All God's dew. Even if you spit in your eyes, and then God's dew, Even if everything is God's dew in your eyes

All God's dew.  Even if you spit in your eyes, and then God's dew, Even if everything is God's dew in your eyes
All God's dew. Even if you spit in your eyes, and then God's dew, Even if everything is God's dew in your eyes

All God's Dew All GOD'S DEW to whom. Razg. Express. Nobody cares about anything. - Mitrofan, whatever you say, is a unique man, he is one of those to whom everything is God's dew - he wiped himself off and went. Mitrofan did not seem to hear the hostess' irritation(A. Vinogradov. Props).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .

See what "All God's Dew" is in other dictionaries:

    god's dew- God's tear, purified vodka Dictionary of Russian synonyms. god's dew n., number of synonyms: 2 vodka (162) ... Synonym dictionary

    God's dew sprinkles God's earth.- God's dew sprinkles God's earth. See GOD FAITH…

    All God's Dew- to whom. Razg. Iron. Who l. absolutely nothing worries, everything to whom l. indifferent. /i> The expression is formed by truncation of the saying spit (ss / nass) in his eyes, [and] he [says] God's dew. Mokienko, Nikitina 2003, 290 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    all god's dew- everything God grew and to whom (everything is indifferent) ... Russian spelling dictionary

    At least spit in his eyes, and he says: God's dew.- Though spit in the eyes and then God's dew. At least spit in his eyes, and he says: God's dew. See SORRY COMFORT... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Even spit in the eyes - and then God's dew- Though spit in the eyes, and then God's dew. Wed There are scoundrels who are beaten, Whom everyone spit in the face; But, humiliated, they hide their days in the darkness. And you are spat on, you are beaten, But you still keep your proud look. M. Yu. Lermontov. A. A. Ѳ ... wu ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Even spit in the eyes - and then God's dew.- see. At least spit in his eyes, and he says: God's dew ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Lord's mercy - God's dew.- Lord's grace of God's dew. See STATE RANKS ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    At least spit in the eyes of a fool, but he: this is God's dew.- At least spit in the eyes of a fool, but he: this is God's dew. See MIND STUPID... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    At least spit in the eyes: all God's dew is for him.- At least spit in the eyes: all God's dew is for him. See MAN... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people


  • Aquavitology or Water of God's Dew on Guard of the Health of the Nation, Fedorov V.V. 1044 UAH (Ukraine only)
  • Aquavitology, or Water "God's Dew" on guard of the health of the nation (in Russian and English), Fedorov Vladimir Vasilyevich. Fedorov (Vasilevsky) Vladimir Vasilievich - Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, General Director of the Termo-Premier company, owner of patents for the production and use of God's Dew water in the treatment of chronic ...

Even spit in the eyes - and then God's dew. At least spit in his eyes, and he says: God's dew.

  • - about belated help Cf. Let's wait a little longer, dear... perhaps the Lord will not leave us... "You see, Petrusha, as long as the sun rises, the evil dew will eat out your eyes." Dal. Parsley with Parasha...
  • - Disapprovingly about an indifferent, stubborn person who does not take into account the opinions of others, who is difficult to convince even with obvious facts ...

    Dictionary of folk phraseology

  • - Wed. There are scoundrels who are beaten, Whom everyone spit in the face; But, humiliated, they hide their days in darkness. And you are spat on, you are a bit, But you still keep your proud look. M.Yu. Lermontov. A.A. F.....

    Explanatory-phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • - Even if you spit in your eyes, - and then God's dew. Wed There are scoundrels who are beaten, Whom everyone spit in the face...

    Michelson Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original orph.)

  • - All GOD'S DEW to whom. Razg. Express. Nobody cares about anything. - Mitrofan, whatever you say, is a unique man, he is one of those to whom everything is God's dew, - he wiped himself off and went. Mitrofan didn't seem to hear the hostess' irritation...

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

  • - See RANKS -...
  • - See GOD -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See UM -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See SUPERSTITIES -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - One says - let's run, the other says - lie down, the third says - let's swing ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - see. At least spit in his eyes, and he says: God's ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - to whom. Narodn. Unapproved About a shameless, impudent person. DP, 307; POS 6, 173; SPS, 198; Podyukov 1989, 42, 170; FSS, 131...
  • - to whom. Razg. Iron. Someone absolutely nothing worries, everything to smb. indifferent. /i> The expression is formed by truncation of the saying spit in his eyes, he is God's dew. Mokienko, Nikitina 2003, 290...

    Big dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - Vulg.-simple. Jottle-iron. or Contempt. About a naive, submissive person, ready for humiliation. Mokienko, Nikitina 2003, 103...

    Big dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - God's tear, cleansed ...

    Synonym dictionary

"Even spit in his eyes, and he says: God's dew." in books

“No matter how you look, at least this way, that way…”

From the book Tenderer than the sky. Collection of poems author Minaev Nikolai Nikolaevich

“No matter how you look, no matter how, no matter how…” No matter how you look, no matter how, no matter how, But it will still fall from your lips: - This Juvenal is stupid in satire, But in epigrams he is not an eater! May 13, 1955

Whether from land or water...

From the book Planes of Our Destiny author Markusha Anatoly Markovich

Even from the ground, even from the water... Young engineer Vadim Shavrov conceived his "flying boat" in the second half of the twenties. The three of them began to build the car - Shavrov himself, engineer Viktor Korovin and mechanic Nikolai Funtikov. All elements of the future aircraft

13. From a fever, at least lead to a tree or at least not lead, and you can get along with a harsh thread.

From the book Healing "slander": From the collection of A. A. Savelyev author Saveliev Anton Antonovich

13. From a fever, at least lead to a tree or at least not lead, and you can get along with a harsh thread. I, the servant of God (name), will become blessed, I will go crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate, into an open field, into a wide expanse. In an open field, in a wide expanse, it hits me

6 Ideal parents, part II, or “What is the name? A rose smells like a rose, call it or not.”

From the book Freakonomics [Opinion of a dissident economist on unexpected connections between events and phenomena] author Levitt Stephen David

6 Ideal parents, part II, or “What is the name? A rose smells like a rose, name it or not” In which we weigh the importance of the first official act of a parent - choosing a name for a child. A boy named Winner and his brother Loser ... The blackest and whitest names ...

Don't spit in the well

From the book Pickup Encyclopedia. Version 12.0 the author Oleinik Andrey

Don't spit in the well In general, I thought carefully about my mistakes and realized that it was not worth repeating them, after which I began to actively gain experience. Practice makes perfect, and I began to practice getting to know girls and seducing them. With each next my self-confidence

Don't spit in the well

From the book Energy of Water. Deciphered messages from water crystals author Kivrin Vladimir

Do not spit in the well Gastritis, stomach ulcers, blood diseases, tumors - all these and many other diseases we get because of our disrespectful and careless attitude to water. Many have forgotten the proverb: "Do not spit in the well, it will come in handy to get drunk," and here not only in the well, in

“Even with some cunt, even with the old one…”

From the book To know! Favorites (compilation) author Armalinsky Mikhail

“At least with some cunt, at least with the old one…” At least with any cunt, at least with the old one, at least with Praskovya or Sarah. Women who are fit only for fucking (the rest - their eyes are blinded) are eager to get the ring - they are on duty at their cunt. Women - all on the same face, only different on

MYTH FOUR. The fight against drunkenness is always ineffective, even under Roosevelt, even under Gorbachev

From the book The Imperative Mood of History author Matveychev Oleg Anatolievich

MYTH FOUR. The fight against drunkenness is always ineffective, even under Roosevelt, even under Gorbachev. First of all, we must turn to our great experience. "Prohibition" in Russia deserves special attention. For the first time, it was preceded by a three-year debate in the State Duma,


From the book Russian roulette, or the Book of small forms [Games in paradigms (collection)] author Gubin Dmitry Markovich

GOD'S DEW IN THE EYES OF THEMIS Coincidence, but in those days when the name of Yukos Vice-President Aleksanyan became known to the public, I was reading Andrey Rubanov's "Plant and it will grow." When the progressive part of the public was indignant that a terminally ill person was not released


From the book The Great Trouble author Plahotny Nikolai

STOP, FALL! I saw my friends off at the Kievsky railway station. There were only a few minutes left before the train left. We rushed along the gloomy underground passage, not making out the path. At the turn, a young woman with a baby in a frame came into view. And quietly: - Give me a penny


From the book Newspaper Tomorrow 198 (37 1997) author Tomorrow Newspaper

GOD'S DEW [RUSSIA] M. Mamikonyan August 5 - Chechnya demanded that Russia pay compensation for the war - 25 billion 800 million dollars. August 19 - A. Maskhadov's visit to Moscow. Chechnya insists on diplomatic relations. Yeltsin intends to discuss “independence, or whatever

If you don’t have love, then at least make bows, at least say prayers, there will be no sense

From the book of teaching author Kavsokalivit Porfiry

If you don’t have love, then at least make prostrations, at least make prayers, it won’t be good Understand that it’s useless to make a hundred prostrations and not feel anything ... Better make only twenty prostrations or fifteen, but with feeling and love for the Lord, in accordance with His

16. Again he says to him another time: Simon Jonin! do you love me? Peter says to Him: Yes, Lord! You know I love you. Jesus says to him, feed my sheep.

From the book Explanatory Bible. Volume 10 author Lopukhin Alexander

16. Again he says to him another time: Simon Jonin! do you love me? Peter says to Him: Yes, Lord! You know I love you. Jesus says to him, feed my sheep. The Lord, apparently some time later, again turns to Peter with the same question, omitting only the expression

19. Thy dead shall live, dead bodies shall rise! Arise and triumph, cast down in the dust: for Thy dew is the dew of plants, and the earth will vomit the dead.

From the book Explanatory Bible. Volume 5 author Lopukhin Alexander

19. Thy dead shall live, dead bodies shall rise! Arise and triumph, cast down in the dust: for Thy dew is the dew of plants, and the earth will vomit the dead. Your dead will live, dead bodies will rise! These words, at first glance, contradict the initial words of the 14th

Laugh or cry, this is a car for jesters Nissan Juke 1.6 DIG– T Tekna

From the author's book

Laugh or cry, this is a car for jesters Nissan Juke 1.6 DIG-T Tekna I am still surprised by the Ford Scorpio, because one day someone came to an important meeting and said: “Look everyone, this is how it will look” .Why didn't anyone present say, "Are you kidding?" -

BEST sycophants - Though pissing in the eyes, everything is God's dew ...

"Lickness to the body-2010"

At the end of the year, the Vlast magazine holds a traditional competition for the best sycophant sayings addressed to the president and prime minister.

Here are the statements of flatterers, arranged in random order.
You can choose those of them that seem to you the most worthy to go down in history.

1. "We have someone to take an example from. I will tell you that this example is our country's leadership, Vladimir Vladimirovich and Dmitry Anatolyevich, who are really fashionable today, because they are very literate, because they are well versed in any topic and not only with them it is interesting to talk, it is interesting to listen to them, to be silent, because you understand that you can make a mistake somewhere and then it will be a fatal mistake for you.
The head of the administration of Sochi Anatoly Pakhomov February 5 in an interview with the newspaper "Evening Sochi"

2. "My idol is Putin. He is both a Chechen and a Russian. And he gave us everything on this earth."
Head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov on September 6 in an interview with Ogonyok magazine

3. “At 45 he is already president, and at 48 I am still governor. It was hard for him, it was difficult to come to power after a very strong ruler. But he did not blur power, but strengthened it, implemented continuity.”
Prime Minister of Khakassia Viktor Zimin on September 13 in an interview with Vlast

4. "Putin and Medvedev are a single whole, and they should not be separated. They work well together, we have never had such a level of management either in the USSR or in Russia."
Dmitry Sablin, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Property, September 27 in an interview with Vlast

5. "They say that you can give everything for a night in Paris! And to spend the night in Paris, and even take part in the celebration of the anniversary of the presidency (Dmitry Medvedev. -" Power ") - I don’t know what to give for this!"
Head of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin on March 2 at a press conference in Paris

6. "For me, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is the sexiest in a gray suit, I like it when he pauses between words. Fascinating."
Singer Zhanna Friske on September 28 in an interview with

7. "Your words are music to my ears."
Musician Bono on August 24 at a meeting with Dmitry Medvedev in Sochi

8. “I’m sure that not only me, but the vast majority of the inhabitants of Russia have every reason to ask God to bless you for everything you have done and continue to do for the good of the Russians ... Every day and hour you do good to many people, save hundreds and thousands worlds... And as the traditional Jewish blessing says, live to be 120 years old!"
Chief Rabbi of Russia Berl Lazar on October 7, congratulating Vladimir Putin on his birthday

9 . “You, like no one else, have already experienced the burden and responsibility of the first leader of our state, but, responding to the challenges of the time, you continue to work selflessly for the good of the country ... The Lord has generously endowed you with the talents of a reasonable leader and creative organizer, which you use to create and strengthen economic potential of our country.
Chairman of the Russian Union of Evangelical Christian Baptists Alexei Smirnov on October 7 in congratulations to Vladimir Putin

10. "It was Putin who gave me the title and drew attention to me. I have always admired him. I also like Medvedev: a fashionable, strong, charming leader who thinks about his state. In general, it is very difficult now to choose one of this beautiful tandem. It would be my will I would appoint two.
Singer Boris Moiseev on July 5 in an interview with Vlast

11 . "Thanks to the wise policy of the President of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, and Prime Minister Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, Russia is simply doomed to success."
Governor of the Lipetsk Region Oleg Korolev on February 1 at a meeting with journalists from Lipetsk Gazeta

12. "Putin and Medvedev are the super-values ​​of our state."
Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Public Associations and Religious Organizations Sergei Markov on March 1 in an interview with Vlast

13. "A person who eats more than he needs is robbing the country and Putin in particular. Putin can do everything, but he cannot lose weight for a single person."
Head of Rosmolodezh Vasily Yakemenko July 29 at the forum "Seliger-2010"

14. "For two years Medvedev hasn't made a single mistake."
Vice Speaker of the State Duma Vladimir Zhirinovsky on July 5 in an interview with Vlast

15. "Dmitry Anatolyevich, as they say, hit the mark. He (Sergei Sobyanin. - "Vlast") has something that we, the rulers of Moscow, do not have - a colossal experience of a public school ..."
Acting Mayor of Moscow Vladimir Resin on October 16, commenting on the expected appointment of Sergei Sobyanin as Mayor of Moscow

16. "The fact that Putin calls me Lenya certainly flatters me, but the fact that I call him Vladimir Vladimirovich expresses my respect for him."
Actor Leonid Yarmolnik June 10 in an interview with the newspaper "Trud-7"

17. "Of course I love Putin, he has charisma... When I meet Putin, it's just friendship. And maybe that's why he likes to spend time with me. I don't talk about politics with him, I don't talk about business, everything is on the level of "I'm happy to be with you"".
Actor Jean-Claude Van Damme on September 7 in an interview with the Ukrainian newspaper Segodnya

18. "For me, both of them (Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev -" Vlast ") are desirable leaders, and I cannot give preference to one of them."
Rector of the Russian State University of Trade and Economics Sergei Baburin on July 5 in an interview with Vlast

"Among modern politicians, I consider Medvedev to be an intelligent person. He is a very conscientious intellectual. Russia was simply lucky to have a president."
Human rights activist Grigory Akhtyrko on May 24 in an interview with the Saratov newspaper Vremya

20. “Providence decided that Putin was at the helm in the most difficult part of our history. And no matter how one treats him, today it is he who keeps the country from chaos. That is why he should not leave. That is why Putin is obliged to stay.”
Writer, publicist Nikolai Starikov March 16 in his blog

21. "The meeting with the Prime Minister can be called the most important in my life. I sat side by side with Vladimir Putin, imbued with his strong aura."
Captain of FC Tom, goalkeeper Sergei Pareiko on May 29 in an interview with

22. "I believe in Russia. There are some tadpoles at the helm - Putin alone is worth something. And Medvedev is a handsome man. What a whale left - Luzhkov. Well done!"
Trade worker Elizaveta Gorchakova October 5 in an interview with the newspaper "Ivanovo-Press"

23. “By the way, I am impressed by the image of Putin. When he was re-elected to the presidency, I went to Vykhino, where I have not lived for a long time, but I am still registered in order to vote for him. Outwardly, our prime minister is interesting to me. I would gladly made a group in which Putin would be the frontman."
Producer Igor Matvienko January 28 in an interview with the newspaper "Izvestia"

"Person number one on the globe"
Vlast' MAGAZINE remembers the winners of last year's best flatterers contest.

1st PLACE (18,58%)

"For me, Putin is not only more significant (Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. - "Vlast"), he is the number one person on the globe. I believe that he is the cornerstone of all problems on the planet."
Actor Mikhail Boyarsky October 12 in an interview with "Vlast"

2nd PLACE (11,38%)

"Our Motherland Russia
Uncle Putin ruled.
"To be a great, strong country" -
He dreamed once.

How about without kids?
We don't have enough of them!
He read many books
And issued an order to the country:

"A child for every mother?
This is not enough! .. We need two!
And now in the native side
Children suddenly appeared.

Many of them... They are beautiful.
Like flowers, here and there.
Babies are now in Russia
They are called PUTIN!"
From the book of the poetess Irina Konnova "Putinyata", published in October by the Saratov publishing house "Scientific Book"

3rd PLACE (7,69%)

"The only thing Putin lacks is being a Chechen. He has all the other good qualities."
Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov October 7 after the races at the hippodrome in Gudermes

4th PLACE (7,51%)

"When they ask me how I feel about the ruling party, I say: where Putin is, everything is in order. I think that it is not necessary to be a member of the party, but since Putin went there, I am there with all my heart."
Musician Yuri Bashmet April 22 in an interview with the newspaper "Vechernyaya Moskva"

5th PLACE (7,03%)

"Medvedev's message is very patriotic. 'Forward Russia!' is said brilliantly. Perhaps in 100 years Putin and Medvedev will be called the great reformers who raised the country from its knees, along with Peter I."
Alexander Zakharov, Senior Investigator of the Department of Inquiry Organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Mordovia, November 17 in an interview with the newspaper "Stolitsa S" (Saransk)