Alexander Borisov TVC presenter biography. Dmitry Borisov - host of "Let Them Talk": personal life

Alexander Borisov TVC presenter biography.  Dmitry Borisov - host of
Alexander Borisov TVC presenter biography. Dmitry Borisov - host of "Let Them Talk": personal life

Dmitry Borisov is a Russian journalist with Ukrainian roots, a popular TV presenter, producer, handsome man, idol of many Russian girls.

Childhood travel

Borisov was born in Western Ukraine in a small town. He was brought up in a cultured, educated family. The boy's father works at the Museum of Literature, his mother is a teacher.

The day after the terrible tragedy of 1986 at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the Borisov family moved to Moscow. Having lived there not long, they moved to the Lithuanian Panevezys. The family's travels did not end there. Father Dmitry was transferred to work in distant Siberia, where he received an academic title.

Borisov junior went to school in Moscow. He learned the curriculum quickly, did not experience difficulties. He graduated from the Russian State University for the Humanities at the Department of History and Philology.

Achievements of the young journalist

Dmitry began his professional career early, when he was barely 16 years old. He got a job as a decorator at the Moscow radio station "Echo". An executive, flexible, non-conflicting guy has proven himself well. Therefore, the management offered him the position of news anchor. In addition, the aspiring journalist worked on the night air of the Silver music program in a duet with Plyushchev.

Dmitry Borisov - presenter of the First channel

For a long time, Dmitry was complex because of his young age, because all his colleagues were much older. Parents who support a talented son were able to convince the guy otherwise. By giving the example of fellow students who were just trying to take the first step in their career development.

At the age of 21, Borisov became the television presenter of the popular Russian channel. Conducted a news block 3 times a day. In 2007, Dmitry received a diploma from the Russian State Humanitarian University in the field of culture and history. The successful guy began to raise the level of knowledge in graduate school at the same university.

Dmitry Borisov Winner of the Nika Prize

The young journalist has a prestigious award - "Best Presenter". Borisov also played himself twice in films: "Black Lightning" and "Escape". In addition to fruitful work on radio and TV, Dmitry maintains his own blog in LiveJournal. The stylish guy has more than fifty thousand subscribers on social networks. In 2011, he was recognized as the best journalist for his active living journal. In the same year he was hired as a permanent member of the Vremya news program.

Dmitry Borisov host of the program "Evening News"

Dmitry leads a healthy lifestyle, goes in for sports. In 2013 he took part in the Olympic torch relay. The guy bought this trophy and keeps it for his future children and grandchildren. The next year Borisov performed in the same program only as part of the Channel One team. For his participation in the development of the Olympic Games in Sochi, he was awarded a badge of distinction.

Dmitry Borisov will replace the host Andrei Malakhov in the program "Let them talk"

In 2015, Dmitry's professional activity reached a new level. He was appointed general director of Channel One. World Wide Web ”, a structural unit of the parent company. Dmitry was nominated three times for the Teffi television award, but won the long-awaited statuette only in 2016. Success, popularity, money could not spoil the educated intellectual.

Friendly relations

For a long time Borisov was credited with a romantic relationship with the Russian singer Yulia Savicheva. Restless journalists tried to catch ambiguous gestures and hugs of young people on camera lenses. But there was no reaction and comments from either side to these attacks. Rumors were debunked after the wedding of the singer and the chosen one, which was not Dmitry.

Dmitry Borisov and Yulia Savicheva

Borisov continues to maintain friendly relations with Yulia and her husband even now. He prefers to remain silent about his personal life. It is only known that Dmitry is not in an official relationship, and he has no children.

Read about the life of public figures

Not many people know that the well-known journalist and presenter Dmitry Borisov participates not only in the release of Evening News, but has been the general producer of Channel One for several years. World Wide Web ". Among other things, several documentary films were released under his leadership.

Every day this young man spares no effort and energy in order to achieve his goals. He is good at it, because he loves his job very much. Fortunately, a lot is known about his creative biography, but Dmitry Borisov tries not to talk about his personal life, but the TV presenter does not yet have a wife and children.

Borisov Dmitry Dmitrievich was born on August 15, 1985 in the Ukrainian city of Chernivtsi in Ukraine. His parents were philologists: his mother was a teacher of the Russian language, and his father is still the head of the Museum of the History of Literature named after V.I. Dahl. By the way, for the first time his parents met within the walls of his native university. Since then, they have been happily married.

As a child, the whole family had to move to Moscow because of the terrible disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. After some time, they move to the small Lithuanian town of Panevezys. They lived there for some time, and then moved to Siberia, since Dmitry's father needed to get an academic degree.

Having visited many cities, the parents again decided to return to Moscow, where the future TV presenter went to first grade. He was very fond of reading books and listening to the radio. It seemed to him that this was some kind of magical world into which he could be transported and there would be a completely different reality. Therefore, he realized early on what he wanted to do in life. Once, when Dima was 15 years old, he sent a letter to the editor-in-chief of the radio, which described his own program plan with the following: timing, concepts, descriptions, etc.

Many did not take this idea seriously, but surprisingly, they liked the plan very much, and he was invited to talk. As a result, the guy was offered a job as a news presenter.

It was extremely difficult for him to combine work and study, but all his aspirations were not in vain. Soon he became the host of one of the music programs that he had to do at night. After leaving school, Dmitry decided to enter the Russian State University for the Humanities at the Department of Philology.

Television career

Due to the fact that the professional biography of Dmitry Borisov began early, he very quickly reached the desired heights in his career, but he had to postpone his personal life. Very soon the guy became a news presenter on radio "Echo". Once Borisov admitted to reporters that for a long time he was ashamed to name his age, because all his colleagues were much older. But after a while, he realized that his youth was only a plus: he had already achieved good indicators, but his peers were just mastering their professional career.

In early spring 2006, Borisov was invited to Channel One as a TV presenter of the evening news. A year later, the guy graduated from the university and received a philology degree. But he wanted to have a complete education, so he decides to go to graduate school.

It is worth noting that the young man always coped well with his studies, which never prevented him from achieving his goals professionally. Once the guy confessed: “Even at school there were no problems with studies, the lessons took only the first half of my day. The teachers have always supported me and helped me often. Basically, the first broadcasts took place from Sunday to Monday. A little later, of course, it was more difficult. According to the schedule, I had about 10 interviews a day, which covered a variety of topics.

But when I entered the university, the lack of free time was very felt. At 9:00 in the morning my classes began, and at 9:20 I was just finishing the broadcast. Therefore, I had to rush headlong to catch at least some pair. I received knowledge while half asleep, but in spite of this I am glad that my life turned out in this way ”.

Further professional growth

In 2008 Dmitry Borisov was awarded in the category "Best Host of the Season". Thanks to this title, the TV presenter was able not only to assert himself, but also to take an honorable place among other team members from Channel One.

In 2009 he was invited to one of the roles in the feature film "Black Lightning". Apparently, our hero liked this role so much that a year later he starred in a similar role in the crime drama "Escape". Also, the TV presenter continued to tell the news on television and radio. In addition, he became interested in creating his own blog in LiveJournal and Twitter, which very quickly gained a huge number of subscribers.

Dmitry works as a host of the program "Let them talk"

Such activity also did not go unnoticed, and in 2011 Borisov was awarded for the best microblogging.

In addition, Dmitry becomes a permanent TV presenter of the famous Vremya program on Channel One: “I have a very dynamic lifestyle, I always achieve what I want most of all. After the first broadcast, I realized that this is mine, ”Dmitry shared with reporters.

Sports Olympics

Thanks to his sports lifestyle, the TV presenter took part in the Olympic torch relay. He had a chance to run several distances, since the person to whom he was supposed to transfer the fire never showed up. After the solemn event, Dmitry bought a torch as a keepsake and plans to show the souvenir to his children and grandchildren one day.

Also, many experts were very grateful to Borisov and noted his contribution to the preparation and holding of the Olympic Games. Therefore, they decided to award him with the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, first degree.

Personal life

But, if a lot is known about the creative biography of Dmitry Borisov, then the TV presenter very carefully hides his personal life: there is no information in any source that he has a relationship, a wife or children.

Several times in the press, rumors surfaced that the announcer was meeting with the famous singer Yulia Savicheva. They met back in 2009 during a broadcast on the Echo of Moscow radio. They were very often seen together at various events. Several times in well-known publications, their joint photos appeared, in which Dmitry hugs the girl around the waist. They were very joyful and happy, which is why the journalists followed their relationship so closely.

With Julia Savicheva

In 2012, during a live broadcast on radio, Borisov sang a lyric song. According to many fans, it was performed especially for Savicheva. Then together they attended the event in honor of the release of the new album of the singer "Heartbeat". At that moment, a new wave of interest in the personal life of the announcer Dmitry Borisov came (see joint photos below). New details have surfaced in the press that young people are going to secretly legitimize their relationship.

For a long time they did not comment on these guesses in any way, but the wedding of Julia with Alexander Arshinov put everything in its place: all this time they were connected only by friendship.

After that, the public became less and less interested in the personal life of TV presenter Dmitry Borisov. It is only known that today he is not married and has no children.

Scandalous news

In 2015, many fans congratulated the host on his 30th birthday, which he celebrated with close friends and family. Based on reliable sources, at the beginning of the evening the company went to one of the capital's Time Out bars, and then they continued the celebration in an Italian restaurant, where his colleague and friend Andrey Malakhov could congratulate him.

After a while, Dmitry shared a little with journalists: “It turns out that every year I become happier and more successful. I cannot say in what way this happiness is manifested. It resembles a small patchwork quilt, which is made up of different small pieces. The most important rule to be happy is to never stop smiling! It always works with me, and my mood improves 100%. "

In addition, recently TV presenter Anfisa Chekhova was able to discourage her fans with a new photo in which Dmitry hugged her.

Most likely, they just met at some social event, since the frame clearly shows that the TV presenter is holding a glass of champagne. But soon another photo appeared, which aroused even more interest from the public. The public immediately began to speculate that Chekhova had recently had a rift in her personal life. Despite the fact that the presenters do not comment on this information in any way, we can only believe that they have the usual warm friendly relations.

TV presenter, producer of documentaries, Dmitry Dmitrievich Borisov does not advertise his achievements. However, this is a person who really influences how our television will be today and what news we can count on tomorrow.


Dmitry Borisov was born in Chernivtsi, the most beautiful city in Western Ukraine, on August 15, 1985 into a family of philologists. Mom taught people the culture of speech and the Russian language. Father to this day teaches, and is also the head of the Museum of Literature. His parents studied together at the Chernivtsi University, and there they met. Both grandfathers were military men, one was a doctor, the other was an aviator.

“I was taken to Moscow when I was less than a year old because of the Chernobyl disaster. Although Chernobyl is far from Chernivtsi, no one then knew where this would lead, ”Dmitry recalls. “Then we moved to Lithuania, lived in Panezheves. We visited Siberia. Dad was pursuing his degree there. And yet Moscow is a favorite city, my childhood passed here, ”he adds. By the time Dmitry went to first grade, his family had already settled in the capital of Russia.

First broadcasts

While still at school, Dmitry Borisov became interested in journalism and, as a teenager, already planned to work in the media field. At the age of sixteen, he first heard the broadcast of the Gazprom radio station, which was called Echo of Moscow, and became interested in this difficult job.

Youthful perseverance bore fruit - and Dmitry got the position of a radio journalist in the information service. There he also managed to work as an editor, and then received an offer to read the news feed as a presenter. In addition, he was provided with regular nighttime broadcasts: together with Alexander Vladimirovich Plushev, a popular journalist at that time, he hosted the program on music "Silver", later renamed "Argentum", and even later - "Fellow travelers".

When it seemed to Dmitry that this was not enough, he was entrusted with preparing and conducting broadcasts about show business. In this program, he talked on all sorts of topics with the most famous and interesting people. “With the work on the radio" Echo of Moscow "I managed to try myself in different qualities. The main thing, of course, remained to conduct news broadcasts, but I interviewed both presidents and movie stars. There were programs about show business, and trips to "hot spots". I have been everywhere: from Beslan to Eurovision. So much journalism has appeared in my life that I decided not to receive a specialized education at all, ”says Dmitry Borisov.

University weekdays

After school, Dmitry Borisov prudently chose the parental path, becoming a professional philologist, and in 2007 received a diploma in the field of history, culture and literature of Russia and Germany, graduating from the history and philology faculty of the Russian State University for the Humanities. Then he immediately continued his studies in graduate school at the same university, simultaneously studying French drama.

For the first time on "First"

In the spring of 2006, fate gave Dmitry a real gift: he was invited to Channel One. He began his career as a TV host with regular morning and evening news broadcasts. As the Most Outstanding Host of a Television Season, he was awarded in 2008.

Today Dmitry Borisov is a TV presenter, and one of the most successful. His main work is the global "Evening News" on Channel One, aired daily at 18:00 Moscow time. In addition, he declared himself as "the highest quality microblogger." This area is both close and interesting to him.

“I like a dynamic lifestyle, I move forward and do what I really love. Having tried myself on the "First", I realized - this is mine, "- says Borisov. It is not surprising that in 2011 his professional horizons expanded due to the Vremya news program. In it, he acquaints viewers with the latest news, invariably ending them with the phrase: “Dmitry Borisov was with you, Channel One”.

And again "Echo of Moscow"

Sufficiently positive and lightning-fast career growth did not contribute to the development of Dmitry's "star fever". On the contrary, he has become more restrained and responsible in relation to work, which has now doubled. This endless employment did not prevent the TV presenter from continuing his work on the favorite radio Echo of Moscow, although not as intensely as before.

At the disposal of Dmitry were Sunday broadcasts, in which he still talks with prominent people. This allows him to escape from the endless news and at the same time stay in the thick of things, see significant stories through the eyes of celebrities and express his own opinion about what is happening.

The beginning of an affair with Yulia Savicheva

The personal life of Dmitry Borisov has never been a secret to the general public. It was the Echo of Moscow radio that introduced him to the singer Yulia Savicheva. It happened in 2009, on the air of the "Fellow travelers" program. Then Julia Savicheva and Dmitry Borisov did not even imagine that this meeting could develop into a serious affection. The singer herself in numerous interviews adheres to the version that she first met Dmitry on the "First" TV channel while filming one of the shows.

As often happens, it all started with a banal friendship and the exchange of standard greetings. At the beginning of 2012, in the radio broadcast of the Echo program, Borisov sang a song especially for Yulia, thereby confessing his feelings to her. After which they became a couple and declared the seriousness of their relationship.

In the same year, Savicheva presented the album "Heartbeat", appearing in public, accompanied by Dmitry, who carefully hugged her around the waist. From that moment on, the couple already openly posed in front of the cameras. Smiling Yulia Savicheva and a little embarrassed Dmitry Borisov, whose photos were later massively replicated, looked quite happy and did not hide the fact that there were tender feelings between them.

Old relationships and new plans

Today Dmitry Borisov is under the scrutiny of the press, which does not miss the opportunity to find out new details of the relationship between the stars. Not so long ago, rumors circulated about their engagement. However, none of the lovers confirmed this information, although once Dmitry really said that they were planning a wedding. Perhaps Julia has not yet ended the relationship with which has been going on for more than nine years.

Olympic moments

The last bright event in the TV presenter's life was the Sochi-2014 relay, which started on the eve of the Winter Olympic Games on October 7, 2013 in Moscow. Dmitry Borisov was one of the many thousands of torchbearers. He ran with a burning torch in his hands to Prechistenskaya Embankment from “In the instructions that nice people gave me, there was nothing about how to transmit fire or how to carry the torch - in outstretched hand or holding both. It was hard, but I managed it, changed my hand and ran two distances: someone did not have time to reach their starting point. You should have seen how everyone's eyes were burning! Like a relay race is a vital matter. Later I bought this torch to show it to my children and grandchildren, ”he said.

Dmitry Borisov is a TV presenter who is called a legend. Hearing this, he humbly replies: "I am an ordinary person with a bad habit of eating fast food." He also believes that you can achieve a lot if you try. “I also love travel and can roller-skate for hours,” concludes Dmitry.

Dmitry Borisov is not only a brilliant TV presenter, but also produces modern documentaries. He was born on August 15, 1985 in Chernivtsi (Ukraine), but lives and works in Russia. Dmitry's parents are philologists, they met while studying at the university.

Dmitry was not even a year old when a terrible tragedy happened - the Chernobyl disaster. The family makes the difficult decision to move to Moscow with their son. After a while they left for Lithuania. Some time later, the family moved to Siberia. Dima at that time went to an ordinary general education school, after which he entered the Russian State University for the Humanities. Already in 2007 Dmitry was a certified philologist. However, the achieved young man thought it was not enough and he entered graduate school.

At the age of sixteen, Dmitry Borisov begins his career at the Echo radio station. His career began as a simple decorator, then he became the host of a news program.

Dmitry's television career began in 2006. On Channel One, he was the presenter of morning, afternoon and evening news broadcasts. By 2008, the young and promising presenter was awarded the Best Host of the season award.

In 2011, Borisov was appointed the permanent host of the Vremya program. Such a fast and impetuous professional development in no way contributed to the development of star fever. Dmitry always treats his tasks with particular seriousness; at work he has shown himself to be a rather restrained and responsible person.

Currently Dmitry has doubled his work: in addition to cooperation with Channel One, he continues to work on his native radio Echo. In addition, he still manages to devote time to sports, leads a fairly active lifestyle.

Dmitry Borisov prefers not to make his personal life public. For some time, the rumor was actively spread that he was preparing for a wedding with the famous popular singer Yulia Savicheva. However, not so long ago, Julia played a wedding with another person, which put all the points. Dmitry, according to the latest data, remains an enviable bachelor and has no children.

Dmitry Borisov is a journalist and TV presenter on Channel One, a producer of documentaries. Laureate of the TEFI television award.

Despite the successes already achieved in his career, he turned into a newsmaker of the Russian media space in August 2017, when it became known that it was Dmitry Borisov who was the main contender for the place of the host in the program “Let Them Talk”, freed up after the viewers fell in love with him.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Dmitrievich Borisov was born on August 15, 1985 in the Ukrainian city of Chernivtsi, into a family of philologists. The boy's mother, Elena Borisova, taught Russian language and culture, and father Dmitry Bak still runs the State Museum of the History of Russian Literature named after V.I. Dahl. Dmitry's parents met at the university, where they studied together.

When Dima was less than a year old, the family moved to Moscow, fleeing the consequences. A little later, from Moscow, the parents went with their son to Lithuania, where they settled in Panevezys. After some time, the family happened to live in Siberia, where Dmitry's father received a degree. Still, Borisov went to first grade in the Russian capital.

The future TV presenter attended school, after which he followed in the footsteps of his parents and entered the Russian Humanitarian State University, the Faculty of History and Philology.

Journalism and TV

The professional biography of the journalist began early. At the age of 16, Borisov began working at the Echo radio station. At first, the young man became an editor, and when he showed results, he was promoted to an anchor of news. Borisov also worked in tandem with journalist Alexander Plushev. On the night air, Dmitry and Alexander hosted the Silver music program together.

As Dmitry himself admitted to reporters, at the beginning of his career he was ashamed of his age for a long time, since he was younger than most of his colleagues. Later, the youth of the journalist became Borisov's trick and advantage: due to the early start of work, by the time when his peers were just starting to master the profession, Dmitry achieved career indicators.

In March 2006 Dmitry started working on Channel One. Borisov hosted morning, afternoon and evening news broadcasts.

In 2007 Borisov graduated from the university and received a philology degree. The young man became a specialist in the history and culture of Russia and Germany. After graduating from the university, Dima entered the graduate school of the same university. Continuing his studies did not interfere with Dmitry's work.

Dmitry Borisov on Channel One

Already in 2008, Dmitry Borisov was ranked among the "first on the First": the announcer was awarded the "Best TV season presenter" award.

In 2009, Dmitry played a cameo in a feature film: Borisov portrayed a news presenter in the fantasy action movie Black Lightning. A year later, the directors offered a similar role in the crime film Escape.

Dmitry Borisov in the film "Black Lightning"

Dmitry Borisov continued to tell the news on TV and radio. In addition, the journalist maintains a popular blog in LiveJournal and an account in the microblogging service "Twitter"... Borisov's Internet activity has also earned recognition. In 2011, he won the Runet Prize for Best Journalist Blog.

Since 2011, Borisov has become the permanent host of the Vremya program.

Dmitry leads an active lifestyle, so it was not surprising that he participated in the Olympic torch relay, where he ran 2 distances. The person to whom the TV presenter was supposed to pass the torch did not appear in the right place, so Borisov continued the race. Later in an interview, the TV presenter admitted that he bought the torch as a keepsake and plans to show the souvenir to children and grandchildren one day.

In 2014, Borisov was included in the Olympic team of the First Channel in Sochi. Experts noted that Dmitry Dmitrievich contributed to the preparation and holding of the Olympic Games, after which he was awarded the Order of Merit to the Fatherland, 1st degree.

In October of the same year, Borisov became a guest of the Good Morning program on his already native First Channel and told viewers about television secrets, the costs of the profession and favorite streets for walks and rollerblades.

In 2015 Dmitry Borisov became the general producer of Channel One. World Wide Web ”, a subsidiary branch of the channel, created 20 years earlier to broadcast on different continents.

Borisov worked to strengthen the position of the Digital Television Family of Channel One, a project of this company in the field of non-terrestrial television, in the information market. The Digital Television Family already includes 6 thematic channels: Music of the First, Dom Kino, Dom Kino Premium, Telecafe, Vremya and the relatively new Beaver, which Borisov took part in. Dmitry himself has repeatedly noted in an interview that the new position is not easy, but interesting.

At this time, Dmitry combines his work as a producer with the work of a TV presenter, despite the workload in specific areas. Borisov stayed on the air and continued to run Vechernie Novosti as usual.

In 2016, Borisov became a laureate of the TEFI television award in the nomination “News program presenter”. Prior to that, Dmitry had already been among the finalists of this award 4 times, but this was the first time he received the coveted statuette.

In the same 2016, the presenter took part in the popular entertainment TV show "Moscow Nights". This program combines the format of both programs with stars and a project in which TV viewers participate. During the show, media persons from two teams, led by ordinary people, had to compete with each other in humorous contests. The script for the numbers was invented by the hosts - the comedy duet "Sisters Zaitsevs" (and).

Borisov continues to work on radio "Echo", from which his career began. In the studio, Borisov is responsible for Sunday broadcasts, where he distracts from news work and conducts interesting conversations with celebrities.

Borisov's successes are impressive, but neither the results in his career, nor the achievements in the media sphere could be compared with the news that the journalist was on the “Let the Talk” program. More than once it was reported in the media that Andrei was leaving the program, but the popular TV presenter himself refused to comment on these rumors, referring to being busy. The audience watched with interest the development of events, and the TV channel kept the intrigue to the last.

Soon, Channel One announced a new release of the Let Them Talk program. At the same time, the secret was not revealed to viewers who would be the host of the show - Andrei Malakhov or Dmitry Borisov.

In early August 2017, the RIA Novosti agency, referring to insider information, reported that the channel's management had signed a letter of dismissal from all representatives of the Let the Talk team, but no decision was made on Malakhov. Some media outlets immediately suggested that the dismissal of the TV star was due to a conflict situation in which the new producer of the program took part, but these speculations were never confirmed.

TV presenter of the show "Let them talk" Dmitry Borisov

It was also reported that Andrei Malakhov left the program, since a replenishment is expected in his family. The TV presenter himself, until recently, did not comment on publications in the press about his departure. On August 14, 2017, instead of the previous presenter, the program "Let Them Talk" was already hosted by Dmitry Borisov. The guests of the studio discussed the period of time when the program was hosted by Andrey Malakhov.

“Like a bolt from the blue, rumors thundered this summer that Andrei Malakhov was about to leave the program with which his life was connected. Hundreds of high-profile headlines and articles, a lot of speculation. What is the reason? Why does Andrei himself remain silent, and what will happen to Let Them Talk - the country's popular talk show now? And most importantly: is there anyone who can replace Andrei Malakhov, "said Borisov, starting a new release of the show" Let them talk. "

At the beginning of the program, Borisov announced that viewers would witness the denouement of the most important intrigue of the season. According to Dmitry, the Russian press made many erroneous assumptions about new candidates for Malakhov's place. As the media reported, the pilot episodes of Let the Talk were also recorded with the Krasnoyarsk TV presenter, and the TV presenter was named another contender for Andrey's place.

Personal life

Journalists have repeatedly discussed the high-profile romance of the TV presenter with the Russian singer. It is known that celebrities met on the radio "Echo of Moscow" in 2009. Young people often went out together. The paparazzi took a large number of photos in which Dmitry hugs Julia by the waist or by the shoulders. Savicheva and Borisov looked happy being around. This became the reason for all kinds of rumors.

In 2012, Dmitry sang a song on the radio, according to the fans, especially for Yulia. In the same year, Borisov and Savicheva came together to the presentation of the artist's album "Heartbeat".

According to press reports, the couple was about to get married. But after Savicheva became a wife in 2014, whom she had dated for 10 years, everything fell into place. Julia and Dmitry have always maintained only friendly relations.

Dmitry Borisov loves to travel

After the public stopped considering Yulia as Dmitry's girlfriend, Borisov's personal life began to interest the press less and less, but many publications continued to make various assumptions about the orientation of the TV presenter, reporting that he was gay. Dmitry himself does not want to dwell on his private life and does not comment on the publications of the yellow press. It is only known that today Dmitry Borisov is not married and has no children.

It is also known that the TV presenter has a pet - a dog, with which Dmitry is often photographed for Instagram. In 2017, Borisov became the owner of wonderful puppies, which he also informed the subscribers.

In 2015, according to the portal LIFE !, Dmitry Borisov celebrated his 30th birthday with close friends. The birthday boy decided not to celebrate the anniversary on a grand scale. The TV presenter chose a modest celebration in the capital's Time Out bar to a lavish banquet. Soon, a group of friends went to celebrate at the Osteria Bianca restaurant, where showman Andrei Malakhov was waiting for them in a private cabin. Many will remember this event already in 2017, when it becomes known that instead of Malakhov, the release of the show "Let them talk" was entrusted to Dmitry.

In 2018, the TV presenter intrigued his Instagram subscribers with joint pictures with a girl unknown to the public.

Fans of Dmitry noted the similarity of the beauty with the actress. Later, a version appeared that this is a Belarusian model Olga Sherer, who works abroad. Borisov's fans advised the young man not to get lost, but rather to improve his personal life.

Dmitry Borisov now

In September 2018, the show “Exclusive” started, hosted by Dmitry Borisov. This is an author's program of a journalist, broadcast on Channel One on Saturdays, in the evenings. The reporter's guests are Russian celebrities who share their innermost thoughts and unknown facts of their biography with the journalist. Dmitry's heroes have already been,.

Dmitry Borisov had a heartfelt meeting p. The actress decided to confess in front of the multi-million audience of the central channel, in which she raised a painful topic for herself - the death of her son.

Dmitry Borisov and Irina Bezrukova in the show "Exclusive"

In December, one of the broadcasts was dedicated. The studio was visited by the children of the actress and Alexander. They shared information about the mother, saying that she is now constantly in a special wheelchair, adapted for seriously ill patients, and hardly recognizes those around her.

Before the New Year, Borisov opened the veil of the secrets of divorce and. The air of the program was dedicated to the humorist's assistant, who is credited with a fatal romance with her boss. The girl gave a frank interview about her relationship with the founder of "Smehopanorama".

Dmitry Borisov and Svetlana Belogurova on the TV show "Let Them Talk" in 2019

In January 2019, a make-up artist appeared in Dmitry Borisov's studio on the TV show "Let Them Talk", who announced that she was the mother of the daughter of a screen star. The romance between her and the actor turned out to be fleeting, but the girl managed to get pregnant. According to Svetlana, initially the artist promised to formalize the relationship. He helped financially, but after the birth of the girl, he demanded a DNA test from the young mother.


  • 2006 - "News"
  • 2011-2017 - "Time"
  • 2011-2017 - "Evening News"
  • 2017 - "Let them talk"
  • 2018 - "Exclusive"