First aid class. Schematic plan - lesson notes: "First aid

First aid class.  Schematic plan - lesson notes:
First aid class. Schematic plan - lesson notes: "First aid


classes with students of the Civil Defense training group

Topic #7: “Providing first aid. Fundamentals of nursing".

Lesson #1:

Method of conducting the lesson – practical lesson.

Lesson duration – 2 hours.

Questions studied:


  1. Rules and techniques for performing artificial respiration and indirect cardiac massage.
  2. First aid for bleeding and wounds.
  3. Ways to stop bleeding.
  4. First aid for fractures.
  5. First aid for bruises and sprains.
  6. First aid for chemical and thermal burns.
  7. Frostbite.
  8. Shock and fainting.
  9. Heat and sunstroke.
  10. Electric shock.
  11. Rules for assisting a drowning person.
  12. Fundamentals of nursing.


First medical aid is provided at the scene of the injury, and its type is determined by the nature of the damage, the condition of the victim and the specific situation in the emergency zone.

First of all, you need to know how to detect signs of life. The pulse is determined in the neck, where the carotid artery passes, or on the inside of the forearm. Breathing is established by the movements of the chest, by moistening the mirror brought to the victim’s nose. Even if the victim is not breathing, the heartbeat cannot be heard, there is no reaction to a needle prick and there is no reaction of the pupil to light, it is necessary to provide full assistance.

  1. Rules and techniques for performing artificial respiration and indirect cardiac massage.

If the affected person’s natural breathing is disrupted or stopped, artificial respiration is given to him. When implementing it, a number of rules must be observed:

If possible, ensure a flow of fresh air to the affected person, free him from constricting clothing, unfasten his collar, belt, bra;

If there is vomit, sand, earth and other substances in the mouth of the affected person that clog the throat, clear the mouth of them with the index finger wrapped in a handkerchief or piece of gauze;

If your tongue is stuck, pull it out;

Maintain a normal breathing rhythm (16-18 times per minute) and synchronization of movements.

There are several methods of artificial respiration.

In uninfected areas, the mouth-to-mouth method is more often used. This method is based on the active blowing of air into the lungs of the affected person. To do this, place him on his back and tilt his head back. To keep it in this position, something hard is placed under the shoulder blades. Holding the victim’s head in the indicated position with one hand, with the other hand they pull his lower jaw down so that his mouth is half open.

After taking a deep breath, the person providing assistance places his mouth through a handkerchief or piece of gauze to the victim’s mouth and inhales air from his lungs into him for 2 seconds. At the same time, with the fingers of the hand holding the head, he squeezes the affected person’s nose. At the same time, the victim’s chest expands and inhalation occurs. Then the person providing assistance removes his lips from the victim’s mouth and presses with his hands for 2-3 seconds. on his chest, releases air from the lungs - exhalation occurs. These actions are repeated 16 - 18 times per minute.

Insufflation of air into the lungs of the affected person can also be done through a special tube - an air duct.

Along with respiratory arrest, the affected person may stop functioning of the heart. In this case, simultaneously with artificial respiration, a so-called indirect cardiac massage should be performed. Indirect cardiac massage begins with a sharp blow to the victim’s sternum. If two people provide assistance, then one performs artificial respiration using the mouth-to-mouth method, while the second, standing near the victim on the left side, places the palm of one hand on the lower third of his sternum, and the second hand on the first and when the victim exhales rhythmically makes 5 jerky pressures. If one person provides assistance, then, having pressed 15 times on the sternum, he interrupts the massage and blows air into the lungs of the affected person twice, then repeats pressing on the sternum and blows air. And so on until the victim begins to breathe on his own.

  1. First aid for bleeding and wounds.

Wound- this is damage to the integrity of the skin of the body and mucous membranes as a result of mechanical action.

Signs of injury are always present: pain, spreading edges of the wound and bleeding. Any wound must be closed, since various microorganisms penetrate through it and can cause purulent complications of the skin and underlying tissues and internal organs. Treatment of abrasions, punctures, small cuts consists of lubricating the affected area with a 5% iodine solution or 2 % solution of brilliant green and applying a sterile bandage. Minor wounds, scratches, injections, cuts can be moistened with BF-6 glue, which has disinfectant properties. Contaminated skin should be cleaned with pieces of gauze soaked in cologne, alcohol or gasoline. It is important to remember that under no circumstances should you wash the wound itself.

To apply dressings, both standard equipment, commercially produced by industry (bandages and napkins, sterile and non-sterile in packages, individual dressing bags), and from improvised materials (pure cotton fabrics and products made from them) are used.

Treatment for deeper and more extensive wounds is basically the same, but they are usually accompanied by bleeding. Depending on which blood vessel is injured, there are three types of bleeding: arterial, venous and capillary.

During arterial bleeding, the blood is scarlet and flows like a fountain from the wound. With venous bleeding, the blood is dark in color and flows out of the wound in a small stream. Capillary bleeding is characterized by the fact that blood seeps out in small drops from damaged tissue. Depending on the type of bleeding, various methods are used to stop it.

  1. Ways to stop bleeding.

There are temporary and permanent methods of stopping bleeding. The former are used at the scene of an incident in the form of mutual assistance, the latter - in medical institutions. It is necessary to be well aware of temporary methods of stopping bleeding, which include: pressing the bleeding vessel with a finger to the bone above the wound site, maximally bending the limb at the joint and applying a tourniquet or twist.

The method of finger pressing a bleeding vessel to the bone is used for the short time necessary to prepare a tourniquet or pressure bandage. This is easiest to do where the artery passes close to or above the bone.

Bleeding from a head wound can be stopped or reduced by pressing on the side of the wound the temporal artery, which runs 1-1.5 cm in front of the auricle, where its pulsation can be easily detected. When bleeding from a wound located on the neck, press the carotid artery on the side of the wound below the wound: the pulsation of this artery can be detected on the side of the trachea (windpipe). If the wound is located high on the shoulder, near the shoulder joint or in the axillary region, bleeding can be stopped by pressing the subclavian artery in the fossa above the collarbone. In case of bleeding from the middle part of the shoulder, the brachial artery is compressed, for which the fist of the person providing assistance is placed in the armpit and is tightly fixed there by pressing the affected shoulder to the body. When bleeding from a wound in the forearm, the brachial artery is pressed against the humerus at the inner surface of the biceps muscle with four fingers. The effectiveness of compression is checked by pulsation of the radial artery. Bleeding from the hand should be stopped by pressing the radial or ulnar artery. You can stop bleeding from a hip injury by pressing the femoral artery located in the upper part of the thigh.

If there is bleeding from the lower leg, apply pressure to the popliteal artery with both hands. The thumbs are placed on the front surface of the knee joint, and with the remaining fingers they feel the artery in the popliteal fossa and press it to the bone. It should be borne in mind that pressing the artery to the bone requires considerable effort, and the fingers quickly get tired. Even a physically very strong person cannot do this for more than 15-20 minutes.

Types of dressings.Rules and techniques for applying bandages to wounds

A pressure bandage is applied to small bleeding arteries and veins: the wound is covered with several layers of sterile gauze, bandage or pads from an individual dressing bag. A layer of cotton wool is placed on top of sterile gauze and a circular bandage is applied, and the dressing material, pressed tightly to the wound, compresses the blood vessels and helps stop bleeding.

However, if the bleeding is severe, a tourniquet should be applied to stop it. The application of a tourniquet is used mainly for large vessels of the extremities. The technique for applying it is as follows:

Give (if possible) the injured limb an elevated position;

Apply a napkin to the exposed part of the limb, above the wound, make several passes of a bandage, or use any other pad (the victim’s clothing, a scarf, etc.);

Place a strongly stretched tourniquet on the limb above the wound on a pad so that the first 1-2 turns of the tourniquet stop the bleeding;

Secure the end of the harness with a hook and chain;

Place a note under the tourniquet to note the date and time.
applying a tourniquet;

Apply an aseptic bandage to the wound;

Check the correct application of the tourniquet (by cessation of bleeding, absence of pulse in the peripheral arteries, pale skin color);

In winter, wrap the limbs with a tourniquet in cotton wool and clothing.

Instead of a service rubber band, which may not always be at hand, a piece of rag, bandage, or trouser belt can be used.

The technique for applying a tourniquet-twist is the same as when applying a tourniquet. The twist is applied above the wound, its ends are tied with a knot with a loop, a stick is inserted into the loop, with which the twist is tightened until the bleeding stops and secured with a bandage.

In cases where there is nothing at hand, a temporary stop of bleeding can be achieved by maximal flexion of the limb in the joint.

It must be remembered that the tourniquet can be used for no more than 2 hours, as otherwise the limb will become dead. At the first opportunity, the tourniquet is removed. If this is not possible, then after 1.5-2 hours you should release the tourniquet slightly for 1-2 minutes. until the skin turns red and tighten it again.

Venous and capillary bleeding is quite successfully stopped by applying a pressure bandage.

After the bleeding has stopped, the skin around the wound is treated with a solution of iodine, brilliant green, alcohol, vodka or, in extreme cases, cologne. A cotton or gauze swab moistened with one of these liquids is used to lubricate the skin from the edge of the wound. You should not pour them into the wound, as this, firstly, will increase the pain, and secondly, it will damage the tissue inside the wound and slow down the healing process. If there is a foreign body in the wound, under no circumstances should it be removed.

After all manipulations are completed, the wound is covered with a sterile bandage. A sterile dressing (individual dressing bag, sterile bandage, clean handkerchief, piece of linen ironed with a hot iron on both sides) is applied, without touching with hands, directly to the wound and the area adjacent to it.

Minor skin damage can be sealed with a piece of bactericidal adhesive plaster, and on top of it you can put another piece of adhesive plaster, 0.5 cm wider than the previous one on each side. This bandage is airtight and ensures wound healing well.

After applying a bandage and temporarily stopping the bleeding, the victim must be sent to the hospital for primary surgical treatment of the wound and final stop of bleeding.

  1. First aid for fractures.

Fracture- this is a partial or complete violation of the integrity of the bone as a result of impact, compression, squeezing, or bending. With a complete fracture, the bone fragments move relative to each other; with an incomplete fracture, a crack forms on the bone.

Fractures can be closed if the skin over them is not damaged, and open - with a violation of the skin.

Characteristic general signs of bone fractures should be considered severe pain at the time of injury and after it, change in shape and shortening of the limb, and the appearance of mobility at the site of injury.

When providing first aid, you should move the broken leg or arm as little as possible; you should ensure the rest of the limb by applying a splint made from improvised material, or, if available, a service splint. Any hard materials are suitable for the tire: boards, plywood, sticks, branches, etc.

Splinting a limb will only be beneficial if the principle of immobilizing three joints is followed.

In case of a hip fracture, to create rest for the injured leg, splints are bandaged on the outside, from the foot to the armpit, and on the inner surface - from the foot to the perineum. However, if nothing is at hand, you can bandage the damaged limb to the healthy one.

Splinting of the upper extremities for fractures of the shoulder and forearm bones is done as follows. Having bent the injured arm at the elbow joint and turning the palm to the chest, apply a splint from the fingers to the opposite shoulder joint on the back. If you don’t have splints at hand, you can bandage the injured arm to your body or hang it on a scarf on the raised hem of your jacket.

All types of splints can be applied to clothing, but they must first be lined with cotton wool and covered with a soft cloth.

If the ribs are fractured, a layer of cotton wool or soft material is applied to the chest, and then the chest is tightly tightened with a wide bandage in the exhalation position.

In victims with open fractures and bleeding, a tourniquet or twist should first be applied, a sterile bandage should be applied to the wound, and only then can a splint be applied.

When the bones of the spine and pelvis are fractured, severe pain appears, sensitivity disappears, and paralysis appears. Such a patient cannot be transported on a soft stretcher, only on a hard, smooth surface. For this purpose, a shield is used (a wide board, a sheet of thick plywood, a door removed from its hinges, etc.), which is placed on a stretcher. Very carefully, several people lift the patient in one step, holding the clothes on command. The patient is placed on the backboard on his back, with his legs slightly spread apart, with a thick cushion made from a folded blanket or thick clothing placed under his knees (“frog pose”).

A person with a fracture of the cervical spine is transported on his back with a bolster under his shoulder blades. The head and neck should be secured by placing soft objects on their sides.

  1. First aid for bruises and dislocations.

Bruises and dislocations are classified as closed injuries.

Dislocation- this is a displacement of the ends of the bones in the joints relative to each other with a violation of the joint capsule. Most often it occurs in the shoulder, less often in the hip, ankle and elbow joints as a result of an unsuccessful fall or bruise. It is characterized by severe pain, joint immobility, and changes in its shape.

You cannot adjust a dislocation yourself, as this will only increase the suffering of the victim and aggravate the injury. When the shoulder joint is dislocated, the arm is placed on a scarf or tightly bandaged to the body.

Sprains and ruptures of joint ligaments occur as a result of sudden and rapid movements that exceed the physiological mobility of the joints. The ankle, wrist, and knee joints are most often affected. There is sharp pain in the joint when moving, swelling, and if the ligaments are torn, there is bruising.

First aid comes down to tight bandaging by applying a pressure bandage, compress (cold) and resting the limb.

Injury- this is damage to tissues and organs without compromising the integrity of the skin and bones. The degree of damage depends on the force of the impact, the area of ​​the damaged surface and body part, and its significance for the body. The main signs of bruises include pain, swelling and bruising at the site of contact with the wounding object.

The choice of first aid methods depends on the location and severity of the injury. Complete rest is created for the bruised limb, an elevated position is given, a tight pressure bandage is applied to the bruised site, and a cold compress or ice pack can be placed. Painkillers are prescribed internally to reduce pain.

A head contusion is very serious in its consequences, as it can be accompanied by a concussion and bruise of the brain. Signs of a concussion include loss of consciousness at the scene, possible nausea and vomiting, and a slow heart rate.

The victim is given complete rest, a cold compress, ice in a bubble on the head. With all possible precautions, the patient should be sent to a medical facility as soon as possible. For transportation, he is placed with his back on a shield and his head on a soft pillow. To fix the neck and head, a cushion is placed on the neck - a collar made of soft fabric. If a head injury is accompanied by a wound to the skin, then various types of bandages in the form of a “cap” or “bridle” are applied to the wound.

Joint bruises are characterized by severe pain, swelling, and movement in the damaged joint is limited. A tight pressure bandage is applied, and the victim should be sent to a medical facility to rule out more serious damage.

  1. First aid for chemical and thermal burns.

One of the most common types of traumatic injuries is thermal burns. They occur due to hot liquid, flame, or skin contact with hot objects. Depending on the temperature and duration of its exposure to the skin, burns of varying degrees are formed.

First degree burns- This is damage to the stratum corneum of skin cells, which is manifested by redness of the burned areas of the skin, slight swelling and burning pain, which passes quite quickly.

At second degree burns The stratum corneum of the skin is completely damaged. Burnt skin is intensely red, blisters filled with clear liquid appear, and sharp pain is felt.

Third degree burns are formed when the deeper layers of the skin are damaged. In addition to blisters, crusts and scabs form on the skin. Charring of the skin, subcutaneous tissue and underlying tissues down to the bones is typical for fourth degree burns.

The course and severity of burns, as well as the recovery time, depend on the origin of the burn and its degree, the area of ​​the burned surface, the characteristics of first aid to the victim and many other circumstances. Burns caused by flames are the most severe, since the flame temperature is several orders of magnitude higher than the boiling point of liquids.

It is necessary to quickly remove the victim from the fire zone. If a person’s clothing catches fire, you must immediately take it off or throw on a blanket, coat, bag, or overcoat, thereby stopping the access of air to the fire.

After the flame has been knocked off the victim, sterile gauze or just clean bandages from available material should be applied to the burn wounds. In this case, you should not tear off the stuck clothing from the burnt surface; it is better to cut it off with scissors. A victim with extensive burns should be wrapped in a clean, freshly ironed sheet. Under no circumstances should blisters be punctured. The dressings should be dry, the burn surface should not be lubricated with various fats or egg whites. This can cause even more harm to a person, since dressings with any fats, ointments, oils, or dyes only contaminate the burn surface and contribute to the development of wound suppuration. Colored disinfectants “darken” the wound, so if they are used, it is difficult for a doctor in a hospital to determine the extent of the burn and begin proper treatment.

Chemical burns arise as a result of exposure to the skin and mucous membranes of concentrated inorganic and organic acids, alkalis, and phosphorus. Some chemical compounds in air, when in contact with moisture or other chemicals, easily ignite or explode, causing thermochemical burns. Pure phosphorus spontaneously ignites in air, easily sticks to the skin and also causes thermochemical burns.

Gasoline, kerosene, turpentine, ethyl alcohol, ether often cause skin burns when, by mistake, they are used for compresses in the treatment of colds, especially in children.

Chemical burns are also caused by some plants (buttercup, hellebore, datura, snowdrop, etc.), which are used as compresses for the treatment of radiculitis, arthritis, polyarthritis, especially during the flowering period of these plants.

Thanks to the timely and correct provision of first aid to the victim at the scene of the incident, deep tissue damage and the development of general poisoning are eliminated or prevented. Clothing soaked in a chemical compound must be quickly removed and cut right at the scene of the incident by the victim or those around him. Chemicals that come into contact with the skin should be washed off with plenty of water until the specific odor of the substance disappears, thereby preventing its effect on body tissues.

Do not wash off chemicals that will ignite or explode upon contact with water. Under no circumstances should you treat the affected skin with swabs or napkins moistened with water, as this will rub the chemical compounds even further into the skin.

A bandage with a neutralizing, disinfectant or a clean and dry bandage is applied to the damaged areas of the skin. Ointment (vaseline, fat, oil) dressings only accelerate the penetration of many fat-soluble chemicals (for example, phosphorus) into the body through the skin. After applying the bandage, you should try to eliminate or reduce the pain by giving the victim an anesthetic orally.

Acid burns are usually deep. A dry scab forms at the burn site. If acid gets on the skin, rinse the affected areas generously under running water, then wash them with a 2% solution of baking soda and soapy water to neutralize the acid and apply a dry bandage. If the skin is damaged by phosphorus and its compounds, the skin is treated with a 5% solution of copper sulfate and then with a 5-10% solution of baking soda.

First aid for burns with alkalis is the same as for burns with acids, the only difference being that alkalis are neutralized with a 2% solution of boric acid, solutions of citric acid, and table vinegar.

  1. Frostbite.

They occur during prolonged exposure to low ambient temperatures, when the body comes into contact with cold metal in the cold, liquid or compressed air or dry carbon dioxide. But frostbite can occur not only in the cold. There are known cases when frostbite occurred at air temperatures above 0°C with high humidity and strong wind, especially if the person was wearing wet clothes and shoes. A general weakening of the body due to overexertion, fatigue, hunger and alcohol intoxication also predisposes to frostbite.

The most common areas of frostbite are the fingers, toes, ears, nose and cheeks. In order to restore blood circulation to frostbitten parts of the body as quickly as possible, it is necessary to rub them and gradually warm them up. If your cheeks, nose, or ears turn white, just rub them with a clean hand until they become red and tingling and burning appears. It is best to rub the frostbitten part with alcohol, vodka, cologne or any woolen cloth, flannel, or soft glove. You cannot rub with snow, as it does not warm, but cools frostbitten areas even more and damages the skin.

Shoes should be removed from your feet very carefully so as not to damage frostbitten toes. If this cannot be done without effort, then the shoes are ripped with a knife along the seam of the boot. At the same time as rubbing, the victim should be given hot tea and coffee.

After the frostbitten limb turns pink, it must be wiped dry, wiped with alcohol or vodka, apply a clean, dry bandage and insulate the limb with cotton wool or cloth. If blood circulation is poorly restored, the skin remains bluish, deep frostbite should be assumed and the victim should be immediately sent to the hospital.

  1. Shock and fainting.

With extensive injuries - wounds, fractures, burns - the victim may experience shock, i.e. a sharp loss of strength and suppression of all vital functions of the body. Shock occurs from overstrain of the nervous system due to severe painful stimulation, blood loss and other reasons. Shock is accompanied by a sharp decline in cardiac activity, as a result of which the pulse weakens and sometimes cannot be heard at all. The face becomes gray, with sharpened features, and becomes covered in cold sweat. The affected person is indifferent to his surroundings, although his consciousness remains intact. He does not react to external irritations, even to touching the wound or moving the damaged limb.

Victims in shock require immediate assistance. First of all, you need to eliminate the pain. If possible, you should administer painkillers (promedol, morphine, pantopon) and use cardiac drugs - camphor, caffeine. The victim needs to be warmed up, covered with a blanket, covered with heating pads, given strong tea, wine, and brought into a warm room in the cold season.

If the affected person, who is in a state of shock, has no damage to the abdominal organs, it is recommended to give water to drink by dissolving one teaspoon of baking soda and 1/2 teaspoon of table salt in 1 liter.

Fainting- sudden short-term loss of consciousness. Fainting is caused by large blood losses, nervous shock (fear, fear), and overwork. Fainting is characterized by paleness of the skin, lips, and coldness of the extremities. Cardiac activity is weakened, the pulse is barely palpable. The fainting state is sometimes very short-lived, lasting only a few seconds. In other cases, fainting does not go away after 5-10 minutes. and more. Prolonged fainting is life-threatening.

To provide assistance to the injured person, he must be taken out to an open place where fresh air can freely flow, and placed in a horizontal position. Raise your legs above your head to cause a rush of blood to your head. To make breathing easier, the victim is freed from constricting clothing: the collar is unbuttoned or cut, the belt is removed, etc.

To bring the victim out of a fainting state, you need to splash his face with cold water or let him smell ammonia, slowly bringing a piece of cotton wool or the tip of a handkerchief soaked in alcohol to his nose. Whiskey is also rubbed with ammonia.

  1. Heat and sunstroke.

Heatstroke- a painful condition resulting from overheating of the entire body. The causes of such overheating may be high external temperature, tight clothing that retards skin evaporation, and intense physical work. Heatstroke doesn't just happen in hot weather. They happen in hot shops, in bathhouses, when working in protective overalls and in very stuffy rooms. When the body overheats, a person experiences lethargy, fatigue, dizziness, headache, and drowsiness. The face turns red, breathing is difficult, body temperature rises to 40°C. If the causes of overheating are not eliminated, heat stroke occurs. The person loses consciousness, falls, turns pale, the skin becomes cold and covered with sweat. In this state, the victim may die.

Overheating your head in the sun can lead to sunstroke. The first signs of sunstroke are facial redness and severe headaches. Then nausea, dizziness, darkening of the eyes and, finally, vomiting appear. The person falls into an unconscious state, shortness of breath appears, and cardiac activity weakens.

Both in case of sunstroke and heatstroke, the victim should be placed in the shade in the fresh air and the same measures taken as in case of fainting. If the victim is not breathing, artificial respiration must be performed.

  1. Electric shock.

If a person comes into contact with uninsulated electrical wires, they may receive an electric shock. In this case, he may experience short-term or long-term loss of consciousness, accompanied by respiratory arrest and cardiac dysfunction. Burns appear at the points of entry and exit of current. In some cases, electric shock causes instant death.

To help the injured person, first of all, you must stop further exposure to the current by turning off the switch, throwing away the wire with a dry stick, or dragging the injured person away. In this case, you must not touch either the wire or the affected one with your bare hands. If there are no rubber gloves, the person providing assistance should wrap their hands with some piece of clothing, a dry rag, preferably wear rubber shoes or stand on a dry board. When dragging the victim away, you need to grab him not by the body, but by the clothes.

If the affected person is unconscious, but breathes on his own, do the same as in case of fainting. Apply a sterile bandage to areas where burns have occurred due to contact with the current. If the victim is not breathing, perform artificial respiration immediately.

  1. Rules for assisting a drowning person.

After removing a drowning person from the water, you need to put him stomach down on your knee or on folded clothes, a log and press your hands on his back several times to remove water from the respiratory tract. Then, with a finger wrapped in a scarf, you should unclench the victim’s lips, open his mouth, and clear his nose and throat of foam, dirt and mud. After this, lay him on his back, throw back his head as much as possible, stretch out his tongue and make sure that it does not sink. Then you should immediately begin artificial respiration.

If the victim has no pulse and the pupils are dilated, this means that cardiac activity has stopped. It can be restored with chest compressions and artificial respiration.

As soon as the victim’s pulse and breathing resume, he should be given hot water or tea, wrapped in warm clothes and taken to a medical facility.

  1. Fundamentals of nursing.

Caring for patients consists of creating and maintaining a sanitary and hygienic environment in the room where they are kept, arranging a comfortable bed and keeping it clean, providing assistance to the patient while using the toilet, eating, maintaining a cheerful mood in the patient and organizing his leisure time.

The role of proper and caring care in the recovery of patients is extremely great. For some diseases, care becomes even more important than treatment. It is not for nothing that instead of the usual “cured,” they often say that the patient was “cured.”

The volume of sanitary treatment of patients is determined by the doctor after examination. During the procedure, the hair is first examined and, if necessary, cut. Toenails and fingernails are cut short. Depending on the patient’s condition, washing the body is done in the shower or in the bath. Seriously ill patients are given rubdowns.

The room in which the patient is located must be constantly heated (20-22°C), have good daytime and evening lighting, ventilation and a window for ventilation. The room should have as much free space as possible.

It is better to place the patient’s bed perpendicular to the wall so that it can be approached from three sides. The surface of the mattress must be flat. On the bed you need to put a sheet, two pillows and a blanket with a duvet cover. For urinary and fecal incontinence, put an oilcloth on the sheet and cover it with a sheet on top, which is changed more often than the sheet. To give the patient’s body a semi-sitting position in bed, a double-folded mattress and a thick blanket are placed under the front quarter of the mattress, a bolster or pillow is placed under the half-bent knees, and a support from a board or box is made for the legs so that the patient’s body does not slide. A bedpan and urine bag are placed under the bed. The most necessary things are placed on a table (stool) near the bed: a table lamp, a glass, a sippy cup.

The patient's room must be systematically ventilated. The duration of ventilation depends on the season, but even in winter it should be at least 30 minutes. 3-4 times a day. During winter ventilation, the patient must be well covered. Cleaning the room must be damp.

Special care is required for the skin on the back, buttocks, sacrum, thighs and elbows of seriously ill patients, where, due to prolonged lying, blood circulation is disrupted and bedsores appear - ulcerations that are difficult to treat. To prevent the appearance of bedsores, it is necessary to eliminate folds in the sheet and change the position of the patient more often - turn him on his side, trying to keep his back and buttocks in less contact with the bed.

The person caring for the patient must properly monitor him, that is, be able to count his pulse, measure his temperature, and determine his breathing rate.

The patient's temperature is measured twice a day for 10 minutes: in the morning and evening before meals or 2 hours after meals. Temperature readings are recorded on the temperature sheet.

Knowledge of the basics of first aid, timely and correct provision of it to victims will help preserve the life and health of your colleagues both in peacetime and in wartime.

Head of the training group ______________

Open lesson on life safety

First aid

Primary school teacher

Sedenkova Marina Yurievna

Lesson format: practical lesson on practicing first aid skills.

Goals and objectives of the lesson:


    • Teach students to provide first aid and self-help in case of accidents;

      to learn to meaningfully perceive and concretely present game tasks (situations), to support the progress of their solution with independent (own) forces and actions.


    • to promote the development of stable and strong skills to recognize and anticipate dangers, the need for students to consciously become qualified advisors, consultants and the first “doctors” in extreme situations;

      to develop logical thinking and succinctly competent practical activity of students through the forms and techniques of role-playing, intellectual, competitive, training games, the use of visual and figurative means of influencing their sensory organs and mental catalysts;

      allow students to express themselves in mental aspirations, knowledge, wisdom, abilities, taking into account the problem of a person-oriented approach and individualization of the educational process.


    • influence students’ attitude to the process of mercy and help as a natural behavior and a phenomenon of selfless provision of salvation to those in need;

      to form the need to bring to people kindness, sensitivity, attention, courtesy, fulfillment of human duty, a system of moral qualities and motives for help and mutual assistance, sympathy and empathy towards all people in any situations, especially in extreme ones;

      create an atmosphere of creative application of knowledge and skills, creative teamwork, and intellectual confidence in one’s knowledge and skills.

Interdisciplinary connections (integration):

    Providing: speech development, physical training


    • medical terminology, taking care of your health;
      anatomical information and knowledge about the physiological development of man, his relationship with nature and the environment;

      physical exercises and methods of transportation that require physical effort and preparedness;

      conditions of social adaptation of students in life (in the environment - on the street, at school, in nature, at home).

Methodological support for the lesson:

Presentation “First Aid”, electronic physical exercises

1. Dressing material
2. Hemostatic tourniquet
3. Device for ventilation
4. Antiseptics
5. Available materials


1. Organizational moment

Guys, let's give each other kind smiles. A sincere smile is success in any job. People who smile get sick less and do not get discouraged under any circumstances. The knowledge and practical skills you gain today will be useful to you to help those around you and yourself if an accident happens to you. The topic of our lesson: “First medical aid in case of accidents”

2. Updating knowledge

Students read the poem:

Don't stand aside indifferently
When someone is in trouble.
Need to rush to the rescue
Any minute, always.
And if it helps someone, someone
Your kindness, your support,
Are you happy that the day was not lived in vain?
That you have not lived for years in vain.

Guys, let's together define what the concept of “accident” means. What cases are considered accidents? (Children's answers)

Let’s ask for help: “An accident is harm to a person’s health as a result of a combination of circumstances or improper behavior.” What do you think should be done if an accident occurs? (Children's answers)

First of all, you need to call a doctor. But, unfortunately, the doctor cannot always arrive quickly. It is in such cases that each of you should be able to do everything possible before the doctors arrive to relieve the pain, save the life of the victim, and prevent the deterioration of the victim’s condition. This is what we call first aid. Now tell me, what kind of help is called self-help? (The one we provide to ourselves)

3. Physical exercise(musical, presentation)

4. Work on the topic of the lesson

Let's ask for help: 30 minutes of moderate physical activity a day improves health and prevents disease. In order for movement to benefit you and keep you healthy, you need to do the exercises correctly and avoid accidents.

(There is a knock on the door. Three students enter)

What happened to you guys?

(Students explain the situation with gestures)

Guys, you are lucky: our guest is a doctor mother. (Addressing the doctor) Please examine our victims.

Doctor. We have three victims with diagnoses: bleeding from the nose, bruise, speck in the eye. First, you need to seat all the victims comfortably. What do you guys think, which of the victims needs help first? (To someone who has a nosebleed)

Slide - reminder

    When bleeding from the nose, the victim must be seated so that his head is tilted forward.

    Place a cold lotion on the nose, ask the victim to breathe through the mouth, and then squeeze the nose with your hand just below the bridge of the nose (for 3 minutes).

    You cannot tilt your head back, as otherwise blood may enter the respiratory tract.

    After the bleeding has stopped, the victim needs to sit quietly so that the bleeding does not resume.

(Guys provide self-help for bleeding (reinforce skills).)

Doctor. Well done, you can give yourself first aid for nosebleeds.

And now the second accident is a speck in the eye.

Doctor. Let's remember the rules of first aid if a foreign body gets into the eye.

Slide - reminder

First aid rules when a foreign body gets into the eye.

    Place the victim facing the light, open the eyelids and examine the eye.

    Remove the speck with the damp end of a clean handkerchief. If you don't have a tissue, try rinsing your eye with water.

    Instruct the victim to blink; copious tears will help wash the debris out of the eye.

Let's ask for help. Eyes are a person’s main assistants; eyebrows, eyelashes and eyelids serve not only for beauty. They protect the eyes from dust, wind and sweat. In order for our eyes to serve us as long as possible, we need to take care of them.

Game "Yes - no". If you agree with the rule, then say “yes”; if you disagree, say “no”

    Wash your face in the morning.

    Watch TV while sitting close to him.

    Make sure that the light illuminates the page when reading and writing.

    Look at the bright light.

    Use someone else's glasses.

    Do eye exercises.

    Exercise for the eyes. (Electronic)

Eyes are the mirror of the soul. Take care of your eyesight, guys.

    Continued work.

Doctor. We have one last accident left - internal bleeding (bruise).

In case of internal bleeding, you need to cool the damaged area, put ice or a bandage moistened with water on it. If there is no water, you can use cold objects. In the old days, copper coins were applied to the sore spot. What other items can be used to prevent internal bleeding? (spoon, children's answers)

Remember. The wound should not be washed with water. Under no circumstances should soil or dirty leaves be applied to it, as this is fraught with the occurrence of such serious diseases as gangrene and tetanus. Any, even the most trivial scratch, if not promptly disinfected, can lead to the development of a purulent infection.

If the wound is deeper or heavily contaminated, then after applying a bandage, the victim should be immediately taken to a medical facility. There he will receive qualified assistance.

6. Consolidation.

- Why did we look at these particular accidents? (They meet often)

We provided first aid to our victims. It is important not only to know the rules of first aid, but also to be able to provide assistance in a timely manner using available means if there are no medications nearby.

When going on a hike, a trip, to the forest to pick mushrooms, or on a bike ride, you should definitely take a first aid kit with you. The first aid kit should contain a minimum of items to provide first aid or self-help in case of need.

In case of injuries and cuts, you must have:

    Rubber tourniquet to stop bleeding;

    Sterile bandages and napkins;

    Bactericidal patch;

    Sticky patch;

    Tincture of iodine;


    Syntomycin emulsion in case of burns or frostbite;

Everyone understands that drugs

It is dangerous to give without a doctor.

But you can trust any child

Plaster and iodine, bandages and brilliant green.


    An alcohol solution of brilliant green, used to lubricate wounds. (Zelyonka)

    Fluffy fibrous mass, made from cotton, used in medicine. (Vata)

    A piece of fabric in the form of a long ribbon for a therapeutic bandage. (Bandage)

    A cake of pressed medicinal powder. (Tablet)

    Thermometer. (Thermometer)

    A cloth coated with a medicinal substance that is applied to wounds. (Patch)

    Organic substances necessary for life: A, B, C, D, etc. (Vitamins)

    An alcohol solution of a dark brown substance used to lubricate wounds. (Iodine)

    A set of medicines for first aid or simple home treatment. (First aid kit)

7. Summary.

What did you remember from the lesson?

What did you want to know more about?

FULL NAME. Semyashkina Irina Vasilievna

Position: teacher, class teacher

Place of work: State Public Educational Institution “Izhemsky Polytechnic College”, Shchelyayur village, Izhemsky district, Komi Republic.

Class hour


Providing first aid

The purpose of the lesson

develop the necessary knowledge to provide first aid in case of accidents.

Lesson Objectives


Ensure the understanding of the basic rules for providing first aid to victims.


develop skills in working with information;

develop the ability to navigate in extreme situations;

learn to analyze information, generalize, draw conclusions;

develop the ability to work in groups.


cultivate a respectful attitude towards the opinions of others, the ability to listen and hear others;

foster a culture of life safety;

develop a responsible attitude towards your health;

create a positive psychological atmosphere in the group.

Planned results

Learn use the acquired knowledge in the current emergency situation.

Master professional competencies:

Information(possession of information resources and technologies)

Communicative(the ability to interact with surrounding people and events, skills to work in a group, team, to show a desire to achieve success in their activities.)

Social and labor(ability to develop first aid skills).

Be able to independently acquire new knowledge.



Computer, projector, presentation, videos from the video hosting company YouTube.

Class plan

Organizing time

Updating knowledge, goal setting and motivation.

Learning new material.

Primary comprehension and consolidation of the studied material.

Results of the class hour. Reflection.

Teaching methods

Problem dialogue, frontal work, group work.

Forms of training

Interactive, verbal, visual, practical, reproductive teaching methods.

Planned results


Metasubject UUD

Personal UUD

to form students’ knowledge on the topic of the class lesson,

use the acquired knowledge in specific situations.

Regulatory: learn to express your opinion; plan action steps if you find yourself in an emergency situation.

Cognitive: compare information presented in different forms.

Communication: cooperate with comrades when performing tasks in a group: establish and follow the order of actions, compare the results obtained, listen to a partner, correctly inform a comrade about errors; ask questions to obtain the necessary information; organize mutual verification of work performed; Express your opinion when discussing a task.

experience feelings of compassion and responsibility towards the safety and life of another person.


Organizing time

Updating knowledge, goal setting and motivation.

Guys, I'm glad to see you.

Let's determine together with you what our class hour will be devoted to today. Crossence will help us with this. (slide 1)

Reference: Crossence is a new generation associative puzzle. The word “crossens” means “intersection of meanings” and was coined by analogy with the word “crossword”, which translated from English means “intersection of words.”

Crossence is an associative chain of nine pictures closed in a standard field. You can start solving crossens from any recognizable picture, but the main one is the central square. We use it to formulate the topic and purpose of the lesson.

The guys name what is shown in the pictures and the topic of the class hour. (slide 2)

Learning new material.

First of all, be sure to tell an adult about the accident;

if necessary, scream, call loudly for help;

call emergency medical assistance as soon as possible;

if a person loses consciousness as a result of an accident, do not try to move him: this may worsen his condition;

To help the victim breathe easier, unbutton his collar, untie his tie, and loosen his tight belt.

(slides 4 - 13)

Loss of consciousness

The most common cause is collapse, fainting - a rapid decrease in blood pressure and a decrease in blood flow to the brain.

Collapse is based on: fear, overwork, sudden change in body position.

First aid. Create a safe position for the victim’s body: put the legs above the head if the victim is unconscious, or sit down. Let them smell the irritating substance - ammonia, cologne with a strong odor, onions. Give cold drink.

Insect bites

Cause: contact with insects.

First aid. Dissolve a tablespoon of table salt in a glass of water, moisten several layers of soft cloth with the solution and apply to the bite site. Some insects leave not only a wound at the site of the bite. There may be both the insect itself and its sting. Do not attempt to remove it yourself; have it done by a healthcare professional.

Abdominal pain

Cause: bruises accompanied by hidden damage to internal organs, dysfunction of the digestive organs, genital organs, kidneys, and urinary tract.

First aid. Immediately call a doctor or arrange evacuation to a medical facility. Before meeting with the doctor, keep yourself calm and do not allow you to eat or drink. Cold can be applied if it is known that the cause of the pain is injury.


Reason: eating poisonous foods.

First aid. In all cases, with the exception of acid and alkali poisoning, give large quantities of warm water to drink and try to induce vomiting. In case of poisoning with acids and alkalis, you should not drink water! Call a doctor or evacuate immediately. If there are remains of products that could presumably cause poisoning, they must be collected in a clean glass container and presented to doctors.


Reason: a variety of diseases, loss of fluid and salts in hot, dry air.

First aid. If cramps, involuntary muscle twitching, develop as a result of overheating in hot dry air, then the victim is transferred to a cool room or shade and given a cool, salted drink. Drinks are given in metal containers, as the victim may bite off the edge of a porcelain or glass container.

In all other cases, the patient simply needs to create peace before contacting the doctor.

With facial muscle spasms, there is a risk of tongue damage. The patient can eat it. In this case, if possible, a wooden object is inserted between the teeth. Do not try to force it in - you may break your teeth! And be careful when you have seizures - a person might bite your finger off.

First aid. The wound and adjacent areas of skin are washed with a solution of hydrogen peroxide. Small foreign bodies are removed with tweezers, a needle, a clamp, or fingers. For severe bleeding, use a tight bandage or tourniquet.


Cause: trauma, congenital fragility of nasal vessels.

First aid. Place the victim in a seat. Tilt his head forward a little. Do not tilt your head back under any circumstances; if there is heavy bleeding, there is a possibility of choking. Do not try to stop the bleeding immediately if it drips out. A little blood loss won't hurt, and the bleeding may stop on its own. Plug the nostril from which the blood is coming out with a cotton swab. Pinch your nostrils with your fingers and hold for at least 10 minutes. Use your free hand to support your head. If the bleeding does not stop, consult a doctor.


Symptoms At the time of injury, a sharp pain is felt, intensifying when attempting to move, and a characteristic sound. On examination - swelling (hemorrhage), curvature or shortening of the limbs. Often pathological mobility at the fracture site. In an open fracture, bone fragments protrude from the wound.

First aid. Immobilize the injured limb or area. For transportation, the victim must be given a splint to prevent the movement of broken bones. If the victim has an open fracture (a bleeding injury with a broken bone), it is necessary to disinfect the wound (iodine, brilliant green, alcohol) and apply a pressure bandage or tourniquet, and under no circumstances try to correct the position of the damaged bone.


Reason: the effect of direct sunlight on the meninges, subject to being outdoors on a sunny day without a hat.

Symptoms: headache, dizziness, nausea, loss of consciousness.

First aid. Take the victim to a cool room or in the shade, put a cold pack on his head, give him a cool drink, or you can sniff ammonia. If the patient's condition does not improve after half an hour, consult a doctor.


Reasons: accident on water transport, inattention of adults while bathing children, playing on the water.

Symptoms: lack of consciousness, breathing and pulse, presence of fluid in the respiratory tract.

First aid.

Check the patency of the respiratory tract - there may be silt, algae, etc. in the mouth.

Turn the victim upside down; if it is an adult, place it with its stomach on your knee and intensely squeeze the chest two or three times; if it is a child, lift it by the legs and shake it, this way you will clear the airways of water.
When you are convinced that the airway is open, immediately begin resuscitation measures: chest compressions and artificial respiration.

Primary comprehension and consolidation of the studied material.

We will spend the next part of our class hour in a different form.

Guys, you have to work in teams. And for each team I chose training video material, but this does not mean at all that someone is working and someone is resting.

1 team - “Providing first aid in case of electric shock”

Team 2 - “First aid for burns”

Team 3 - “First aid for frostbite”

You all need to carefully review the proposed material. At the end of viewing, ask the other teams 3 questions (team meeting time is 3 minutes). Guys, keep in mind that when asking questions, you need to understand the material well yourself, because if you give incorrect or inaccurate answers, you will need to correct the answer or give the correct one.

Results of the class hour. Reflection.(slide 14)

Remember!(slide 15)

An attentive person, accustomed to thinking about his actions, rarely gets injured.

I hope that you spent this hour with benefit for yourself and your health. Thank you for your active work. Until next time.

To display a question, click on the corresponding question number;

When you click on a block with the wording of a question, the block itself disappears and the answer to this question appears in the grid;

The rest are similar;

To solve a crossword puzzle, it is advisable to follow the order of the question numbers, but it is also possible to solve it in a free order, you just need to get the correct answer, otherwise, in order for the block with the question to disappear, you must click on it when you hover the cursor with the left mouse button, and the correct answer will appear automatically.

Kids are tireless explorers. True, sometimes active knowledge of the world around us is not at all safe. He climbed a tree and fell down, spilled hot tea on himself, tasted the laundry soap - what happens in life! A general rule for all unusual situations: keep cool! Because the health, and perhaps the life of your child, depends on this circumstance.

Bruises and wounds

Cones. I didn’t notice the corner of the table, fell off the sofa - and now a red-purple bump was growing on my forehead. The best thing to do is to immediately apply cold to the injured area: a heating pad with ice, a wet napkin, a spoon, a chop from the freezer, or a pack of frozen vegetables (what exactly is not important). Just remember to wrap the ice in a clean cloth.

✔Bruises. If the skin is not damaged, apply an ice pack to the injury site for 5 minutes. If your baby categorically objects, try a cold compress and change it often. Raise the bruised limb higher to prevent swelling. The next day, the ice will give way to warm compresses. Wet a towel with warm water and apply it to the bruise for 5 minutes several times a day. An iodine mesh on the affected limb can also alleviate the condition. However, if your child hurts his stomach when falling from a bicycle, hits his head, injures his eye, or the joint is very swollen and causes pain, consult a doctor.

✔Bumps and bruises are perhaps the most common childhood injuries. A napkin soaked in cold water and wrung out, a handkerchief, a compress with alcohol, and a bag of ice will help you here. It cools and relieves pain. A doctor should be consulted if the pain does not go away and the child is unable to move the leg freely.

In your home first aid kit you must have a bandage, plasters of different sizes, an elastic bandage, disinfectants, scissors, painkillers and antipyretics, and a thermometer. Be healthy! Good luck! And let your knowledge remain unrealized.

✔Stretches. As soon as trouble occurs, you must try to prevent the child from putting any strain on the affected limb. Cooling and rest are the best treatment. To limit mobility, you can use an elastic bandage, apply a cardboard splint, or hang your arm in a sling.

✔Injuries. Sharp sticks, stones, curbs - everything can cause head injuries. In this case, as a rule, swelling immediately develops, the wound bleeds heavily - there are a lot of superficially located vessels in the scalp. The best thing to do is to quickly apply pressure to the edges of the wound using a clean cotton cloth or bandage to stop the bleeding. With heavy bleeding, the likelihood of infection getting into the wound is not high (unless, of course, the edges of the abrasion are dirty). If the wound is deep and more than a centimeter, you need to consult a doctor - usually the edges of the wound are sutured or connected using special paper clips. All other wounds can be sealed with a bactericidal plaster.

✔If a child falls and gets an abrasion, the wound must be cleaned of dirt and small stones using a handkerchief or tweezers; blot the wound with a tampon of warm water. It is advisable not to bandage. Only when the wound is wet can a plaster or sterile bandage be applied.

✔Concussion. Climbing a tree is so interesting! But sometimes climbing lessons end sadly - the branch under the foot breaks and the baby ends up on the ground. If after a fall the child complains of nausea, drowsiness, headache, or you feel that the baby is not behaving as usual, be sure to call a doctor. If he falls and loses consciousness (even if only for a few seconds), go to the hospital immediately!

✔Fractures. Without an x-ray, even a doctor cannot always determine the presence of a fracture. If a child cannot move his arm due to severe pain, if there is a visible deformation of the limb, and swelling increases literally before our eyes, the baby most likely has a fracture. Until the doctor examines you, you must apply cold to the damaged area and apply a splint. It will help create peace for the injured limb. When applying a splint, be sure to fix the two adjacent joints as well. For example, if the bones of the forearm are damaged, the wrist and elbow joints are fixed. You can use cardboard folded in several layers as a tire. Wrap it in cotton wool, wrap it in a bandage - the homemade splint is ready. Place your sore hand in it, like in a cradle, and hang it on a scarf. If your legs are damaged, it is difficult to find cardboard of this size, so a piece of plywood and a small board will do.


It is not surprising that when children begin to crawl and then walk, they try to taste everything. Fortunately, 90% of poisonings result in recovery. But here seconds count and the prognosis depends on the actions of the parents.

First aid:

Call “03” immediately, be prepared to report the child’s weight, possible toxic substance, symptoms;
With your finger wrapped in a damp handkerchief, remove any remaining toxic substance from the baby’s mouth;
if the baby is unconscious, lay him on his side so that he does not suffocate when vomiting;
If the baby is conscious, give him more to drink, preferably clean water. But not milk! It can cause fat-soluble poisons to enter the bloodstream faster;
Give your baby activated carbon tablets crushed in water as quickly as possible; he will absorb poisons onto himself, preventing them from penetrating into the blood. Dosage - gram of coal per kilogram of child’s weight;
Do not try to make your baby vomit. Often, vomiting itself is more dangerous than the poison that enters the baby’s body.

To prevent trouble from happening:

remove all chemicals (perfumes, creams, household chemicals) so that the baby cannot get to them under any circumstances;
Carefully check the expiration dates of medications and ruthlessly get rid of expired ones. It is better not to store medications in a medical cabinet. Experience shows that such a locker is of great interest to the baby. Instead, purchase a case that can be locked with a key, or simply put the medicine box on the mezzanine. Even ordinary vitamins will become poison if you eat a whole pack of them;
Always read medication labels carefully before giving them to your baby, so you can avoid tragic mistakes. This is especially true for unscheduled “night” situations.

✔Electric shocks

A rosette is a very attractive item for a baby, because you can stick a finger or a nail in it! So get on all fours and try to follow your child’s path around the apartment. How many times have you come across sockets and extension cords, wires and accessible electrical appliances? Children are resourceful people; they can bite the wire and severely burn their face. Some babies, having found an extension cord plugged into an outlet, can lick it and also get severe burns.

And little gentlemen, walking around the room without a diaper, sometimes accidentally urinate on the socket and receive an electric shock.

First aid:

if the baby is lying motionless, do not touch him with your hands, otherwise he will give you an electric shock;
turn off the electricity (if this is not possible, then turn off the power source);
use any wooden object (for example, a rolling pin or a chair leg) to discard the wires or simply move the crumbs away from the point of impact;
Is the baby not breathing? Start artificial respiration and chest compressions.

To prevent trouble from happening:

install plugs on all sockets accessible to the baby;
Wind up all long cords of electrical appliances in such a way that they extend only from the electrical appliance to the outlet (you can secure the coiled ring of wires using electrical tape);
make sure that (if possible, of course) all electrical wires are out of the child’s reach. And if you have something connected through an extension cord, wrap the connection with insulating tape so that the baby cannot pull the plug out of the socket;
Always put away electrical appliances (iron, mixer, meat grinder) when you have finished working. Place table lamps in such a way that the baby cannot reach them;
Do not use electrical appliances near water (shower, bath).

Often the little man’s favorite place to play is the kitchen: mom prepares dinner, while I go about my business!! This is where dangers can lurk for the young researcher. Firstly, the handles of frying pans and pots should not be within the child’s reach; splashes from food on the stove can fall on a crawling baby; An electric kettle can also become an object of “love” for your child. Never drink tea with a small child in your arms; one awkward movement and the cup of tea may tip over.

Burns, as we know from the course of valeology and life safety, are divided into 4 groups. The first one is the easiest one: redness and swelling of the skin. With the second degree, bubbles already appear...

In case of a burn, be sure to consult a doctor!!! What should you do first? Place the burn area under a stream of cold water, but not ice water, and keep it this way for 10-20 minutes (longer is possible) so that the burn does not spread to the lower layers of the skin. “Home” remedies, such as vegetable oil, all kinds of creams can aggravate the situation by causing the burn to “go” into the skin. So leave the wound open until the doctors arrive. If a blister forms, there is no need to puncture it to avoid infection. If the burn surface is large, then you need to place the child under the shower and then just call a doctor.

Do not take off your clothes so as not to remove your skin too.

First aid:

In case of burns, it is necessary first of all to stop the spread of damage in depth. Therefore, the wound needs to be cooled - to do this, direct a gentle stream of cold running water (from the tap) onto the burn or apply any cold object to it. Even a piece of meat from the freezer will do, wrapped in a clean cloth, of course. Cool for no more than an hour;
Apply a sterile bandage. Do not open the resulting blisters, much less cut off the “excess” skin. This can cause infection in the wound. By the way, for the same reason, doctors do not recommend treating a burn with urine, even from children’s urine;
usual home remedies (vegetable oil, butter, protein, flour, etc.) reduce the heat transfer of the damaged area and, therefore, “drive” the burn deeper, complicating subsequent treatment. In addition, they seriously contaminate the wound;
take your child to the hospital immediately.

To prevent trouble from happening:

cook only on the far burners, turning the handles of pots and pans towards the wall;
while standing at the stove, never hold the baby in your arms (even if he persistently demands attention) - droplets of boiling oil and scalding steam, invisible to an adult, can get on the child’s skin;
When you open the oven door, make sure that no one is nearby;
kids love to pull the tablecloth off the table and tug at unfamiliar wires. Therefore, toddlers can easily knock over an “instant heating” electric kettle or a cup of freshly brewed tea;
If you drink hot drinks (coffee, cocoa, tea), never do this with a child in your arms. One awkward move and the baby will suffer a severe burn. Do you want to have some tea? Choose a time when the baby is sleeping in bed;
When choosing a heater, give preference to oil heaters - they do not have open spirals. Do not leave household appliances unattended: irons with steamers are a common cause of burns in children;
before bathing your baby, check the water temperature with a special thermometer (or, in extreme cases, with your elbow);
a baby can knock over a container of boiling water on itself during a banal inhalation. If you want to carry out the procedure, bring your child to the bathroom, sit him down (but not in the bath), close the door tightly and turn on a hot shower. This will be quite enough, especially if you put a small container with a collection of herbs or a healing solution in the bath. If your doctor often recommends such procedures to you, it is better to purchase an individual inhaler at the pharmacy.

When a mother gives her child a small piece of fruit and a cookie, it won’t even occur to her that this piece could be a choking hazard (judging even from my own experience). Some children spit out pieces that they cannot chew. Others will try, and diligence can play a cruel joke on them. If a child chokes, this may pose a risk of suffocation. In this case, the baby should be lifted up by the legs and lightly patted on the back, or placed face down on one’s shoulder and also patted on the back. If the child is over a year old, you can put him on your knee so that the upper part hangs down and pat him between the shoulder blades

A baby can suffocate if he puts the most ordinary objects in his mouth - coins, screws, pieces of balloons, small parts of toys, beads. Babies can suffocate while vomiting.

First aid:

if some foreign body gets into the respiratory tract and the child begins to cough hysterically, tilt the baby forward, place his stomach on your knee and spank him between the shoulder blades;
if the baby is vomiting, lay him on his tummy, with his head raised (it is better to turn it to the right).

To prevent trouble from happening:

do not tie the bars of the playpen or crib with ribbons, do not tie toys with long cords, do not decorate the playpen or crib with balloons tied to strings;
The crib should not be placed in such a way that there are curtain cords nearby;
never let babies play with hard objects that can block their breathing;
check all your baby’s toys: what if they contain easily breakable parts that can get into the baby’s mouth;
if you are playing with balloons, keep a close eye on all the pieces of popped balloons. Once in the mouth, they can cause choking;
remove all laces and ties from caps and vests;
do not hang chains around your neck; if they get caught, the baby may suffocate;
Do not allow your baby to run around with food in his mouth.

✔Foreign bodies in the eye

Often a child rubs his eyes when he gets a foreign body. In summer it can be flies, specks of dust, specks; At home, something dry can get into your eye: sugar, salt, fluff. First of all, you need to rinse your eye. Soak a handkerchief in boiled water and try to remove the trapped object.

To remove a spot, gently move your finger along the closed eyelid in the direction of the eyelid: the foreign body may exit through the tear ducts. If that doesn’t work, then pull the eyelid so that the eyelashes fall under the eyelid so that the caught body catches on them.

It happens that someone bites you in the eye. This causes the eyelid to swell and turn red. Don't panic. Make soda lotions, they will help relieve itching.

Dilute half a teaspoon in half a glass of boiled water. Moisten gauze, bandage or handkerchief and apply several times a day for five minutes. But: with a closed eye!

The insect can be removed with the edge of a clean, damp cloth. If the baby squeezes his eyelids tightly, try using light stroke movements to drive the foreign body from the outer edge of the eye to the inner one. In the same way, you can remove a speck or grain of sand from your eye.
However, if you suspect that iron or wood shavings or glass shards have somehow gotten into your baby’s eye, never try to remove these foreign bodies yourself with tweezers or cotton wool - you can damage the cornea.
While playing in the sandbox, the baby forgot and rubbed his eye with a dirty pen? Less than a couple of hours later, the eye turns red, and the baby complains of pain and pain? Most likely, the baby has developed conjunctivitis. Wash your children’s eyes several times a day with strong brewed cool tea, give your baby a separate towel for the sore eye and strictly ensure that the baby does not touch it with your hand, otherwise an infection may occur; switch to the other eye. Instill the albucid solution several times a day, and if the situation does not improve after a day, go to the ophthalmologist.

Elena Aleynikova
Summary of an open lesson on the topic: “Providing first aid for wounds and injuries”

Target classes: Familiarization of students with the rules and techniques of emergency.



Build skills providing first aid for minor wounds and injuries

Teach students to distinguish between means providing emergency medical care for wounds and injuries.

Teach children not to get lost and act correctly in difficult extreme and emergency situations.

Correctional and developmental:

Develop cognitive processes (memory, attention, imagination).

Develop perception and develop the ability to follow given instructions.

Help increase self-confidence and self-esteem in children.


Foster a sense of kindness and mutual assistance.

Foster independence.

Direction – correctional and developmental.

Group – 8th grade.

Form of organization – informational - practical class

(presentation) with an invitation medical worker.

Type classes – combined.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, screen, emergency first aid kit help.

On class the following apply technologies:

* Health-saving,

* gaming,

* active technology (active) training,

* slide presentation.

Progress of the lesson:

Organization/purpose Contents

Introductory part:


Target: creating an emotionally positive mood in the classroom, uniting the children's team. - Hello children and guests of our classes. I'm very glad to see you.

A new day has come. I smiled at you, and you will smile at each other. AND think about it: It’s so good that we’re all together! Let us mentally wish each other and our guests good health, because health is the most precious thing a person has, which means we must take care of our own health from childhood!

Preparatory stage:

Target: Updating received previous knowledge. Introduction to the presentation « Providing first aid for wounds and injuries» .


Guys! No matter how careful we are with our health, unfortunately, sometimes we find ourselves in unpleasant, dangerous situations when we urgently need health care.

This is what we will talk about today. Slide No. 1

Emergency conditions (Slide No. 2) come when there are least of them you're waiting: cut my hand with a piece of glass, fell from a ladder, stepped on a rusty nail, was attacked by a dog, received open fracture having fallen unsuccessfully on a slippery road. No matter how hard we try to be careful at home and on the street, no one is immune from accidents. Slides No. 3-4

(Students talk about what provided assistance them or their loved ones wounds and injuries before going to a medical facility).

In emergency situations, the most important thing is to act competently and without delay. Therefore we must know how first aid is provided for wounds and injuries.

Main part.

Target: To familiarize students with the rules and techniques of emergency medical care for wounds and injuries.


So, the topic of our classes: « Providing first aid for wounds and injuries" Slide No. 5

- « First aid is a type of medical care, which turns out ok at the scene self-help or mutual aid.

So, what is it, children? first aid for injuries? Which of you has already provided first aid to your loved ones and friends? Slide No. 6

During this time, it is necessary to protect the wound from contamination and the penetration of microbes into it, because all wounds are infected, that is, contaminated with microbes. The more wound contamination injuries) wound infection.

After stopping the bleeding, a tourniquet, tampon or napkin is necessary primary treatment of the wound and application of a sterile dressing.

Guys, you often get abrasions, punctures, and small cuts. What is their treatment? Slide No. 7

(Students talk about methods known to them for treating abrasions and shallow wounds, and the teacher comments and corrects the answers children: the skin around the wound is treated with a solution of iodine, brilliant green, alcohol, vodka or, as a last resort, cologne. A cotton or gauze swab moistened with one of these liquids is used to lubricate the skin from the edge of the wound. You should not pour them into the wound, because this will first, will increase the pain, and secondly, it will damage the tissue inside the wound and slow down the healing process).

- That's right, children, during first aid for injuries it is necessary to protect the wound from contamination and the penetration of microbes into it, because the more contamination the wound (earth, remnants of clothing, objects injuries) and the more significant the damage to the tissues, which then die, the greater the risk wound infection.

Children, what rules should we follow? providing first aid for injuries? Slides No. 8-9

(Pupils get acquainted with the rules first aid).

Children, now I offer you a game "Pack a first aid kit".

(Pupils name the means they know for, their answers are supplemented by the teacher while viewing the presentation). Slide No. 10

Physical exercise.

And now, guys, I offer you a game “If you get hurt, then...” Slides No. 12-15

(Pupils are asked to imagine an emergency situation - injury of a comrade, and voice your actions in this emergency situation).

Practical part:

Target: consolidate the material covered, contribute to the development of skills and habits of correct action in difficult and emergency situations associated with wounds and injuries. - Children, and now we are moving on to the practical part of our classes, which offers you practical exercise: "Provide first aid to a friend» .

Imagine a situation when there is no one nearby turned out to be a medical worker, and the person urgently needs help, What to do? And for this you need to learn To help people.

Are you ready for providing any assistance?

(Next, in order to consolidate the material covered, students are encouraged to practice provide first aid to classmates, who have lungs depicted in red paint on their arms and legs injuries: abrasion, puncture and incised wounds).

Evaluate your understanding of rules and techniques providing first aid for wounds and injuries, our medical worker Tatyana Alekseevna will be there.

(Children, if desired, go out and try perform a first aid comrades under the supervision of a health worker).

After 15 min. practical work

Fizminutka "Everybody dance"

Target: relieving psycho-emotional tension, creating an emotionally positive atmosphere in the classroom, relieving muscle tension.

PHYSMINUTE. Slide No. 11

Final part:


Target: consolidating an emotionally positive attitude in the group, increasing self-confidence. - Children, you were all active today class, tried to answer correctly. I'm happy with the answers.

Today you learned how to act when injured and how to behave correctly so as not to get confused in an emergency situation. However, remember, children, that today you learned correctly. provide emergency assistance for minor and not very deep injured! In more difficult situations, you need to urgently call "An ambulance help» or consult a doctor! Slide No. 16

Children, if you can't help where should I report?

Give the ambulance phone number help.

Call the number from your mobile phone.

Well done! I'm sure you will always come to help to everyone who needs it. And remember, assisting the victim, make sure there is no danger to you. Be healthy, take care of yourself and your loved ones!

Is our class is over. Goodbye!


1. I. I. Milman “Hygienic education and training”.

2. "School-age child" (Universal encyclopedic publication for parents).

3. "Health Secrets" (small home encyclopedia).

4. « Medico- sanitary training of students" (Edited by P. A. Kurtsev).

5. Russian Red Cross Society « First aid» textbook.