November 4 with what is connected. National Unity Day: traditions and meaning

November 4 with what is connected.  National Unity Day: traditions and meaning
November 4 with what is connected. National Unity Day: traditions and meaning

This holiday in its modern form appeared relatively recently. At the end of 2004, the State Duma of the Russian Federation amended the law "On the Days of Military Glory (Victory Days of Russia)", supplementing it with a new holiday - National Unity Day. The holiday was first celebrated on November 4, 2005. Despite its youth, this holiday has deep historical roots. The basis for the emergence of the holiday was the national liberation movement of the 17th century, which arose to fight the Polish invaders. During the Russian-Polish war of 1609-1618 between Russia and the Commonwealth, Polish-Lithuanian troops occupied the Moscow Kremlin for two years (from 1610 to 1612). The rise of the national liberation movement began in Russia in 1611. Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky became the leaders of the militia. In August 1612, the militia defeated the Polish army near Moscow. The remaining forces of the Polish-Lithuanian troops retreated to Moscow. October 22 (November 4 Gregorian), 1612 militia led by Minin and Pozharsky stormed Kitay-gorod and successfully entered it. The remnants of the Polish garrison retreated to the Kremlin, but soon signed a surrender. And although the end of the Russian-Polish war was still far away, this important victory was the main step in the end of the Time of Troubles in Russia. The period of anarchy after the suppression of the royal family of Rurikovich ended in February 1613 with the election of a new tsar at the Zemsky Sobor - Mikhail Romanov, who became the first monarch in the Romanov dynasty. It is believed that the people's militia in the course of the fight against the Polish invaders carried with them Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. According to legend, Prince Dmitry Pozharsky vowed to build a temple in honor of the intercessor icon, with the help of which victory was won. In 1625, at his own expense, he built the first (wooden) church on the corner of Red Square and Nikolskaya Street, but in 1634 this church burned down from a fire. In 1636 Kazan Cathedral was revived in stone form at the expense of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich. In 1649, by decree of the second Russian Tsar from the Romanov dynasty, Alexei I Mikhailovich, the day of October 22 (November 4) began to be celebrated as a church and state holiday. The reason for giving official status to the holiday was the birth of the first-born and heir to the throne - Dmitry Alekseevich, who was born on October 22 (November 4), 1648, that is, on the day of veneration of the Kazan icon. Unfortunately, the heir died in infancy in 1649, not having lived a year. However, the official status and tradition of honoring the Day of the Kazan Icon of the Most Holy Mother of God passed through the centuries until the revolution of 1917, after which church holidays lost their former significance. Holiday revival happened in 2005. According to experts, the reason for this was the cancellation of the celebration on November 7th. The Day of the Great October Socialist Revolution could not be transformed into the Day of Accord and Reconciliation, too many disputes arose around this historical event. In this regard, an initiative was born to replace November 7 with another, more unifying holiday. As a result, it was decided to revive the ancient holiday of veneration of the Kazan icon in new modern realities. Now November 4 no longer has a pronounced religious context and is more viewed as a historical event. Today, the Day of National Unity of Russia is intended to emphasize the cohesion of the entire people, regardless of religion, origin and position in society. Thus, the significance of the holiday has shifted to the historical and social role of the unity of the people in the face of any external and internal threats. On this page you will find many congratulations on National Unity Day that you can send to your relatives, friends, colleagues and just good friends. See also:

Great congratulations on National Unity Day

On National Unity Day, I hasten to congratulate you! I have been breathing the same air with you for many years!

I want to wish you happiness, Many warm, bright days, Never be upset, Many devoted friends!

Be always healthy, Strong in spirit and mind! We are one, that's the basis! We live in the same country!


Let's celebrate National Unity Day

National Unity Day Let's meet together at the table. He helped unite, Everyone with whom we live next to!

We raise a toast today For a worthy day of the year! And we solemnly wish the Unity of our thoughts!


National Unity Day


On National Unity Day (short)

On the Day of National Unity We will all get drunk to the point of disgust, And when drunk we are united, And therefore we are invincible!


National Unity Day

National Unity Day Preserved shadow traditions. We wish you good luck on this holiday, this day.

So that joy knocks on the house In the morning, evening and afternoon, We wish peace on earth, And bread, salt on the table!


Today is Unity Day

They don’t argue with history, They live with history, It unites For a feat and for work.

The state is one, When the people are one, When He moves forward with great power.

He defeats the enemy, Uniting in battle, And frees Russia, And sacrifices himself.

To the glory of those heroes We live by one destiny, Today is Unity Day We celebrate with you!


Cool congratulations on National Unity Day

Glorious is the holiday of brotherhood From ancient times to this day, the Day of National Unity - Not Khukhr-Mukhr!

Khanty, Nenets, Kabardians, Today, once a year, On the Day of National Unity, We are one people!

Rejoice, united people! Let from end to end The cry of the beloved is heard: “Come on, pour it!”


There are many nations in our country

There are many peoples in our country, And this is the color of the country. Let faithful sons go on the true path of the Fatherland!

And on the day of national unity, I wish you only good things, So that atrocities are alien to everyone, Let the people shout - "Hurrah"!


Me on National Unity Day

On National Unity Day I want to wish all over the country That the sky be peaceful, clean, And that they say “no” to war!

So that they truly stick together, To respect their people, Save themselves from problems together, And live like this from year to year!


Down with all quarrels

Down with all quarrels, misunderstandings - Let it hide in the forest, National unity holiday It has long been on the nose!

Let's all live together, We don't know sorrows, sorrows, We don't need to swear at all, It's better to hug each other!


Are all Russians in Russia?

Children once asked their father: - Are all Russians in Russia? - How can I tell you kids? Here are the neighbors - Chuvash,

Kum is half Jewish, Uncle is a glorious Armenian, Godmother Nina's great-grandfather was a real Georgian.

We are all different, so what? We are all Humans, we are similar. Let's live in unity, we don't need to drink each other's blood.

Our mother Russia will become strong as before. Holiday - the day of patriotism, Glory, proud Fatherland!


On the fourth day of November Day off is not in vain. Holiday, feast, fun - Day of the people of unity.

Minin K. and D. Pozharsky, That they were in the service of the tsar, The city of Moscow was liberated, They accomplished a glorious feat.

This is what happened on this day in the world Four centuries ago. Let's gather together, brothers, At the table, not in the field of war!


Young holiday

National Unity Day (A holiday, though young, But with a history of three hundred years) We will celebrate with you.

We wish each other Unity, love, To make life easy for everyone, including the two of us,

So that life in the country becomes easier, more fun, So that we walk more boldly, So that we are doubly lucky in everything!


On Unity Day we will be together

On Unity Day we will be together, We will be together forever, All the peoples of Russia In distant villages, cities!

Live together, work, build, Sow bread, raise children, Create, love and argue, Protect the peace of people,

Honor your ancestors, remember their deeds, Avoid wars and conflicts, To fill your life with happiness, And sleep under a peaceful sky!


Minin and Pozharsky

Although this holiday is young, Its history is rooted in that difficult century, Which was called the Time of Troubles.

Pozharsky and Minin were able to Gather the people, faithful to Russia, And jointly liberate Moscow from the Polish invaders!

Today is Unity Day We celebrate the whole country, To live in peace, happiness, kindness We sincerely wish each other!


Strength is in friendship

Let congratulations fly from heart to heart On this day, the fourth of November! Our strength is in friendship, in unity! And you can't forget about it!

Let the country live and prosper Like one big friendly family! Happy national unity day, Russians, Happiness and joy to you, friends!


On the Day of National Unity

On the Day of National Unity From the bottom of my heart I wish Heaven - only free Without end and without edge!

And on it - endless clouds of white cotton wool! May God give you a secure, bright, rich life!


Poems for the Day of National Unity

Let November outside the window: the sun is low. And the sky is overcast, and cold again. And winter is just around the corner. But we will not indulge in bad weather!

Today we are celebrating the Day of National Unity, We are celebrating this holiday, so that all squabbles and the prevailing raznochinities come to an end, And so that peace and harmony come to Russia, finally!

May all the clouds dissipate above you, May the light of heaven illuminate our land. May our people united, and therefore mighty, The Fatherland will protect you from all enemies!


Happy unity day for the whole family

The holiday of all free Russians, Regardless of class and rank. Accept congratulations, family Gathering relatives from the flanks.

This holiday of unity in everything: In joy, in business, in the family, in worries, In the country in which we live, We go to work for work.

May hopes and words come true With wishes of good and prosperity, May your head spin from success And efforts give wonderful fruits!


Happy Unity Day, citizen!

Happy Unity Day, citizen! So you are not alone here, Look around - we are all one: Children, women, men.

In a word, this is called the PEOPLE. And I'll tell you without flattery: It's great when we are together!


Poem Happy National Unity Day

Happy National Unity Day Congratulations from the bottom of my heart! Give a poem On this holiday, allow:

Our friendship, our faith Will always be strong, Our strength, our will Will never weaken!

Day of national unity - Red day in the calendar This is a holiday of friendship of nations, a holiday of peace on earth!


Congratulations on National Unity Day

Happy National Unity Day, we sincerely congratulate you! Happiness, joy and strength, From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you!

Be faithful sons of our mighty motherland! Win all adversity, Every day, live better!


National Unity Day

Let me congratulate you on the holiday, National Unity Day! And even if we are all a little different, we will still understand each other!

In order to find understanding for us In close and dear people, Let's not forget the tradition of our distant glorious days!

I wish you all good health, Happy many bright days And the fulfillment of the cherished, And to live more fun!


Thanks to Minin and Pozharsky

Minin with Pozharsky I say "thank you" For the fact that on this holiday I can congratulate you beautifully and wish you unity with the people. Health, pure love And never lose heart!


For popular unity

For national unity Let's drink a stack to the bottom! Let thoughts be pure And the war goes into the distance!

Congratulations to everyone on this long-awaited day! We wish you peace, joy, We don’t care about all the troubles!

Let there be happiness everywhere, Blue sky above. Our main wealth - When we look up together!


Congratulations on National Unity Day to friends

Happy National Unity Day Congratulations, friends! It's hard to break together, Alone twice two.

We wish warmth of hearts, Even in the fierce winter Let sorrows go away! Know, my friend, that I am with you!

At the end of 2004, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the Federal Law, approving the date when National Unity Day is celebrated. According to this document, this holiday, dedicated to one of the victorious days of Russia, should be celebrated every year on November 4th. And for the first time Russians celebrated this national holiday already in 2005.

The history of the holiday of national unity

The history of the Day of National Unity dates back to 1612, when the people's army led by Minin and Pozharsky liberated the city from foreign invaders. In addition, it was this event that served as the impetus for the end of the Time of Troubles in the 17th century.

The reason for the beginning of the unrest was a dynastic crisis. From the moment of the death of Ivan the Terrible (1584) until the wedding of the first Romanov (1613), the country was dominated by an era of crisis, which was caused by the interruption of the Rurik family. Very quickly, the crisis became national-state: a single state was divided, mass robberies, robberies, thefts, corruption began, and the country was engulfed in general drunkenness and chaos. Numerous impostors began to appear, trying to seize the Russian throne.

Soon the power was seized by the “seven boyars”, headed by Prince Fyodor Mstislavsky. It was he who let the Poles into the city and tried to crown a Catholic - the Polish prince Vladislav.

And then Patriarch Hermogenes raised the Russian people to fight against the Polish invaders and defend Orthodoxy. But the first anti-Polish popular uprising led by Prokopy Lyapunov fell apart due to strife between the nobles and the Cossacks. This happened on March 19, 1611.

The next call for the creation of a people's militia was made only six months later - in September 1611 from a petty "trading man" Kuzma Minin. In his famous speech at a city meeting, he suggested that people should not spare their lives or property for the sake of a great cause. The townspeople responded to Minin's call and voluntarily began to donate thirty percent of their income to the creation of a militia. However, this was not enough, and people were forced to give another twenty percent for the same purposes.

Minin, the chief commander of the militia, proposed to invite the young Novgorod prince Dmitry Pozharsky. And the townspeople chose Minin himself as Pozharsky's assistant. As a result, the people elected and endowed with full confidence two people who became the head of the second nationwide uprising.

Under their banners, a huge army for those times was gathered, including more than 10 thousand people liable for military service, about 3,000 Cossacks, 1,000 archers and many more peasants. And already at the beginning of November 1612, with a miraculous icon in the hands of a nationwide uprising, they managed to take the city by storm and drive the invaders out of it.

This is what is dedicated to, which is celebrated in our country quite recently, but in fact this holiday is more than one hundred years old.

The celebration of the Day of National Unity traditionally consists in holding mass and socio-political events, including processions, rallies, sporting events and charity events, the laying of flowers by the president at the monument to Minin and Pozharsky, the celebration of the Divine Liturgy by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia in the main church of the city Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. And the holiday ends with an evening concert. All these events are held in different cities of the country and are organized by political parties and social movements of the country.

Every year, the Russian Federation celebrates the Day of National Unity, the date of which is November 4th. This is a big public holiday for the whole country and is an official holiday.

The holiday was approved by the Federal Law, signed in 2004 by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, and already in 2005 the whole country celebrated the national Russian holiday. And the approval initiative was introduced by the Interreligious Council of Russia, whose leaders are representatives of the traditional confessions of the state.

The proposal of the Interreligious Council to celebrate the holiday on November 4 was made for a reason. The date of the celebration is connected with the tragic events of 1612, when the capital of the Russian Federation, Moscow, was liberated from the invaders from Poland.

Today, the Russian Federation is home to 195 nationalities and peoples who belong to various religious movements. Every person living in Russia can easily answer when is National Unity Day, and the task of the holiday is to bring all people living in Russia to unity. During the celebration the people of Russia honor the liberators of Moscow, and express their civil position - the desire for peace in their own country and the prosperity of the state. The celebration is accompanied by political rallies and celebrations.

The history of the National Unity Day holiday

At the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries, there were a number of tragic historical events that were called the Time of Troubles. Many historians note that the Time of Troubles was caused by the end of the rule of the Rurik dynasty. Then economic situation became unfavorable and there was a foreign invasion. The people were forced to take up arms against the invasion of the Polish invaders. During the Time of Troubles, two attempts were made to create a militia.

Creation of the militia

  • The people were forced stand up for the defense of the motherland after the death of Patriarch Hermogenes. Procopius Lyapunov, a native of the Ryazan region, led the first militia, but there was a strife between the Cossacks and the nobles, and Lyapunov was killed on false charges, and the militia was dispersed.
  • Second wave of militia was raised in Nizhny Novgorod in 1611 under the leadership of the headman Kuzma Minin, who proposed to raise funds for the creation of defensive purposes, after which the townspeople, with their consent, were taxed to create a militia. Dmitry Pozharsky, nominated by Minin himself, became the main governor of the second wave of the second wave of defense. Minin immediately became Pozharsky's assistant.

From Nizhny Novgorod, an appeal was sent to all the cities of the country for the collection of the militia. Not only the peasant people and the townspeople, but even the nobles joined the ranks of the defense. In the counties and cities of the Volga region were formed main defensive force. The main goals of the rebels were to liberate Moscow from the interventionists and prevent a foreign sovereign from being on the Russian throne. At the same time, the boyars, led by Prince Fyodor Mstislavsky, sought precisely to ensure that Prince Vladislav, invited from Poland, came to reign. After the overthrow of the foreign government, the militia sought to create a new Russian government.

In March 1612, under the banner of Minin and Pozharsky, the militia marched to Yaroslavl, where the “Council of the Whole Land” was created, which became a temporary government body. It is important that in the general liberation from foreign invaders representatives of all classes and peoples who lived on the land that was part of the Russian state took part. Together, on November 4, 1612, the people stormed Chinatown, and were able to defeat the Polish invaders and drive them out of Moscow.

The powerful impulse of the victory in November 1612 served to revive the great Russian state. In 1613, the Zemsky Sobor elected a new tsar, Mikhail Romanov. To honor the icon that protected the militia during the exploits, Prince Pozharsky built the Kazan Cathedral at his own expense.

In 1649, on November 4, an obligatory holiday was approved in the name of the Most Holy Theotokos and in gratitude for her help in liberation great country from the Polish invaders, but during the Revolution in 1917 the holiday was canceled. It is worth noting that the holiday did not become new for the Russian Federation, but in 2004 new life was breathed into it.

Holiday traditions

Today, this holiday symbolizes the unity of the people, thanks to which it became possible to defeat the Polish invaders of Russian power. This holiday gives you the opportunity not only remember not only one of the great victories, but also reminds the Russians that Russia is a multinational country and only by joint efforts can the enemy be defeated. To this day, magnificent and grandiose patriotic celebrations take place in all cities of the Russian Federation. Folk festivals are held with fun entertainment programs, concerts and fireworks.

The loudest celebrations

  • In 2005, Nizhny Novgorod became the central city in which a large-scale celebration took place. And also in November 2005, a monument to Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma Mitin was unveiled. The monument was erected on the National Unity Square near the Church of the Nativity of Ion the Baptist.
  • Since 2007, the holiday has gained immense popularity, with 39 events taking place in Moscow alone. Every year, a flower laying ceremony takes place at the monument to Mitin and Pozharsky with the participation of top officials of the government.
  • In 2013, according to the information of the head of the nationalist movement "Russians", he noted that more than 20 thousand people took part in the action called "Russian March", held during the celebration of National Unity Day.

On November 4, Russia will celebrate National Unity Day. Celebrations will be organized in all cities of the country. In the center of Moscow at 10:30, a procession of many thousands will begin, which will end with a rally-concert "We are one." Well-known politicians and artists, representatives of national-cultural autonomies and public organizations, including activists of the Anti-Maidan movement, will take part in it.

At the beginning of the 17th century, Russia was shaken by the disasters of the Time of Troubles: famine and crop failures, peasant uprisings, decentralization of power, impostors on the royal throne, Polish and Swedish interventions, as a result of which Moscow was captured by the Poles, and Novgorod by the Swedes. The Troubles could have become the final stage in the history of Russia, if not for its people, who united in the fight against foreign invaders.

In the autumn of 1612, the forces of the Nizhny Novgorod militia led by Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, together with the Cossack detachments of Prince Trubetskoy, entered Moscow and liberated the capital city from the Polish invaders. It is important to note that the militia troops consisted of representatives of the peoples who had recently become part of the future Russian Empire. Kazanians and Astrakhans, whose khanates were conquered by Ivan the Terrible, fought under the same banners with the inhabitants of Nizhny Novgorod, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Suzdal, Smolensk and other cities. The Tatars could have hit the militia in the rear, but, on the contrary, they acted as a united front against the Western invaders who had settled in Moscow.

National Unity Day, established in 2005, coincides with the celebration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God - one of the most revered Orthodox shrines. The list from the miraculous image, now kept in the Epiphany Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, was sent to the militia of Minin and Pozharsky before the Russian army was able to liberate Moscow.

Tomorrow's march in Moscow, which will take place along Tverskaya Street from Pushkinskaya metro station to Manezhnaya Square, will bring together thousands of people. All of them are proud of the glorious history of their country, they want to preserve its heritage for future generations.

Those wishing to take part in the procession and rally-concert together with representatives of the Anti-Maidan movement, please send your applications to e-mail: .

Dmitry Sablin, co-chairman of the Anti-Maidan movement, first deputy chairman of the FIGHTING BROTHERHOOD, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation:

“This holiday, endowed with great inner meaning, is important and necessary. We remember how our people, having united, saved themselves from internal turmoil and an external enemy. Only by overcoming division can the great goal be achieved by united strength.

We felt the unity of the people when Crimea returned home. It is important not to lose this community for the sake of the future of the country. Being one does not mean being the same. The main thing should be common - faith, loyalty to traditions, love for the Motherland, honor ".

Anton Demidov, co-chairman of the Anti-Maidan movement:

“Against the backdrop of the instability that we are seeing now in the world, the need for the unity of our people has ceased to be an abstract concept, but has become a paramount issue, a matter of our national security. That is why the importance of November 4 is difficult to overestimate. National Unity Day is a key holiday for the entire Russian nation. On this day, we must show everyone that a single multinational people lives in Russia.

Tomorrow's holiday is still very young, despite its deep historical roots. However, in my opinion, National Unity Day has already become a landmark for most citizens of our country. I would like as many people as possible to take part in the celebrations on November 4th.”

Nikolai Dyakonov, director of the National Union of Patriotic Education:

“I believe that celebrating National Unity Day is much more important than, for example, the New Year. Consolidation was vital for our country in the past, it is needed now, and the need to stick together will remain relevant for the people of Russia in the future.

The solidarity of the people is the fortress of the country, the very foundation that cements our multinational and multi-confessional Motherland. It is in unity that the national idea of ​​Russia consists.

The unity of our people, which is now on the rise, is the bridge to the future that we are building for our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.”

Valery Kalyakin, President of the Union of Citizens and Organizations for the Preservation of Historical and Cultural Heritage "International Union "Heirs of Victory"":

“This is an important holiday for our multinational country. There is strength in unity. Only in unity are achievements both in the economy and the national economy, and in matters of the country's security, possible. It was the unity of our people during the Great Patriotic War that helped our grandfathers and great-grandfathers defeat such a strong enemy, because not only Europe, but almost the whole world worked for Nazi Germany.

National Unity Day and Military Glory Day in Russia

Since 2005, the Day of National Unity has been celebrated on the Orthodox holiday of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. This holiday was established in honor of the liberation of Moscow in 1612 from the Polish invaders. In 1649, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich declared the day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God by his decree a public holiday. Due to the revolution of 1917 and the events that followed it, this tradition of celebrating the liberation of Moscow from the Polish-Lithuanian invaders ceased.
On December 16, 2004, the State Duma of the Russian Federation introduced a new holiday - the Day of National Unity (Day of Accord and Reconciliation), and on November 7, instead of the October Revolution Day, today Russia celebrates the Day of Military Glory of Russia. On this day, a military parade is held on Red Square in Moscow.
In the explanatory note to the draft law proposed for discussion, it was noted that it was on November 4, 1612 that Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky led the army, which showed their heroism and solidarity of the Russian people, who stormed Kitai-Gorod and liberated Moscow from Polish invaders.

Railway Day in Ukraine

This date, as a professional holiday, began to be celebrated on November 4 at the initiative of the employees of the Lviv Railway and by the Decree of the President of Ukraine of July 15, 1993. November 4, 1861, during the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the first train arrived in Lviv, called "Yaroslav". This train was an international train connecting Lviv, Vienna, Przemysl and Krakow.
Ukrainian railways today unite 6 railways: Donetsk, Lvov, Odessa, Southern, South-Western and Prydniprovska, uniting all regions of Ukraine.
30300 km of railway lines and more than 1.5 thousand stations serve more than 375 thousand employees. Every year, more than 500 million passengers set off on the Ukrainian railway, with the help of about 175 thousand freight cars, about 300 million tons of cargo are transported.
The first professional holiday of railway workers was established in Russia in the 19th century on the birthday of Emperor Nicholas I, who laid the foundation for the construction of railways. It was celebrated annually on June 25 until 1917, then the holiday was forgotten for 20 years. The tradition of celebrating the Day of Railway Workers continued in the USSR in 1936. This holiday began to be celebrated every first Sunday of August.
In 2004, on February 26 in Kyiv, at the 1st Conference of Trade Unions of Railway Workers and Transport Builders, it was decided to hold the Day of Railway Workers and Transport Builders of Ukraine every first Sunday of August. In fact, Ukrainian railway workers now have 2 professional holidays: in the fall - the Day of the Railway Worker and in the summer - the Day of the Trade Union of the Railway Workers.

Social Worker Day in Armenia

This holiday was announced by the Armenian government in early 2009. On November 4, 1918, the coalition government of the First Republic formed the Ministry of Public Guardianship - the basis of the policy of social protection of the population of Armenia. The social sphere during the Sovietization of Armenia and until today, has remained one of the main directions of the policy of this state.

Unusual holidays

- Day of the housewife
- National Family Literacy Day
- Gentle Ear Bite Day
- The day it's time to start over
- National Pet Food Day

Church holiday November 4

Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

On this autumn day, all Orthodox commemorate the day of the liberation of Moscow from the Poles in 1612 and celebrate the day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.
In Russia, this day has long been celebrated as a public holiday. Russia glorified the Kazan image of the Mother of God, who showed her intercession for Russia during the Time of Troubles.
The Kazan icon was taken with them to the militia when the Russian troops liberated the Kremlin and Moscow from the enemy, Kuzma Minin and Prince Dimitry Pozharsky.
The revered image of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in 1737 was transferred to the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in St. Petersburg, where the Kazan Cathedral was built in the 1810s, which in our time was restored and reopened on November 4, 1993.
Name day November 4 at: Alexander, Vasily, Vladimir, German, Gregory, Denis, Ivan, Heraclius, Konstantin, Maxim, Nikolai, Fedor, Anna, Elizabeth.