An animal that looks like the number 7. Start in science

An animal that looks like the number 7. Start in science
An animal that looks like the number 7. Start in science

“Number and figure 8” - Check. The figure eight has two rings - without beginning and end. What is shown in front of you? What does the number 8 look like? Place the balls into 2 groups according to color. How to get the number 8? Calculate. Number and figure 8. Arrange the numbers of the pictures. What does the number look like? What number follows the number 7 when counting? Let's check. Goals and objectives.

“Seven Wonders of the World Lesson” - To introduce students to the history of the Seven Wonders of the World. Continue to develop students' creative abilities. Egyptian pyramids. The Colossus of Rhodes. Halicarnassus Mausoleum. Work on the 35-meter statue lasted 12 years. “Seven Wonders of the World” Lesson-tour on the history of the Ancient World in 5th grade. In 220 BC. the statue was destroyed by an earthquake.

“Heroes of Bunin’s Numbers” - a description of the heroes of the work by I.A. Bunin "Numbers". 8. The attitude of other characters towards this hero. Bunin shows the relationship between the boy and his uncle in this situation. We found facts in the text of the story that confirmed the identified causes of the conflict. 1. The place occupied by the hero in the work. We got acquainted with the materials of comparative analysis of the characteristics of the heroes of the work.

“History of numbers” - We still use Roman numerals and letters. Many thousands of years ago, our distant ancestors lived in small tribes. And these are Egyptian numbers from 1 to 10. For example, the clock on the Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin. At first they counted on their fingers. The name “Arabic numerals” is a tribute to the historical role of Arabic culture in mathematical science.

“Numbers Lesson” - Some tasks can be completed interactively. Lesson objectives: Systematize and generalize children's knowledge about numbers and numbers. Lesson topic: “Numbers and figures. Working with number series. “My mathematics” 1st grade. Tips for the teacher. Roman numerals. Calendar of the ancient Mayan people. Arabic numerals. Mathematics. Addition table.

“Number and number” - Name the numbers from which you can make the number 9. Number and number 7. Insert the missing numbers. Number and figure 1. Make up a problem based on the picture and solution. Number and figure 6. Number and figure 5. 6 – 1. Number and figure 9. Name the “neighbors” of the number. = 5. Number and figure 4. 6 – 5. Insert the missing number. Make up examples of addition and subtraction.

Additional materials
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Teaching aids and simulators in the Integral online store for 1st grade
Manual on Moro M.I. Manual by Peterson L.G.

Getting to know the number and number 7

Listen! The bell is ringing!
This is the beginning of the lesson.
You and I are setting off on our journey today.
To the country that is called “Mathematics”.
Numbers and mathematical signs live there.
They can tell us a lot.
The main thing is to listen carefully and remember.

Together with us, the Smart Gnome and the Little Fox are going to the land of Mathematics.
“I want to learn so much,” said the Little Fox to the Smart Dwarf, “I just don’t know if I can.”
Guys, can you help Little Fox? So here we go. Is everyone ready to go? Has anyone forgotten pens, pencils, notebooks, textbooks?

Let's practice counting to 7

Look at the picture and tell me what the number will be: blue square, green square, red square, red circle, yellow circle, red circle?

Look at the picture and count how many squares, circles, and triangles are there in total? Compose and write the inequalities.

Look at this picture and write down in numbers the number of kittens you see.

You couldn't write down the number of kittens in the last picture? No problem. Today we are going to visit the number and number

Let's remember all the numbers we know.

Look at the picture and tell me which numbers are in the wrong house?

Have you noticed that one house is empty? And this is because its resident is waiting for us to visit and meets us at the doorstep. What's his name?

That's right, this is the number SEVEN.

I'm a daring seven.
Among the numbers, mischievous.
It’s impossible without me.
Look around
You will see that I am right.

See where the number 7 is on the number line?

All numbers to the left of the number 7 are smaller, and to the right of the number 7 are greater.

Think about where we can find seven?

The braid looks like SEVEN.
when the mower goes to the meadow,
He takes her with him.

Look at the poker.
Her grandmother stirs the coals in the stove.
If you stand upside down,
Then SEVEN will be with us.

There are exactly SEVEN of these brothers.
Equal for years, but different names.
Everyone knows them.
Every week around
The brothers follow each other.
As soon as the last brother says goodbye,
Then the first brother appears again.

The sun ordered:
The Seven-Color Bridge - in an arc!
I'll walk on you
And I can reach the stars with my hand.

Seven guys on a ladder

Songs started playing.
After all, it’s impossible without them:
Not a melody to listen to,
Not to play a symphony.

Seven thought and said:
I want to fly into the sky like a bird.
I thought and became a boomerang.
What more could she want?

On a starry night,
On a dark night, look at the sky.
You will see seven beautiful bright stars.
They call them a ladle
or "Big Bear".

Proverbs and sayings about the number seven:

  • Seven troubles, one answer.
  • Seven do not wait for one.
  • Seven times measure cut once.
  • One with a bipod, seven with a spoon.
  • Seven Fridays a week.

Let's try to solve the examples that the smart Dwarf asked the Little Fox.

Put the correct sign. Which entry is missing here?

Mathematicians who come to the country are sure to solve problems. Can you handle the decision? Help Little Fox.

On the lawn in the yard
Six puppies play hide and seek.
Mom Laika is looking for them.
Try to count:
How many dogs are there in the yard?

Ants live together.
And they don’t scurry around idle.
Two carry a blade of grass.
Two - carry a blade of grass.
Three - they carry needles.
How many are there under the tree?

To Little Fox for his birthday
All the forest people came to visit:
Hedgehog, Teddy Bear, little Raccoon,
Hare, Squirrel and Badger.
And the last Tiger is a friend.
Quickly count:
How many guests were there?

Well done, I knew that you would quickly complete the tasks. Now let's remember what we learned in class today?
We met the number SEVEN.
We remembered inequalities, solved complex problems and examples.

So the lesson flew by.
Listen! The bell rings for recess.
We'll take a little rest
And again we will begin our journey to the land of Knowledge.

The text of the work is posted without images and formulas.
The full version of the work is available in the "Work Files" tab in PDF format


From the history of the number 7 ……………………………………………………

Secrets of the number 7…………………………………………………………

The number 7 in fairy tales, proverbs and sayings……………………….

Number 7 in poems, riddles, problems …………………………………

Chapter 5 .

Puzzle “Tangram” ……………………………………………...

The magic of number 7…………………………………………………………

Test for divisibility by 7………………………………………………………………

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………




The theme of my work is “The Amazing Number 7”.

I chose this topic because I was interested in the ancient origins of natural numbers, and I decided to find more information about numbers. While reading books on entertaining mathematics, fairy tales, proverbs, I noticed that I often came across the number 7. Every day in mathematics lessons we learn about the properties of numbers, solve problems and equations with their help. A textbook is a great help; you can learn a lot from it. But about who and when numbers were invented, why people needed them, what amazing properties some numbers have, what works on mathematics have come down to us, how mathematics is used in various games and much more, you can find out if you read additional literature on mathematics.

Target my job is to analyze the number 7 from a mathematical, philosophical, magical point of view.

I visited libraries, read as many books as possible and to achieve the goal the following were set: tasks:

1. Find interesting facts and problems related to the number 7.

2. Understand the meaning of proverbs and sayings associated with this number.

3. Reveal the magical, philosophical meaning of the number 7.

Object research became the number 7.

Item research: frequency of appearance of the number 7 in mathematical problems, puzzles, and various literary genres.

Hypothesis: A number of interesting facts make it possible to assume that the number 7 is one of the significant numbers in our lives.

Chapter 1. From the history of the number 7

The series of numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9... is called natural. And these numbers themselves are natural. This series arose in ancient times, when people had a need to count objects. With the advent of the natural series, the first step towards the creation of mathematics was taken. Now everyone understands that the natural series of numbers is infinite. In ancient times people did not know this. The natural series was very short. It is believed that the term “natural number” was first used by the Roman statesman, philosopher, author of works on mathematics and music theory, Boethius (480 - 524). The initial ideas about numbers appeared a very long time ago, in the Stone Age, when people not only collected their own food, but also began to actively produce it, approximately 100 centuries BC. e. Numerical terms were difficult to conceive and came into use slowly.

Food production grew, objects were added that needed to be taken into account in everyday life, and therefore new numbers were invented: “three”, “four”... For a long time, the limit of human knowledge was the number “seven”. Let's talk about him. “What’s so interesting about the number seven?” - you say. A number is like a number. However, let's look at the most interesting facts related to it. They said about the incomprehensible that this book was “closed with seven seals”; healers in fairy tales gave the patient “seven bundles of medicinal herbs, which had to be infused in seven waters for seven days and taken seven spoons every day.”

The Greek Pythagoras, who was born on the island of Samos in the 6th century BC, was the first to talk about numbers. e. First he took up music. He managed to establish a connection between the length of the string of a musical instrument and the sound it produces. And then Pythagoras decided that not only the laws of music, but in general everything in the world can be expressed using numbers. “Numbers rule the world!” - he declared.

The Pythagoreans viewed the number seven as an image and model of divine order and harmony in nature. It was a number that contained two sacred triplets, or “triads”, to which was added a “one” - the divine monad: 3+1+3.

In Egyptian and Babylonian philosophy and astronomy, it was considered the sum of two “life” numbers: three and four. Three people - father, mother, child - form the basis of life; and four is the number of cardinal directions and wind directions from where rain comes, the life-giving moisture of which makes the earth fruitful. According to Pythagoras, the sum of the numbers 3 and 4 (symbolizing a triangle and a square) was considered a manifestation of completeness and perfection. That is why the number 7, the sum of three and four, was perceived as sacred.

Chapter 2. Secrets of the number 7

We all didn’t think about the fact that the number seven is found almost throughout the entire path of human development. The history of the number 7 dates back to the times of ancient Egypt. It was the Egyptians who chose 7 gods to worship, based on the fact that they saw seven planets in the sky. And they connected their entire history and religion with this mysterious number, believing that it would bring them an eternal and happy life. In the night sky only visible to the naked eye seven "wandering luminaries": Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn. All incomprehensible natural phenomena were attributed to the gods, and gradually the idea of ​​gods was combined with the seven "wandering luminaries". Venus was considered by the Romans to be the goddess of beauty, Mercury - the god of trade, Mars - the god of war, Jupiter - the god of thunder, and Saturn was the god of sowing, plus the Sun and Moon. They began to count time using them. Thus was born seven day week.

In the Old Testament it is written that the Lord created the earth, sea, sky and everything in them in six days. And on the seventh day he rested. And since then, for all Christians, seven is a sacred number. And Sunday is the seventh day of the week - a day off, on which, according to Christian customs, you cannot do anything.

The Flood lasted 7 days.

Lent lasts for Christians 7weeks.

There are many cities on seven hills: Rome, Moscow, Istanbul, Khanty-Mansiysk, Prague, Kyiv and Barcelona. And these are only the most famous and largest cities. But in reality there are many more of them. In general, they try to bring any settlement under this figure - 7 hills. 7 hills,on which Rome was built- these are the Palatine, Capitol, Aventine, Quirinal, Viminal, Esquiline and Caelium. During the heyday of Ancient Rome, the hills took centuries to build on.

7 hills on which Moscow is built: Borovitsky (Kremlevsky), Sretensky, Tverskoy, Trekhgorny, Shvivaya Gorka, Lefortovo and Vorobievsky. They wrote about Moscow: “You stand, holy Moscow, on your seven hills.” In reality there are many more hills, but for the red word there are seven hills: they are different for different researchers. But they began to mention the Moscow hills only from the end of the 15th century, when they started talking about Moscow as the Third Rome.

Seven notes on the staff (do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si);

Surely, each of us has seen a rainbow at least once and can easily name seven colors of the rainbow in order. Remember colors of the rainbow in order we were taught as children. There is a famous phrase: Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits? But this is nothing more than the most popular mnemonic phrase for remembering the colors of the rainbow in order. The first letter of each word in this phrase corresponds to the first letter of the color name. That's why, colors of the rainbow in order sound like this: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

The seven most outstanding works of architecture and art were named " seven wonders of the world": Egyptian pyramids at Giza; Hanging Gardens of Babylon in Babylon 7th century BC; Temple of Artemis at Ephesus around 550 BC; giant statue of Zeus at Olympia around 430 BC; Mausoleum of Halicarnassus in Asia Minor, mid-4th century BC; Colossus of Rhodes (statue of Helios in Rhodes), around 292 - 280 BC; Pharos lighthouse in the port of Alexandria, 143 m, around 280 BC.

In Christianity there are seven deadly sins- intemperance, pride, envy, stinginess, gluttony, laziness, despondency.

7 virtues- moderation, courage, wisdom, justice, faith, hope and love.

Seven Sacraments— the sacrament of baptism, communion, repentance, confirmation, unction, marriage, priesthood. AND number 777 is the number of the Christian Trinity.

7 ancient sciences- grammar, rhetoric, dialectics, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, music.

7 main rapids on the Dnieper: “Don’t sleep”, “Island”, “The noise of the threshold”, “Voracious”, “Backwater”. "Boiling". "Small threshold".

An ancient Chinese proverb says: “For life it is necessary seven items: firewood, oil, salt, soybeans, vinegar, tea and rice."

7 body parts(head, neck, torso, two legs and arms).

7 main life manifestations of a cell(reproduction, respiration, nutrition, metabolism, growth, development, movement).

7 structural levels(atomic, molecular, cellular, tissue, individual organs, organ systems, whole organism).

Seven types of people psychologists distinguish: dominant, analytical, aesthetic, independent, inert, stable, satellite.

In relation to innovations in life, people are divided into the following 7 types: innovators, enthusiasts, rationalists, neutrals, skeptics, conservatives, retrogrades.

IN periodic table seven periods.

Hindus have a custom of giving gifts for good luck. seven elephants.

7 pairs of human ribs reach his sternum, the rest are wandering.

7 stars in the constellation Ursa Major - a symbol of the North.

In ancient Greece they were revered 7 wise men who lived in the 7th-6th centuries. BC, who left behind sayings based on experience and observations. These are Salon, Thales, Periander, Cleobull, Chilo, Bian and Pittacus.

It was found that the period of gestation in humans lasts 280 days (7x40), in mice - 21 days (7x3), in hares and rats - 28 days (7x4), in cats - 56 days (7x8), in dogs - 63 days ( 7x9), for a lioness - 98 days (7x14), for a sheep - 147 days (7x21).

In Islam the number 7 symbolizes perfection. It is believed that the Universe consists of 7 heavens, 7 seas, 7 lands, 7 steps leading to hell, and 7 doors to heaven.

During the annual Hajj to Mecca, the pilgrim must Walk around the sacred stone of the Kaaba 7 times.

A person perceives all surrounding phenomena - light, sound, smell, taste - through seven holes in the head: through two eyes, two ears, two nostrils and a mouth. Moreover: people tend to assimilate incoming information if it does not exceed 7 categories. If the number of characters, for example, dots on paper, is less than seven, then the person, without counting, immediately intuitively names the number. If the number of such points is more than seven, then the mind begins to count.

Among many peoples, the seventh son in the family was considered a future miracle worker. He was credited with the ability to heal a number of diseases with one touch of his hand. The Slavs had a legend about 7 tribes and 7 ancestors (5 brothers and 2 sisters).

Ancient hunters and farmers watched the sky. Their attention was attracted by the change in the lunar disk. They noticed that 7 days after the new moon, half of this disk was visible in the sky. And after another 7 days, the entire moon shines in the sky. Another 7 days pass and again half of the disk remains, and after another 7 only stars shine in the night sky, and the Moon is not visible at all. This is how they came to the concept of a lunar month consisting of four seven days. One phase of the moon lasts 7 days.

The number seven was especially revered in the Ancient East. Several thousand years ago, the Sumerian people lived between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. They designated the number seven with the same sign as the entire universe. Some scientists think that they expressed with this number the six main directions (up, down, forward, backward, left, and right) and also the place from which this countdown comes. The stars in the sky also attracted their attention, in particular the constellation Ursa Major.

An interesting description of the number 7 is given by H.E. Kerlot: “Seven symbolizes perfect order, a complete period or cycle. It contains the union of trinity and quaternity and is therefore endowed with exceptional value. It corresponds to the seven directions of space (i.e., the six existing dimensions: north, west, south, east, top, bottom plus center); seven-pointed star; reconciling the square with the triangle, by superimposing the latter on the previous one (like heaven on earth) or by inscribing one into the other.

They also say that every person has a life cycle, which is exactly 7 years. During the seven-year period, each person undergoes a renewal and transformation of his inner world.

The “septenary” nature of the world was manifested, as they thought, in seven ages of human life: infancy - up to 7x1 = 7 years; adolescence - up to 7x2 = 14 years; youth - 7x3 = 21 years; young man - up to 7x4 = 28 years; man - up to 7x7 = 49 years; elderly man - up to 7x8 = 56 years.

Chapter 3. Number 7 in fairy tales, proverbs and poems

Mathematicians have long noticed that 7 is the largest prime number in the top ten. This mathematical explanation sheds light on the ancient deification of the number seven, the largest of the simple digits. Many ancient Russian proverbs and sayings, which include the number seven, are related in meaning to size.

In the fairy tale “Seven Underground Kings,” the heroes, together with the girl Ellie, help the inhabitants of a magical land get rid of the seven kings by re-educating them.

In the fairy tale “The Seven-Year-Old Daughter,” a seven-year-old girl turned out to be smarter than the king himself and was able to help her poor father.

In the fairy tale “The Wise Maiden and the Seven Thieves,” a young girl saved her entire family from death by deceiving evil and treacherous robbers.

In the fairy tale “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” Snow White lived with 7 dwarfs behind 7 mountains.

In the fairy tale “The Seven Simeons,” seven twin brothers owned a wonderful craft and traveled across distant seas in order to bring a bride for the king.

This magic number was widely used in the fairy tales “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “About the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” by A.S. Pushkin, “Seven Brave Men” by the Brothers Grimm, “Flower - Seven Flowers” ​​by V. Kataev, “Seven Brothers” adapted by M. Afanasyev, “Seven Underground Kings” by A. Volkov, “Seven-Year-Old Archer” Sami fairy tale, “Journey in Seven seas."

I think in Russian sayings and proverbs the word “seven” often acts as the word “many”: “Measure seven times, cut once”, “Garlic plagues seven ailments”, “After bread and salt - rest for seven hours”, “Seven with a spoon - one with a bipod”, “Seven do not wait for one”, “Seven nannies have an unattended child”, “She drained seven rivers, did not wet the canvas”, “The fox will guide seven wolves”, “The onion cures seven ailments”, “Seven feet under the keel,” etc.

The meaning of the popular expressions is instructive: “To be in seventh heaven,” denoting the highest degree of bliss; “Beyond the seven seas” means far; “Seven spans in the forehead” - a very smart, wise, outstanding, talented person; “Seventh water on jelly” or “Seventh kvass on thick” is a very distant relative; “A week without a year” - recently; “Seven miles to heaven” - to promise and say a lot; “To sip jelly seven miles away” - to walk far and in vain, drive, trudge; “To the seventh generation” - to the most distant generations; “Seven Fridays in a week” is a figurative designation of human impermanence; “By leaps and bounds” - very quickly; “Working up a sweat” - to work, toil, to the point of extreme fatigue, complete exhaustion; “Behind seven seals” - secret; The “Seven Deadly Sins” are bad, unforgivable actions.

We meet the number 7 in poems:

The number seven is known to everyone.

What can we say about the number seven?

Seryozha turned seven.

He became smarter and stricter.

Year after year will fly by,

He will go to seventh grade!

G. Kaytukov

In the crowded sky on a starry night

I found seven bright spots.

Found seven burning eyes

Called a bucket

And the name is Bear...

I don't understand what's going on here?

And my father answered me:

You son, well done!

The year will fly by unnoticed,

And it will be seven years -

Will you be at school to study?

And you will find the answer to everything.

G. Kaytukov

Maria Konopnitskaya refers to the number 7 in her poems

Urbs Avinionensis

“Seven is the number of the best

For everything that is dear to the heart.

Avignon in the seven scooped

Faith, truth and strength.

He had seven gates in his walls,

Seven consonances in a chime.

Seven sins were committed in a day

In good Avignon..."

and Rasul Rza

Seven plane trees

...The whole region, fields and rivers

Autumn in the midday heat

Seven plane trees, seven plane trees.

Who grew these trees?

Centuries fly by day after day...

And it always stands at dawn

Tree of life. Gift of life -

Seven plane trees, seven plane trees...

Why are you, wind, so furious?

One blow will break

Emeralds of tender leaves,

But seven plane trees will not break...

Chapter 4. Number 7 in problems

Everything that has been said, of course, is interesting for general development, but I don’t think this is the most important thing. The ancient Romans said: “Words fly away, but what is written remains.” And “what is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an ax.” Many manuscripts specifically devoted to mathematics have survived to this day. The papyrus of the scribe Ahmes, which is kept in London, provides solutions to 84 problems involving various calculations that may be needed in practice. Most of the problems relate to arithmetic. Among them there is a problem related to the number 7: “There are 7 cats in the house, each cat eats 7 mice, each mouse eats 7 ears of corn, each ear produces 7 plants, each plant grows 7 measures of grain. How many are there together?" From this problem it is clear that the author is not interested in what objects are being discussed, whether they are homogeneous or not - only the total quantity is important to him.

Several thousand years have passed since the time of Ahmes, and in the 13th century, the Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa, nicknamed Fibonacci, cited a similar problem in his book: “Seven old women went to Rome. Each old woman has seven donkeys, each donkey carries seven bags, each bag has seven loaves of bread, each loaf has seven knives, each knife has seven sheaths. How many items are there in total?

Similar problems were solved in Rus'. In the 19th century, people in villages said: “Seven elders walked. Each elder has seven crutches. There are seven knots on each crutch. There are seven wallets on each knot. Each bag contains seven pies. There are seven sparrows in each pie. How much in total? But this is the same task of Ahmes, which has lived for thousands of years and has come down to us.

I was interested in problems in which the number 7 is used. There are many of them in books on entertaining mathematics.

I found many more problems, problems in poems, sayings, riddles.

I found seven interesting questions related to the number 7:

    A unit of time equal to seven days? (a week)

    What is the name of a measure of length equal to 7 feet? (fathom)

    An ensemble of seven instruments? (septet)

    What is the name of a team of seven horses? (seven)

    There were seven subjects in the medieval school. They were called the “Seven Liberal Arts”: grammar, dialectics, music, geometry, rhetoric, astronomy, arithmetic.

Chapter 5. Tangram Puzzle

As a child, I was fond of playing puzzles, but now I got acquainted with a more interesting game.

The ancient Greeks were engaged in geometry, not only measuring land plots and distances to ships at sea. They loved geometric games. One of them was called "Stomachion". In this game you had to put together various shapes from 14 parts of a square. People were so keen on this game that the great scientist Archimedes himself wrote an essay about it. The ancient Chinese also entertained themselves with a similar game. Only they divided the square not into 14, but into 7 parts and called their game “Chi-chao-chu”. Now this game is called "Tangram". The first known ancient book on tangram is "A Collection of Figures in Seven Parts" (China 1803). There are a number of versions and hypotheses of the origin of the tangram game. The most common and famous is that the tangram game dates back about 4000 years. One of the fans of the game was Edgar A. Poe. The tangram he owned was made of ivory and is currently kept in the New York Public Library.

The essence of the game is to construct various object silhouettes on a plane. The variety and varying degrees of complexity of geometric constructors allows us to take into account the age characteristics of children, their inclinations, capabilities, and level of training.

All assembled figures have an equal area, because assembled from identical elements. It follows from this that: each assembled figure must certainly include all seven elements; When composing a figure, the elements should not overlap each other, i.e. be located only in one plane; elements of the figures must be adjacent to one another.

The basic element of tangram is tan. Tans can be obtained by cutting the square initially into two large equal triangles, then according to the figure. There are various problems associated with the tangram.

According to M. Gardner: “The charm of tangram lies in the simplicity of the material and in its apparent unsuitability for creating figures with aesthetic appeal.” The game "Tangram" develops logic, thinking, and erudition. The minimum number of basic figures equal to seven leads to the ingenious simplicity of combinations, Pythagoras believed. The “Pythagorean puzzle” has reached us, with the help of which geometric figures are assembled from 7 parts.

Chapter 6. The magic of numbers

"The world is built on the power of numbers..."

Numbers are the key to understanding human behavior, one of the simple methods for studying and training a person's intuitive gifts and for comprehending the depths of the human personality.

The ancients believed that numbers have a mysterious, magical meaning and influence a person and everything he does. Each person has his own “master numbers”. Seven is a symbol of mystery and mystery. People of this number have increased spirituality. They have fantastic dreams, smell unknown smells, and they interpret all this in their own way. They are interested in history, art, the mysteries of the human soul and do not care about earnings. In the business that the “sevens” are involved in, they, as a rule, achieve a lot. The number 7 is considered to be the sign born on the 7th, 16th or 25th of any month. Seven is the number of luck, the personification of wisdom.

Personality traits: diligence and a poetic soul, a penchant for analytical thinking and strong intuition. Rich imagination, lively and vivid imagination. Composers and musicians, writers and poets, philosophers and hermits, thinkers and hermits are born with this number. Owners of 7 are talented, emotional and inquisitive, have a good sense of humor and a penchant for invention.

It is believed that the following people were born under the sign of the number 7: Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde, Brad Harte, Newton, Picasso, Tchaikovsky P.I., Nosov N.N., Lobachevsky N.I., Vavilov N.I., Aivazovsky I.K. ., Plushenko E.I., Nikulin Yu.V., Mironov A.A.

Chapter 7. Test for divisibility by 7

A number is divisible by 7 if and only if the result of subtracting twice the last digit from that number without the last digit is divisible by 7.

For example: 364 is divisible by 7, since 36 - (2 × 4) = 28 is divisible by 7.

In order for a natural number to be divisible by 7, it is necessary and sufficient that the algebraic sum of numbers forming odd groups of three digits (starting from ones) taken with the “+” sign and even numbers with the “-” sign is divisible by 7.

For example: the number 689255. The first group is with a “+” sign (689), the second with a “-” sign (255). Hence 689-255 = 434. In turn, 434: 7 = 62.

Another sign is to take the first digit, multiply by 3, add the next one (here you can take the remainder of the resulting number when divided by 7). And then - first: multiply by 3, add the next one, etc. For 364: 3 * 3 + 6 = 15. The remainder is 1. Then 1 * 3 + 4 = 7.


So, it turns out that the number seven follows us almost everywhere. Over many centuries, people have developed a constant value, a memory capacity that was concentrated specifically on seven. A person could think about only seven things at a time and no more. But this, of course, is only philosophy. Seven was considered in many sciences, and they came to a version that is more or less close to the truth - everything is connected with fundamental mathematics and the microcosm. All attention and all meaning are focused on the number seven. In every science, in every field, in every sphere of activity and human life, there is a place for seven - it is completeness and integrity.

Doing this work helped me develop the skill of a creative approach to tasks in mathematics, understand some methods and methods for solving problems, learn to independently select the necessary information, and draw conclusions. I realized that mathematics is an interesting science about numbers and their application, and I agree with what Pythagoras believed - everything in the world can be expressed using numbers.

The object of study was the number 7. I found interesting problems related to it. I understood the meaning of proverbs better. I saw its use in puzzles and concluded that for the Tangram game the main requirement for a person is logical thinking, and for the puzzle game it is just perseverance and patience. Now it will be easier for me to study further and work with other numbers.

The information contained in this work also interested my classmates and helped them discover new facts and tasks. Based on this information, you can do conclusion: The world of numbers is so mysterious and fascinating that if each of the students paid more attention to it, they would find a lot of useful and interesting things for themselves.

As a result of the study The magical and philosophical meaning of the number 7 was confirmed.

All these facts prove the significance of the number 7 in support of the hypothesis I put forward. And I, as a student, are allowed to be successful in solving non-standard problems in mathematics lessons.

Amazing number seven! No matter how they consider it: sacred, divine, magical, and happy. He was revered for many centuries BC, in the Middle Ages, and is still revered today.


    The emergence and development of mathematical science: book. for the teacher. M: "Enlightenment", 1987.

    Depman I.Ya., Vilenkin N.Ya. Behind the pages of a mathematics textbook. M: "Enlightenment", 1989.

    Kordemsky B.A. The wonderful world of numbers. / Book for students, M: “Enlightenment”, 1995.

    Kotov A.Ya. Evenings of entertaining arithmetic. M. "Enlightenment", 1967.

    Nagibin F.F., Kanin E.S. Math box. M: "Enlightenment", 1988.

    Neihardt A. A. Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. - M., 1966.

    Savin A.P., Stanzo V.V., Kotova A.Yu. Children's encyclopedia "I explore the world." Authors and compilers M.: AST, 1998

    Yakusheva G.M. and others. Great mathematical encyclopedia. M: “WORD”: OLMA-PRESS, 2005.

Informational resources:

    Sergey Furs. About geometric constructors.

    "Interactive mathematics grades 5 - 9." Bustard - DOS Multimedia.

    1C: Educational collection “Planimetry 7 - 9”.

Annex 1

Proverbs and sayings

And you, seventh, stand at the gate.

It can be seen that the town is great because it has seven governors.

For a mad dog, seven miles is not a circle.

For a beloved friend, seven miles is not a suburb.

Wait a year and seven Saturdays.

To sip jelly seven miles away.

Behind seven seals.

Onion - from seven ailments.

Bow to Makar, and Makar to seven sides.

Martok, put on seven parkas.

Not a big town, but seven governors.

One with a bipod, and seven with a spoon.

Seventh water on jelly.

Seven gates and all into the garden.

Seven do not wait for one.

Seven birds with one stone, but no skin.

Seven on the benches.

Seven deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided.

Seven troubles - one answer.

Seven miles to heaven and all through forest.

Seven years is trouble, nine years is misfortune.

Seven wise men are cheaper than one experienced man.

Seven sweats dropped.

Seven spans in the forehead.

Seven Fridays a week.

Seven times measure cut once.

We ate seven times, but did not sit at the table.

There were seven villagers, one ox, and even that one was naked, and ten police officers.

Seven axes lie together, and two spinning wheels are apart.

Seven feet under the keel.

Seven, eight - let's discard laziness.

A secret sealed with seven seals.

Three women are a bazaar, and seven are a fair.

The mare has at least seven foals, and she has her own collar.

One sheep has seven shepherds.

All of us will go - we will go far.

Seven can barely pull uphill, but even one can be pushed downhill.

For a mad dog, seven miles is not a circle.

For a beloved friend, seven miles is not a suburb.

They were looking for a mosquito seven miles away, but the mosquito was on their nose.

Onion - from seven ailments.

Appendix 2

Counting books

Once the guys went to the river,

They carried two oars in their hands.

Three sheep meet them

And four turkeys.

They got scared and ran away.

The oars were thrown into the bushes,

And you must find them.

One, two - the ducklings walked,

Three, four - we went home.

The fifth trudged after them,

The sixth man ran ahead

And the seventh fell behind everyone,

Frightened, he squeaked:

Where are you? Where are you?

We're nearby... look for it.

Tongue Twisters

    Seven waxwings sat and whistled.

    In seven sleighs

Seven to a sleigh

Sit down yourself.

    Stepan has sour cream.

Curdled milk and cottage cheese,

Seven kopecks.


There are exactly seven of these brothers.

You all know them.

Every week around.

Brothers walk after each other.

The last one will say goodbye -

The front one appears.

(Days of the week)

We are a flock, seven rams,

Protects from snowstorms.

The sun ordered: “Stop”

The Seven Color Bridge is steep.

7 Ya (Family)

Appendix 3

Problems in verse

There is a rainbow in the sky - an arc

Closes the banks

Blooming more and more clearly

Miracle - the colors shine

Let him answer

How many colors

Plays in it

Illuminating the surface of the sea?

The fishermen are sitting

Guard the floats.

Fisherman Korney

I caught three perches

Fisherman Evsey -

Four crucian carp.

How many fish are the fishermen

Dragged from the river?

In Sashka's pocket

Candies in paper.

He gave me some candy

Sveta and Pete,

Irina and Galina,

Marina and Nina,

And I ate the candy myself

But no more.

(How many candies were there?)

Tongue twister task

Sasha walked along the highway

He carried drying goods in a bag.

Drying - Grisha,

Drying - Misha.

There are dryers Proshe,

Vasyusha and Antosha.

Two more dryings

Nyusha and Petrushka.

(How many sushi bags did Sasha carry?)

Appendix 4

Problems with number 7

Problem 1

What natural number is 7 times greater than its units digit? Answer: number 35

Problem 2

How can 7 apples be divided equally among 12 boys without cutting any apple into more than 4 pieces?

Problem 3

A collective farmer brought a basket of eggs to the market to sell. She sold them at the same price. After selling the eggs, the collective farmer wanted to check whether she received the money correctly. But here's the problem: she forgot how many eggs she had. She only remembered that when she transferred eggs 2 at a time, there was only one egg left. One egg also remained when she transferred eggs by 3, 4, 5, 6. When she transferred eggs by 7, there was not a single one left. Help the collective farmer figure out how many eggs were in the basket. Answer: 301 eggs

Problem 4

The number VII (seven) is made from 4 matches. How can you rearrange two matches to make the number 5?

Problem 5

The can, the capacity of which is 10 liters, is filled with kerosene. There are also empty vessels of 7 and 2 liters. How to pour kerosene into two vessels of 5 liters each?

Solution: First, 7L must be poured from the first vessel into the second, and then 2L from the second into the third.

Problem 6

What digit ends in the usual notation of a number? Answer: 3

Problem 7

Place mathematical symbols and brackets between some numbers to obtain correct equalities.

7 7 7 7 7 7 7=6 Answer: (7+7+7+7+7+7):7=6

7 7 7 7 7 7 7=7 (7 7-7 7+7 7):7=7

7 7 7 7 7 7 7=8 777:777+7=8

7 7 7 7 7 7 7=10 7:7+7:7+7:7+7=10

7 7 7 7 7 7 7=49 7+7+7+7+7+7+7=49

7 7 7 7 7 7 7=107 (777-77):7+7=107

7 7 7 7 7 7 7=140 ((7+7):7+7) 7+77=140

Task 8.

Prove that numbers of the form aba are divisible by 7 if a+b is divisible by 7.

Solution: write aba = 100a + 10b +a = 101a +10b

By condition, a+b =7k, where k N. Then aba = 91a + 10a + 10b = 91a + 10(a+b) = 91a + 10*7k = 7(13a + 10k), this number is divisible by 7.

Appendix 5

How to calculate a person's number

To do this, you need to add all the numbers included in your date of birth to a single digit! For example: 05/26/1961. 2+6+5+1+9+6+1=30. 3+0=3.

Now you can see the interpretation of the lucky number:

1 - the number of leaders, energetic, straightforward people.

2 - number of diplomats. These people are soft and tactful.

3 - three endows people with talent, a sharp mind, and developed intuition.

4 - reliable, persistent, honest people.

5 - they are characterized by mobility, freedom, love of adventure and everything unusual.

6 - people of this number of fate are honest, frank, reliable, kind, cheerful.

7 - they are born philosophers, not interested in the material side of life.

8 - the number of leaders, inventors, humane and strong people.

9 - people of this destiny number are smart, creatively gifted and have a strong will.

That's all!

1 - Sun

Strength, individuality, creation. People of this number are born leaders. “Ones” are active, aggressive and ambitious, they always strive to take first place, they can be completely ruthless and are capable of sacrificing everything for the sake of their career, including relationships with others. This is the number of winners, but also of tyrants. The lucky day of the week for number 1 is Sunday.

Number 2 people are usually gentle, artistic and charming, and can easily adapt to circumstances. They are often characterized by passivity and detachment. They are characterized by ingenuity and intuition, but they do not often succeed in implementing their plans. They are more prone to thinking than to action. These people are often susceptible to depression. They establish very good relationships with people of number 1. The lucky day of the week for number 2 is Monday.

3 - Jupiter

Three is the number of trinity. Usually people of this number are energetic, talented, disciplined, which almost always allows them to achieve great success in their chosen fields of activity. As a rule, they are never satisfied with little. By nature they are very proud and independent, they like to control the situation, command and order. Most often, they have the best relationships with those whose number is 3, 6 or 9. The lucky day for this number 3 is Thursday.

4 - the number of seasons, the number of cardinal directions, the number of elements. People of this number usually look at things from their own special point of view, which allows them to find details hidden from others. At the same time, this usually becomes the reason for their disagreement with the majority and clashes with others. They rarely strive for material success, being not very friendly, they are often lonely. They have the best relationships with people of numbers 1, 2, 7 and 8. The lucky day of the week for number 4 is Sunday.

5 - Mercury

5 is the number of feelings. And people of this number are indeed extremely sensitive. Usually by nature they are very lively, impulsive, frivolous, prone to risk, and value pleasure very much. As a rule, they are easily excitable and are often susceptible to nervous disorders. In business, people of number 5 tend to succeed and recover very quickly from failures. They usually have the best relationships with those with the same number. A lucky day of the week for number 5 is Wednesday.

6 - Venus

6 is a number that is considered one of the happiest, since it is the sum of its divisors: 6 = 1 + 2 + 3. People of number 6 are harmonious and balanced, they are conducive to trust, although sometimes they are too stubborn. They are most often very romantic and amorous, their interests are usually focused on home and family. They have good taste, they are very attractive, and they easily get along with other people. Lucky day of the week for number 6 is Friday.

7 - Neptune

The number seven is a symbol of good luck and occult knowledge. People of this number most often become philosophers and thinkers. They are usually immersed in their own thoughts and therefore somewhat disconnected from those around them. They also have a love for all kinds of travel. The undertakings of these people most often end successfully. The lucky day of the week for number 7 is Monday.

8 - Saturn

8 is the strangest and most difficult number. On the one hand, it can be represented as the sum of 4 + 4, which suggests that the character of its people is doubly characterized by the qualities of people of the number 4. On the other hand, the number 8 also has its own properties. For example, it can mean grief, sadness and, at the same time, success, sometimes of world significance. People of number 8 are distinguished by great willpower and a pronounced individuality; usually in communication they are characterized by external coldness and detachment, although in fact they are capable of the most ardent feelings. The lucky day of the week for the number 8 is Saturday.

The number 9 is often considered the main number of numerology, with a special, sometimes even sacred meaning. This is due to the fact that when multiplied by any number, nine reproduces itself. For example, 9 x 4 = 36 => 3 + 6 = 9. Usually people with the number 9 are born fighters, they are active, courageous and purposeful, due to which they usually win. At the same time, people of number 9 often find themselves in all sorts of unpleasant situations. These people are capable of the best feelings towards loved ones. The lucky day of the week for number 9 is Tuesday.

The purpose of the lesson: Introduction to the concepts “Number 7 and number 7”


  • introduce the number and number 7;
  • study the composition of the number 7;
  • improve computing skills;
  • develop speech, attention, memory, thinking.

Equipment: sample writing of the number 7, drawings with the number 7, tablets with the terms “1 term; 2 term; sum”, students have cards for working in pairs, a digital “fan”. Computer presentation. Appendix 1, Appendix 2.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

The bell has rung, friends,
The lesson begins.
Did you all manage to wake up?
Now let's get down to business.
Mathematics awaits us
Let's start counting verbally.

II. Updating of reference knowledge

1. Numbering numbers within 20.

  • Counting from 1 to 20:

- straight - boys
– reverse – girls

  • Name numbers from 2 to 9; from 8 to 3. Slide 1. Appendix 1.
  • Name the neighbors of the number 9; to the right of; on the left of; between numbers;
  • Say the previous number; subsequent number. Slide 2
  • How to get the previous number? How to get the next number? Slide 3

2. “The number is lost”

  • Let's read a series of numbers; is everything okay?
  • Between what numbers does the number 7 stand? Your correct answer helped return the fugitive to her place.

Slide 4

III. Setting the lesson topic

Have you guessed what number we will study today?

Slide 5

IV. Learning new material

1. Discovery of something new. Historical information.

The number 7 was held in high esteem in ancient times and was considered magical. In Ancient Rome there were 7 main gods, in Ancient Greece there were 7 wonders of the world, Kyiv and Rome were built on 7 hills, and in India they give 7 elephants for good luck. And in our modern world there are many objects in which the number 7 is always present. Name them. (7 days of the week, 7 notes, 7 colors of the rainbow.)

2. Statement of the problem. Lesson objectives. Mystery.

Over the forests, over the river
Seven-color bridge in an arc.
If I could stand on the bridge,
I could reach the stars with my hand. ( Rainbow.)

There are really 7 colors in the rainbow. Who knows the magic phrase that helps you remember the order of colors in the rainbow? (Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits.)

But in our rainbow all the colors have disappeared. Do you like colorless rainbow? Slide 6

Let's fix everything quickly then, if we complete all the tasks correctly and together, the rainbow will again become colorful and bright.

3. Introducing the number 7. Writing the number 7.

What digit do we use to write the number 7? What does the number 7 look like? (Visibility.)

Here is seven - a poker,
She has one leg.

Seven is like a sharp scythe,
Mow, scythe while there is dew.

(Work in the textbook - p. 62, No. 2.)

See what the number 7 looks like. Find the number 7 among the signs and mark it with a tick. How many times did the number 7 appear? Write it down.

(Work in the textbook - p. 63, No. 4.)

We are now going to learn how to write the number 7.

Number 7, number 7, ( visibility)
The number is quite easy.
How can I imagine a braid -
I write the number 7 easily.

Slide 7

4. Correlation between number, number of objects and graphic image.

(Work on a card, in pairs.) Slide 8

(Check on the slide.)

5. Physical education lesson "Dance of ducklings"

If you solve the problem, its heroes will help you conduct physical exercises.

A group of baby ducklings want to swim and dive,
Five swam far, two dived deep.
I can’t count how many ducklings there are in the pond. ( Slides 9, 10)

6. Composition of the number 7.

1) Problems in verse:

Pavlushka has three books,
Andryushka has four.
How many books do children have?
Come on, count quickly.
3 + 4 = 7

Five tits sat on a branch,
Two jackdaws flew towards them.
Count quickly, kids.
How many birds are sitting on the branch?
5 + 2 = 7

I have a purchase in my hands:
Six knives and a meat grinder.
How many items did I bring?
Tell me about it.
6 + 1 = 7

Slides 11, 12, 13

2) “Let’s move the house.” Slides 14, 15

V. Consolidation of the studied material. Repetition of what has been covered

1. Logical task. Proverb.

Arrange the numbers in ascending order and read the proverb. How do you understand it? (“Measure twice, cut once” - before starting an important task, you need to think everything over carefully.)

Slides 16, 17

2. Days of the week. Repetition of the composition of the number 7.

  • What kind of person is said to have “seven Fridays a week”? (about someone who promises and does not keep promises)
  • But you and I are not like that, we promised to color the rainbow, and we will soon complete all the tasks.
  • Do you know the days of the week in order? Name them quickly, if we don’t get the count wrong, we’ll get exactly seven days.
  • Which day is first; last; Today; yesterday; Tomorrow?

(Work in the textbook - p. 62, No. 1)

  • Why are some days black and others red?
  • How did you get 7 days? (5 and 2)
  • The elder brother loves to study, but he is also happy on Sunday. There are six school days in a week - and there is one day for rest.
  • How did you get 7 days? (6 and 1)
  • Four times a week we have a math lesson, but how many days do we not?
  • How else to get 7?

3. Additional physical education time

Once - get up, stretch.
Two – bend over, straighten up.
Three - clap 3 hands,
3 nods of the head.
By four – your arms are wider.
Five - wave your arms.
Six - sit quietly at your desk.
Seven - open notebooks to everyone.

4. Solving examples. Rule for rearranging terms

(Work in a notebook according to options) Slide 18

  • What was the result in your examples?
  • Compare the examples in each line, what interesting things did you notice?
  • What rule do we know about rearranging terms?

Slide 19

5. Comparing the sum of numbers

(Work with a fan.)

Read the written sums of numbers and put the signs “>”, “<”, “=”.

Slide 20

6. Additional task in the notebook

  • Let's draw 10 circles in a row across the cell.
  • Use a red pencil to color the 7th circle from the left.
  • And what will it be like on the right?
  • How many circles must be drawn so that he stands 7th from the right?

Slide 21

VI. Summing up the lesson

So we colored our rainbow in seven colors. Let's list all the colors in order. Who remembers the magic phrase? And in France they remember colors using the following phrase: “How once Jacques the city bell-ringer broke a lantern.” What was the main number in today's lesson? What is the composition of the number 7?

VII. Homework

If you liked the lesson, you can play with the number 7 and draw objects in which the number 7 is hidden. Also, together with your parents, remember sayings and proverbs with the number 7.

Funny numbers

Andrey Paroshin

I'm an orange oval
I drew it on a piece of paper.
He has a big role
Since this number is Zero.

Look at this, guys:
What an important gentleman?!
Very slender and big-nosed,
And his name is Odin.

The back is sharply arched -
Maybe she's sick?
Head bowed down
The poor guy's numbers are Two.

I'll ask you guys:
What is this strange snake?
Come on, pick up your ponytail,
Curly number - Three!

On a regular old chair
I look in the apartment.
I took it, turned it over,
Received - Four!

There is a vest on the chest,
Cap with a visor.
Sailor you should know:
It is called the number Five.

It didn’t help us close the house
This little castle.
It is needed for business here:
Why, this is a number - Six!

The lady is like a poker
She has one leg.
That lady is known to everyone
Since this number is Seven.

I made a snowman:
I took two lumps from the snow,
I made a nose out of a carrot, -
The resulting number is Eight.

Strong, stately, muscular
This brave football player.
He can do everything with the ball,
And it is called the number - Nine.

Introducing the numbers 0 to 9 and the number 10

Valentina Chernyaeva

Why do we write zero like that?
Here's the story, please!

Going out into the yard, Ivan
He put the keys in his pocket.
And how did the game end?
Look, there's a hole in your pocket!
Now Vanya has no keys.
What will Vanya tell his mother?

Vanya’s mom: “Where are the keys?
You, Vanyusha, don’t be silent!”
Vanya “filled his mouth with water”
And I drew an oval
That is, Ivan showed
That the pocket was full of holes,
There's nothing in my pocket
Don't scold him, please.

So the hole got the role -
Executes the number zero.

This number is one.
Thin nose, like a knitting needle,
I hung it down. Sad,
After all, she is only one.

Arch your neck like a deuce
I probably won't be able to.
Maybe you can? Barely!
A swan with the number 2 can do it.

Half a ring and half a ring
We put it together, look
And we soldered the two ends -
The result is number 3!

Someone at night an old chair
Turned it upside down.
And now in our apartment
He became number 4!

Look at number 5.
Taking five by the hand,
You can scoop it up like a ladle
Water and loose sand.

We soaked the grain.
It sprouted quickly.
He has a sprout.
With him, grain is like the number 6!

I can’t with this number
Work in the meadow.
She looks like a braid
But he can't mow the grass -
Not sharpened at all
And the number 7 does not mow down.

Let's put two bagels together,
A number will come out. This is 8!
8 - two steering wheels together,
Or two zeros together.

A kitten was walking across the bridge,
He sat down on the bridge and hung his tail.
"Meow! It’s more convenient for me this way...”
The kitten has become number 9!

Nolik, stand behind one,
For my own sister.
It's the only way when you're together
They will call you 10.

Numbers from zero to nine and number ten

Valentina Chernyaeva


Zero, remember, kids, -
Only a hole from a donut.
The bagel was made from dough.
So we ate it.
The result is an empty space,
There's nothing left.
There is nothing, really.
There is no way to count zero.
With this bagel that we ate,
We will denote zero.


Like a soldier, one.
She can't sit down:
She is standing at her post.
The nose always looks to the left.


Who does the deuce look like?
Maybe for a duck? Rack!
No, can be compared with her
Only a swan, arching its neck.


Thin ring
Fell on the porch.
It's split! Look -
The result was number three.


The wooden chair broke
But I wasn’t at all confused:
Upside down in the apartment
And he became the number four.


The fisherman knows his stuff!
The number five is a hook for him.
If this number is five
Tie a fishing line to a stick,
A stick will become a fishing rod...
It will be great fishing!


If the padlock
The proboscis will rise up,
Then we'll see here
Not a lock, but the number six.


Let's turn the number seven around
And in the morning we’ll go to the meadow.
Why is seven not a braid?
So mow while there's dew!


You probably guessed it with me too -
Eight looks like a snow woman.
Let spring come, and summer, and autumn,
She does not melt in the sun - the number eight.


Is the number nine a bun?
Or maybe a ball?
This cat Barsik is sleeping,
And the tail lies like a hook.


Number zero - empty space
Or simply - nothing.
Zero swelled in protest
To get noticed.

Nulik! Zero! No need to get angry.
Get behind the unit quickly.
It's the only way when you're together
There will be as many as ten at once!

Numbers from 1 to 9

Vasilisa Svetlaya

Long stick
Little hat,
The visor is slightly lowered
-One, our friend

Like a swan
Digit -2
Neck, back, head.

Very elegant
Two half-circles together

Below is a larger semi-circle
Holding the baby's brother.

A tick stuck
A corner, a stick.
Oh! the four are just lovely
How good it is!

Corner, semi-circle
There will be a number five
My friend!

Six is ​​like a lock
It has a circle at the bottom.

Long hat
She is holding her wand.

Two circles, top to bottom
They intertwined with each other.

There is a hook hanging on the mug
Number nine, our friend.

Funny numbers

Vitaly Tunnikov

One is a stick, a small tail,
And two is a swan swimming to visit you.
Three looks so much like camel humps,
Four - a flag, a poker and a stick too.

Five is an excellent super rating.
Even recess will not replace it for us.
Six is ​​a ring, with a small tail on top.
The whole account is interesting, but not at all simple.

Seven - a scythe, like grass for cows
It always mows briskly in the summer meadow.
Eight - a snowman made from two balls,
But he wilted a little without the carrot.

Nine is a six, but only upside down,
And zero is an oval that stands in front of us.
Funny numbers are our friends.
Without them we cannot count anything.


Julia Room

Once upon a time a sheep
He beat a huge drum.
It was he who had the strength
I woke everyone up early in the morning.

Two rams
Early in the morning
Drank water
From the fountain.

Three lambs
By the ravine
Tried it on
Happy cap.

Four rams
We walked around the garden.
Horned by accident
The fence was broken.

Five sheep at the trough
Dissatisfied and angry.
They don’t want to drink water
Give them lemonade.

Six rams at the gate
During the day there was a round dance.
Sang songs to the accordion,
The legs danced to the beat.

Seven lambs in the store
We chose from a basket.
So that for berries and mushrooms
They would go to the forest.

Eight lambs were preparing dinner.
- We probably don’t need soup for dinner.
- We’ll give the porridge to a friend’s pig.
- And we don’t want vegetable stew.
- We would like jam, sweets and cookies...
Dinner is such a delight!

Nine little lambs watched a movie
And they didn’t notice - it became dark.
The lambs began to yawn in unison,
The eyes are tired - it's time for them to sleep.

Ten lambs go to bed.
A magical and sweet dream awaits you.
Evening, dark - the game is over.
Tomorrow will be the day, it’s time for us all to sleep.

Digital walker

Elena Melnikova-Kravchenko

Digit 1

Be careful, people!
The digital vehicle is approaching!
This bright locomotive
I brought different numbers.

One goes first,
Slender beauty.
The nose is visible in front,
It is placed before the line.

Digit 2

The deuce crawls out like a snake.
How she bent her neck!
She modestly bowed her head,
I hurried to the unit.

Digit 3

C grade in the third carriage:
Let's notice the cheeks with the belly.
After two in order
Write it down in your notebook.

Digit 4

From the fourth window
The long handle is visible.
The four are waving to us,
Cheerful girl.

Number 5

Five - a half-face smile,
Smooth lace lines.
If you count
Don't forget the number five!

Number 6

Six is ​​such a sweetheart
Curled up like a shell.
The long antennae produces:
Checks the situation.

Number 7

Riding behind the sixth carriage
Ballerina - number seven.
Let's notice the leg with the skirt,
And the hairstyle is visible to everyone.

Number 8

Here is the number eight - tumbler.
It won't fall, poor thing.
Behind the seven stands,
Never gets discouraged.

Number 9

Nine is reputed.
After eight
It goes in order.

Digit 0 and number 10

Zero and one are friends,
To become a top ten.
Ten brings up the rear.
That's all our digital device!

Who's in the driver's cab?
Does the digital boat drive so fast?
This is the number 0 - oval,
He never got tired on the way.

Numbers assembled
The numbers are assembled, and farewell
The locomotive blows its whistle.
Together we ran to school:
The school year has begun!

Counting book about numbers

Elena Smirnova Ablaeva

There are NUMBERS in our life,
Their tasks cannot be counted,

For example, measure height,
But the world of NUMBERS is not so simple!

Does it mean ONE? -
You are the Master of this life!

What does the number TWO mean?
Our head is "boiling"!

Everyone is familiar with the number THREE -
Look at the world more cheerfully!

Here is FOUR - my idol -
How beautiful this world is!

One two three four five-
We can't keep our minds busy!

The famous number SIX is
And there is health in the body!

How beautiful is the number SEVEN-
We wish everyone happiness!

EIGHT - together, not apart -
Get rid of the negatives!

NINE! Measure the moonlight,
And believe in your STAR!

TEN! We must love everyone
Cherish every moment!

Fun numbers educational series

Irina Gurina

Long-Nosed Unit
At home, I can’t sit in line!
- I want to travel
I'll fly to visit the deuce!

I'll pack my suitcase
I'll put one glass,
One thick book,
I'll wrap the brush with soap,

I'll take one matryoshka
And one big spoon.
Bright red orange
I'll take one with me.

One packet of milk
And one bag of candy!
Have I forgotten anything?
Oh! I didn’t put myself in!

By the river in a gray forest
The deuce cried to the beaver:
- I don’t dare go into the water,
I don't know how to swim!

Two minnows whisper to her:
- You’re sad, girlfriend, in vain!
Two dragonflies arrived:
- Wipe away your tears, two!

Two foxes came running,
The two were comforted together:
-You look like a swan
So you can swim too!

The deuce sighed joyfully,
She shook her long neck,
I went into the warm water
And how the swan swam!

Troika does not sit idle,
The troika is starting a construction project.
Troika chief commander,
Both the foreman and the foreman!

Three funny mosquitoes
Three buckets of paint are carried,
Three rooks are sawing boards,
The wolf is carrying three bricks.

Three kittens with hammers,
The nails are carried by three ducklings.
Three moles are digging a trench,
Three bears cover the roof.

Three goats built a stove,
Three sheep are painting the windows.
Every animal came and helped:
It turned out to be a mansion!

Once upon a time in winter four
I was about to go up the hill.
In warm mittens, earflaps,
He drags a sled behind him.

On a plastic plate
Four squirrels are going down.
And four partridges
They play hide and seek under the mountain.

There are four mice on the mountain
All the skis are mixed up
And the hedgehogs, four brothers,
Help them figure it out!

Moose on four legs
With a warm hat on the horns
The snow trampled on the road,
I rode animals on a sleigh!

What is Five so busy with?
She's cleaning up!
Five beavers carry water,
Five cows wash the windows.

Five mice carry a broom
Five geese are repairing her shelf,
Five kittens wash clothes
Dust is wiped everywhere

Five funny mosquitoes
Knock the dust out of the carpets
Five green frogs
They rush to their rescue.

Five hedgehogs wash dishes.
It became clean - just a miracle!
Then they sat at the table,
We drank tea and ate buns!

Six is ​​sitting at the table.
There is a pile of cookies in front of her.
Six huge chocolates,
Six transparent gummies,

Six boxes of marshmallows,
Six bottles of kefir.
Six ate everything, stood up,
And then she got stuck in the door!

Ah, - sighs the number Six,
- Apparently, we need to eat less!
Six little mice are laughing at her,
Six bumblebees hover over the number!

Hey six, your belly
It definitely won't fit through the door!
To get through this door,
You need to go on a diet!

One day Seven was walking in the forest:
Basket in hand and glasses on nose.
Beauty blossomed in the magical forest,
There was an emptiness in the huge basket!

Seven hares galloped to the meeting in a crowd:
- Do you collect mushrooms? We are with you too!
Hares wandered through the green forest
And together with the Seven they found mushrooms!

Seven thick waves were found in the swamp,
Seven yellow chanterelles grew under the tree,
Seven porcini mushrooms stand in a clearing,
And next to the family - seven cheerful mushrooms!

Here are seven russulas, seven slippery butters,
Seven glorious saffron milk caps are playing pranks in the shade.
The mushroom hunt was successful:
Seven barely lifted the basket!

Eight looked out the window in winter:
Snowflakes were flying and it was dark!
The lantern was lit, and in the silver of the night
She saw her friend in the yard.

Eight cats were bored on the bench,
The cars were of different colors.
Without looking at the cats, typing a step,
Eight dogs were walking down the street.

Eight icicles hung under the roof,
And eight forty sat down on a birch tree.
There was a snowman standing in the middle of the yard.
He said to Eight: “Well, hello, sister!”

Look how similar we are to each other:
You are from the circles, and you see, so am I!
Eight answered: - You know, my friend,
Looks like you're a whole circle taller!

Nine lived in the little house:
She loved to sleep sweetly.
Red bow over the top of the head,
The tail is a cheerful comma.

Once she had a dream:
Miracle forest from all sides,
Nine rainbow dragonflies
They wove a wreath of roses for her,

Nine fast perches
They played with her on the waves,
Nine ducks flew with her,
Nine foxes rolled her around

Nine bright moths
They came down to her from the clouds.
And then the elephant stomped
And scared away a wonderful dream!

Went ten to the store
With a whole heap of baskets.
I bought ten books there,
Ten poppy cakes

I bought ten cubes
I didn’t forget ten mugs,
Ten pink plates
And for some reason ten hot water bottles.

Ten ripe juicy pears,
Stepped into ten puddles
I barely managed to drag it
I almost dropped the good stuff!

She brought the luggage
To your tenth floor.
And then I asked myself:
- Why did I buy everything?

Poems about numbers

Lana Lukanova

I'll draw one
I have beautiful eyelashes.
Oh, what a charmer
This number is one.

It's like a two-horse rider is racing.
I wish I could learn that!
The tail is wavy behind
Hey, where are you going, wait.

Three looks like curls
On our Masha’s temples.
Spun, spun,
I blew and they flew apart.

One-legged four
Jumping around my apartment.
Long horns on top
Well, where else is the leg?

I wanted to catch you by the tail
The naughty number five.
And she just swayed.
She smiled and rushed off.

"Oh, what a big belly" -
The red cat was surprised
"If I eat a lot
I'll become like the number six
I'll raise my tail high
That's the kind of scoundrel I am"

Do, re, mi, fa, si, la, salt.
Let me sing to you
These seven wonderful notes -
A stronghold of all kinds of music.

Like a tumbler doll -
Eight round cutie
Even in severe ice conditions,
There's no way he'll fall.

Margarita Volodina 2

One two three four five -
At home I learn to count.
ONCE - A FLOWER on the window,
TWO - with a flower, next to it, CAT,
THREE - Seryozhka’s machine,
AND FOUR - mandarin duck!
FIVE - matryoshka doll on the window,
SIX - a creaky accordion,
SEVEN - these are the days of the week,
EIGHT - buttons on the panel,
NINE - dolls on the sofa,
TEN - markers in a glass!!!

And now it's the other way around,
That is, backwards:
By steps, if possible,
We tread carefully:

Oh, I'm completely tired!
Help! Help!
Take my numbers;
Fulfill my whim -
And count further, "down" -
SIX - step,
FIVE - step
give it a little rest!
so - FOUR,
THREE, and
Continue on your way -
Give it, give it a rest!!!
Is there only ONE?
We was not in vain that we tried!!!

Funny numbers

Marina Blinnikova

Nose up, on the page,
imagines the unit.

Deuce, a beautiful swan,
floats lazily in the cage.

Three, pretended to be a letter.
How cunning, pray tell.

Here are four - fun,
naughty, naughty.

The five arched sharply -
an inflated round sail.

And six is ​​a sleeping cat,
only the tail sticks up.

Hands on hips, long nose -
Seven has a question for you.

Like a juggler with two balls
there's eight between us.

And it falls to nine
stand on your heels all day.

How not to interfere with each other?
You just have to write them
in different cells in a notebook
and then everything will be smooth.

Country of numbers

Marina Blinnikova

You and I came to the country
interesting one.
The numbers live here in the country.
Find out what to call them here.
This number is "1" (one)
Like a little penguin.
Lifts his nose high
that's why she's lonely.
Following it is the number “2” (two).
I barely bowed my head
looks so much like a swan.
We will remember her too.
Half a flower, look
and remember the number "3" (three).
Also lives here in the country
then continues counting.
Here is the number “4” (four).
There is nothing more fun in the world.
Dancing on one leg
teases and makes horns.
Half a circle and a flag -
This is the number "5" my friend.
We can easily recognize the number “6” (six)
wheel and tail on top.
Like a heron the number "7" (seven)
and is now familiar to everyone.
Two magic petals
so similar to circles -
this is the number "8" (eight) here
wonderful there is.
The number "9" (nine), as on the foot,
The circle at the top is smooth.
He looks with a wise eye.
He tells us to teach numbers.
The number "0" (zero) surprised us,
turned into a round ball.
We will remember her too
looks so much like the sun.
The whole cheerful country
strong in mathematics.
If you know the numbers,
you can count everything.

Mathematics for preschoolers in poems and riddles

Natalya Kapustyuk

In a student notebook
They stood in a row, as if at a parade,
Ten digits and that means
Let's denote numbers with them!
Let's count: even-odd
May we be lucky with numbers!

You can’t keep them in your mind!
NUMBERS are different I will
Indicate by NUMBERS.


The appetite was wow! -
The rabbits ate the grass.
There's nothing left!
I'll mark it as ZERO!
ZERO - a number like an oval,
I drew it easily!

One and one

Delicious pancake on the plate
With butter, it’s shiny.
We've baked ONE so far,
We write - UNIT!
ONE is the queen!
Stick and spout on the left!

Brother threw firewood into the stove,
It became hot in the house.
Damn there was one, now there are TWO,
Eat, I don't mind!
I drew the number TWO
And I went to count first!
I can draw two
It's a swan with a long neck!

A friend gave me flowers
I put them in a vase.
THREE flowers! Number THREE
I fell in love immediately!
Write to me help
The number THREE, like two arcs!


I open the doors wider -
I'm calling four kittens.
I came up with the number - FOUR,
Let them look at the number!
Let's put the chair upside down
And FOUR will be with us!


There is a pie and cups on the table,
I turned FIVE years old.
We liked it with Natasha
The number FIVE is nothing more beautiful!
And the brother fisherman said:
“FIVE looks like a hook!”


We made up rhymes
We composed exactly SIX.
And now this number
I have it in my album!
Draw the number SIX with me,
Like a padlock!


My brother told me yesterday:
- You are the seventh in our family.
Number SEVEN, I'm glad to see you
And I'm proud of my big family.
The number SEVEN is almost a braid!
Brother mows while there is dew!


Together with my grandmother there are EIGHT of us,
We came to visit her.
With the number EIGHT very, very
Making friends can be fun!
Number EIGHT - two circles!
Snowman's bun!


In the very center, at the head,
The samovar is boiling: “Puff-puff!”
Together they are waiting for tea on the table
NINE painted mugs.
We denote the number NINE,
And pour hot tea into them!

Number Zero and Number Ten

ZERO was an empty space,
But he swelled up like dough -
And paired with one
I was able to turn into a TEN!

Funny numbers

Natalia Krasikova

People once dreamed about one thing:
Build the strongest house in the world,
So that it rests on the sky from the ground.
They brought a lot of stones for construction.
People managed to count the stones.
But how can they write all this down?
So as not to forget the whole calculation tomorrow?
It will take a lot of time to count.
And then one day the old sage
That put an end to my thoughts.
He suggested drawing figures
And call those drawings by numbers.
And the meaning behind the numbers was this:
What is a cipher with a number of angles.
And to follow this thread,
I'll try to explain it more simply...


They hammered in a stake to build a fence.
There is a sharp angle in it - a thief will not get through.
ONE is worth it. Of course, there is not enough of it.
This is where the counting begins.


And here is the sign of Zorro. Do you know about him?
There were two of them: Zorro was with a horse.
Therefore, the sign has two angles.
And the number TWO came to life forever.


What are these steps, take a closer look?
They lift us up, as it were.
There are more angles here; come on, look.
And that means this number will be THREE.


There's a flag on a pole.
Come on, count the angles, my friend.
You see, we counted FOUR.
We called this number four.


How important this goose stuck out.
He thinks I'm afraid of him.
We'll have to count the angles again.
Such a gander is called number FIVE.


What a beautiful flashlight this is.
The candle will not fall in it - it is not a ball.
There is a handle to hold the flashlight.
Are there six corners? And this is the number SIX.


This figure has seven angles, my friend.
Reminds me of an old iron.
Let's turn it around completely.
Look, it turns out to be the number SEVEN.


Do you want to look through that window?
And count the corners there a little?
But this is not even a window at all.
This figure will be the number EIGHT.


Look, the snake has wrapped itself in a spiral.
She had almost buried herself in herself.
He's watching us, apparently, furtively.
Does it have NINE corners? So, nine.


And here is ZERO, “zero” he is in the casino.
He is not given any corners at all:
He lost them somewhere along the way,
That's why it's a circle or an oval.

Fun puzzles

Natalya Tata Zubareva

Sveta has THREE candies,
Sveta decided to give me a treat
THREE girlfriends from kindergarten -
Ira, Galochka and Ada.
I gave them some candy...
How many pieces does Svetka have now?
Mother duck punished
SEVEN to our little ones
Splash near the shore,
Don't go anywhere.
Mother duck didn't have time
Turn away for a minute
How ducklings were missing -
Of the SEVEN, only SIX remain!
How many babies are mother ducks?
Ran away in a minute?
Cats doze with their belly up
On a down pillow,
And each has TWO ears,
There are TWO ears on the top of the head.
How many cats are there on the pillow?
What if FOUR ears sleep?
Ready for lunch
NINE fried cutlets.
The cat managed to jump onto the table,
I ate all the cutlets before!
It was NINE, now it's SIX -
How much could the cat eat?
Hedgehog-sharp needles
I found mushrooms under the tree.
He brought home mushrooms:
TWO - for the son, TWO - for the daughter.
And the question for you is this:
How many mushrooms did the hedgehog bring?
Somehow a small bird
She treated everyone to wheat:
I gave TWO grains to the siskin,
She gave TWO grains to the swift,
The sparrow got ONE thing,
There are no more grains left.
How many grains of wheat
Did the little one give away?
Valyusha has THREE raspberries,
And Ksyusha has THREE raspberries.
How many will it be if all of them
Put it in one basket?
Boy Mitya - what a slob! -
Lost my shirts.
TWO shirts on the sofa,
TWO shirts get wet in the bath,
TWO - fell out the window,
A cat spends the night on ONE.
Count Mitya's shirts
You guys help!
We need to hang up the balloons -
I have exactly TEN of them!
What's happened? Oh oh oh!
The blue balloon burst!
And the green one suddenly swayed,
It hissed and quickly deflated.
There were TEN, TWO are gone...
How many balls are left?
Loves the mother bird
Count all your chickens.
Kvochka is proud of her children:
She has FOUR daughters
FIVE beautiful sons!
Calculate quickly
How many of them does a quonka have?
And daughters and sons?
Goshka has TWO palms,
And each has FIVE fingers!
How many fingers does Goshka have?
Will they play “okay”?
At Vityushka and Kiryushka's
Freckles live on the nose,
Vityushka has FOUR of them,
Kiryushka has as many as FIVE.
Who has more freckles?
Well, try to guess!
At Ilyushka's pillow
There are four ears at the edges,
Ilyushka himself -
There are only two ears.
Who has fewer ears?
At Ilya's place or at the pillows?

Count the penguins!

Natalya Tata Zubareva

Among the cold white ice floes
A penguin sits on the snow.
Sad for the poor penguin
Because he is ONE.
Because of the snowdrift
The head appeared
And then the stomach and legs -
And there were TWO penguins.
Here's another penguin sliding down
From the snowy hill, look!
Joined ours
And now there are THREE penguins.
Penguin has nothing to do
In my icy apartment,
He also hurried onto the ice floe -
There are already FOUR of them.
A friend came to visit the penguins,
Everyone rushes to hug him.
They are now on a white ice floe
It turned out exactly FIVE.
Decided to count the stars
It turned out that they couldn’t be counted,
There are many stars in the blue sky,
And there are only SIX penguins.
The penguins lit a fire -
It became completely cold
Warm bellies, warm backs,
There are SEVEN penguins at the campfire.
Here comes a penguin from fishing,
Treats everyone to salmon,
He doesn't mind his friends!
And there were EIGHT penguins.
And the penguin from the neighboring ice floe
Dropped by to chat with us,
And now we have penguins
NINE - you can count it.
Penguins got together
Have fun, play tricks,
And all of them in this place
We counted as many as TEN!

Natalya Tata Zubareva

I'm a penguin!
- And I'm a penguin!
- And I am ALONE.
- So let's frolic together,
It will be more interesting together!
TWO penguins among the ice floes
They became inseparable
They are never bored together!
Vanya is crying on the sofa,
Vanya lost his glove!
In the morning I ran on the playground -
There were exactly TWO gloves,
And now she is ALONE,
Not suitable for walking!
THREE carrots for the bunny,
This is too much for a bunny.
He gave ONE to the owl,
He has TWO left.
Our clever girl Marishka
He reads books every day.
Look at the picture -
Marishka has THREE books.

Here's ONE she read,
I put it in the bookcase,
And there are TWO books left -
About animals and Moscow.
A fox family lives here
In a large earthen apartment:
The fox has THREE sisters,
And there are FOUR sisters in total.
They love books and toys
And when they go for a walk,
Then they take a girlfriend with them,
And then there are FIVE chanterelles!
FOUR white ribbons
Divide by two:
TWO little girls
They will braid them into pigtails.
TWO ribbons - for Helen,
TWO ribbons - for Alla,
Now every girl
Now there are TWO white bows!
On the fence in the evening
FIVE forty arrived,
And on everyone's tail
A whole heap of news!
There's ONE more forty
I decided to sit on the fence,
She circled around and sat down on the side -
And there were SIX girlfriends.
Here they sit, shouting and arguing,
Someone grunted behind him -
And magpies on the fence
There is NOT ONE left.
A thrifty red squirrel
SEVEN nuts lie in a plate.
If ONE of them is eaten,
Then there will be SIX nuts left.
One day the frogs
Decided to drink some tea
Hot cheesecakes
Bought in advance.
For EIGHT jumps
Only SIX cheesecakes!
We'll ask for TWO more,
There will be EIGHT cheesecakes -
And every frog
He'll get a cheesecake!
Brought by piggy mom
Your sons to the feeding trough -
NINE fat piglets
They eat semolina porridge.
After dinner, mom got up
I counted all the children:
- What's happened?! Only SIX!
I need to read it again!
It turned out that on the sidelines
THREE lazy pigs
They climbed into the shadows under the bushes,
They stroke their bellies together.
The mother returned them to the detachment -
THREE missing piglets
I counted everyone again:
There are NINE children again!
Let's count fingers:
There are FIVE of them on the left handle,
And on the right hand too!
Now let's add them up:
What is FIVE plus FIVE?
You don't have to guess for a long time!
I have no doubt:
TEN is the correct answer!

Counting song

Nikolay Punko

One two three four five
Children need to know numbers!
To divide and multiply,
Add and subtract!
Well, those who don’t know them
It won't count anything!
Yes? - Yes Yes!
It won't count anything!

One two three four five
Children need to know numbers!
The numbers are all pretty
They look like children.
Six seven eight nine ten
So they got together.
Lined up in order
YES? - Yes Yes!
In a thick book and in a notebook.

One two three four five
Children need to know numbers!
To divide and multiply,
Add and subtract.
Well, those who don’t know them
It won't count anything!
Yes? - Yes Yes!
It won't count anything!

Numbers are like people

Nikolay Punko

One two three four five
Children need to know numbers!
The numbers are all pretty
Similar to people...

The unit stood up straight.
Her mother didn't feed her -
Skinny, almost like a knitting needle,
This number is one.

Before the start for a moment
The duo took a knee.
Another moment, another, and then -
Set your own record.

The troika is dancing a shake for us,
Or a newfangled break.
The number five also hurries towards her,
He also wants to dance.

The troika dances for us,
Like an overseas foreigner.
The body wriggles in dance,
Number three doesn't stop.

Troika noble acrobat
Happy to tie a knot,
It curls into half rings,
This is how it turns out to be a three.

And the four are guards
On the cobblestone street.
Regulates movement
It commands respect.

Number five is calling again
Shake and break dance.
Pushes everyone to dance
Five, five is the number five.

Six squatted down,
She's tired of fun -
I'm tired of the number six
And I decided to sit here.

Six squatted down,
She's tired of fun -
Making a sad face
Spun like a ring.

And seven is a troublemaker
I might cry soon
After all, they don’t like a pushover,
Proud bullies.

Number eight - I ate buns,
I got fat to the limit.
It’s like a tumbler has become
Well, it’s still not enough for her...

And the nine is so tired,
That she lay on the blanket.
Very cute under the head
She put her hands on it.

Here, ten is not easy,
Unusual, double -
A unit with “someone” nearby,
And “someone” is very happy.

This “someone” is uncle zero.
If with someone he is a king,
Well, I myself - for no one
It doesn't mean anything.


Potapova Natalia Valerievna

Series of natural numbers -
This means “everything in a row.”
It's very simple, look
And count: one, two, three...

We don’t count only “zero”
Please let him through.
Let's start with "one" -
The smallest particle.

And remember in advance,
What do you think, at least a whole year,
There is no limit to these numbers!
You can even argue with confidence.

It has been going on for centuries,
It's called "decimal"
Through centuries and generations
That number system.

Kingdom of numbers

Svetlana Petrova 5

In the kingdom of numbers Unit
Rules everyone like a queen.
Because of the championship she
I took this position.

Near the castle units
There is a fountain. Like a bird
The deuce has been living there for a long time,
He calls himself a swan.

Troika-chef. She is for everyone
There is cooking. She's about a year old
Gave a full life
Two huge bellies.

And Four is like a sliver.
She eats quite rarely.
She has a big head
Only needed for reading.

The number Five serves in the bank.
She loves to take money
At huge interest rates
Life promises dividends.

Six is ​​a brave acrobat,
Glad to turn at nine
Every time he's in the arena
To the surprise of the audience.

Seven is a dexterous dancer in ballet,
And being immensely proud of this,
Nose lifted beyond his years,
Delighting the ladies.

Eight is a smart diplomat.
The second one is rich in head.
He travels around the world,
Trading the house for a carriage.

Ten is a prim athlete.
Everyone prefers golf
Other sports games.
Why? Understand by the numbers.

In the world of numbers, everyone lives
And the children are welcome to visit,
Smart girls are always welcome
Numbers is a friendly family!

Introduction to Arithmetic

Sergey Kashlev

Arithmetic, kids,
It is very important in life to know
Both girls and boys
Everyone should be able to count.
But first, to count us,
We need to know all the numbers
Because, friends, from the beginning,
Let's study the numbers.
Ten digits, any of them
We can write the number
After all, even the biggest
It's made up of numbers!
Ten numbers of everything in the world,
We make up numbers with them,
You need to remember the numbers, children,
And we begin to teach them!

Let's start our studies with the number zero,
It looks so much like the letter O
And it is very important to know about zero,
That it’s just “nothing”!

The trace from a circle looks like zero,
We start from scratch,
There is no such assessment at school,
Let's remember the type of zero and the essence!

You can’t touch the zero, you can’t pick it up,
Zero does not freeze or heat,
We must understand the truth:
Zero has weight only with a number!

Dozens, hundreds meet him,
With him a thousand and a million,
Now we know how to write zero
We will need it often!

After the number zero - one comes,
We will start counting with this number,
She calls us on the road,
We'll name her first!

Number, Unit and One,
We name every number,
It is very important for us to know one thing,
Whoever is first - we respect them!

The number looks like a stick,
Stands like an important gentleman
Let us remember this number with you,
Let's learn to write alone!

There is only one moon in the sky,
And only one sun shines for us,
One - learned in full,
And let's continue the counting, children!

Behind the Unit is the number two,
Similar to a swan - a bird,
Remember, it looks like two,
This will be very useful for us!

We call it a deuce,
And even just say: “Couple”
After all, we wear two socks,
We have a pair of arms and legs!

We have two ears and two eyes,
There is a grade of D in school,
Who barely studies at school,
He can’t count twos!

Do your homework hard
Study in all subjects,
After all, being a loser is shameful,
Try to study well!

After the number two we count: “Three”,
Look carefully at three,
Three looks like the letter Z,
Not to be confused with a letter in the alphabet!

We know for sure, without a hint,
Three stripes of the Russian Flag,
The snake has three heads in a fairy tale,
And we call three - Troyak!

We know the “Three Little Pigs” fairy tale,
And at school there is a grade - Troika,
We count in the games One, Two, Three,
And three, of course, is better than two!

Only as a last resort will it do,
We are a C at school, it is important to know:
Without C grades so that you can always study,
Try to read more books!

Three comes with four digits,
She has a resemblance to the letter H,
If you take a closer look at this figure,
To distinguish it from the letter H!

A chair has four legs
Animals have four paws
Four wheels shod,
Car, go faster!

Four - there is a grade in school,
Four means "Good"
You try, children, to school,
Writing four is good!

We call four four
She's like a chair in reverse
Now we know about four,
And then we continue counting!

Behind it we see the number five,
We've already come a long way towards her,
Try to write the number five,
And make friends with that number!

The grade at school is A,
We are five - we call it great,
After all, at school the highest score is an A,
We respect excellent people!

The rating is an important five,
Try to earn it
It’s not easy to know everything perfectly,
Be a diligent student!

We learned the number five
It's easy to remember:
There are exactly five fingers on the hand,
Look and remember!

And the number six goes for five,
She has similarities with the letter B,
But you learn to differentiate
This letter makes the number six!

We've been playing with cubes since childhood,
It is directly related to the number six,
And if we count together,
The cube has six sides!

The sixth day of the week is Saturday,
People rest on Saturday
Without the number six there will be no counting,
We will not forget her!

We call six six
We will meet it more than once in examples,
And now we will always find out six
Write six beautifully, children!

And the number seven goes for six,
The ax reminds us of seven,
And there is a resemblance to a poker,
Anyone knows these things.

Seven years as soon as we celebrate,
We're all going to school,
We don't forget the seven
We are friends with her and have fun!

We know “Flower - seven-colored”,
And "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats"
Let's meet the seven dwarves in a fairy tale,
Magical, fabulous squad!

Anyone who studies numbers
Number seven - instantly recognizes
After all, seven brings us closer to eight,
She brings us good luck!

Friends, let’s take two rings,
From two rings we get eight,
We will quickly collect it,
Like a tumbler, the number eight!

And the octopus living in the sea,
Has eight tentacles,
Don't be, children, in a quarrel with eight,
Anyone can write it!

The number eight will help more than once,
Problems at school are up to us to solve,
We always, everywhere recognize eight,
Let's learn how to write it!

Now you and I know eight
Let's call the number eight
We remember it easily
And let's move on from there!

Behind the number eight we will meet nine,
It’s not in vain that we walked a long road,
You need to remember it, children,
We've reached the last number!

If we take two hands,
Then let's count ten fingers,
But we’ll bend only one finger,
Then we get nine at once!

And if we turn six over,
We will meet another number,
So we will find the number nine,
We call her nine!

Let's remember nine how to write:
We attach a tail to the circle,
It is very important for us nine to know
Let's stop studying numbers!

We are from zero to nine
We learned numbers, how to write,
We will always meet them on the way,
When will we start counting!

Now we know the numbers
But in order for us to be able to count,
We continue our teaching:
We need to know the signs of action!

First, let's start with the plus sign, + 1 + 1 = 2
Adding the sign means
Reminds me of a cross plus
He adds number to number.
Plus we’ll force you to work with you,
We will remember him forever,
We will add one to one,
And we immediately get two!

Now we will study the sign - minus, - 2 - 1 = 1
He means subtraction
Like a dash, we write a minus,
The icon takes away the number.
Of the two, we take away one,
Remember, subtract as needed,
And what do we get in response?
Just one, we’ll answer together!

The multiply icon comes in handy, x 2 x 3 = 6
Do to multiply, 2 + 2 + 2 = 6
Plus it just falls on the side,
It speeds up our addition.
We're two, plus two, plus two, we'll add it all up,
And, of course, we get six,
But if we multiply two by three,
We'll find out the answer sooner!

It is important for us to know the division sign: 6: 3 = 2
It speeds up subtraction, 6 - 2 - 2 = 2
Just write two dots,
It helps to divide numbers.
Let's subtract two and two from six,
There are only two left
But fortunately, there is a division,
Six divided by three equals two!

Now let’s study the equal sign, = 1 + 2 = 3
It’s not difficult to write this sign,
Two dashes - we get “equal”,
He is the last sign in the example!
We will hear about the same more than once,
And we will always recognize this sign,
Let’s write two negatives in a row,
Equally - we get the answer!

From these actions the result is 2 + 2 = 4
We call it the word sum,
The result must be accurate
When we solve examples.
After all, if the decision is wrong,
Then the sum won’t add up,
And this, children, is very bad,
We will have to decide everything again!

We passed numbers, action signs,
So that we know arithmetic,
It is important to remember these signs,
We won't be able to count without them!

We discovered in Arithmetic,
Only a particle of Mathematics,
There are numbers and signs in it,
We will need this in life!

After all, Mathematics is the queen
All sciences, accuracy and calculation,
And who strives to be her friend,
That's success, good luck awaits!