How to make sure your wife is faithful. Test for betrayal and fidelity of the wife: how to calculate and find out everything

How to make sure your wife is faithful.  Test for betrayal and fidelity of the wife: how to calculate and find out everything
How to make sure your wife is faithful. Test for betrayal and fidelity of the wife: how to calculate and find out everything

Women cheat not much less often than men. Lack of attention, thirst for new emotions, dissatisfaction in bed and many other reasons may precede adultery. If a husband's suspicions creep in, the main thing is not to chop off the shoulder, accusing his wife of infidelity. It is worth making sure that the other man is true and not fiction. Otherwise, you can achieve the opposite reaction. Due to obsessive jealousy and baseless accusations, the missus has the right to initiate a divorce.

The topic of infidelity in marriage has long occupied a special niche in psychology. Experts have developed many tests for cheating on wives and husbands. By answering a number of specific questions, spouses can figure out whether their feelings are reasonable. Although such a method cannot be considered perfect, because there are always unforeseen, special circumstances that in one way or another are capable of distorting the results. Be that as it may, such an “exam” can be the starting point in the process of checking your beloved for fidelity. So grab a notepad and pen and answer the following questions:

How often does your wife stay late at work?

  1. never - 0 points;
  2. 1-2 times a week - 1 point;
  3. regularly - 2 points.

Have your partner's habits changed lately?

  1. no, behaves as before - 0;
  2. rarely, but can do something unusual for her - 1;
  3. yes, the behavior has changed dramatically - 2;

How will your wife react to the news about your business trip?

  1. get upset, make a scandal - 0;
  2. will not hide discontent, but will silently let go - 1;
  3. in a good mood will help to get ready and lead to the transport - 2;

How scrupulous is your spouse with her own phone?

  1. constantly leaves it in a conspicuous place, allows you to use it without any problems - 0;
  2. does not like it when you touch the phone, may scream - 1;
  3. always hides the gadget, tries to leave the room during telephone conversations - 2.

If at some entertainment event, an unfamiliar man invites your companion to dance, she:

  1. ignore the prompt - 0;
  2. politely refuse with obvious awkwardness - 1;
  3. gladly agree - 2;

If the missus has serious problems at work, you:

  1. try to provide maximum assistance - 0;
  2. find words of support, but will not interfere - 1;
  3. leave everything as it is, let it sort itself out - 2;

Does your sweetheart go on vacation on her own:

  1. no, never - 0;
  2. sometimes travels alone or with friends - 1;
  3. always spends her holidays by herself - 2.

Now calculate the total points. You have absolutely nothing to worry about if the number is from 0 to 6. In the range from 7 to 13 - there is reason to wonder if everything is fine in your relationship. If it turned out 14 points - you have a good reason to investigate. Based on the test, the following signs of a wife’s infidelity can be distinguished: changes in behavior, excessive caution when talking on the phone, regular delays at work, emancipation in communicating with other men, joy at the slightest opportunity to be left alone.

How to check your wife for treason so as not to give yourself away

Verification of the spouse for fidelity should be carried out secretly. The exception will be the situation when you decide to call her for a frank conversation. This approach is not always rational, because it will not be difficult for a smart and cunning woman to lie, looking into her eyes. However, not everyone has these abilities. If you catch the traitor by surprise, she may be confused and confess everything. When planning how to find out about your wife's infidelity, refer to a simple test. It can give impetus to more radical action.

If the missus often lingers at work, follow her after hours, or even better, ask a stranger about it. Hiring a private investigator is an expensive but effective way. An experienced specialist will never allow himself to be discovered and will collect maximum information about the unknown side of his wife's life. Another way to find out the whole truth is to look into her phone. Frequent calls from an unknown number, love messages - it is really possible to find irrefutable evidence in a personal gadget. Offer your sweetheart to spend the evening together, go to a restaurant, cinema, theater. If her thoughts are occupied by another man, she will avoid spending time together in every possible way.

In trying to find out if your wife is cheating on you, it is important to observe the measure in everything. Excessive jealousy entails a clouding of the mind. A man who cannot keep his feelings under control makes many mistakes. To come up with something that actually never happened - for him it's time to spit. As a result, even if the beloved never cheated, and all indirect signs were false, excessive suspicion and lack of trust in the relationship will inevitably lead to a break.

What signs of "treason" can be false

Imagine that your significant other at work has a real full house. She has no time to drink an extra cup of coffee, she is forced to constantly linger in order to have time to complete the fallen amount of work. At the same time, you decided that all her delays are nothing more than fiction, and you are sure that you have a lover. Another situation: the spouse is preparing a surprise for your anniversary, so she tries to speak on the phone so that you do not hear her. What groundless conjectures can lead to in this case is not even worth commenting on. Any facts that can give rise to doubts about the wife's fidelity must be supported by evidence.

A happy marriage is built on trust. Jealousy is a natural, healthy feeling in relation to the chosen one. Women, of course, love when their man cares, but too intrusive suspicions will definitely not arouse admiration. The one who is constantly puzzled by the question: “Is my wife cheating on me?” A test in a notebook will not save! In this case, real psychological help is needed. The specialist will help to put everything on the shelves and give practical advice on how to choose the right tactics of behavior.


Resist the temptation to read your wife's text messages, check her email, and hire a hacker to hack into her Odnoklassniki page. One has only to start, and the idea of ​​​​total control will subdue your whole life, everything else will be unimportant. Now you are full of suspicions, even an innocent message: “how are you, see you” can unsettle you. A school friend could write to her, but you boiled over and already vowed to keep the cottage for yourself! Cool down, don't do anything in a hurry.

Just watch your wife's behavior. If your wife suddenly became interested in hang gliding, this does not mean at all that she was seduced by a pilot. However, it would not be superfluous to find out in which company she studies the structure of hang gliders at her leisure.

Try to spend more time together. Listen to her requests, pay attention to her mood. In trust is important, good spouses are usually best friends. Become her friend, especially if intimately your relationship is far from perfect. Let her understand that she has something to lose, and she herself will dispel your suspicions.

Don't neglect common companies. Take your wife to her friend's birthday party, even if you've stubbornly ignored such invitations in the past. There is a chance that old acquaintances are aware of your spouse's personal life. It is usually not difficult to find out details from them over a glass of wine.

If suspicions still do not leave you, no matter how hard you try to get rid of them, it is not forbidden to turn to the services of private detectives. However, remember that this is a last resort. In case, due to anxiety, you practically do not sleep and have long lost your appetite. Regardless of the result of the investigation, a visit to a psychologist will not be superfluous. Especially if it turns out that you spent money on a detective in vain, and your suspicions had no reason.

However, the best way to test loyalty is a direct conversation. This banal method is considered by many to be useless - after all, you can always pretend. But psychologists say that it will not work to hide the real feeling, no matter how wonderful an actress your wife is. Especially if the question of treason takes her by surprise. When talking, look into her eyes, a liar is unlikely to want to meet your eyes. As a rule, malicious cheaters are given out by intonation - too emotional.

Before resorting to radical options, consider whether you want to know the truth. Maybe sometimes it's better to live in ignorance? Fleeting hobbies pass, but are you ready for a breakup? Exposed infidelity is something you have to live with. And remember this for years to come.

No one is immune from adultery. Most often, this act is committed by husbands, but wives can also become unfaithful. However, for this they need good reasons. At the same time, women are very good at hiding an affair on the side. How do you know if your wife is cheating?

Why do women cheat?

Most often, men themselves are to blame for the betrayal of a woman. It is their behavior that brings wives into such an emotional state when they are ready for many rash acts, in particular, an affair on the side. Among the reasons pushing for treason are the following:

  • Indifferent attitude of a man.
  • The presence of family problems.
  • Dissatisfaction in intimate life with a spouse.
  • Constant jealousy of the husband for no reason.
  • Monotony in the joint life of the spouses.

All these unpleasant moments can become an impetus for a woman to cheat on her life partner. With the help of her lover, her self-esteem rises again, she gains self-confidence, feels desired. Moreover, relationships on the side always pass without problems and worries.

Changes in behavior

A woman changes before her eyes after infidelity.

  • She behaves very constrainedly, answers her husband's questions vaguely, often completely runs away from the answer. She keeps her cell phone nearby, and when she calls, she immediately leaves for another room, she speaks barely audibly.
  • Also, the cheating wife regularly writes SMS messages. Among other things, the woman looks very happy, she is always cheerful and cheerful.
  • The wife stops paying attention to minor household troubles, no longer scolds her husband for socks scattered all over the room, leftover garbage or dirty dishes, although earlier this could cause a scandal.
  • A woman now always deletes her browser history, exits social networks if the spouses use the same computer, although she previously did not hide anything from her husband and allowed him to use her pages.
  • The girl no longer changes clothes in front of her husband, but tries to go to another room for this purpose. Perhaps she wants to hide the new underwear, bought only for her lover.
  • In addition, a woman is very annoyed if her husband touches her handbag or purse, although earlier she often asked to bring something from her bag or take some thing there. The cheating wife has no access to her personal belongings.

Changes in appearance

  • A girl who has cheated on her husband begins to actively take care of herself, pays too much attention to her appearance. She puts on makeup for a long time, bringing out every feature, uses types of makeup that emphasize her beauty favorably.
  • The wife wears only the clothes that suit her best. Usually these are things that give more sexuality, emphasize all feminine virtues.
  • How do you know if your wife is cheating in her underpants? It is necessary to observe what kind of underwear she wears. If a woman is cheating, then most likely she will start buying beautiful lace underwear. At the same time, the husband does not even know about such purchases, he finds things quite by accident. Wife puts them on just before leaving.
  • The cheating lady begins to visit the solarium, the gym, goes on a diet. And all this in order to maximize your appearance. If earlier the wife did not take her own appearance so seriously, and suddenly such changes, then this is unlikely to be a surprise for her beloved husband. Most likely, such changes are an attempt to please another man.

Change in the intimate life of the spouses

A good way to find out that a wife is cheating on her husband is to observe her behavior in intimate married life. There are two options for the behavior of the wife.

  • Firstly, a woman can completely cool off towards her husband, thereby refusing sex under various pretexts.
  • Secondly, a completely opposite scenario is possible, that is, sexual life becomes the most vivid. A woman behaves differently in sex, she is distinguished by maximum confidence and looseness. She wants to try more sex positions or role play. Here it is worth paying attention to the fact that the wife in the new role-playing game behaves confidently, which gives the impression that this is not such an innovation for her.

But this is not a 100% way to catch your wife cheating, because nowadays you can look and learn anything on the Internet. Therefore, you should not immediately build accusations on changes in sexual life alone. Perhaps the wife changes the tactics of sex in order to just diversify the family sex life.

Lack of expression of your feelings

You can check if a wife is cheating by observing how she treats her husband. Most likely, the woman will stop talking about her feelings for him, although she previously confessed her love regularly. If a man tries to ask himself about her love for him, then the wife will begin to translate the topic, make excuses, answer dryly and in monosyllables.

To determine that the feelings of wives have cooled down, it will be quite simple for men. It is impossible not to notice it. It also happens that a girl herself does not like to confess her love once again, therefore she did not do this often before. But in any case, the wife always shows love through care, the desire to please. But with a romance on the side, you don’t have to wait for a delicious and beautifully decorated dinner, neatly ironed shirts, and constant calls.

How to know for sure?

In order to accurately recognize whether a wife is cheating on her husband, you can use the following tips:

  • A woman should not be left alone. A husband should try to go everywhere with his wife. If she cheats, then she will definitely be against joint leisure, she will begin to come up with a variety of tricks to leave on her own business. If the wife does not have an affair on the side, then she will not object to joint walks. Moreover, it will even improve relationships in the family.
  • You can tell the woman that the boss is sending her on an urgent business trip for a few days. During this time, you just need to watch what the wife will do. This is the surest way to get accurate information.
  • In especially neglected cases, you can install a hidden video camera to the apartment and monitor what it does in his absence. Of course, this is not entirely ethical, but if it is impossible to convict of infidelity in another way, then you can decide to take such a step.

If the spouse still knows that his wife is unfaithful to him, then you should not make scandals, this is unlikely to change the situation. You just need to sit down and calmly talk with a woman. For many wives, this will be a relief, as they were afraid to talk about their affair earlier.

Every person needs attention, love, care. And everyone wants to see next to them a reliable and faithful person who could be trusted like himself. What should a man do if he has doubts about his wife's fidelity?

Psychologists, after conducting numerous studies, have found that about 60% of wives who have been married for more than seven years are thinking about cheating or actually cheating on their husbands. And here the question arises before the husbands: how to check your beloved? The help of a private detective is the most reliable and popular way test wife for fidelity.

A private detective, depending on the situation, can check his wife for allegiance by one of the following methods:

  • It all starts with studying the circle of her friends, the people with whom the wife spends time, meets. Neighbors can also help check his wife for fidelity. Grandmothers sitting near the entrance are always aware of what is happening in the house, who enters and leaves with whom. Surveillance is an integral part of the work of a private detective. With the help of surveillance, you can establish where the spouse suspected of cheating spends time.
  • Another method to test a wife for fidelity is to study her social media page, with whom she corresponds. The methods of checking for allegiance also include the installation of a bug or a video camera. This method is proven and reliable in obtaining data on the facts of treason.
  • If all of the above methods have not yielded results, and you really want to find out if your wife is cheating on you or, perhaps, is going to, you can resort to an extreme option. This is a method of provoking treason. Using this method, you can find out if your significant other is prone to temptations and whether there are prerequisites for a romance on the side.
  • An experienced one will immediately determine which of the methods to test his wife for fidelity, which of them will be the most effective.

Well, if all of the above methods did not work, you can only be congratulated: your soul mate really loves you and you can be sure of the sincerity of her feelings.

How to check your husband for treason?

Everyone knows that men cheat much more often than women. It has to do with their nature. But, nevertheless, not all men prefer to cheat on their beloved. Therefore, if you began to suspect your husband of something, do not rush to present your guesses to him, but rather watch him a little and try to check for treason.

1. Take a good look at the situation and yu

There is no such family in which problems and disagreements would not arise. If you just started to feel lonely, then you should not make your husband guilty of this. Ask yourself if you are happily married, how are your family relationships, has anything changed in the behavior of your loved one? So you will definitely be able to figure out the reason why you have concerns about your spouse's infidelity.


2. Check him for a tendency to cheat

You do not know, ? Here's an easy way for you to find out if he's even capable of having an affair on the side. Get yourself an additional phone number, and try to get to know him first, and if he reacts normally to this, then you can start flirting. You can play this situation in different ways: say that you got the wrong number, took his number from a work colleague, or something else.

3. Attitude to work

Another way to check your husband for infidelity is to look at whether there have been any changes in his attitude towards work. If he began to often linger at work when you call, he is constantly uncomfortable talking. This may give rise to suspicion. Another thing to look out for is whether he has any extra expenses. After all, a mistress must be kept.

How to test a husband's fidelity?

4. Appearance

If you decide to check your husband for treason, then pay attention to whether he began to preen himself in front of the mirror for a long time, keep an eye on his wardrobe, and buy new, solid things. And if he started going to the gym, then this is a clear reason to think.

5. Check your phone

How to check your wife for treason?

Every man is used to being the master in his life and in his family. Therefore, the realization that his wife has cheated on him hurts the representatives of the stronger sex. But often we meet men who are by nature very jealous and these men see treason everywhere. In this regard, we want to present you with several ways to calculate the infidelity of your wife.

1. Lover's behavior

Check wife on in epnesshelp her behavior. Pay attention to the wife’s mood: does it change when you wake up together, do you call during the day, how does she come home from work - tired, or vice versa - full of strength and inspired, did she start to linger after work.

2. Incomprehensible calls

If you want to check your wife for treason , then make sure she does not start to carry the phone with her all the time, even when she takes a shower, if calls from unknown numbers start bothering her.

3. Become a sleuth

If you decide to check your wife for treason and loyalty , but she does not show any signs of infidelity, and you do not lose a sense of suspicion, then you can arrange secret surveillance. Quietly and imperceptibly follow with whom the wife goes to work, with whom she returns, what she does during the lunch break. Try to call her when she is in front of you and check if her words match what you see.

4. Don't be silent

If you have any suspicions that your wife is cheating on you, then you should not show your displeasure to her, make scandals over trifles. It is better to take and ask in the forehead. Firstly, this will give you the opportunity to see her reaction, and secondly, she will know that you are not blind, and her behavior can lead to the destruction of the family.


Sometimes a girl begins to doubt the fidelity of her lover. And these suspicions can lead to secrecy, distrust, quarrels, and even breakups.

Check a guy for loyalty can be done in the following ways:

1. Come to work or university without warning. If everything is fine, then he will be glad to see you, if not, he will start fussing, saying that he is very busy.

2. Check the possibility of treason. If you want to check your boyfriend for fidelity, start a new page "VKontakte" or "Odnoklassniki", write a few messages.


3. Check the connection. To check a guy for treason need to see itphone, his latest calls and sms, You can alsocheck e-mail and pages in social networks.


Usually, the guy wants to be in control of the relationship. And therefore, late return from work or school, ignoring calls, frequent conversations with a friendseem very suspicious.

Here are some tips on how you can test a girl for fidelity:

1. It blew a chill. If you want to check a girl for treason, follow her behavior. If you notice that your beloved used to return home and share her impressions, but now she has become silent and thoughtful, she never asks for advice.

2. Bed. You can check a girl for loyalty in the following way. If she became cold in bed, complains of a headache every other time, then this is a clear sign that someone has appeared in her.

How to check a girl for loyalty?

3. Care. She became too caring, began to be more interested in your life. This may be an indication that she is trying to make amends.

4. Heartfelt conversation.Whatever happens, do not rush to accuse your beloved of cheating, it may be in your relationship: you pay little attention to her, become cold or do not arrange in bed, but she does not dare to say so.

If you decide to test your wife, husband , boy or girl for betrayal and loyalty , then be prepared for any turn of events. We hope that all your suspicions were groundless and no one cheated on you.

But if you have already learned about the bad, then you should not jump to conclusions and destroy the family. or relationship . Sit down at the negotiating table with your loved one, because it is your fault that you have been cheated on. Take this event as a test, and what it will lead to - a new, vibrant family life, or disappointment, it depends only on you!