The meaning of Valery, character and fate. The meaning of the ancient Roman name Valeria, character traits and future fate of lera

The meaning of Valery, character and fate. The meaning of the ancient Roman name Valeria, character traits and future fate of lera
The meaning of Valery, character and fate. The meaning of the ancient Roman name Valeria, character traits and future fate of lera

Lera's name (Valery) is a female form from male Valery. Accordingly, the value of the first is very close with the characteristics of the second. Translated from Latin - "Strong", "Hovering", "Bodyray", "strong". So, children awarded to them should grow real starts.

It is recognized as very beautiful, and now it is becoming more popular and more popular, and what traits of character has Lera? The name of the name is now and find out.

It has interesting derivatives: Lerik, Leunun, Lununchik, Lerosh, Lerunik, Leka.

The main lera are activity, emotionality, straightness, variability. Little girl with this name has been a rather quick-tempered and stubborn man since childhood. Everyone is a little worse than its explosive temperament, but at the same time also respected Lero for justice and perseverance. She tends to seek the desired.

Since childhood, Lerochka is quite capricious. The girl can in the morning "stand not from that foot" and continue to "blow" for something all day. Also, the meaning of Lera tells us that it can be offended at all, clicter in herself, but after a while her mood can change, and she becomes smiling again and easily goes to contact. Therefore, we can say that it is very difficult to be friends with her. But nevertheless, those who start with her friendship, they definitely do not regret it.

Considering all the spheres of life, it becomes interesting, what does Lera name for a child in school mean? With study, this girl copes well enough, while she sincerely tries to stand out among other children, wishes to earn praise and good assessment of teachers, trying to be in the center of attention around others. Perhaps someone can calculate it with an upset, so sometimes the lera appears ill-wishers.

Communicating with any person, you can think about it, and what is in his character attends exactly from the name? What is the name of Lera name in temperament another girl? In general, she has a rather complicated and unpredictable character. She is very persistent, quite demanding to the people around people, while possesses an incredible self. However, despite this, it is also worth noting that Lera is demanding not only to others, but also to itself. If she requires a person to learn how to do something complicated, keep in mind that Valery herself will be in response to take up for no less difficult matter.

If you classify the traits of character, deepening on the question of what the meaning of the name Lera, then the following positive characteristics can be distinguished: perseverance in affairs, belly-drying, wit, cheerfulness and activity, dedication to loved ones, sincerity. And also have negative features: syradiability; jealousy both to your beloved and to friends; capriciousness; Sometimes rigidity in communication even with loved ones.

For unfamiliar people, Lera is an incredulous and cold attitude, but if a person becomes her friend, withstanding all the shortcomings of her character, then a more faithful and responsive comrade will be difficult to find.

Meaning of the name:Translated from Latin, Valeria sounds like "Valeo", which means "strong", "healthy", be healthy, "" rich ".

The origin of the name: Valeria is the name of Latin origin. The patron of the name is the martyr Valery Caesarian, who, together with his associates, accepted Christianity. Before his death, she was forced to accept the pagan faith, but she sincerely prayed and believed in God, because of what was subjected to cruel torment.
Other forms: Lera, Eleonora, Glycheria, Elara, Valentina, Valya.

Name Day

March - 31 numbers;

April - 28 Number;

May - 6 number;

July - 7, 20 numbers;

December - 20 numbers.

The name Valeria has a strong energy, it gives its owner's cheerfulness, confidence and unpredictability.

In childhood, Valeria grows by an energetic and cheerful child, it is active and cheerful. It has a strong temperament, sometimes very demanding to parents. In the School, Lera is highlighted among classmates, it shows persistence in the study of almost all subjects, visits various circles, always takes part in school events. He has many friends, among which always seeks leadership.

Adult, Lera becomes a bright, bold and authoritarian girl who often shows their discontent. She seeks to succeed in life, so it can often seem proud and selfish. Valeria is always confident in the correctness of his actions, seeks financial independence.
Adult Valeria is very raw, sensitive and changeless. She has strict natureShe is stronger to himself and to her surround. It is often closed than pushes friends from yourself. At the same time, she is very raven and all failures perceives close to heart.

Adult Lera has a good taste, she dresses beautifully, has many fans. Her elegance, mystery and inaccessibility always manites the opposite sex. But women with this name are always looking for an ideal man to whom she can trust, give all their love and tenderness.

Character name

Valeria has conflicting and complex character, it happens unpredictable in their actions. It is very difficult for her to conquer the confidence of other people, but if a person succeeds, then he will find a faithful and devoted friend for life. Externally, Lera looks a confident woman, but internally she is rasimized and emotional. Women with this name are strong in spirit, they are targeted and volition. Their inner strength helps to overcome any complexity.

In the company with friends Lera Cheerful and Cheerful, she knows how to raise the mood. Sometimes it is hidden and closed than causes distrust from other people. In certain situations, Valery may be cut and evil, can provoke conflict situations.

"Winter" - Valeria - a sharp in statements, unpredictable in their actions;

"Autumn" - balanced, sociable;

"Summer" - conflict, complicated in communication, independent;

"Spring" - capricious, cheerful, stubborn.

Fate named

Little Lera is excessively active, chaos always reigns in her room, but when she takes care, does everything perfectly. In relations with parents, she is demanding and capricious, loves much attention. Maybe we stand for hours in front of the mirror trying on mom's outfits. She is artistic and talented, therefore always takes an active part in all school events.

Adult Lera responsible and kind, but its changeable and touchy. Lero attracts those professions that will allow her to climb the career ladder. The most often chooses the profession of financier, accountant manager. Can work in the banking sector, medicine, trade. Considering the good artistry of these women, they often choose the profession of actress, hairdresser, designer.

Having created a family, Valeria becomes an excellent hostess, mom and wife, she loves to support the comfort in the family nest, cooks well. She becomes a house, reluctantly takes friends, does not like noisy companies. Valeria is very jealous, and every woman who is close to her husband perceives as a potential rival. It is jealousy often the cause of divorces in the family of Valeria.

Valery's health strong. In childhood, often suffers from colds, prone to allergies. In adulthood, Lera is often subject to nervous disorders, so it may suffer from depression.

Positive features name

Valery's owner is cheerful, self-confident personalities who are able to make unpredictable actions. She is good and intelligent, but does not like when her kindness is used.

Negative features name

In the nature of Valeria, there are such qualities as stubbornness and perseverance. Sometimes she is cut in statements, can offend the interlocutor, while not aware of this.

Valery's name compatibility

To create a family to a woman with this name, a man is suitable for the name Anatoly, Matvey, Semen, Anton. Sophisticated relationships are possible with Kirill, Mark, Valentin, Evgeny.

Valeria is emotional, sincere and devoted. Despite the rapid manifestations of emotions, she reveals the soul only to close friends. In its character there is a share of vulnerability and caution. Valeria is often afraid of the surrounding world. Because of this, very sharply changes his opinion and plans. It can evaluate the same person every day every day, so it is hard to adapt to it. The meaning of Valery speaks of an unpredictable personality. She can be offended by nonsense and for a long time to be sad, and after again laugh and rejoice. It helps her intuition from complex situations to the lera. Such a woman knows how to make faithful solutions without assistance.

Valery's summary

Valeria's fate is not always favorable. Sometimes men do not even try to conquer her complex heart. And in vain, because Lera in the role of mother and wife is great. She most often finds his calling in creativity. She is close to the profession of choreographer, designer, actor, although in the role of a journalist, a reporter and leading it will also be good. The difficult character of Lera does not bother her at work. At home she tries to be comfortable. For her husband, she is always a reliable support, for children - loving and attentive mother. The fate of lera can become a terney because of its jealousness.

The origin of Valery Ancient Roman. This is a generic name formed from male - Valery. The root of the name "Valeo" is translated in different ways. It may be "strong", "strong" or the "Healthy". You can interpret this Latin word as "powerful", "influential", "make sense." There are many other values, but they are all similar.

What does Lera name for a girl, girls and women mean

Energy and fun - that means Valery's name for a little girl means. She loves to play with other children in the catchy. Homemade quiet games do not care. Lera always helps mom and performs all his home duties very carefully. This is a real little mistress that enjoys female affairs. Lera can learn well, but usually stuck at the average level. In this case, she needs the help of a tutor, which will add in training elements of competition. Do something incomprehensible for what this girl is not intense.

Lera is prone to completeness in the younger preschool and adolescence. Therefore, for the girl will be useful to occupies dancing, aerobics and other sports.

Young Lera is often very unhappy in love. Fate gives her one fan after another, but none can withstand her wrinkling character. In my youth, she is capricious. Trying to worry because of failures, but very quickly leaves. The meaning of Valery speaks about a person who does not know how to apologize, give up and forgive. She believes that everyone should take her real, because she is so wounded, and people are cruel. Although most often it shows power, not weakness.

Adult Valeria retains impermanence and sensitivity. Fate prepares her life full of creativity and conflicts. Such a woman is always very targeted. Deciphering the name of Lera talks about a woman who is confident in herself, his abilities and its right thing. May offend another person with his discontent. She always has a lot of energy for new achievements.

At adult lera little friends. The impermanence of character scares people from her, and it discovers that loved ones left too little. For them, she belongs to be thrifty, always listens and helps. Characteristic named after Valeria says that she is a very loyal friend. In marriage, Lera jealous and wounded, but a sufficient strong husband will be able to curb it. Unfortunately, she has little chance to find such a person, so Lera is often married several times.

Forms of the name and declination by cases

Full form: Valeria.

Abbreviated: Lera.

Reductantly-caressing: Lerrik, Lerush, Leununa, Leo, Leruha, Valley, Lerushka, Lerochka.

I. Valery

R. Valeria

D. Valeria

V. Valery

T. Valeria, Valery

P. O Valeria

Church Calendar Sign

Valery's name is in the church calendar and revered twice a year. Tsaritsu Valery recall May 6, and Martyr Valery Palestinian on June 20.

Compatibility with men by name

Valeria's fate will be successful in Union with Anatoly, Semen, Matvey, Anton and Boris. Smaller understanding in marriage with Peter, Mark, Kirill and Vladislav.

Deciphering named after Valeria spelled and translation into other languages

B - optimism and vitality. A person with this letter in the name is always honest and scrupulous. He likes others, in moderation is sociable and attractive. Passionate nature, which loves once and forever.

A - the desire to create something new, leading. The desire to provide external and internal comfort.

L - letter of creativity. The value speaks of a good taste, the ability to appreciate beauty. A person is in constant search for idealized love, although it wishes physical satisfaction.

E is the independence of thoughts and views, which often leads to loneliness. The owner of this letter is expressing through communication. A person sees true goals and recognizes the real attack of many things.

P is some kindness of character. Patient attitude towards work, clear look.

And - spirituality. The desire to live in harmony with the world, surround yourself with elegant gifts of nature. A person is equally well cared about appearance and soul. It can be skeptical, but honest and straightforward. These qualities interfere with finding one person for life.

I am self-esteem. The ability to correctly assess your feelings and opportunities. Rich inner world. The need for respect and self-esteem. Own dignity for such people is more importantly surrounding. Sexy custody.

For passport: Valeriia.

English, German, Czech: Valerie.

Ukrainian: Valeria.

Belorussian: Valery.

Polish: Waleria.

Bulgarian: Valeria.

Serbian: Valerie, Valerija.

Romanian, Italian, Spanish: Valeria.

French: Valérie.

Portuguese, Hungarian: Valéria.

Greek: βαλέρια.

Korean: 발레리아.

Japanese: バレリア.

Chinese: 瓦萊里婭.

Influential and famous Valeria

  1. Actress Valery Arlanova, Valeria Taylor, Valeria Belova, Valeria Andrews, Valeria Lanskaya.
  2. Singers Valery Perfilova, Valery Kozlova.
  3. Musician Valeria Averbach.
  4. Leading Valeria Kudryavtseva.
  5. Model Valery Mazza.

Valery meaning in video

Responsive friendly cheerful

Valeria Lanskaya, actress theater and movies, singer

  • Meaning of the name
  • Influence on the child

What does Valery name mean?

What a beautiful, frantic name Valery! It is widespread in Russia. The meaning of Valeria creates the image of a healthy, feminine and self-confident girls.

The character of Valeria affects the fact that there is a male version that occurs more often than the female name. It adds the owner of both charm and femininity, and some boys in her behavior.

Energy named brings in its carrier cheerfulness, activity and confidence in their own forces.

Her behavior, attitude towards people basically depend on the drops of its mood and a squall of emotions. Often it does not herself can explain the causes of sudden anger or stormy joy.

Analyzing what the name of Valery means, you can feel some uncertainty that provokes unpredictability and surprise in the behavior of a woman. Valeria seems to be surrounded as a mystery, which is difficult to solve.

For carriers of the name, the patronymic is: Gennadievna, Semenovna, Fedorovna, Maksimovna, Borisovna, Glebovna, Ivanovna, Denisovna, Danilovna or Matveyevna.

Valery Evgenievna loves to be in the spotlight. It differs from other hard work and activity.

Alekseevna is balanced, stands out by the practical warehouse of the mind, and also strives for leadership. The owner of Andreevna forces is overly proud, sometimes comes to the boring, organized and cheerful. Dmitrievna perspicure, firm, quick-tempered, lover of disputes and gossip.

Would you call the child with this name?

Valeria happened from the male name Valery. Arguing about what Valery means, it can be understood that in translation the word "Valeo" from the Latin language is interpreted as "be healthy, strong."

The name Valerius first appeared in the legends of the ancient Rome, telling about the reign of various emperors. It has ancient Roman origin, used in families of noble and rich inhabitants of the city.

The story introduces us with an interesting fact. In those long-standing times, the Romans did not have their personal names, and they first first the name of the father, and later - the name of the spouse. Therefore, we can assume that Lera was a daughter or wife of some Valery.

The origin of Valeria speaks about many things. For example, in Orthodoxy, this is the Great Martyr Valery Caesarian, which one of the first adopted Christianity and faithfully served as His faith.

Known the fact that she was trying to return to paganism by force, but also under cruel torture she did not reject Christ.

History calls the names of famous supports: Actress Snacking, TV presenter Kudryavtseva, singer Kozlova, actress Golino, famous model Sokolova, political figure Novodvorskaya, Gymnast Maksyuta, actress Lanskaya, Savina Tennis player, film director Guy Germanica.

Forms name

Full: Valery Brief: Lera Affectionate: LerochkaOld: Valery

In the early years, Valeria is manifested in advance. It is distinguished by an unpredictable behavior, which is determined by its changeable mood. And no one can find the cause of such sudden drops.

Lera - a cautious girl, unfamiliar people holds at a distance. She prefers a quiet home furnishings, rarely goes to visit and mass events.

Characteristic named after Valery is a description of a complex and unpredictable nature.

It is distinguished by impermanence. Its goals, preferences, attitude towards people changes quickly and often. One of the same person she can praise and hate. Create with Valery strong friendship is difficult.

She possesses oratorical abilities, loves to speak in front of the public. She is suitable for all professions that suggest public speeches. The carrier of the name will create a successful career as a political figure, actress, journalist, translator, TV presenter. She is also suitable profession of psychologist, teacher, fashion designer, designer. Lera can become a demanding and strict chief.

In the characteristic of Valeria, you can find out that this woman is an adventurer, adorns adventures and travel.

It successfully develops its financial side of life due to favorable marriage, bold financial projects or successful sales.

Valeria prefers to communicate in a small company with calm serious people who support the topics interesting for her and at the same time perform the role of listeners. When the interlocutor is actively involved in the subject, then the representative of the name quickly disappears interest in conversation.

Valeria has a strong character. This is a purposeful and volitional woman who resistive tolerate all the troubles and complexity of life. Its hardness and determination are best in critical situations when a quick response to the circumstances has been needed.

The secret named after Valeria gives his support to the activity that perfectly combines with her cheerful temper and a subtle sense of humor.

The character is complex, controversial. Close people are affected by such rarely compatible feelings as sentimentality and wit are perfectly combined in such a moving nature.

Valeria is easily excited, hot-tempered and very restless. It is so strongly soluble in the raging world of feelings and emotions, which it shows very violently, which can even be depressed.

The girl has sensitivity and vary: these qualities of character and explains its changeable behavior. She is ambiguous, hardworking, but not a careerist.

Her subtle intuition is associated with a rare impressionability. This woman is attractive and charming, and often uses these qualities with benefits for himself.

Valeria is characterized by a synthetic warehouse of the mind. It is characterized by a developed fantasy, a rich imagination and excellent shaped memory. This woman will long remember what surprised it or alarmed.






The ability to fulfill promises



Excessive ambitiousness



Valeria has a romantic and in love in love.

To become her friend or husband, a guy needs patiently and unobtrusively conquer the heart of beauties. If a girl notices and appreciate a man, then in this man she will only see the best of its qualities, will be the faithful girlfriend and beautiful wife for him.

In family relations, Valeria exhibits itself with a beautiful mistress and a loving wife. It should be noted that it is very jealous. If her spouse only touches another woman with a look, and she will notice it, then anger and insult is completely overwhelming her. Sometimes jealousy can become the main destroyer of family happiness.

Name name Valeria for girl

Lera's name came to us from ancient Rome. Thus called girls from noble Roman childbirth. It means "strong, strong". The meaning of the name implies a strong volitional personality with a decisive character.

This name is a derivative of the form on behalf of Valery. It only focuses on the attention of others on her femininity and charm. Sometimes in the character of the girl you can see some boyish notes.

In the 21st century, this name has become popular. Now parents widely use it to adopt their beautiful babies.

The character of Valeria is internally, the behavior is very unpredictable and inconstant. In most cases, it is an energetic, cheerful, decisive girl who can quickly change their views, mood and plans.

Valeria creates an image of a restless child who cannot calmly sit in one place. She wants to try everything, explore. She dances, runs, jumps, wants everything to know, chatting without silent.

The child is wounded, sensitive, impressionable. She has sharp mood swings. From this girl you can expect anything. It is almost impossible to predict its behavior.

What does Valeria achieve success?

In school years tries always and everywhere to do. What will happen to school, it depends only on its desire and desire to learn. It will demonstrate an amazing effort when studying favorite school items. Conversely, you will not make her teach the subject that she doesn't like her.

From Lera, excellent lawyers, executives, economists may turn out. It can achieve success in professions implying a public speech. Perfect work in show business, in the political sphere.

Lera like work related to constant communication. She can find his calling in the profession of teacher, waiter, guide, a hairdresser of a psychologist, a masseur.

When educating the girl, the demands of parents should not disagree with the case. Try to reduce the number of prohibitions. Try to react calmly for your daughter's tricks. Turn on the child to all your home affairs. Let Valery helps parents to make cleaning, cook, buy products. Try any positive acting girl to support the praise. Do not punish physically.

What games will love Valeria?

Valeria is a fond of nature. I am pleased to visit various mugs, often change them or visits several sections opposite to the direction. He loves moving games, engaged in sports, loves to jump and run.

Reads adventure and fantastic literature. It does not always draw attention to parents.

Winter Valeria too excumbed and predisposed to nervous breakdowns. Her perception of even small problems often develops into a unthinkable tragedy, so it is often hard to find a common language with others. She is a fundamental and proud woman that gives her inner strength and beauty.

Spring Valery - Capricious, spoiled woman. She is used to that everyone is doing around as she wishes (but few people want to communicate and be friends with such special, therefore, most often Spring Valery is very alone). However, it is very popular with men, which makes her self-confident woman who knows exactly how to set up another fan on his way.

Summer Valery. surface, somewhat mercantile and careful. It always achieves the goals and tasks set in front of them, especially if these are the most goals to her benefit or moral pleasure. That's just minus it is that she can seek his desires, "going on the corpses." The principles of summer Valeria do not always correspond to the norms of morality.

Autumn Valery it is a balanced, calm and always restrained nature. It is difficult to "bring out", because for any question from it you can always hear a reasonable, argued answer, thinningly hinting that any dispute with her is doomed to failure. Autumn Valeria often hides its emotions, which entails problem relationships with men.

Stone - Talisman

Valeria's talismans are grenades and emerald.


This stone symbolizes friendship and love, passion and devotion.

In the Christian tradition, the grenade was appreciated as a stone contributing to reconciliation of friends and strengthen love, as well as family bonds.

Interesting fact! Because of its red, it was believed that the grenade stabilizes blood pressure. In addition, it is believed that this stone soothes the nervous system, it is beyond and gives a person optimism, contributes to prosperity and attached vitality.


This gem symbolizes hope, freshness and joy.

Emerald is able to open secret knowledge, helping to develop the prophecies.

Interesting fact! Our ancestors believed that this stone could improve sleep and identify marital treason (emerald disintegrated by several pieces with infidelity). Okivoy and inexperfree people of Emerald brings failure.

Emerald helps a person well focus on the terrain and avoid disasters, so seamens are with them in marine campaigns.



A lucky number for Valeria - 8 (about the value of the number of eight can be read in the article).



The elements of Valeria are water (which means the patronage of this element, you can read in the article "The Effect of Elements, Planets and Numbers on Human Life").

Animal - symbol

Animal symbols for Valeria are the horse and scarab beetle.


This is a noble animal symbolizes: intelligence, wisdom, light and time frequency. This symbol helps in trouble, gives vitality and brings wealth.

Scarab beetle

This beetle symbolizes the revival of the human soul. It is used to protect against evil char, to achieve financial well-being, to gain happiness and good luck.



Favorable plants for Valeria are chestnut, peony and sweet cherry.


This tree symbolizes wisdom, care and providence. According to believe, wearing chestnut fruits in the pocket brings health and protects against negative events.

Chestnut applies in medicine in the treatment of vascular diseases, various rheumatism, gallbladder diseases. In addition, the chestnut is used as a hemostatic agent.


This flower symbolizes longevity, wealth and joy. The peony is endowed with healing properties: so, the tincture of the roots of this plant helps with insomnia and removes the irritation.

Sweet cherry

This is a symbol of spring flowering, hope and youth.


Metal talismans for Valeria are aluminum and silver.


Aluminum symbolizes stability and calm. Aluminum rings are worn with important meetings (this metal helps to acquire the necessary acquaintances and improve the mutual understanding of people in the team).


This metal symbolizes spiritual purity. Silver protects its owner from the evil eye, witchcraft, negative effects from outside and evil spirits.

Favorable days

An unfavorable day


Favorable season for Valeria - Spring.

Important years of life

Recent years of life for Valeria: 18, 19, 20, 27, 30, 34, 38, 44, 50, 63 and 67.

The origin of Valery

Translation name

Valery's name comes from the Latin word Valeo, which means "strong", "strong", "healthy".

History name

The name Valeria is a variant of the male name Valery. So, Patrician name Valerius is found in the legends about the ancient Rome telling about the life of the emperors.

Forms (Analogs) name

Valery's most common forms of Valery: Lera, Leo, Lerosha, Valya, and currency.

Legend of Valery

Valeria Caesarian - the Holy Rannechristian, which was given by the title of martyr. Valeria Caesarian, together with his companions Kyriaki Kaesarian and Maria Kesarian (received their nickname the name of the ancient city of Caesarea) adopted Christianity, regularly prayed, it was regularly served by their faith.

It is also known that Valery Caesarian was tortured in order to turn her into the pagan faith. But even after cruel torment, she did not refuse Christianity.

Mystery named after Valery

Angel Day (Name Day)

March: 31 numbers.

April: 28 number.

May: 6 number.

June: 6, 7 and 20 numbers.

December: 9 number.

Patolers named after Valery

  • Martyr Valery African.
  • Martyr Valery Milanskaya.
  • Martyr Valery Caesarian.
  • Martyr Valeria Limoges.

Famous people

Famous actresses named Valeria:

  • Valery swollen;
  • Valeria Lanskaya.

Famous TV presenters by name Valery:

  • Valeria Kondra;
  • Valeria Kudryavtseva.

Famous singers named Valeria:

  • Valeria Barsova;
  • Valeria Kozlova.

Famous writer named Valeria:

  • Valeria Gerasimova;
  • Valeria Tsvetaeva.

Valeria Savina - Russian tennis player.

Valery Sokolova - Russian model from Penza.

The meaning of Valery

For a child

Lera from the Small years is very unpredictable, while parents cannot understand the sharp change of her mood. In addition, she overtooks and caprip (the attention of relatives should be entirely and completely to her and no one else). Very often, such egoism provoked by a hyperopic mother leads to the fact that it does not add up relations with their native sisters and brothers.

Little Lero is difficult to call a neat girl, on the contrary, the chaos always reigns in her room, which she herself calls "creative disorder." For the sake of justice, it should be noted that if she is taking care of cleaning, then the room will lead the room in perfect order.

Valeria is a real fashionista that can dress up and look in the mirror for hours. She is talented and artistic, so participates in school holidays and visits various circles.

The study is given by Valeria not very easily, although it is very serious and responsible for the educational process. And all over the fault of its changeable and touchy. She wants to become a leader, but it does not always work out, which can lead to serious emotional breakdowns.

But in general, Valery is a kind, responsive and generous girl who sincerely loves his loved ones and never betray friends.

For girl

Having become an adult, Valeria remains complex in nature, whose behavior is hard to predict. It often incorrectly gives an assessment of events and people (such behavior does not have others to it). However, if someone has a patience and the strength to conquer the location of Valeria, then such a person will forever acquire a very devoted friend.

Despite the difficult teenage period, Valeria, as a rule, diligently studies at the university and is preparing for a future career. Guys are not interested in her little, but love is not alien to her (the main thing is that feelings do not prevent the achievement of its goals). And the goals of Lera are changing as quickly as her mood, besides, she does not know how and does not want to limit themselves with any framework.

She is hardworking and responsible, scrupulous and stubborn, but its painful attitude towards criticism often prevents the establishment of friendly and working relationships. In addition, Lera is excessively emotioned (anger in a rummy can hurt a person with a sharp sense, and never recognizes its guilt).

If we talk about friends, then the lera is a bit of them, because it rarely opens to people, which gives rise to the myth of her insincerity. But for the time proven people - she is a beautiful friend.

For woman

Adult Valeria is extremely raw, sensitive and changeless. She has a strict character, which contributes to the achievement of great success in life. However, the minus is that Valeria is often alone, which is also its closure. At the same time, she may be too close to the heart to take both their own and other stresses.

Valeria, even in an adult life, remains a real coquette and fashionista, which cannot but not like men who try to achieve its location. Her elegance, mystery and unavailability are mounted by representatives of strong sex. But Lera is looking for an ideal man who will be able to give tenderness and love (such searches can end that it will make the wrong choice). In the meantime, she will not meet the only one, will be with distrust to perceive love novels.

Description of Valery


Valeria is a sincere and honest nature, but it is far from always it should be moral and moral and ethical standards, especially if they interfere with the achievement of the goals.

Valeria despises liars, although as a woman, of course, is not off sometimes to embello in some events.


Valeria is generally good health, but there is a tendency to complete. There may also be problems with urinary and nervous systems. Valeria need to lead an active and healthy lifestyle, implying regular physical exertion.


Men are hard to conquer Valery with her complex character. But, of course, it is possible, just need to be patient.

In general, Valeria like strong and assertive men, ready to fight for their happiness. All courtship such a man will pay off more than, because Valeria is loved, then forever.


Valeria agrees to get married only for a person who sincerely loves her and to which herself is very attached. She attaches the greatest meaning when choosing a spouse and chooses only a heart. For Valeria, the marriage is unacceptable for the calculation (as well as the appearance of children without love).

Family relationships

Valeria with a relaxed ease becomes a good mistress and seeks to make her husband as much as much as possible. Diligently copes with their downtown worries and raising children. At the same time, it requires from his beloved loyalty and mutual understanding. Unfortunately, often a family for Valeria goes into the background, giving way to career growth. Her husband's husband, though pinches attention, but the sense of ownership and jealousy leads to the fact that there are nozzles in her family a quarrel and scandals.


Unpredictability in everything for Valeria is the norm. Even in intimate relationships, it can be expected, anything: it can be a passionate and insatiable lioness, and can put on a mask of a cold and impregnable lady.

But in any case, sex for Valeria plays a far from the last role in relationships, so it is typical (especially in his youth) to change sexual partners, which helps to experience the whole range of feelings. And if her dusty passion fades, the novelty disappears, which is so manitis, then it returns to new search.

Mind (intelligence)

Valeria has an analytical mindset, she has a lively, well-developed fantasy, excellent shaped memory. At the same time, it is not inclined to mathematics, and more in the humanitarian sciences (loves to study foreign languages).


Interest in your inner world, and not to work prevails with Valeria. In the best way, she shows itself, being a hostess of his business, although she can cope with any position if the case is loved. And all thanks to such qualities of character as a responsibility, prudence and hard work. Valeria is most suitable for working with people - this is the scope of service, education, trade, catering.


Valeria is predisposed to keeping his business. In addition, she skillfully deals, thanks to which profitable sales and bold financial transactions appear. Also Valeria is quite easy to communicate with partners, which is important for the establishment of new business relations.


Valeria's favorite passion is reading and cooking (she loves to cook and constantly improve their culinary art).

She is not a twist of sports, but loves to play small tennis or swim in the pool.

Type of character


Valeria has a restless lifestyle and unstable, unbalanced psyche. To impress the surrounding, it can demonstrate his anger. Valeria is unnecessary self-confident and many makes a lot of rapid actions. For example, in a conversation he likes to talk more than to listen, because of which it becomes often an unwanted interlocutor. It is important for it in the spotlight, otherwise she begins to feel uncertain.


Valeria is quite often guided by its inner voice, which is associated with its impressionability. In addition, there is charming and charming in nature than Valeria enjoys with great success. So, in love affairs, it does not pay attention, except for the call of his heart and inland gusts.

Horoscope named after Valery

Valeria - Aries

Cheerful and cheerful Valery Aries, which comes to any case extremely scrupulously, should always be in the center of events. To lead to her, not to fulfill. Valeria-Aries has charming appearance and always presents itself to the effect, thereby manipulating men. This is a temperamental and devoted woman who will not forgive betrayal to his chosen one.

Valeria - Taurus

This is a calm and scrupulous woman who does not like to change. For Valeria-Taurus, stability is important, and this applies to all areas of her life. It will perfectly cope with monotonous and routine work, but creative and creative activity is not her bitch. Everything, for which Valeria is taken, she brings to perfection, so it is appreciated both at home and at work. It can not boast of a large number of fans, because it is closed and shy, but for her husband will be a devoteed wife (albeit a great name).

Valeria - Gemini

It is a flirty and restless nature, loving laughter and fun. She walks through life with humor and endless optimism. She even at work time to joke, soften with colleagues and at the same time do their job. Minus Valeria-Gemini - impermanence and indecision, which can prevent her promotion through the career ladder. In a relationship with men, it is not very selective, so it is often disappointed in relations.

Valeria - Cancer

Elegant and educated lady is Valery-Cancer, refined and delicate manners of which are captive by men. At the same time, Valery-Cancer is a real household, for which the family is coming to the fore. She strives for stability, although sometimes not averse to change the situation and go on a journey. She is stronger and demanding to men: so, her perfect man should be intelligent and polite.

Valeria - Lev.

This is closed in yourself and envious woman. Nobody knows about her dreams, and they are going down to power, universal attention and adoration. Although Valery-Lion and tries to suppress envy, but the success of the girlfriends lay on her shoulders with a heavy burden. In her work, she is constantly lacking patience, impairing and responsibility. The sincerity of Valeria Lerl is also alien, for she loves to embellish what is happening in their favor. She has a lot of fans, but in their familiar men she wants to see only a non-existent ideal.

Valeria - Deva.

The balanced and gallant Valery Valeya is always diligently, thorough, and, most importantly, creatively comes to his work. She easily achieves respect in society, and its ability to establish the right contacts contributes to rapid career growth. She knows how to inspire and impose his opinion to the interlocutor, and it makes it so skillfully that he does not suspect it. It also applies to the family - Valery-Verva claims the role of the head of the family.

Valeria - Scales

Charming, sociable and pleasant woman is Valery-scales, which is taken for any business with passion and enthusiasm, but its carelessness does not allow everyone to bring to a logical completion. She considers itself very intelligent and does not endure familiarities. Valeria-scales are very popular in men, but requires universal attention to themselves, and herself often cannot even listen to his interlocutor.

Valeria - Scorpio

This is a pretty irritable nature, adoring to do everything around the comment, although it is forces it to be nervous the slightest negative statement in his address. It is overly emotional, so it is not surprising that her life is filled with adventures and bright colors, without which she just cannot live. Her man will be hard to take constant and often contrived quarrels that for Valeria Scorpion is quite common.

Valeria - Sagittarius

It can be described as a woman, fermented, hot and energetic. Valeria-Sagittarius can blame himself, if something went wrong, as she planned. And if the attack of anger will begin, it will be difficult to stop a woman who behaves tactlessly and does not think about the consequences. Valeria-Sagittarius is very difficult to recognize their mistakes. The main requirements for a man are: halanery, the presence of intelligence and material security.

Valeria - Capricorn.

This is a constant woman with skeptical life touches and distrust to people. It does not suit her lot in life and in the surrounding people, it is everywhere and is looking for a catch on everything, which complicates life and herself, and people who are not indifferent. She can perceive any remark as an incredible insult. It is very difficult to surprise anything, and even more so to please, so Valery Capricorn does not boast a lot of friends. The same applies to her fans who are afraid of strong and domineering Valery-Capricorn.

Valeria - Aquarius

Winnocheing and seamless Valery Aquarius are completely given to his beloved business, which deserves respect from colleagues and bosses (not in her style to stop halfway). It completely eliminates the possibility of interference with other people in their lives, especially in personal relationships. Valeria-Aquarius does not perceive too obsessive and tedious fans, from which she quickly gets tired. She will not be with a man who will try to impose her will.

Valery Fish

This is a very talented, elegant and pleasant woman, the hard work of which, in combination with purposefulness, lead to inevitable success. Valery Fish is an unusual and original person, which is only an outstanding man. The main valuable qualities of the future spouse of Valeria fish are the senses of humor and the power of the will: she will not only be true for such a man, but will devote his life to him.

Valery's compatibility with male names

Valeria and Alexander

Valeria and Aleksey

Valeria and Alexei's relationship is difficult to call lasting and stable, but despite this, this couple can live together for more than a dozen years. In Valeria, Alexei attracts calm, which is surprisingly combined with the originality of thinking. Valeria sees in his companion a reliable and faithful partner who is ready to forgive his shortcomings. In general, the family reigns understanding.

Valeria and Nikolai

In this union there is no place to monotize, because Valery and Nikolay think it is similar and prefer to actively conduct leisure, which only strengthens their relationship. They understand each other perfectly, so they can become not only perfect spouses, but also excellent partners. Their joint business will flourish, bringing prosperity and well-being in the house. They can be adventurists, and philosophers at the same time, which brings diversity and interest in their union.

Valeria and Ivan.

This pair of workaholics is characterized by purposefulness and energetic. For Valeria and Ivan, the family traditions that they try to honor and observe are very important. In their union reigns peace, while Italian passions are trying to avoid. They find their happiness in children and creating a full-fledged friendly family.

Valeria and Mikhail

Optimistic and cheerful Valeria is a wonderful couple for mobile and curious Mikhail. Together they have fun and productively spend time, but at the same time they should be remembered that everything should be in moderation, otherwise the Union will not endure the tests of material and household difficulties that sooner or later stand on their way. In general, this is a fairly strong union that many obstacles can overcome.

Valeria and Roman

A solid novel who is serious about building a family is not ready to put up with the unpredictability of Valeria, which often belongs to life too frivolous. First, the greeliness of the chosen is fascinated by a man, but over time the novel understands that a joint life with Leroy will bring only misunderstanding that is fraught with frequent scandals. If he is ready to put up with the eccentricity of his girlfriend, then their steam may well take place.

Valeria and Anatoly

In this tandem on top of the pedestal there are feelings and sexual compatibility. Initially, Valery and Anatoly do not treat their relationship seriously, but over time, their passion develops into a deep feeling that can become the basis of a strong family. The main thing is that both partners have enough strength and patience that will help to put up with the lack of each other. Otherwise, the breaking of the relationship does not avoid.

Valeria and Vitaly

These man and a woman are full of mutual understanding, they are very well suited to each other. In addition, their pair often is an example for others. Also, their intimate life contributes only to rapprochement and strengthening such a union. Well, after birth in their marriage, the child, Valeria and Vitaly are unlikely to exchange a family happy life for dubious freedom outside of marriage.