Boltology. Why is Bolt running so fast? Usain Bolt

Boltology.  Why is Bolt running so fast?  Usain Bolt
Boltology. Why is Bolt running so fast? Usain Bolt

Usain Bolt, whose top speed is amazing, is one of the most popular athletes on the planet for the past ten years. He has remained undefeated in major tournaments since 2008, setting a host of world records since then. With his fantastic results, the Jamaican athlete expanded the usual ideas about the capabilities of the human body, and also simultaneously debunked some stereotypes about the necessary qualities for an ultra-short distance sprinter.

Phenomenon of the phenomenon

Usain Bolt's career was amazing, his results at distances of 100 and 200 meters were out of the ordinary, far exceeding the average level of other sprinters. In an attempt to offer a logical explanation for the "Bolt phenomenon", representatives of science and leading sports specialists joined the discussion.

Lauren Seagrove, an American sprint coach, links Usain Bolt's records to his origins. The athlete's ancestors were from West Africa, which supplied slaves to the slave markets of the New World.

The physical characteristics of the descendants of these internally displaced persons are perfectly suited for sprint training, the muscles of black athletes are ideally suited for short explosive work at sprint distances.

Authoritative astrophysicist Ethan Zitel argues that Usain Bolt, whose maximum speed exceeds the limits of the possible, represents a real physiological leap for thirty years ahead. According to the scientist's chart, Usain's crazy record of 9.58 seconds should have been set only in 2039, based on the dynamics of the sprint.

With the speed of a car

The fastest man on the planet was in the spotlight of statisticians and sports researchers a decade ago. Many people are wondering what is Usain Bolt's top speed? He set one of his first ultra-short distance records in the 2008 Beijing Olympics finals. Then the experts recorded the speed of the sprinter, which was 12.2 m / s.

Taller and longer-legged than his competitors, Usain was slightly delayed at the start, but then he accelerated at the speed of a courier train and easily bypassed all competitors in the second half of the distance. In one step, he covered a distance of 2.6 m, which led to the fact that for 100 meters it was enough for him to make 41 steps. Lower competitors were forced to kick more often and spent a few steps more Jamaican.

In 2009, Usain Bolt at the World Championships in Berlin set his most outstanding result in the 100m, not beaten so far. 9.58 seconds is a tempting and unattainable milestone for the next generation of sprinters. Here he also set a kind of speed record, recorded on one of the twenty-meter segments.

Between 60 and 80 meters, the super sprinter showed a value of 44.72 km / h on its speedometer.

Not just running

Usain Bolt's records are only one aspect of the popularity of the Jamaican sprinter. He does not forget that the sport is primarily intended for the fans, and always skillfully and brightly works for the public. Each exit of the Jamaican to the start turns into a real circus show.

Grimaces, dances, characteristic gestures - the sprint star's ability to present himself will be the envy of any professional boxer, for whom such behavior when entering the ring is one of the most important aspects of his success with the audience.

Usain Bolt maintains his brand, whose maximum speed is enormous, and at press conferences, skillfully shocking the public and journalists. So, at a meeting with the press after winning the Olympic gold in Beijing, he began by demanding to call himself a "living legend", threatening otherwise to interrupt communication.

The Jamaican was also famous for the fact that in the shortest sprint segment he could allow himself to slow down a few meters before the finish line and look back at hopelessly lagging opponents.

Fast and rich

Track and field athletes have never been among the highest paid athletes, but Usain Bolt burst into this particular list with maximum speed. In 2012, he was named one of the 100 most financially successful athletes. Bolt earned $ 20.3 million, of which he earned only three hundred thousand in prize money. The lion's share of his earnings came from sponsorship contracts and income from advertising.

Short or Long?

The life of an athlete largely depends on the case. It could have turned out that Usain Bolt would not have set his famous records in the shortest sprint distance. In his youth, he specialized exclusively in a distance of 200 m, occasionally running a long sprint of 400 m. Tall, long-legged, he was hopelessly late at the start from more nimble guys, and it seemed that nature itself was not intended for a hundred meters.

In 2007, Glen Mills, the legend's coach, demanded that Usain Bolt run the second distance with his 400 meter potential in mind. However, his ward was not eager to rip the veins at such a difficult distance, requiring exceptional high-speed endurance.

He offered to try his hand at the hundred-meter distance, to which the coach only winced. In response, Bolt offered to prove his case by deed and flew 100 meters in 10.03 seconds. Glen Mills was impressed and began working on world records.

Usain Bolt's last run

The departure of the great sprinter from the sport turned out to be extremely dramatic. He announced in advance that he would end his glorious career after the 2017 world championship. However, he failed his first 100m final, for the first time in ten years without a gold in the 100m at the World Championships.

The last race of Usain Bolt was awaiting the audience in the final of the 4 x 100 meters relay. He ran on the last stretch and was eager to win, but in the middle of the distance he collapsed onto the track as if knocked down. From the stadium, his teammates took him under the arms.

However, this unfortunate incident did not prevent him from remaining in the history of world sports as the greatest sprinter of all time.

Pavel Kopachev made a formula for the uniqueness of Usain Bolt, based on the opinions of professors of biomechanics and titled sprinters, and came to the paradoxical conclusion: he wins despite the laws of physics.

How is it unique?

1: Big stature

In the entire history of the sprint, with the exception of Asafa Powell (190 cm) and Carl Lewis (191 cm), there were no high record holders. The giant Bolt with its 195 cm initially looked like a black sheep. Even in his youth, many experts were perplexed: how does he manage to disperse such a powerful lanky body? According to the laws of physics, this is impossible! Much more energy is required to move a large mass. And Bolt manages to pick up and maintain the maximum speed for 60–70 meters.

Hans Christian Eriksen, Norwegian professor: “With great growth it is very difficult not only to accelerate, which Bolt, objectively speaking, does not always succeed, but also to maintain a high speed. As you know, there are three main phases in a sprint - acceleration, maximum speed and deceleration. So, Usain almost does not lose his pace of running. Apparently, this is due to the high content of creatine phosphoric acid in his cells. "

Valentin Maslakov, head coach of the Russian national team“If you look closely at Bolt's races, you will notice an interesting detail. In the deceleration phase, he actively raises or, as sprinters say, "brings out" the hip. This means only one thing: in the last meters, Usain works as powerfully as in the middle of the distance. And if necessary, he can add. "

Valery Borzov, two-time Olympic champion: “The last 10 years have shown that growth is not so important in the sprint. There are a lot of tall runners now who are showing incredible results. The bolt is unique in another way: it has long developed muscles and a strong foot. Americans, for example, have a different body constitution - they have knobby, lumpy muscles. "

Valentin Maslakov"But the long muscles are slower, and it's amazing how he controls them."

2: Wide step

After the 2009 World Cup in Berlin, scientists measured the length of Bolt's steps and were surprised. If the average runner's stride is about 1.6-1.8 m, then Usain's is 2.45-2.47 m. On average, he spends 40-42 strides per hundred meters, while his main competitors are Asafa Powell, Tyson Gay , Michael Rogers and Steve Mullings - up to 44 steps. “This is our trump card,” says Glen Mills, Bolt's coach. - Usain still wants to reduce the number of steps. I think with hard training we can get to 39. ”

But it is not even the sweeping step that is striking - after all, with such growth it is predictable - but the phenomenal frequency of Bolt's movements: about five steps per second.

Rosalina Sandel, American professor: “According to all the laws of biomechanics, it is impossible to do so often with such a wide step. Well three steps, well four ... But not five! However, Bolt bends and unbends his knees surprisingly quickly, as if his height is 175-180 cm. I admit that he has a special structure of the muscular and nervous system. "

Norwegian researcher Eriksen saw another Bolt phenomenon. While running, he leans on his leg for an average of 0.07-0.08 seconds, while the rest of the top sprinters - 0.09-0.10 seconds.

Hans Christian Eriksen: “The bolt literally flies. His legs bounce off the track like a tennis ball. Muscles in such a short period of time have time to tense and relax. This is how a kangaroo jumps, with the only difference that its average speed is 55-57 km / h, while Bolt's speed is 37.6 km / h. "

3: Bend technique

According to Mills, Bolt never had perfect technique. He constantly slowed down on turns. For his student, Mills developed a set of exercises - including acceleration in a 10-meter pool.

Glen Mills, Bolt's coach: “We focused on the right technique. This is what they have been doing for the last two years. After the World Cup, we worked a lot on cornering at the stadium, trying to do it very efficiently. Usain used to fall on a bend and lack coordination. "

The runner's mom, Jennifer, believes that her son has improved noticeably only in the last three years. Back in 2007, his technique "was painful to look at."

Jennifer Bolt: “I always told Usain to run out of 10 seconds. you can, if you do not chat your head and shoulders. Until 2008, he could not get rid of bad habits. But then he stopped wasting extra energy. "

4: No injury

Only one sprinter in history - Carl Lewis - has won two Olympics in a row. It's all the fault of injury, which cannot be avoided with such monstrous loads. Powell suffered from ligaments and ankles. Gay underwent surgery on his groin and hips. Bolt is protected by fate. In four years at the summit, he once had an accident (without consequences) and last year tore his back muscles.

“God saved me from serious injury. I had virtually no hamstring problems. Last year, doctors discovered scoliosis, they had to do electrical stimulation, massage, physiotherapy and take vitamins, ”recalls Bolt.

Valery Borzov: “I don’t know of any top sprinter who has had a smooth run. It's just that Bolt's entourage doesn't say much about his sores. But last year he almost completely missed, and in this he did not start much. It is difficult to say in what form he came to the World Championships in Daegu. "

5: Relaxation

This is Bolt's trump card, which never gets "pinched". His antics before the start is not only a psychological attack on rivals, but also the result of complete relaxation of the muscles. Bolt seems to demonstrate to everyone that he is calm and confident in himself.

Valentin Maslakov: “Black athletes have been able to relax since childhood. They do a lot of stretching. Muscles should be flexible and resilient, not pumped like a bodybuilder. Bolt has very strong muscles, and he controls it amazingly. While running, he does not make unnecessary movements. "

Valery Borzov: “In a sprint, it is not the relaxation phase that is important, but the alternation of tension and relaxation in the muscles. Bolt is a very impulsive runner. Before the start, he does not feel fear. I have never seen it "burned out".

Usain Bolt: “I listen to music on the eve of the competition and get positive emotions. Favorite directions - reggae and hip-hop. I like Lil Wayne and Jay-Z. "

What is its weakness?

1: Starting reaction

Bolt suffered two defeats in three years, both in Stockholm. And both times he was hindered by the starting hibernation (reaction - 0.157-0.165 sec.). He took off from the blocks much later than Asafa Powell (2008) and Tyson Gay (2010).

“I need to work on my starting 30 meters. My best speed is at 40-50 meters. If I correct my mistakes, I will run even faster, ”says Bolt.

Valery Borzov: “Tall Bolt is not easy to" fold "and start faster than Powell or Gay. He needs space to scatter and push off powerfully. Of course, he can work on the reaction, but this will not give a strong increase in time. "

2: Diet

Nutritionists advise sprinters to eat more protein - lean fish and meat, dairy products, and durum wheat pasta. However, Bolt is not very obedient. He loves high-calorie foods rich in carbohydrates and cholesterol.

“I love McDonald's. I usually get a hamburger and fries there. And I always ask my mother to cook something fat. For example, chicken with sauce, ”says Bolt.

Sergey Bychkov, participant of two Olympiads: “The more a sprinter eats, the better. I see no problem once a week to go to a restaurant and afford, for example, pizza with cola. The bolt is already superbly complex, there is not a single drop of excess weight in it. I won’t be surprised if he’s not following any diet. ”

3: Finish

At the 2008 Olympics in Beijing and the 2009 World Cup in Berlin, Bolt essentially gave up running seven to eight meters before the finish line. If he did not relax, he could lose a few hundredths, or even a tenth of a second from his result.

Michael Johnson, four-time Olympic champion: “It's scary to think how fast he can run. In the last meters, Bolt is constantly looking around and fooling around. Only on the first 20 meters he runs on a par with the rest, and then, thanks to giant steps, he adds. If he stops sending greetings at the finish line, he will run out of 9.5 ".

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Many are interested to know how fast a person can run. In order not to engage in speculative calculations, one should turn to the world of sports, namely athletics. It is worth paying attention to the sprinters. In this discipline, Usain Bolt performs, who is shown in the 100 m race. His records at various distances are recorded in the competition protocols.

Who is Usain Bolt

Perhaps, this name was heard by many people even far from the world of sports. And this is not surprising, since Usain Bolt, whose top speed is 44.72 km / h, is considered the fastest man on the planet. from Jamaica, who runs sprint distances. He showed his best results in the 100 meters and set several world records. To date, Usain Bolt has climbed 6 times to the highest step of the podium at the Olympic Games. In addition, he won the world championships 8 times.

Biography and sports career

Usain Bolt was born on 08.21.1986 in the small Jamaican town of Sherwood Content. He studied in the most ordinary primary and secondary school. As a child, the future world sports star was seriously fond of cricket. However, during the competition, the athletics coach noticed him and saw great speed potential in him. He also advised Usain to go jogging. The boy listened to an experienced coach and devoted himself to athletics.

Bolt won the first world level at the World Junior Championships in Kingston at a distance of 200 m. He ran this distance in 20.61 seconds. Two years later, he set a world record among juniors at this distance - 19.93 seconds.

Since 2008, Usain Bolt has been consistently performing at world-class competitions and retains the title of the best athlete in the world and the fastest person on earth. He has won victories in Beijing (2008) and London (2012), at the World Championships in Athletics in 2009, 2011 and 2013. The athlete performs at distances of 100 m and 200 m. In addition, he also participates in the 4 x 100 m relay as part of the Jamaica national team.

top scores

Until the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Bolt did not run the 100m. His debut brought him world fame, a gold medal and the first world record - 9.69 seconds. From that moment on, the Jamaican athlete was talked about as an extraordinary phenomenon in the world of athletics.

A year later, Bolt immediately improved his result by 0.11 seconds: at the World Championships in Germany, he covered his "crown" distance in 9.58 seconds.

In addition, Bolt continues to successfully compete at a distance of 200 meters. He set a world record at the 2008 Olympic Games - 19.3 seconds, and at the 2009 World Championships he improved it by 0.11 seconds - 19.19 seconds. This result remains unsurpassed to this day.

Usain Bolt recently set 1 more unofficial record. The maximum speed in the room was reached by him. As a result, the sprinter covered 100 m in 9.98 seconds. This is the first athlete to run this distance in less than 10 seconds indoors.

What is the reason for the phenomenal success?

All participants, and especially the winners of the Olympics, undergo very strict anti-doping control. Based on the results of these checks, it was established that Usain Bolt does not take illicit drugs. The maximum speed is achieved due to the peculiarities of the body structure. After winning the Olympics, the Jamaican athlete took part in a number of studies.

The runner is extremely tall for a sprinter (1.96 m), so he can take long strides - up to 2.85 m. The average is 2.44 m. He overcomes the distance in 40-42 steps. His rivals have to move their legs more often. On average, 45-47 steps are taken at 100 meters. However, with this growth, slow muscle fibers are usually developed, which gives endurance. However, Bolt has 2/3 fast muscle fibers, which allows him to achieve high speed. On average, a runner makes 254 strides per minute (4.23 w / sec), and Runner Usain Bolt's top speed is 264 strides per minute (4.4 w / sec). For more than half of the time, Bolt was in the flight phase, that is, he did not touch the ground with his feet. Another important factor is the absence of serious injuries, thanks to which the Jamaican can build up his shape. All these factors allow him to win the title of the fastest man on the planet.

So what's the speed?

The maximum recorded speed of Usain Bolt at a distance of 100 m is 9.58 sec. That is, the average pace is 37.58 km / h. However, everyone knows that a sprint can be divided into phases: starting acceleration, distance running, finishing. Bolt showed his maximum speed in the section between 60 and 80 m. He covered this section in less than 2 seconds (1.61 seconds). Thus, the maximum speed reached 44.72 km / h (or 12.42 m / s). After that, he began to noticeably slow down. The researchers do not exclude that the result could be even better if the sprinter ran the last 20 meters at full strength. So, the top speed of runner Usain Bolt is 44.72 km / h.

However, neither the athlete himself nor the researchers of athletics doubt that this is not the limit of human capabilities. It is possible that after a while the barrier of 9.5 seconds will be left behind.

Usain Bolt is the most famous world runner who has set world records and, as well as won many Olympic Games. Usain Bolt's records and victories did not come easily to him, but his story is very interesting, and novice runners.

Usain Bolt's Life Path

According to many experts who trained Usain Bolt, from a young age he showed excellent results in running, thanks to his huge sports potential... In addition, one of the reasons for such success of Usain is that already at the beginning of his sports career, famous coaches were involved in his training, among whom was the Olympian Pablo McNeil.

By the age of 15, young Bolt received the champion title as the youngest junior in 2002 in Jamaica. And although, the young athlete was pretty nervous during the race, he managed to win in a special race and even get two silver medals. In the next junior championship, Usain defended his title in the 200-meter race, and was even going to go to Paris for his first adult race, but due to conjunctivitis he was forced to postpone the trip.

So, the first victories showed the runner that its main direction- this is one hundred and two hundred meters. Therefore, the development of these areas has become a priority task, on the eve of the Beijing Olympics, where the athlete decided to take the gold medal.

Usain Bolt: successes and records

The Jamaican athlete still achieved world recognition by winning the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Here Bolt participated in a hundred and two hundred meters distance. He immediately went down in history, as Bolt finished first and put new world record... At the same time, he managed to significantly break away and slowed down just before the finish line. Most said that the runner was not yet ready for the senior championships, because of his frivolity. Usain commented on the incident in such a way that he was not going to break records, but just wanted to win the Olympics. Then, at the 200-meter race, Usain also managed to set a new world record and win the second gold in the games. The third gold came to him in the relay race.

It is worth noting that Usain Bolt is the first runner in history to earn gold in both fastest and 200 meters. At the London Olympics, Usain was able to successfully confirm his titles and success in the relay, but he still could not break world records.

Run like Usain Bolt

Running can be for your body. However, in order not to harm your health and learn how to develop the speed of Usain Bolt, you need to properly and efficiently prepare your workouts. Indeed, to achieve significant results in running, you need have certain skills, without which nothing will work.

Always start. It warms up muscle fibers and stimulates blood circulation. It also reduces the chances of injury, sprains, and more.

Conserve energy to make the final dash on the home stretch. To do this, you need to smoothly and gradually. This is how your training sessions should be built. So you can enjoy training every time, improve your skills along with sports passion, without feeling tired.

It is very important to adhere to the intervals between workouts. Naturally, most beginners want to see the results of their classes immediately, which is why they start using different ones. In fact, they can often have the opposite effect and negatively affect your body.

Arriving in Moscow to participate in the World Athletics Championships, the fastest man in the world, 29-year-old Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt first of all set off to Gorky Park - to a party organized by its main sponsor, Puma. The contract with the equipment manufacturer brings him $ 10 million a year. In addition to Puma, Bolt has nine other global and seven regional partners. All sponsorship contracts bring him $ 30 million.On the track, the athlete earns only $ 2.5 million.

Athletics has never been a highly paid sport and cannot be compared to basketball, baseball, football, tennis or even hockey. But Usain Bolt's income is ten times that of other athletics stars, such as runner Mo Farah or all-rounder Ashton Eaton), and he is the only one of his kind among Forbes 100 richest athletes, where he is ranked 32nd. In the list of the richest participants in the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, the Jamaican is ranked sixth (other participants predictably represent tennis, basketball and football).

On August 15, Usain Bolt became a seven-time Olympic champion, winning gold in the 100m. The next victory was given to him so easily that before the finish he allowed himself to turn his head towards the press photographers and smile broadly. Secret tells how he managed to become not only the fastest but also the richest runner in history.


Usain St. Leo Bolt was born in the village of Sherwood Content in northern Jamaica. His father owned a grocery store that sold everything from candy canes to pig ears. His mother was a housewife. Her son's favorite sport as a child was cricket - he played it on the street near the house, using an orange instead of a ball and hemp of banana trees instead of gates. During a high school cricket competition, the school's track and field coach noticed Bolt's extraordinary speed and advised him to quit cricket and go into track and field.

Bolt was 21 years old when the athlete first broke the world record at a distance of 100 meters - in May 2008 at the Adidas Grand Prix in New York he ran this distance in 9.72 seconds, the year before that the world record was 9.74 sec. established by his compatriot Asafa Powell. Two months later, at his first Olympics, then held in Beijing, he took three gold medals: at distances of 100 and 200 m and in the relay 4 x 100 m, and also set a new world record - 100 m in 9.69 seconds.

As a child, Bolt had no street lighting and no water in his home village in his home village. “Three gold medals brought running water to our house,” Bolt's mother recalled in an interview with The Guardian. "Now we are praying that he will receive another medal so that we can fix the road."

“While I was pregnant, I ate sweets - perhaps that's why he became restless,” recalls the athlete's mother.

In 2009, at the World Championships in Berlin, Bolt set two new world records: 100 m in 9.58 seconds. and 200 meters in 19.19 seconds, which no one has been able to beat until now, and in 2012 at the London Olympics he took three more gold medals.

Life contract

Usain Bolt won his first medal at the age of 15, finishing second in the 200m race at the Jamaica High School Championship. Then, in 2001, representatives of Puma noticed him, and soon the brand began to support the athlete. In 2003, the company signed its first small contract with Bolt, and until the Beijing Olympics, it remained one of Bolt's two sponsors, along with Jamaican mobile operator Digicel.

In 2010, Bolt signed a new contract with Puma - what was then reportedly the most expensive in the history of the sport. The amount of the deal was not disclosed, but, according to media reports, it was comparable to the contract that Cristiano Ronaldo signed with Nike at the same time: the football player was supposed to receive $ 32.5 million in four years.

As it became known later, from 2010 to 2013, Bolt received $ 9 million annually from Puma. In 2013, the athlete signed a life-long contract with Puma - before he ends his professional career, the sprinter will receive $ 10 million a year, and after that - $ 4 million for the role of the brand ambassador.

Throughout his career, Bolt has interacted with representatives of almost all sports apparel brands, but never accepted their suggestions. “Of course, other brands were also interested in partnering with me, but for me Puma is in the first place,” says the athlete. "We've been together for several years, they are my family, I don't need a new family."

Bolt comes to internal company meetings to inspire employees and support Puma's new strategy to become “the fastest sports brand in the world,” and participates in major brand advertising campaigns. Shortly before the start of the Olympics, in partnership with Puma, Bolt emoji were released - Boltmojis - and a new online store for the brand was launched, where fans can buy a collection from Bolt, ranging from a tea mug for $ 10 to sunglasses for almost $ 200.

Other partners

Usain Bolt in his victory pose - when he raises his arms, depicting lightning, according to some, or an archer aiming into the distance, as others say - in a gray business suit under a Japanese bouncy track, moves against the background of the Japanese airlines logo. A few seconds later, he is already lying on his back, performing the well-known exercise "bicycle" with his feet, says in Japanese: "Hello, future" - and begins to represent a small airplane. Japanese brand ANA has portrayed the legendary athlete as a little ridiculous, but no less beloved by millions of fans.

In a more familiar role for himself, Bolt often appears in advertising campaigns for various brands. Having won three gold medals in Beijing, he has become the focus of attention of so many companies. Then he signed a contract with the sports drink manufacturers Gatorade and the Swiss watch Hublot, as well as with the Internet provider Virgin Media. Visa also signed an agreement with Bolt, placing advertisements with him on billboards throughout Europe. In 2012, the athlete released his own headphones with Soul Electronics and signed a multi-million contract with Nissan Motor to design the gold GT-R Spec Bolt model. In 2012, Forbes estimated Bolt's fortune at $ 20 million - at that time he was already the richest athlete in the world.

Today Bolt has ten global and seven regional sponsors. Among them are manufacturers of Gibson headphones, Enertor shoe insoles and Champion Shave razors, as well as telecommunications companies Optus, Telkom, Fastweb, Celcom and financial Banco Original. Bolt's partners are chosen by his management team based on how well the positioning of the brands matches the image of Bolt. Managers see its main features as speed, gold, coolness and lightness.

Victory money

Sponsor money is Bolt's main income. For his performances in competitions in 2016, the fastest man in the world received only $ 2.5 million. Almost half of the places in the 100 richest athletes of Forbes this year, as usual, are occupied by basketball and baseball players. Football players, boxers, tennis players, golfers and racers also make good money, but there is only one athlete on the list.

The stadiums in competitions in which Bolt takes part are always packed, but he himself does not receive more than $ 500,000. $ 300,000 to organizers. "Bolt is the highest paid athlete in athletics history, but he is also probably the most financially underrated athlete in athletics history," renowned agent Paul Doyle told Sports Illustrated. In his opinion, Bolt surpassed everyone in his field, as Tiger Woods once did in golf and Michael Jordan in basketball.

The bonuses that athletes receive are not high compared to what representatives of other sports earn from victories. The winner of one Diamond League competition receives $ 10,000, and the leader of the season - $ 40,000. A gold medal at the World Championship brings in $ 60,000, a world record - $ 100,000. For comparison, a victory at Wimbledon this year earned $ 2.9 million ...


Usain Bolt at a press conference before the start of the Rio Olympics