The value of the genre of fairy tale in world art art. Russian folktale

The value of the genre of fairy tale in world art art. Russian folktale

The first literary work in the life of each person is a fairy tale. Probably, we all remember well how my mother read them back in the earliest years. However, you should not take a fairy tale exclusively as a way to take a child or cheer it.

So it seems only at first glance, however, with a detailed analysis, we see that such a literary genre performs a very important function, namely, the child's education. Let's remember together, what feeling we called fairy tales.

The role of a fairy tale in the life of the reader

The plot necessarily had negative and positive heroes, who fell into one life situation or together participated in a certain event. Evil characters in every way prevented the good, making them different goats.

However, ultimately, good always won evil, and often inclined him to his side. The inconscable psyche of the child, on the example of the main heroes of the fairy tales, begins to understand that there is good, and what is bad; As you need to treat people, but it is impossible; What is real life values, and that false.

Moral values \u200b\u200bin adult fairy tales

It should not be assumed that fairy tales leave the child in the process of growing up: they accompany the person all his conscious life. After all, people tend to lose life guidelines, and these literary works in every way contribute to gaining them again. In fairy tales for adults, several transformed moral values \u200b\u200bof children's fairy tales are laid.

Such works teach a person to be a patriot of his state, to have ideas about real love and friendship. Poetic images of the heroes of fairy tales make a person think about whether he did not forget about the main thing in his life - spiritual formation.

After all, very often adults are busy with various everyday troubles - work, study and education of children. The spiritual understanding of life is sharply departed into the background, and ultimately, they lose their relevance at all. Fairy tales are a tool with which adults begin to understand the true values \u200b\u200bof their lives.

Place a fairy tale in the world of fiction

The tale takes one of the most significant places in world artistic literature. Moreover, this genre is a pioneer in becoming a direct literary process in human life. The fairy tale has always walked in a rhythm over time and completely reflected those dominant benchmarks that were characteristic of humanity at a certain period of its history.

This literary genre originated not from scratch. In ancient times, he was oral and passed from generation to generation. Such fairy tales got the name of the folk, since they did not have the author, but were augmented and altered oral text.

For the first time, the author's fairy tales appeared in the XVII century. The Father of the classic literary fairy tale is Charles Feather, it was he who created a literary design of a fairy tale, which many writers in the future have repeatedly used. The fairy tale corresponds to all the criteria of the literary work, the main of which is the lesson to the reader.

"The fairy tale is already art: for it shelters and is in words the whole world of images in images, it will mean artistic and symbolically deep spiritual state" I.A. Ilyin

How do we treat the fairy tale? After all, the fairy tale does not reflect our life, and children should live in the real world, be aware of the development of science and technology. Children love the book, with a fading of the heart listening to fairy tales, noby, leafing the pages, considering even the most uncomplicated pictures, empathize with the heroes, play with a fairy tale.

The relevance and prospects of experience. Its value for improving the educational process.

Everyone knows that the most popular genre of oral folk creativity is a fairy tale. The fairy tale enters the life of a child from his birth and not only entertains, but also raises him mentally and aesthetically. As a child belongs to the heroes and events of the fairy tale, as well as the foundations of his feelings, moral performances. The fairy tale necessarily gives children lessons for life, namely, the "lessons of physical and moral cleanliness".

The fairy tale is the strongest pedagogical agent, a significant area of \u200b\u200bart pedagogy, leaving its origins in prehistoric times. It is difficult to find another such as the quality of verbal impact on the child, with whom a fairy tale would be comparable, the fiction, where the real and fantastic events were intertwined, whose heroes are familiar strangers. These are animals known to children endowed with the features and character of a person, plants acquiring unprecedented qualities, people who make unusual feats and actions and at the same time all the characters of fairy tales were familiar to children, many of them live nearby. Fairy tales develop and raise a child, but this upbringing is perceived by him with pleasure, because fairy tales are fond of the unknown and mysterious world.

The aesthetic education of children on the material of the folk fairy tale is now very relevant. The solution of such a problem requires serious work, the nature and content of which is due to the literary product itself, a fabulous hero, as well as the age of children and the level of their development. Fairy tales are very clear, the genre loved by the children, a huge part of the national culture. Fairy tales teach goodness, empathy, honesty, they carry in themselves the warmth, which sometimes so lack children. The poetry of the language awakened deep feelings give birth to a beautiful emotional spiritual response in the children's soul.

Democratization and humanization are carried out against the background of transformations occurring in society, including a negative nature: various interethnic conflicts, crime, alcoholism, drug addiction, rampant permissiveness, indifference to the people of the older generation and disabled, the emergence of orphans with living parents. All this makes the problem of the moral education of young people, including preschoolers to the fore.

Preschool age - an important period in the child's life. At this time, a child is merged with the world of social relations, the assimilation of elementary moral requirements, a teaching to their implementation. In this regard, one of the main directions of restructuring of pre-school education provided for by the concept of pre-school education is "the humanization of the pedagogical process, which implies primarily the orientation of the educator to the identity of the child, a fundamental change in the nature of communication with him." In the "Program of Education of the Children's Preschooler", the principle of education of the active humanistic oriental direction of the child through the introduction of it to universal values \u200b\u200bin all activities is also nominated as a presenter.

Preschool age is a period of active development of morality, the formation of moral habits, feelings, relationships. He is the most responsible stage in the development of behavior and activity mechanisms, in the formation of the identity of the preschooler as a whole. This is due to both big changes that occur in the mental and emotional-volitional development of preschoolers, in the motivational sphere, in communicating with adults and peers and the achieved level of moral liction. In this regard, the possibilities of moral education of preschoolers are expanding.

The conditions for the formation of the leading idea of \u200b\u200bexperience, the conditions for the occurrence, the formation of experience.

In kindergarten, much attention is paid to the aesthetic education of preschoolers. And one of the directions of this work during the polycultural development was the familiarization of children with fairy tales of various nations.

In the course of work, the focus was Russian, Mordovskie and Finnish folk fairy tales, which are important in the formation of moral qualities in preschoolers. The selection of folklore works for reading was carried out in the direction of expansion and deepening the circle of moral representations and feelings.

To educate emotional susceptibility to the images of the artistic literature and enrichment of moral feelings, such folk fairy tales, which introduced children to the area of \u200b\u200bmore complex experiences and at the same time could be associated with their life impressions. It was very important to call in children anxiety for the fate of the heroes, reflections on their actions.

One of the key issues was the allocation of criteria for the selection of folk fairy tales with moral orientation. One of the main criteria was the high artistic and educational value of the work. The fairy tale, like any artistic work, is a complex complex, a system of ideas, thoughts expressed in rich, bright images. The relationships of the heroes, their actions and actions, their feelings, experiences, thoughts, a special situation in which they are located - all this strongly acts on the sensual perception of children and contributes to the formation of their moral qualities.

The presence of an effective plot, his fascination was also taken into account when choosing folk fairy tales. The plot should have developed around one major thought, since the child of preschool age cannot reach several ideas at the same time. A fascinating plot causes the desire to act.

One of the criteria is associativity. In fairy tales, especially interested in children, the presence of bright, dynamic patterns of characters, which activates their desire to be such as they, survive their feelings, thoughts, behavior. An important selection criterion was the availability of a fairy tale. Her tongue was supposed to be simple, but not primitive.

Purpose: to bring up in children the love of tales of different peoples, learning to compare and compare the images of heroes through a literary work, illustrations and visual arts.

Theoretical base of experience

The word "fairy tale" is first found in the seventeenth century as a term denoting those types of oral prose, for which, primarily characterized by poetic fiction. Until the mid-nineteenth century, the fairy tales saw only fun, worthy of the lower layers of society or children, so fairy tales, who were published at the time for the general public, were often reworked and reinforced according to the tastes of publishers.

But the thought of fairy tale is always simple - you want a happy life - learn from the mind. In fairy tales, there are rules for communication of people among themselves, polite appeal to each other, signs of respect for the elders, saying ("bowed to the belt", "Good afternoon you", "you would first feed, drove up ...")

Vladimir Prokopyevich Anikin (born on August 6, 1924) - Soviet and Russian philologist-folkloride, doctor of philological sciences, Honored Professor MSU named after M. V. Lomonosov pointed out that "the fairy tales of a kind of moral code of the people, their heroic is although imaginary But examples of the true behavior of a person. The fiction of the storyboard came out of thoughts about the celebration of the forces of life, labor and honesty over idleness, lowness "

In the prevailing majority of fairy tales embodied by the people inherent moral features: the love of the Motherland, an infinite courage in the fight against evil, diligence and skill, justice, loyalty in friendship. Today, we are increasingly turning to the experience of ancestors, in particular, their ideas about moral and immoral, to the norms of morality recognized in the civilized world and today. It is important to upbringing the younger generation in the spirit of humane relations between people. The moral norms and the experience of the moral education of children formed the basis of numerous folk fairy tales. Fairy tales contain a peculiar database of moral education. They are in an affordable child understanding of the form they narrow the heroism and courage, truthfulness, honesty, claim the ideas of the victory of good over evil. The great teacher-humanist of the twentieth century V. A. Sukhomlinsky in his book "Heart I give children" wrote: "The fairy tale for young children is not just a story about fantastic events. This is a second world in which the child lives, fights, opposes evil his goodwill ... The children find deep satisfaction that their thought lives in the world of fabulous images. Five, ten times the child can retell the same fairy tale and every time there is something new in it ... The child knows perfectly that there are no Baba Yagi in the world, neither the princess frogs, neither there is an immortal, but he embodies In these images, good and evil and every time, telling the same fairy tale every time, expresses his personal attitude towards bad and good. " The fairy tale is inseparable from the beautiful, it contributes to the development of aesthetic feelings, without which some kind of soul nobility is unthinkable, heartiness to human misfortune, grief, compassion. Thanks to the fairy tale, a child knows the world around not only, but also a heart, responds to events and phenomena, expresses his attitude to good and evil. Folk tales highly appreciated our famous children's writers -k. I. Chukovsky, S. Ya. Marshak, L. A. Kassil. Chingiz Aitmatov wrote: "In our civilized scientific and technical age, it seems to be a fairy tale, but this does not mean that the fairy tale can be thrown as an unnecessary thing from the dwelling. It would be unreasonable on our part and even inhuman. It is impossible to neglect the experience of the past. The tale is the experience of mankind. We must protect the fairy tale as well as we save the monuments of antique architecture. "

Technology experience. System of specific pedagogical actions, content, methods, recruitment and training techniques.

In connection with the foregoing in our group, classes are underway to familiarize pupils with the history and life of the Mordovian, Finnish and Russian peoples, acquaintance with their culture, which is impossible without the admission of children to folklore. A distinctive feature and Russian and Mordovian and Finnish folk fairy tales is the principle, rising laziness, stupidity, greed, evil and praising hardworking, mind, resourcefulness, good.

The successful implementation of the goal and solving the tasks to improve the moral education of preschoolers using folk fairy tales depends largely on how much the existing state of affairs in this area has achieved a positive experience.

In the course of his study, I identified the knowledge of children of Russian, Mordovian and Finnish folk fairy tales corresponding to their age, and the attitude towards them was identified, the attic attitude towards the heroes of folk fairy tales were established, the levels of formation at the preschool children of moral qualities were identified, and the attitude of parents to the use of folk fairy tales In the moral education of their children.


Physical Development: Mastering Movable Games with Rules.

Thanks to the age-related features of children - imitation, reflexivity, - children are brought up by the best human character traits. The teacher should consider that a large number of fairy tales and their diversity allows you to find and advise every child a particular example for imitating the hero of the fairy tale. It is very important not only to find an example, but also to support the choice of the child. Indirect influence is often more efficient than the constant comments by the child. He can tell about what the hero like him, and what he would like to learn from him. It is very important to stimulate and encourage positive changes in the behavior or activity of the child. Mysterious, the magical world, filled with miracles, always attracts children, makes it possible to evaluate it, speak on the side of a character, actively act in the imaginary world, creatively transforming it. Reincarnated in fabulous heroes, in the play-dramatization, following them, the child receives knowledge of the world, about the relationship between people, problems and obstacles; Learn to overcome barriers arising in difficult situations, search for allies and fight together for justice, believe in the strength of love and good. The fairy tale carries a positive emotional charge, awakening in children, and with us, adults, a whole range of sensations: fun, humor, joy, laughter, tenderness and there is horror, pity, grief. The teacher must emphasize the attention of the children on what to learn is better not on their mistakes, but on the experience of others. It is better to confirm this by examples from fairy tales. In order to achieve something, you need to work well. Refer to others follows the way others would have belong to you. Helping others need unselfishly, and then in a difficult moment you will also help you. You need to be able to share what you have. Any business is easier to do together than one. Only good behavior and affairs help find real and loyal friends. The humanization of the process of upbringing and learning will foresee the search for ways to optimize the communication of preschoolers in order to increase its raising and developing impact on the individual. The task of teachers is to communicate, as a constant relevant need of a child, performed a source of information that promotes the accumulation of moral experience and experience. A significant reserve of increasing the meaningability of communication, its moral filling of the folk fairy tale. The role of a fairy tale in optimizing communication between children is as follows:

Development of interest in the guys to the objects and phenomena of the surrounding world;

The exacerbation of susceptibility and sensitivity to the needs of others and the desire to provide them with full assistance;

The emergence of a child under the influence of a prosperous end of a fairy tale of an optimistic mood, which has a positive effect on the development of benevolent relations between them;

Promoting the learning of speech etiquette;

Formation in children of moral estimates from the position of good, justice.

The most efficient way to use the fairy tale is its dramatization. In dramatization games in the plots of folk fairy tales, the child acts as an object, then the subject of communication, absorbing the wisdom of ancestors. We always need a fairy tale. She not only amuses, she claims a sense of justice and love for good, she raises the courage of thought and creativity, imagination. These qualities are necessary for a person in all the epochs, and in our - more than ever before.

Analysis of performance.

Teacher must pay attention to the developing environment of the group.

In the group you can create a fabulous corner in which the heroes of fairy tales of different peoples, artistic books and drawings of children and their parents, various photocollages, a finger theater, costumes for theatrical games are placed.

Games - dramatization

Situations, classes, observations, games with children (group and individual).

Daily reading fairy tales.

Joint activities of the teacher, children, their parents. Registration of mini-exhibitions, crafts and drawings "My favorite fairy tale", "My favorite fabulous hero", "On which fairy-tale character I want to be like and why", "My mother is a princess from a fairy tale," My Dap-Gallander Knight " .

Preparation of consultations for parents on this topic

"We read and show a fairy tale", "On the roads of fairy tales", "Read the children's fairy tales!"

Conducting the thematic parental meeting "The role of folk fairy tales in the moral and aesthetic education of preschool children", mini-quiz

"Learn a fairy tale!"

Magic workshop: parents take part in the manufacture of finger theater and make books - babes on the topic

"Heroes of the fairy tales of the Finnish, Mordovsky and Russian peoples"

If necessary, on the part of adults, project performers to provide practical assistance to the guys, as well as to send and control the implementation of this project. During the project, children should have a variety of knowledge, skills and skills.

An analysis of the expected result and the generalization of the results obtained in the process of creative activity is carried out. Designed book corner. Registration of the exhibition of family crafts of fabulous characters.

Difficulties and problems when using this experience.

The difficulties of work lies in the fact that for preschoolers and most teachers, the theme of the folk fairy tale does not cause tremendous interest. How do you reason? Well, a fairy tale and a fairy tale, nothing special. But you need to try and find in this problem, the most grains, the very thin string that will lead us to understand the very essence of the problem.

This experience can be used by educators of kindergartens, specialists in preschool education, students of pedagogical colleges and universities, students in the specialty "pre-school education" and everyone who is interested in the problems of education and training of preschoolers.

Experience reflects innovative approaches to the problem of moral and aesthetic education of children through a fairy tale. And with a certain selection of fairy tales, taking into account the age characteristics of children, ideologically, the artistic value of the work, the right organization of the follow-up of children, folk tales can have a huge educational impact on the child.


An abstract classes in the preparatory group on the topic:

"Fairy tales from Lukushka Grandma - narrator"

Objectives: to acquaint children with different images of the same fabulous character - fox through the text of the tales of Russian, Mordovsky and Finnish peoples and illustrations for them. Continue to compare fairy tales, learn to analyze actions, compare the characters of foxes in various works, enrich the vocabulary of children, share their reasoning. Develop memory, creative imagination, educate love for folk tales of different peoples, respect for popular cultural heritage.


Socially communicative development: the formation of a valid attitude and feelings of belonging to the community of children and adults in the organization.

Cognitive development: the formation of primary ideas about the variety of countries and peoples of the world.

Speech development: speech possession, as a means of communication. Enrichment of the active dictionary. Acquaintance with book culture

Artistic and aesthetic: perception of fiction, folklore, stimulating empathy of artistic works characteristics.

Physical Development: Mastering Movable Games with Rules

Preliminary work: the participation of children in Russian, Mordovian folk games, reading Russian, Mordovian and Finnish folk fairy tales, drawing and applique of elements of patterns of folk costumes.

Materials: Lukoshko, Book with fantastic fairy tales and bear (Mordovskaya), "Fox and crane" (Russian folk) and "forty, crow and fox" (Finnish), folk toys and sculptures of small forms with the image of fox, watercolor, paper , simple pencils, illustration with the image of fox.


Tara - Bars, Rastabara,

Sit at Samovar,

Sweet tea

Fairy tales read ...

A grandmother comes to visit the children - a narrator and brings a book with the fairy tales of "Fox and the Bear" (Mordovskaya), "Fox and Zhuravl" (Russian folk) and "forty, crow and fox" (Finnish).

Requests children to determine the illustrations, as these fairy tales are called, leads children to the conclusion that one of their main characters - Fox.

Children remember every fairy tale, grandmother retells or reading fragments of fairy tales, children view illustrations.

There is a conversation for fairy tales:

What is the name of the fairy tale?

What does it tell about it?

Why is Lisa is one of the main characters of fairy tales?

What is she? Name the character traits of fox. (Children express their estimates, the teacher helps them give a motivated answer)

What is the fox in the Russian folk fairy tale differ from the fox - the heroine of Mordovskaya and Finnish fairy tales?

On illustrations to the Russian fox fairy tale shod in Naptie (lapties), what a fox shod in illustrations to the Mordovian and Finnish fairy tale?

Are the foxes are the same on the illustrations?

What is the difference?

Do you know the ornament of Mordovsky and Russian costumes? What elements of the Finnish pattern do you know?

Fox from what fairy tale do you like best? Why?

What fairy tales about the fox do you still know?

After listening to the answers and reasoning of children, the teacher sums up and the children make conclusions about how fairy tales look like and what they differ, they analyze fox actions and compare the characters of foxes in different fairy tales.

In his magic Lukushka, grandmother - a narrative brought to consider Fox figures, the folk game "Sanding Fox", and a small song.

Fox in the forest went,

Song calls displayed

Lisa Lychko Drare,

Myself lapties flell!

In the Lukoshka for the guys there is another surprise. These are paints and paper. Grandmother - a narrative invites children to draw fox from any fairy tales you like.

Children draw fox, in bright, elegant costumes of Russian, Mordovsky and Finnish peoples, give pictures to each other and grandmother - a narrative.

Made up Kuvolov E.B. Educator


Finnish fairy tale

Forty, Crow and Fox

Soroki had a nest tree. It came to the foot of the fox tree and says: "I cut it with a tree to make a fucking a fucking." Forty pleaded: "Not Ruby, I have five chips, they will all die if the tree falls." Lisa said: "If you give me one chick, I still leave this tree alone." Soroka gave.

The next day, Fox came again and said that he did not find another suitable tree for boat-pylon. Forty again began to ask her to leave this tree. I gave another chick.

The crow came to visit the forty - they were friendly friends - and asked: "Where are the two of your chicks?". Soroka said: "Fox came here twice in the morning, and carried them out, otherwise I was going to cut down the whole tree." The crow said: "Here you are stupid, no one tree will be able to cut down, it also does not have a topor, nor Pukko.

Fox came for the third time, began to say again: "I haven't found another suitable tree yet, I still cut it, if you do not give me another chick." Forty began to laugh and said: "Yes, as you cut down, you have no ax, nor Pukko!". The fox asked: "Who is supervised to you to such wisdom? Isn't the crowdle? Nothing, I still deceive it."

I went to the open glade, dried my tongue, lies there quite as dead. The crow flew, long walked around the fox. Cliched, clicked with a beak ... The Lisa grabbed the crow and gathered to eat. The crow says: "Let's go there, in ruins, and then people will laugh that you live me alive!" The fox walked to the crow in the teeth, tries with all his might, the crow says: "Calm down you, I myself will come to you!". Lisa has already forgotten that he can fly, and released the crow tooth. Then the crow immediately flew into the air, and Lisa is left to think, know, not her one in his head all wisdom.

Russian folktale

Fox and Zhuravl

Fox with Zhuravl made friends.

Well, the fox did treat the caravel, went to visit him to visit:

- Come, Kumanes, come, dear! I'm treated!

He went crane on a sought feast. And Fox headed the manna porridge and smeared around the plate. Served and sweats:

"Attempt, the dove of Kumanes," the man herself.

Crane knock-knock on a plate, knocked, pounded - nothing falls!

And the fox licks himself and licks porridge, so everything herself.

Kashov ate and says:

- Do not blame, Kumanes! Nothing more dumb.

Crane answers her:

- Thank you, Kuma, and on it! Come to visit me.

Another day comes a fox to the craving, and he cooked around, he turned into a jug with a narrow neck, put on the table and says:

- Koshai, Kumushka! Right, more than nothing to sweat.

Lisa began to spin around the jug. And so it will go, and Edak, and Liznet him, and sniffs, - can not get it: it does not climb his head in a jug.

And the crane pecks himself, he pecks until everyone eaten.

- Well, do not blame, Kuma! More treat nothing more!

Took the fox of the annoyance. I thought I would like for a whole week, and I went home - not Solono Bread. As it was awesome, I responded!

Since then, friendship in foxes with crane apart.

Mordovian fairy tale

Fox and Bear

Once a fox came to neighbor bear and says:

Salary, you have a lot of strength, but I have a skill. Come together with the field with a break, we will fall, and when it will take a harvest, we will divide the equally and take the bazaar.

And you will not deceive me?

What are you, Misha! How can you think about me? .. - offended fox. - You will choose yourself half of the crop which you will like it.

Okay, the Bear agreed.

They jammed the field and sowed the turnip. Bear in the harness went, husting tuskal - seven sweats sued him. Lisa, behind a twist, I flushed, smoked at the bear: they say, you work lazily, I contacted you to my head - now I am not glad herself.

In the fall, when the harvest was kept, Lisa says:

Well, Misha, choose: Are there anyone to you or root?

The turnips had a juicy, thick. "I'll take it the tops," the bear thought up. "In the roots, there is a lot of target! .." He took the Bottva, and Fox dug back. Lucky selling to the bazaar. Lisa quickly sold his goods. And the bear with the Bottva does not buy, and yes still laugh at him: "Oh, you, a laughing-prostacle!"

Bear became angry. "Okay," thinks, -The other time I do not stare. "

Spring has come. A bear comes to the fox and says:

That's what a neighbor, let's fall out again. Only now when determined, I will not be deceived - I know how to choose.

Again, the Bear Pakhal-died, and Lisa reproached:

Dry pull - that's what! I would try to walk for hiding ...

They sowed rye. When she was ripe, began to share the harvest.

What you take, Misha, - Lisa asks, - Cups or roots?

Fur! Said the Bear.

As you want, my neighborsko, as you want, a chemless voice of Lisa was missing. -Sam you see, I do not deceive you, but I take what remains.

Fox frightened grains, and the bear dug the root. Here they were lucky to sell to the bazaar. The fox of the grain was bought quickly, they still laugh at the bear, they show her fingers to him, they were talked with offensive words. Bear got angry.

Well, "says," the neighbor, it will not be for you for nothing! Sit down near me and let me roar. Whoever overtakes whom it will eat. Here I will not be deceived, this time my top will be.

They sat against each other on the bumps. Bear in a thick voice nailed, Lisa overwhelmed thin. The bear tried with all his might, the mouth spread wide, and the eyes closed. Roars - nothing hears anything, he sees anything. Lisa from Kochka Skok, for the Bunches of Jürk - and remember as called. When the bear is silent, opened his eyes - and the fox is a long time and the trace is simple

preschool children "

"The fairy tale - the great spiritual culture of the people, which we collect on crumbs, and a thousand-year history of the people is revealed through the fairy tale."

(Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy).

From an early age, our moms and grandmothers sing to us lullaby, we hear booms and fun, as well as fairy tales. Doscomber - big fantasies, so falling into the world of fairy tales, they are happy to travel along it.And no wonder the pre-school age is called the age of fairy tales. At this age, the child exhibits a strong craving for everything fabulous, unusual, wonderful.

Russian folk tale is a work of the oral creativity of the Russian people, one of the types of folk prose. They were created for a long time by increasing and outstanding in the narrative, which were made by each individual person and, from here, all Russian people. In fairy tales, the self-awareness of people tried to express themselves as much as possible: they were invested in the history of the most characteristic elements of their culture, traditions, morals to convey this experience to the younger generation in need of a life orientation. Russian folk tales, so it is a storehouse of ancient wisdom. They are raised by eternal issues of moral, family, domestic, state-owned, for each of which as a result is a unambiguous answer: so do it - well, and so bad.

Folklore fairy tales are classified into several major categories. According to one of the most common options, which was proposed by E. V. Pomerantsevaya, a well-known genre research, a pattern of distinction of fairy tales looks like this:

1. For animals ("Kolobok", "Koza-Dereza").

2. Magic fairy tales ("Tsarevna-Frog", "Ivan-Durak").

3. Interesting fairy tales ("Porridge from the ax", "like a man with a Barinium dined").

Now about each form little by little:

Children's fairy tales about animals - This is one of the oldest varieties of this genre. Such works are entirely built on allegory, or allegory: through the animal world, the human world appears clearly. Each of the characters is endowed with the features of the nature and properties of people: so, the traditional heroes here are a fox, who is always a cunning and does not circulate another deception; The wolf, which is self-confident and stupid, as a result of which always finishes the deplorable; Bear, often acting by the personification of ignorance and brute force. Drozd, frog, hare, mouse are usually representatives of a weak principle, which nevertheless defeats. Thus, in fairy tales of animals, there is a debunk of human defects, such as greed, the desire to cause harm to the neighbor, envy, careful, greed. The opposite, positive features are approved, for example, the ability to help a friend in trouble, compassion, mercy, etc.

Magic fairy tales. The tale is a work that the child cannot teach anything if he does not interest him from the first words. In this regard, magical fairy tales are just excellent helpers and for parents, and for teachers! The main task of this type of fairy tales: Call admiration in children the main thing is always an exceptionally positive hero, and also provoke the desire to condemn antagonist (villain).

Household fairy tales. Not so common, but still a distant variety is household fairy tales. They are designed to debunk the negative features of a human character and, on the contrary, to raise the resourcefulness and a sharp mind. There are practically no fantastic elements here, and the plot rotates around an unusual, unique case that occurred in the most common relationships between people. Traditional characters - pop, soldier, babe, man, landowner, etc.

So what kind of fairy tale is important for children? The role of fairy tales in the development of multifaceted children. From the development of fantasy to the development of the right speech, it is an integral element in the upbringing.

In Russian fairy tales, they are the foundations of kindness, justice and friendliness. All these qualities we want to see in our children. So the repka pull the whole family - mutual assistance, a cat for a rooster Mountain - a friend's help, frost - hardworking, which will definitely appreciate and laziness, which will be punished. Such examples can be given a lot. And the child, listening to the fairy tale, emotionally experiences for the main character and when good wins evil, very rejoices. The impression of a fairy tale will accompany a child for a long time before his growing and faith in good will help him in his future life.

Russian fairy tales also raise love for their native nature, instill patriotic feelings. Only in the Russian fairy tale, the trail is growing-Muravica, a red dawner burns, the dairy river flows the rich coast. Listening to the fairy tale, the child begins to appreciate and love nature and animals. Each animal in a fairy tale has its own distinctive features and do not confuse them. And bright artistic images and bright examples in a fairy tale are a valuable tool of upbringing.

In fairy tales laid centuries-old folk wisdom. Four everyday experience was transferred through figurative stories. The children climbed the oven, grandmothers were hurt and told fairy tales, instructive stories, knowledge of life was accumulated in the memory of the kid. To the great regret, this experience is lost. In our "fast" time, an adult is once able to read, tell us a fairy tale to your baby, but not just read, but to comprehend - what does she teach? What life lesson is hidden in it? The child is more often sitting at the TV, behind the computer. The whole luggage of life values \u200b\u200bhe draws from the media, computer games, and not from books. And reading and telling fairy tales, we develop the inner world of the child. Children who have read fairy tales from early childhood are faster talking to speak correctly. The fairy tale helps to form the basics of behavior and communication. The role of fairy tales to develop fantasy and imagination of the child, as well as his creative potential. Fairy tales expand the knowledge of children. The form of perception of good and evil in adults is not figurative, and children, on the contrary, cannot perceive information in this form, they need imagery, game.

Therefore, the role of children's fairy tales in raising children can not be noticed. She teaches children's children in an affordable language, talks about good and evil. Children are easier to understand a fairy tale than a fresh adult speech. Therefore, if adults want to help explain something to a child, support him, will have to remember the language of childhood - a fairy tale. The fairy tale can give the keys to enter the reality with new ways, can help the child to find out the world, understand its own experiences.

How to benefit from fairy tales? In search of sense. Do we understand and interpret fairy tales? Maybe there are some hidden meaning in fairy tales, about whom we do not guess? After all, the child is not enough, just read the fairy tale, talk about the plot, give the characteristic of the heroes, it must be taught to think about a fairy tale, find hidden meanings in it and remove life lessons. Analyze the heroes of fairy tales, their actions and consequences are an important component of the educational process. Before you start reading the child, you should independently analyze the work and comprehend what the children should understand from the fairy tale.

For example, the Fairy Tale "Rack" is a story about mutual assistance and not only ... Take, for example, the same fairy tale about the repka, which, by the way, "lives" in two versions, and each version of the fairy tale is interesting in its own way. In the ancient folklore collections in the fantastic "Rack", first everything is fully familiar: "I planted grandfather repka ..." Further - too, nothing new: I called the grandmother, grandmother called granddaughter, and granddaughter - a bug ... The end of the fairy tales turned out to be a cluster: "Cat back. Tent-pulled, can't pull out. Tired, went to sleep. And at night, the mouse came and cocked all the repro! ". Here you are on! Although both fairy tales are narrated by labor, but "our" option is the story of mutual assistance, and the ancient - that everyone needs to be finished to end. You can read the child a fairy tale in both options and after talking about what he learned from them, as understood. The most important thing is to teach the baby since childhood to think about the information he receives.

On the change of day and night in a fairy tale about Cockerel A very interesting interpretation of the fairy tale "Cockerel of the Golden Grab", which says not only about the excessive power of the cockerel, but also encrypted the parable about how the day comes to replace the night. The rooster in this story plays another role - the role of the sun. The image of fox is a symbolic notation of the night. Lisa-night lines the cockerel-sun from the house, and then grabs and carries very far away: "For the high mountains, for the dense forests, for the blue of the sea." And cuts off the rooting - the cat. The cat in this fairy tale means morning.

Baba Yaga as the image of wisdom and death. And what is the rich image of Baba Yaga! Remember what kind of it? Scary, evil, lives in the forest and always strives someone to fried and eat. However, why then the Babe Yaga often come for the advice of Ivan-Tsarevich, then Vasilisa is beautiful? And where did this strange name come from - "Baba Yaga"? "Baba" is a mother, a master woman in ancient cultures. "Yaga" - fire. There was a verb "Fly". "Fly" - meant "screaming, putting all the strength in this cry." Yagali hunters, women in labor. It turns out that Baba Yaga was the main Mother, a wise woman who knew everything. And it was not so terrible, as it seems. After all, there is not a single fairy tale, where Baba-Yaga fry people, she only wants to do it. Where did it come from in a fairy tale? It turns out that such a rite existed - the sick child's patient. The grandmother-obedorah spoke the bread dough, wrapped the baby into him, put on the shovel and shovel into the oven. Then he took out, unfolded, and dough gave the dogs. A child often recovered the child from such warming. So, if you interpret a fairy tale from the point of view of the history of culture, then Baba Yaga is not at all the villain, but a folk healer. And there are a lot of such examples.

Thus, a fairy tale in education is always an assistant and friend. The works created by the Russian people are that it is especially necessary a child for the right, harmonious development and further formation of him as a person and personality. They improve imagination, thinking, emotional sphere, develop memory and speech and, of course, in the earliest stages, children with the categories of morality and morality, which are laid and remain with the guys throughout their subsequent life.

Merry and sad, terrible and funny, they are familiar with us since childhood. Our first ideas about the world, good and evil, about justice are connected with them.

Fairy tales love both children and adults. They inspire writers and poets, composers and artists. Speaks and movies are put on fairy tales, operas and ballets are created. Fairy tales came to us from deep antiquity. They told their beggar wanderers, tailors, retired soldiers.

The fairy tale is one of the main types of oral folk creativity. Artistic narration of a fantastic, adventure or domestic nature.

Folk fairy tales are divided into three groups:

  • - Fairy tales about animals - the most ancient view of the fairy tales. They have their own circle of heroes. Animals talk and behave like people. Lisa is always a tricky, wolf stupid and Zaidala, hare cowardly.
  • - Household fairy tales - Heroes of these fairy tales - a peasant, soldiers, a shoemaker - live in the real world and are usually fighting with Barin, Pop, General. They won due to resourcefulness, um and courage.
  • - Magic fairy tales - the heroes of magical fairy tales are not fighting for life, but to death, the enemies win, they save friends, facing the unclean power. Most of these fairy tales are associated with the search for the bride or abducted wife.

Fairy Tale Composition:

  • 1. Stained. ("In some kingdom, in some state lived - were ...").
  • 2. The main part.
  • 3. ending. ("They began to live - wait and good to find" or "they staged a feast on the whole world ...").

Heroes of fairy tales:

Favorite hero of Russian fairy tales - Ivan-Tsarevich, Ivan-Fool, Ivan - Peasant Son. This is a fearless, kind and noble hero who wins all enemies, helps weak and conquers happiness.

An important place in Russian magic fairy tales is allocated to women - beautiful, good, smart and hardworking. This is Vasilisa to do, Elena beautiful, Marya Morrevna or Siegyglaze.

The embodiment of evil in Russian fairy tales most often performed by the blasphemous immortal, snakes Gorynych and Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga is one of the most ancient characters of Russian fairy tales. This is a terrible and evil old woman. She lives in the forest in the hut on the couch legs, goes to a step. Most often it harms heroes, but sometimes helps.

Snake Gorynych is a fire-having monster with several heads, flying high above the ground, is also a very famous character of Russian folklore. When a snake appears, the sun goes out, the storm rises, lightning sparkles, trembling the earth.

Features of Russian folk fairy tales:

In Russian fairy tales, repeating definitions are often found: a kind horse; grey Wolf; Red maiden; Good well done, as well as combinations of words: the day for the whole world; go where eyes look; buyne hung his head; Neither in the fairy tale, nor the pen describe; Soon the fairy tale affects, but no sooner is done; How long is briefly ...

Often, in Russian fairy tales, the definition is put after the defined word, which creates special observance: my sons are cute; the sun is red; Beauty writing ...

Characteristic for Russian fairy tales. Brief and truncated forms of adjectives: Red Sun; The buyne hung his head; - and verbs: to hug instead grabbed, pour instead go.

The tale language is typical of the use of the names of the nouns and the names of adjectives with various suffixes, which give them a diminutive value: Mal-Yak -iy, Brother-Ec, Petush-Ok, Sun-Rysh ... All this makes the presentation of smooth, singing, emotional . The same goals are also a variety of amps and excretory particles: that's what, that, ka ... (here's a miracle! I'll go right. What a miracle!)

Four tales were close and understood by the simple people. Fantasy intertwined in them with reality. Living in need, people dreamed of carpets-aircraft, about the palaces, about self-balancing tablecloths. And always in Russian fairy tales, justice triumphantly, and good won evil. Not by chance A. S. Pushkin wrote: "What is the beauty of these fairy tales! Each is a poem! "

Mythological and fabulous characters became the heroes of the works of Russian art, first of all, the folk, starting from ancient times. Folk art - One of the National Memory carriers. It is in him that the images of Slavic mythology are preserved. Often these images were so transformed with time that it is difficult for us to understand what is depicted on a particular work. But many characters recognizable. These are the Mermaid-Faraerians, decorated at home in the Nizhny Novgorod province, and the images of the mother of raw land in northern red-white embroidery, and the fabulous birds of Sirin and the Alkonost, appearing in many types of folk art - embroidery, wood painting, as well as in the chests, and many others. IN folk toy - Clay (Dymkovsky and Kargopol) and a wooden (Bogorodskaya) - also a lot of fabulous characters also depict - the heroes of Pushkin fairy tales were especially popular.

For Peter I. There was an active admission to the achievements of the centuries-old European, including ancient, art, in connection with which in the XVIII - the first half of the XIX centuries. In the works of graduates and teachers of the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg (painters I.Akimova, A. Slesenko, P.Sokolov, K. Brullova, P.Basina, A.IvanovaSculptors I.Prokofieva, F. Hordeva, F. Steden, M.Kozlovsky, B. Oorlovsky, I.Vitali And many others) the heroes of antique mythology appear - Zeus and Fetid, Narcissus and Gimenta, Paris and Mercury, Apollo and Venus, Diana and Prometheus). By request Peter I. They were ordered in Italy and installed in the summer garden about 90 sculptures, including mythological plots (Apollo and Diana, Rock and Nemesis, Nymphs, Muses, Talia and Terraticor, Vertun and Pomona and many others).

The special page of Russian art during this period is to decorate the interiors of buildings, including palaces that are currently included in the complex of the Russian Museum, painting and sculpture on the stories of antique mythology. This is both Plafones S.Terelli, J.Valeryani and E. Lipgart. In the Marmara and Stroganovsky Palaces, and Reliefs A. Aadamson In the academic halls of the Mikhailovsky Palace, and painting on the plots of Homer's "Iliad" and "Odyssey" A.Vigi. On the walls of the White Hall of the Mikhailovsky Palace.

In the second half of the XIX century, an interest in Russian history, to folklore, to folk arts, is awakened. In the works of professional artists (first V.M.vasnetsov) The heroes of the epic (Bogatyri Ilya Muromets, Alesha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich) and fairy tales (Alenushka, Ivan-Tsarevich, Koschei). At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries N.K.rerich Appeals to the topic of the epic in the series of monumental panels "Bogatyr Friz", which he fulfilled for one of the St. Petersburg mansions. M.A.Vrubel Creates his "hero", as well as a series of majolicic sculptures on the topics of Sadko's operas and Snow Maiden. I.Y.Bribin Finding its own style of book design, the basis of which are the motives of Russian folk and medieval art. Many artists treated during this period and to antique mythology: A.N. Benua, V.A. SEROV, E.E.LERSER, N.D. Milioti, N.K. Kalmakov, M.F. Marion.

In 1933, ACADEMIA published a collection of "Kalevala" with original illustrations of the group of "Masters of Analytical Art" school P.N. Filonova: T.N.Glebova, A.I.Port, M.P.TSybasova And others. Other artists also appea to the topic of this world-famous Karelian-Finnish epic - N. Kochergin, V. Kurdov, M.Mchechev, Rfrek, T.Y.

In the XX century, fabulous images live, first of all, in folk art and in the book illustration. A special role in the formation of the appearance of the Soviet children's book belongs publishing "Detgiz"created in Leningrad 1933. This publisher was called "University" for illustrators of the children's book. The artistic version was headed by V.Lestev, under the guidance of which worked V.Konashevich, V. Kurdov, Yu.Vasnetsov, N. Tits, A. Pakhomov, E. Scharushin, A. Sakeson and many others.

More than 200 books designed T.Mavrina, the only Soviet artist, awarded award named after G. Hendersen for contributing to illustrating children's books.

Nowadays, fabulous topics most often appear in folk art - in a miniature painting of Phane, Holoi, Msterows, in Bogorodskaya, Dymkovsky and Kargopol toys.

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