clubs, language clubs, volunteer organizations, hobby societies.

No boyfriend at 19-20, what's wrong with me?

When a girl wonders what's wrong with me, there really is a problem. Here you need a consultation with a psychologist, he will help you understand yourself.

But, as a rule, the only reason (which all experts single out) why there is no young man at the age of 19-20 is the girl's excessive demands on her chosen one.

A Cinderella complex may appear here, which, in fact, is nothing, but is waiting for the prince. And he refuses good relations, but ordinary guys, not astronauts, not football players and not actors with world fame.

A young woman looking for a guy from 19 to 20 years old should reconsider her attitude towards the opposite sex, understand that there is no ideal and highlight male qualities that are important and secondary. To do this, you need two pieces of paper, a pen or a marker. Then “yes” is written on one piece of paper, and “no” on the other. And they write down what in a man can be accepted and what is not. If “no” is greater, then a thorough analysis is needed as to why this is so. For example, if a girl does not agree to put up with the betrayal of her beloved or drug addiction, then this is normal, but if she is annoyed by the presence of brothers or the blue color of her eyes, then one thing needs to be clarified here - the little things in appearance and lifestyle are not so important. By narrowing the scope of the search for a boyfriend, the girl herself scares away potential suitors.

I'm beautiful, but the guy is not around, so I'm Scary?

Am I not worthy of love?

Pretty doesn't mean happy. A girl may be unsympathetic, but at the same time she is happy in a relationship. Every woman deserves love, but for this you need to acquire adequate self-esteem, know your strengths and weaknesses and understand that every woman is worthy of love.

There is one psychological exercise for self-acceptance - it is tough, but effective. To love others, you need to learn to love yourself. Every day for 20 days, it is necessary to perform exercises to increase female self-esteem and understand the aspect that any woman is worthy of love.

This requires:

  • Every morning, in front of the mirror, give yourself 3 compliments, from the heart. Not just “I am a cutie”, “I have beautiful expressive eyes”, “I am an interesting conversationalist”, “I am worthy of the love of a wealthy man”. Praise yourself and wish yourself to meet a good man.
  • Write your main virtues on a piece of paper, then reread them, and after each repeat "I am worthy of love." For example, “I have a rank in chess, I am worthy of love”, “I quit smoking last month, I am worthy of love.”
  • Regularly practice the "mirror smile" - take out a pocket mirror every two hours and sincerely smile at your image.

20 days of this training work wonders, more than 80% of women who passed it were able to let love into their lives and find a man.

A simple test for a girl in psychology

"Am I ready for a relationship?"

To understand whether a girl needs a young man right now, American psychologists have created a simple test "Am I ready for a relationship." By answering 5 simple questions and counting the points, the girl will be able to understand whether he is ready to meet a guy, or if the time has not yet come.


  • Do you agree with the statement “Without love, life is meaningless”?

B) in part

  • Where can you meet the man of your dreams?

A) on the internet

B) At a disco, in a nightclub

B) almost everywhere

  • What attracts you the most in men?

A) Appearance

B) Material well-being

C) His personality and lifestyle

  • Imagine your first date, what will it be:

a) Going to a cafe or restaurant

B) Meeting in the city, visiting the entertainment center

C) I don’t know, we’ll agree. (Let the man choose)

  • Why do you need a relationship with a man?

A) Everyone has .., this is the norm

B) Are you bored alone, have no one to take a walk with?

C) It's time to build a serious relationship and start a family.

So, for each answer (A) 1 point is awarded, for the answer (B) 2 points, and for the answer (C) 3 points.

If you scored between 5 and 7 points:

You do not have a clear idea why you need a relationship, you are not yet ready for a mature relationship of cooperation and love. If you want to meet a man, then only because of the example of girlfriends and relatives. Don't rush, your time to love hasn't come yet. Don't worry, you have everything ahead of you.

7 to 10 points:

For you, having a relationship is status, prestige. You should not consider a man as property and protection from all adversity. In a harmonious relationship, there should be both support and care from a woman. Your selfishness prevents you from building a lasting relationship. Most likely, you meet men, but the relationship is too short-lived. Learn not only to take, but also to give.

10 to 15 points:

Are you not married yet? Strangely, usually women with this attitude are fully prepared for relationships and are happy in marriage or in long-term relationships. If you are still single, do not despair, you are completely ready for a relationship.

Never had a boyfriend, how to find him?

How to find a guy? Search - open a profile on a dating site, go on dates, visit crowded places where men "accumulate": stadiums, fitness centers, cafes, cinemas. You can ask your friends to introduce you to brothers and friends. This method is very efficient and simple.

You can contact a potential matchmaker. In search of a guy, the most important thing is action, you can’t wait for fate to knock on the door itself.

At what age is it already difficult to find a guy or a man?

Girls, if you are asking this question, then understand that even at the age of 70 you can find a man. The main thing is to understand that you are worthy of love, are able to give your love to a man, you want to be happy and make a man happy with yourself.

There is a misconception that after 35 years it is almost impossible to find a man, but look how many women are around who have found a mate after 35, even after 50 and 60 years.

Age is not a criterion. It is important to understand what a relationship is for and what you can bring to it. If a woman is always ready to support, inspire and love a man, then at any age it is not a problem for her to build harmonious relationships.

Ok Google! Why don't I have a boyfriend yet?

Top Answers

To this question, both Google and psychologists will give almost the same answers.

Here they are:

  • Look not there

Remember girls. Men do not go to discos and cafes in order to get acquainted. It's easier to find a guy in a fitness club or through mutual friends.

  • No boyfriend because you are looking for a prince

And they only exist in fairy tales. Lower your requirements. Put yourself in order, men love well-groomed ladies.

  • Engage in self-development

Become interesting as a person. There is no boyfriend because you consider yourself unworthy of love and have low self-esteem.

And remember girls, meeting a guy is not a goal, but just one of the paths to harmony and happiness. It is worth remembering one interesting saying "If you want to change the world, change yourself." Don't be afraid to change, improve and seek.

Do not miss. . .

Need to know -

In the life of every woman, the onset of menstruation is an important stage. With the onset of menstruation, the girl becomes a girl, and her body is ready to conceive a child. During the first one or two years, the cycle stabilizes, menstruation at this time may be irregular. But what if at the age of 15 menstruation did not start? Why is this so and what should be done?

The importance of menstrual bleeding for the female body

Menstruation is a phenomenon that is characterized by bloody discharge from the vagina, is cyclical and occurs every month. Menstruation begins during puberty (11-14 years) and stops with the onset of menopause (after 45 years).

For each girl, menarche can occur at different ages, for example, for someone it will be at 10 years old, and for someone at 14, and the reasons for this difference are very different: heredity, structural features of the genital organs, climate, nutrition, disease and others

With the onset of critical days, the menstrual cycle also begins. Normally, it is 21-35 days. All processes are regulated by the brain, by transmitting impulses to the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. The cycle begins on the first day of menstrual bleeding, and ends on the day preceding the onset of bleeding in the next month.

After menarche, for some time (a year or two), the cycle stabilizes, so menstruation is characterized by irregularity, it can come earlier or later, which is considered quite normal.

You need to visit a gynecologist if:

  • during bleeding, general weakness, nausea, severe pain in the lower abdomen appear;
  • discharge of a small volume, they have blood clots;
  • cycle duration less than 17 or more than 40 days;
  • no menstruation for more than 3 months;
  • delays take place after the formation of the cycle;
  • the duration of bleeding is less than 3 or more than 10 days.

After the onset of menstruation, it is advisable for every girl to have a calendar to control the duration of her cycle. If the need arises, this will enable the gynecologist to determine the nature of the cause of the changes in the menstrual cycle.

Why is there no period at 15?

If a girl at 15 years of age is still not menstruating, experts suspect that puberty is delayed. Common reasons for the absence of menarche at this age include:

  • Hormonal disorders. When a young lady who has reached the age of puberty does not grow mammary glands, there is excessive hair growth, as in men, this indicates an excess of male hormones, and a deficiency of estrogen. Normalization of the hormonal background is required.
    Probable pregnancy. Sex education is very important and should be mandatory for all girls without exception. This will help to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Therefore, confidential conversations on an intimate topic should take place from preschool age. Mom or the closest relative should tell about the characteristics of the female body, menstruation, means of protection against unwanted pregnancy.
  • Inflammation of the genital organs. These diseases include cystitis, endometriosis, polycystic. It is important to treat the inflammation as quickly as possible, which will avoid many further complications with sexual health, in particular infertility.
  • Diseases of the endocrine nature. Failures of the menstrual cycle, for example, the absence of menstruation at the age of 15, sometimes occurs against the background of diabetes mellitus, thyroid diseases. In such cases, treatment of systemic diseases is necessary.
  • Anomalies of the structure and trauma to the internal genital organs. The reason for the absence of menstruation can be such an anomaly as the bend of the uterus. Injuries to the organs of the reproductive system during surgery are a common reason why there is no menstruation in adolescence.
  • Head injury. The menstrual cycle also goes astray if the girl has had head injuries throughout her life. Often, a consultation with a neurosurgeon is required to solve the problem.
  • Increased loads. These reasons are among the most common. A heavy school program, tutoring, attending various sports sections, lack of free time can cause a delay in menarche.
  • Sudden changes in body weight, which occurs due to malnutrition or strict diets.
  • The beginning of sexual activity early (before 17 years) negatively affects the formation of the reproductive system in girls during puberty.
  • Frequent stressful situations, tense relationships in the family, difficult relationships with peers.
  • Bad habits. Menstruation may be absent if at the age of 12-17 a girl smokes, uses drugs, drinks alcoholic beverages.
  • Use of certain medications. Some medicines can affect the onset of menstruation.
  • Changing of the climate. Moving to another place of residence, where the climate is significantly different, can provoke the absence of menstruation in a girl in her teens. After acclimatization of the body, menstruation will begin.

Only a gynecologist can reliably understand the reason for the delay in the onset of menstruation after the fair sex has passed the diagnostics.

What to do?

Menstruation for a girl brings certain experiences and inconveniences, because the state of health changes, you have to change your life plans, refuse certain activities. But if at the age of 15 menstruation has not yet begun, many young ladies begin to worry, but you should not worry in advance. It is important to reconsider your lifestyle and try to eliminate all the factors due to which menstruation may not come.

  • Normalization of hormonal background. Adolescence is characterized by a serious restructuring of the hormonal background. At this time, estrogen begins to be actively produced (the hormone is responsible for the onset of menstruation and ovulation). With a deficiency of this hormone in the body, there may be a delay in menstruation. If there is a suspicion of hormonal disorders in a girl, then an urgent need to visit a pediatric gynecologist. The doctor will select a course of hormonal drugs, after which, as a rule, the monthly cycle will begin.
  • Normalization of the psychological state. The youthful body reacts sharply to any changes (conflicts with parents, difficult relationships with peers, worries about relationships with a representative of the opposite sex, high workloads at school and in additional classes, circles, etc.), trying to defend themselves. This is what causes the delay in menstruation. To normalize the emotional state, you need to rest more, sleep should be at least 8-10 hours, do what brings pleasure, try to skip the troubles by yourself.
  • Correct development. Puberty begins in a girl as early as 8-10 years old and is characterized by the appearance of hair in the armpits and pubis, as well as breast growth. This process will take approximately five years. If a girl does not start her period at the age of 15, this is considered a delay in puberty. You need to visit a pediatric gynecologist to find out the cause. It is imperative to visit a doctor without delay, otherwise serious problems with conception may arise in the future.
  • Polycystic ovaries. Reproductive system disease often occurs in girls during adolescence. It leads to a slowdown in hormone production and menstrual irregularities. Timely treatment is extremely important, which will help to avoid infertility in the future.
  • Treatment of existing diseases. If at the age of 15 a girl does not have a period, she feels severe pain in the lower abdomen or in the lower back, you should immediately visit a doctor. Hypothermia of the genitals, the development of infections can cause the absence of menstruation. Treatment is prescribed exclusively by a doctor.
  • Moderate exercise. High loads exhaust the fragile body of a teenage girl, which can affect the menstrual cycle. Any load should be moderate, not cause fatigue. It is better to postpone high physical activity until the menstrual cycle stabilizes.
  • Balanced diet. Adolescent girls are often dissatisfied with their figure in general or with certain areas of the body, so they go on strict diets. This leads to the fact that the body does not receive such important vitamins and minerals in sufficient quantities. Menstruation may not begin if this deficiency is not made up in time. In addition, the lack of valuable substances negatively affects the brain. Improper nutrition also leads to obesity, which will not have the best effect on the menstrual cycle. It is very important that more fruits and vegetables are present in the diet, and harmful chips and fast food should be excluded as much as possible. With a lack of hemoglobin, you need to take folic acid and gland preparations, which the doctor will prescribe.

Sometimes not the onset of menstruation at the age of 15 can be explained by a hereditary factor. In this case, this is not considered a violation, but just a feature of the girl's body.