Business plan for the company for the production of paving slabs. Small production of paving slabs at home, how and how much

Business plan for the company for the production of paving slabs.  Small production of paving slabs at home, how and how much
Business plan for the company for the production of paving slabs. Small production of paving slabs at home, how and how much

Organization of a workshop for the production of paving slabs by means of vibration casting technology: the production of outdoor floor tiles, curbs, gutters, as well as the provision of services (both intermediary and direct) for laying.


Russian roads, as before, remain one of the sore topics, and the matter concerns both the carriageway and pedestrian zones. The first problem in this aspect is of little interest to us, but the second option can be quite interesting in terms of the prospects for the development of your business. The fact is that the asphalt, most of which was laid back in the days of the USSR, has long been in need of replacement. In many large cities, starting with the capital, this process has been going on for a long time, and other settlements are next. In recent years, paving slabs have served as an alternative to the old coating. Its production will be discussed.

Of course, it would be naive to assume that the smart municipal contracts will go to a novice businessman, but Moscow was not built right away either. On the contrary, the participation of large producers in the fulfillment of large orders gives a chance to small owners. Since the laying of paving slabs is a seasonal event, then in the spring-autumn period, with a favorable coincidence, you can find a sufficient number of customers by fulfilling small orders in the private sector. In addition, the owners of small shops, open cafes and other small businesses are more willing to place orders from modest entrepreneurs like themselves. Therefore, the likelihood that you will be left without orders is very small.

Allied paving business areas

- What types of activities will most likely have to be engaged in besides the production of paving slabs?

When planning your own business for the production of paving slabs, it is necessary to take into account the multi-vector nature of this type of entrepreneurial activity. All other areas are also related to construction work, they can be considered interdependent. Among the most likely occupations are:

Provision of services for laying paving slabs.

You can hire a team or do it yourself with your employees, it all depends on the volume of incoming orders at the initial stage. It should be noted that it is not worth giving up the development of this direction in no case.

  • First, you will simply lose profits.
  • Secondly, downtime is possible, which are associated with the technological features of the production of paving stones, and in order not to incur losses because of them, it is necessary to insure.
  • Third, customers with small volumes of products prefer to deal with those who provide a full range of services.

Production of related products

The technological base and the available equipment make it possible to establish not only the production of paving slabs, but also curbs, gutters, facing stone and fences... All these products are in demand in construction. Considering that the improvement of the local area in the private sector in recent years has been in full swing, then you can make very good money on this. As is the case with the laying of paving stones, it is good to do not only the manufacture of the above-listed product names, but also the facing of the facades of buildings, as well as the installation of eurofences.

Ways to promote products

What steps to take to study the market?

All the described bright prospects can remain in dreams, if small marketing research is not carried out. Yes, even for such a small business, they are necessary, since, first of all, the size of your investment and the guarantee that they will not turn out to be in vain depend on their results.

This event is nothing extremely difficult, but spend time on study of potential demand and the calculation of the market capacity will have to. There is no need to hire anyone for these purposes, as well as to pay for an abstruse analysis of the construction market. It is enough to independently study the information on the volume of sales and production of paving slabs in your region in order to understand: does it make sense to do this, and what should be the start.

How to properly search for clients at the initial stage?

Successful customer search at the initial stage, it can be considered no less important than having your own start-up capital. Perhaps the first point is even more important than the second. The specificity of this type of business is such that, in order to attract customers, there may be the most efficient and effective the simplest ways.

Posting ads in public places

Modest ads with a proposal for the production and installation of paving slabs can provide you with more customers than expensive advertising. Naturally, the place where you leave them plays a huge role. Much more valuable in this sense are places where people live in the private sector: shops, bus stops, railway stations of summer cottages and suburban settlements. Most likely, it is there that your first clients will be found, even if the initial volumes are small, but, as they say: from the world along the line ...

Free advertising on message boards on the Internet

At the same time, one should not ignore modern ways of informing the population of your region about the services that you provide. Weekly newspapers with advertisements have been replaced by advertising and information sites... By resorting to their help, you can reach a large audience, and also, which is very important, provide maximum information about your enterprise.

Examples of ads on the Internet by sale and production of paving slabs:

Importantly, Internet technologies allow people who saw your proposal to familiarize themselves not only with the text content, but also to view photographs of previously completed works. Such visualization does its job, because the saying is better to see once than hear a hundred times appeared for a reason - this is the psychology of consumers. It will be great if images of your best work are supported by good “catchy” text.

Booklets with examples of work

It also does not hurt to order a batch of printing products. Brochures will not ruin you, a batch of 3000 pieces will cost about 4000-5000 rubles. Even if 3 people contact you, the costs of printing and distribution will be more than compensated for.

Examples of paving slabs brochures for clients

True, you need to be able to present yourself in a favorable light and convince the reader to call you. In this case, you can use legitimate concerns about the relatively short life of the tiles. After all, each of us has repeatedly seen crumbling paving stones, all customers are afraid that the same will happen with their coating.

You can use these fears to your advantage. In fact, a considerable percentage of paving slabs become unusable, not because of poor quality, but as a result of improper care of it. Provide people in your brochures with comprehensive information about this problem and offer your firm's help to solve it. This move will help you increase the number of orders.


- At the initial stage of the business to Which technology for the production of tiles to choose and why?

Clinker tiles

There are several basic technologies according to which tiles are produced. The highest quality and most expensive is clinker paving, which is made by firing high quality clay. Despite all the excellent quality characteristics, the demand for it is limited due to the high price, which is dictated by the high production cost of this type of product.

Clinker paving appearance

In addition, difficulties may arise with the uninterrupted supply of raw materials. In addition, there is a psychological factor: not every client is ready to overpay, even for a very high-quality and durable coating, preferring a more modest option. Such a mental feature of fellow citizens is caused by uncertainty about the future, too few people are ready to invest in long-term projects, and this applies to both business and any other projects.

Based on the above, there are three main reasons why a novice entrepreneur with limited start-up capital do not immediately start mastering the production of clinker raw materials :

  1. Expensive equipment and raw materials.
  2. The need to obtain additional permits for firing products in furnaces.
  3. A limited number of customers - even if someone decides to purchase clinker paving stones, he is unlikely to trust a manufacturer without a name and reputation.

Paving slabs can also be produced by:

  • Vibration casting with the addition of plasticizing and pigmenting additives (more about the technology for the production of paving slabs by vibration casting);
  • Vibrocompression hard cement-sand mixtures with low water content.

The appearance of paving slabs made using the vibroblast technology

The named methods make it possible to establish the production of small and medium-sized batches of concrete tiles with low porosity... Although these products are inferior in their aesthetic and quality characteristics to clinker paving stones, they are quite in demand in the construction market.

Should not be considered low-grade products. that does not meet operational standards. If you follow the technology at each stage of the production cycle, you will be able to provide customers with paving slabs and related products at an affordable price, the service life of which is at least 25 years. This ratio of price, quality and durability suits the majority of customers, therefore, small businesses choose these technologies. Moreover, in the overwhelming majority of cases, preference is given to the casting method, since it is believed that it allows you to achieve higher quality tiles at the lowest cost.

Requirements for the premises

What are the factors involved in choosing a suitable production facility?

Temperature regime

This process is based on the gradual solidification of a porous cement-sand mixture with special additives. First, this takes place in the molding tanks, and then the paving stones and other products reach the condition on the pallets. It should be borne in mind that workshop temperature for the production of tiles should not fall below +15 ° C, therefore the room must be heated... Despite the seasonal nature of the work at the initial stage, you must take into account the prospects for the development and expansion of the business, when in winter the necessary stocks are prepared for intensive work on laying tiles and facing the facades of buildings in the spring-autumn period.

Production area

Room area must be at least 60 square meters, and this is only necessary minimum- the more spacious the workshop, the better. But still, when choosing, first of all, profitability should be taken into account. If you are going to rent a room, then it is inappropriate to pay rent and heating of vacant areas in the hope of further development. You need to be completely confident in a quick and significant increase in orders. In all other cases, it is recommended to make do with the necessary minimum of space required for manufacturing, drying, and storage of finished products and raw materials.


Since this production is based on vibration casting technology, it is required continuous supply of a considerable amount of water... Therefore, the presence of communications capable of providing it to your shop in the required volumes is a prerequisite. It is also necessary three-phase power supply. The factor of manual loading and unloading of raw materials and finished products must be taken into account. Many people start their business in this way, so you need to try to find such a room so that this process is as easy as possible.


In order to start making paving slabs, you do not need any too complicated equipment. Equipment for the production of paving slabs. Moreover, you can either make almost everything you need yourself, or order from the local kulibins. This feature makes this business even more attractive and profitable. The scale of these savings in comparison with factory production can be understood by analyzing the list of all the fixtures:

Two concrete mixers - 17,000-20,000 rubles
Forms for pouring tiles. There are three types of material from which they are made: polyurethane, PVC (plastic) and rubber. The most durable is rubber. It withstands about 500 cycles, while plastic - 250, and polyurethane - about 100 The cost of forms for one square meter starts from 250-300 rubles.
Forms for curbs and gutters - from 150 rubles per square meter
Packaging equipment: a combined device for tensioning the tape and clamping staples, PP or metal tape, stretch film - from 3000 rubles without the cost of strapping and packaging material.
Rokla hydraulic - from 7000 thousand rubles.
Reinforced PVC film for covering molds - from 45 rubles per running meter
Vibrating table
Stripping table
Racks for holding tiles in molds

Items presented in items 6-11 can be made by yourself. Used metal is used for their production, which significantly reduces their cost, and all other components can be purchased at a much lower price. In addition, ordering equipment from individuals eliminates a whole string of trade and transport markups, which allows you to minimize your costs. For the price of everything, visit the selection of equipment for the production of tiles by vibration casting.

Pallets (pallets) are also made independently: there shouldn't be any special problems with wood anywhere in Russia. Naturally, it is rather difficult to give even approximate prices for this equipment, since there are too many individual characteristics and special cases.

Purchase of raw materials

- What are the features of purchasing material and choosing a supplier?

Strict and strict adherence to the proportions of the composition of the initial mixture and the technological process is the key to the release of high-quality durable products. The success of all your endeavors primarily depends on these factors. For the manufacture of paving stones it is necessary to use such source materials:

  • cement;
  • sand;
  • granite crushed stone of fraction 5-10 mm;
  • plasticizer C-3;
  • air-entraining additive;
  • pigment.

In principle, it is simply unrealistic to give any specific recommendations on mutually beneficial cooperation with suppliers. All issues are resolved locally during the first months of work. It is desirable to obtain from trade organizations an independently flexible form of payment, but this becomes possible only after some time, no one will immediately provide discounts and the possibility of deferring a certain part of payments to a beginning entrepreneur, at least this happens in the overwhelming majority of cases.

When purchasing materials, you should give preference to the same manufacturers, this is especially important when executing a large order. Changing the brand name of any of the components can lead to discoloration of the tiles, which can lead to all sorts of problems and losses.

Manufacturing process

- What are the main stages of the paving slab manufacturing process?

Since this material is not intended to teach someone a new craft, a detailed description of the technologies is useless here. Moreover, there are different techniques and secrets that you will need to comprehend on your own from the very minute when you make the final decision regarding the type of your entrepreneurial activity. However, it is still worth highlighting the main stages of the production cycle so that the interested person can understand what is at stake, and whether he is able to run such a business. Production of paving slabs by vibration casting happens as follows:

  1. A cement-sand mixture is prepared in concrete mixers;
  2. The finished composition is laid out in shapes on a vibrating table;
  3. The mixture in the forms is given the necessary density on the vibrating table;
  4. Forms with a tamped composition are removed on racks, covered with PVC foil and kept for 24 hours;
  5. Heating of forms with a solidified mixture in a bath of warm water is carried out;
  6. Deforming of products is in progress;
  7. Paving slabs are stacked on pallets, where a certain period of time is kept until the state of full readiness.

Packaging, storage and transportation of finished products

As noted just now, the delivery of paving stones to customers and their laying may not be carried out immediately. In the summer, the products acquire the necessary characteristics in a week, and in the winter - after 28 days. After stripping, the tiles are stacked on pallets in the sequence "face - wrong side", wrapped with stretch film and reinforced with PP fixing tape.

It is clear that moving such a mass without the use of rigging equipment is simply unrealistic, for these purposes they are used rockla... In addition, it is important to properly equip the loading area. It is very long and labor-consuming to carry out the export of finished products from the territory of the workshop, manually shifting the paving slabs into the back of a truck. Therefore, this final stage of the production cycle should be well thought out.

Development prospects

Having mastered all the intricacies of production and earning a reputation, you can think about expanding capacities, as well as the types of services provided. At the beginning of the article, it was already mentioned what you can do in parallel, making tiles for sidewalks. In addition, you will be contacted with other questions and requests regarding the improvement of the adjoining territories and the construction of various types of buildings.

To make your business more profitable and to withstand the competition, sooner or later you will need to purchase more advanced equipment that will increase your capabilities. Of these possible acquisitions, one can single out:

  • High-performance conveyor-type plant for the production of tiles and building blocks by vibrocompression.

Despite the serious costs, when compared with the initial costs, the mentioned acquisitions are much more profitable for the business in all respects than attracting additional labor and expanding production according to the original model. At this stage, you need to think strategically, and if you are not ready for this, then someone will definitely get ahead of you.

In this article:

It is much easier to start the production of paving slabs (paving stones) than, for example, to establish the production of food or clothing. Why? Because you don't need any special licenses to open such a business. You just start a private enterprise - and off you go.

In fact, you don't even need to be too meticulous about the technology for the production of paving slabs. You can open such a business without having any skills in construction or related fields.

Paving slab production: business plan

Step 1: Certification

Finished products of such production do not need mandatory certification. However, certification is worth it. Buyers will be more willing to purchase a product that meets high quality standards and has a certificate to prove it. Fortunately, the expertise required won't cost too much: 100-300 dollars.

Step 2: room

Any room is suitable for a workshop, for example, a warehouse or production area. It is best if your production is located in an industrial area and has convenient access routes. The main condition is that the premises are located near cheap raw material bases (this way you will save on the delivery of raw materials, such as concrete).

Other room characteristics:

  • The area of ​​the premises for small production of paving slabs (up to 100 m 2 of tiles per shift) should be at least 70-80 m 2. The larger the output, the larger the area should be;
  • The power grid with a voltage of 380 W must be connected;
  • Cold water supplied (hot water is also desirable);
  • It is desirable that the workshop be heated.

You will also need a separate heated room with warm floors, which will maintain a temperature of 40-45 ° all year round. Its dimensions should be no less than the room for the workshop. This room should be set aside for a drying chamber, as well as a warehouse.

Total monthly rent for all premises: 500-1000 dollars per month.

Step 3: Equipment

The description of the technology is rather capacious, therefore, it is taken out in a separate chapter.


Cheap non-automated equipment will cost several times less. However, when purchasing such inventory, you will have to put up with a number of restrictions:

  • Mostly manual labor;
  • Low quality of products;
  • Small production volumes;
  • Low energy efficiency of equipment.

More expensive analogs (both domestic and foreign) are almost always automated and guarantee the production of high quality products. They also increase labor productivity, provide low energy consumption and a number of other benefits.

There are 2 most common technologies for the production of paving slabs, paving stones:

  • Vibrocompression;
  • Vibration casting.

The use of each of these technologies will require the purchase of a different set of equipment. Moreover, each method is characterized by several levels of mechanization - from fully automated production to the involvement of workers to perform most of the manipulations. Let's consider each method in more detail.


With this method, a vibropress is used for the production of paving slabs. It happens as follows:

  • With the help of a mixer, a concrete mixture is prepared;
  • The finished mixture is fed from the mixer to the vibrating press by means of a conveyor;
  • The vibrating press compresses the mixture, forming finished products - tiles;
  • Then the finished products are moved to special pallets or storage racks, where they are kept for 12 hours;
  • Finished products are packed and prepared for shipment to the buyer.

Often all these procedures are performed by one single unit. It is a fully automated conveyor line. In this case, workers should only fill in the correct proportions of the ingredients necessary for mixing the mixture.

There are also less automated lines where some of the production steps are performed by humans. They are usually less expensive than fully automated counterparts, but product quality can also be affected by these savings. Advantages of vibrocompression:

  • This method implies high labor productivity;
  • Products obtained by this method are more durable and frost-resistant;
  • They are designed in strict geometry;
  • Such products are more durable.

Vibration casting

In fact, with this method, the only type of equipment is a vibrating table for the production of paving slabs. It can be an automated line with a conveyor and automatic knockout of finished products, or it can be very simple and inexpensive. According to this method, tiles are made as follows:

  • The finished mixture is poured into molds for the production of paving slabs;
  • Further, the forms are placed on a vibrating table;
  • The vibrating table is a special machine for the production of paving slabs. It has a vibrating surface, and forms are kept on it for a certain time;
  • The molds are removed from the vibrating table and kept in a warm room for 12 hours;
  • Finished products are knocked out of the casting molds. This is done in such a way that the products do not come out with chips.

This technology can also be highly automated, however, options are also possible when all procedures except vibration treatment are performed by workers. In this case, you are, in fact, doing the production of paving slabs with your own hands.

Equipment for vibrocasting is cheaper than for vibrocompression. The products obtained by this method can be of various configurations and sizes - it all depends only on the casting molds. It has a smoother surface and an attractive appearance.

As for the rest, the products obtained by this method are inferior in quality to their pressed counterparts (see "Advantages of vibrocompression"). At a price, the production of paving slabs by vibrocasting is slightly more expensive than by vibrocompression. This is due to the fact that concrete is consumed less economically.

The approximate cost of the equipment will be 3.000-10.000 dollars... In both vibratory casting and vibrocompression, you only need 3-5 workers to start production. However, they do not need any special skills or education. Monthly fund salary: 1,000-2,000 dollars.

Total starting capital: $ 5,000-14,000.

Alternative option

What is the fastest way to start producing paving slabs? It is known that it takes several months to start such a business from scratch. In addition, it is often possible at first to break the wood due to inexperience. That is why you can buy the production of paving slabs. It should be noted that the purchase is justified only if the purchased company has a large production.

Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages of such a purchase. Let's start with pluses:

  • You can start working right away. Production (and often marketing) of products is already well established. You can immediately start implementing all your fresh and bright ideas for improving your business;
  • You do not need to look for premises and equipment, everything has already been done for you;
  • Experienced staff. When you buy a business, you buy the services of all its employees. Almost certainly you will have to part with some of them, but there are those who will help you quickly get used to and understand the whole point of this business.


  • High price. Buying a business is much more expensive than starting the production and sale of paving slabs from scratch. In fact, you are overpaying for so-called goodwill. This English word means everything that cannot be measured in meters, kilograms or pieces. However, it includes everything that is critical for the business - an established team, well-established relationships with suppliers and customers, a recognizable brand, etc. Goodwill cannot be measured, but it has a price, which can often be higher than the price of all assets of the purchased production;
  • Underwater rocks. Have you ever wondered why the current owner decided to sell his successful business? It happens that the reason lies in production problems that may not be obvious to a person from the outside. It turns out that you buy the company only to find that even more serious investments are required to correct the situation;
  • You can buy a paving slab factory and understand that everything is not arranged there as it should be organized in an amicable way. Low labor productivity, poor product quality, too high costs - all this most often depends on the wrong management decisions. Correcting the situation can be very costly. In the worst case, you just have to close the old factory and start from scratch.

These are just a few obvious drawbacks that lie on the surface. If you know nothing about the production of paving slabs and have no experience in this area, you should be very careful about the possibility of buying an enterprise.

This is probably all you need to know about the production of paving slabs. As you can see, there is nothing difficult in this, and your own small production will not require colossal investments. If things go well, it might be wise to expand production. At the initial stage, you just have to trust your instinct and try your hand at business.

Paving slabs are a product that is in ever-growing demand and does not lose its relevance. It is used to cover squares, sidewalks, steps, roads, driveways for cars.

In the market of paving slabs, the share of large manufacturers is 95%, small ones - 5%. Consumers are municipalities, businesses, individuals.

Paving slabs are gradually being replaced by asphalt pavement. According to experts, the business for its production is highly profitable (100%) and is profitable.

  • clarify the volume of production and selling prices from future competitors;
  • identify potential customers (shops, open cafes, hotels, construction companies);
  • find potential suppliers of raw materials.

After the analysis carried out with insufficient market saturation, it is possible to calculate the profitability of production with a higher productivity. An entrepreneur with no experience in running such a business should not immediately purchase an expensive set of equipment. You can buy it additionally after receiving large orders.

Industrial production of paving slabs as a business: where to start?

When starting a business, consider:

  1. tile manufacturing technology;
  2. select equipment and calculate the costs of its purchase, delivery, installation;
  3. calculate the amount of raw materials and their costs;
  4. solve the issue of packaging of finished products;
  5. foresee advertising costs;
  6. think over ways to implement tiles.

Room selection

There are no requirements and restrictions for the premises for the production of paving slabs.

The area should be sufficient to accommodate the equipment; a room of 70 m2 or more is suitable.

According to the technology, a certain temperature regime must be observed in the production of tiles, therefore, in winter, the premises must be heated.

Additionally, a drying chamber is required (with a constant temperature of about 45 degrees), the floor in it must be warm, and there must be no ventilation. A warehouse is needed for finished products. Requires a water connection, 360 V power supply.

The technology for the production of tiles using the vibrocasting method requires a constant supply of water in large quantities, therefore communications must be reliable.

Documents for registration of activities

To start a business, you need

Paving slabs are not subject to mandatory certification in the GOST system, however, you can voluntarily obtain an EZ (expert opinion).

After checking the tiles (for strength, frost resistance, water absorption, abrasion and other properties), the certification center issues a document confirming the quality. This increases the competitiveness of the product. A consumer who is serious about choosing a tile will certainly pay attention to all the characteristics.

Equipment for the production of paving slabs

For the production of paving slabs, you need:

  • concrete mixer;
  • shaping table;
  • stripping table;
  • plastic forms.

What equipment is required for the industrial production of furniture and how to open your own business in this area - read

Production personnel

3 people will be able to cope with the technological process (preparation of concrete, pouring it into molds, pressing and sending it to the drying chamber), provided that the daily production of paving slabs is 50 m2.

They do not need special education. If demand increases during the high season, it is possible to employ several additional people.

An approximate business plan for the production of paving slabs

Initial investment in production:

  • melting and heating unit 540 thousand rubles;
  • press D2430 470 thousand rubles;
  • press mold PP TR 210 thousand rubles;
  • concrete mixer SBR-500 69 thousand rubles;
  • commissioning works 110 thousand rubles;
  • bath for washing forms 5 thousand rubles;
  • scales MK-15.2 4.2 thousand rubles.

Total: 1408.2 thousand rubles.

Necessary materials:

  • cement;
  • sand;
  • plasticizer;
  • pigment.

Necessary costs:

  1. The cost of raw materials is 3.794 rubles / ton (136.58 rubles per 1 m2 of tiles).
  2. 60 thousand rubles (subject to work in 1 shift). Wages and salaries will amount to 28.58 rubles. for 1 m2 of tiles.
  3. Tax deductions 8.7 rubles. for 1 m2 of tiles.
  4. Rent of premises 10 thousand rubles. (2.38 rubles per 1 m2 of tiles).
  5. Electricity consumption per shift is 135 kW (7.8 rubles per 1 m2 of tiles).

You can learn how to make handmade soap at home and see an approximate business plan for the production of soap, you can

The cost price of 1 m2 of paving slabs:

The price of paving slabs is 480 - 500 rubles / m2. With a monthly production of 50 x 22 = 1100 m2 of tiles, the amount from its sale will be 528 thousand rubles.

Industrial production of paving slabs as a business: profitability and payback

The calculation was made taking into account the daily production of 50 m2 of tiles and its selling price of 400 rubles / m2. When organizing 2-shift work, income will double, and the payback period will be reduced.

Making paving slabs as a vibrocasting business requires more manual labor, and therefore increases the cost of wages for workers. The type of raw material also affects the cost price: for the production of high-quality tiles, washed sand is needed, the cost of which is several times higher than the usual one.

, technology, business plan and other issues were discussed in detail in our article at the link.

It is not recommended to save on raw materials: due to its low quality, the tiles will become unusable in 3 years, this ruin the reputation of an entrepreneur... To reduce the cost, the production process should be optimized.

Video on the manufacture of paving slabs

Paving slab production as a business - in this video you can watch the tile production technology:

The first stage in organizing a paving slab business is to study the situation in your city and region in terms of demand for these products and competition. By summarizing the research results in a single table, you can decide on which type of tile you should focus on. Today the market offers clinker tiles made by vibrocasting and vibrocompression.

Making clinker requires special types of clays and expensive firing equipment. This tile is distinguished by its high quality, durability and many other advantages. The downside is the high cost. A beginner with a small start-up capital and lack of experience should not choose this direction. If you are a specialist in the production of clinker tiles and decide to start your own business, have reliable information about the demand for these products, have access to cheap and high-quality raw materials, draw up a business plan, attract investments and start organizing.

The technology of producing paving stones by vibrocasting is distinguished by its comparative simplicity and the lowest cost price. A reasonable compromise between durability and price makes this type of tile the most popular.

Manufacturing technology by vibrocompression is more complex, which increases the cost of tiles.

The main risks

The main disadvantage of this direction is its heavy dependence on the season. In autumn and winter, the number of orders is sharply reduced, since the laying of paving slabs is possible only under certain weather conditions. Consider making tiles for interior decoration during these periods.

There is an opinion that the technology for manufacturing paving stones is very simple and does not require special knowledge. Nuances known only to professionals are present in any production. If you are not an experienced professional, be sure to hire such a person. The slightest deviations in the choice of raw materials or inaccuracies in adherence to technology will lead to a decrease in the quality of the paving stones. Defect may be invisible at first glance, but it will certainly affect the durability of paving slabs, its ability not to collapse under the influence of low temperatures.


It is advisable to start the search for premises from the districts and industrial zones in which cheap raw material bases operate. This will save on the delivery of raw materials. The second landmark is a convenient transport interchange.

For the production of paving slabs, vacant production or storage facilities are suitable. For small production (up to 100 m² per shift), the minimum area is about 80 m². The requirements for the premises are as follows:

The tile manufacturing technology requires a special temperature regime (+ 40 ... + 45 ° С constantly) for premises equal in size to the workshop, for drying chambers and a warehouse. For this, it should be possible to organize good heating and warm floors, insulate the walls. In the workshop, heating is also desirable, since here the air temperature should not fall below +15 ° C.
- For the smooth operation of the equipment, a three-phase power supply network withstand voltage of 380 W is required.
- Necessarily the presence of cold water or the possibility of its supply and sewerage, the presence of hot is also desirable.
- It is advisable to organize the area for the warehouse with a significant reserve. In the event of an increase in production volumes or the presence of leftovers of unsold products, you will not face the problem of finding a place to store finished tiles.
- Consider the possible factor of manual loading and unloading of raw materials and finished paving stones. Try to organize the space in such a way that these processes take place with the least expenditure of time and effort.


Consider a set of compulsory equipment for the manufacture of paving slabs by vibration casting.

  1. 2 concrete mixers. The price of one is 8-15 thousand rubles.
  2. Forms for filling. Polyurethane withstand 100 cycles, plastic - about 250, rubber - 500. The minimum price of molds for the manufacture of 1 m² - 250 rubles. Forms for the manufacture of gutters and curbs, the minimum price for 1 m² - 200 rubles.
  3. Vibrating table. The price is about 30 thousand rubles.
  4. Stripping table. The price is about 17 thousand rubles.
  5. Tile drying racks in molds can be made from metal yourself.
  6. Reinforced PVC foil for covering molds. The minimum price is 50 rubles per running meter.
  7. Hydraulic rocker. The minimum price is 7 thousand rubles.
  8. Packaging device. The minimum price is 4 thousand rubles.
  9. Pallets (pallets). The price is about 500 rubles. You can do it yourself.

The vibrocompression technology is based on the method of compaction of a semi-dry concrete mixture with a low water and cement content using vibration. To manufacture paving slabs using this method, you need the following equipment:

  • Vibropress. Price - 25 thousand - 4 million rubles.
  • Technological pallets for vibrocompression. Price - 2-6 thousand rubles.

For the manufacture of clinker paving slabs, the following equipment is required:

  • Extruder
  • Forming press. It is better to buy models of different types (belt, rotary, lever, vacuum).
  • Pre-drying chamber.
  • Tunnel type kiln.

It is better to order a line for the production of clinker paving stones from manufacturers. This equipment is extremely rare on the free market and is very expensive. When manufacturing a line to order, the price depends entirely on the specifics of a particular production.

It is advisable to organize the delivery of paving stones to customers on their own. It is unprofitable to rent a vehicle for this purpose. Better to buy your own truck. This will allow us to provide customers with the best service and not be dependent on possible transport problems of raw material suppliers.


The most important employee in the production of paving slabs is an experienced craftsman who is fluent in manufacturing technology. The number of part-time workers depends on the volume of production. For the production of up to 100 m² per shift, a team of 4-5 people is enough.

An experienced part-time accountant can be trusted to manage the financial statements of a small firm.

Paving slab manufacturers who provide comprehensive services are at a huge competitive advantage. You can hire several employees to lay out the paving stones at the client's site. This not only increases the chances of attracting more customers, but also minimizes losses in the event of downtime arising from the peculiarities of the tile manufacturing technology or the lack of orders.

Documents and licenses

It is not necessary to obtain any licenses or certificates to open a workshop for the production of paving slabs. It is enough to register an individual entrepreneur, issue permits in the fire department and the pension fund (if hired employees are available).

If you plan to work with large customers and expand your company, it is better to register an LLC. More complex tax calculations and the registration process pay off with high opportunities for attracting investments, orders from legal entities and reducing the risk of losing personal property or funds in the event of bankruptcy.

It is also advisable to pass the voluntary certification procedure. The cost of the examination ranges from 5-15 thousand rubles. For buyers, the availability of documents confirming the compliance of tiles with state standards and their high quality often becomes a decisive factor in choosing a manufacturer.


Expensive advertising in the media is too expensive for a beginner entrepreneur, and it does not bring much effect. Plain advertisements for the manufacture and installation of paving stones will ensure a good flow of first private clients. The best places for posting ads are cottage and holiday villages, railway stations, bus stops, shops.

Be sure to use the capabilities of the Internet. Post information about your business on local or regional advertising and information sites. This method of advertising allows you to reach the maximum audience of potential customers with minimal costs. Be sure to post photos of completed orders, tell us about the tile manufacturing technology, the benefits of your products. Visualization and specificity will provide a lot of clients. Don't forget about feedback from grateful customers. Only their presence can tip the scales in your favor when choosing between similar products and cost.

To conclude contracts with large construction companies or other legal entities, the owner of the company must personally visit the managers and provide a commercial proposal. Quality certificates, high-quality booklets with photographs of product samples, favorable prices and a description of production facilities - everything will work to increase the chances of getting a large order.

Study new technologies and introduce them into production. If you master the manufacture of polymer, glowing, rubber or 3d tiles, an endless stream of customers will be provided.


The minimum start-up capital for entering the paving slab business is about 500 thousand rubles (equipment + premises repair + raw materials). You should have in stock about 200 thousand rubles for operating expenses in the first period before reaching normal profits.

The average cost of manufacturing 1 m² of paving stones by vibration casting is 200-220 rubles. The selling price is 330-350 rubles per 1 m². we can conclude that the profitability of the business is 50%. In the absence of downtime, payback can be achieved in a few months.

Making a tile is not easy, and even more difficult to sell it. The market is overflowing with all sorts of offers. A lot of tile manufacturers have appeared in recent years. When starting a business, you must solve the problem: to whom and how to sell tiles. This is very important because after hiring labor and purchasing equipment, you will have more serious problems. And it’s even worse if at this time you don’t have sales channels for your products.

“The production of paving slabs is a business with a low threshold of entry. I bought a concrete mixer, a couple of molds, some raw materials, hired workers - that's the whole business. Such mini-productions are opened even in garage conditions, ”says Deputy Alexandra Leonidova. Development Director of CJSC Irkutskzolotoprodukt.

“The competition in our business is so great that, despite the rise in the price of cement by 30%, we are forced not to raise prices for tiles,” says Mikhail, one of the tile manufacturers.

In addition, most of the products are far from ideal in terms of quality. Saving at the start, manufacturers buy cheap equipment and use a simple production technology by vibration casting. As a result, their products are much inferior in quality to those produced by companies with expensive and technological equipment.

Therefore, the only correct way today is to produce high-quality tiles at an affordable price (not higher than the market average). This is the only way to count on the fact that your products will be in demand.

It is also worth considering the fact that the production of paving slabs is a seasonal activity. It is produced when the construction market comes to life, that is, in the spring. At other times of the year, it will not be possible to sell tiles, especially if production is open in the northern regions. For this reason, for many enterprises it is more of an additional profile of activity, rather than a main direction.

How much can you earn?

The income from the production of paving slabs, even at the same selling price for two different manufacturers, can differ dramatically. And the reason for this is the cost. The production costs of paving slabs are highly dependent on technology and raw materials. For example, the method of vibration casting, where more manual labor is traditionally spent, will increase labor costs, hence the cost of finished products will also increase.

Much also depends on the type of raw materials used. For the production of a quality product that will have increased frost resistance, it is necessary to use washed sand. But such raw materials are several times more expensive than ordinary sand. This again increases the cost of production. It is undesirable to save on components: due to low-quality raw materials, your tiles will crumble in 2-3 years, which will damage the company's reputation. There is only one thing left - to optimize production processes and survive at the expense of the volume of products.

The average cost of paving slabs produced by the vibrocompression method is 270 rubles / sq. M. The selling price is about 350 rubles / sq. M. Profit from one square meter is only 80 rubles. It turns out that in order to earn 80 thousand rubles a month, you need to sell 1000 sq.m. finished products. That's 15 to 20 buyers per month.

Equipment and technology

The cost of purchasing equipment depends entirely on the technology used. To date, two main technologies for the production of paving slabs are known: the vibrocasting method and the vibrocompression method.

The first option is more often used by start-up entrepreneurs who do not have large investments. To start a business using vibration casting technology, you will need to purchase a minimum set of equipment: a concrete mixer, a vibrating table, a set of molds, as well as an improvised tool: mittens, shovels, buckets. The costs for the entire set, including the purchase of raw materials, will not exceed 150 thousand rubles.

For the production of one square meter of tiles, 40 to 50 molds are required. The mixture, poured into molds, is kept for about 2 days. Thus, for continuous production, at least two sets of molds are required. This technology allows you to organize a business in fact at home, and to involve family members and relatives in the labor process.

Experienced market players point out several disadvantages of this technology:

1. Very poor performance. One square meter will take two days to dry, but what if an urgent order for 100 square meters comes in? To perform such work, you will have to purchase an incredible number of forms (several thousand), as well as have a large staff of workers. Many people note that this method also has considerable losses of cement. Hence the high cost of production.

2. Low quality of the products obtained. The tiles produced using this technology have low frost resistance, and their service life is no more than 4 years.

“The production of paving slabs using the vibrocasting method cannot be called a serious business,” the entrepreneurs say.

Video of the production process of paving slabs using the vibratory casting method:

Another technology - the vibrocompression method - is designed to eradicate all the disadvantages of the above method. The essence of this technology lies in the fact that the tile is made by vibrating the mixture with a small amount of water. Special installations (mini-factories) - vibropresses are used as equipment. The concrete obtained by the vibrocompression method has a low ratio of cement and water. This means that it reduces the consumption and losses of cement, increases the strength and frost resistance of finished products. The main advantage is line productivity. With the help of even a small vibropress of Russian production, you can get from 20 to 30 sq. M. tiles per hour. Accordingly, in an eight-hour shift, 160 - 240 sq. M. Can be produced. tiles. At the same time, only 3-4 people are enough to service the installation. With such opportunities, you can not be afraid of even the most urgent orders.

The method has only one drawback - investment in starting a business. The purchase of a new installation - the line will cost from 850 thousand rubles, depending on the line productivity and types of products. For example, the Rifey Udar vibropress (Stroytekhnika Plant LLC) will cost about 1.7 million rubles:

Expensive, but the machine is versatile and can produce not only paving slabs, but also lawn gratings, curb, pillar, wall and facing stone. Thus, it is possible to expand the list of products and significantly increase the capabilities of the enterprise.

Production of paving slabs using Condor plants

Who is the customer and how to sell tiles

Buyers of paving slabs are different. It is bought by both the owners of small summer cottages and pensioners, who take 2-3 sq. m. Shop owners buy from 20 to 40 sq. m. m., and the owners of the cottages - 60-70 square meters.

Selling products is a whole science, and each manufacturer has its own methods in this regard. You can offer goods to wholesale resellers, but they ask for a discounted product. You can also supply tiles to retailers, construction markets and retail chains that specialize in the sale of building materials.

Smaller, artisanal producers may find the classic way of selling products suitable. You can stand by the side of the road, lay out several product options, and hang up a “Paving Slabs” sign. If the road has a large flow of cars and there are large cottage villages nearby, then the influx of buyers is guaranteed.

A more expensive, but the most effective project is the creation of your own online store selling paving slabs and other building materials. Internet trade is gaining momentum today, which can be a promising sales channel. The creation and promotion of an online store will take up to 150 thousand rubles. Also, the service will require hiring a certain number of sales managers and a web resource administrator.

Business development options

Some entrepreneurs combine the production and laying of paving slabs to increase profitability. The price of one square meter of tiles is on average 350 rubles, and its installation costs the customer 400 rubles per square meter. It turns out, having your own team of stackers, you can earn another 40 - 60% of the profit. But this is more often done by small manufacturers; large players are not interested in this process.