What is elena chekalova doing now? Elena Chekalova: how to bake delicious pies and raise smart children

What is elena chekalova doing now?  Elena Chekalova: how to bake delicious pies and raise smart children
What is elena chekalova doing now? Elena Chekalova: how to bake delicious pies and raise smart children

Since Elena Letuchaya became the host of the "Revizorro" program, restaurateurs and hotel owners cannot sleep peacefully, and after the blonde visited Moscow establishments with checks, a loud scandal erupted.


In the latest issues of "Revizorro" the restaurant "Odessa-Mama" and the cafe "Children of Raika" did not pass the cleanliness test. Heated disputes immediately flared up on the Web: some accuse Elena and the transfer itself of all mortal sins, others reproach unscrupulous restaurateurs and unscrupulous employees of institutions.



The wife of journalist Leonid Parfenov, Elena Chekalova, a former restaurateur, also did not stand aside. Elena wrote an article for the Kommersant.ru website in which she criticized the activities of the "Revizorro" program and the presenter Lena Flying. Chekalova believes that the show does not act in the interests of viewers at all, but only works for ratings. The article caused mixed reviews, and Elena continued to develop this topic on her Facebook.

“Dear friends, since the publication of the article about“ Revizorro ”I have received a lot of responses, especially in PM. There is often one question: who hurt me so much that I decided to write? Yes, I am offended: in the story with “Revizorro” there is a certain common and very crafty injustice. It seems to me that I can judge her objectively, since I worked in the restaurant business for two years, I know it from the inside, now I am engaged in other projects and am not going to return to restaurateur yet.<…>Yes, not everything is always smooth and not everyone likes everything, but here is an indisputable fact: it has become interesting to eat in Russia. And yes, it is very easy to rush into the kitchen with a camera, find rolled peelings of potatoes under the stove and kill the "villains". And no one will say anything: just think, some restaurateur, so he needs it. Have you heard a lot of stories about someone getting poisoned after dinner in a Moscow restaurant? I - only 2-3 times in my life. But poisoning occurs in the best restaurants in the world. I once poisoned myself in Lyon at Bocuse's own establishment! I remember very well how I ate crème brulee, which I initially thought was dubious. I finished it, damn it. Then she did not part with the toilet) Everything happens. I didn’t even fall out of love with Bocuse) After all, this is not the current hawthorn poisoning, behind which there are really grandiose Russian problems. It is much more difficult, and most importantly more dangerous, to investigate the situation in Russian medicine and education. I'm not even talking about real estate, construction, oil and gas. There would be fearless auditors. Well, yes, they understand everything themselves and don’t stick around where they can really tear their head off, ”Chekalova said (Spelling and punctuation are copyright. - Approx. ed.).

58-year-old Leonid Parfenov celebrates the addition to the family. On the evening of February 5, the TV journalist's son, Ivan, became a father for the first time. His wife Maria gave birth to a charming boy who was named Michael. A happy event for Parfenov and his family took place in one of the capital's perinatal centers.

The good news was announced by Parfenov's wife Elena Chekalova. The restaurateur and TV journalist published a joint photo with her husband on Instagram. In the caption to the picture, Elena shared that she became a grandmother. Chekalova and Parfenov cannot get enough of the appearance of their grandson.

“Grandma is next to grandfather. Yes, today there is happiness in our family: Mikhail Ivanovich Parfenov-Broitman was born. Weight 3940 g, height - 54 cm. I am a granny! Many of my friends of this title are not that shy, but prefer that their grandchildren call them "Masha" or "Lena". But Lenya and I are just grandparents, ”said the wife of the famous TV presenter.

On her Facebook page, Elena Chekalova shared the details of the baby's birth and congratulated her son and daughter-in-law on the joyful event.

“It's great that now the husband is allowed to be with his wife during childbirth - in our time it was forbidden. Masha could hold onto Vanka all the time, and he cut the umbilical cord himself. In my opinion, it is so important that the husband also gives birth, and there is a loved one next to the woman in labor, and not only other people's aunts and uncles. Especially remembering how I gave birth myself and how the nurses screamed at me. Of course, you can endure everything for the sake of happiness to become a mommy ... But it's better otherwise, ”wrote the wife of Leonid Parfenov.

Users of social networks congratulated the TV presenter on the addition to the family and left him a large number of warm wishes. "A new stage in life!", "Grow up healthy and happy", "All the best to the child", "Hurray", "This is a great joy", "You are wonderful", "You have a heroic daughter-in-law - to give birth to such a hero", "Now there is wait for great-grandchildren ”,“ What a wonderful couple you are ”,“ There is nothing more beautiful than the word “grandmother” uttered by a baby ”,“ We ​​are waiting for a useful and tasty children's menu in the feed, ”Elena's subscribers commented.

The fact that the wife of Ivan Parfenov is expecting a child became known in November last year. “Yes, quite recently it was: the wedding of Vanya and Masha and the publication of the book“ First Year Married ”. And now we are waiting for the replenishment of the family - this is what it means to eat well, ”Elena Chekalova wrote then on social networks.

The son of a famous TV presenter legalized relations with Maria Broitman, the daughter of an investment banker, in 2015. The wedding took place in Moscow according to Jewish customs. The newlyweds received many pleasant gifts from relatives and friends. It is known that Maria and Ivan entered into a marriage contract - ktubu.

Leonid Gennadievich Parfenov is a talented journalist, TV presenter, director, producer, actor and simply the smartest person of his time. Born on January 26, 1960 in the city of Cherepovets.


From childhood, Parfenov showed a special love for literature and by the sixth grade he had already mastered the entire school curriculum. The young man did not succumb to the exact sciences, but he always succeeded in literature and history. In 1977, the young man entered the Zhdanov University, choosing the profession of a journalist. After successfully graduating from university, he managed to work as a journalist in many print media, after which he began to conquer television.

Initially, Leonid worked on local television channels, but his talent gradually began to echo on central television. The turning point in the career of a television journalist was his author's program "Namedni", which made him popular throughout the USSR. The peak of his television career was work on Channel One and NTV. During his work on the television screen, Leonid managed to receive many awards, including the TEFI award.

After successful work on television, Parfenov began to engage in his own projects. Now he writes books and makes documentaries that receive a great response from his readers and viewers.


Leonid Parfenov entered into his first and only marriage in 1987. Elena Chekalova became his chosen one, she is also a fairly well-known journalist and author of a large number of books. It was a common interest in journalism that brought this couple together. Elena read an article in the newspaper authored by Leonid and after that she just dreamed of making an acquaintance with him.

At one of the events, Elena's friend invited Parfenov. This day was the beginning of their great love. Later, in an interview, Elena talked about the first days of meeting and about the moment when she realized that she had fallen in love. After they became friends, Leonid invited her to show her such Petersburg as she had never seen it before. Tatiana, after walking around St. Petersburg, was greatly surprised and understood for sure that she was in love. At the first meetings, she spoke of Leonid, on the one hand, as an honest and natural person in communication, but on the other hand ironic.

Leonid Parfenov prefers not to discuss his personal life and does not pay attention to all kinds of gossip around him. But his wife Elena Chekalova talks about married life only with pleasure. In an interview, she admitted that she considers herself the woman who receives the largest number of flowers from her husband. And both with and without it. All her life she feels from Leni only a chivalrous attitude towards herself. Even when she comes home from filming late at night, tired, there is a set table and a husband who looks after her at home.

The Parfenovs have been leading a calm and peaceful family life for many years, and since the wedding they have never made noisy scandals around their couple.


The man has a son and a daughter. Both studied abroad, and do not want to connect their lives with the profession of journalists. Parfenov's son's name is Ivan. He studied in England and Germany, received an economic education at the University of Milan. Recently, Ivan got engaged to his girlfriend and did it in a very romantic way, on Valentine's Day. Daughter Maria graduated from the school of the British Council in Italy and is going to do business related to the arrangement of hotels and restaurants.

Elena speaks of her husband as a very caring father. In her words, he always helped around the house, washed diapers, ironed, no matter how busy he was, always found time for his son and daughter.

The future wife of the famous TV journalist Leonid Parfenov graduated with honors from Moscow State University. After a short teaching career, she switched to journalism, and later changed her work in newspapers to the role of a TV presenter. The most interesting thing is that this woman managed literally everything she dreamed of. For example, cooking, which has long been a favorite hobby, has become a profession.

Leonid Parfenov's wife, Elena Chekalova, by his own admission conquered him from the moment he was in her house. There were such delicious aromas from the kitchen that it was simply impossible to resist. Thus, she successfully manages today to find new ways to the heart of her husband.
Of undoubted interest is the story of their acquaintance, which Elena gladly talks about, as well as other fascinating stories of their life together. Initially, she read an article by the then very young Leonid about the Aquarium group and Boris Grebenshchikov. His style and manner of expressing his thoughts made her heart flutter, and after a personal acquaintance, the guys realized that this was fate.

Leonid Parfenov and Elena Chekalova

Today they are raising children - Ivan and Maria, and she dreamed of such names long before marriage, the more pleasant the realization of the dream became. Most importantly, Leonid Parfenov's wife remains a wonderful friend and faithful, devoted life companion for him. They do everything together - they plan and immediately implement everything that was conceived. His opinion is the law for her, it is important for her what he thinks and how he relates to everything that she creates on the screen and not only.

As Elena admits with some degree of embarrassment - she is always interested in being with her husband, she did not miss a single day! The strength of their marriage can only be envied for good - they have not parted for nearly thirty years. An excellent hostess, she cooks so well that no one has yet been able to resist the culinary masterpieces she has created!

Leonid Parfenov's wife

It is for this reason that the program "Happiness is!" Enjoys constant success, here she shares wonderful recipes with her fans. The result of a happy life together was the conclusion expressed by Elena, which she willingly voices - "everything that the spouse does not do with good intentions - everything is good and wonderful", and she does not get tired of repeating to her children about the genius of their father.

Mutual love and respect, reverent devotion - this is the guarantee of that strongest union, which can serve as a worthy example to follow in our stormy world of passions.

Leonid Parfenov with his wife at a social event

Leonid Parfenov and Elena Chekalova are a very beautiful couple, they have been together for many years. Indeed, they have so much in common.

Elena Chekalova grew up in a family of journalists

Her dad wrote to the newspaper "Soviet Russia" and its branch publications, her mother was engaged in lexicography - mainly edited and corrected old editions of dictionaries.

Lena was always surrounded by books and smart, highly educated people. Needless to say, when she grew up, her area of ​​professional interest was obvious - journalism.

Future wife of Leonid Parfenov Graduated with honors from Lomonosov Moscow State University. After graduation, she taught Russian language and literature to foreign students for some time, but then decided to take up journalism.

After working a little in Soviet newspapers, Elena gets on television and becomes a presenter.

Leonid Parfenov's wife knows how to combine business with pleasure

This is undoubtedly, because Elena Chekalova was able to ensure that her favorite hobby - cooking - turned into a profession.

Host of the culinary talk show "Happiness is!" even during her journalistic career, she led a column on food and recipes in one of the publications. And since 2009, her charming smile and rich experience in preparing the most delicious and healthy dishes have become available to the multi-billion audience of Channel One.

If sometimes a career can "move" family values ​​- as happened with - then the work of Chekalova, on the contrary, helps this woman find more and more new ways to the heart of her beloved man.

Parfenov himself repeatedly admitted in an interview that when he first got into Elena's house and felt the aromas coming from the kitchen, where she was cooking something, he realized that this woman was simply obliged to become his wife.

Parfenov's wife is a happy woman

Elena loves to tell different stories about her husband, especially the story of their acquaintance - somehow she accidentally came across an essay by young Parfenov about Boris Grebenshchikov and the Aquarium group, and the author's style immediately made her heart beat faster. Well, when she met him personally, events began to develop very quickly - very soon the young people realized that they loved each other and got married.

Today, a couple of TV men have two wonderful children - Ivan and Maria. By the way, Elena had a desire to have a son and daughter with such a combination of names even before marriage - and it came true.

Leonid Parfenov and his wife are not only a married couple, but also great friends. They love to plan together and immediately implement even the most daring plans.

Parfenov's wife confesses embarrassedly that in her entire long married life she has never been bad or uninteresting around her husband.