Analysis of tests in English. Development of a system for the analysis of test papers in the English language

Analysis of tests in English. Development of a system for the analysis of test papers in the English language

Analysis of test work in English in grade 7 "a"

Date: 04.10. 2016

Teacher: Arylakhova S.N.

class: 7 a

Total students: 14

Completed work: 12

Control work was carried out in 7 "a" grade. The level of knowledge in this class can be called average. The level of educational motivation is medium. The test consisted of 6 tasks:

Test results

Number of students per class

Number of students per campus

% of progress

% quality

Analysis of test work in English in 7 "in" grade

Date: 04.10. 2016

Teacher: Arylakhova S.N.

class: 7 in

Total students: 13

Completed work: 11

The test was carried out in the 7th grade. The level of knowledge in this class can be called above average. The level of educational motivation is above average. The test consisted of 6 tasks:

1 task - Degrees of comparison of adjectives

2 task - Education in the superlative degree of adjectives

3 task - Using the modal verb should and shouldh "t

4 task - Vocabulary of words: Translation from English into Russian

Test results

Number of students per class

Number of students per campus

% of progress

% quality

Typical mistakes: ignorance of grammar on the topic "Degrees of comparison of adjectives" and vocabulary - ignorance of translations of some English words.

Reasons: a consequence of irregular homework by some students; failure to comply with the teacher's requirements (get a dictionary, learn words by heart, learn English grammar, etc.).

Corrective work plan: take into account the nature of the mistakes made; organize work to eliminate gaps in knowledge by assigning additional classes for low-performing students; repeated control of vocabulary for the entire class; training in the formation of degrees of comparison of adjectives; strengthen control over homework.

Analysis of the test in English in the 7th grade

Date: 04.10. 2016

Teacher: Arylakhova S.N.

grade: 7g

Total students: 16

Completed work: 15

The control work was carried out in the 7th grade. The level of knowledge in this class is average. The level of educational motivation is medium. The test consisted of 6 tasks:

1 task - Degrees of comparison of adjectives

2 task - Education in the superlative degree of adjectives

3 task - Using the modal verb should and shouldh "t

4 task - Vocabulary of words: Translation from English into Russian

Test results

Number of students per class

Number of students per campus

% of progress

% quality

Typical mistakes: ignorance of grammar on the topic "Degrees of comparison of adjectives" and vocabulary - ignorance of translations of some English words.

Reasons: a consequence of irregular homework by some students; failure to comply with the teacher's requirements (get a dictionary, learn words by heart, learn English grammar, etc.).

Corrective work plan: take into account the nature of the mistakes made; organize work to eliminate gaps in knowledge by assigning additional classes for low-performing students; repeated control of vocabulary for the entire class; training in the formation of degrees of comparison of adjectives; strengthen control over homework.

Designs for 4, 7-11 classes are presented.

"Analytical report on the final test in the 10th grade 2016-2017 academic. year"

Analytical report

item: English

teacher: Nastich Anastasia Semyonovna

The purpose of the test: identification of the level of mastering of lexical and grammatical skills of students for the course of study in grade 10.

Statistical data

% of progress

% quality

The test consisted of 80 items with a choice of answer options.

Execution time: 45-50 min.

Typical mistakes were made due to carelessness and insufficient knowledge of the material. Particularly difficult was the task on grammar, namely conditional sentences with varying degrees of probability.

Correctional work plan:

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"Analytical report on the final test in grade 11 2016-2017 academic. year"

Analytical report

on the final test

item: English

teacher: Nastich Anastasia Semyonovna

The purpose of the test: to determine the level of assimilation by 11th grade students of the subject content of the English language course according to the high school program.

verifiable knowledge, skills, elements:

    the use of real and passive verbs;

    the use of modal verbs and their equivalents;

    systematization of knowledge about complex and complex sentences with varying degrees of probability.

Statistical data

% of progress

% quality

Item-by-item analysis of results

The level of knowledge is medium, the level of motivation is high.

The test consisted of 80 items with a choice of answer options and a written assignment.

Execution time: 45-50 min.

The task of writing a comment was particularly difficult.

In general, it can be noted that the students' work was performed at the optimal level of training.

Correctional work plan: take into account the nature of the mistakes made and organize work to eliminate the gaps.

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"Analytical report on the final test in grade 4 2016-2017 academic. year"

Analytical report

on the final test

item: English

teacher: Nastich Anastasia Semyonovna

The purpose of the test: Determine the level of assimilation by grade 4 students of the subject content of the English language course according to the primary school program.

verifiable knowledge, skills, elements:

    the skill of using verbs in the present simple and present extended tense;

    the use of prepositions of place;

    the use of the comparative degree of adjectives;

    the use of verbs to be and modal verbs;

    the use of a simple future and a simple past.

Statistical data

% of progress

% quality

Item-by-item analysis of results

The level of knowledge is medium, the level of motivation is high.

The test consisted of 5 tasks:

    write a letter to a friend.

Typical mistakes were made due to carelessness and insufficient knowledge of the material. Particularly difficult was the task of writing a letter to a friend.

Correctional work plan: take into account the nature of the mistakes made and organize work to eliminate the gaps.

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"Analytical report on the final test in the 7th grade 2016-2017 academic. year"

Analytical report

on the final test

item: English

teacher: Nastich Anastasia Semyonovna

The purpose of the test: identification of the level of lexical and grammatical skills of students for the course of study in grade 7.

verifiable knowledge, skills, elements:

    the use of active verbs;

    the use of subordinate clauses of time and conditions;

    the use of dividing questions;

    usage and modal verbs.

Statistical data

% of progress

% quality

Item-by-item analysis of results

The test consisted of 45 items with a choice of answer options.

Execution time: 40-45 minutes.

Typical mistakes were made due to carelessness and insufficient knowledge of the material. Particularly difficult was the task of listening and writing a travel story.

In general, it can be noted that the students' work was performed at the optimal and acceptable level of training.

Correctional work plan: take into account the nature of the mistakes made and organize work to eliminate the gaps.

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"Analytical report on the final test in the 8th grade 2016-2017 academic. year"

Analytical report

on the final test

item: English

teacher: Nastich Anastasia Semyonovna

The purpose of the test: determination of the level of lexical and grammatical skills of students for the course of study in grade 8.

verifiable knowledge, skills, elements:

    the ability to use articles;

Statistical data

% of progress

% quality

Item-by-item analysis of results

The level of knowledge is satisfactory, the level of motivation is satisfactory.

Execution time: 40-45 minutes.

Typical mistakes were made due to inattention or insufficient knowledge of the material. Particularly difficult was the task of listening and writing a grammatical exercise, namely the correlation of sentences in the active and staging voice.

In general, it can be noted that the students' work was performed at the optimal permissible level of training.

Correctional work plan: take into account the nature of the mistakes made and organize work to eliminate the gaps.

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"Analytical report on the final test in the 9th grade 2016-2017 academic. year"

Analytical report

on the final test

item: English

teacher: Nastich Anastasia Semyonovna

The purpose of the test: to determine the level of mastering of 9th grade students of the subject content of the English language course according to the secondary school program.

verifiable knowledge, skills, elements:

    Skill of working with active verbs;

    the use of degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs;

    the ability to use articles;

    the skill of correlating sentences in real and staging voice.

Statistical data

% of progress

% quality

Item-by-item analysis of results

The level of knowledge is average, the level of motivation is average.

The test consisted of 30 items with a choice of answer options, reading the text with a choice of the specified sentences and listening.

Execution time: 40-45 minutes.

Typical mistakes were made due to carelessness.

Of particular difficulty was the task of listening and writing a grammatical task, the use of the passive voice and indirect speech.

In general, it can be noted that the students' work was performed at the optimal level of training.

Correctional work plan: take into account the nature of the mistakes made and organize work to eliminate the gaps.

The analysis of independent and test work at school is an integral part of intra-school control.

The analysis of students' written works is of great importance, since on its correctness and timeliness depends on the ways of adjusting the knowledge, skills and abilities of students obtained in the study of a certain material.

Experiencing difficulties in the correct and high-quality conduct and execution of the analysis of written works of students and due to the lack of the required amount of available information in this area, I began to develop a system for the analysis of written works in the English language. In this article, I present table templates for quantitative and qualitative analysis of test papers for teachers teaching English in primary school and working with the “Enjoy English” teaching and learning method. I think that each teacher can change the content of these tables in accordance with the content of the work that he plans to analyze.

The relevance of studying this problem is increasing in connection with the increased requirements for the quality of education for the school. This work facilitates the teacher's work and timely correction of students' knowledge.

In the “Enjoy English” teaching and learning complex (grade 2), the educational material is structured by academic quarters. At the end of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters, students are expected to complete test tasks from the "Progress Check" section, which allow them to assess the communication skills of younger students in listening, reading, writing and speaking, to make sure that they have mastered the basic language and speech material. Control is primarily aimed at identifying the achievements of schoolchildren.

So, in 2 grades, we carry out 3 tests per year: in the 2nd quarter Annex 1, in 3 quarters Appendix 2 and in the 4th quarter Appendix 3.

In 3 classes - 4 tests per year: in 1 quarter Appendix 4, in the 2nd quarter Appendix 5, in 3 quarters Appendix6, in 4 quarters Appendix 7, Appendix 8. Separately, you can analyze the work in parallel classes Appendix9... In addition, the total mark for the test work consists of five marks for completing individual tasks: for listening, reading, writing and speaking, for the development of lexical and grammatical skills and is their arithmetic mean.

In 4 classes - 4 tests per year: in 1 quarter Appendix10, in the 2nd quarter Appendix11, in 3 quarters Appendix12 and in the 4th quarter Appendix13... You can also separately analyze the work in parallel classes Appendix14... Test tasks are given in the workbook. The total mark for the performance of the test is made up of four marks for the performance of individual tasks (tasks for listening, reading, writing and speaking) and is their arithmetic mean, rounded off according to the general rules.

The calculation formulas are as follows:


  1. Biboletova M.Z., Denisenko O.A., Trubaneva N.N. Book for the teacher to the textbook "Enjoy English" for the 2nd grade of educational institutions. Title Publishing House, 2007.
  2. Biboletova M.Z., Denisenko O.A., Trubaneva N.N. Book for the teacher to the textbook "Enjoy English" for grade 3 educational institutions. Title Publishing House, 2007.
  3. Biboletova M.Z., Denisenko O.A., Trubaneva N.N. Book for the teacher to the textbook "Enjoy English" for grade 4 educational institutions. Title Publishing House, 2008.

According to the order of the Department of Education of the Autonomous Okrug dated January 23, 2017 No. 87 "On the implementation of the regional system for assessing the quality of education for 2017 - 2021", in the Novoportovsk boarding school from October 19 to October 24, 2017, diagnostic work in the English language was carried out in 5 grades ...

The purpose of this diagnostic work is to determine the level of mastering of the subject content of the English language course by 5th grade students in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education.

With the help of this work, the individual general education in the subject "English" of students graduating from primary school, and the quality of mastering the planned learning outcomes of the Federal State Educational Standard of primary general education in the subject "English" were assessed.

The diagnostic work consisted of two parts: written and oral. The written part included tasks on listening, reading, grammar and vocabulary, writing. The oral part tested the communicative skills of students in speaking (monologue speech).

The diagnostic work presents two levels of complexity: 1 - basic level, 2 - advanced level to differentiate students by levels of foreign language proficiency. The level of difficulty of the tasks was determined by the levels of complexity of the language material and the tested communication skills, as well as the type of task.

Table 1

Distribution of tasks for diagnostic work by sections

Distribution of tasks for diagnostic work in sections No.

Number of tasks


Job type


Multiple Choice Assignments

Multiple Choice Assignments

Vocabulary and grammar

Short answer assignments, multiple choice assignments

The task with the expanded answer


The task with the expanded answer


table 2

Distribution of tasks by difficulty levels

Table 3

The percentage of the maximum score for tasks of a certain difficulty level

Analysis of the results of grade 5a ( I group)

Date: 19.10.2017 year

Class: 5а (I group)

Number of participants: 8 students

Teacher: Mirskikh O.V.

Table 4 Analysis of the results of the diagnostic work in terms of language aspects

Student FI

Section 1


Section 2

Section 3

Vocabulary and grammar

Section 4

Section 5


Number of points /% of completion


Points accumulated/ maximum number of points for tasks

(% of work done)

2 /4 (50%)

2 /4 (50%)

1 /5(20%)

2 /5 (40%)

3 /5(60%)

4 /5(80%)

14 (50%)

4 /4 (100%)

3 / 4(75%)

5 /5 (100%)

4 /5 (80%)

5 /5 (100%)

5 /5(100%)

26 (93%)

3 /4 (75%)

4 /4 (100%)

1 /5(20%)

2 /5 (40%)

5 /5 (100%)

5 /5(100%)

20 (71%)

3 /4 (75%)

3 / 4(75%)

3 /5 (60%)

3 /5(60%)

4 /5(80%)

16 (57%)

2 /4 (50%)

1 /5(20%)

2 /5 (40%)

5 /5 (100%)

4 /5(80%)

15 (54%)

4 /4 (100%)

3 / 4(75%)

2 /5 (40%)

4 /5 (80%)

3 /5(60%)

4 /5(80%)

20 (71%)

3 /4 (75%)

2 /4 (50%)

1 /5(20%)

1 /5(20%)

2 /5(40%)

4 /5(80%)

13 (46%)

2 /4 (50%)

1 /4 (25%)

2 /5(40%)

3 /5 (60%)

3 /5(60%)

3 /5 (60%)

15 (54%)

Average result

on the linguistic aspect

65% / 62%

The results of diagnostic work in English in grade 5a (group I) are as follows: "Listening" - 72%, "Reading" - 75%, "Vocabulary" - 33%, "Grammar" - 53%, "Writing" - 73%, "Talking" - 83%, the overall result of the work was 62%.

Students have reached an optimal level of mastery in the language aspects "Speaking", "Reading", "Writing", "Listening". This suggests that the students have sufficiently developed the skills of listening and understanding foreign language speech, and isolating the requested information (listening). In the aspect of "Reading", the students also demonstrated sufficient skills in working with the text, finding the requested information. In the linguistic aspect of "Writing", the students showed a sufficient degree of ability to use their vocabulary necessary to reveal the answer to a question, an accurate choice of words and adequate mastery of lexical compatibility, as well as competent and appropriate use of grammatical structures. In the linguistic aspect of "Speaking", the students demonstrated good ability to build a monologue statement based on the plan, presented in the form of questions within the framework of the proposed topics "School", "Seasons".

The results in the linguistic aspect "Vocabulary" are at a problem level. Students find it difficult to read the text with gaps in words, as well as independently choose the right words to fill in the gaps in the test. This indicates a small active vocabulary of students. The results on the language aspect "Grammar" are at the minimum level. Students hardly distinguish the present simple tense (The Present Simple) from the past simple (The Past Simple), as well as from the simple future tense (The Future Simple), they are guided in the degrees of comparison of adjectives, the students have great difficulties with the use of articles.

Trouble register

the results of diagnostic work in English

5a grade students (Igroup)



job number

Verifiable content items and activities

Proportion of students who completed

with the task

Ways to solve problems

Difficulty level


Listening and comprehension of the main content of small texts (dialogues), built on familiar linguistic material.

Basic (75%)

Basic (62.5%)

Basic (87.5%)

Increased (62.5%)

To develop listening skills, it is necessary to use in work with students: a) exercises aimed at developing the mechanism of auditory perception;

b) exercises to develop understanding of what was heard. Such as:

  • listen and delete from this list the words found in the text;
  • listen and insert these words into the gaps in the text (words are given out of order);
  • listen and find errors (errors must be lexical or grammatical);
  • replace the underlined words with words from the audio recording;
  • listen and cross out the extra word in the sentence;


Reading to oneself a small text, built mainly on the studied language material and understanding the requested information

Basic (62.5%)

Basic (75%)

Base (37,5%)

Increased (62.5%)

To develop skills in working with text, it is necessary to use the following techniques in working with students: Pre-text stage: "brainstorming", forecasting, associations with an illustration or text title, identifying students' knowledge of the problems raised in the text, answers to questions. Text stage:

choosing the title of the text, arranging paragraphs in order in accordance with the text, filling in gaps, correct and incorrect statements, selection of sentences from the text to certain pictures, logical regrouping of sentences, etc.


Restoring a coherent text in accordance with the educational problem to be solved

Base (37,5%)

Basic (50%)

Base (25%)

Elevated (25%)

Base (25%)

To develop lexical skills, it is necessary to use the following techniques in working with students:

  • The use of poems, rhymes, tongue twisters in the classroom. Select rhymes in which either a new word or lexical units are found that need to be repeated and well fixed in the children’s memory. For 2-3 lessons, a poem or rhyme is repeated, the pronunciation of sounds is corrected. This type of work can be turned on at its different stages; it serves as a kind of recreation for children. From time to time, you can arrange contests, who knows more poems and rhymes, who can say a tongue twister better and faster than others.
  • Work on reference signals that simplify the process of perceiving educational material by creating visual images and arranging them into interconnected logical blocks. This method allows students not only to mechanically memorize and vocalize the text, but to think in language, to build independent speech utterances themselves, not copying the proposed text, but enriching it in accordance with their life ideas and experience.
  • Using lexical games.


Recognition and use of studied grammatical phenomena in speech:

ü use of the article;

ü use of degrees of comparison of adjectives;

ü use of the present simple tense;

ü use of the future simple tense;

ü use of the past simple tense;

Base (37,5%)

Basic (62.5%)

Basic (75%)

Basic (62.5%)

Elevated (37,5%)

To develop grammatical skills, it is necessary to use the following techniques in working with students:

  • teach students to recognize grammatical structure. Students can be offered to read aloud and silently texts where there are sentences with a structure that is being studied;
  • Repetition of a foreign language speech for the speaker; exercises for the development of speech hearing, for training memory, for training probabilistic forecasting in the logical development of an idea, which involve the ability to complete a phrase;
  • Use imitation, substitution, transformational exercises. As well as playful exercises.


Modeled on a short letter to a foreign friend

Basic (73%)

To develop the skills of writing a personal letter, it is necessary to use the following techniques in working with students:

  • To continue the study of the constituent parts of the structure of the letter, students are invited to draw up a diagram in order to further memorize the correct design of the letter. At the first stages of training, this scheme serves as a support, in the future, all this is simply remembered. It is important to present students with the requirements for writing a letter. Pay attention to language and style, phrases and expressions typical of colloquial speech. The form of an appeal in a personal letter differs significantly from an appeal in a business letter. It is necessary to teach where and how this record is made out. There are many different options for greeting, and this is the beginning of the letter, its first sentences. Together with the students, compose a set of phrases and expressions that act as a greeting. If necessary, students draw up support cards with these proposals for further use.
  • In order to complete the letter, work is also carried out on the selection of appropriate phrases and expressions, support cards are drawn up for primary use and subsequent memorization. Remember how to complete the letter and where to sign. Each type of writing is characterized by certain lexical material. It is possible to develop the ability to write personal letters from elementary school.
  • A prerequisite is familiarization work with the criteria for assessing the performance of tasks in the field of solving a communicative task, when organizing the text, when choosing lexical and grammatical material, when using spelling and punctuation. Systematic work on the development of skills in writing letters, the presence of diagrams, supports, tables, memos, knowledge of the requirements for the content of the letter, knowledge of the assessment criteria will help to remove certain difficulties in writing a personal letter.


A monologue statement based on a plan presented in the form of questions.

Basic (83%)

To develop speaking skills, use the following techniques in working with students:

  • create a sufficient level of support for the content, language and speech plan;
  • in the lessons to rely on the formed lexical and grammatical skills within the framework of the studied topic
  • make the most of speech cliches, introductory structures, response cues;
  • to correctly select texts for reading and listening, which will ensure the filling of information gaps and the necessary set of language and speech means for the problem under discussion;
  • ü the proposed tasks must be built taking into account the real information stock of students
  • take into account interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary connections;
  • use verbal supports (diagrams, tables, plans with keywords, supporting notes), as well as non-verbal supports (pictures, music);
  • create game situations where the level of motivation is high enough - if one person speaks, then the rest are not excluded from the general mode of work, but perform other speech actions: they listen, write down, write out, count, sketch.