In Dragoon multicolored stories read. Denisian stories Dragunsky

In Dragoon multicolored stories read. Denisian stories Dragunsky
In Dragoon multicolored stories read. Denisian stories Dragunsky

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Before you, all the books of Dragunsky - a list of names of its best works. But for a start, we learn a little about the author. Viktor Yuzfovich Dragunsky was born in 1913 and became known in the USSR as a famous writer and a recognizable actor.

His most famous series of books - "Deniscory stories", which has already been reprinted many times since the first exit to the light of half a century ago.

All his youth Dragunsky dedicated to work in the theater and the circus and not always this work brought its fruits. A little-known actor could not get serious roles and tried to find a vocation in adjacent areas.

The first stories of the author saw the light in 1959, they were the basis for the future series. The name for the series is chosen not accidentally - the writer was initially written the stories for the nine-year-old son of Denis. The boy became the main character in the stories of his father.

Starting from the 1960s, the stories have become so popular that the publisher did not even cope with the volume. And the popularity of the main character of Denis Shopheva was transferred to films.

So, directly the list with the descriptions of those most religious stories of Dragunsky.

  • Magic Power of Art (Collection)

Denisian stories: about how it was actually

For example, three generations are admired by the stories of Dragunsky about the boy Denis Savor. During the childhood of the character, life was completely different: the streets and cars, shops and apartments looked differently. In this collection, you can read not only the stories themselves, but also the explanations of the son of the famous author - Denis Dragunsky. He shared without a rustle that he really happened, and what is the fiction of his father. Further

Denisian stories (Collection)

Deniska lives its Soviet life - loves, forgives, friendly, defeats resentment and deceptions. His life is incredible and filled with adventures. He has the closest friend of Bear, with whom Denis went to Masquerade; They are walking together in the lessons, go to the circus and face unusual events.

Once in the evening I was sitting in the yard, near the sand, and waited for my mother. She, probably, was delayed at the institute, or in the store, or maybe for a long time standing at the bus stop. I do not know. Only all the parents of our yard have already come, and all the guys went with them at home and already, probably drank tea with bagels and cheese, and my mother was still not ... read ...

Once we did the lessons with the Michemale. We put notebooks in front of them and wrote off. And at that time, I told Mishke about Lemors that they had big eyes like glass saves, and that I saw a photo of Lemur, as he holds for a fountain pen, the little-small and a terribly cute. To read...

I have some fives in the table. Only on the thoruscript of the Four. Because of Kleaks. I don't know how to do! I always score blots from the feather. I am only the most tip of the pen in the ink in the ink, and the blots score all the same. Just some miracles! Once I wrote a whole page purely clean, any-expensive watch - a real five. To read...

When the dad fell ill, the doctor came and said: Read ...

Suddenly, our door opened, and Alenka shouted from the corridor ... Read ...

Boys and girls! - said Raisa Ivanovna. - You finished this quarter well. Congratulations. Now you can relax. On vacation we will arrange a matinee and carnival. Each of you can dress up in anyone, and for the best suit will be issued a bonus, so get ready. To read...

All 1st-grade boys "B" had pistols. We have conspited to always walk with weapons. And each of us in your pocket always lay a pretty gun and a stock of the piston tapes. And we really liked it, but it was not for long. And all because of the movie ... read ...

When I was six years old or six and a half, I absolutely did not know who I will finally be in this world. I really liked all people around and all work too. I then had a terrible confusion in my head, I was some kind of confused and could not really solve, for what I was taken. To read...

Last summer I was at the cottage at Uncle Volodya. He has a very beautiful house, similar to the station, but a little bit smaller. To read...

I have long already noticed that adults ask little very stupid questions. They seemed to be consumed. It turns out as if they all learned the same questions and ask them to all guys in a row. I am so accustomed to this case that I know how it all happens if I get acquainted with some adults. It will be so. To read...

We recently walked in the yard: Alenka, Bear and me. Suddenly a truck drove into the courtyard. And there is a Christmas tree on it. We ran for the car. Here it came up to the house management, stopped, and the chauffeur with our janitor began to unload the Christmas tree. They shouted to each other ... Read ...

This case was so. We had a lesson - work. Raisa Ivanovna said we make everybody by a tear-off calendar, who will figure out. I took the cardboard, saked her green paper, I cut through the closure in the middle, I attached a match box, and put a stack of white leaves on the box, adjusted, put down, crowded and wrote on the first leaf: "With the first MEM!" To read...

Another when I was small, I was presented with a tricycle. And I learned to ride it. Immediately sat down and went, not at all afraid, as if I went through bicycles all my life. To read...

When I went home from the pool, I had a very good mood. I liked all the trolleybuses that they are so transparent and everyone to see everyone who goes in them, and the ice creasers liked that they were fun, and liked that it was not hot on the street and a breeze to cool my wet head. To read...

That summer, when I did not go to school, we had a repair in the yard. Bricks and boards were lying everywhere, and in the middle of the courtyard there was a huge bunch of sand. And we played on this sand in the "defeat of the fascists near Moscow", or did the kulichs, or just so they played anything. To read...

When I was a preschooler, I was terribly foul. I absolutely could not listen about something pitiful. And if someone ate whom, or threw into the fire, or sharpened in the dungeon, "I immediately started crying. For example, the wolves eaten a goat, and the horns of the legs remained from him. To read...

Tomorrow the first of September, "Mom said. - And then autumn came, and you will come to the second class. Oh, how time flies! .. Read ...

It turns out that while I hurt, it was very warm on the street and two or three days left for the spring of our vacation. When I came to school, everyone shouted ... Read ...

Marya Petrovna often goes to drink tea. She is all so complete, the dress is stretched closely as a pillow on the pillow. In her ears, different earrings hang out. And she decreases with something dry and sweet. To read...

If you think so it's just some horror: I have never flown on airplanes. True, I almost flew a little bit, but it was not there. Foured. Right trouble. To read...

The stories of Viktor Dragunsky highlights the love of children, knowledge of their psychology, spiritual kindness. The prototype of the main character was the Son of the author, and the Father in these stories is the writer himself. Viktor Dragunsky wrote not only perky stories, most of whom probably happened to his Denis, but also a bit sad and instructive ("man with a blue face"). Good and bright impressions remain after reading each of these stories, many of which are shielded. Children and adults with pleasure reread them again and again.

Victor Dragunsky.

Denisian stories.

"He is alive and glow ..."

Once in the evening I was sitting in the yard, near the sand, and waited for my mother. She, probably, was delayed at the institute, or in the store, or maybe for a long time standing at the bus stop. I do not know. Only all the parents of our courtyard have already come, and all the guys went with them at home and already, probably drank tea with bagels and cheese, and my mother was still not ...

And now they began to heal in the windows of the lights, and the radio began to play, and dark clouds were moved in the sky - they were like bearded old people ...

And I wanted to eat, and my moms were not, and I thought that if I knew that my mother wants to eat and waiting for me somewhere on the edge of the world, I would instantly ran to her, and would not be late and not Forced her to sit on the sand and bored.

And at that time a bear came into the courtyard. He said:

- Great!

And I said:

- Great!

Bear sat with me and picked up a dump truck.

- Wow! Said Mishka. - Where did you get? And he himself picks up the sand? Not himself? And dumps himself? Yes? And handle? What is she? Can you spin it? Yes? BUT? Wow! Let me go home?

I said:

- No I will not give. Present. Dad gave before leaving.

Bear fell and moved away from me. The yard became even darker.

I looked at the gate, so as not to miss when my mother comes. But she did not go. It can be seen, I met a aunt rose, and they stand and talk and do not even think about me. I lay down on the sand.

Here Mishka says:

- Do not you give a dump truck?

- Decay, bear.

Then Mishka says:

- I can give you one Guatemala and two Barbados for him!

I say:

- compared Barbados with a dump truck ...

- Well, do you want, I will give you a swimming circle?

I say:

- He burst with you.

- You stick it!

I even got angry:

- And to swim where? In the bathroom? On Tuesdays?

And the bear sneaked again. And then says:

- Well, it was not! Know my kindness! On the!

And he handed me a box of matches. I took her in hand.

"You're open it," said Bear, "then you see!"

I opened a box and first did not see anything, and then I saw a small light green light, as if somewhere far, a tiny star was burning away from me, and at the same time I myself kept her now in my hands.

"What is it, Teddy," I said in a whisper, "what is it?"

"This is a firefly," said Bear. - What is good? He is alive, do not think.

"Teddy bear," I said, "take my dump truck, do you want?" Forever Take, we are coming! And I give this asterisk, I'll take her home ...

And the bear grabbed my dump truck and ran home. And I stayed with my firefly, I looked at him, I looked and could not look at what he was green, as if in a fairy tale, and how he was close, on his palm, but shining, as if from afar ... and I could not smoothly breathe, and I heard my heart knocks, and a little bit in the nose, as if I wanted to cry.

And I sat for a long time, very long. And no one was around. And I forgot about everyone on white light.

But then Mom came, and I was very happy, and we went home. And when they began to drink tea with bagels and cheese, Mom asked:

- Well, how is your dump truck?

And I said:

- I, Mom, traded him.

Mom said:

- Interesting! And for what?

I answered:

- on firefly! So he lives in the box. Rogasy Light!

And the mother redeemed the light, and in the room it became dark, and we began to look at the pale green asterisk.

Then mom snapped light.

"Yes," she said, "this is magic!" But still, how did you decide to give such a valuable thing, like a dump truck, for this worm?

"I waited for you for so long," I said, "and I was so bored, and this firefly, he turned out to be better than any dump truck in the world.

Mom looked at me closely and asked:

- And what exactly is it better?

I said:

- Yes, how do you not understand?! After all, he is alive! And glows! ..

We must have a sense of humor

Once we did the lessons with the Michemale. We put notebooks in front of them and wrote off. And at that time, I told Mishke about Lemors that they had big eyes like glass saves, and that I saw a photo of Lemur, as he holds for a fountain pen, the little-small and a terribly cute.

Then Mishka says:

- Wrote?

I say:

"You will check my notebook," Mishka says, "And I - yours."

And we changed notebooks.

And I saw that the bear wrote, so immediately began to laugh.

I look, and the bear is also rolled, straight blue became.

I say:

- What are you, Teddy bear, ride?

- I ride that you missed you wrong! What are you?

I say:

- And I am the same, only about you. Look, you wrote: "Moos came." Who are these - "Moz"?

Bear blushed:

- Moos is probably frost. And you wrote: "Natal Winter." What is that?

"Yes," I said, "not" Natal ", but" came. " Do not hurt anything, you need to rewrite. It's all lemurs to blame.

And we began to rewrite. And when they rewrote, I said:

- Let the tasks set!

"Come on," said Bear.

At that time, the dad came. He said:

- Hello, comrades Students ...

And sat down to the table.

I said:

- Here, dad, listen to what Mishke I ask the task: here I have two apples, and we are three, how to share them among us?

Teddy bear cursed and began to think. Dad did not inflate, but also thought. They thought for a long time.

I then said:

- Rent, Teddy bear?

Bear said:

- I give up!

I said:

"So that we all get robbing, you need to cook compotes from these apples. - And began to laugh: - This is me Tiet Mila taught! ..

Bear fell even more. Then dad squinting his eyes and said:

- And since you are so cunning, Denis, let me ask you the task.

"Let's ask," I said.

Dad looked around the room.

"Well, listen," said Dad. - One boy is studying in the first class "B". His family consists of five people. Mom gets seven hours and spends on dress up ten minutes. But dad cleans the teeth for five minutes. Grandma goes to the store as much as mom dresses plus dad cleans his teeth. And grandfather reads newspapers, how old grandmother goes to the store minus how much mom gets up.

When they all together, they begin to wake this boy from the first class "in". This is where the reading time of Grandpa Plus Babushkino is going to the store.

When a boy from the first class "in" wakes up, he squeezes so much time as the mother plus the dads are puffed. And he washed, how much grandfather newspapers divided into grandmother. For the lessons, he is late for as many minutes, how much plus is sinking minus Mamino's row, multiplied by daddy teeth.

It is asked: who is this boy from the first "in" and what threatens him if it continues? Everything!

Here the dad stopped in the middle of the room and began to look at me. And the bear walked into everything throat and began to look at me too. They both looked at me and laughed.

I said:

- I can't immediately solve this task, because we have not passed this yet.

And more I did not say a word, but left the room, because I immediately guessed that there would be a lazy in the answer in this task and that this soon would be expelled from school. I got out of the room in the corridor and climbed the hanger and began to think that if this is the task about me, then it is not true, because I always get up pretty quickly and pulling at all for a short time, just as much as you need. And I also thought that if you want to invent my dad, then, please, I can leave the house right on the virgin. There, work is always there, there are people there, especially young people. I will conquer the nature there, and the dad will come with a delegation to Altai, will see me, and I will stop for a minute, I will say:

And he will say:

"Hello from your mom ..."

And I will say:

"Thank you ... How is she doing?"

And he will say:


And I will say:

"Probably, she forgot his only son?"

And he will say:

"What are you, she lost up for thirty seven kilos! That's how bored! "

- Oh you, here he is where! What are your eyes for your eyes? Did you take this task to your account?

He raised the coat and hung in place and said further:

- I missed it all. There is no such a boys in the world, not that in your class!

And the dad took me by arms and pulled out because of the hanger.

Then she again looked at me intently and smiled:

"We must have a sense of humor," he told me, and his eyes became funny-fun. - But this is a funny task, right? Well! Dream!

And I laughed.

And he too.

And we went to the room.

Glory Ivan Kozlovsky

I have some fives in the table. Only on the thoruscript of the Four. Because of Kleaks. I don't know how to do! I always score blots from the feather. I am only the most tip of the pen in the ink in the ink, and the blots score all the same. Just some miracles! Once I wrote a whole page purely clean, any-expensive watch - a real five. In the morning I showed her Raisa Ivanovna, and there on the middle of the blots! Where did she come from? Yesterday it was not! Maybe she leaked from some other page? I do not know…

Dragunov V.Yu. - Famous writer and theatrical figure, author of the age, stories, songs, intermedia, clown, scenes. The most popular in the list of works for children, the Denisian stories cycle, which became the classics of Soviet literature they recommend them for students of 2-3-4 classes. Dragunsky describes typical situations for every time, brilliantly reveals the psychology of the child, a simple and bright syllable ensures the dynamism of the presentation.

Denisian stories

The cycle of works "Deniscory stories" tells about the funny adventures of the boy Denis Shogubeva. In the collective image of the main character, the features of his prototype were intertwined - the son of Dragunsky, peers, the author himself. The life of Denis is filled with cheerful incidents, he actively perceives the world and vividly reacts to what is happening. The boy has a close friend of the Bear, with whom they learn together, having fun, overcome difficulties. The author does not idealize the guys, does not teach and does not moralize - it denotes the strengths and weaknesses of the younger generation.

Englishman Poll

The work tells about Pavlik, who came to visit Deniske. He reports that he has not come long ago, because all summer studied English. Denis and his parents are trying to find out from the boy, what new words are familiar to him. It turned out that Poll During this time, only the name of Peter's name in English was in English.

Watermelon Lane

The story tells about Denis, who does not want to eat milk noodles. Mom is upset, but dad comes and tells the boy story from his childhood. Deniska learns how the hungry kid during the war saw a truck, filled with watermelons, which people unloaded. Dad stood and watched their work. Suddenly one of the watermelons crashed, and a good loader gave him a boy. Dad still remembers how he and friend have been found on that day and for a long time they went to the "Armbus" alley and waited for a new truck. But he never came ... After the father's story, Denis ate noodles.

Would be

The work tells about the reasoning of Denis, if everything was arranged on the contrary. The boy represents how raising his own parents: He makes you eat, dad - wash my hands and cut the nails, and grandma reads the fact that it is easily dressed and brought a dirty stick from the street. After dinner, Denis seats relatives to perform homework, and himself is going to the movies.

Where it is seen, where it is dying ...

The work tells about Deniska and Mishe, who were invited to sing satirical songs at the concert. Friends are worried about the performance. During the concert, Misha is knocked down and sings the same song several times. The guy Lucy quietly asks Denis to perform one. The boy is going to the Spirit, prepares and again sings the same strings as Misha.

Goose throat

The work tells about the gatherings of Denis for the birthday of the best friend. The boy prepared him a gift: washed and peeled goose throat, which Verra Sergeyevna gave. Denis plans to dry it, put the peas inside and fix the narrow neck in the wide one. However, Dad advises to buy candy and gives the Misha Icon. Denis rejoices, which will make a friend 3 gifts instead of one.

Twenty years under the bed

The work tells about the guys who played hide and seek in the apartment from Misha. Denis stumbled into the room where the old woman lived and hidden under the bed. He expected that it would be funny when the guys would find him, and Efrosinia Petrovna would also be happy. But the grandmother suddenly locks the door, turns off the light and go to bed. The boy becomes terribly, and he hits a fist on a trough lying under the bed. There is a roar, the old woman is frightened. The situation is saved by the guys and Denis Pope, who came after him. The boy is chosen from shelter, but does not answer questions, it seems to him that he spent 20 years under the bed.

Girl on the Ball

The story tells about the campaign of Denis with a class in the circus. The guys watch the speeches of juggler, clowns, lions. But on Denis gives the impression of a little girl on a bowl. It shows extraordinary acrobatic numbers, the boy can not take a look. At the end of the speech, the girl looks at Denis and waves his hand. The boy wants to go to the circus again in a week, but the dad is a matter, and they fall to the representation only in 2 weeks. Denis is very waiting for the girl's performances on a bowl, but it does not appear. It turned out that the gymnast went with parents to Vladivostok. Sad Denis and his dad leave the circus.

Friend childhood

The work tells about the desire of Denis to become a boxer. But he needs a pear, and Dad refuses to buy it. Then mom gets an old teddy bear with whom the boy once played and offers to train on it. Denis agrees and is going to work out strikes, but suddenly recalls, he didn't part with a bear for a minute, nursed, sazed with him to dinner, told him fairy tales and loved the whole soul, he was ready to give his life for his childhood. Denis reports mom that he changed his mind and never be a boxer.

Pets' corner

The story tells about the opening at school in Denis Live Corner. The boy wanted to bring bison, hippopotamus or moose into him, but the teacher asks to make little animals to care and take care of them. Denis goes for buying for a live corner of white mice, but does not have time, they have already been sold. Then the boy with her mother hurried at the fish, but learning their price, changed his mind. So Denis did not decide which animal to bring to school.

Enchanted letter

The work tells about Deniska, Mishe and Alenka, who watched the unloading of the car of the Big Christmas tree. The guys looked at her and smiled. Alena wanted to say to friends that the bumps hang on the Christmas tree, but could not speak the first letter and it turned out: "Sudes". The guys laugh at the girl and reintegone. Misha shows Alena, how to correctly pronounce the word: "Hays!" They argue, swear, and both roar. And only Denis is sure that the word "bumps" is simple, and he knows how to talk correctly: "Figy!"

Healthy thought

The story tells how Denis and Misha on the road from school launched a shrike box. It falls into the whirlpool and disappears in the drain. The guys are going home, but it turns out that the boys are confused by the entrances because they are the same. Mishe is lucky - he meets a neighbor, and she takes it to the apartment. Denis mistakenly enters someone else's house and gets to unfamiliar people, whose sixth lost boy per day. They help Denis find their apartment. The boy offers parents to hang my mother's home portrait to make it no longer worn.

Green leopards

The work tells about the dispute guys, what disease is better. Kostya suffered cortex and told his friends that he was presented with translation pictures. Mishka told how he ate the jar of raspberry jam when he was sick with the flu. Denis was like a windmill, because he walked spotted as a leopard. The guys remember the surrounding surgery, after which ice cream gives. In their opinion, the harder the disease, the better - then the parents will buy everything they wish.

How I stayed at uncle Misha

The story tells about Denis's trip to Uncle Mishe in Leningrad. The boy gets acquainted with a cousin Dima, who shows him the city. They consider the legendary Aurora, visit the Hermitage. Denis gets acquainted with classmates Brother, he likes Ira Motherland, whom the boy decides to write a letter on returning home.

Puss in Boots

The work tells about the school carnival for which you need to prepare a suit. But Denis leaves mom, and he misses so much that she forgets about the event. Misha is dressed in a gnome and helps a friend with a suit. They are depicted from Denis Cat in boots. The boy receives the main prize for his costume - 2 books, one of which gives the Mishe.

Chicken bouillon

The story tells how Denis and his dad are boiling from chicken. They believe that it is very simple and easy to prepare a dish. However, the chefs almost burn the chicken when they want to pour feathers, then try to wash the bird from soap soap, but she slipping from Denis from her hands and turns out under the closet. The position saves mom, which returns home and helps grief-culinary.

My familiar bear

The work tells about the campaign of Denis in Sokolniki on the New Year tree. The boy scares a huge bear, suddenly attacker on him because of the Christmas tree. Denis recalls that you need to pretend to be dead and falls to the floor. The opening of the eye, he sees the beast inclined over him. Then the boy decides to scare the animal and shouts loudly. The bear shakes to the side, and Denis throws the ice. Subsequently, it turns out that under the suit of the beast hides the actor who decided to swing over the boy.

Wall Motobiles

The story tells about Denis, who was the champion of the yard on cycling. It demonstrates in front of the guys various tricks as an artist in a circus. Once a relative of a bicycle with a motor arrived at Misha. While the guest drank tea, the guys decide without demand to try transport. Denis rides in the yard for a long time, but then cannot stop, because the guys do not know where the brake is located. The situation is saves a relative of Fedya, who stopped the bike on time.

We must have a sense of humor

The work tells about how Misha and Denis did lessons. During the writing of the text, they talked, because of which many mistakes made and had to remake the task. Then Denis sets the Misha, a cheerful task that he cannot solve. In response, Dad gives his son a task that he is offended. Father tells Denis that you need to have a sense of humor.

Independent Gorbushka

The story tells how the famous writer came to Denis. The guys were preparing for a visit for a long time, and he was touched by it. It turned out that the writer stutters, but the children politely did not focus on this. At the end of the meeting, classmate Denis asks for an autograph from the celebrity. But the fact is that Gorbushkin also stutters, and the writer is offended, thinking that he was teased. Denis had to intervene and resolve an awkward situation.

One drop kills a horse

The work tells about Denis's dad, to whom the doctor advises to quit smoking. The boy is worried about his father, he does not want a drop of poison to kill him. Guests come on weekends, Aunt Tamara gives daddy cigarette, for which Denis is angry with her. Father asks the son to trim the cigarettes so that they fit into the box. The boy deliberately spoils the cigarette, cutting off tobacco.

He is alive and glow

The story tells about Deniska, who is waiting in the courtyard Mama. At this time, a bear comes. He likes the new dump truck Denis, and he suggests to change the car to the firefly. The bug fascinates the boy, he agrees and is admiring the acquisition for a long time. Mom comes and wonders why the Son exchanged a new toy on a small insect. What Denis replies that the beetle is better, because it is alive and glows.


The work tells about Deniska, which tears and spoils clothes. Mom does not know what to do with a tutor, and Dad advises her to make a picking tube. Parents inform Denis that now he is under constant control, and they can always see the Son, as soon as they wish. For the boy, difficult days are coming, all its former classes become forbidden. One day, Denis is in the hands of the muming tube, and he sees that it is empty. The boy understands that his parents deceived him, but he is happy and returns to his former life.

Fire in the Flygel, or a feat in ice

The story tells about Denis and Mishe, who played hockey and were late for school. So that they did not scold them, their friends decided to come up with a valid reason and argued for a long time what exactly choose. When the boys came to school, the wardrobe sent Denis to the classroom, and Misha helped to sew croped buttons. The ship had to tell the teacher that they saved the girl from the fire. However, Misha soon returned and told the class, as they pulled the boy failing under the ice.

Sing the wheels - tra-ta

The story tells about Deniska, who went with dad to Yasnogorsk by train. Early in the morning the boy did not sleep, and he went to the vestibule. Denis saw a man who fled to the train and helped him climb. He treated the boy Malina and told about his son Serezhu, who is far from his mother in the city. On the village of Krasnoye man jumped off the train, and Denis went on.


The work tells about Deniske, who stayed at the uncle in Leningrad and flew one home. However, the airport in Moscow was closed due to adverse weather conditions, and the plane returned back. Denis called Mom and reported a delay. He spent the night on the floor at the airport, and in the morning 2 hours earlier announced the departure of the aircraft. The boy woke up the military so that they are not late. As the plane flew to Moscow before, Dad did not meet Denis, but the officers helped him and delivered home.

Workers crush stone

The story tells about friends who go swimming at the water station. One day, the Kostik asks Denis, whether he can jump into the water from the highest tower. The boy answers what is easily. Friends do not believe Denis, considering that he is weak. The boy climbs on the tower, but it becomes scary, Misha and Kostya laugh. Then Denis repeats an attempt, but again descends from the tower back. The guys sweep over the buddy. Then Denis is solved 3 times climb on the tower and still jumps.

Exactly 25 kilos

The work tells about the campaign of bears and Denis on a children's holiday. They participate in the competition, in which the prize will receive the one who weighs exactly 25 kilograms. Denis to victory lack 500 grams. Friends come up with a drink of 0.5 liters of water. Denis wins the competition.


The story tells about Deniska, who decided to become a knight and give mom on March 8 a box of candy. But the boy does not have money, then they came up with a tental wine from the buffet to the jar, and give the bottles. Denis gives mother candy, and dad discovers that the collector's wine is diluted with beer.

From top to bottom, painter!

The work tells about the guys who decided to help the malyarars in painting, when they went for lunch. Denis and Misha paint the wall, underwear, which is dried in the yard, Girlfriend Alain, Door, Manager. The guys flew great, and the painters called them to work towards themselves when the children grow up.

My sister Ksenia

The story tells about Mom Denis, who introduces the Son with a newborn sister. In the evening, parents want to bathe babies, but the boy sees that the girl is afraid of and her unhappy face. Then Brother stretches his sister hand, and she grabs him firmly for his finger, as if he trust his life. Denis understood how Ksenia is difficult and scary and loved with all the soul.

Glory Ivan Kozlovsky

The work tells about Deniska, who received the top three in the lesson of singing. He laughed at the Michemale, who sang very quietly, but he was given a five. When the teacher calls Denis, he performs the song loudly, which was forces. However, the teacher appreciated his speech only at 3. The boy believes that the fact is that he sang insufficiently loud.

Elephant and radio

The story tells about the campaign of Denis in the zoo. The boy took with him the radio and an elephant interested the subject. He grabbed him from Denis from his hands and put himself in his mouth. Now, the program about a physical charge came from the animal, and the children surrounding the cage with joy began to perform exercises. The zoo worker is distracted by an elephant, and he gave the radio.

Battle of clean river

The work tells about the campaign in the movie Class of Denis Shop. The guys watched a film about the attack of white officers on the Red Army. To help your, boys in the cinema shot from pistols by enemies, use Pugachi. The guys receive a reprimand from the School Director for Violation of Public Order, the weapons in children are selected. But Denis and Misha believe that they helped to hold out the army before the arrival of red cavalrymen.

Mystery becomes apparent

The story tells about Deniska to whom Mama promised to go to the Kremlin if he eats the manna porridge. The boy put in a dish salt, sugar, added boiling water and horseradish, but could not swallow the spoons and threw off breakfast in the window. Mom was delighted that the son ate everything, and they began to gather for a walk. However, an unexpectedly comes a policeman and leads the victim, the hat and clothing of which is stained by porridge. Denis becomes clear the meaning of the phrase that the secret always becomes clear.

Third place in the style of Butterfly

The work tells about the good mood of Denis, who is in a hurry to inform the dad, which took 3 place in swimming. Father Proud and is interested in who belongs to the first two and who follows the son. As it turned out, the 4th place did not occupy anyone, because 3 place was distributed on all athletes. Dad is stuck in the newspaper, and Denis disappears a good mood.

Sly fashion

The story tells about Mom Denis, who was tired of washing dishes and asks to invent any way to ease life, otherwise she refuses to feed Denis and his dad. The boy comes up with a tricky way - he offers to eat from one device in turn. However, the Pope is better - he advises his son to help mom and wash the dishes himself.


The work tells about the Denis family, which is going to go to nature. The boy takes Misha with him. The guys are supervised in the train window and Denis dad to distract them, shows various tricks. Father fats over Misha and breaks off his hat from his head. The boy is frustrated, thinking that she was sipped by the wind, but the great magician returns the piece of clothing.

What i love and what I don't like

The story tells about what I like and do not like Deniske. He likes to win in checkers, chess and dominoes, on the day off in the morning to climb to dad into bed, breathe your mother's nose in the eye, watch TV, call, to strict, saw and much more. Denis does not like when parents go to the theater, treat their teeth, lose, wear a new costume, eat the eggs sick and so on.

Other stories from the cycle "Deniscory stories"

  • White amadins
  • Main rivers
  • Chimka and Anton
  • Uncle Pavel Põlopnik
  • The smell of heaven and mahoreochki
  • And we!
  • Red ball in blue sky
  • On garden big movement
  • No worse than you, circus
  • Cannot change anything
  • Dog Thief
  • Professor of sour
  • Tell me about Singapore
  • Blue Dagger
  • Death Spy Gadyukina
  • Old navigat
  • Tiha Ukrainian night
  • Amazing day
  • Fantômas
  • Man with blue face
  • What Mishk loves
  • Hat grandmaster

He fell on the grass

The story "he fell on the grass" talks about the nineteen-year-old young man Mith Queen, which, due to child injury, the leg was not called into the army, but went to the militia. He digs anti-tank Rips near Moscow together with comrades: Leshka, Stepan Mikhalych, Sergey Lyubomirovirovyov, Kazakh Bayseitov and other. At the end of work, when the militias are waiting for the arrival of the Soviet army, they are unexpectedly an attack of German tanks. The remaining Mitya and Bayseites are getting to their troops. The young man returns to Moscow and is recorded in the partisan detachment.

Today and daily

The story "today and daily" tells about the clown of Nicolae Vindov, capable of making a magnificent even weak circus program. But in real life, the artist is not easy and uncomfortable. His favorite woman meets with another person, and clown understands that parting ahead. Having gathered with friends in the restaurant, the circus artist expresses the idea of \u200b\u200bhis own purpose - to deliver joy, laughter to children in spite of life failures. He meets with an air acrobat of Irina performing complex rooms. However, during the execution of the trick, the girl is broken down and dies. Nikolay leaves for a circus to Vladivostok.

Stories about Denis are translated into many languages \u200b\u200bof the world and even on Japanese. Victor Dragunsky wrote sincere and fun preface to the Japanese collection: "I was born quite a long time and rather far, you can even say in another part of the world. As a child, I loved to fight and never gave myself offense. As you understand, my hero was Tom Sawyer, and never, in no case, not LED. I am sure that you share my point of view. I studied at school, just say, it doesn't matter ... From the earliest childhood, I firmly loved the circus and I love it so far. I was clown. I wrote a story "today and daily" about the circus. In addition to the circus, I love very much little children. I am writing about children and children. This is my whole life, its meaning. "

"Denisian stories" are funny stories with a sensitive vision of important trifles, they are instructive, but without morals. If you have not read them yet, start with the most touching stories and the story of the childhood friend will be suitable for this role.

Denisian stories: childhood friend

When I was six years old or six and a half, I absolutely did not know who I will finally be in this world. I really liked all people around and all work too. I then had a terrible confusion in my head, I was some kind of confused and could not really solve, for what I was taken.

I wanted to be an astronomer, so as not to sleep at night and watch the derogatory star in the telescope, otherwise I dreamed of becoming a long-range captain, to stand, putting my legs, on the captain's bridge, and visit the distant Singapore, and buy a funny monkey there. And then I wanted to turn into death to the Metro driver or the head of the station and walk in a red cap and scream with a fat voice:

- Go-O-Tov!

Or I flared up the appetite to learn about such an artist who draws white strips for rush machines on the street asphalt. And then it seemed to me that it would be nice to become a brave traveler like Alena Bombara and twist all the oceans on a tump of shovel, feeding alone with raw fish. True, this bombar after his trip lost to twenty-five kilograms, and I just weighed twenty-six, so it went out that if I walk out, like him, then I would lose weight absolutely, I will weigh the end of the journey only one kilo. What if I don't catch one or different fish somewhere and wanted a little more? Then I probably just melt in the air as smoke, that's all things.

When I calculated all this, I decided to abandon this venture, and the next day I was already impatient to become a boxer, because I saw in the TV draw of the European Championship in boxing. How they were thyed each other - just some horror! And then they showed their training, and then they have been killed already a heavy leather "pear" - such an oblong heavy ball, it is necessary to beat the urine from all his might, to develop in themselves the blow to impact. And I was like this all for it, which also decided to become the strongest person in the courtyard, to break all, in which case.

I told Dad:

- Dad, buy me a pear!

- Now January, there is no pear. We eat while carrots.

I laughed:

- No, dad, not so! Not edible pear! You please buy me an ordinary leather bathing pear!

- And why do you need it? Said Dad.

"To train," I said. "Because I'll be a boxer and break all." Buy, huh?

- How much is such a pear? - asked dad.

"Any trivia," I said. - Ten or fifty rubles rubles.

"You have slept, brother," said Dad. - After reaching somehow without a pear. Nothing happens to you. And he dressed and went to work. And I was offended by the fact that he refused to me with a laugh. And my mother immediately noticed that I was offended, and immediately said:

- Stand, I seem to have come up with something. Well, well, I wait for one minute.

And she leaned and pulled a large wicker basket from under the sofa; It was folded in her old toys in which I was no longer played. Because I have already grown and in the fall I had to buy a school uniform and the map with a brilliant visor.

Mom began to dig in this basket, and while she was digging, I saw my old tram batter without wheels and on the rope, plastic duffer, a rumped top, one arrow with a rubber loyal, snapshots of the sail from the boat, and several rattles, and a lot more of a different toy Udyl. And suddenly my mother took from the bottom a basket of a heating teddy bear.

She threw it to my sofa and said:

- Here. This is the one that you aunt Mila presented. You then turned two years old. Good teddy bear, excellent. Look at what tight! What a thick stomach! Check how to roll out! What is not a pear? Better! And do not buy! Let's train how much your heart! Start!

And then she was called to the phone, and she went out into the corridor.

And I was very happy that my mother thought up so much. And I arranged a bear more comfortably on the sofa so that I was working to train about it and develop the strength of impact.

He sat in front of me such a chocolate, but great enough, and he had different eyes: one own his own - yellow glass, and the other big white - from the buttons from the pillowcase; I did not even remember when he appeared. But it did not matter, because the bear looked at me quite fun, and he put his legs and let me towards the belly, and both hands raised up, as if he joked that he had already surrendered in advance ...

And I looked at him so much and suddenly remembered how a long time I didn't part with this Micah, I dragged him everywhere, and it was nurseful, and sled him at the table next to me to dinner, and fed him from a spoon Manna Porridge, and he had such a funny face when I pasted him with something, at least the same porridge or jam, such a funny sweet face I got it then, just like a living, and I put it with him with me, and dotted him Like a little brother, and whispered to him different fairy tales right in his velvet hard ears right into his velvet, and I loved him then, loved the whole soul, I would give my life for him. And now he is sitting on the sofa, my former best friend, a true friend of childhood. Here he is sitting, laughs with different eyes, and I want to train the strength of shock about him ...

"You're what," Mom said, she returned from the corridor. - What's the matter?

And I did not know what was silent with me for a long time and turned away from my mother, so that she was in a voice or on her lips, what was with me, and I shouted my head to the ceiling so that the tears would get back, and then, when I bought a little , I said:

- What are you talking about, mom? Nothing with me ... I just thought. I just never be a boxer.

About the author.
Victor Dragunsky lived a big, interesting life. But not everyone knows that before becoming a writer, in early youth, he changed a lot of classes and at the same time succeeded in each: turner, sniffing, actor, director, author of little plays, "red" clown on the Maneza of the Moscow Circus. With the same respect, he belonged to any work that was engaged in his life. He loved the children very much, and the children stretched to him, feeling in him the senior friend and friend. When he was an actor, she wouldingly performed before the children, usually as Santa Claus during the winter holidays. He was a kind, cheerful man, but irreconcilable in injustice and lies.

Viktor Yuzfovich Dragunsky - a man of amazing fate. He was born on November 30, 1913 in New York in the family of emigrants from Russia. However, already in 1914, shortly before the beginning of the First World War, the family returned back and asslaved in Gomel, where the childhood of Dragunsky passed. Together with his stepfather actor Mikhail Ruby, he began to perform on provincial scenes: recourse the couplets, beat Chechetka and parodiroval. In his youth, he worked as a boatman on Moscow river, turning on the factory, sniffing in the sports workshop. For a happy accident in 1930, Viktor Dragunsky entered the literary and theatrical workshop to Alexey Dicku and the interesting stage of the biography is beginning here - acting. In 1935, he began to act as an actor. Since 1940, publishes Faken and humorous stories, writes songs, intermediates, clowns, scenes for pop and circus. During the Great Patriotic War, Draguno was in militia, and then performed on the fronts with concert brigades. Slight more than a year he worked in a clown circus, but again returned to the theater. In the theater of the film acter, an ensemble of a literary and theater parody was organized, uniting young little worried actors into the amateur troupe "Blue Bird". Dragunsky played several roles in the cinema. He was almost fifty, when his books for children with strange names began to be published: "Twenty years under the bed," "neither the face, nor paf", "Professor of Accei" ... The first Denisian stories of Dragunsky instantly became popular. Books from this series were printed in large circulations.

However, Viktor Dragunsky wrote prosaic works for adults. In 1961, the story "he fell on the grass" about the very first days of war. In 1964, a story "today and daily", telling about the life of the circus workers. The main character of this book is clown.

Viktor Yuzfovich Dragunsky died in Moscow on May 6, 1972. Dragunsky's writing dynasty continued his son Denis, who became a completely succeeding writer, and the daughter of Ksenia Dragunskaya - a brilliant children's writer and playwright.

A close friend of Dragunsky, children's poet Jacob Akim once said: "Young man needs all vitamins, including all moral vitamins. Vitamins of kindness, nobility, honesty, decency, courage. All these vitamins gave our children generously and talented Victor Dragunsky. "