Anisia - character and destiny, different forms and meaning of the name. Anisia

Anisia - character and destiny, different forms and meaning of the name.  Anisia
Anisia - character and destiny, different forms and meaning of the name. Anisia

The name Anisya in different languages

Consider the spelling and sound of a name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 阿妮薩 (Ā nī sà). Hindi: अनीसा (aneesa). Ukrainian: Onisya. English: Anisa (Anisa).

The origin and meaning of the name Anisya

The origin of the name Anisya -. The meaning of the name is Executive.

The nature of the name

However, any excessive pressure on you will irritate you. Criticism can provoke a harsh, rude reaction from you, which will surprise even those who consider you a weak-willed and indecisive person.

If you live in harmony with yourself, you are a hospitable host, a good friend and a sought-after professional.

You are very demanding in terms of cleanliness, order, quality and clothing. If you are too strict with yourself, you may have a complex due to some kind of defect in appearance (real or imaginary). And this threatens discord in love and married life.


You strive to "embrace the immensity." Your soul longs for everything that a person can have. And - in the maximum possible quantities. Therefore, the problem of choice, as such, does not exist for you. You simply cannot refuse any offer that life makes to you.

When making a decision, the wishes of others are taken into account, then only as secondary factors: you are sure that if you feel good, then everyone else has nothing to complain about. This means that it is possible and necessary to make them "go in a water sled" with you, in the direction you have chosen.

And here the opportunity opens up to see everything from a different angle. You need outside assistance, and above all - as a "restraining principle". Otherwise, you may want to "flip the ground".

But if you are forced to use other people's opportunities, then you need to learn how to share the results. And the sooner you make a choice in favor of such a scheme of activity, the more chances you have to keep your soul clean and your heart healthy.

External appearance

The artistry of your nature implies a certain pretentiousness in clothes. You like decorating yourself. To do this, you use jewelry, unusual, conspicuous accessories, all kinds of stylistic delights. Well, that fits well with your friendly, open nature. It is only important to observe the measure, not to go to extremes, since the border between brightness and vulgarity is rather ephemeral.

Numerology named after Anisya

Holders of the number of the name 6 are distinguished by calmness and sanity. Sixes value stability, customs and traditions. For them, honesty and a good name are more valuable than immediate benefits. They never resort to radical methods of solving problems, preferring the liberal path. "Sixes" do not differ in leadership qualities, but they are capable and diligent workers. There are arrogant and self-righteous "sixes", but for most of them the main reference point in life is family and a small circle of loyal and devoted friends.


The planet Mars.
Element: Fire, warm-dry.
Color: Fiery red, bloody, glandular.
Day: Tuesday.
Metal: Iron.
Mineral: Magnetite, jasper, amethyst, Lappish blood.
Plants: Garlic, onion, tobacco, radish, mustard, nettle, asparagus, heather, bean, hot pepper.
Beasts: Wolf, rooster, raven, vulture, horse, dog.

Anisya's name as a phrase

A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
N Our (Our, Your)
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, "Together with")
C Word
L Er (Creeping, Soft, Soft)
I (YA = A) Az

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Anisya

A - a symbol of the beginning and a desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
H - a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything, indiscriminately, sharp critical mind, interest in health. A diligent worker, but cannot stand the "monkey labor".
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen for hiding a romantic soft nature.
C - common sense, striving for a strong position and material security; in irritation - imperiousness and capriciousness. It is important for a person to find his own path in life.
B - the ability to classify, divide, put on shelves.
I am self-esteem, the desire to achieve respect and love from the environment and the ability to receive them.

Anisya name compatibility, manifestation in love

Anisya, it cannot be said that you are completely incapable of manifestations of love and tenderness, but it’s business for you, first of all, and you will choose your partner based mainly on how much he can meet your life interests. Manifestations of strength of character, dedication and ambition mean immeasurably more to you than sensuality and visual appeal. In a marriage, if this happens, you will primarily appreciate in your partner the ability to be imbued with your ideas and the ability to provide support.

The name Anisya, of Greek origin - "executive". As a rule, this is not only an intelligent, but also a talented girl. She does not like to conflict and is always mobile. Anisya has a lot of friends and girlfriends. She is an excellent student and loves to play sports, and also loves to go hiking. The girl who bears this name quite often shows special aptitude for the natural sciences and the humanities. After school, he always tries to go to college, and then to graduate school. Often, Anisya is a sociable, cheerful and flexible woman. She, like in childhood, has many friends and girlfriends. She is a very responsive woman who is always ready to help, and not only to her friends.

She is very docile and benevolent, and she has practically no enemies. As a rule, Anisya always has good relationships with others. Anisya works, always with full dedication. Even if this job does not suit her very much. But still, she always tries to find a job that will suit her liking. Anisya is not ambitious and does not strive to make a career, but thanks to her attitude to work, as well as the fact that she often makes rationalization proposals, she quickly gets promoted. In a team, this woman always enjoys not only respect, but also the love of colleagues. A woman bearing this name is often interested in history, ethnography and archeology, loves to read a lot, especially detective stories.

Anisya is fond of excavations

He often visits the theater, loves music, and can often attend concerts. As a rule, Anisya is well versed in art, so she constantly visits various exhibitions. She can go mountaineering and even go hiking, and often has a certificate, a mountain tourism instructor. Anisya does not like to do housework. She cooks well, although she does not like to do it. "Winter" Anisya has a complex and contradictory character. Usually this is a very capable woman, and in many areas. Therefore, for a long time he cannot find application for his abilities. She is an excellent worker who constantly has many unexpected, but quite feasible ideas. Anisya is very amorous. And to start an intimate relationship, she does not need a lot of time.

However, this woman never recognizes sex, without love, or at least the mutual attraction of partners. In intimate relationships, Anisya never takes a leading role, although she is active, uninhibited and proactive. For a woman like Anisya, stability in relationships is always important, as well as understanding and loyalty. She almost never cheats on her partner. He is looking for a new one, only after a complete breakdown of the previous relationship. Despite the success with the opposite sex, Anisya gets married late. As a rule, she always marries for love and is often happy. This woman devotes a lot of time to her children. She is very affectionate and loyal in love. She never forgives the betrayal of a partner or husband.

Birthday of Anisya

  • Anisya's name by zodiac sign: suitable for Capricorns.
  • Talisman of Anisya: onyx.
  • Patron saints of Anisya: Holy Martyr Anisya the Virgin.
  • Anisya's name compatibility: relations with names are favorable: Andrey, Vladislav, Daniel, Emelya, Claudius, Leonid, Marko, Nazar.


According to researchers, the name Anisy owes its origin to ancient Greek culture. In the culture of Ancient Greece, the root is the word that is translated as "beneficial", according to one version, and "perfect", according to another. More accurate data, unfortunately, are not available even today.

The male name Anisy is practically not used today, but is still found among the people, in almost all countries of the former Soviet Union. At the moment, it is classified as "forgotten and obsolete", although even today there are many famous personalities in the world who are called by this name ...

Popularity: The name Anisy is currently not popular and occurs no more than 1 boy out of 1000.

Conversational options: Anise, Aniska, Nisya

Modern English counterparts: Anisia, Anis

The meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Anisy is able to endow the carrier with such traits as selfishness, restlessness, activity, energy, sociability, talkativeness, courtesy, self-respect, self-sufficiency, distrust and lovingness. For the most part, carriers of the name Anisy are self-sufficient people, confident in themselves, and always achieving their goals. For such people, as they say, "any sea is knee-deep", they do not pay attention to obstacles and always quickly go to what they yearn for.

It is difficult to say what will be the character of the man who received this name at birth. But on the other hand, one can say with one hundred percent accuracy that this should be a unique personality, capable of bringing a lot of good things into the lives of the people around.

Advantages and positive features: willingness to go to the end and not give up, dedication, hard work, activity and efficiency, the desire to develop and improve. And these men usually have great intuition that they can use, both at work and in their personal life.

Anisy treats badly to cunning and deceitful people, to those who take advantage of other people's weaknesses to achieve their own goals and dominate the weak. And such a man will avoid communicating with secretive and insecure people.

At one time, the name Anisy was popular among the lower social strata and was in demand exclusively among the workers' peasants.

Love and marriage

The charm and romance of a man named Anisy evoke a storm of emotions among the fair sex. His love is never unrequited, because he can easily pick up the keys to the heart of any girl. He always sees the best in a person, sincerely admires the object of his adoration. The only problem is that hobbies for one woman, especially in her youth, are very short-lived.

The feeling of novelty in a relationship is very important for the bearer of the name Anisy. This is one of the main reasons these men marry late. Only a woman who learns to constantly refresh her feelings and bring a novelty effect to them can count on a long alliance with him and his loyalty.

Married Anisy is strongly attached to his family and wife, cares and appreciates her efforts. When he is happy, he feels his demand and superiority, he is happy, and gives the same to his household in return. He may even sacrifice some of his interests for the benefit of the woman he loves.

Anisy as Father

Anisy is a very creative person, therefore, having become a father, he will instill in his child a love for everything beautiful almost from the cradle. He will take the children to work, try to give them as much creative food as possible and teach them all good things. And the mother will have a lot of free time at the same time.

The bearer of the name Anisy is a loving and caring father, but the answer he just needs is the children's attachment to him, their unconditional obedience and manifestation of love. If suddenly it seems to him that his children love him not enough, he will blame both his wife and the children themselves.

In upbringing, a man named Anisy will pay more attention to finding talents from his children. Various circles, sections, competitions - this is what their childhood will be filled with. Playing sports and teaching the culture of communication are mandatory for the artist, therefore he will introduce children to this from childhood. Although again, this is just a theory ...

Compatibility with female names

Name compatibility is the most popular question of all time, it affects all existing names, and taken today is no exception. The researchers, in turn, found that she would be the best paired with such female names as Marina, Ksenia, Ninel, Natalya, Evdokia, Sofia and Victoria. In the case of an alliance with a woman named one of the proposed variations, there will be high chances of building really strong, and most importantly, long-lasting relationships.

An alliance with a girl named Praskovya, Sonya, Diana, Nadezhda, Vita, or Maria can also end up being long-term, overflowing with mutual understanding, love, passion and sincerity. But depending on the zodiac signs of both halves, the weather in such a relationship can change greatly, and their durability can end at any time ...

But with Martha, Eleanor, Elsa, Zhanna, Inessa, Zoya and Rimma, research experts do not at all recommend a representative of the strong half of humanity named in this way to build relationships, because here the horoscopes of both halves represent incompatible components, which undoubtedly can only lead to bad - to constant disagreements, eternal quarrels, and endless zealous impulses.

Choose a name - Aurora Agatha Agnes Agniya Ada Adelaide Akulina Alevtina Aleksandra Alena Alina Alisa Alla Alsu Albina Alfia Amalia Anastasia Angelina Angela Angelica Anna Antonina Anfisa Ariadna Arina Bella Bozena Bronislava Valentina Valeriya Wanda Viktor Vasilisa Venus Vera Veraleta Girada Girada Girada Girada Greta Gulmira Dana Darina Daria Diana Dina Dinara Dominica Dora Eva Evgeniya Evdokia Yekaterina Elena Elizaveta Yesenia Efrosinya Zhanna Zinaida Zlata Zoryana Zoya Yvette Isolde Ilga Ilga Ilona Inga Inessa Iraida Irina Iya Kaleria Camilla Kapitolina Kareenia Karolina Liacea Kaleria Kapilia Kapitolina Kareenia Karolina Lya Lolita Luiza Lyubov Lyudmila Maya Margarita Marianna Marina Maria Marta Martha Melania Milana Milena Miroslava Mirra Nadezhda Natalia Nelly Nika Nina Ninel Nonna Nora Oksana Olesya Olga Polina Praskovya Rada Raisa Ryana Regina Renata Rimma Rita Rosa Roxana Sarfima Svetlana Sera fia Stella Stefania Taisia ​​Tamara Tamila Tatyana Ulyana Faina Frida Edita Eleonora Elina Elvira Elsa Emilia Emma Erika Juliana Julia Yana Yanina

Anisy is not too loving, prefers a serious and long-term relationship, with obligations and everything that follows from this. In adolescence, he will have many girls - he is too demanding and will change them like gloves, but already in the adult stage he will be more selective and will go into serious relationships only when he feels ready, both morally and financially. Nothing can change this, neither the sign of the zodiac, nor even the influence of other astrological factors.

The number of the name Anisy

The number of the name Anisy in numerology is 3. "Three" is a mysterious number, magic, even sacred. It endows people with bright talents, optimism and great intuition. In addition, the number 3 wards have the ability to find the right way out of any difficult situations and truly enjoy life.

Most often, "threes" in early childhood show genius abilities in any field of activity. They are usually associated with a person's creativity: visual arts, dance, vocals or acting. An innate artistry and positive attitude is also inherent in men named Anisy. They are optimists in life, seeing only positive in everything ...
However, the number 3 also symbolizes imbalance and changeable character. When faced with a serious problem, the triplets often become discouraged.

In addition, Anisy, like most "triplets", often tries to achieve everything at once, and this is not always possible, so he has to sacrifice something, which is given to him with great difficulty. Inborn selfishness and self-esteem can also spoil the character of the "troika".

The formula for calculating the number of the name Anisy: A (1) + H (6) + I (1) + C (1) + I (1) + J (2) = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3

Astrological symbolism

  • Talisman Stone - Magnetite.
  • The patron planet is Mars.
  • The patronizing element is Fire.
  • The animal symbol of the bearer of the name Anisy is the Raven.
  • The vegetable symbol is Asparagus.
  • The best zodiac is Aries and Scorpio.
  • Anisy's number is 3.
  • Lucky day is Wednesday.
  • The ideal season is Spring.

Famous people

Anis Bussaidi - footballer, defender of the club "Tavria" and the national team of Tunisia

Anis Matta - Indonesian politician

Anisiya Stasevich - modern actress

Anisy Vasilkov - contemporary artist

Anisy Tyulpanov - famous literary character (Akunin's novels)

Birthday days and patron saints of Anisy

There is no saint in the Orthodox calendar with the name Anisy, but it is a derived form of the name Onisy. Name days are celebrated on the day of remembrance of this saint and at baptism they give his name.

The name Anisya has Greek roots, in translation it means successfully accomplishing, beneficial, fulfilling. In Orthodox saints, the name is spelled Anisy. Often there is a variant of the name Onisya. Increasingly, the name is found among newborns, despite the fact that it has practically disappeared from everyday life for a long time.

The owner of the name Anisya is endowed with a strong character, which is characterized by firmness, poise and unprecedented determination.

But behind the girl's external calmness there are always hidden emotions that can burst out if you hurt her. A strong quarrel can often develop in Anisya into a complete rupture of relations with the offender. This girl is very persistent, always trying to get her way.

Strong will and prudence wonderfully coexist with sensuality inside Anisya. The bearer of the name can be very irritable, as she often accumulates emotions within herself, giving them a way out in the most inappropriate situations. Anisya is a rather peace-loving person, she will never go to a conflict of her own free will.

This is a very sympathetic and kind woman who will not leave her loved ones in trouble. She always calmly reacts to life's troubles and is ready to deal with difficulties, and often rely only on herself, rarely asking for help. The name Anisya is carried by stubborn and domineering women.


Since childhood Anisya is an exemplary child: she is obedient, does not conflict with her parents. The girl's sociability helps her to easily find friends among her peers. She is active, loves to go hiking, often goes to sports clubs. With age, these hobbies do not go away, Anisya cannot sit idle.

Schooling comes easily to her. It is important for her to get a good education, so she often enters a university, and after graduating, she goes to graduate school. By nature, Anisya is a humanist, she is rarely fond of natural sciences. With age, the character of Anisya more and more begins to correspond to the meaning of her name - successfully accomplishing.

Young woman remains as sociable and sociable as in his youth. There are always many friends around her. Compliant and peaceful character makes her a welcome guest in any home.

In addition, Anisya is simply an incredible altruist who, to the detriment of her own interests, is ready to help her friends, you can always count on her.

All her ideas and undertakings are eagerly supported by her numerous environment, but Anisya rarely accepts help, preferring to go independently towards the goal.

The owner of the name Anisya always knows what she wants, her ideals are clearly formed. She has a developed self-esteem, and conceit sometimes goes off scale, but the girl prefers not to demonstrate this quality to others, always keeping herself with restraint in society.

Anisya's views on life are rather gloomy, she always soberly evaluates reality. Such a woman is not deprived of a sense of humor, but because of her character, it is often transformed into sarcasm.


Anisya's physical health is strong, but she should pay special attention to her nerves, since it is the psychological state that is her weak point. It is recommended to relax more often, to practice meditation.


Anisya is a very sensual woman, easily falls in love. Feels strong attachment to a partner and often suffers from this.

In a relationship, mutual sympathy is important for her, if it is not there, then the woman will simply stop all communication.

Anisya is faithful to her beloved man, while she is ready to forgive her partner for treason, but this will be a very difficult decision for her. If the relationship falls apart, then Anisya will decide on a new romance only when all communication with the previous man is cut off. A woman is rarely lonely, there is always a place for new love in her life.

Marriage and family

The owner of the name Anisya enters into marriage only for love, often this union is successful, but it can undergo severe trials.

She loves her husband and children very much and is ready to spend all her free time with them.

Caring for the family rarely coexists with Anisya's craving for household chores. It is impossible to meet a housewife named Anisya, such a woman will always choose a career, while giving her husband and children clear instructions on what and how to do around the house.

Work and hobbies

When choosing a job, Anisya is guided by her personal interests, the activity should bring her satisfaction, then the woman will quickly achieve success. Does not always take into account other people's opinions, which can cause lag. But even Anisya's unloved work is carried out conscientiously.

Anisya Byasyrovna Kirdyapkina (Russian athlete - race walking)

  • This woman is hardworking, responsible and obligatory.
  • Among colleagues, she is often an activist and generator of ideas.
  • Anisya enjoys well-deserved respect.
  • He always strives for something new, introduces creative ideas and tries to optimize the work process.
  • The bearer of the name Anisya is always appreciated by the bosses, the result of which is growth in the career ladder, although a woman is rarely interested in him.
  • If Anisya herself becomes a leader, then she does not stop introducing new ideas, she is an authority for her subordinates.
  • She is more of an organizer than a performer.

She earns money easily, but just as easily it flows out of her pocket in an unknown direction, such a woman can get involved in a financial adventure.

Often Anisya cannot apply her abilities in one area or another, since by nature she is a shy person with a contradictory character. The bearer of this name will achieve the greatest success where her strong will and perseverance will come in handy in achieving the goal.

Anisya's hobbies can be closely related to work. Such a woman makes a good archaeologist, a professional tourist. If we talk about the creative side of the personality, then the girl can devote her life to music or theater.

In work and hobbies, the owner of such a name should abstract from routine as much as possible, then the activity will bring her real satisfaction.

The female name Anisia has Greek roots. Translated, it means "wholesome" or "executive". This definition fully characterizes the main features of the woman who bears this name. Responsibility, diligence, restraint and dedication are her credo in life. In the Russian version, the name Anisya is more common. In abbreviated form, girls are called Nisa, Anisa, Anya. The name refers to the church.

Astrology named after Anisy

Years later

Since childhood, Anisia is distinguished by a calm character, does not cause problems for her parents. She is moderately inquisitive, gets along with others. From an early age, a child has many friends. The girl is quite demanding. If she needs something, she will get her way.

The child begins to speak early, knows how to correctly formulate thoughts, can reasonably explain what she needs, for what purposes. If adults forbid something, the girl does not shun the most real hysteria.

She studies well, she is easily given humanitarian disciplines, but she also studies technical subjects without much difficulty. The schoolgirl leads an active lifestyle, participating in all classroom, school and city activities.

In adolescence, the craving for everything new and unknown overwhelms Anisia. The girl goes in for sports, goes hiking, is fond of tourism, orienteering and is not at all afraid of difficulties. She does not need constant comfort in the usual sense of the word.

The teenager enjoys spending the night in tents, cooking on a fire. These aspirations cannot be limited. Parents can enroll a girl in a tourist club if they themselves are not able to travel often and go on hikes.

If we talk about the direct influence of the name on the character of Anisia, then we can talk about the manifestation of such fundamental qualities as incredible responsiveness and inner calmness in her.

Anisia finds her calling early. Usually in high school, a girl already knows who she wants to become. An active position and a constant thirst for travel leave a rather deep imprint on her subsequent professional activities.

She can become a successful professional athlete, coach. He is well versed in art, often devotes himself to this field. A woman is not suitable for an activity that requires a constant stay in one place, so she is happy to choose a place of work where she often needs to travel on business trips.

Anisia is friendly, she has leadership qualities, she can become a good leader. The girl does not seek to get married early; she approaches the creation of a family with responsibility.

Anisia's character

Persistence on the way towards the stated goal is the main positive character trait of Anisia. A woman is distinguished by genuine composure, so it is very difficult to piss her off.

Knows how to reason soberly in stressful situations, does not give in to excitement. She is kind, peaceful, seeks to find a compromise with her opponent, but if something is important to her, she will defend her own opinion to the end.

Anisia is characterized by sarcasticity, some arrogance. He knows his strengths and does not hesitate to draw the attention of others to them, thereby somewhat humiliating his interlocutors.

Such traits appear infrequently, only if a woman needs to achieve a certain goal. She is ready to go over her head for this, sacrificing the ambitions and interests of other people - even those who are friends with her.

Anisia's fate

Fate does not present bad surprises to Anisia, but the girl is not inclined to completely trust providence. She will always go against the circumstances, getting her way. If a girl grows up in a loving family, feels the support of loved ones, then she will always be happy. But relatives need to know that this woman often hides her true emotions. The ability to wear a mask, to look happy and contented when there is melancholy in the soul, sometimes plays a cruel joke with Anisia.

Her character is restrained, calm, but she can accumulate emotions in herself for years without splashing them out. Sometimes this tension goes over the edge and pours out into unrestrained hysteria. A woman is obligatory, responsible, but also very demanding. If she adheres to certain norms of behavior, then she expects others to do the same.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Anisia is a typical careerist, but she prefers to do only what she loves. If the job is not at all interesting to her, but very promising, she will still refuse the proposed position.

It is easier for a woman to work for someone, so she rarely creates her own business. In this sense, leadership qualities are not inherent in her, for Aksyusha prefers to be led.

Marriage and family

Anisia is friends with her husband if this relationship is strong and reliable. She is ready for marriage when she is absolutely sure of her partner.

In a family, more than two children are rarely born, because a woman is not ready to give up a career, professional growth and frequent travel in the name of replenishment in the family.

Sex and love

The pragmatism of this woman leaves an imprint on personal relationships. It is hard for her to trust a stranger, to open up to him, although the girl is popular with the opposite sex.

In sex, she follows her partner, rarely showing leadership qualities, but her pleasure is more important than the feelings and emotions of a man. She is prone to late marriage, calculation prevails in relationships, and not passion and love.


Anisia is distinguished by quite good health, strong immunity. She rarely suffers from respiratory infections, but due to her many hobbies and professional activities, she can get injured or chronic illnesses.

The musculoskeletal system suffers more than others. Frequent suppression of emotions leaves a negative imprint on the nervous system. Problems in this area arise in adulthood. Anisia needs to monitor the health of the heart and blood vessels.

Hobbies and hobbies

Learning something new, constant travel, hiking and excursions are the main hobbies of this wonderful freedom-loving woman.

She loves sports, team sports, and attracts children to this process. As for calm hobbies, they are clearly not for her.