Anastasia Spiridonova: If I fall in love, it is always serious. Spiridonova: Dad died long ago, and mom raised us all alone Who does Anastasia Spiridonova meet

Anastasia Spiridonova: If I fall in love, it is always serious.  Spiridonova: Dad died long ago, and mom raised us all alone Who does Anastasia Spiridonova meet
Anastasia Spiridonova: If I fall in love, it is always serious. Spiridonova: Dad died long ago, and mom raised us all alone Who does Anastasia Spiridonova meet

Anastasia Spiridonova was born in January 1986 in Karaganda (Kazakhstan). The girl lived there until she was ten, but soon her family moved to Russia, where she lived in the city of Velikiye Luki.

Anastasia Spiridonova had a desire to study music very early. Even in the first grade of school, the girl shows interest in music, trying to learn more and more new things. This made her different from other children.

One day, Nastya's girlfriend, who was attending a vocal studio, noticed her desire to master musical science and offered to go to classes together. After a successful audition, Nastya began to sing. Two months later, Anastasia's teacher sent her to participate in a children's city competition, where the young singer took first place. She was then only 10 years old.

Anastasia recalls:

“Then I had to sing Pugacheva Alla Borisovna, and the second number was the song“ Mama ”by Tatyana Bulanova. A very touching song! When I performed it, I burst into tears. The whole audience was crying with me ... This was my first performance. The victory inspired me and I decided to continue. "

In Velikiye Luki, the young singer graduated from the Terminal school and vocal studio. Soon Nastya went to the capital and entered the prestigious Gnesinka, choosing for herself the jazz vocal department.

Anastasia Spiridonova turned out to be very active and talented. After studying at Gnesinka, Nastya organized her own musical group, which she called "Los devchatos". Together with the group, she appeared on STS, participating in the TV show STS Lights a Superstar. In addition, Anastasia Spiridonova becomes a member of the Jazz Parking music project and, together with her stage colleagues, performs gospel music.

Best of the day

In 2012, the stellar page of the biography of Anastasia Spiridonova was written. The performer becomes a participant in the popular show "The Voice", which is broadcast on Channel One. The mentors of the participants in the first season were famous representatives of the Russian stage - Pelageya, Dima Bilan, Leonid Agutin and Alexander Gradsky, and the winner of the first season was Dina Garipova.

Already the first blind audition becomes successful for Spiridonova. She brilliantly performs the composition “Simply the best” by Tina Turner, during which the whole audience applauds her standing up.

Especially viewers remember the performance of Anastasia Spiridonova and Zlata Khabibullin of the composition "Throw". In the future, the singer will perform as a duet with other famous performers more than once.

Anastasia Spiridonova has an amazing timbre and a very strong chest and mobile voice, which she perfectly controls. The singer became, in fact, the main member of Leonid Agutin's team.

As a result, Spiridonova was among the finalists of the "Voice" project. On the eve of the second semi-final, the girl fell seriously ill, but still Anastasia sang, having done an excellent job with the task. And again the audience gave her a standing ovation.

After the project, Anastasia Spiridonova took up her solo career. Soon two of her singles were released, titled "Easy to Breathe" and "I Choose You."

"Three chords"

Added popularity and recognition to Nastya in September 2014. Anastasia took part in the musical show "Three Chords", hosted by the famous Russian actor Maxim Averin. This program was aired on Channel One and covered all styles of Russian music. The singer with dignity withstood the competition of popular performers and masters of the national stage, having managed to stay in the first position.

Together with Anastasia Spiridonova, such famous representatives of Russian show business as Alexander Marshal, Dmitry Kharatyan, Irina Dubtsova and others took part in the show. Anastasia with dignity managed to pass all the tests, and many viewers were surprised at her desire to win.

The triumph in a large-scale music show was the most significant for Spiridonova.

In this project, Anastasia pleasantly shocks the jury members with her performances every week. The famous performer of the Russian chanson Lyubov Uspenskaya admired the girl's performance of the composition "To the only tender", and the pop singer Irina Allegrova after her next performance was so emotional that she could not collect her thoughts for a long time.

The audience especially remembered several singles that Anastasia sang on the TV show: in particular, the song “Having finished the school romance” by Alexander Novikov, an author-performer in the genre of urban romance, as well as the composition “The Girl from Nagasaki”.

After winning the project, the number of her fans increased exponentially. Anastasia herself has repeatedly said in her interviews that the victory was very difficult for her, and before the performances she had to make significant efforts to achieve the goal. Nevertheless, Anastasia's efforts were not in vain, and the victory in the show made her more famous.


Anastasia Spiridonova constantly performs at festive concerts. The girl is invited to major events to perform well-known world hits.

In 2017, Anastasia took part in the concert "What Men Sing About". The event was timed to coincide with International Women's Day on March 8. At the festive event, men performed well-known "female" songs, and women performed songs from the male repertoire. At the concert, Anastasia Spiridonova appeared on stage with Irina Dubtsova and Romadi, presenting the song, the famous single “Sex Bomb”.

Anastasia continues to participate in various festive events, as well as on tours. It is possible that the singer can again be seen on TV screens during the filming of one of the music shows.

Anastasia Spiridonova often performs famous compositions with other well-known representatives of the Russian stage. Duets with Stas Mikhailov and Sharip Umkhanov became especially popular.

In 2016, at a festive concert dedicated to the 869th anniversary of Moscow, the composition "Olympics-80" was performed, which Anastasia Spiridonova sang with the group "Earthlings", and on New Year's Eve with the Russian actor Igor Mirkurbanov, the winner of the musical TV show "Three Chords" sang the song " I raise my glass. "

Anastasia is ready to continue working on the creation of albums and clips.

Personal life

At the moment, the personal life of Anastasia Spiridonova is a blank sheet. In the media, she has repeatedly argued that a wedding for her is something beautiful and bright, and also talked about what her future husband should be like.

On January 20, 2015, Nastya celebrated her thirtieth birthday in the United States. Anastasia celebrated the holiday in a Las Vegas casino. As she herself admitted, she made only one wish: to meet my love. Anastasia herself often jokes about this, calling herself a “runaway bride,” as she has repeatedly tried to avoid marriage.

Information appeared in the media that Anastasia has a lover who lives in the United States, where she herself spends a lot of time. Nevertheless, this information was not officially confirmed by the singer.


Bright, bold, fiery - the Russian viewer knows Anastasia Spiridonova, the finalist of the first season of the "Voice" project is just that. She was compared to Tina Turner, leading artists, stars of the first echelon worked and continue to work with her, she herself writes songs and puts the main thing in them - her heart. Today Anastasia is completely busy preparing her big solo concert, which will take place in the Kremlin Palace this fall. And yet, in her crazy schedule, she manages to find time for the things she thinks are especially important. It was about them, as well as about real creative cooperation, hobbies and, of course, about real love, Anastasia told the correspondent of "VM".

Nastya, after the "Voice" project, many ways and opportunities opened before you, because you became a winner, at least from the team of Leonid Agutin. Today you have a lot of fans and already your own projects. But do you keep in touch, are you friends with your mentor?

If you imagine that friendship and strong professional relationships are daily work side by side, then this, of course, is not. Besides, I am one of those people for whom obsession is an absolutely impossible thing. Of course, we meet at concerts or other events in which we take part. At such a moment, we can have a heart-to-heart talk, be a little secret, discuss something. Leonid is an amazing person, very kind and gentle. I know that he treats me warmly and is ready to help, but I try not to use this and not bother my mentor once again. Moreover, the very realization that you have a reliable mentor and companion adds strength to me.

I can't even call it work. We perceived this interaction somewhat differently. Each time I had the feeling that just two good people sat down somewhere on a bench or in a cafe to chat a little. And at some point, Leonid says something about the next song, offers to make some detail, some kind of trick. I agree, nod, sometimes express my ideas. Like this. And in this format, our cooperation was very comfortable, easy, soft for me. As a real mentor, Leonid supported me. And he didn't give me any withdrawal symptoms. The songs that I myself did not want were not given to me, for example. Everything went very naturally.

Leonid Agutin will take part in your autumn solo concert. Does this mean something to you as his charge?

I am very happy about that. I am very grateful to him for everything that happened on the project, for everything that he did for me. Leonid took me to the final. He decided that from his team the winner was me. He gave me the opportunity to show, to prove myself.

When you were compared to Tina Turner, was there internal resistance? Nevertheless, each artist is, first of all, a bright personality ...

You know, the feeling of your own individuality, the understanding that you can declare yourself as a separate creative unit, can come only if you have already created something, achieved something. Now I have my own songs and songs written just for me. Then there was nothing of the kind. The viewer did not know who I was, what kind of person, what kind of artist was hiding behind my name. I just made Tina Turner's song close to the original. Taking it for blind listening was not my decision. I was given this thing. These are the conditions.

But the comparison with Turner in the mind was very firmly entrenched. How do you feel about such comparisons today?

Let's just say that everything turned out very well then, even very well. This comparison drew attention to me, and it, in turn, launched all other processes. It turns out that it was the comparison with Tina that led to the fact that now I already have my own repertoire. I think it is clear from my songs that the Western diva and I are very different people, including in terms of the timbre of our voice. But the obvious cannot be denied. I have timbre features that are more typical for European and American performers than for Russian ones. This is true.


They say all sorts of things about domestic show business. The tabloids are full of scandalous stories. Aren't you taken aback when you find yourself in this cycle of big names and stories?

To be honest, I know that not everything is smooth in this world, but so far gossip, scandals and other negative manifestations of it pass me by. I am lucky: there are people nearby who love and respect me as a creative person, as an artist. These sympathies are always mutual. Not so long ago I performed, for example, at the anniversary concert of Alexander Marshal. I deeply respect him, as well as other first-tier stars with whom I have the privilege of working. I don’t feel on me all that husk, which is so much around the stage. Probably, this happens due to the fact that I simply do not feel like a part of the phenomenon that we call show business.

But you are always on stage, you participate in big concerts, in shows, you constantly collaborate with the most famous people ... How to believe that you are beyond this phenomenon?

I will try to explain. I just do my job and do it calmly, with absolute inspiration. I communicate with creative people, but at the same time I never climb anywhere myself, I do not impose myself on anyone, and therefore I do not find myself in a situation where you can become a real participant, or even the center of some scandal. This side of show business is not familiar to me. And this is a great happiness.


How did you get on the artist's path at all? Did someone in your family pushed you to make this choice?

In fact, as strange as it sounds, my family has nothing to do with it. I was born in Kazakhstan. Then, when I was 10 years old, I moved to Russia, to the city of Velikiye Luki. I just sang since childhood, but it was a game, I arranged concerts exclusively for myself. Everyone in my family is singing, everyone has an excellent ear, but no one ever thought to associate their life with music. And as a child, I liked to watch videos of the same Mariah Carey and, with a comb or with a hairdryer in my hands, represent myself as a singer. A classic situation. My neighbors knew my passion for singing very well, because the concerts at home did not end, but no one else paid much attention to it, and I myself did not plan to go anywhere in order to really practice.

And then a miracle happened?

You could say that, but then I did not assess the situation that way. Today it is also difficult for me to call it that word. Rather, there was another natural turn in my life. I went to sing quite by accident. It was already in Velikiye Luki. At that time, I lived with my older sister, and my mother remained in Kazakhstan. Mom and Dad have three of us. I'm average. And so at school I began to play KVN. A girl studied with me, her name was Kira. Before my arrival, all the musical numbers of our team were her concern. Then we began to divide them among ourselves, and once she invited me to the children's vocal studio in the House of Schoolchildren's Creativity. That's how I came to my first music lessons. I was just curious to try. I was a very active child and always tried to participate in something, I did a lot of things.

Did they take you to the studio right away?

Yes. I came, they listened to me, praised me and took me under guardianship. And then everything started spinning. Two months later, I won first place at the citywide vocal competition. That was the first time I performed on such a large stage. Prizes, applause, tears of the audience - there was everything. It became a real revelation for me: as a child, they recognized me, they made it clear to me that I was doing something really cool in this life. This turned into a powerful motivation, and I began to work on myself further with maximum efficiency.

What did the teachers say?

From the very beginning, my teacher Alexander Petrovich Yarovoy took me to various competitions: city, regional, all-Russian, international. It happened so. that if I did not have a clear goal ahead of me, a task to come and win, I would lose motivation, relax, or even skip class. I just needed an incentive. And my teacher and I were constantly preparing for some important performances. There were two or three contests in which I participated a year. Minimum. And I performed, won prizes, received the Grand Prix.

Did your family support you?

I always felt moral support, although my parents were far from all this. Mom worked as an accountant all her life, and dad was a miner in the city of Karaganda. Unfortunately, it has long been gone. The family did not bother me. Now I understand that it was very important. Mom generally found out that I now sing and even win at some festivals while still in Kazakhstan. She came to Velikie Luki later.

And there was no fanaticism on the part of mom?

No. Never. She is definitely not one of those crazy mothers who try to shove her child everywhere, ride with him in all cities and performances. And thank God that this has never happened in my life. Mom let me float freely, gave me the opportunity to make decisions on my own, to create myself on my own. At the same time, she praised me, supported me. My gratitude for this cannot be expressed.

Publication from Anastasia Spiridonova (@nastena_spiridonova) Jun 8 2017 at 1:11 PDT


After school, you went to Moscow and entered the College of Variety and Jazz Art. What were your first impressions of the capital?

She shocked me without exaggeration. And the first serious shake-up was the move to the hostel. You see, I was a child who grew up in an atmosphere of absolute love. And then reality met me in all its glory. College students were accommodated in the Gnesinka hostel. I don’t know what is happening there now, but at that time I didn’t dare to call the conditions of our life even more or less human. We had many fears and phobias. For example, before going to bed, we pushed cotton wool into our ears so that cockroaches would not crawl there at night. Seriously.

How did your roommates receive you?

Right now there is a dangerous moment in the conversation, because we subsequently developed excellent relations with these girls (laughs). But at first, of course, there was a certain element of student hazing. They tried to level me up, build and scare me. True, it ended pretty quickly. I was able to make it clear that I am not going to buy into such provocations.

Apart from the hostel, there were no housing options here?

And where do they come from? I was very lucky that I got the opportunity to live in a hostel. Otherwise, I would not have been able to stay in Moscow. Then I didn’t work anywhere, and my mother would not have been able to provide me with an apartment rent. A family with three children cannot afford to give all the funds to support one daughter living in another city. I studied on a budget. It was a huge success. But, having entered my room for the first time, I left there, sat on a bench and cried for a long time. Then it became clear to me that everything would not be as simple as I would like.

What kind of relationship do you have with the college teachers?

Konstantin Viktorovich Roshchin, an excellent teacher with whom I was actually lucky, saw in me at our first acquaintance something akin to a star fever. I have already been a laureate of many competitions, so I think this is what played a role. But he immediately chopped off my wings. Konstantin Viktorovich was very strict and did not seem to take me seriously at all. The first six months of training became a serious test for me. But I'm not used to giving up. Even when I had the opportunity to go to another teacher, I stayed. I wanted him to hear me, to believe in me. And after that, our relationship began to improve until it turned into a wonderful cooperation between a teacher and his student.

Do you never give up?

I'm not used to it and I'm not going to. I feel the strength to endure a lot, if the goal that is in front of me is worth it. And I carry it over. As practice has shown, if you have willpower, if you really want to achieve something, you will do it. Everything will be fine. It's the same with Moscow. My first impressions of this city were not the most positive emotions. I was faced with a lack of money, and with competition, and with the fact that visitors are still treated with caution at best. But this city very quickly teaches you to constantly prove what you are worth, to be strong and at the same time to radiate joy. Moscow is an unsurpassed teacher. At first she is strict, and then very benevolent.

Publication from Anastasia Spiridonova (@nastena_spiridonova) Jun 1 2017 at 10:17 am PDT


You sing beautiful love songs. What does this feeling mean to you?

Everything that happens in life comes from this feeling, from its inner flame. I take love very seriously and if I tell a person about my feelings, then this is really serious. Love ignites you immediately: your eyes are burning, songs are being written, the voice is ringing. This is a very strong feeling, the strongest sensation. Over time, this fire may become calmer, but it will not go out. And I really like it. I really love to love.

But if love is unhappy, non-reciprocal? When a person experiences suffering, one can hardly say that he is happy ...

Love is beautiful, even if you suffer from it. All the same, you experience the strongest emotions, and they give rise to wonderful works of art - music, paintings, books. They say that everything in the world is due to women, even war. And it seems to me that all our actions are dictated by love ... for the world, for family, for friends, for life itself. Are you happy when the sun is bright? This is Love. Sometimes I say to God: Thank you for creating such a wonderful world. I often see some details, events, fleeting pictures, literally saturated with brightness, life, light. And this is also love. This feeling moves us, gives us the right and the opportunity to live and believe in something.

But it so happens that everything around is annoying, nothing pleases. Perhaps it's just fatigue or something unpleasant has happened. How do you deal with moments like this?

Are you in love now?

Yes, I love and am loved, which is why I am very happy. Everything is fine with us - peace and harmony.

Publication from Anastasia Spiridonova (@nastena_spiridonova) May 29 2017 at 12:50 pm PDT


What musicians are you targeting? Who are you trying to learn from?

It's strange to say this, but today there are no artists about whom I can confidently say: I am inspired by them. I have been listening to very little music lately. Once upon a time, everything was different. During my college years, where my friends and I had the band "Los Devchatos", I listened to a huge number of artists and albums. It was then that I was discovering the world of African American music. But now everything is a little different. Because of this, quite amusing stories often happen.

Which for example?

Recently I sang a song by Vladimir Vysotsky "Picky Horses". People began to write to me. They were surprised: they did not take a single piece from either one or the other, or from the third artist who had previously performed this piece. As if she hadn't listened! So that's it. I really haven't listened to almost any performance of this song other than the original one.

Is it possible that when you work on such things, you do not learn from the experience of your colleagues?

I always try to focus on my own feelings and experiences. And sometimes I like what another performer is doing, I very highly appreciate his manner, but still I will not imitate her, because she does not suit me. An artist must have his own personal attitude, his own individuality in everything he does. My teachers have repeatedly told me: you need to listen to everything, analyze. And so you borrow some trick from one performer, then from another, and then from a third. As a result, your own style, your manner will appear. Apparently, I did just that, and I just can't name a specific artist who influenced me the most. It would be wrong.

What kind of music do you choose for yourself as a listener? What can spin endlessly in your playlist?

I like to be a little sad. I can listen to Jennifer Page or Fink while driving. Being sad and dreaming to music is one of my favorite states. But in moments when I am overwhelmed by household chores like cleaning, I can turn on the Internet radio with Latin rhythms. I don't know who these performers are and what their songs are about, but the very rhythm from somewhere in Rio de Janeiro or Costa Rica makes you move and gives a feeling of celebration.

Publication from Anastasia Spiridonova (@nastena_spiridonova) May 13 2017 at 5:22 am PDT


You constantly participate in various charity events for children. When did this part of your life begin? What became the starting point?

To be honest, I cannot say that there was exactly a certain point, some kind of sharp turning point. Charity, helping those who need it is a natural thing for a person. Of course, they began to invite me to such events after the "Voice". But the main thing is the understanding that you can do something, help. And this does not require practically any effort from you. The only resource you sacrifice is time. But you understand that at the same time you can bring the children you come to see great joy that they just need. I cannot treat this as super-effort or super-merit. Giving warmth, kindness, and sympathy to those in difficult situations is normal for every person. I always agree to participate in such events.

But at the same time, you fundamentally do not participate in collecting money for the treatment of specific children. Why?

Not certainly in that way. I do not participate in so-called Internet charity. When they write to me with a request to send money to someone incomprehensible and unknown to me, or to publish on my page with such details, I do not react. I just don't know whose accounts these are and where my money and my subscribers' money will go. But if I know a fund that collects funds for the treatment of a child, if I am sure that my money will benefit the children, I will definitely make a transfer.

How do these meetings with children affect you? Do they change something in yourself?

These are always the strongest emotions and experiences that make you think about the most important things, literally about life and death. One story I can call, perhaps, the most powerful moment of all my charitable work. The concert took place at the children's oncological center on the Kashirskoye highway. The stage was outside. And here I am standing at the microphone, and around me are babies with shaved heads, because they are undergoing chemotherapy. I finish singing, and one of the mothers comes on stage with a little daughter in her arms. The girl brings me a bouquet of flowers. She is four years old. And she had such happy, burning eyes ... I was crying. I will never forget this moment in my life. At such moments, you cannot even imagine that there is something more important in your life.


Nastya, is there anything other than the stage? Is there a hobby that allows you to get away from everything in the world for a while?

I have no obvious hobby. Here are some of my friends who are engaged in horse riding or snowboarding, and there are those who like to make homemade tinctures with alcohol. I don’t have time for such hobbies, and when it appears, it’s only enough for sports. At the same time, I really like to try everything new, to catch vivid impressions. I wish they had a place in my schedule too.

Do you go to the gym?

Not only. I'm not the most athletic person in the world, to be honest. But I love trying new ways of doing things. I can do aerial yoga and stretch while hanging from wide bands of fabric above the floor, it can be aimed classes on a stationary bike, but now my hobby is the barbell. And another hobby of mine is cleaning the house.

Are you a perfectionist and can't stand even the smallest mess?

No, nothing like that. My love of cleaning has nothing to do with bigotry. It's just that at some point I realize that I need to go through all my things to the last detail. During such a home inventory, I throw away old clothes, conduct a full audit, down to the last tiny piece of paper.

And how often can you be caught doing such an activity?

It is hard to say. For me, this recapitulation of my whole life is a real sacred rite. Every time I look forward to a special moment for him. I can sort out my home treasury for two full days. I need to sort everything out on the shelves, I need to see what happened in the time that has passed since the last such analysis. I don’t know if this can be called a hobby, but such an occupation gives me indescribable pleasure. This is a real reboot of reality.


Anastasia Spiridonova was born on January 20, 1985 in Karaganda (Kazakhstan). In 2012 she became a participant, and later - a finalist of the first season of the show "The Voice" on Channel One in the team of Leonid Agutin. Later she became the winner of another project of the country's main television channel - the show "Three Chords". Anastasia is actively involved in charity work, constantly participating in concerts for children in difficult life situations.

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The popular Russian performer, the finalist of the "Voice" TV project, the participant of the "Three Chords" project always amazes the audience with her charisma. Despite her catchy hair color, Nastya is never called a "red beast", because she is the same in life as on stage - smiling, open, sincere.

- Nastya, why is your mother scolding you?

- Oh, for everything. My mom is my biggest critic, she often watches my speeches, even those that I don't have time to watch, then she calls me and expresses her opinion. When after “Voice” I began to sing in Russian, she said: “You don't pronounce words well!” Of course, I really appreciate my mother's opinion. She raised me and two sisters practically alone, dad died long ago. By the way, you will now be surprised that my mother and sister work as accountants and I am the only one so strange that I got into this family.

Anastasia Spiridonova / Andrey Strunin / "Interlocutor"

The elder sister Natasha is the mother of a 16-year-old beautiful daughter. The younger sister Alena also has a 6-year-old child, my godson Nikita. My mom, Valentina Viktorovna, is a very positive woman who recently got married, which we children are very happy about. Mom likes to joke that she's retired and married at the same time. I am at home two days a year, but I understand from my mother's eyes, voice, mood that she is happy in this marriage. And I don't need more.

- Nastya, mom got married, and you are not planning yet?

- Now I live alone, but, like any woman, I want both children and a family. But I have frequent long trips and late performances, frankly: what kind of romance could it be? I don't even have time to sleep!

- But there are probably many contenders for your hand and heart, even among your fans.

- Fans, if they even exist, communicate with my administrator. I never give my phone number to anyone, and it is difficult to offer me something directly, you first need to talk to an assistant.

- Anastasia, how should your betrothed get through to you if it is so difficult to find you?

Mother of Anastasia Spiridonov /

- You are a famous performer who is expected to visit prestigious concert venues. What are the requirements for organizers?

- There is nothing special in my rider, I do not require, for example, white lilies in my room. In general, I think that before you put forward demands, you need to earn it. I am an aspiring actress and I don’t even ask for any particular brand of water. It is enough for me that my team is well fed, that we are met by a good car and that the hotel rooms are comfortable. This is an absolutely normal desire, we have no exclusive.

- Did you perform at the Slavianski Bazaar this year?

- For me, this is an amazing event, because a childhood dream has come true. When I was little, I often went to various festivals, sang, took some places, but I always wanted to go on the stage of the "Slavianski Bazaar". But every time I thought: it’s still early for me to go there, so I’ll grow up a little and go. I put it off all the time and did not apply for participation and this year I visited Vitebsk as a guest star. It is very nice!

- You talk about children with such tenderness. You probably need to start your own family already.

- Yes, it is necessary, it is necessary. It's time.

- Nastya, what kind of rest do you prefer?

- I am an active person, so I need a passive rest. I really love hot countries. I need the sea, the beach, the sun. Of course, I would like to constantly rest in the Maldives, but it is so far away that you often do not fly, so I can give up for three days to Turkey.

Anastasia Spiridonova / Mila Strizh

- Your financial situation has improved, do you help your relatives?

- Situations are different, and we all - me, sisters, mother - always help each other. But, of course, I love to make gifts to my family. It happens that I overhear what my mother or sister wants, and then I will present it, but they also spoil me with surprises. You know, for some reason I remembered a gift from one of my fans. He handed me my favorite perfume, and when I opened the box, inside was the gold necklace I had always dreamed of. Remember the movie "Sex and the City" where the main character Kerry has a necklace with her name on it. I've always wanted this. And now I have it, and my name Anastasia is executed so tenderly. And the size I dreamed of. I often wear this piece of jewelry, I may not take it off for weeks, I even sleep in it. This is my dearest and most unexpected surprise.

- I have a homemade recipe. My mother sometimes brews sage, pours it into molds - and in the refrigerator. And he wipes his face with the obtained pieces of ice every morning. And you know, she looks very young. My mother lives in the provinces, does not do such procedures as in Moscow, does not go to beauty salons and spa centers, and at the same time remains a natural Russian beauty who takes care of herself. I am a supporter of the opinion that the best medicine is sleep and a cheerful mood. The eyes should burn and shine from inner harmony. And for this you need to surround yourself with positive people.

As soon as Anastasia Spiridonova appeared on the air of the "Voice" show, she immediately became a star. The audience fell in love with the artist for her bright personality and strong voice. Despite the demand for the profession, the singer tried not to advertise the details of her personal life.

“Young, beautiful and happy. Now we are a family, ”said the excited bride.

A little later, Anastasia revealed some of the details of the celebration. As it turned out, the lovers were married in the center of wooden architecture, where all the buildings are made of timber.

The ceremony was attended only by the closest and dearest people, and the holiday itself lasted two whole days. During this time, not only friends, but also real Cossacks managed to congratulate the lovers.

The performance of the Cossack ensemble became one of the highlights of the holiday. A little later, the artists presented the groom with a hat and a burka, and Anastasia a Cossack scarf. Spiridonova's longtime friend Sergei Volchkov, who also became famous thanks to the Voice show, also spoke at the wedding.

For one of the main days in her life, Anastasia chose a snow-white dress richly decorated with lace. But Anton gave preference to a black vest, matching trousers and a white shirt. The lovers looked incredibly happy, and clearly enjoyed everything that was happening at the holiday.

Earlier, the singer said that she studied with her future husband Anton until the fifth grade. However, feelings between them flared up much later.

“Anton went to live in St. Petersburg. Many years later, fate brought us together again. And now we are the bride and groom. This is how it happens! Anton has nothing to do with the scene. All our numerous relatives will be at the wedding. For me, this is an event where everyone should get to know each other, make friends and understand that there are twice as many of us, ”the artist shared her emotions with StarHit.

Fans rushed to congratulate the 33-year-old singer on such a joyful event. In their opinion, the star looks very happy next to a former classmate. Spiridonova herself admits that it was thanks to the chosen one that she believed in true love, and now she intends to do everything possible to create a cozy family nest.

Spiridonova Anastasia is a young and very talented performer who became popular thanks to her participation in the television project "The Voice". Bright, sincere, charming - she has an amazing voice and incredible efficiency. Today is our story about her.

First steps to success

Anastasia Spiridonova was born in January 1986 in Kazakhstan, but later her family moved to Russia, to the city of Velikiye Luki. The girl was musical since childhood, she was attracted by the mysterious world of sounds, and she enjoyed studying with teachers in the city vocal studio "Terminal" for eight years.

Anastasia knew what she wanted from life, and every time she made her choice consciously. Her musical career began in 2007 with participation in the STS television project STS Lights a Superstar. During the TV show, a musical group was formed with the playful name "Los Devcha tos", in which, in addition to Spiridonova, Anastasia Chevazhevskaya and Victoria Zhuk participated. Later, the girls together will go to conquer Moscow.

Simultaneously with attempts to achieve success on television programs, the future star did not forget about the educational process. In 2008, Anastasia Spiridonova, whose biography until that moment was associated only with the Terminal music studio, became a graduate of the GMKEDI pop and jazz college.

In 2010, the girls from the Los Devcha tos collective tried to storm the competitive selection to participate in the Eurovision song contest, however, their dream to represent their Motherland in Europe did not come true. And three years later, in 2013, the collective ceased to exist altogether.


A powerful springboard in the development of Anastasia Spiridonova as a singer was her participation in a music project on Channel One "Voice" in 2012. Anastasia recalls that time with trepidation and tells how unbearable and tiring it was to participate in the qualifying rounds and wait for her turn to go on stage. “When you are given a sticker with the number 11503, it seems to you that this will never come. However, all the stress disappears somewhere after the words of the jury that you are going to the next stage. These are incomparable sensations and emotions ... ". The girl confesses that in a week she has walked the entire Ostankino up and down and now knows every nook and cranny there.

When Anastasia participated in the "blind listening" of the TV project, she really wanted at least one of the jury members to turn to her. The girl does not hide that the opinion was the most important for her. Anastasia Spiridonova chose the composition from Tina Turner's repertoire Simply the best for her performance. Songs that are performed at the stage of "blind listening" should "catch". And Nastya was not mistaken with the choice. She created a real sensation with her performance - at the same time three teachers (except for Pelageya) expressed a desire to work with her. Spiridonova chose Leonid Agutin as her mentor, since his style of performance is closest to the girl. By the way, she later apologized to Gradsky for her choice.

Strength of mind

Spiridonova's companion in the Los Devcha tos group, Anastasia Chevazhevskaya, also took part in the Voice show. The girl was a student, but she left the project after the second musical fight. In addition, the woman was in the last months of pregnancy.

Spiridonova Anastasia got to the final of the project "Voice". She won musical duels with Zlat Khabibullin and Idelia Mukhametzyanova. However, it cost the girl incredible effort and courage.

Before the second semifinal, Spiridonova got very sick. She didn’t get sick, didn’t catch a cold, but she didn’t get sick. The girl could not rehearse, and was very worried about this. It got to hysterics. The fact is that for the performance Nastya chose a song that had to be learned very responsibly, having rehearsed every note. And Spiridonova's ligaments did not close - no singing - at the exit there was air without sound. The girl went to the performance, scrolling the words of farewell in her head - she was sure that she would have to leave the project. However, a miracle happened - Anastasia performed well, she received a standing ovation.

Life after the project

Spiridonova Anastasia reached the final along with Elmira Kalimullina and Margarita Pozoyan, however, following the results of the audience vote, she took only bronze.

After Spiridonova's Voice, it was necessary to decide how to proceed - she had to make independent steps in her career, to continue her creative growth. One thing was clear: the girl was not going to slow down. In confirmation of this, after some time the young singer had several singles - "It's easy to breathe" and "I choose you." Thanks to these compositions, Anastasia Spiridonova began to enjoy even greater success with the public. The songs chosen for the repertoire, I must say, were perfectly combined with the overall image of the singer and coincided with her vocal abilities.

This work was followed by participation in the Jazz Parking project and in the television music show "Three Chords". By the way, in addition to Spiridonova, eminent performers of domestic show business took part in the project. Among them are Irina Dubtsova, Alena Apina, Mikhail Bublik, Alexander Marshal. However, against their background, Nastya was by no means lost. She became one of the favorites of the television project.

In addition to music, Spiridonova is fond of sports. In 2014, the girl decided to test the strength of her spirit in the tenth season of the Great Races program. There is a place in Nastya's life and studies - she is a student of jazz vocal at the Academy of Music. Gnesins.

About me, men and not only

Anastasia is a very contact person. By the way, on the project "Three Chords" she got along remarkably well with all the participants in the TV show, she was praised, many masters of the Russian stage spoke kind words to the girl. The participant developed a special friendly relationship with actress Anna Ardova. And, in general, after the release of the project on the air, the number of fans of the singer's talent and just a beautiful girl Anastasia Spiridonova increased dramatically.

However, the girl has not yet met her life partner, reliable and loyal. The personal life of Anastasia Spiridonova remains a mystery. Nastya admits that many in the world of show business are perplexed how such a clever and beautiful woman has no one, many simply do not believe in it. But Nastya confirms that while she is really alone. And in the relationship between a man and a woman, he believes, there are many nuances and difficulties. To build something real, you have to work on it every day and devote a lot of time to it.

The girl frankly says that she was repeatedly offered "a hand and a heart." But after these words, for some reason, Nastya became uninteresting, and she left. Spiridonova explains it this way. When a singer falls in love, she is ready for anything for the sake of a man. However, when he stalls for time and does not take serious steps for a long time, Nastya becomes offended and uninteresting - she leaves her partner. And the girl frankly declares that she does not feel sorry for any of her gentlemen.

According to Anastasia, an ideal man should be healthy physically and mentally.