Natalia bardo's american dream Natalia Bardo: “Both husband and child came into my life suddenly Marius Weisberg now

Natalia bardo's american dream  Natalia Bardo: “Both husband and child came into my life suddenly Marius Weisberg now
Natalia bardo's american dream Natalia Bardo: “Both husband and child came into my life suddenly Marius Weisberg now

I congratulate you on the premiere of the film "Grandmothers of Easy Behavior". In whose head was the enchanting scenario born about a swindler hiding in the guise of a grandmother from bandits in a nursing home?

The idea was suggested by Sasha Revva, who loves to reincarnate. He told me all the time: "Marius, let's do something together, I have an idea - I'm a grandmother, I'm going to a nursing home." To be honest, for a long time I did not know how to approach this story. At some point, I realized that if you make him not quite an old grandmother, but one like Barbara Streisand, and take Sasha's own mother as a prototype, then you can get a very funny, fashionable and fresh story. I started working on the script, and for a long time we brought it up to standard. It is clear that there is nothing new in the concept itself, because the artists have been dressing up as women since the days of “There are only girls in jazz”. The hardest part was making a really fresh film on an old theme.

- What do you remember about the shooting?

For me it was an extremely difficult film from a technical and production point of view. It has a lot of tricks, plastic make-up, which took two and a half hours of a shooting day, many objects, elderly artists. Moreover, we started filming in the fall, and she instantly, almost two weeks after the start of filming, turned into a fierce winter.

With rain, hail, blizzard and frost ...

In the scene where Natasha leaves the entrance with a suitcase, we had to literally break, melt the ice, remove the snow from under our feet and cover the ground with golden leaves.

A piece of autumn was recreated in the yard, and it was winter all around, and I was standing in a summer coat, waiting for Sasha Revva. Or there was also a scene after which I fell ill with a sore throat - where I climb out into the hatch of a car flying at a breakneck speed in the frost. I asked Sasha not to accelerate, but he was driving 70 km / h. I have a bottle of champagne that almost freezes, sticks to my hand, wild cold, and I shout: "We are happy, we are rich!" There are two blankets wound on the back - it's not easy to stick out of the hatch of a car at such a speed when the wind just beats you to the hatch. We did several takes, and as a result, I got a big bruise on my back, no blankets saved me.

- Did you work together for the first time as a director and an actress?

Yes. By the way, when Marius and I met, it turned out that I had watched his films, but did not know that he was their director. He saw me somewhere, but did not understand that I was an actress. It so happened that at first we started a personal relationship. And only then, after a while, Marius began to try me on his projects.

Natasha turned out to be an excellent comedic actress. To be honest, unexpected, in my opinion, even for herself.

In "The Grandmother of Easy Behavior" my role is small, but quite bright. I play a swindler's accomplice - the hero of Sasha Revva, trying to throw him for money. And Marius only later, after completing the filming, realized that comedy was mine, and I understood that too. And in January another film by Marius is released - "Night shift", where I have the main role. I'm playing a stripper there. For this project, I learned to dance on a pole.

- Marius, I remember you said not so long ago that you were going to make a thriller. Ready to change your favorite genre - comedy?

The story is completely unique. I ran after this Hollywood script for four years, trying to buy the Russian-language rights to it. And finally, the writer gave me the rights to the Russian-language remake. I will start filming next spring. The main role will be played by Sasha Petrov, I also want to invite Yevgeny Mironov. I have not yet decided on the heroine: the producers are talking about Sasha Bortich, I, in principle, do not mind - I like the actress Bortich.

- What is the story about? Do you already have a name?

The movie is called Down. A story about two young happy newlyweds who are waiting for their honeymoon. The guys run into the registry office, sign, then run for money to their dad - a girl from a wealthy family, happy, kissing, taking pictures of each other on an iPhone - in general, complete happiness. They run into the elevator of a skyscraper, and a third, a man, enters with them. They go downstairs in the elevator and get stuck on some floor, the three of them in this elevator, are late for the plane. At first, all the giggles are hakhanks, they try to call the dispatcher, but at some point they realize that they are stuck for a reason and that this man is with them for a reason ... her into the dramatic plane. That is, I hope that I will be able to create a sense of drama, with a philosophical overtones about what a family is, what true love is, how it differs from the first happy family year, when butterflies are in the stomach.

Two halves of one whole

- Probably, it is difficult to be together all the time, both at work and at home?

We two Aries are very similar in many ways, and recently we often understand each other without words. Marius can say: "You know, it seems to me, this is where this is needed, you can hang this here ...". I say, “Okay,” without asking unnecessary questions, because I understand what he is talking about. That is, we think in unison, live, work, love. For me, family is a priority, despite the fact that the work is in full swing and the character is not easy, but Marius is sympathetic to this. I am hyperactive, and, unfortunately, I do not cook at all, for me the kitchen is something very alien ... A year ago I promised myself to learn, but everything became even worse - I cook scrambled eggs, I burn them. Already completely forgotten how, although, some attempts I do, I try. Marius says to me: "Well, he poured oatmeal, poured boiling water, here's your breakfast." So I will burn myself, or pour cold water, because I forgot to press the button on the kettle to make it boil. That is, well, not mine at all. I am grateful to Marius that he is sympathetic to this. For the rest, I can do whatever I want: I organize my life in full, the garbage is thrown out on time, the house is cleaned, everything is clean, ironed, washed.

Natalya: I don't cook at all, for me the kitchen is something alien. But Marius is sympathetic to this. Photo: Andrey Salov

- That is, you are an ideal hostess in everything except cooking.

She is the perfect top manager of the farm (laughs). But it's not that important to me. That is, of course, it is important, but I understand that there are no ideal people.

- Maybe Marius is a wonderful cook?

He also does not cook, well, this is not our story. Nobody cooks here, but we are so beautiful and slender, we don't bother at all about food.
Marius: In general, I think you need to do what brings pleasure, truly inspires. A person who loves to cook, he comes to the store and thinks: "But this will be combined with this, and now I will add this." Cooking is an absolutely creative process. Natasha cannot be forcibly realized in the kitchen, she is realized in something else. For me, family is not necessarily cooking. If this aspect did not work out for my beloved woman, for me it is not a tragedy at all. There are other things in which she is beautiful as a wife.

- What talents of Natasha will you note?

Firstly, she is an absolutely brilliant repair engineer, she has golden hands. For example, Natasha can easily assemble a wardrobe, design a kitchen, her hands are already shaking, she likes it so much. And I can’t even come close to this, I don’t understand where and what to twist. Doesn't know where our tools are at home - a screwdriver, a drill. Natasha has an engineering mindset, she could be a very cool architect.

Only yesterday I collected three bookcases. Although there are masters, but I take their work away from them, I say "You screw it crookedly, slowly, I better do it myself."
Marius: And then, she is a devoted person, whom I completely trust, with whom we have absolutely the same perception of the world. And this is many times more important to me than cooking. We with her really, as they say, live in perfect harmony, we understand what someone likes, not penetrating into each other's space when it is not needed. We have found a certain harmony and symbiosis, and at the same time we live a really happy, healthy and friendly family. This is the first time in my life.

- I wonder what was your longest separation?

Marius recently left for Vyborg for a festival for two whole days, I was so bored.

Well, we parted for a long time when Natasha was pregnant and lived in our house in Los Angeles, and I worked here in Russia

- Some couples say that it is necessary to part, it is very useful for a relationship.

I used to think so too, but now I can't understand why it is necessary to part? But all the same, we part during the day - he goes to sports, I go to sports, he goes somewhere and I go about my business. But we do not have such that we get tired of each other, we feel good together. We have a feeling that we, like puzzles, in a sense, complement each other, like two halves.

I have never felt so good with a person ... Why rest when you are not tired? Moreover, I know what it means to get tired of a person. When he has a different energy, a slightly different perception of the world, and so on, then either she or you have to adjust all the time, and this happens very often.

We do not burden each other, we can be close and silent, hug, but everyone at the same time works, is busy with something of his own, I read, he does something. I can tinker in the kitchen, collect another closet, for example, Marius is editing his movie, but, nevertheless, the feeling that we are near, it is there, and this is good and comfortable. We do not hammer each other that if we meet, we must definitely solve some problems. Because I also have such a trait and Marius has it, but somehow we don't have any problems.

Marius: Natasha and I have the same worldview, and this is much more important to me than cooking. Photo: Andrey Salov

- So, in past relationships, these problems arose?

Have arisen. That is, we met: “So, we need to decide this, do something about it”. People constantly have such conversations, about jealousy, and about everyday life and something else. We do not have this at all, and, thank God, because there is neither time nor desire for this. Everyone has such a crazy life now, to find time, just to hug in silence.

Director's wife

Natasha, as the director's wife, do you have the right, as they say, on the first night - to read the script first, to choose your role?
Natasha: No, I don't want to choose a role for myself, just because I am a wife. And I say this to Marius too. I read the script and go to audition like everyone else. Although everyone says to me, "What's the big deal, all the directors are filming their wives." I will not be offended if he gives the role to another actress, and even more, I even offer him actresses.

Yes, she helps me a lot with casting.

I help with casting, I already know all the actors, and many of his acquaintances star in the lead roles. Because it is important for me that Marius has a successful project. There are roles that don't suit me, or I don't want to, or I can't play them, or I'm even afraid. There may be different situations. And then, I would not want him to have some kind of limitation - his wife ...

And I can't really imagine that I will shoot her in frank scenes ... I have serious love lines, where I need two people to have fire, romance. I will feel uncomfortable with Natasha, I cannot invest in it myself, I cannot really direct it.
- Should everything be real for you?

Yes. And here, firstly, for the actor, this is my wife, that is, he already plays in a completely different way. It turns out that there is a complete conflict of interest inside.

Of course, I don't want to participate in this either. That it was to the detriment of the film or to the detriment of the relationship. Who needs these unnecessary emotions.

But I understand, of course, that she is an actress, this cannot be avoided, but I personally am not going to take part in this myself. Natasha consults with me in any case, but we have no taboos or prohibitions.

Natasha: We have, as it were, by default, the following agreement in the family: you are wise. Everyone is responsible for himself, but everyone in his head understands how cleanly he is internally. In comedy, this is all easy, there are basically no such passions, after all, the genre is different. But now I would not want to play any difficult relationship, love, passion. I’m not ready to act in this, because I don’t know how to act and not feel, I immerse myself in the role completely. But I don't want to experience all of this, because it would be contrary to my family values. Quite a lot of other work, a different genre, where you do not need to break yourself in something and hurt a loved one.

Achieved for two years

- Readers, of course, want to know the history of your acquaintance. Who has his eye on whom?

I laid eyes on Natasha for a long time already. Although, we did not know each other, I just saw her in photographs, maybe on TV once. I wrote to her on Facebook for a while, tried to ask for a date, organize a meeting at work, no matter how, I just wanted to get to know her. I came up with various reasons, but there was complete silence for a couple of years. I thought - in a relationship, probably, he lives with someone, and I did not want to get in. But unobtrusively once every six months he wrote something, you never know, suddenly the situation will change ... Then we finally got to know each other.

We met in person at a party two years ago. I remember we were sitting with our girlfriends, and someone dragged Marius to our women's table. He sat, looked at me attentively and said goodbye, "I'll write you one more time."

Yes, she never answered me.

Natalia: we are two Aries, we are in many ways similar, and recently we often understand each other without words. Photo: Andrey Salov

- Why ignored?

Firstly, I had a relationship, and secondly, I never met on the Internet at all. I have never been attracted by the prospect, neither directorial, nor monetary, not at all, it does not matter to me. It’s just like that: I saw it, I got it, that's it. But still, fate brought us together.

- Marius wrote again, and you answered all the same?

Wrote. I already realized that it would not work out directly, I started to send me scripts, and I told him: "This is a small role, I will not play it." But he behaved so gallantly, wrote so kindly, and called for his birthday, and always called everywhere. And most importantly, unobtrusively, but regularly. And I decided that I still need to pay attention to this. She wrote: "Well, okay, we can have tea, just talk about work." We met and sat on the first date for six hours, the restaurant was closed, we were kicked out of there, and we could not stop talking. All in a heap: about work, and about prospects, and about hopes, and about dreams, and in general about everything. And there were five such dates, for five or six hours we sat, could not close our mouths for a second, and then we never parted.

I went to Kiev to shoot a movie, we talked on the phone, I flew in as soon as I could, for one day. It was such a beautiful story.

In general, he flew in the morning, flew away in the evening, walked with me during the day and left. I was in Kiev, and constantly sent flowers with postcards. An unfamiliar number called me regularly, I picked up the phone and heard: "Hello, where can I deliver flowers to you?" And all the time there were such romantic postcards if I got sick or something else. I have all preserved them.

- For you, the most valuable quality in Marius, his main character trait that won you over?

He is warm and responsible. This is something that I very rarely see in people. That is, if Marius said, he will do it. In addition, he is well-mannered, very kind, sympathetic, he will always regret. If there is any problem, he will help. If I get sick, he will run all over Moscow, buy medicines. In general, for me he is the perfect man.

- Have all these qualities been influenced by the fact that Marius has been living in America for more than 20 years?

Yes, there is merit in this. Because many Russian men are constantly looking for, it seems to me, some kind of trick: "Where is the turd here?" We all live like this: "Now something is going to happen." And he has no fig in his pocket. I also began to learn this from him, and I'm already scared, because I, too, become the same, kindness absorbs, and you already seem to be all good.

Natalya: Marius took me to Hawaii and made an offer there. It was so cool, just magical! Photo: Andrey Salov

- Where do you spend more time, where is your home now?

Previously, we lived in Los Angeles for a long time, but now there is a lot of work here. It has been six months since we settled in Moscow, we are equipping an apartment, completing the construction of a dacha.

The wedding is just around the corner

- A year ago there was information that Marius made an offer, and you are preparing for the wedding. But there is still not a word about the wedding itself. Are you still married or not?

No, we didn’t get married, but we will definitely get married. This year turned out to be very difficult in terms of work, we just physically do not have time.

Marius took me to Hawaii and made a very beautiful proposal there. It was so cool, just magical. For me, this is a very personal moment, I have told few people about it. I just posted a photo on Instagram with the date that day and wrote: "Let it stay here." We have already bought the rings, but so far there is absolutely no time.

We choose a place in Moscow, shoot ourselves. After all, we must organize everything really well, gather all our friends. And now we have a lot of things: a dacha was built outside the city, repairs in an apartment, work. But we do not have anything that is urgently needed, we have nowhere to rush, because everything is great with us. On the contrary, there will be something to expect.

We are in no hurry. The wedding will not run away from us, the rings are lying, it remains only to call friends. I am in no hurry because I am a bride. Every day I wake up as a bride. I prolong my pleasure. And this is so cool.

They wanted a daughter, but an awesome son was born

- And why has no one seen your son - Weisberg Jr., where have you been hiding him for the second year already? What's his name?

Natasha: They named Eric, in honor of Pope Marius. And our godfather is Pasha Derevyanko, our great friend. We do not hide our son on purpose, we will definitely show him, but we are waiting for some special occasion and moment for this. We already have almost all of our life in public, everyone sees everything, everyone knows everything. Somehow I want to have something of my own, so that the child does not have to be terrorized with these photographs. Because this is his world, to which we treat warmly and anxiously.

- Tell us about Eric, what is he like, who does he look like?

Natasha: Oh, he's so cool, just an angel. To be honest, I'm sometimes afraid to show it to my acquaintances. Although I am not superstitious, I think that people are all different, and there are not very kind people. I don't want any negative to be addressed to the baby. He's so cool! Looks like Maryus, a real father's son. Smiling, laughing constantly. Now Marius will show you.

Marius is leafing through photos of a charming blond toddler with long wavy hair in her phone. Little Eric is very similar to his father, but his eyes - bright blue - are like his mother's.

Marius: when I met Natasha, I immediately realized that this is the woman with whom I want a child and everything else. Photo: Andrey Salov

We have a wonderful child. But still so small, so defenseless that it is very scary to destroy the idyll where the child is in a cocoon of happiness and love ... He is happy, smiling, he is, ugh, ugh, ugh, healthy. And that's why, why should we publish his photo? I do not think that a small child should be taken somewhere, shown, because for him it is stress ... Let him mature a little, be formed. When we arrived with him from America, Eric was very little, and now I look at him and see that he has become stronger, already such an independent peasant, he walks by himself. Now I feel comfortable going somewhere with him, taking him with me, so that he can communicate with someone. A wonderful grandmother, Natasha's mother, helps us a lot. Soon my mother will fly to help.

- Did you immediately want a child, or did this news become pleasant, but unexpected?

To be honest, we didn't plan anything, it just happened. But we were so tender and touching to each other that we could not imagine that now we would do something other than give birth. In general, when I met Natasha, I immediately realized that this is the woman with whom I want a child and everything else. Maybe, again, because we are two Aries, everything is quite organic with us. We are not planning anything, we are not forcing anything. But we value some of the main things, we treat them with care, so that we do not offend each other, in no case do we hurt, we protect each other emotionally. Son for us is now the most important thing, as they say, our main common project. In Spain we conceived him. And after a while Natasha says to me: "Can you imagine ...". I exclaimed: "What a thrill!" And that's all. By and large, it all turned out so naturally that we did not have any dilemmas, we did it, gave birth, we are growing now.

- It was important to you who will be born, a boy, girls, or is it all the same?

Both wanted a girl, but an awesome boy was born, and now I can't even imagine that it could not be him ...

- Well, probably you won't stop at one child?

I just want Marius to get fat himself next time, give birth, then lose weight (laughs).

"The grandmother of easy virtue" is already in the cinema

To feel satisfaction from your achievements, you need to go through many tests and deserve them. All that comes easily and is simply not appreciated. The actress herself gradually went to fame. At first, these were episodic roles. She played her first role at the age of 14.

Now Natalia's day is scheduled literally by the minute. This is filming a movie, auditioning for a role, participating in various programs. And at the same time, she does not forget about her family. And if earlier the actress could completely devote herself to work, now she has a beloved husband and a little son. Family is not primarily for. It is the family that helps her recover from a busy day at work.

Early marriage

Natalia rarely remembers her first marriage. She believes that she was too young to understand how to behave properly with men and what to do in case of difficulties. The girl fell in love for the first time at the age of 18. In addition, she fell in love with a man who was 20 years her senior.

After meeting Sergei Rusakov, attention to the girl increased several times. The press closely followed the development of relations between a young actress and a businessman. In 2009, the couple announced their imminent wedding, and in the same year they legalized their relationship.

The first years of family life were like a fairy tale. Sergey supported his beloved in every possible way and even acted as her agent... But over time, the situation in the family became more complicated. Sergei was ready for the birth of children and waited for Natalya to give birth to his child.

At the age of 20, a girl wanted recognition and fame, not diapers and strollers. On this basis, the spouses often had scandals. The growing popularity of Natalia also added fuel to the fire. She starred a lot and therefore was very rarely at home.

A serious scandal occurred during the vacation of the spouses in Thailand. They quarreled so much that they smashed the hotel room almost completely. Then the girl decided to leave her husband... She packed her things and left without a penny. She didn't even have money for a return ticket to Moscow. Mom sent her the money.

Interesting notes:

Then the couple faced a long divorce proceedings, which lasted two years. The former spouses shared some kind of joint property, although in fact it was not important to them. They just didn't want to let each other go.

American Dream - Marius Weisberg

Even those who are far from the world of cinema probably watched the comedy "8 ​​First Dates" or "Love in the City". He is the director of these light and kind comedies.

Marius gained popularity after the release of these comedies. Many criticized him for such films, citing the fact that they do not make sense. Many people fell in love with these comedies. And as the director himself says, no matter how criticized him, the films were a commercial success and the costs for them were able to pay off several times.

Now the director lives in America, where he moved immediately after graduating from VGIK to further study directing skills. There he met the charming American Michelle Wilson. Their relationship was light and fun, like comedies that Marius filmed. The young people felt good together, but they were not going to give an official status to their relationship. After five years of relationship, they broke up, but maintained a good relationship with each other.

The next romantic relationship linked Marius with actress Ekaterina Shpitsa. They met on the set of the movie "8 First Dates". For a long time, the couple hid their relationship, since at that time the girl was officially married. After Catherine's divorce, the couple confirmed their relationship, but they did not last long. Less than a year later, the lovers broke up and chose to remain friends.

After Maryus was credited with many novels, including with Vera Brezhneva but they all ended quickly. Everything changed after the director met Natalia Bardo.

Director in love

Marius and Natalya hid their relationship for some time after they met. They became known much later, when the girl moved to America to live with her beloved. The couple lived in a civil marriage and did not think about the wedding.

Natalia led a luxurious life in America, rode expensive cars, and attended private parties with her friends. She posted photos about this on social networks. But, at a certain point, the number of photographs decreased. In those few published photos, the actress was captured to the waist. Then everyone started talking about Natalia's pregnancy.

Their guesses were confirmed. In 2016, a son was born to Natalia and Marius in one of the elite American clinics. But the parents did not immediately share this good news with the fans. This became known when the baby was two months old.

This was followed by a no less joyful event in the life of the couple. Natalia received a marriage proposal from the director. She informed the fans about this by posting on the network a photo of a wedding bouquet and a wedding ring.

Now Natalia and Marius are happily married. They found a balance between family relationships and work and, by their example, proved that it can be combined.

Marius Weisberg

The first thing that attracts in Marius Weisberg is his charm and cheerfulness. For a long time, the director lived in Hollywood, and the Russian audience presented such comedy films as Love in the City, franchises about dating and Hitler Kaput! In addition to his works in secular circles, Marius is known as the conqueror of women's hearts. But the actress Natalia Bardo has become much more than just a hobby. The director is ready to offer his beloved woman both a hand and a heart.

In this case, I just want to exclaim: how small the world is! Last summer, we talked with Natalia, did a great interview. The actress spoke fondly about the man she was in love with, but did not mention his name. Then we could not even think that we are talking about Marius Weisberg. However, at the GQ Man of the Year ceremony, the director appeared with Natalia Bardo. “Everything is serious and exclusive with us,” they commented, laughing. And the skeptics soon became convinced that this is indeed the case. It seems that on the eve of his 45th birthday, Marius finally found his love. And I am ready not only to become an exemplary family man, but also ... a caring father.

- Marius, first of all, what is an indicator of success for you?

- Success for me is self-realization, a sense of satisfaction from my own progress. Not how people perceive you, but your own feeling, how much you meet the requirements that you make in relation to yourself.

- Your father, Eric Weisberg, was a famous film producer, worked with legendary directors. Did you choose your profession under his influence?

- Yes. My father was the director of several films by Andrei Tarkovsky, including "The Mirror", "Andrei Rublev", Sergei Bondarchuk. Our families were friends with both the Mikhalkovs and Andron Konchalovsky. I grew up on film sets. Of course, this profession seemed fabulous to me. In addition, I am a humanitarian by nature: I was good at languages, I wrote poetry, literature was one of my favorite subjects.

- Wasn't it scary to embark on this path when you see talents of such magnitude nearby?

- I was a very confident young man. (Laughs.) And this bravado helped in the early stages of life. But fears, of course, were present. First, they were caused by the pope himself: he, like no one else, understood all the responsibility that this profession entails, and the level of competition in it. The directors have great nervous and physical stress, as a result, health problems. Like any Jewish dad, he tried to warn me, save me from stress. But I was very stubborn, I am Aries by the sign of the zodiac, so I listened, listened, but did everything in my own way.

- Did you enter VGIK right away?

- I myself went through the first two rounds. He entered under his mother's surname Balciunas. Dad didn't even know that I had submitted documents there. But at some stage, Vladimir Naumovich (Vladimir Naumov, head of the course. - Author's note) found out that I was the son of Weisberg, from a film family. They said to me: why were you silent? And after that, everything became easier. But my dad was very impressed that I went through these two tours myself.

- And why did you start this intrigue? Did you want to test your strength?

- Yes, I didn't want my dad to know about it. Because it turned out that in this way I kind of ask him for help. And I wanted to prove that I can do it myself. To some extent, I succeeded.

- Then the aura of the romance of the profession faded?

- No, because for me everything worked out like in a movie. I studied at VGIK with pleasure, and Vladimir Naumovich believed that I had great potential. But it so happened that in the summer I had an internship with my father on Andron Konchalovsky's film "Inner Circle" and met there with the actress Lolita Davidovich. Her fiancé, Ron Shelton, came to see her, we became friends. I showed him some of my WGIK works, and he invited me to work as an assistant on his film White People Can't Jump.

- Hollywood?

- Yes. I asked Naumov for an academic leave. He said: I'll give it to you with pleasure and take it back to the course if you come, but you won't come back. And so it happened. I left and ended up in a big Hollywood production. It was 1991. For me, an unspoiled guy from the Soviet Union, everything was like a fairy tale: bright, interesting, breathtaking. I understood that I could learn a lot here, and I tried very hard. I watched how Ron worked, how he communicated with artists, producers, heads of film studios. I knew English well, so I understood everything well and absorbed it like a sponge. They also reacted with interest to me, because I was a kind of curiosity for them - a guy from the Soviet perestroika space. It was a very positive, wonderful period in my life, and I cannot say that some illusions about the profession have been dispelled. Then I entered the School of Film and Television in Southern California, everything was magical there too.

- From Moscow in 1991 to get to Hollywood is, of course, a strong shock. What struck you the most?

- Everything! The contrast was so striking in all aspects of life: completely different colors, culture, everyday life. But first of all, I was struck by the attitude of people to work. In our country, in intellectual circles, comedy as a genre is perceived condescendingly. It goes back to Soviet times, when Gaidai's paintings were considered "below the plinth." The film I worked on with Ron was also a comedy, but everyone was very respectful and responsible about the process. Every joke, comedic expression - everything was so polished, so much invested - of course, I was impressed. This was not the case in Russia then. Now the boundaries are blurring. When I am in the mid-budget Hollywood venues, they remind me of my own venue, I cannot say that there is an abyss between them. But most importantly, in Hollywood I was instilled with a professional, serious attitude towards the comedy genre.

- You didn't have to conquer Hollywood like many immigrants. You were immediately invited to work ...

- Well, the work was actually not the most glamorous. I was the director's personal assistant and was busy driving his car, bringing coffee, taking some things to the laundry. (Laughs.) But nevertheless, I understood that I was very lucky. I didn't have a work permit. I was paid in cash under the table - three hundred dollars a week, crazy money for those days. And I understood that I had a unique chance to learn something in the profession. I can't say that I got into the director's chair straight from the plane, but, probably, fate was more favorable to me than to other immigrants trying to break into Hollywood.

- When did your first success come to you?

- I made a film with Christina Ritchie "No Places", he won many prizes at various film festivals, including the Moscow one. And, I remember, I'm going from St. Petersburg to Moscow, they call me from Hollywood and say that Kevin Koestner liked my script. He wants to act and is ready to meet in two days! And when I arrived in Moscow, I immediately got on a plane and flew back to Los Angeles to meet with Kevin. It was a landmark event for me. Before that, I worked in an independent low-budget cinema, and then I went to another level, met all the big "Hollywood bigwigs" - agents, producers. I wanted to pinch myself to check if this was a dream.

- The film was released?

- No, alas. For another couple of months we worked directly with Kevin - finalizing the script for him. The film has already passed the preparatory period, but the film producers did not agree on the issue of the fee, as a result, Kevin even sued this company. I was also paid money for the script. There is still a lot of interest in the film. Maybe it's for the best that at one time it was not removed. Then it was out of the question that I directed it myself. Now I can do it.

- What was the reason for your decision to work in Russia?

- Gradually I began to understand that my path is a comedy. But in Hollywood, in order to withstand the competition, one must not only perfectly know the language, but also understand the mentality. After all, humor is closely related to cultural roots. Yes, I wrote and sold scripts, but at some point I realized that I was competing with people who are here on their native soil. It turns out that already at the start I give them a huge head start. Then a very tragic event happened in my life - my father died. I came to Russia for his funeral and ... received an offer to make a Russian-language film. In the end, all this resulted in such a long-lasting story.

- The fact that you work in the genre of comedy is connected with your character - light, funny? Or do you think that the viewer still goes to the cinema for entertainment?

- No, I do not shoot comedy out of the conviction that cinema exists to entertain a person. In fact, a film is the equivalent of communicating with a person, a director. And we all perceive life differently. If Andrei Zvyagintsev sees everything in gray-cold tones, the same James Brooks, whom I love very much, believes in goodness, in the best in people, in the bright side of their nature. Both are very talented artists who impose their point of view on the viewer. My vision of the world is much closer to that of James Brooks.

- Recently the movie "8 Best Dates" was released. There were already "8 ​​first" and "8 new". Why are you filming a sequel and what are these stories about for you?

- About faith in the best that is in us: the celebration of love, humanity and freedom of spirit. This is if it is global. As for the dating franchise, all three stories are completely different. If you call them differently, they will be completely independent of each other. Especially Best 8 Dates, which has nothing to do with the first two even in concept. From my “dates” and “love in the big city” I make a brand that will be recognized by the audience. The fact is that now a huge number of "plastic" comedy films are being shot in Russia, it becomes difficult to stand out in the market. We came up with such a marketing ploy. So that people, seeing the poster with a new film, understand that these are “dates”, they are always funny and pleasant. And, in my opinion, it is not at all necessary that the new picture be a direct continuation of the previous one. "

- But the actors are busy the same.

- Vera Brezhneva is already playing in the third film, not Oksana Akinshina. And the plot is not related to waking up in the same bed. If the viewer responds positively, we will continue to communicate in this way. We will make both the fourth and the fifth film. "

- Is commercial success an indicator for you that the cinema has succeeded?

- Of course. This is not only creativity, but also business. Here I will not open some sensational news. It takes money to make a good film. It is expensive and the money must be returned. So financial success is important. Creative success is a much more complex and subjective area. How many people, so many opinions. True, in the case of comedy, it's easier: if people laugh, then the film is a success.

- Do you take criticism painfully? Whose opinion is important to you?

- For a long time I have perceived cinema this way: either it is alive or it is dead. For me, all films fall into two broad categories. Zvyagintsev's paintings are not my world, I feel bad in it, but they are alive, so I consider them good. I try to saturate my cinema with life, so that it contains emotions, a pulse, and there is a broadcast of inner freedom. This is the only thing that is objective for me. Everything else is taste. Of course, like any person, I am pleased if my mother liked my film. Or close people, whose opinion is not indifferent to me. In general, I have been calm about criticism for a long time. You can't please everyone, it's a hopeless business.

- While working in Russia, are you trying to implement Hollywood standards?

- I've never been spoiled, I'm not Spielberg. It is for him that they have been building the scenery for two weeks, but he does not like some detail, and he turns around and goes home. I work in the real world. There were some things to adapt to. Firstly, everything happens much slower here. (Smiling.) Secondly, some professions are simply missing. For example, a props artist - there was no such profession here when I started. But everything was compensated by a lot of time for shooting. I shot Love and the City in twenty-three days in New York and it was stressful for me. I filmed the second part already in Moscow, it was thirty-five days, and this is a huge difference.

- The return to Russia turned out to be successful for you personally as well. You took your bride to America, Natasha Bardo ...

- Oh yeah! (Laughs.)

- Was it love at first sight?

- Honestly, I liked Natasha for a long time. We contacted on social networks, and I really wanted to meet in person. But Natasha did not give me such an opportunity. Politely declined all my tea invitations. (Laughs.) At that time, she had a different relationship. Besides, she knew my reputation and did not want to give advances to such a person ...

- Which one?

- Well, I don't know how to call myself more gently ... (Laughs.) I have developed a certain reputation, although maybe this is not entirely true. I took Natasha's decision normally, with respect. But then we crossed paths at some event, and then I decided not to miss the chance. (Laughs.) After I managed to get her out to a cafe on a date, things started to develop very quickly. Natasha perfectly suited me both in temperament and in spiritual qualities, I loved her very much. It is simply a miracle that I acquired such a dear and close person in such a short time. I thank fate for waking up together in the morning, like in a movie.

- Was it hard to reeducate?

- Yes, it’s not a boy anymore. I understand, you just can't earn such a reputation, there is some truth in this. (Smiles.) But in my heart I always wanted a normal relationship, a family. And when it didn't work out for me for some reason, I still believed in myself.

- You were already married in your student years to an American woman.

- It was a fictitious marriage. Michelle was a good friend of mine, we had an easy, good relationship. When I needed to get a residence permit in America, she offered to help. But we didn’t get married to start a family.

- Maybe you are one of those men who are attracted by an inaccessible object? And when it is conquered, does it become uninteresting?

- Well, maybe. All men are hunters by nature. But in the case of Natasha, it turned out differently. I achieved my goal, but at the same time I am happy and I do not want anything else. We have been together for almost a year, this is a long time for me. I don’t want to guess, but for now we feel good, we live and enjoy life.

- An indicator of the seriousness of a relationship is your desire to have a child. This is a huge responsibility. Are you ready for it?

- I'm ready, yes! I think I will make a good Jewish dad, caring and loving. (Laughs.)

- Have you already made Natasha an offer?

- Soon. I want all this to be somehow beautiful, like in a movie. So I'm getting ready.

- Will the wedding be in America?

- We think about it, but we haven’t decided for sure. I have many friends in Los Angeles, and my mother also lives here. But, of course, there are Natasha's parents and friends in Moscow. It will simply not be possible to bring everyone here. You may have to do two celebrations.

- Does Natasha like Los Angeles?

- Yes, it is very good here, especially in winter. (Laughs.) Plus twenty-three, next to the ocean. We live in my house, Natasha and her mother get along very well. Everyone is happy. Natasha already has friends here, she is an active, sociable person. Now he plans to go to Moscow only for work.

- Some directors are categorically against filming their wives, others are doing just that. Will you help Natasha in her career?

- As in everything in life, I stick to the golden mean. I have absolutely no prejudice about this. I do not think that Natasha needs to be shot in absolutely all of my films. But she is a talented, beautiful girl - why not invite her if there is a suitable role.

- Natasha does not give the impression of a home girl.

- Yes, it is true, she is aimed at a career. But I didn’t want a wife who stays at home. Therefore, I will give her complete freedom to do what she wants, to be realized in the profession, otherwise she will not be happy. Why do I need an unhappy wife ?!

Photo: Vladimir Vasilchikov

The famous Russian director, screenwriter and producer, author of famous parody comedies Marius Weisberg became a father for the first time. The firstborn was presented to her beloved by the actress Natalia Bardo. It is known that the boy was born in early summer in one of the American perinatal centers. The name of the newborn is still kept secret.

The journalists managed to find out that it was the birth of a child that caused Weisberg to be absent from the Kinotavr festival in Sochi in June. There was not a word in the press about Natalia's pregnancy until the very birth. The lovers preferred to stay away from prying eyes, so they did not appear at social events together, and the star gossips did not believe in the sincerity of this relationship for a long time.

However, in the fall, Marius and Natalya for the first time decided to tell about everything themselves - and gave a frank interview to OK! Magazine. “We are all in search of a soul mate, we often get burned, but we continue to believe, seek, choose and try,” Natalya said in a conversation with Vadim Vernik. “This is life. I have good intuition, I feel that whatever it is, I know for sure that this is not a passing stage for us. I don't know how else to say this. But what matters is how we feel. "

“As soon as I understand that Natasha wants to marry me, I will immediately propose to her,” Weisberg, in turn, said about the prospects of their relationship. Last spring, he really offered Natalia a hand and a heart.

The star of the TV series "Airplane Crew" spoke about the first vacation in her life, which she took recently, about the family budget and about an important secret that she used when choosing a nanny for a child.

The long-awaited premiere of the second season of the series about pilots is on the STS channel. The first season was directed by the famous director Marius Weisberg. The main role, the pilot Polina Ovechkina, is played by Natalia Bardo, who is also the wife of Maryus. We talked with Natalia about what it is like to work with her husband on the same site, and about the family life of two creative people.

- In the second season there will be more romance, more relationships, a lot of scenes outside the plane. We left the cockpit in real life, descended from heaven to earth, - says the actress. - There will be a lot of jealousy. As a result, Polina finds herself between a choice. Either she forgives Kulagin, because she loves him after all. Or you have to consider someone else. Most importantly, in the second season, my Polina has changed internally. She realized: a career is important, but it is not the most important thing in life. Realized that she wanted to love. She became more feminine, she had thoughts of family and children. She began to want it.

- You also experienced something similar in your life? For a while they lived only by work, a career, but in the end they still decided to become a mother. Or was it all more harmonious for you?

Natasha was born in Moscow. As a child, she played basketball, ballet and rhythmic gymnastics.

- No, I never had it harmoniously. I have always been a careerist, always thinking only about work. I do not hide the fact that Marius and the child came into my life very suddenly, unexpectedly. As it seemed to me at that moment, it was not even at the right time. I was approved for several major roles when I found out about pregnancy. On this occasion, I even had severe depression. It was quite difficult for me to understand that family is important, that a child is wonderful.

Understanding came only with time. Already when the child began to grow up. I just recently thought that it is impossible to be loaded with work only 24 hours a day. And for the first time in my life, I arranged for myself a month's vacation.

- And what are you doing?

- I just fly where I want, I do what I want. Or I don’t do anything at all and I don’t feel remorse because of it. I have never been able to rest. I didn't know what it was like to sit and not think about work. I didn't understand how it was at all.

Natalya regularly writes about her love for the director Marius Vaisberg on the social network.

- Son Eric spends this month with you?

- No, Erica is at home. He has his own schedule there. My trips are still work-related in one way or another. Thanks to social networks, I am invited to rest on barter. And they cannot always offer a vacation with a family, because it is difficult and expensive. Moreover, for a two-year-old child, numerous flights can be exhausting. Therefore, he is in Moscow, at home, with my mother and nanny.

- How does Marius let you go on such long trips?

- Absolutely normal, because we work together a lot. And everyone needs to rest. Now he is editing films, so he cannot leave. Surely he would be there if he could. He himself understands: why should I sit in Moscow, where the snow has already fallen, if it is possible to be at the sea? Of course, it's great at home, but why not go if there is such an offer?

But the actress still hides the face of their son Eric.

"My husband and I have a separate budget"

- You play a female pilot. Have you ever flown an airplane with a woman at the helm?

- Yes. A couple of times. It was just after the filming of the second season. After the "Awesome Crew" I began to pay attention to who is the pilot, who is the flight attendants, I began to delve into this life. I recently had a trip to France, and I saw a female pilot with the same ponytail as mine, also blonde. Like this is my heroine. It was very symbolic!

- A female pilot is still a rarity. They have to reclaim their place at the helm.

- Yes exactly. Constantly prove that a woman can also be strong, capable of making serious decisions, and be responsible. Now I just think a lot about whether a woman should be so strong? About feminism and so on ... Are those women who are fighting for independence happy, who take it all upon themselves, are in endless running like trampled horses? Over the past 12 years, I have been so tired that I seriously thought about it.

In the new season of the TV series "Awesome Crew", viewers will find a classic love triangle (pictured with Alexei Chadov).

- And where did you come to in your thoughts?

- I haven't come to anything yet. I just think about it. Although I myself live by the principle of self-sufficiency, I achieve everything myself. And my husband and I have a separate budget. I have always believed that I have to do everything myself. But now, in recent months, I am thinking about the topic: Am I really happy?

And maybe for women like me, men stop doing things? They think, “Why do it? She is all by herself, she likes independence. " And so it turns out that the man has nothing to do! A double-edged sword. It is not clear: are the men relaxed and women have become independent? Or have women become independent and thus relaxed the men?

- You have a classic film situation in your family: your wife is an actress, your husband is a director. Does it still help in work and in relationships? Or does it interfere?

- At home, we absolutely calmly talk about cinema and work, and we support each other. Many at first said: “Oh, class. Her husband is a director, he will shoot her in all films. " But in fact, I was faced with the fact that in a sense it interferes.

“A husband-director is not always a guarantee of success for an actress. Sometimes it even interferes, ”Natalya is convinced ...

- Why?

- Firstly, we are cooking in one pot, and we know everything about each other. We are missing new topics. In the evening there is nothing to discuss at home. All the talk about the same thing, you get a little tired of it. Secondly, other directors, for example, do not film me due to the fact that I am Marius' wife. And we, they say, will open new faces ... One bird told me on the tail that I was no longer perceived separately from Marius and his projects. So a husband-director is not always a guarantee of success. Of course, I would like to participate in other projects. And I think that Marius would also like to shoot new, different actresses.

- And what will you do with it?

- I recently talked with Marius that we need to slightly change the concept of working relations and try to work separately. Together, of course, great. But I want to have some other topics of conversation at home.

- He supported this idea?

- Well, it seemed strange to him, although he tried to treat it with understanding. At the same time, he continues to send me some scripts (laughs).

... although he does not refuse to work with Marius. Very soon, for example, Weisberg's film "The Grandmother of Easy Behavior-2" will be released, where Natalia is filming with Alexander Revva.

"I was in charge of people in the bank"

- You said that you were not quite ready for the appearance in the life of Marius, then Eric. Do you feel that you have changed now?

- Yes, the child gives me a lot of energy. And there is no longer this fad in my head, like many women: I'm 30, I have no children, I have to hurry. I have this fad is now closed. I definitely adore my son. For me, he is the best child, the most talented and beautiful. Everything is like any mother's (laughs). But, of course, there was more trouble. It is necessary to monitor the nannies, education, training. I have never in my life thought so much about everyday life as I began to think after the birth of a child. And I had to show my organizational skills.

- Have you already had any unpleasant situations with the staff?

- I have no problems with this, because there is a huge and very important secret in the selection of personnel. You need to take a piece of paper and write what kind of person you are looking for and what you want from him. Then, when you take a nanny to work, you need her to read and sign this piece of paper. It is important that the person understands what your expectations are towards them. And so that you understand exactly who you are looking for. You just need to be able to clearly set the task - and then there will be no problems.

- Did someone advise you this or did you experimentally come to this?

- No, I myself, intuitively. I have a love for organizing anything. And a little managerial skills. And, by the way, I am fighting in my family to ensure that the agreements are strictly implemented. For example, my mom might ask the nanny to clean an extra room or do the dishes. I swear and say that a person should not do this. He was not hired for this. He takes care of the child. And what do many people do? They hire a nanny and try to hang everything on her. It is not right. If you want to hang - pay extra. Everything must be said in advance, you cannot introduce any innovations out of the blue.

Recently, the actress took a month off and traveled the world to her heart's content.

- You also have a banking education. Does it somehow come in handy in your life?

- I always thought not. But recently I was faced with the fact that yes, it helps. When serious acting contracts began to appear, when you have to cooperate a lot with banks, count some interest - that knowledge immediately comes to mind. Plus, of course, they developed us intellectually well there. And it even helped me to enter a theater university. We were accustomed to work, it was very difficult to study. Therefore, all this probably helped. Well, again, communication with the staff. I had a practice where I was in charge of people in a bank.

- Do you have any plans to give birth to Erica brother or sister?

- No no. For now, I think I will have a lot of work to do.

- You were very worried that you would fall out of the cage due to pregnancy. And this is a fairly common story among career girls. If now you had to support your friend in the same situation, what would you tell her?

- It all really depends on the woman. There are those who are afraid of falling out of the clip, then fall out of it and are happy at the same time! They began to sleep normally at night, rejoicing that there is a child and their beloved husband nearby. We began to rest together. That is, someone gets only pleasure from this. If you don't want to fall out of the cage, then you shouldn't be afraid of it. You just have to give birth to a child, organize everything and get back to business. Now I don't see a problem here. If you do not want to fall out, this will not happen to you. There are nurseries, kindergartens, nannies. Everything can be solved.

Another question, when, in principle, I was thinking about the child, I decided for myself that I would become a mother rather late. And she planned to raise the child herself, without nannies. It seemed to me that the nanny is bad, that the child in this case grows up without parents. Now I am faced with the fact that we have a nanny. And all my fears are just fears. Eric knows I'm his mom. He loves me. And it’s complete nonsense that children are beginning to love nannies more than their parents. I know that many are afraid of this, they talk about it. This is all not true. I deliberately agreed that my child will have a nanny. And in the end, I don't see anything wrong with that. Here you have to choose. If you want to be in the cage after giving birth, of course, you need some kind of help - your parents or someone else.

- Now you have the "Fly-off Crew" coming out. What's next for the audience?

- In January there will be "Grandmother of easy virtue-2", where I took part. There is one more project that is still kept secret. And maybe there will be a third season of Flying Crew, if viewers enjoy the second.

"It's nonsense that children start to love nannies more than their parents."

- By the way, what should the audience expect in the second season?

- In the first season, my heroine fought for her place at the helm. She said: "I am not a flight attendant, I am a pilot." Polina Ovechkina is a very purposeful girl, a careerist who always wants to be the first and best, she is a really talented pilot. Apparently, genes play a role, her dad is a famous pilot. In the first season, Polina fought for a career. Although there were personal events - she fell in love for the first time in her life, became attached to a man, to Lesha Kulagin, played by Alexei Chadov. True, their feelings were not based on romance, but on the love of airplanes. In the cockpit, they constantly argued, swore, sorted out relations on various occasions. And at the same time they got to know each other so well that they realized that they could not live without each other.

In the second season, a third character appears - Lesha's brother, played by Makar Zaporozhsky. Polina will grow to the rank of first pilot, a partner is selected for her. And she is already used to flying with Kulagin, she cannot let anyone near her. Just imagine: spending hours in a confined space with some stranger is hard! On the one hand, she is very offended - after all, Kulagin betrayed her, on the other - she does not want to see anyone else nearby.

In the end, Polina finds herself in the same cockpit with Kulagin's brother, he becomes her co-pilot. Family ties are not immediately clarified. And the most interesting thing is that in the end, of course, the guy falls in love with her. It turns out a classic love triangle. And I am sure that it will be very interesting to watch its denouement!

Private bussiness

Natalia Bardo was born on April 5, 1988 in Moscow. In 2012 she graduated from the Boris Shchukin Theater Institute with a degree in acting. At the age of 14, Natalya first visited the set and fell in love with this process. At the age of 18 she first starred in Natalia Bondarchuk's film Pushkin. The last duel. " Played in the TV series "Barvikha-2", "Veronica. Lost Happiness ", in the films" Grandmother of Easy Behavior "," Night Shift "," To Russia for Love ". Natalia is in a relationship with director Marius Weisberg. There is a son, Eric.