Artist Bogatyrev biography. Rudolf Nureyev, Yuri Bogatyrev and other hidden gays from the world of Soviet stars

Artist Bogatyrev biography.  Rudolf Nureyev, Yuri Bogatyrev and other hidden gays from the world of Soviet stars
Artist Bogatyrev biography. Rudolf Nureyev, Yuri Bogatyrev and other hidden gays from the world of Soviet stars

He was a wonderful artist, having played hundreds of film roles. Red Army soldier Yegor Shilov from the film "At home among strangers, a stranger among friends", Serge Voinitsev from "An unfinished piece for a mechanical piano" are the best of them. The people around him treated him tenderly, sometimes with condescension. A thin, vulnerable man, Bogatyrev hid a painful secret in his soul for a long time: he loved women, but only as goddesses. This difference from others drove him crazy.

Already in childhood, Yura Bogatyrev was not like all the boys, standing out for grace, grace and even some delicacy. He did not like rough men's games and fights. But he enjoyed playing dolls with the girls, sewing them from old scraps, inventing names and outfits for them. His mother Tatyana Vasilievna said that his son loved to dress up in her dresses, put on hats and veils, tried on beads and rings. The parents did not attach much importance to the child's non-boyish behavior. They attributed the oddities to the subtlety of nature, gentleness of character.

Having matured, he turned into a very tall, stately young man with an expressive appearance - big eyes, sensual lips. And, like everyone else, fell in love with a girl. Together with Nelly Yakubova, they studied at the Globus puppet theater studio.

- Thanks to his talent, Yura was always in the spotlight - he improvised on the piano, danced beautifully, sang well, - recalls Nelly.

Bogatyrev conquered with gallantry: he gave his hand, got up when a woman entered the room, knew how to say beautiful compliments ...

And at the Shchukin school, where he entered after school, he actively looked after the girls. His mother really liked Yura's classmate, Natalya Gundareva. She even said that there was no better daughter-in-law. The guy just laughed it off. Meanwhile, the maternal attentive eye did not escape that real love never visited him. This worried her. And she kept telling her son: it's time to get married.

- On whom? - Bogatyrev walked away from the conversation. - All the girls drink, smoke.

Having entered the service at the Moscow Art Theater, he had already acted in films. Relationships with colleagues seemed friendly on the outside. However, he was surrounded by envious people. Bogatyrev became one of the richest actors of his time. Intrigues, meanness, hypocrisy caused in him bouts of despair and powerlessness. He opened his soul to his friends. No, he did not have an intimate relationship with them, they were just close people who could understand and regret. Elena Solovey recalled that he reminded her of a child, defenseless and vulnerable. Warm relations were associated with Iya Savvina. The heroines of his speculative novels were the wives of his friend and patron, director Nikita Mikhalkov: first Anastasia Vertinskaya, then Tatyana.

Best of the day

“Everyone was in love with Yura, but he experienced only platonic hobbies,” says Natalya Varley. - He perceived a woman as a deity.

At his bachelor apartment, many friends from the Moscow Art Theater gathered. Actors who loved to drink could come to Bogatyrev in the middle of the night. Yuri paid for the taxi, bought vodka and drank with them. Its reliability was shamelessly used. But the artist himself was not averse to spending time with a bottle, trying to get out of a depression. Only the closest ones knew that Bogatyrev was really tormenting.

- Yura made this "discovery" in himself very late, grew into him somehow very painfully ... - says the director Alexander Adabashyan.

- He suffered very much about this, because he is not like everyone else ... He drank, did all sorts of stupid drunkenness, from which he then suffered madly and of which he was ashamed ... This added to him, as it were, an additional guilt complex. The current stars even flaunt this. Now, even people of normal orientation are happy to pretend to be homosexuals - this is fashionable, practical - they are friendly with each other ...

He also shared his mental suffering with Natalia Gundareva. She persuaded him: “Calm down, yes, you are not like everyone else, but this is your individual feature. Are you making someone worse? Are you making someone suffer? To whom does it bother? It's yours - that's all. "

Yuri grew fat, drank more and more, swallowed antidepressants incompatible with alcohol. Vasily Roslyakov, the administrator of the Moscow Art Theater, settled in his apartment. They did not even hide from mutual acquaintances that they had a touching relationship. Then the bartender Sasha Efimov appeared.

One of Roslyakov's friends, who replaced Bogatyrev in his bed, said that Vasya suffered for a long time because of a quarrel with the artist. In his room hung a framed portrait of Yura. But he did not tell anyone about the intimate details of their relationship.

Meanwhile, Bogatyrev got married. His official wife was a neighbor in a communal apartment - actress Nadezhda Seraya. She got into a difficult life trouble. After a divorce from her husband-director, she was threatened with eviction from Moscow, urgently needed a stamp in her marriage passport. Friends of Bogatyrev thought about how to help a colleague, because she also had a little daughter. They encouraged him to marry. Everyone knew Bogatyrev as a man of a kind soul. He could not leave a woman with a child in trouble. True, Nadezhda said that they were connected not just by formal relations. He poured out his suffering to her, too.

That day everything was as usual. Yuri Georgievich received a large fee for "Black Eyes" and threw a party. Suddenly I felt bad. According to doctors, the combination of champagne and antidepressants played a fatal role.

Yuri Bogatyrev: biography, personal life, unconventional - we will talk about all this in our article. The life of this outstanding person was too short for an actor. At his age, many are only reaching the peak of their careers. The artist himself made a huge contribution to Soviet cinema and the development of creativity in the USSR.

Many readers are interested in the unconventional personal life of Yuri Bogatyrev, which was closely connected with his biography, all this had a great influence on him. The actor himself was secretive and shy of his orientation.

An unconventional personal life today does not bother anyone, but for the biography of Yuri Bogatyrev it was an absolutely serious blow. He didn't know what to do with his feelings.

The artist himself lived with men and acquaintances in creative activity without hiding it. He was married, but the marriage was not of an official nature, but only had to bring benefits.

Currently, Yuri Bogatyrev is a part of the history of Soviet cinema, which made a huge amount of effort to achieve his goal. His natural talent has been appreciated by many critics. Filming and working with famous actors of that time opened up the best prospects for him, and even his unconventional orientation did not interfere with working in the Soviet Union. Of course, death from alcoholism is not the most pleasant outcome, but still Bogatyrev left an unusually large contribution.

Yuri Bogatyrev - famous actor

Contemporaries remember the actor with great love. They knew how much he loved his work, maybe if it were not for the absence of roles at that time, he would not have started drinking. Most of his biography is full of interesting stories that became important factors for him in the formation of his personality.


In 1947, Yuri Bogatyrev was born in the city of Riga. The artist's father was a military man, they constantly moved. Within a few years they moved to the capital of the Soviet Union, Moscow. This is where his career begins. Since his school years, he has been engaged in creative activities, performs at various events and takes an active part in all productions at school.

All this gave him some satisfaction. From childhood it was clear that he had some distinctive features, that is, not like all boys. He was too soft, feminine, but outgoing at the same time. Of course, this created some difficulties.

Throughout the 8th grade, his talent in the visual arts industry was noticed by his teachers. After the boy grew up, he was offered to become an artist. It was this direction that he liked. In 1964 he entered the art school. His specialty is carpet artist. This gave him certain advantages over other talents.

He did not stop doing acting. Throughout his studies, he attended creative circles, participated in theatrical performances. So a small hobby grew into a career and a real profession. Yuri Bogatyrev's unconventional orientation did not prevent him from working in the theater, and in no case was anyone reproached for his personal life. For the directors, the most important thing was to play a role, everything else was secondary. Such a short period of time for life was given to Yuri and he was able to prove that everything can be done for the cinema, and at the same time remain unlike anyone else.

In 1965, the actor began to actively develop the Globus Theater. Together with his troupe, he puts on puppet shows. Constant trips to various places opened completely new niches of this art for him.

He met new people. As a result, Yuri decides to quit his studies at the art school and enters the theater institute. This decision was very easy for him, since he decided to devote his life to this very thing. The theater troupe traveled to many cities and towns. The performances attracted an unusually large number of spectators.

The talented young man understood the joy he brings to the audience and wanted to continue to develop in this regard. In the future, he thought that his films would be watched by millions of people around the world and that is exactly what happened.

Entering the Shchukin School was a good stage for him, he studied with the most famous actors. On the course, he was considered the best, so he was always set as an example. He devoted so much importance to his studies that sometimes it was very difficult to convince him. He constantly received offers to star in theatrical performances or creative events, which he never refused. His fellow students were Varley and Raikin, which already speaks of his training.

The training was a success. He was always the person everyone looked up to. Participation in theatrical performances during the training took place with an incredible sold-out. We can say that it was his natural talent, some part of his character, that revealed a completely different person to the viewer. Even then, many teachers predicted a great future for him. After graduating from drama school, he took up active creative activity.

The first roles were episodic, that is, not the first plan, but still Yuri Bogatyrev tried and achieved his goal. A man of such a profile with great talent was able to find a way and build a career. Today he is remembered only with a kind word. Raikin always considered Bogatyrev a talent that simply cannot be surpassed. Such people are born very rarely and they are really worthy to perform on stage.


The performance at the Sovremennik Theater became for him a stage in his life that had to be waited out. At first, he could not get a decent role, since all the seats were taken, so he participated only in episodes. But later my career began to develop.

They began to offer him more important roles. Performances and productions like Twelfth Night have opened up entirely new possibilities for the audience about his talent. He continued to further participate in the life of the Sovremennik Theater, but all this came to an end when in 1977 he moved to the Moscow Art Theater, where he had been invited for a long time. The main person who influenced him became.

Bogatyrev took part in the play "Twelfth Night"

The role of Yegor Shilov became for him the most important stage in his cinematic career. He paid special attention to the production and made such a leap in his acting talent that many began to call him one of the most outstanding actors of the Soviet Union. In fact, he started acting in films long before that, and his films were "The Seagull", "At the Bottom" and so on. The talent was so strong that he was invited by almost all directors working throughout the Union.

The actor starred in the movie "The Seagull"

His television career developed so quickly that he sometimes had to turn down offers from well-known film studios. Working with the most famous personalities at that time brought him unusually great pleasure.

Filming in the most important films of the time brought in considerable income, but subsequently the number of proposals began to decline.

A large number of new actors created some influence on Yuri Bogatyrev himself. According to him, some even began to oppress him because of his orientation. In general, there were few offers to star in films, and he began to drink.

Today, you will not surprise anyone with the unconventional personal life of Yuri Bogatyrev and his biography, but at that time it was alien to the Soviet people. He was perceived well only in a team, since many people understood that this was only a natural attraction. Many fans and viewers despised him for this. Recently, a large number of factors from his life have been revealed, which no one knew about before.

Personal life

To date, the artist Yuri Bogatyrev has left a great contribution to art, but his unconventional personal life and short biography also do not go unnoticed. Many fans reproached him for this, but you need to understand that a person could not cope with his natural hobbies. Perhaps it was the oppression of his personality that caused drunkenness and death at such a young age.

In his life, there was still one marriage and a stamp in his passport. In order to prevent the eviction from the country, he helped his neighbor, with whom he signed, but they had no sexual or personal ties. In general, he always loved only males. Considering the unconventional orientation of Yuri Bogatyrev, we can say that his biography and personal life did not interest anyone among the artists. Many of his acquaintances did not even think about it at all. He was remembered by all kind, sympathetic person.

The personal life and non-traditional orientation of Yuri Bogatyrev left an indelible imprint on his biography. Filming in films about his personal and sexual hobbies, almost all colleagues in the shop knew. Some despised him, others, on the contrary, supported him. His connections were almost in plain sight, he never hid it all. But he spent the end of his life very sadly. After the downturn in his career began, he was consumed by alcohol. Despite his young age - 40 years old, he could drink for days without working. As a result, this led to tragic consequences.

After the next shooting, he received a fee and called all his friends. There was a party, after which he felt bad and fell asleep, after waking up, he drank antidepressants that are incompatible with alcohol, heart pains began. Upon the arrival of the doctors, he was already in serious condition. They did not know that Yuri was taking any pills, and they injected him with an additional drug, which led to death. This is how the life of a talent, which was applauded by millions, ended in such a sad way.

Yuri Bogatyrev is a Soviet artist and artist. Born in March 1947, he is known for his acting in the films "One among strangers, a stranger among friends" and many others.

Yuri Bogatyrev was born on March 2, 1947 in the Soviet Baltic, the city of Riga. He came from a family of a naval sailor, so since childhood, his parents had to move a lot. Soon they arrived in Leningrad and then in Moscow.

The boy turned out to be special from childhood, because he was not interested in traditionally male fun, but he was happy to sew a dress for dolls, improvise, create his own puppet shows, and was also fond of drawing.

In his arsenal there were few tools at hand, but this was not able to stop a truly creative person, and old curtains and dresses were used - from which he created real masterpieces.

Childhood and first steps in art

I must say that already in childhood it was noticeable that the boy was closer to the humanities and that he was creative in nature. A great craving for drawing woke up in him, which influenced the choice of an educational institution. After leaving school, he embarked on a profession related to these skills, enrolling in an art and industrial school, where he was supposed to become a master carpet maker. In part, this involved drawing classes, not just technical skills.

Photo: Yuri Bogatyrev in his youth

Students necessarily went to the open air, drew sketches, and on one of these trips he met the guys whose future profession was associated with the puppet theater. This again stirred up memories from childhood in him, made him feel an almost forgotten passion. Having made friends with the students, he staged performances and improvised. The young man finally realized that he liked the acting profession.

Training and first success in the theater

In 1966, that is, at the age of 19, he left his studies at the School of Industrial Art, entered the Shchukin Theater School, and in 1971 he was invited to the Moscow Sovremennik Theater. He entered easily, despite the fact that he was not involved in the preparation, and he came to the idea of ​​admission spontaneously after communicating in the open air with students of the theater university.

As the teachers recall, it was clear to everyone that a talented and, in fact, already formed actor was on the course. The course was headed by the famous artist Yuri Vasilievich Katin-Yartsev. He recalled that as soon as he saw a talented student, he felt a sense of anxiety, because it was obvious that the student was too defenseless in front of the world, that he was very soft and even somewhat vulnerable, and such people have a hard time in life, because they live far away not in greenhouse conditions.

And at the same time, Yuri had an amazing sad irony, he knew how to treat himself and people with humor. The student was also distinguished by excellent physical parameters, which contrasted even more with his softness. He had large, broad shoulders and powerful arms, which the students jokingly called "second legs."

In the 70s, he simultaneously worked at the Sovremennik Theater and at the Moscow Art Theater, since both famous metropolitan theaters considered him worthy to appear on their stage. The play "Tartuffe" based on Moliere with his participation was very popular.

National glory at the suggestion of Nikita Mikhalkov

Yuri Bogatyrev believed that Nikita Mikhalkov was his “godfather”. Actually, this is really so: after filming in his film "At home among strangers, a stranger among friends", the actor, as they say, woke up famous. But before that there was also a successful film "Quiet Day at the End of the War", however, not comparable in popularity with the picture of Mikhalkov. However, this made it possible to make sure that Yuri Bogatyrev is very organic as a film actor, the camera loved him very much, he looked moderately courageous, very expressive, photogenic and seemed like a real hero, a model of a man. This was fully manifested in the film "At home among strangers, a stranger among friends", which takes place immediately after the revolution in a small town in the south of Russia. The Chekist, who was played by Bogatyrev, immediately became the standard of masculinity, he managed to go through shelling, gang warfare, betrayal from all sides and prove his loyalty. This is a stunningly deep dramatic role that the artist succeeded perfectly.

In general, a creative union with Nikita Mikhalkov is getting into the top ten, although, unfortunately, there were not many joint paintings. Of the other roles that also made a splash, it is worth noting the role in the film "Unfinished Piece for Mechanical Piano" - a Chekhov classic.

Actor for children and youth

Yes, it was the youth audience that first of all appreciated the created images. Therefore, the directors, realizing this, often invited an already well-established star to participate in children's projects, television plays. 1976 he starred in the TV series for young people "Two Captains" based on the story of the famous writer Kaverin. We can say that Yuri Bogatyrev became the idol of young people and an example of masculinity, but with the ability to emphasize in his heroes a good beginning, compassion, mercy.

Nikita Mikhalkov also had pictures that consolidated the actor's success on the domestic Olympus, in particular, "Slave of Love", "A Few Days in the Life of Oblomov", "Relatives" and others.

Critics believe that one of the most iconic roles was the role of Filipk in the film "Declaration of Love" - ​​a life melodrama that shows all the hardships of Russian history, devastation, collectivization, revolution. The film covers a half-century period, it perfectly conveys the atmosphere of those times, and against the background of tragic events, the love of the two heroes unfolds. But here, too, everything is not so simple, because the journalist played by Yuri Bogatyrev is in love with a lovely housewife who, for the sake of boredom, cheats on her husband. This is a tragic, philosophical drama, many call it the main one in the artist's rich filmography.

He also starred in Don Cesar de Bazan - the last role for such a short but bright life. He played the Spanish king, and in addition to Anna Samokhina, Igor Dmitriev took part in the film. This is also one of the most interesting works where the artist appears in a new role.

Tragic fate

Formally, the actor was married, his chosen one was the actress Nadezhda Seraya, but, as she herself admits, this is not a marriage in the full sense of the word, but simply the desire of a kind and understanding artist to help a talented aspiring actress register in the capital. This version is confirmed by the fact that Yuri did not tell anyone about the concluded union, even his parents, and he did not live with Nadezhda after the marriage.

As relatives recall, many envied the artist. They envied badly, black envy, wishing evil. There were reasons, I must say, for this. Yuri successfully starred, including with such eminent directors as Nikita Mikhalkov. He was one of the highest paid artists of that time, outwardly he seemed to be an absolute healthy man who did not know the disease. He was very kind, vulnerable, constantly lending money to colleagues and acquaintances, but they could not always return it, which also irritated them. Some were jealous that the popularly beloved star did not have a family, he seemed to them free, like a bird, while they were bound by children and wives.

Yes, only those who did not know everything that happened in the biography of this wonderful person and were guided exclusively by external attributes can think so. They did not hesitate to borrow money from him, he was forced to buy vodka for his drunken colleagues, who could easily flock to him at night, and not even having the means to pay for a taxi. It was hard for Yuri to refuse people, he could not be rude, but he suffered internally. At the end of his life, he began to lose shape, he became overweight, which was very disappointing for him.

In addition, it was felt that the country was approaching changes that would not benefit many actors. Basically, those who will be able to adapt to new realities, young, strong and healthy, will stay afloat, and in any case, Yuri did not fit into these criteria. Perhaps he understood that a whole era of the country and his life was ending. He started taking antidepressants. Other sources claim that he himself drank alcohol, in many respects this was facilitated by the specific theatrical atmosphere.

Personal life

There were wonderful women in his personal life: Elena Solovey, Olga Yakovleva, whom he sincerely admired, idolized them, but it was a platonic relationship. Elena Solovey recalls that for all his physical strength, Yuri remained a big child. He was offended easily, but soon forgot the offense, he would have been an absolutely unforgettable person. It was difficult for him to build relationships with the opposite sex.

Also, for a long time, the actor adhered to a vegetarian diet, because he believed that eating meat was unethical. Memories of Iya Savvina have survived, who literally forced him to eat his meat, which he was supposed to eat with appetite according to the script of the film, but tried to persuade the director to replace the meat with apples.

Women, seeing such vulnerability in him, subconsciously experienced maternal feelings for him and sought to take him under their wing. For example, Iya Savvina, whose birthday was on the same day as Yuri, tried to celebrate these dates together, she urged the artist to reconsider the diet and include meat dishes in it.

As for his marriage with Nadezhda, it is still unknown whether the marriage was really fictitious, but it turned out the way it happened: the young did not start living together, gradually moved away from each other, and after the death of the artist, Nadezhda did not claim an inheritance.

The personal life of Yuri Bogatyrev is shrouded in darkness, he deliberately did not advertise it, and he lived relatively little, only 41 years. Many relatives believe that he was a weird person and attribute this to his non-traditional sexual orientation. For example, Alexander Adabashyan claims that the artist was extremely painful about his dissimilarity, he reacted heavily to the fact that he was not like everyone else. Perhaps this also became the reason for his depression, addiction to alcohol.

In any case, it is not known for certain whether the artist was homosexual and tried to hide it or was simply shy, with a failed personal life. Alexander Adabashyan explains that even if this is true, in those days it was unacceptable to talk about it, unlike today, when, in pursuit of public attention, many stars flaunt their unconventional orientation.

Tragic death

The great man and talented nugget died very early, when he was only 41 years old. Despite the fact that he was outwardly healthy, he had a weak heart, plus he was taking antidepressants, which were prescribed by a doctor.

One night, he had a seizure, and the emergency doctors gave an injection without asking if the patient was taking any medication. He died suddenly on the night of February 2 in 1989, only a month before his 42nd birthday. The artist was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery, where even now, after several decades, his grave is in a well-groomed condition, flowers are almost always visible on it from fans who do not forget his work.

A book of memoirs about the famous artist has been released

The publishing house "Tsentrpoligraf" published a book by journalist Natalia BOBROVA "Yuri Bogatyrev: not like everyone else". Friends, lovers, girlfriends, wife, mother and doctors of the artist openly talk about his life and death, health problems, alcohol, conflicting relationships with women. About how the Moscow Art Theater machine took the artist to the stage every evening, and then returned it again under the supervision of doctors. Relatives remembered Yuri BOGATYREV as a generous and sympathetic friend, "a man without skin", a talented actor and artist.

With the kind permission of the publisher, we are publishing excerpts from the book today.

LOVE AND HATE IN THE MAT% photo. right%

Bogatyreva loved and hated. They loved for their generosity, openness, luck. And they were hated for them.

Remembers Natalya Varley: "In my opinion, everyone was in love with Yura. And he himself had exclusively platonic hobbies. Everyone knew that he was in love with Olya Yakovleva... A sort of "knight under the balcony". He went to all her performances - he was so shocked by her performance. It was not so much a man's love for a woman - Yakovleva was such a theatrical deity for him. "

Remembers Nelly Ignatieva: "It's sad, but he had enough envious people. His less successful colleagues were madly jealous of him. They envied both the fact that he had so many roles and the fact that he was one of the richest actors of that time - after all, Yura starred a lot and had money , envied that they could not repay his debts. Envied his outwardly iron health. Envied even that he was single, and they are bound by wives and children who constantly demand something. And Yura, as it were, owes nothing to anyone. ... , with which Yura encountered in the Moscow Art Theater, at first he was simply horrified. He even sobbed sometimes: "I can’t, I can’t bear it!" He couldn't stand alcohol in that amount. After all, among the Moscow Artists, alas, drunkenness reached the point where it was believed that it was impossible not to drink: "He who does not drink will sell." Let me remind you that at that time vodka was sold at exorbitant prices at night. And these drunken actors who did not have money (Yura had them, he did not have much to spend it on - only, perhaps, on a taxi and a little on clothes), at night they caught taxi drivers with vodka, in the same taxi they came to Yura with a bottle, and Yura went to pay for both a taxi and vodka! And then they started drinking with him ... He came to me and cried, telling this. He was shy to say: "No I do not want to!"% photo. left%


He was lucky to have partners - talented, stylish, smart, beautiful. He adored Elena Solovey, Svetlana Kryuchkova, Ekaterina Raikina…. And he envied the then spouse of Anastasia Vertinskaya Nikita Mikhalkov. In addition, he loved their son Stepa very much. - I would have dreamed of having such a son, - once confessed to his mother. Once Mikhalkov even joked:- Yura, marry my Nastya. You love Styopka so much.But Bogatyrev's fuse has already passed: the object of his adoration began an affair with Oleg Efremov. And he answered a friend:- Why don't you live with her anymore? Well, I don’t need it, I understood her!... The rejected artist was still worried. Sometimes in the company, while drinking, I got started:- No, she's a beautiful woman after all. Here in "Tartuffe" I play with her - good!And tortured another guest:- Are you married? Do I want you on Vertinskaya wife?... And my mother liked his classmate Natalya Gundareva the most. She advised:- Yura! Marry Natasha! I like her so much!And he answered seriously:- I was late. Already married. And then ... The character is cool: as if not according to her - and will kick out of the apartment.% photo. right%

While still at the Shchukin School, Bogatyrev met Nadia Tselikovskaya, the younger half-sister of the famous actress, a future art critic. They started dating. Then, for the first time, he seriously thought about a possible life together with a woman. - But Nadia set her conditions to Yura - to quit acting, - says Tatyana Vasilievna Bogatyreva, the artist's mother. Such a tough ultimatum did not suit him. But their relationship developed no matter what. Nadia began to write about Bogatyrev, to study his work. He always told his friends that she was his wife. No one, however, saw the stamp in his passport.


After all, Bogatyrev got a stamp in his passport: he married a neighbor in the Sovremennik dormitory, Nadezhda Serya. All these years, the legal wife of Yuri Bogatyrev was stubbornly silent. But, apparently, the time has come, and she talked about living together with the artist:

"Yura and I lived through the wall. He had a huge room, twenty five meters, without a balcony, with windows to the courtyard. And Yura and I became friends very simply. , sat in their rooms and celebrated the holiday. I tried not to burden anyone with my presence. daughter of Nadezhda from her first marriage. -Approx. ed.) was not there yet - she lived with my parents in Mineralnye Vody. And so I went out into the corridor on some business of my own - whether to shoot a cigarette, or to the phone. And suddenly I saw - Yura Bogatyrev was standing and crying. He buried himself in the wall and cries. I was so scared! The person must have grief! I decided - I would come up and ask. He will say: "Nadia, it's none of your business," - I'll calmly turn around and leave. What if he needs help?

Yura, for God's sake, excuse me - I have never addressed you with anything during these few months. But now I saw that you were crying. And I thought: what if you need some help? And then it turned out that Yura was crying in the corridor, because he saw off his nephew - he closed the door behind him and began to cry. He felt sorry for the boy who was studying to be a sailor, had already served in the North and it was hard for him there. Later, later, I learned that Yura really had such a trait in his character: when he drinks, memories will flood over him ... sometimes it ended in tears. From then on, we kind of became friends. % photo. left%

Yura and I spent many days and nights talking and talking. All these night vigils, tears, experiences - all this led us to intimacy. Both literally and figuratively. Our relationship went far and straight into bed. As the classic says: she fell in love with him for torment, and he loved her for compassion for them. Actually, I hadn't hoped for it - there was never a question that we could have an affair. Although there were some conversations - but, rather, humorous ... Yura even hinted: "You ought to give birth to a boy ..." One day my friend Nadya from Mineralnye Vody, a very beautiful woman, came to visit me. At about ten in the evening I went into the bathroom - we were about to go to bed. And Yurin's room is nearby. I leave the bathroom, and at this time Yura pass by with Seva Shilovsky and with Vasya Roslyakov... Vasily grabbed me tightly under the arm and said: - Gray poison, let's go drink vodka! - I can't - my friend has arrived. - Now we will bring a friend. - Well, let's sit and have a drink. We sit, talk, drink. And suddenly at the table Yura says: - Nadia! I ask you to become my wife! Moreover, it sounded somehow not very official. It was more like a joke. I answer: - Yes? Okay, I'll think about it! To which Seva Shilovsky said: - It must be the same! Look at her! There are crowds of women running after Yura who dream of getting married! He proposes to her, and she, you see, will also think about it! I say: “Okay, in that case I agree.

We didn’t advertise anything - not even our wedding. They signed at the registry office on Plyushchikha - we arrived there by taxi. We walked in the hostel. They themselves prepared the table. There were about eight to ten people. We did not inform anyone. Therefore, many later believed that Yura was not married. % photo. right%

But in his speeches, Yura very often said that he was married. True, he did not specify that his wife is an actress. He called me a teacher, then an engineer, then something else. My mom and dad, of course, knew everything. But neither Tatyana Vasilievna nor Varya should have known then. With my dad alive, I could not explain to a nine-year-old girl that I had another husband - she suffered so terribly despite the fact that Yura adored Varya. Tatyana Vasilievna then underwent a serious operation. And I thought: does she need such a daughter-in-law - with a child in her arms? Moreover, Yura wanted to reveal everything to her, but I insisted that there was no need to advertise anything. Only a few people knew about us. Yura and I never had a common household, we had such a friendship-love. I understand that the fact that they considered me a "fictitious wife" is largely my own fault. After Yura's death, on the second day, I arrived at Gilyarovskogo Street. And I saw his mother fainted - it turns out that her son has a wife! Who is she? She didn't know anything! Yes, Yura and I no longer lived - many years have passed! Well, he did not tell her about it, he regretted it - my mother was sick then. It happened. And when Yura was buried, all his friends - both Vasya Roslyakov and Zina Popova - began to insist: the truth must be revealed. And Tatyana Vasilievna says: "You're not a wife!" I confirmed: "Yes, I am a" fictitious wife! " Because for the sake of Yura, she did not want to upset the sick woman even more. I went. She signed all documents, renounced all rights to property and apartment. I asked only for memory a picture of the astrological Serpent, unfinished by Yura. And they gave it to me. "

Guardian angel

In the late 1980s, Yuri Bogatyrev met the journalist and translator Clarissa Stolyarova, his guardian angel.

"Some of Yura's pernicious tendencies, which sometimes manifested themselves in public, - recalls Clarissa, - led to the fact that somehow he came to the performance in a very bad condition. And it took me a lot of work to get him in shape - compresses, a shower helped ... And he went out to play. The first time we managed to bring him to his senses. But next time we were unable to fix anything. He just couldn't go on stage. We started to panic behind the scenes. The artists began to offer different options in confusion. They even approached me. The play had to be canceled. The scandal was serious - the audience was very indignant about the cancellation. Bogatyrev could have gotten into big trouble. I realized that this case must be urgently hushed up. The next day I took him to the hospital. And when journalists appeared at the Moscow Art Theater and pestered the managing director Leonid Iosifovich Erman asking what was happening in the main theater of the country, he sent them all to me: "You will deal with your Bogatyrev yourself there." I explained to reporters that the artist suddenly fell ill. On the New Year, 1989, Yura was discharged from the hospital. And so he asks: - Where do you want to celebrate the New Year - with me or with you? - Yura, it is very difficult for me to go somewhere. It's better with me ... ... This New Year has become a borderline in our relations. If earlier I could say that our relationship was purely friendly, nothing more, then that night there were serious changes ... If earlier Yura could kiss me purely friendly, now I was already kissed not by a friend, but by a man who not only had friendly feelings for me fed. And Yura began to talk about what we should think of in order to be around. In January 1989, a festival of German theaters was held in Moscow. ... I was extremely busy, working on it both day and evening. And it so happened that Yura and I hardly saw each other. For this time he was left alone ... And again he felt very lonely. ... I translated until late at night, fourteen - eighteen hours a day ... And, of course, I had no time. Once he found me on the phone at home: - How is your health? - Nothing, thank you ... The festival lasted a whole month. And then came this terrible day - February 2. They called me at night - I arrived at Gilyarovskogo Street, when the ambulance doctors were still there ... I was shocked. The doctors were confused because they were wrong. How could I help? Now we can only speculate. I could advise the doctors something - after all, besides me, no one knew what drugs Yura was taking. By a terrible coincidence, he suffered according to the same scheme with which he went to the hospital: tranquilizers (an injection of doctors) were superimposed on the tonic drugs that he took in the evening ... Plus, of course, alcohol. "

Painful nausea

In the most difficult moments of a person's life, even the closest people often cannot understand what is happening to him and why, they are powerless to support and help.

Alexander Adabashyan:

It is difficult to talk about it, it is sick.

This is due, shall we say, to his unconventional orientation. Yura experienced his "dissimilarity" very painfully, in contrast to the current stars, who even flaunt it. Now, even people of normal orientation are happy to pretend to be homosexuals - this is fashionable. Prestigious, practical - after all, they are friendly with each other ...

And Yura made this "discovery" in himself very late, grew into it somehow very painfully ... He suffered a lot about this, because he is not like everyone else ... He drank, did all sorts of stupid drunkenness, which then made him mad suffered and of whom he was ashamed ... This added to him, as it were, an additional guilt complex.

But, I think, God would have given him more health - his far-fetched vegetarianism and drunkenness would have ended ... If he had finally gotten used to his, say, "oddity" ...

But that was stronger than him. It was neither promiscuity, nor fashion, nor anything else, it was really a deviation that he tried to fight, which he could not overcome.

As Natasha Gundareva tried to persuade him: "Calm down, yes, you are not like everyone else, but this is your individual feature. Are you making someone worse? Are you making someone suffer? Who does it bother you? It's yours and that's all."

At one time, Vasily Roslyakov, the administrator of the Moscow Art Theater, lived with Bogatyrev. According to mutual acquaintances, they had a really touching relationship. Vasily was two years younger than Bogatyrev, a highly educated young man with several higher educations. He did not survive Bogatyrev for long - several years ago he died of AIDS in one of the Moscow clinics.

Then a certain bartender Sasha Efimov also lodged on Gilyarovskogo street. Once Tatyana Vasilievna, the artist's mother, called from Leningrad - he answered the phone. She, surprised at his presence, asked:

Who are you, Sasha?

He answered innocently:

And Yura left the keys for me - he's on tour.

A year after the death of Bogatyrev, he committed suicide. Why? He took this secret with him.

Yuri Georgievich Bogatyrev. Born on March 2, 1947 in Riga - died on February 2, 1989 in Moscow. Soviet theater and film actor. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1988).

Father - Georgy Andrianovich. Mother - Tatiana Vasilievna.

My father was a military sailor. In 1953 he was transferred to serve in Moscow, where the whole family moved.

In 1963-1966 he studied at the Art and Industrial School named after M. I. Kalinin at the carpet weaving department, which he did not graduate from.

He studied at the All-Russian workshop of pop art at the department of the spoken genre.

In 1966-1971 he was a student of the B.V.Shchukin Theater School, course of Yu.V. Katina-Yartsev.

In 1971-1977 he served at the Moscow Art Theater "Sovremennik", in 1977 he was invited to the Moscow Art Theater and for some time served in two theaters. One of his best theatrical roles is considered Cleant in the play "Tartuffe" based on the play by Moliere.

Works by Yuri Bogatyrev in the theater:

Moscow Sovremennik Theater:

1971 - "Own Island" by R. Kaugver (production by G.B. Volchek) - Janus;
1971 - “Toot, Others and Major” by I. Erken (production: A. A. Alov, V. N. Naumov) - Priest;
1971 - "Valentine and Valentine" by M. M. Roschin (production by V. V. Fokin) - Karandashov;
1971 - "The Bolsheviks" by M. F. Shatrov (production by O. N. Efremov, G. B. Volchek) - Kurskiy;
1972 - "Always on sale" by V. P. Aksyonov (production by O. N. Efremov) - Triangles;
1972 - "Forever Alive" by V. S. Rozov (production by O. N. Efremov) - Mark Alexandrovich;
1973 - "Like a brother to a brother" D. Reib (production: A. Waida) - Sergeant;
1973 - "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" by LE Ustinov, OP Tabakov (production by OP Tabakov, GB Volchek) - Dwarf Saturday;
1973 - "Weather for Tomorrow" by MF Shatrov (production by GB Volchek, IL Raikhelgauz, VV Fokin) - Employee of the personnel department;
1974 - “The Princess and the Woodcutter” by GB Volchek, MI Mikaelyan (production: GB Volchek, OI Dahl) - Water;
1974 - “Do not part with your loved ones” by AM Volodin (production: VV Fokin) - Alferov;
1974 - "Balalaikin and Co." based on the novel by ME Saltykov-Shchedrin "Modern idyll" (staged by GA Tovstonogov) - Kshepshitsyulsky;
1974 - "Four drops" by V. S. Rozov (production by V. V. Fokin) - Semin;
1975 - Shakespeare's Twelfth Night (production by P. James) - Duke of Orsino;
1975 - "Echelon" by M. M. Roshchin (production: G. B. Volchek, I. L. Raikhelgauz) - Author, leading the story;
1976 - "The Cherry Orchard" (A.P. Chekhov (production by G.B. Volchek) - Ermolai Alekseevich Lopakhin.

Moscow Art Theater (after the division of the theater - Moscow Art Theater named after A.P. Chekhov):

1977 - "Mutiny" based on the novel by D. A. Furmanov (production: V. N. Shilovsky) - Dmitry Andreevich Furmanov;
1978 - "Days of the Turbins" by M. A. Bulgakov (production: L. V. Varpakhovsky) - Alexei Vasilyevich Turbin;
1978 - "Eldorado" by A. A. Sokolov (production by O. N. Efremov) - Eugene;
1981 - "Carter Genschel" by G. Hauptmann (production: V. P. Salyuk) - Siebengar;
1981 - "The Way" by A. O. Remez (director V. Yu. Sarkisov, production by A. A. Vasiliev) - Ilya Nikolaevich Ulyanov;
1981 - Moliere's Tartuffe (staged by A. Efros) - Cleant;
1981 - "So we will win!" M. F. Shatrov (production by O. N. Efremov, R. A. Sirota) - member of the Central Committee of the RCP (b);
1982 - "The Living Corpse" by Leo Tolstoy (production by A. Efros) - Viktor Mikhailovich Karenin;
1983 - Old New Year of M. M. Roshchin (production by O. N. Efremov) - Poluorlov;
1983 - "The Seagull" by A. P. Chekhov (production by O. N. Efremov) - Boris Alekseevich Trigorin;
1984 - Attempt to fly by Y. Radichkov (production by M. Kiselov) - Kiro's teacher;
1985 - Lawyers by R. Hohhut (production by G. Fleckenstein) - Hemmerling;
1986 - "Crazy" ("Zinulya") by A. I. Gelman (director N. L. Skorik, production by O. N. Efremov) - Fyodor Ivanovich;
1987 - "Pearl Zinaida" by M. M. Roshchin (staged by O. N. Efremov, N. L. Skorik) - Yurik (1987), Tabak (1988).

All-Union fame came to Yuri Bogatyrev thanks to cinema. He began acting in 1966.

But the first really successful role that made him famous was in 1974, in the film "One of our own among strangers, a stranger among our own", in which he played Yegor Shilov. The actor himself called the director of the film his "godfather" in the cinema, and for Mikhalkov Bogatyrev became a kind of talisman.

Nikita Mikhalkov first saw Bogatyrev in the play "Teenager" at the Shchukin School in the role of Versilov and invited him to his graduation film "A Quiet Day at the End of the War." And the first full-length film "At home among strangers, a stranger among friends" brought good luck to both. For the film, the soft, kind and a little awkward Bogatyrev had to lose weight on purpose, learn to hold his fists like a man, and saddle a horse for the first time. Together with he made a jump from the cliff, and they were almost carried away by the stream of mountain water.

Yuri Bogatyrev in the film "At home among strangers, a stranger among friends"

Yuri Bogatyrev was subject to reincarnation in a variety of heroes. In 1979, Nikita Mikhalkov's film "A few days from the life of I. I. Oblomov" was released. The actor saw himself in the role of Oblomov, but played, as he himself admitted, his complete opposite - Stolz.

In 1978, Yuri Bogatyrev played one of his best roles in cinema - Filippka in the film by Ilya Averbakh "Declaration of Love". I remember also as Serge Voinitsev from "Unfinished Piece for Mechanical Piano".

Yuri Bogatyrev in the film "A few days in the life of I. I. Oblomov"

Yuri Bogatyrev in the film "Dead Souls"

Yuri Bogatyrev in the film "Black Eyes"

Yuri Bogatyrev in the film "Don Cesar de Bazan"

All his life Yuri Bogatyrev was fond of painting. In 1989, the first personal exhibition of his paintings was to take place in Moscow, but it took place only after his death. Most of his painting has disappeared.

Friends considered him to be a silvery person and an idealist. The money did not stay with him. In recent years, the actor has become addicted to alcohol, lost his shape, and he was less invited to the cinema. Friends attributed this to the actor's feelings about his homosexuality.

Yuri Bogatyryov developed depression and began taking antidepressants.

On the fateful day for him, Yuri Georgievich received a large fee for the film "Black Eyes" and threw a party. Suddenly I felt bad. According to doctors, the combination of champagne and antidepressants played a fatal role.

On the evening of February 1, 1989, the actor took medicine before going to bed, and at night he had a heart attack. An ambulance team was called. Bogatyryov was injected with clonidine, which is incompatible with the antidepressants taken the day before. This caused shock and instant cardiac arrest.

Yuri Bogatyrev died suddenly the next day, February 2, 1989, not having lived a month before his 42nd birthday.

Yuri Bogatyrev's height: 187 centimeters.

Personal life of Yuri Bogatyrev:

Actor Yuri Bogatyrev was gay, which is why he suffered a lot.

Already in childhood, he was not like all boys, standing out for grace, grace and some delicacy. He did not like rough men's games and fights. But he enjoyed playing dolls with the girls, sewing them from old scraps, inventing names and outfits for them.

His mother Tatyana Vasilievna said that his son loved to dress up in her dresses, put on hats and veils, tried on beads and rings. The parents did not attach much importance to the child's non-boyish behavior. They attributed the oddities to the subtlety of nature, gentleness of character.

But he also had affairs with girls. So, he was in love with Nelly Yakubova, with whom they studied together at the Globus puppet theater studio.

“Thanks to his talent, Yura was always in the spotlight - he improvised on the piano, danced beautifully, sang well,” Nelly said.

At the Shchukin School, he also actively looked after girls. His mom really liked his classmate. She told him that she could not find a better daughter-in-law, but Yuri laughed it off.

It did not escape his mother's attentive eye that real love never visited him.

He also shared his mental suffering with Natalia Gundareva. She tried to console him: “Calm down, yes, you are not like everyone else, but this is your individual characteristic.

For a while he lived with the administrator of the Moscow Art Theater Vasily Roslyakov... They did not hide from mutual acquaintances that they had a touching relationship. Then he got a bartender Sasha Efimov.

However, there was also a marriage in his life - the official wife was the actress Nadezhda Seraya, a neighbor in a communal apartment. She got into a difficult life troubles: after a divorce from her husband-director, she was threatened with eviction from Moscow, urgently needed a stamp in her passport about marriage. Bogatyrev agreed to help.

Filmography of Yuri Bogatyrev:

1966 - Such a Big Boy - episode
1970 - Calm Day at the End of the War - German Soldier
1972 - At the bottom - a police officer
1974 - At home among strangers, stranger among friends - Yegor Petrovich Shilov
1974 - Tanya - Andrey Tarasovich
1975 - Slave of Love - Vladimir Maksakov
1975 - There, Beyond the Horizon - Dmitry Zherekhov
1976 - Two captains - Mikhail Vasilievich Romashov
1976 - Once Upon a Time in California - Twing
1976 - Martin Eden (TV play) - Martin Eden
1977 - Unfinished piece for mechanical piano - Sergei Pavlovich Voinitsev (Serge)
1977 - Declaration of love - Filippok
1977 - Nose - Nicholas I
1977-1979 - Open Book - Andrey Dmitrievich Lvov
1979 - A few days from the life of I. I. Oblomov - Andrey Ivanovich Stolts
1979 - The Last Hunt - Sergey
1979 - Vacation in September - Anatoly Sayapin
1980 - My dad is an idealist - Boris Petrov
1980 - Mutiny - Dmitry Furmanov
1980 - Deep Relatives - Yurik
1980 - Strange Vacation
1980 - Eighth day of creation
1981 - Two lines in small print - Tishkov
1981 - Relatives - Stanislav Pavlovich
1981 - TV show from the series "This Fantastic World". Volume 5 - Thomas Wolfe
1981 - TV show from the series "This Fantastic World". Issue 6 - Nikitin
1981 - Theater based on Saltykov-Shchedrin
1981 - Great names of Russia. Stanislavsky - narrator-commentator
1981 - And I am with you again - Tsar Nicholas I
1982 - Time for reflection - Andrey
1982 - Old detective - Dupin's friend, Semson
1982 - Carter Genschel - Siebengar
1982 - V. I. Lenin. Pages of life - Ilya Nikolaevich Ulyanov, Lenin's father
1982 - Out of the blue - Ilya Petrovich, notary
1982 - Flights in dreams and in reality - voiced the role of the sculptor
1983 - Quarantine - grandfather
1983 - Unique - Pavel Egorovich Perebereev
1983 - Something from the provincial life - Lomov, Shipuchin, Yat, Ninochka's lover
1983 - The Man of Green Country - Urban Futrose
1984 - Dead Souls - Barin Manilov
1984 - TV show from the series "This Fantastic World". Issue 10 - Colonel Rowling
1984 - Another's wife and husband under the bed - Bobynitsyn
1984 - Angry Boy
1985 - The Story of First Love (in the movie "Yeralash" No. 50) - writer Michal Mikhalych
1987 - Black Eyes - the leader of the nobility
1987 - Out of habit (in the movie "Fitil" No. 301)
1987 - First meeting, last meeting - Major Gay
1987 - Somersault over the head - Sturis
1987 - TV show from the series "This Fantastic World". Issue 12 - prosecutor
1987 - Daughter - Ipatov
1988 - Presumption of innocence - Grigory Stepanovich Kozinets
1988 - Flight of a bird - Razlogov
1989 - Don Cesar de Bazan - Charles II (King of Spain)