Man by date of birth to calculate. Numerology of lucky numbers: calculate online for free

Man by date of birth to calculate.  Numerology of lucky numbers: calculate online for free
Man by date of birth to calculate. Numerology of lucky numbers: calculate online for free

When a child is just born, parents immediately give him a name. But few of them think about the fact that they are programming him for a certain fate.

These unexpected discoveries were made by the ancient Greeks. The creator of this theory is Pythagoras. He was a highly educated person with an interest in occult knowledge.

The philosopher became famous for his scholarship not only in his homeland, but also in other countries. Moreover, a scientific community was even created, where people promoted his ideas related to the use of numbers to understand the future.

Each name has a certain number, which turns out to be decisive in the further life path of a person. The numbers are very accurate data, so they have a huge impact on people, making their steps predictable in advance.

Numerology can even predict personality traits by name. It makes it possible to determine the main characterological traits of a person, to understand what his inner core is, and also to suggest the most suitable area for his efforts.

This is due to the fact that when pronouncing each name, the laws of acoustics come into play, as a result of which a wave of the corresponding length appears, which has its own amplitude and direction.

Such physical data have an effect on a person and others, as a result of which their biochemical reactions and mental processes change. Therefore, some people have more pronounced character traits, while others have exactly the opposite.

Science allows people to identify their weaknesses or strengths, thereby making it possible to prepare in advance for certain difficulties, as well as to choose the most successful options for applying their talents. Such knowledge allows you to save a lot of energy and emotions, without wasting them on unnecessary tasks.

It must be remembered that when making calculations, in no case should you take the diminutive version.

  • It is inadmissible to reduce the name Yuri to Yura, Olga to Olya, and Boris to Bor. Moreover, one should not use common speech and nicknames.
  • Vladimir should not become Vova, and Stanislav should not become Stas.
  • It is strictly forbidden to give Lyudmila the name Lucy or Mila, Svetlana - Lana, Ksenia - Ksyusha, and Elena - Alena.

Such distortions can completely change the meaning, which means its influence on fate.

Leading experts in esotericism have noticed that the more often an adult calls himself by his childhood name, the more unfavorable his future life is. He deprives himself of the future, closing many opportunities for himself.

The meaning of the number of the name

Another important requirement is that the resulting number must be single-digit. That is, if the calculation turned out to be 23 or 35, then the numbers should be added together again. Therefore, you need to know how you can calculate the required number. In principle, the calculations are not difficult at all.

You should write out all the letters of the Russian alphabet, and then assign them a serial number. Those numbers on which certain sounds fall must be summed up until a single-digit number is obtained.


If, as a result of addition, the figure "one" is obtained, then the person is distinguished by great inner strength.

He is not afraid of life's difficulties, he is able to overcome any problems. He is very confident in himself and, indeed, can achieve high results where the overwhelming majority of people are defeated.

Such people are distinguished by generosity, caring for others. However, they have a very private character, so they are in no hurry to make friends or family.


The deuce has a sensitive, vulnerable nature. At the same time, her disposition is very changeable, it can be difficult for people to adapt to it.

However, a person with such a number of names himself is able to perfectly get used to anyone, since he has a kind soul. He is prone to submission, he lacks leadership qualities. The main disadvantage of people is greed, as well as the predominance of reason over feelings.


Number 3 means that the owner of the name has numerous abilities. In addition, he is still endowed with the strength desired for their development. Therefore, such people quickly and relatively easily achieve success in their chosen field.

But they have an overly open soul, which is why they often become a victim of deception or intrigue. However, pronounced intellectual abilities usually allow them to maneuver between enemies.


If the number of the name is accompanied by a four, then a person cannot be kept in his pursuit of the goal. When doing business, he is distinguished by enviable diligence, accuracy, intelligence. At the same time, he is prone to depression, and also does not like to indulge in business that does not promise immediate benefits. Therefore, people with the number 4 do not seek the location of others, but prefer to act alone.


The number five, obtained by adding all the letters of the name, symbolizes a person who has a spirit of freedom. The craving for travel and a variety of adventures prevent him from expressing his vivid abilities to the fullest extent.

People have an adventurous temperament, they can get out dry from any scrape. Indeed, fate allows them to avoid so many difficulties that would have stopped others.

Fives are very smart, can understand and appreciate the opportunities that life provides them. But there is an undercurrent here. Such people are bored with the routine, they are looking for adventures that are not always to the liking of their loved ones.


When getting the number 6 , it must be borne in mind that a person is favored by the stars from childhood. Therefore, he often achieves heights that are difficult to reach for people with other names.

They simply enchant others with the strength of their character. There are no unattainable tasks for them. They are scrupulous, they do not recognize roundabouts.

Their main drawback is over-focusing on career advancement, which leaves the family out of their focus.


The seven is distinguished by some absent-mindedness. She thinks all the time, reflects, not noticing anything around.

Such people often become scientists or artists. But these same qualities close the path to entrepreneurship for them, since it requires a significant concentration of efforts that they are not capable of. They often wishful thinking, after which they suffer a lot.


The number "eight" indicates that a person is simply doomed to good luck in absolutely any business. Therefore, he often takes on completely hopeless ventures, unexpectedly achieving the most amazing results.

But such a character trait conceals the other side of the coin. If something does not work out for him the first time, he quickly loses interest in the problem, finding himself a different application of efforts.

Such people need movement all the time, it is difficult for them to sit still. Moreover, they can captivate others with their ideas. However, they are very demanding, do not forgive mistakes.


The Nine possesses numerous talents as well as rare charisma. She is given a tremendous sense of purpose, thanks to which there are no unrealizable goals in front of her. She achieves her greatest successes in the field of culture or knowledge.

The influence of the surname and patronymic on the life of people

Therefore, knowing the number of the name, it is worthwhile to prepare in advance for what life is capable of applying. No less important is the name of the person, which he does not choose. Moreover, even his parents do not choose her. The middle name also has a significant impact on fate.

When calculating this number, it is advisable to also take into account the date of birth.

Such knowledge is very important because:

  • In the event that the sum of the digits of the birthday turns out to be greater than the number of the name, then the person will follow his natural inclinations.
  • If the total sum of the number of the name turned out to be higher, then the professional skills acquired by them during training will acquire greater importance in the fate of people.
  • If the data completely coincide, then the person will be able to realize all his talents and capabilities.

Numerology allows you to predict the main features of a person's fate by his name and surname, since they are a reflection of the karma and actions of all his ancestors. In a similar way, a certain code is inherited, which corresponds to its genus, as well as character traits that pass from generation to generation in almost unchanged form.

The influence of passport data on fate

Summing up the numerology data by name, we get a number that predetermines the entire life path of a person, as well as the past and future of his kind. Therefore, parents, when choosing a name for a baby, must calculate in advance what meaning it acquires in combination with a patronymic and surname for his future fate.

You can foresee:

  • The main traits of a person's character;
  • main inclinations;
  • possible directions of his professional activity;
  • the ability to find a common language with others;
  • the approximate course of his life;
  • directions of personal development.

Based on his name, as well as taking into account the meaning of the surname and patronymic, a person is able to understand what his life is destined for. From childhood, he learns to find his way or avoid underwater currents.

It becomes clear why it is so important to calculate the future of people by their name, patronymic and surname.

When calculating, the Number of Destiny is determined, which completely depends on data independent of a person. It completely subjugates his life path, allows him to find himself, to achieve the greatest success.

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Numbers pass through the whole life of a person, are constantly present in his daily activities. Numbers are the basis, the instrument. With their help, various calculations are made. Most areas of human activity are based on them: politics and economics, statistics and engineering, science and technology.

Numerology studies not so much the numbers themselves as their symbolic meaning. In ancient times, the Greeks and Latins used not numbers, but letters for counting. Modern numerologists have to convert letters to numbers using a simple code.

Numerology of the name and date of birth will help you find out the foundations of the personality, the most important life trends, the influences of fate and karmic lessons. Numerological analysis of the surname and first name reveals traits of character, hopes and abilities of a person, and also shows the possibilities for their implementation.

Stage one: encryption

The numerology of the name will help to know the depths of your personality, to find out its strengths and weaknesses. You can calculate your number using the table below. Each letter of the alphabet has its own numerical counterpart:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

For the study, the full name and surname given to the person at birth are used. In some teachings, for numerological calculation, the full name of a person is taken, but the patronymic is not involved in this study.

  • After marriage, women often take their husband's surname, but it is not suitable for numerological analysis. Therefore, to obtain more accurate data, it is necessary to take the woman's maiden name.
  • If a person has a double surname since birth (for example: Ivanov-Sidorov), both should be investigated.
  • There are times when a person in a family or a group of friends is called a different name than the one given to him by his parents. The name given at birth should still be taken into account.

Pseudonyms can also be considered, they can provide additional information, but they will not reveal the essence of a person's personality.

You need to write in numbers:

  • surname;
  • name and surname together.

An example of encryption.

Anna Chernova.

Name: ANNA = 1661

Surname: CHERNOVA = 7696731

Name + surname: 1661 7696731

Second stage: how to find out the number of the first and last name

The letters have been converted to a digital code, now you need to get numbers from it. To do this, the numbers must be added, counted and brought to a result equal to 1 to 9.

Name: ANNA = 1661 = 1 + 6 + 6 + 1 = 14 = 1 + 4 = 5

Surname: CHERNOVA = 7696731 = 7 + 6 + 9 + 6 + 7 + 3 + 1 = 39 = 3 + 9 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3

First name + last name: 1661 7696731 = 1 + 6 + 6 + 1 + 7 + 6 + 9 + 6 + 7 + 3 + 1 = 54 = 5 + 4 = 9

Having received in the final result 2 from the number 11 (1 + 1) or 4 from the number 22 (2 + 2), it is important to know that such numbers are called the main ones and are written differently: 2/11 and 4/22. They are also interpreted separately.

By adding, 5 numbers were obtained. What are these numbers and what is their meaning?

  • The name is the number of activities. Reveals the inner activity of a person, his character and behavior.
  • Surname is the number of inheritance. Shows the influence of heredity on a person's personality and reveals his sociality.
  • First name + last name - number of manifestations. Shows how the individuality of a person is outwardly manifested.

Stage three: interpretation

Numerology of the name and surname has been calculated, the numbers have been received, it's time to move on to the most interesting part - the analysis of personality. The most important rule here is to be patient and not rush. You should not rip out information in chunks. The synthesis of all the information received is important.

Number of manifestations

This number needs to be investigated first of all, since it reveals the basic qualities of a person, the main traits of character and behavior. By this number, one can understand how a person is perceived by others, how he appears to the public.

1 - Ambition, determination, willpower, ambition, creativity. A person counts only on himself, wants to achieve everything on his own. Such a person is not easily given the role of a subordinate, he is constrained by the need to keep himself within the established framework. This is a leader, a rebel with a tendency towards selfishness and a lust for power. Such people are characterized by stubbornness and self-obsession.

2 - Emotionality, sensitivity, tolerance, diplomacy. Strives to unite with other people. Self-realization through union or cooperation is important for him. This is a good listener, will always sympathize and help. It manifests itself well in serving people, in a position of submission. Afraid of difficulties and tries to avoid them, passive. Such a person easily succumbs to someone else's influence and easily falls into dependence on someone else's opinion or decision.

2/11 - Too susceptible and hypersensitive. Whole, demanding, often uncompromising personality. Strong character and the need to gain credibility. Strong craving for small details and irrelevant details. Great opportunities for the implementation of the plan. A person with the number 2/11 often wastes energy in vain, trying to be in time for everything and everywhere, trying to control not only his life activity, but also those around him. Sometimes it is difficult for such a person to restrain himself. Can be impatient, hot-tempered and aggressive.

3 - Communication skills, enthusiasm and cheerfulness, at the same time absent-mindedness and inability to concentrate on the main thing. A lively mind and a high ability to express oneself. An active life position, a tendency to take decisive action. Thirst for creativity and contact with the outside world. A very friendly and helpful person with a keen sense of justice. Can be vulnerable and impulsive. Such a person may be offended by a trifle and even flare up.

4 - Calm, serious, good-natured and peaceful person. Tenacity, firmness and constancy. Strives for safety and security, he needs a solid foundation to stand firmly on the ground. Such a person knows how to find his place and gain a foothold, put down roots. High organization and love of order. A narrowness of mind, a lack of imagination and a sense of humor may appear.

4/22 - Reliable and level-headed, ambitious and ambitious. Strives to stand out, to take a high position in society. At work, he is energetic, demanding of subordinates and close people. Workaholic, devotes too much time to work to the detriment of his family. Often such people are adherents of rigid rules and harsh principles. Due to overload, nervous breakdowns are possible.

5 - Energy, activity, rationality. Ability to quickly adapt to any circumstances. The character is fickle, a tendency to mood swings. Charming and attractive person. She can be prone to impulsiveness and unreliability, can easily make promises and just as easily forget about them.

6 - Deep, emotional and passionate personality. Feelings rule over the mind. Developed sense of duty and responsibility. Such a person can be punctual to the point of picky. In the first place for such a person, home and family, success and prosperity are directly related to the well-being of loved ones. Interested in the humanities and art. Good taste, developed a sense of beauty. Loves beautiful things. Ownership, envy, and jealousy may appear.

7 - A great tendency to reflection and withdrawal, likes to analyze and put everything on the shelves. Has an excellent sense of humor, sometimes reaching the point of sarcasm. Such people become the most real and devoted friends. They love nature and space. From time to time there is a desire to be alone. Daydreaming and developed imagination. Tendencies towards pessimism and increased caution, tends to distance from people and makes new acquaintances hard.

8 - Enthusiasm and energy. It is important to find the right use of this energy. Straightforwardness, intransigence, exactingness, intransigence and intractability. Doesn't accept half measures. He cannot sit still, he must be constantly in motion. Striving for power and domination. The character is fighting and violent. It is not uncommon for such a person to take risks and challenge themselves. A tendency to be stubborn and aggressive.

9 - Emotions and passion. Thirst for communication and love for learning, knowledge, exchange of information. Selflessness and devotion, a desire to help and make life easier for loved ones. Such a person often tends to fantasize and dream. Frustration can lead to a nervous breakdown and even mental imbalance. He really needs love and understanding.

Activity number

1 - A person is inclined to constantly assert himself, take the initiative and stubbornly insist on his own.

2 - The tendency to show great interest in society and increased communication skills. Patient and diplomatic, he adapts easily.

2/11 - Prone to stubbornness and perseverance. Enterprising and energetic, just as impatient and intolerant.

3 - Agility and skill. Has a practical mind and a creative spirit. Sometimes such people have a talent for art.

4 - A person is prone to being too straightforward. Possesses organizational skills and high diligence. Loves order and method.

4/22 - Propensity for entrepreneurship and a heightened sense of duty. Ambitious, often too nervous.

5 - Such a person constantly needs to learn new things, wants to expand his boundaries. Mobility, variability and inconstancy. Knows how to speak beautifully and has charm.

6 - A very sincere, open and generous person, at the same time demanding of himself and others. Constant pursuit of safety and harmony.

7 - Restrained and modest, sometimes even shy. Knows how to be friends. Thinks clearly and soberly. But there is a great tendency to despondency and pessimism.

8 - Dynamic and agile, sometimes too stubborn. Prone to justice and impulsiveness.

9 - Altruist and humanist. Knows how to find a common language with every person. He tends to idealize people and the world around him, which often leads to disappointment.

Heredity number

1 - Outwardly firm and unshakable. Needs self-affirmation, seeks to prove his superiority.

2 - He is affable, friendly and tactful. Prone to cooperation and partnership. Easily makes contact.

2/11 - Very sociable, seeks to acquire profitable connections. Prone to impatience.

3 - He seeks to take power into his own hands, he is inclined to subjugate and conquer. Dexterous and skillful master of his craft.

4 - Cultural and tactful, he always knows what he wants. Respects the orders and principles not only of his own, but also of others.

4/22 - Ambitious and domineering, stubbornly and persistently moves towards his goal. Inclined to suppress.

5 - Impudent and arrogant, but at the same time flexible and accommodating. He is inclined to rivalry in everything, he is always ready to take risks.

6 - Responsible and determined, magnanimous and generous. Very sociable, often such people become the soul of the company.

7 - Reasonable, diligent and diligent. Common sense and a clear mind prevail in all actions. Able to be in the right place at the right time.

8 - Powerful energy and strength, invincibility. The tendency to emerge victorious in any situation.

9 - He strives to help everyone and take care of everyone, is generous and capable of understanding and forgiveness. Inclined to self-sacrifice.

Attention, only TODAY!

According to numerologists, numbers have special vibrations that affect each person. Numbers can indicate to us almost everything: destiny, character, future, profession and even illness. In addition, the numerology of numbers will help you find out your individual fate code and point out what can make you more successful.

For example, you were born on 03/13/1970. We consider: 03/13/1970 = 1 + 3 + 0 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 0 = 24. This number will be the first in the code.

After that, we bring this first number to a single-digit one: 24 = 2 + 4 = 6. Number 6 - this number will be second in the code.

To get the third number, you need to multiply the second number (6) by two and bring it to a single-valued form: 6 * 2 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3. Then the resulting number (3) must be subtracted from the first number (24): 24 - 3 = 21. So, third the number in the code will be 21.

The fourth number is calculated from the third by reducing it to a monosyllabic form: 21 = 2 + 1 = 3. so fourth the number in the code will be 3.

As a result, we got an individual code: first number = 24, second number = 6, third number = 21 and fourth number = 3.

Write it down and your date of birth next to 24 6 21 3 13 03 1970. Then count how many ones, twos, triples, etc. appear in this line. The number of these numbers determines your success and indicates what helps you in life and what interferes with your well-being. The norm for every number in your code is three. If there are more identical numbers, then these are already deviations. So let's find out the meanings of the numbers.

Units... If you don't have them at all, then you are a driven person and try not to express your opinion. If you have three units, you are a gentle and kind person. If less than three, then you have low self-esteem. You need to value yourself and accept yourself for who you are.

Deuces... If you don't have twos, then you have a weak energy potential. You quickly get tired both mentally and physically. You need to do yoga or meditation, and wear red clothes, it will restore your energy. If you have two deuces, then you are fine with energy. If three - then you have the ability to clairvoyance and extrasensory perception. If there are more triplets, then you are a danger to others, try to control your words and thoughts.

Triplets... If you do not have threes, then it is difficult for you to understand other people. Try to be more interested in other people. If you have three triplets, then you have good intuition. If more, then you have supernatural abilities.

Fours... If you do not have fours, then by nature you are secretive and it is not easy to get along with you. If you have at least one four, then your strong point is diplomatic ability and conflict-freeness. If three or two, then you have every chance of achieving success in sports. If there are more than three, you are too deceitful.

Fives... If they are not there, then you are a rude and domineering person. If one or two, then you have a good heart. If three or four is a sign of great patience and mercy. In this case, you should not completely trust people, they can take advantage of your kindness.

Sixes... If they are not there, then you are a nature prone to laziness. If there are three sixes, then you are a very hardworking and hardy person. More than four - envy gnaws at you and it prevents you from living.

Sevens... If there are no sevens, then you are easy to control. According to you, you do not know how to refuse people and blame yourself for everything. If there are two sevens, then luck is always on your side. If more - this is a sign of "second happiness" - impudence.

Eights... If there are no eights or only one, then you have to achieve everything only by your own labor, Fortune is not favorable to you. If three eights are a sign of wealth and luck. Use your intuition to reach your goals.

Nines... Reflect analytical skills. The more there are, the more they manifest in you.

Zeros are not taken into account in the calculation of numerology.

For many people, the code of fate is not six-digit, but seven-digit. Such people are endowed with a special destiny. A bright future awaits them. As a rule, such a fate code is found among show business stars, famous politicians and successful businessmen.

Having calculated your code of success and destiny, it will be easier for you to understand yourself, your desires and goals, and the numerology of love compatibility will help you discover your abilities, see new opportunities and achieve success in your personal life. If this information turned out to be useful to you, click on and

20.09.2013 13:15

The number of the soul allows you to find out about the inner world of a person. With the help of numerology by date of birth, you ...

The Life Path Number is the base and most important number of your Numerological Chart. This is the number with which you are born, which constantly leads you through life and never changes. This is a conscious goal towards which you are going, your nature and talents presented to the world. It contains your essence, the meaning and value of your life.

The Life Path Number offers us certain opportunities, but does not command us to move in the indicated direction. It provides an outline of the challenges and lessons we may face. Focusing on the values ​​set by this number, you are able to maximize your potential and gain the experience you need, that is, self-actualize, and this is the most important spiritual need of a person.

This number is your main characteristic. Your personal story began long before you visited this world. It brought you to the point where you are now. You will continue your personal evolution with the opportunities and limitations that human life offers. The Life Path number, one way or another, reflects all the features of your development.

Having learned his The Life Path Number and the Number of your partner, you can go to the Compatibility page and analyze the general trend in your relationship.

Numerology- a serious science about the connection of numbers with the life and fate of a person. Each number has its own special vibration and has a certain effect on a person. The date of birth, for example, and the numerical code of the name are able not only to determine aspects of character, but also to lay them. If you choose the right name for the newborn, comparing its numerical code with the middle name and surname code, you can set the child the desired character and even determine the fate from the moment of birth.


Numerology is often confused or combined with Kabbalism and the ancient Celtic teachings of the Druids, which is completely wrong, since these sciences are independent and different, in fact. Kabbalism determines the influence of the numerical code on certain periods of fate and helps to identify difficult and critical moments in the future with the aim of changing or eliminating them. Such knowledge helps to avoid many karmic disasters and crisis situations. The ancient Celtic doctrine of the Druids prescribes for each numerical birth code a specific tree, which determines its character and gives a person additional karmic, natural and astral forces in difficult situations. Numerology determines, first of all, the character of people, their compatibility with certain partners, the possibility of developing relationships, and also predicts specific events of a particular year, month or a particular day by its code, compared with the code of the date of birth and name, in some aspects based on cabalism.

The essence of numerology

Many people perceive numerology as some kind of entertainment, an exciting game, but in fact it is an absolutely serious science that allows people to first of all understand themselves and change their lives and destiny at least a little. For several millennia, since antiquity, mankind has used numerology in conjunction with astrology to predict future events and understand its essence, creating a complete picture of the vision of aspects, and complementing each other.

Numbers and numerical codes, like astrological symbols and signs, are a universal language, but not understandable to everyone. Many civilizations of antiquity - Jews, Hindus, Egyptians, Chaldeans - studied the mysteries of numerology as a serious truthful science of predictions. Ancient numerologists believed that every numerical code contains all information about the life of each individual person and humanity as a whole, and that an individual with the gift of understanding numerical vibration and energy is able to reveal all the secrets and secrets of the universe and the future of the universe.

Notable personalities and the birth of numerology

Numerology has always been perceived as something special, amazing, mystical and even divine. Modern systems of numerological knowledge are based on many aspects and directions, but they basically adhere to two combined traditions - the Kabbalistic one, using Hebrew alphabetic symbols, and the Pythagorean, created by the famous ancient Greek astrologer and mathematician Pythagoras, using exclusively numbers.

It is Pythagoras who is often called the father and founder of numerology as a science, and it was he who devoted most of his outstanding scientific works to numbers and their study, identifying the patterns of numerical combinations and ongoing events. Pythagoras was confident in the exceptional mystical properties of each number, and based on his knowledge, he created a digital classification system that is still used by modern numerologists. Probably everyone knows the geometric theorems proved and formulated by Pythagoras, who believed that it was in numbers that all the secrets of the amazing Universe were contained.

At the heart of the Pythagorean numerological teaching is the idea of ​​dividing numbers into: female (passive) - even, and male (active) - odd. It is this system of division that is also presented in the I Chin - the Book of Changes, compiled by ancient Chinese thinkers and scientists, although it is still inexplicable how Pythagoras could have learned this theory.

The doctrine of the close relationship between mankind and numbers, about numerical codes that give a lot of important information, was created by Henry Cornelius Agrippa, a famous philosopher. Count Cagliostro also created his own numerological system that predicts future events. Both methods are based on the teachings of the Qabalistic system, which translates letters into numerical informative codes.

Many representatives of the occult sciences believed and argued that the name given at birth, like its word forms translated into a system of numbers, are similar to personal astrological charts, which make it possible to see many important aspects. The most famous professional numerologist at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries is Louis Gamon, called Count Queiro. It was he who was considered the best predictor of the numerologist, who published several famous books. Count Keiro was approached by the most influential and famous people, including Edward VII, King of England.

Studying this amazing mystical science, everyone will be able to determine their true path, karmic purpose, learn to cooperate with the correct positive numerical energy and fence themselves off from the negative, preventing many troubles and life catastrophes.