An important event in Russia. Historical events

An important event in Russia.  Historical events
An important event in Russia. Historical events

2-4 million years - the beginning of the isolation of man from the animal world (the use of sticks, stones by Australopithecus).

X-III millennium BC - Neolithic revolution.

III millennium BC - 476 AD - the era of the most ancient civilizations (states).

776 BC - the first Olympic Games in Ancient Greece.

773 BC - according to legend, Rome was founded by the brothers Romulus and Remus.

594 BC - the reforms of the Athenian archon Solon, the first known reforms in the history of mankind.

336-323 BC. - reign and military campaigns of Alexander the Great.

395-1453 biennium - Eastern Roman Empire or Byzantium

476 - the fall of the Roman Empire, the transition from ancient history to the history of the Middle Ages.

800 - Coronation of Charlemagne in Rome.

862 - the beginning of the ancient Russian statehood, the Rurik dynasty (862-1598).

988 - the adoption of Christianity by Ancient Russia under Vladimir I (980-1015).

1054 - split of Christianity into Catholicism and Orthodoxy.

1147 - foundation of Moscow.

1206-1242 - Mongolian military expansion under the leadership of Genghis Khan and his successors.

1243-1480 - Mongol-Tatar yoke over Russian lands.

1480 - "standing on the Ugra", the end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke.

1517 - The beginning of the Reformation after the theses of Martin Luther.

1547 - coronation of Ivan IV Vasilyevich to the reign, the beginning of reforms in the Moscow state.

1605-1613 - Time of Troubles in Russia (1613-1917 - the reign of the Romanov dynasty).

1649 - legal registration of serfdom in Russia by the Cathedral Code.

1640-1688 - English bourgeois revolution.

1682-1725 - the reign of Peter the Great (emperor since 1721).

1703 - foundation of the city of St. Petersburg.

1776 - the proclamation of the independence of the United States of America.

1789-1799 - French bourgeois revolution.

1812, September 7 - Battle of Borodino, the decisive battle of the Patriotic War of 1812 against Napoleon.

1861-1865 - American Civil War.

1871 - completion of the unification of Germany.

1929-1933 - the world economic crisis.

1933 - A. Hitler came to power, F.D. Roosevelt.

1992-1998 - radical socio-economic reforms in Russia.

1993 - creation of the European Union.

2008-2011 - the world economic crisis.

Literature for the entire textbook.

* Vasiliev L.S. General history: (textbook: in 6 volumes) .- M .: Higher school, 2007.

* History of international relations: the main stages from antiquity to the present day: textbook. - M .: Logos, 2007.

* History of Russia: from ancient times to the beginning of the XXI century (textbook). Under. ed. Corresponding Member RAS A.N. Sakharov. - M .: AST: Astrel; Vladimir: VKT, 2009.

* History of mankind: (in 8 volumes) .- Ed. Z. Ya. De Laata. - Paris, UNESCO; M .: MAGISTR-PRESS, 2003.

* Krasnyak O.A. World history: (a unified understanding of the laws of the historical development of the countries of the West and the East from ancient times to the present day) .- M .: URSS: Publishing house of LCI, 2008.

* Domestic history: Textbook for technical universities / Ed. V.V. Fortunatova.- SPb .: Peter, 2005.

* Platova E.E., Ovodenko A.A. History of foreign economic relations in questions and answers. - SPb, 2005.

* Sadokhin A.P. History of world culture: textbook for universities. - M .: Unity, 2010.

* Wells G.D. General history of world civilization. - 2nd ed. - M .: Eksmo, 2007.

* Fortunatov V.V. National History: Textbook for Humanitarian Universities.- SPb .: Peter, 2007.

* Fortunatov V.V. National history codes. A guide for tested graduates (USE), applicants and university students.- SPb .: Peter, 2009.

* Fortunatov V.V. Russian history in faces. - SPb .: Peter, 2009.

* Fortunatov V.V. Russian history in aphorisms.- SPb .: Peter, 2010.

* Fortunatov V.V., History of world civilizations.- SPb .: Peter, 2011.

* Yakovlev I.A. The history of mankind: the history of the relationship between man and nature as a civilizational process, St. Petersburg: Aletheia, 2006.

Dvornichenko A. Yu. Russian history from ancient times to the fall of autocracy. Textbook. - M .: Publishing house "Ves Mir", 2010 - P.172.

Both victories of Alexander Nevsky are included in the list of the Days of Military Glory of Russia, which is officially approved by the Russian government.

It seems remarkable that in the course of the RTR television project “Name of Russia” in 2008, Alexander Nevsky won first place among Russian viewers.

Some authors believe that taking the Bastille was not a big deal and that the warden of the prison was not executed for anything. But other French and not only believe that the revolution began with a beautiful and symbolic action.

Konotopov M.V., Smetanin S.I. History of the Russian economy. M .: Paleotype: Logos, 2004.S. 51-52.

Mironov B.N. Social history of Russia during the period of the empire (XVIII-early XX centuries): Genesis of the individual, democratic family, civil society and the rule of law. SPb .: Dm. Bulanin, 1999.Vol. 1, 2.548+ 566 p. 3rd ed. SPb .: Dm. Bulanin, 2003.

Dvornichenko A.Yu. Russian history from ancient times to the fall of autocracy.- Moscow: Ves Mir, 2010.- P.447.

See: State Security of Russia: History and Modernity / Under total. ed. R.N.Bayguzina. - M .: "Russian political encyclopedia" (ROSSPEN), 2004. - pp. 507-514.

65 years of the Great Victory. In six volumes / Ed. S.E. Naryshkina, A.V. Torkunov- M .: "MGIMO-University", 2010.

See: Soviet Foreign Policy during the Cold War (1945-1985). New reading. M., 1995.- p. 210.

The secrecy label has been removed. Losses of the Armed Forces of the USSR in wars, hostilities and military conflicts. Statistical research. M .: Military publishing house, 1993. S. 407–409.

For several centuries, Russia experienced ups and downs, but eventually became a kingdom with its capital in Moscow.

Brief periodization

The history of Russia began in 862, when the Viking Rurik arrived in Novgorod, who was proclaimed a prince in this city. Under his successor, the political center moved to Kiev. With the onset of fragmentation in Russia, several cities at once began to argue with each other for the right to become the main one in the East Slavic lands.

This feudal period was interrupted by the invasion of the Mongol hordes and the established yoke. In extremely difficult conditions of devastation and constant wars, Moscow became the main Russian city, which finally united Russia and made it independent. In the 15th - 16th centuries, this name became a thing of the past. It was replaced by the word "Russia", adopted in the Byzantine manner.

In modern historiography, there are several points of view on the question of when feudal Russia became a thing of the past. Most often, researchers believe that this happened in 1547, when Prince Ivan Vasilyevich took the title of tsar.

The emergence of Russia

The ancient united Russia, whose history began in the 9th century, appeared after the Novgorod conquered Kiev in 882 and made this city its capital. During this era, the East Slavic tribes were divided into several tribal unions (glade, Dregovichi, Krivichi, etc.). Some of them were at enmity with each other. The inhabitants of the steppes also paid tribute to the hostile foreigners, the Khazars.

Unification of Russia

Northeastern or great Russia became the center of the struggle against the Mongols. This confrontation was led by the princes of small Moscow. At first, they were able to obtain the right to collect taxes from all Russian lands. Thus, part of the money was deposited in the Moscow treasury. When he gained enough strength, Dmitry Donskoy found himself in open confrontation with the Golden Horde khans. In 1380, his army defeated Mamai.

But even in spite of this success, for another century, Moscow rulers periodically paid tribute. Only after, in 1480, the yoke was finally thrown off. At the same time, under Ivan III, almost all Russian lands, including Novgorod, were united around Moscow. In 1547, his grandson Ivan the Terrible took the title of tsar, which was the end of the history of princely Russia and the beginning of a new tsarist Russia.

1097 - The first congress of princes in Lyubech

1147 - The first chronicle mention of Moscow

1188 - Approximate date of appearance " Words about Igor's regiment »

1206 - Proclamation of Temuchin as the "Great Khan" of the Mongols and his adoption of the name of Genghis Khan

1237-1238 - Invasion of Khan Batu in North-Eastern Russia

1240 July 15 - Victory of the Novgorod prince Alexander Yaroslavich over the Swedish knights on the river. Neve

1327 - uprising against the Mongol-Tatars in Tver

1382 - Khan Tokhtamysh's campaign to Moscow

1471 - Hike of Ivan III to Novgorod. Battle on the river Sheloni

1480 - "Standing" on the river. Eel. End of the Tatar-Mongol yoke.

1510 - Accession of Pskov to Moscow

1565-1572 - Oprichnina

1589 - Establishment of the Patriarchate in Moscow

1606 - The uprising in Moscow and the assassination of False Dmitry I

1607 - The beginning of the intervention of False Dmitry II

1609-1618 - Open Polish-Swedish intervention

1611 September-October - Creation of the militia under the leadership of Minin and Pozharsky in Nizhny Novgorod

1648 - The uprising in Moscow - " Salt riot »

1649 - "Cathedral Code" of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich

1649-1652 - Hikes of Erofei Khabarov to the Daurian land along the Amur

1652 - Consecration of Nikon to the patriarch

1670-1671 - Peasant War led by S. Razina

1682 - Abolition of parochialism

1695-1696 - Azov campaigns of Peter I

1812 - The invasion of Napoleon's "Great Army" into Russia. Patriotic War

1814 September 19 -1815 May 28 - Congress of Vienna

1839-1843 - Monetary reform of Count E. f. Kankrina

1865 - Military and judicial reform

1874 spring - The first mass "going to the people" of the revolutionary populists

1875 April 25 - Treaty of St. Petersburg between Russia and Japan (on South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands)

1881 March 1 - Murder of Alexander II by the revolutionary populists

1906 November 9 - The beginning of the agrarian reforms P.A. Stolypin

1930 - The beginning of complete collectivization

1939 November 30 - 1940 March 12 - Soviet-Finnish war

1941 June 22 - The attack of Nazi Germany and its allies on the USSR. The beginning of the Great Patriotic War

1945 May 8 - German Unconditional Surrender Act. USSR victory in the Great Patriotic War

1975 July 30 - August 1 - Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki). Signing of the Final Act by 33 European countries, USA and Canada

1990 May 1-June 12 - Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR. Declaration on State Sovereignty of Russia

1991 December 8 - The signing in Minsk by the leaders of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus of the agreement on the "Commonwealth of Independent States" and the dissolution of the USSR

The history of Russia is very diverse, controversial and fascinating. This country has existed for hundreds of years and has made a significant contribution to the development of world history. Russia has experienced a lot of crashes and falls, but it always got up from its knees and moved on to a brighter future. Countless attempts to capture it have been crowned with loud failures, no one will ever be able to conquer this great power. The people stood firmly for their independence and freedom, and no one bowed his head before the masters and invaders. So today Russia is the leading country in the world in many different directions. This is astronautics, mechanical engineering and much more.

The twentieth century was marked by terrible and bloody wars for Russia and a number of other countries, which unfortunately claimed millions of human lives. After the end of the Second World War, Russia, as part of the USSR, continued its rapid development in absolutely all sectors, so it was until the collapse of this great and indestructible power. A decade has passed, a very difficult decade, and now Russia is again zealously striving forward, towards a bright and carefree future. What awaits her in the future? Everything depends on the Russian people, who have always amazed the whole world with their steadfastness and steadfastness.

1861 February 19 - abolition of serfdom

A significant date for the entire Russian people, from now on the country was free from the shackles of slavery. This year began a new stage in Russian history. The internecine wars were over. A truly strong and wise empress ascended the throne, who managed to lift Russia from her knees and achieve her greatness and respect in Europe.

1905-1907 - the first Russian revolution

The bloody revolution was crowned with failure. The autocracy was not overthrown and the tsar remained on the throne. During the period of the first revolution, the main revolutionaries of one thousand nine hundred and seventeen took part. This young generation of rebels and reformers tried in every possible way to change the political system that reigned in Russia for many centuries.

1914, August 1 - Russia's entry into World War I

It is impossible not to touch upon this event. The first imperialist war in history ended with monstrous human losses in the first place. As a result of this war, the leading world empires collapsed - the Ottoman, German, German. Russia was going through a great revolution in parallel with the war. This period was extremely difficult for the country, but in the end we all know that the most powerful state on the planet was formed.

1917, February 27 - uprising in Petrograd

1917, February 27 - an armed uprising in Petrograd (the transition of soldiers of the Petrograd garrison to the side of the insurgent population).

These years were marked by the formation of the Provisional Committee of the State Duma and the election of the Petrograd Soviet. Victory unanimously in the elections to the Petrosovet of Socialist-Revolutionaries and Mensheviks. A new stage in the history of the Great Power.

1918, March 3 - signing of the Brest Peace Treaty

From now on, Russia left the battlefield. Now there was an urgent need to end the outbreak of civil war and bring the country's economy to growth. After the signing of the treaty, one of the stones oppressing Russia fell asleep.

The great power got on its feet and smoothly began to move along the side of development. The civil war was completely over. The USSR headed for a bright future. The economy began to grow gradually, and the wounds from the civil war began to gradually heal.

1941, June 22 - 1945, May 9 - Great Patriotic War

The worst war in the history of mankind began on this wonderful summer and carefree day. For four long years, the people fiercely fought against the German fascist invaders who treacherously invaded the territory of the USSR.

1945, May 8-9 - the surrender of Nazi Germany, Victory Day

May 9 - Victory Day. Victory Day! It was this holiday that was forever imprinted in the memory of absolutely every young and adult resident of this great country. At the cost of millions of lives, the country gained such a desired victory over a bloodthirsty enemy. Now the USSR has proved that it is still worth something!

1956, February - XX Congress of the CPSU

The congress was marked by the world famous “dispelling the cult of Stalin's personality.” Nikita Khrushchev literally shocked everyone present with his fiery speech. This is a new stage in the history of Russia and the entire USSR. This so-called thaw period has left its mark forever.

1991, December 8 - signing of the Belovezhskaya agreement

1991, December 8 - signing by Boris N. Yeltsin (RSFSR), L. M. Kravchuk (Ukraine), S. S. Shushkevich (Belarus) of the Belovezhsky agreement on the dissolution of the USSR.

So the end has come to a great and powerful power. Seventy years of existence did not remain unnoticed. Russia again became the rightful successor of the USSR. Again, wars, enmity, political and economic crises. All this accompanied the country throughout the difficult nineties against the background of total devastation, the war in Chechnya and much more.

year 2000

Election of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. A fundamentally new period in the history of Russia. The new head of state was able to lead the country out of a long-term crisis, from almost ruin. The country's economy was raised several times, the armed forces became powerful again. Various space programs were re-deployed, the country moved forward again! Now everything depends on the people of Russia, their fate belongs to them and to no one else!

The Russian Federation is a state that ranks first in terms of area and ninth in terms of population. This is a country that has gone from scattered principalities to a candidate for superpower. How did this political, economic and military colossus emerge?

In our article, we will consider the main dates of the history of Russia. We will see the development of the country from the first mention of it to the end of the twentieth century.

IX - X century

The word "Rus" was first mentioned in 860 in connection with the siege of Constantinople and the plundering of its environs. Researchers estimate that more than eight thousand people participated in the raid. The Byzantines did not expect an attack from the Black Sea at all, so they could not give a worthy rebuff. “The Rus left with impunity,” the chronicler reports.

The next important date was 862. This is one of the most significant events. According to the "Tale of Bygone Years", it was at that time that representatives of the Slavic tribes were invited to reign Rurik.

The chronicle says that they were tired of constant quarrels and civil strife, which only a new ruler could put an end to.

Like 862, the next year became important in the history of Russia - 863. This year, according to the chroniclers, the Slavic alphabet - Cyrillic - is being created. It was from this time that the official written history of Russia began.

In 882, Prince Oleg, Rurik's successor, conquers Kiev and makes it a “capital city”. This ruler did a lot for the state. He began to unite the tribes, went to the Khazars, having recaptured many lands. Now the northerners, Drevlyans, Radimichs pay tribute not to the Kaganate, but to the Kiev prince.

We are considering only the main dates of the history of Russia. Therefore, we dwell only on some key events.

So, the 10th century was marked by a powerful expansion of the Rus into neighboring countries and tribes. So, Igor went to the Pechenegs (920) and to Constantinople (944). Prince Svyatoslav defeated in 965, which significantly strengthened the position of Kievan Rus in the south and southeast.

In 970 Vladimir Svyatoslavovich became the prince of Kiev. Together with his uncle Dobrynya, whose image was later reflected in the epic hero, he is assembling a campaign against the Bulgarians. He managed to defeat the tribes of Serbs and Bulgarians on the Danube, as a result of which an alliance was concluded.

However, during the campaigns mentioned, the prince became imbued with Christianity. Earlier, his grandmother, Princess Olga, was the first to accept this belief and was misunderstood by the environment. Now Vladimir the Great decides to baptize the entire state.

So, in 988, a number of rituals were held to baptize most of the tribes. Those who refused to voluntarily change their faith were forced to do so.

The last important date in the 10th century is the construction of the Tithe Church. It was with the help of this building that Christianity was finally consolidated at the state level in Kiev.

XI century

The eleventh century was marked by a large number of military conflicts between the princes. Immediately after the death of Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, feuds begin.

This devastation continued until 1019, when Prince Yaroslav sits on the throne in Kiev, who was later nicknamed the Wise. He ruled for thirty-five years. It is noteworthy that during the years of his reign, Kievan Rus practically reached the level of European states.

Since we are talking briefly about the history of Russia, the most important dates of the eleventh century are associated with the reign of Yaroslav (in the first half of the century) and the period of turmoil (in the second half of the century).

So, from 1019 until his death in 1054, Prince Yaroslav the Wise compiled one of the most famous vaults - "Yaroslav's Truth". This is the oldest part of Russian Truth.

For five years, starting in 1030, he erects the Transfiguration Cathedral in Chernigov.

In the capital, in 1037, the construction of the famous temple - St. Sophia of Kiev began. It was completed in 1041.

After the campaign against Byzantium, in 1043, Yaroslav built a similar cathedral in Novgorod.

The death of the Kiev prince marked the beginning of the struggle for the capital between his sons. Izyaslav ruled from 1054 to 1068. Then, with the help of the uprising, he was replaced by the Polotsk prince Vseslav. In epics, he is referred to as Volga.

Due to the fact that this ruler still adhered to pagan views in matters of faith, he is credited with the properties of a werewolf in folk legends. In epics, he becomes either a wolf or a falcon. In the official history, he was nicknamed the Sorcerer.

When listing the main dates in the history of Russia in the eleventh century, it is worth mentioning the creation of "Pravda Yaroslavichi" in 1072 and "Izbornik Svyatoslav" in 1073. The latter contains descriptions of the lives of the saints, as well as their important teachings.

A more interesting document is Russkaya Pravda. It has two parts. The first was written during the reign of Yaroslav the Wise, and the second - in 1072. This collection contains the norms of criminal, procedural, commercial and inheritance legislation.

The last event worth mentioning in the eleventh century was the princes. He laid the foundation for the fragmentation of the Old Russian state. There it was decided that everyone should manage only his own fiefdom.

XII century

Oddly enough, but an important role in the reunification of the ancient Russian princes was played by the Polovtsians. Speaking about the main dates of the history of Russia in the twelfth century, one cannot fail to mention the campaigns against these nomads in 1103, 1107 and 1111. It was these three military campaigns that rallied the Eastern Slavs and created the preconditions for the reign of Vladimir Monomakh in 1113. His son Mstislav Vladimirovich became his successor.

During the years of the reign of these princes, the "Tale of Time Years" was finally edited, and there was also an increase in discontent among the people, which was expressed in the uprisings of 1113 and 1127.

After the death of Yaroslav the Wise, the political history of Europe and the history of Russia gradually receded. The dates and events of the twelfth century fully confirm this.

While there was a struggle for power, caused by the collapse of the Kiev state, the unification of Spain and several crusades were being carried out in Western Europe.

In Russia, the following happened. In 1136, as a result of the uprising and expulsion of Vsevolod Mstislavovich, a republic was established in Novgorod.

In 1147, the chronicles first mention the name Moscow. It was from this time that the gradual rise of the city began, which was later destined to become the capital of the united state.

The end of the twelfth century was marked by an even greater fragmentation of the state and the weakening of the principalities. All this led to the fact that Russia is deprived of freedom, falling into the yoke of the Mongol-Tatars.

Since these events took place in the thirteenth century, we will talk about them later.

XIII century

In this century, the independent history of Russia is temporarily interrupted. The dates, the table of Batu's campaigns, which is given below, as well as the maps of battles with the Mongols, indicate the failure of many princes in matters of military operations.

Campaigns of Khan Batu
The Council of Mongol Khans decides to start a campaign against Russia, the army was led by Batu, the grandson of Genghis Khan1235
The defeat of the Volga Bulgaria by the Mongols1236
Submission of the Polovtsians and the beginning of the campaign against Russia1237
Siege and capture of RyazanDecember 1237
The fall of Kolomna and MoscowJanuary 1238
The capture of Vladimir by the Mongols3-7 February 1238
The defeat of the Russian army on the river City and the death of the Vladimir princeMarch 4, 1238
The fall of the city of Torzhok, the return of the Mongols to the steppeMarch 1238
The beginning of the siege of KozelskMarch 25, 1238
Rest of the Mongolian army in the Don steppessummer 1238
The fall of Murom, Nizhny Novgorod and Gorokhovetsautumn 1238
Batu's invasion of the southern Russian principalities, the fall of Putivl, Pereyaslavl and Chernigovsummer 1239
Siege and capture of Kiev by the Mongol-TatarsSeptember 5-6, 1240

There are several stories when the inhabitants of the cities were able to give a heroic rebuff to the invaders (for example, Kozelsk). But not a single event is mentioned when the princes defeated the Mongol army.

Concerning Kozelsk, this is just a unique story. The campaign of the invincible army of Khan Batu, which from 1237 to 1240 ravaged North-Eastern Russia, was stopped near the walls of a small fortress.

This town was the capital of the principality on the land of the former Vyatichi tribe. According to scientists, the number of its defenders did not exceed four hundred people. However, the Mongols were able to take the fortress only after seven weeks of the siege and the loss of more than four thousand soldiers.

It is noteworthy that the defense was held by ordinary residents, without the prince and the governor. At this time, the grandson of Mstislav, twelve-year-old Vasily, "ruled" in Kozelsk. Nevertheless, the townspeople decided to protect him and defend the city.

After the capture of the fortress by the Mongols, it was razed to the ground, and all the inhabitants were killed. They did not spare either nursing infants or infirm old people.

After this battle, the rest of the important dates in the history of Russia associated with the Mongol invasion concern exclusively the southern principalities.

So, in 1238, a little earlier, a battle took place near the Kolomna River. In 1239 Chernigov and Pereyaslavl were plundered. And in 1240 Kiev fell.

In 1243, the state of the Mongols, the Golden Horde, was formed. Now Russian princes are obliged to take the "label for reign" from the khans.

In the northern lands at this time, a completely different picture takes place. Swedish and German troops are advancing on Russia. They are opposed by the Novgorod prince Alexander Nevsky.

In 1240, he defeats the Swedes on the Neva River, and in 1242 utterly defeats the German knights (the so-called Battle of the Ice).

In the second half of the thirteenth century, several punitive campaigns of the Mongols against Russia took place. They were directed against unwanted princes who did not receive a label to rule. So, in 1252, Khan Dyuden destroyed fourteen large settlements of North-Eastern Russia in 1293.

In view of difficult events and the gradual transfer of control to the northern lands, in 1299 the patriarch moved from Kiev to Vladimir.

XIV century

More significant dates in the history of Russia date back to the fourteenth century. In 1325, Ivan Kalita came to power. He begins to collect all the principalities into a single state. So by 1340 some lands were joined to Moscow, and in 1328 Kalita became the Grand Duke.

In 1326, Metropolitan Peter of Vladimir transferred his residence to Moscow as a more promising city.

The plague (“black death”) that began in 1347 in Western Europe reaches Russia in 1352. She destroyed many people.

Mentioning important dates in the history of Russia, it is especially worth dwelling on the events associated with Moscow. In 1359 Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy ascends to the throne. For two years, starting from 1367, the construction of the stone Kremlin in Moscow takes place. It was because of this that it was later called "white stone".

By the end of the fourteenth century, Russia finally emerged from the rule of the Golden Horde khans. So, in this vein, important events are the battle near the Vozha River (1378) and the Battle of Kulikovo (1380). These victories showed the Mongol-Tatars that a powerful state was beginning to take shape in the north, which would not be under anyone's rule.

However, the Golden Horde did not want to be so easily deprived of tributaries. In 1382 he gathers a large army and ravages Moscow.

This was the last disaster associated with the Mongol-Tatars. Although Russia finally freed itself from their yoke only after a century. But during this time, no one else disturbed her borders.

Moreover, in 1395, Tamerlane finally destroys the Golden Horde. But the yoke over Russia continued to exist.

XV century

The main dates in the history of Russia in the fifteenth century relate mainly to the unification of the lands into a single Moscow state.

The first half of the century was marked by civil strife. Over the years, Vasily I and Vasily II Dark, Yuri Zvenigorodsky and Dmitry Shemyaka were in power.

The events of the first half of the fifteenth century are a bit like 1917 in the history of Russia. The civil war that followed the revolution also revealed many appanage princelings, the leaders of gangs, who were later destroyed by Moscow.

The reason for the civil strife lay in the choice of ways to strengthen the state. Outwardly, the political activities of the temporary rulers are associated with the Tatars and Lithuanians, who sometimes raided. Some princelings were guided by the support of the East, others trusted the West more.

The moral of decades of civil strife was that those who did not rely on external support, but strengthened the country from within, won. Thus, the result was the unification of many small appanage lands under the rule of the Grand Duke of Moscow.

An important step was the establishment of autocephaly in the Russian Orthodox Church. Now the metropolitans of Kiev and All Russia were proclaimed here. That is, the dependence on Byzantium and the Patriarch of Constantinople was destroyed.

In the course of feudal wars and religious misunderstandings, the separation of the Moscow metropolis from the Kiev metropolis took place in 1458.

The strife between the princes ended with the accession of John III. In 1471 he defeated the Novgorodians in the Battle of Shelon, and in 1478 he finally annexed Veliky Novgorod to the Moscow principality.

In 1480, one of the most significant events of the fifteenth century took place. It is known in the annals under the name This is a very interesting story, which contemporaries considered "the mystical intercession of the Mother of God." gathered a large army and opposed Ivan III, who was in alliance with the Crimean Khan.

But it didn’t come to a battle. After a long standing of the troops against each other, both armies turned back. Researchers in our time have found that this was caused by the weakness of the Great Horde and the actions of sabotage detachments in the rear of Akhmat.

Thus, in 1480, the Moscow principality becomes a completely sovereign state.

The year 1552 became similar in importance in the history of Russia. We will talk about it a little later.

In 1497, the "Code of Laws" was officially adopted and approved, a set of laws for all residents of the state.

XVI century

The sixteenth century is characterized by powerful processes of centralization of the country. Pskov (1510), Smolensk (1514) and Ryazan (1521) join Moscow during the reign of Vasily III. Also, for the first time in 1517, it is mentioned as a state governing body.

With the death of Vasily III, a slight decline of Muscovy begins. The rules at this time were Elena Glinskaya, who was replaced by the Boyar government. But the grown-up son of the deceased prince, Ioann Vasilievich, put an end to arbitrariness.

He ascended the throne in 1547. Ivan the Terrible began with foreign policy. In the state itself, in fact, until 1565, the prince relied on the Zemsky Councils and boyars. During these eighteen years, he was able to annex many territories.

The year 1552 is remarkable in the history of Russia. Then Ivan the Terrible captures Kazan and annexes the Khanate to the Moscow state. In addition to him, such territories as the Astrakhan Khanate (1556), the city of Polotsk (1562) were conquered.

The Siberian Khan in 1555 recognizes himself as a vassal of Ivan Vasilyevich. However, in 1563, Khan Kuchum, who succeeded him on the throne, severed all relations with Muscovy.

After a decade and a half of conquests, the Grand Duke turns his eyes to the internal situation in the country. In 1565 the oprichnina was established and persecution and terror began. All boyar families who have begun to join the government are destroyed, and their property is confiscated. The executions continued until 1572.

In 1582, Ermak begins his famous campaign to Siberia, which lasted a year.

In 1583, a peace was signed with Sweden, returning to the latter all the lands conquered during the war.

In 1584, Ivan Vasilyevich dies and Boris Godunov actually comes to power. He became a real tsar only in 1598, after the death of Fyodor, the son of Ivan the Terrible.

In 1598 the Rurik line was interrupted, and after the death of Boris (in 1605) the Time of Troubles and the Seven Boyars began.

17th century

The most important event was the year 1613 in the history of Russia. He influenced not only this century, but the next three hundred years. This year the turmoil ended and Mikhail, the founder of the Romanov dynasty, came to power.

The seventeenth century is characterized by the formation and development of the Muscovy. In foreign policy, there are conflicts with Poland (1654), Sweden (1656). From 1648 to 1654 there was an uprising in Ukraine led by Khmelnitsky.

Riots in the Moscow kingdom itself were in 1648 (Salt), 1662 (Copper), 1698 (Streletsky). In 1668-1676 there was an uprising on the Solovetsky Islands. And from 1670 to 1671 the Cossacks revolted under the leadership of Stenka Razin.

In addition to political and economic turmoil, religious turmoil and schism was brewing in the mid-seventeenth century. tried to reform the spiritual life of society, but was not accepted by the Old Believers. In 1667 he was convicted and sent into exile.

Thus, for seven decades, there was a process of forming a unified state, in which different institutions “rubbed in” to each other. It ends with the accession of Peter I.

It turns out that 1613 in the history of Russia was the beginning of the departure from feudalism. And Peter Alekseevich turned the kingdom into an empire and brought Russia to the international level.

XVIII century

A century of the most powerful upsurge that only the history of Russia has known - the 18th century. The founding dates of new cities, universities, academies and other places speak for themselves.

So, in 1703 St. Petersburg was being built. In 1711 the Senate was established, and in 1721 - the Synod. In 1724 the Academy of Sciences was founded. In 1734 - the main military educational institution of the country, the Land Gentry Corps. In 1755 Moscow University was created. These are just a few of the events that show a powerful cultural growth in the state.

In 1712, the capital was transferred from “old” Moscow to “young” Petersburg. In addition, in 1721 Russia was proclaimed an empire, and Pyotr Alekseevich was the first to receive the corresponding title.

The eighteenth century will be especially interesting for those who are interested in the military history of Russia. The dates and events of this century show the unprecedented power of the Russian army and navy, as well as the wonders of engineering.

The country entered the nineteenth century as a powerful empire that defeated Turkey, Sweden, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

19th century

If the cultural and military growth of the state became a feature of the previous century, then in the next period there is a slight reorientation of interests. Rapid economic development and separation of the government from the people - all this is the history of Russia, the 19th century.

The dates of significant events of that time tell us about the growth of bribery among officials, as well as the attempts of the authorities to create thoughtless performers from the lower strata of society.

The main military conflicts of this century were the Patriotic War (1812) and the confrontation between Russia and Turkey (1806, 1828, 1853, 1877).

In domestic politics, there are many reforms aimed at further enslaving ordinary people. These are Speransky's reforms (1809), great reforms (1862), judicial reform (1864), censorship (1865), and general military service (1874).

Even if we take into account the abolition of serfdom in 1861, it is still clear that the bureaucratic apparatus is striving for the maximum exploitation of the common people.
The response to this policy was a series of uprisings. 1825 - the Decembrists. 1830 and 1863 - the uprising in Poland. In 1881, the People's Will assassinate Alexander II.

In the wake of general dissatisfaction with the government, the positions of the Social Democrats are gaining strength. The first congress took place in 1898.

XX century

Despite the wars, catastrophes and other horrors discussed above, some dates of the 20th century are especially terrible. The history of Russia until that time did not know such a nightmare that the Bolsheviks staged in the first quarter of the century.

The 1905 revolution and participation in the First World War (1914-1917) were the last straw for ordinary workers and peasants.

The year 1917 will be remembered for a long time in the history of Russia. After the October Revolution and the abdication of Nicholas II from the throne, his family was captured and shot in July 1918. A civil war begins, which lasted until 1922, when the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was formed. A similar upheaval and devastation marked as early as 1991 in the history of Russia.

The first years of the new state's existence were marked by social catastrophes of enormous proportions. This is the famine in 1932-1933 and the repression in 1936-1939.

In 1941, the USSR entered World War II. In our country, this conflict in the historical tradition is called the Great Patriotic War. After the victory in 1945, the restoration and short-term rise of the country began.

1991 was a revolution in the history of Russia. The Soviet Union collapsed, leaving all dreams of a "bright future" under the rubble. In fact, people had to learn how to live from scratch in a market economy in the new state.

Thus, you and I, dear friends, briefly walked through the most significant events in the history of Russia.

Good luck, and remember that the answers to the questions of the future are stored in the lessons of the past.