Management of the company's social cultural sphere. Management of socio-cultural sphere

Management of the company's social cultural sphere. Management of socio-cultural sphere

Under management means a system of activity that ensures the successful functioning of various social institutions - organizations designed to carry out some socially significant activities.

The activities in the socio-cultural sphere are carried out by organizations, institutions, enterprises of various departmental affiliation (state, municipal, private, public organizations) and property forms, as well as by private individuals. Further, the company is any institution of socio-cultural sphere.

Management in the socio-cultural sphere is of particular interest to us.

First, because all the wealth of management is revealed in its technological content in general - as already mentioned, in the sphere of culture there are a variety of firms.

Secondly, the prospects for such consideration are important to clarify the possibilities of cooperation with the sphere of culture of other areas of business activity. The main feature of the management in the socio-cultural sphere is that money in this area is made up mainly on the basis of simple commerce, and on the basis of attracting stakeholder donors: sponsorship, patronage, charity.

Thirdly, another circumstance is even more obvious - the growing demands of the competence of specialists and employees of the socio-cultural sphere.

Typically, the specifics of control in the sphere of culture are associated with the features of "spiritual production". "Products" of such activities are not so much a real character, as they are associated with the phenomena of consciousness (perception, understanding, etc.), are not amenable to direct direct account, storage.

Their production often coincides with their consumption (viewing the play, movie, listening to the concert, reading a book, etc. The book that is not read by, the picture that does not look, etc. are not artistic values).

Moreover, in contrast to the material production products, destroyed during the consumption process (boots are cut into, apples are eaten), cultural values \u200b\u200bin the process of consumption are increasing their value (the more people read the book, I saw a picture, I heard a concert, etc., - Above their social significance).

However, under the services in the field of culture, it is now possible to understand not only services directly to visitors, but also donors, ready to allocate funds and maintain this activity. The sphere of culture is the sphere predominantly non-commercial activities. The main feature of the management in the field of culture is that the money in this area appears mainly on the basis of commerce, but on the basis of attracting funds, involvement of the interests of various forces and instances: authorities of the authorities who provide budget funds, sponsors, charitable organizations and other incomes . Non-commercial activity does not mean "unattractive" for business. Worldwide, the non-commercial sector is one of the most intensively developing sectors of the economy.

Moreover, non-commercial activity is more general, it may include commercial as its part. For example, a museum can engage in entrepreneurship, open the production of souvenirs, typography, repair shops, etc.

The main directions of government policies in the field of culture. No wonder inviting the international delegation, the Mistress to seek to show the brightest features of traditional culture. Thereby attracting and having diplomatic guests. Understanding the importance of the development of culture before the state is the main question how to implement the management process in the social - cultural sphere so ensure the communicative ...

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Introduction ........................................................................ ..... p. 3.

Chapter 1 Cultural Sphere as an object of management and social development

1.1Shuristics of the cultural sphere ......................................................................................... five

1.2 Development of the cultural sphere ................................................ p. nine

Chapter 2 Organization of Public Administration in the Cultural Sphere

2.1 The structure of the management bodies in the field of culture .................. ..master. 13

2.2 The main directions of state policy in the field of culture .......................................................................................... 17.

Conclusion .......................................................................... 24.

Bibliographic list .................................................................................................. 26.


Culture is a multi-valued social phenomenon related to the sphere of the spiritual life of the country. Cultural values \u200b\u200bare wealth and dignity of the state.

Cultural traditions laid out by our ancestors are an integral part of the country's prestige on the world stage. No wonder, inviting the international delegation, the Hostess side seeks to show the brightest features of the traditional culture, thereby attracting and having diplomatic guests.

Culture as a complex social phenomenon is a value-normative mechanism of social interactions, which is the most important task to ensure the integrity of society and social order. Consequently, the culture can be called a mirror of society, where the development and features of a whole nation reflect.

In confirmation of the foregoing, the formulation of the concept of "culture", set forth in Article 2 of the draft federal law "On Culture in the Russian Federation": "Culture - a set of distinguishing signs, values, traditions and beliefs that appear in the lifestyle and art.

Relevance This topic is that Russia is a social state and culture, being an important component in the social aspect of the country's growing and development of the country, requires a special policy of the state aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and the development of a citizen in society.

Understanding the importance of the development of culture, the state is worth the main question how to implement the management process in the social and cultural sphere, to ensure the communicative accuracy and protection of information on the cultural life of the country.

Evaluating the state and degree of research topic, it should be noted that a large number of scientists appeared to the management of culture in the field of culture, as a result of which the literature was quite extensively presented.

purpose This course work is the study and analysis of the organization of public administration in the field of culture.

In accordance with the aim, a number of tasks were revealed.

  1. determine the essence of the cultural sphere
  2. analyze the development of the cultural sphere
  3. identify the specifics of government culture management
  4. describe the organization of government culture

Object Research is a system of government.

Subject Research is the organization of management in the field of culture and art.

Chapter 1 Cultural sphere as an object of management and social development

  1. Essence of the cultural sphere

All sectors of the social sphere, including culture, are of great importance in the development of social production, affecting the improvement and quality of life of citizens.

Considering the essence of the cultural sphere, first of all, it is necessary to analyze the concept of "culture".

Initially, the term "culture" appeared in Roman culture as an agrarian skill as cultivating and processing the Earth. The most familiar for modern society is the cultivation and cultivation of both upbringing and education. Thus, the essence of culture goes into a new channel already as a tool for the harmonious formation of a person, finding paths in the acquisition of his human appearance.

Analyzing the sources of domestic humanitarian knowledge, it can be noted that a long time has not been paid to considering another meaning of culture, sacred. Culture as a cult, reverence, first of all, a religious orientation was an integral part of ancient civilizations. The worship of the gods, following certain customs was considered the highest value of the worldview of that era. In the ancient world, the term "Paida" (dr. Greek.Παιδεία - Training, the formation of a child, educational, culture) embodies the unity of multiple sense of cultures. The concept arising in the philosophy of Sofists in 5 BC, was the subject for analyzing the Isochant and Xenophon and was developed by Plato in the "State" and "laws" dialogues. The essence of Paydeia on Platon is that the doctrine of the immortality of the soul is inseparably with the political program of decent education of a citizen, which is the foundation of the state device. Thus, Piuda becomes not only the meaning of politics, but also the meaning of the life of the soul of a citizen who comes down to good education, education, which means culture. The continuer in the matter of developing the concept was Aristotle in the treatise "Politics": according to the teachings, the unification of people into a single state is possible only through its upbringing, that is, through the introduction of certain moral morals, philosophy, laws. It was upbringing-Pype by Aristotle considered an important condition for happiness for each member of society. Summing up the analysis of this period, it can be said that an antique person, comparing himself with other peoples, was proud of the mind, feelings and ability to live not only by natural and physiological laws, but also on established moral standards. Despite the unstable political situation, when the foundations of citizenship retreat in front of chaos, the culture developed a purely attaccical nature, thereby retaining its inner world.

Monotheistic cultures, such as Christianity and Islam, are developing on the principle of atraxia of identity ideals, immersed in their inner world, which is now declared derived from God. The theological concept suggests that even the weakest person becomes strong if believes in a single God, thereby becoming an absolute person. The ideological directions were brought to the cultural scope of personalism. Now culture as cultivation involves the development of something more in a person created by the divine force. Accordingly, the culture is upbringing the spiritual inexhaustibility of the person.

The current concept of "culture" sees its origins in the philosophy of European enlightenment, when an interest in the material, real beginning of culture is manifested. It is then that one can talk about the emergence of a whole cultural sphere as a subsystem of society. The postulate of philosophy I.Kanta is formed on the idea of \u200b\u200bdividing the world of nature and the world of freedom, the human world of culture. The man is moral, which means a cultural, becomes a free person, he has the opportunity to determine the only right life path. For the first time, the highest material manifestation of culture in the form of art is determined. Comprehensive development and growth of various types of arts are connected with this, whose products today make up a rich cultural heritage of European countries and Russia.

Today, the concept of "culture" refers to such a combination of the sectors of the national economy as a social sphere. Social sphere branches are of great importance in the modern world. And culture has a direct impact on the state of the spiritual potential of society. The development of culture as the industry of the national economy is characterized by such indicators as the number of professional theaters, circus, museums, cloth-cultural institutions, the number of mass libraries, large-scale competitive projects.

The cultural sphere has no definite cruel both temporary and spatial framework. Its existence takes place in the fellowship with other spheres of society: material and political. Close related relationships with the social sphere define the main activity of culture as a holistic implementation, the result of which the person becomes.

Despite the friendly dependence of all spheres of society, the most significant changes in culture can not be explained by social and other reasons. For example, considering cultural scientific work, so far clearly failed to argue the fact that culture did not cease to develop even in the most critical periods of the era. She continued its development and in a slave-ownership society, as well as in the years of totalitarian regimes and dictatorships.

Culture as a product of public life and practice has a huge impact on people. People not only create the objects of the cultural sphere, but also master knowledge, thus engaging in the study and development of their culture.

The cultural sphere is a distinctive, ordered unity in its essence. The processes of functioning and development of the cultural sphere are largely due to objective patterns and are based on certain principles of cultural management and art. The human factor is undoubtedly a component of the cultural sphere. At the same time, the health of the population, its intellectual potential, the accumulation of its personal moral values \u200b\u200bwill be an assessment of the functioning of the sphere, and the person's place in the structure of culture is the indicator of the potential possibilities of its social reproduction.

Next to the creative aspect, the cultural sphere considers aspects of the assimilation of culture. Thus, it becomes clear that the wider the scale of the created cultural values, the more the amount of activity necessary for its development and inheritance, transmitting generations.

Society forms and regulates the forms and methods of transmitting cultural property. During history, not only the mastery of already acquired knowledge, but also further development, improvement and protection of cultural products.

The fundamental subject of culture is the personality that reveals all its manifestations. The person certainly creates his culture itself, but the formation of a person is the result of the cultural evolutionary stages of society. Thus, it turns out that culture is creating a person under the supervision of society. The emotional behavior of the individual is formed in the process of its inculturation, that is, with the involvement in the activities of the cultural sphere.

1.2 Development of the cultural sphere.

An analysis of modern scientific research on the country's development shows that the circulation of market relations in the Russian Federation, as well as in all countries with transit economy, requires strengthening state participation in the development of the social sphere, part of which is culture.

In the concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, a special role in the conditions of a qualitative transition to innovation is determined for effective cultural policies aimed at saving the nation, and mainly its cultural heritage. Also, the culture of the country, on the concept of the development of the Russian Federation, is the determining factor in the growth of human potential.

An indicated strategic paradigm of cultural policy assumes that a single nation can gain socio-economic power exclusively, integrating the population of a country based on Russian culture through accessibility to cultural values \u200b\u200bfor all subjects of the cultural sphere.

Tracking the development of the cultural sphere of the Russian Federation, it is worth mentioning some of some key issues marked in other official documents. In the concept of the Federal Target Program, the name "Culture of Russia (2012-2016)" emphasizes that implementing the tasks of the previous target program, failed to raise the culture on the estimated level, to increase the forms and the scope of participation of state and society in support of the cultural sphere.

Assessing the development of the cultural sphere in Russia, it is worth noting its definite decline in the last time period as a participant in market relations. Conducted by a number of reasons. First, it is the inefficient spending of budget funds intended for the development of the cultural sphere. Secondly, the lack of allocating major priority areas. It also also affects the development of the cultural sphere, the existing imperfections of the regulatory framework in the field of public partnership, patronage and charity for culture.

Currently, when the country entered into the implementation of the new economic model, the development of industries of culture is characterized primarily by the transition from the traditional sphere of culture to the so-called cultural industry. Undoubtedly, a similar process is dictated by a change in life text due to innovative technologies, a sharp increase in intangible benefits in the structure of consumption, for example, media consumption.

Considering the culture as a sphere of consumption in direct dependence on the economy, it should be noted that for the period 2002-2009. The number of theaters, libraries and museums, as well as cultural and leisure institutions, has not decreased from the volume of gross product, therefore, it is unable to conclude the existence of a statistical dependence on the economic state of the country. On the contrary, it turns out that the crisis is 2008-2009. Practically did not play a certain negative role in dynamics the number of cultural and art institutions, as well as in the activity of their attendance, only cinemas becomes the exception. Thus, it turns out that the dynamics of the number of cultural institutions, respectively, and the development of the cultural sphere in Russia is determined by other reasons independent of the growth of the economic factor. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the volume of state investment in the development of culture and art.

Trace the development of culture and the possibility of further perfection in the management of the cultural sphere should be started with a rather extensive period from 1980-2009. Analysis of this period shows that a decrease in the total number of institutions and the percentage of attendance touched only the institutions of Kurny leisure and libraries. According to statistics in Russia for the period from 1990-2009. The total number of different types of libraries decreased by 24.7%, and the number of registered users is 27%.

During the years of government reforms, concerning culture and art, it is worth noting the increase in the number of professional theaters and expansion of the museum complex of the Russian Federation. It is gratifying to say that the number of registered museums is constantly increasing and determined by a certain tempo level. So, for three years, from 2005 to 2009, the number of museums increased by 10%, which are expressed in 254 new units. First of all, the increase in the number touched by local history museums, which, as of 2009, is most of the museum complex of Russia. According to Rosstat, the leader in attendance of museums North-West and Central Federal Districts. But, despite the positive dynamics and growth of indicators and efforts of the authorities, the overall condition of cultural institutions and, accordingly, the cultural sphere remains quite complex.

The features of the modern development of the cultural sphere can be briefly described, firstly, by changing the budget financing system and the expansion of the scope of various federal targeted programs aimed at improving the cultural sector. Secondly, for the cultural sphere, it became predominantly the newest availability of developed competition in creative and especially spectacular industries, such as the theater, Circus, musical art.

It should also be said that there is an uneven development of the cultural sphere across the country due to the tremessally excellent socio-economic development of the regions. It is this fact that does not make it possible to involve organizations and institutions of the culture of large investors, unused financial resources of subjects, which represent the small and medium-sized business of each subject of the country. And also complex contractual procedures with private persons interested in sponsorship.

The combination of all of the above factors leads to a possible sharp drop in the competitiveness of individual sectors of culture, to the inefficient distribution of government budget funds, to fall in the quality of goods in the market of culture and art.

Making a conclusion, it can be said that currently the sphere of culture to a lesser extent than other areas is included in key state social policy priorities, which leads to a reduction in budget investment in the development of production in the field of culture and art. Today, state investments are directed only to ensuring the main and current activities of the cultural sphere necessary to maintain cultural heritage.It is difficult in this case to talk about the full development of the cultural sphere. It is more reliable and more profitable for investors today will be state guarantees that provide not only the duty, but also a special property reliability.The innovative course of the development of Russia in the field of culture and leisure remains in the future.

In this case, issues as methodological support for the interaction of cultural and art sectors with the economic and political life of countries, both in general and in certain constituent entities of the Russian Federation, are growing increasing importance. An important role undoubtedly plays the national cultural policy of the state that would supply the culture on the path of the prestigious industry of the socio-cultural sphere. Undoubtedly, the development of the interest of citizens to the cultural sectors will be an order of magnitude higher, if the state can develop the necessary support, to ensure the opportunity to step on the path of innovation and association with other sectors of the national economy.

Chapter 2 Organization of public administration in the field of culture.

2.1 Structure of management bodies in the field of culture.

Management in the field of culture is carried out by the government, the system of federal and other executive bodies. The government provides state support for the culture and preservation of the cultural heritage of the national importance and peoples of the Russian Federation.

The competence in certain areas of cultural management is implemented by such federal executive bodies as the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Press, Television and Mass Communication Affairs, the State Committee for Cinematography, the Federal Archival Service. A certain number of managerial issues solve the unions of journalists, filmmakers, artists and other creative unions, acting in accordance with their charters.

The relevant executive authorities are created in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Their conduct is the majority of cultural objects. In the order of the presidential decree of December 11, 1997, "on measures to improve state finance", dozens of federal subordination culture are transferred to the subjects of the Federation.

Also, the objects of control are various cultural institutions: libraries, houses and palaces of culture, clubs, cinemas, circus, museums.

The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, under the Regulations on the Government of June 6, 1997, is the federal executive authority conducted by state policy in the field of culture, art, protection and use of historical and cultural heritage. Also, the competence of the Ministry of Culture includes the implementation of state regulation and coordination of the activities of other federal executive bodies in this area in cases established by federal laws, presidential decrees and government regulations.

The ministry is a specially authorized state body of the protection of monuments of history and culture, as well as a specially authorized body of state control over the observance of the established procedure for the export and Russia and the importation of the cultural property, the implementation of antiques, as well as the rules of foreign economic activity in relation to cultural values. The Ministry of Culture of Russia has the territorial bodies for the preservation of cultural values.

It implements its competence mainly in relation to the objects of the culture of federal significance, the organizational and legal status of which is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. An example is the Russian State Library or State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Moscow Kremlin".

The main tasks of the Ministry of Culture are:

The implementation of the culture of public policy, which ensures the necessary conditions for the implementation of the constitutional rights of citizens of the Russian Federation to freedom of creativity, participation in the cultural life and the use of cultural institutions.

Promoting the development of national cultures of the peoples of Russia.

Determination of goals and priorities in the development of certain types of cultural activities, professional art, museum and library, folk art, education and science in the field of culture

Development and implementation in accordance with the international obligations of the Russian Federation measures to prevent illegal export and the importation of cultural values \u200b\u200band the transfer of ownership of cultural values.

The implementation of state control over the export of cultural values \u200b\u200bfrom Russia, compliance with the established procedure for the implementation of antiques

Management of subordinate organizations.

The main regulatory sources in the culture management are federal laws, decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation, the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation. For example, the legal basis of the preservation and development of library affairs serves the Federal Law of December 29, 1994, which establishes the basic principles of library activities and guarantees human rights and public associations for free access to information, admission to the values \u200b\u200bof the National World Culture and the cultural, scientific and scientific and Educational activities.

The Federal Law of May 26, 1996 determines the peculiarities of the situation of museums, which in the country more than 2.5 thousand. They are created in the form of institutions that carry out cultural, educational and scientific functions of a non-commercial nature. Government Decree of February 12, 1998 "On approval of the provisions on the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation, about the state catalog of the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation, the licensing of the activities of museums in the Russian Federation" is established the procedure and mechanisms of accounting, the preservation of the wealth in the museum department.

State regulation in the field of archival and control over the safety, acquisition and use of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation is carried out by the Federal Archival Service of Russia (Rosarhiv), according to the Regulation on It, approved by the Government Decree of December 28, 1998.

The Rosarhiva system includes federal state archives, scientific and other directly subordinate organizations, as well as the management bodies of the archival business of the subjects of the Federation and the subordinate institutions.

The list of departments responsible for the development of the cultural industry includes the State Committee of the Russian Federation for the press (Roskompex), the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Cinematography (Goskino of Russia), the Federal Service of Russia on Television and Radio Broadcasting (FSTR) and others.

Questions of support and development of the sphere of culture affect functions and other bodies of public administration: State Property Committee, Central Bank, Prosecutor's Office, Tax Inspectorate and others.

Thus, the structure of the state authorities in the field of culture is a clearly built hierarchy of departments, clearly distinguishing their competence. From the analysis of these agencies, it follows that all components of the cultural industry are under the jurisdiction of special services and committees, which are governed by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. Certainly specialized federal services are also allocated, providing management of certain sectors of culture.

2.2 The main directions of government policies in the field of culture.

The most important areas of cultural activity are determined in the adopted Federal Law of October 9, 1992.N 3612 - I "Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on culture":

Identification, study, protection, restoration and use of historical and cultural monuments;

Fiction, cinema, scenic, plastic, musical art;

Architecture and design, other types and genres of art; Art folk crafts and crafts, folk culture in its manifestations such as languages, dialects and dialects, folklore, customs and rites, historical toponyms;

Amateur (amateur) artistic creativity, museum and collectibles;

Book publishing and library; archival business; a television; Radio and other audiovisual means in terms of creating and distributing cultural property;

Aesthetic education, art education, pedagogical activities in this area.

IN article 1 of the Federal Law of October 9, 1992, the "Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on Culture" also denoted the priority objectives of the state in the cultural sector:

Ensuring and protecting the constitutional law of citizens of the Russian Federation for cultural activities;

Creation of legal guarantees for the free cultural activities of the associations of citizens, peoples and other ethnic communities of the Russian Federation;

Determination of the principles and legal norms of the relations of the subjects of cultural activities;

Determination of the principles of state cultural policies, legal norms of state support for culture and guarantees of non-interference of the state in creative processes.1

Analyzing the tasks marked in the 90s, it is necessary to note the fact that culture is considered by the state as an independent branch that has no connection, for example, with the economy and policies of the country. From the list of tasks it can be seen that state policy in the cultural sphere is directed only to the preservation of cultural monuments and ethnic features. The primary task is not the innovative development of culture and the integration process with other sectors of the national economy.

The federal law of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1991 "On the media", federal laws dated December 1, 1995 "On state support of the media and book publishing of the Russian Federation", from August 22, 1996, are of the greatest importance for management in the field of culture. . "On state support for cinematography of the Russian Federation", dated April 15, 1998 "On the cultural values \u200b\u200bdisplaced in the Union of the SSR as a result of World War II and located in the Russian Federation", the Government Decision of March 25, 1999 "On State Support Theatrical art in the Russian Federation "and other regulatory acts.

Considering the above legal sources, it is possible to determine the priority and long-term goals of the cultural policy of the Russian Federation. So, the priority can be attributed:

Developing a legal framework that meets new reality, which includes stimulating tax benefits to investors in the field of culture;

Action of means of ensuring the safety and safety of state cultural values, as well as the possibility of creative labor and the realization of the right to the "free profession";

Establishment of measures that are responsible for the crime against the country's cultural heritage.

Long-term goals are determined, firstly, the formation of the ideological and moral foundations of the democratic legal state, and secondly, the creation of the conditions of development and reproduction of the creative potential of society, as well as the formation of undisputed historical consciousness and the creation of the country's cultural space.

And again, when analyzing the main legal documents, including the main goals of cultural policy, it is clear that state benchmarks are conservative. Nevertheless, the goals and objectives presented in the documents of the 90s are successfully implemented in modern society.

Of particular interest is the proposal of the Ministry of Culture on the implementation of the main areas of state policy on the development of cultural and mass communications in the Russian Federation, coordinated by the Government of the Russian Federation of June 1, 2006 No. MF-P44-2462. The document provides a state policy plan in the development of the culture of culture until 2015, aimed at preserving and developing culture, ensuring social stability, economic growth and national security of the state.

According to the Ministry of Culture, the preservation and development of a single cultural and information space of Russia is due to the heterogeneity of the population of the services of cultural organizations by the services of the country and a number of other economic factors. Thus, as the Ministry of Culture believes in this document, the situation generates social inequality in the creative development of children and young people, social rehabilitation of people with disabilities and generally has a negative impact on the social well-being of the population.2

Based on this position, the Ministry of Culture proposes to develop regulations of the population of the population by cultural organizations, taking into account the new administrative division. To do this, it is necessary to develop a nomenclature of public services in the field of culture and model standards, industry infrastructure, including in the village, and in small cities that should provide for optimizing the current network of cultural organizations. Optimization is mainly determined by creating multifunctional institutions - socio-cultural centers, cultural and sports complexes, as well as mobile service systems, such as autoclubs, biblobuses.

Undoubtedly, optimizing the organizational networks of culture, the state will be able much faster and more efficiently withdraw the culture on the path of new development - innovative. Perhaps the situation with a lack of federal budget will be decided to improve the states of cultural institutions, in particular, on the village.

As a tool for implementing the goal, the issue of improving the system of material incentives for specialists in the field of culture and art is raised. Many subjects of the Russian Federation adopted targeted programs to support young professionals working in the field of culture. An example would be a resolution of the Government of the Kurgan region of October 14, 2013. "Development of a culture of Zauralye for 2014-2020".

Much is also important than the technical re-equipment of cultural objects. To this end, the Ministry of Culture proposes to develop natural and financial standards for the resource support of the cultural sphere.

Based on these provisions, given that the main resource for creating conditions for the provision of services in the field of culture and the guarantee of their provision is the activities of cultural institutions and art, it is necessary to carry out activities aimed at the modernization of the network of these institutions. This issue of the Ministry of Culture solves a proposal to the need to adopt legal acts, consolidating guarantees and the conditions of the population with the services of the organization of culture, including club-type facilities, museums, children's art schools. Undoubtedly, the adoption of legal acts under the guarantee of the conditions of providing the population with the services of cultural organizations are relevant in the existing environment. The provisions of the cultural sector in the population as a whole will be able to raise the status of the cultural sector in the public as a whole as standardized by regulatory acts.

The quality of services in the field of culture remains an open question, which is largely in many ways from young professionals. Development of measures to attract talented young people to work in the industry, which, according to the Ministry of Culture, will allow to expand the spectrum and improve the quality of the provision of services in the field of culture, as well as accelerate the introduction of innovative methods of work. The main task in the proposal of the Ministry of Culture is the modernization of the system of advanced training of specialists and the development of standards of personnel requirements. These tasks, according to the author's author, are very complex in implementation due to insufficient financing of cultural workers and the general prestigious status of professions related to the provision of services in the cultural sphere. First of all, to improve the quality of services and training of professionals, the state needs to create the best conditions for attracting young professionals who are ready to work productively.

The second part of the proposal of the Ministry of Culture on Culture Policy is devoted to the preservation and development of the multinational cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia. The main aspects on this issue are reduced to improving the legislation on the objects of the cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia, the settlement of the legal status of particularly valuable monuments of history and culture. Special relevance due to the need to form a comprehensive approach to the preservation of specially protected territories, the development of a state strategy for the formation of a system of attractions, historical and cultural reserves in the Russian Federation is acquired.

Summing up the analysis of the target landmarks of the cultural policy of the state, it is worth noting that the course elected in the 90sXX century, relevant and in the modern setting. The main objectives are still the preservation and support of the historical and cultural component of public life. In particular, it should be noted that the state provides support for improving creative projects, provides support in the form of a system of government grants. An important role is allocated to the material base of vocational education institutions: modernization of premises, equipped with special equipment for efficient work, providing the necessary professional tools.

It would be particularly canceled that, on the basis of the Ministry of Culture's proposal, one can argue about the gradual orientation of the sphere of culture to the market by introducing modern forms of management, creating conditions for the adaptation of the sphere of culture and mass communications to market conditions, stimulating the increase in private financing, including the mechanism Partnerships, the development of patronage and charity. The issue of integrating Russia into a global cultural process through the preparation and implementation of international cultural projects contributing to the growth of the prestige of Russian culture is discussed.


Considering the culture as a sector of the social sphere, it is necessary to remember that the main subjects are a person and society. Therefore, the organization of public administration in this area should be formed taking into account the characteristics of public relations.

Denoting the main targets, the state cultural policy should, first of all, meet the needs of all sectors of the national economy.

Today you can observe the fact that culture becomes a powerful lever for the socio-economic development of the country. The wealth of resources, both natural, so human, creates a very solid soil for the exit of Russia for a competitive international market through cultural integration. The ideological role of culture remains relevant and at present: the preservation of historical documents, monuments, the upbringing of the younger generation with the true knowledge of the history of their country will always be the highest goal of cultural policy.

The developed state structure of cultural management, submitted by the Ministry, Committees and Services, creates all the conditions for achieving the main goals of cultural policy. Management strategy and tactics in the field of culture are very complex due to the ambiguity of the culture itself and the multi-levelness of its structure.

It should also be noted that, unfortunately, the most acute is still the issue of financing the cultural sphere. The author believes that the problem of lack of federal budget is possible to be somewhat mitigated by dividing the financial functions of sociocultural policies between government investments and charitable, commercial sectors.

At the same time, the social significance of culture is growing, and at the time of crisis existence, it is aggravated, as the needs of society in the stabilizing factor of development increase, which is culture. The activities of the state that makes a significant contribution to the definition of the cultural development of society as a whole and attracting relevant resources today is the most important prerequisite for the development of Russian culture.

Bibliographic list.


  1. Constitution of the Russian Federation. - M., Legal literature, 1993
  2. Law of the Russian Federation of 09.10. 1992 N 3612-1 "Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on culture."
  3. Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 1994.n 79-FZ "On Library Business".
  4. Law of the Russian Federation of 26.05.1996g.n 54-FZ "On the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation and museums in the Russian Federation."
  5. Law of the Russian Federation of August 22, 1996 N 126-FZ "On state support for cinematography of the Russian Federation" (as amended on May 5, 2014).
  6. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 12.11.1993. N 1904 "On additional measures of state support of culture and art in the Russian Federation" (as amended on June 7, 2013).
  7. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 01.07.97. N 1010 "On measures to strengthen state support for culture and art in the Russian Federation".
  8. Resolution of the State Duma of the FS RF of 05.03.97. N 1189-2 GD "On the draft federal law" On creative workers and creative unions. "
  9. Resolution of the State Duma of the FS RF dated December 26, 1997. N 2069-GD "On the draft federal law" on the objects of cultural heritage (monuments of the history and culture of the peoples of the Russian Federation) "
  10. The main directions of state policy on the development of the sphere of culture and mass communications in the Russian Federation until 2015 and the implementation plan for implementation of 1.06.2006 MF-P44

Educational and reference

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  3. Zapstanovsky, A.S. Education: Philosophy, Cultural Science, Politics M.: Science, 2012. - 456 p.
  4. Culture in public life / lane. with it. Z. V. Gorlova. Scientific ed. A.I. Arnold. M.: Thought, 1999. - 244 p.
  5. Leviticus S.Ya. The role of culture in the formation of personality. M.: Science, 2009. - 123 p.
  6. Mokhov N. Economics, planning and organization of culture. - Economics, 2000, No. 9, 55-66 p.
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  8. Rumyantsev A.M. Social and economic problems of our time:. 2nd ed., M.: Science, 2011. - 441 p.
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  11. Chirkin, V.E. State and Municipal Management: Textbook / V.E. Chirkin. - M.: Lawyer, 2013. - 320 p.
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1 Federal Law of October 9, 1992 N 33612 - I "Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on Culture"

2 The main directions of state policy on the development of the sphere of culture and mass communications in the Russian Federation until 2015 and the action plan for their implementation

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1. The system of organs and the organization of the state. Management of education.

2. The system of bodies and the organization of public administration in the sphere of social protection of the population.

1. The state leadership of the education system is carried out by federal executive authorities and the executive authorities of the subjects of the Federation of General and Special Competence:

1) The Government of the Russian Federation, Art. 114 Constitution of the Russian Federation (p. V, K)

2) Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

a) develops and approves national standards, exemplary plans and curricula.

b) monitors the execution of federal legislation in the field of education.

c) funds universities and other educational institutions of federal significance.

d) issues regulatory and legal acts within its competence, etc.

3) Other federal executive bodies, under whom are the highest and special educational institutions of vocational education.

(Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Social Development of the Russian Federation, etc.)

4) the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as bodies of industry competence (the main management of education)

5) local governments - on the realization of citizens' rights to obtain basic general education.

There is a law of the Russian Federation "On Education" as amended from 13.01.96.

The legal status of the university is determined by the Federal Law of August 22, 96. "On the Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education".

Universities are independent in the selection and placement of personnel, the implementation of educational and scientific work and other activities in accordance with the Charter of the University. University management is carried out by the rectorate of secret ballot led by the rector. Rector selected at the general meeting with secret ballot for up to 5 years and approved by the relevant education authority. The rector is the chairman of the scientific council of the university, whose members are also elected. The scientist of the Council is entrusted with the general leadership of the highest educational institution.

Other educational institutions (secondary-seat educational institutions, schools) must be registered by the founder in the relevant state authority. They must have a license for the right to conduct their activities. The state status of a state institution gives accreditation, which confirms his right to issue a state-owned state graduate. Department of state institution is carried out by his head, who is elected by the team or is appointed by the founder. In the management of educational institutions, the uniqueness of the head is combined with such forms and self-government, as the Council of the educational institution, pedsoves, etc.

2. Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Labor)

It is headed by a system of executive bodies who are responsible at the state or regional level of social protection issues.

Management of the municipal system of social services is carried out by local governments. This ministry is headed by the Federal State Employment Service and the Collective Labor dispute service service, leads the management of the Federal Labor Inspectorate, the Republican Federal Fund for Social Support of the Population, the Inspectorate of Non-State Pension Funds, etc.

management Social Cultural Society

The concept of socio-cultural sphere

Under the social and cultural sphere it is understood as a system of versatile relations between people who participate in a social and spiritual life, a wide range of public (national, interethnic, religious, creative, etc.) relations, in which the interests of people are satisfied and their problems in the field education, science, culture and art, health care, social security, leisure, creative activity, etc.

Social and cultural sphere, this is a combination of enterprises, organizations and institutions carrying out the production, distribution, preservation and organization of consumption of goods and services of socio-cultural purposes, thereby ensuring the satisfaction of the cultural needs of the population.

To understand the specifics of the management of the socio-cultural sphere, it is important to take into account the current combination of mechanisms by which cultural factors are associated with various social reality systems. As part of the object of controlling the socio-cultural sphere, the characteristic of the dual nature of its potential is of particular importance, which is represented in the form of two interacting components: socio-economic and cultural and artistic.

The first - socio-economic potential - includes funds for the implementation of social and cultural policies: a material and real component (network of institutions, their equipment and equipment, logistics), personnel resources and system of their support, finance and administration and management bodies. The economic potential is also characterized by the presence of a consumer market and competition, solvency and population requests, the presence of free time.

The cultural and artistic potential of the Company is the richness of cultural values \u200b\u200baccumulated by them, determining the spiritual development of the population, which can be represented as materialized subjects (paintings, monuments of history and culture, books, antiques, etc.) and cultural traditions, oral people creativity, moral and aesthetic plants of people. It is necessary to note that the condition for the formation of cultural and artistic potential is economic potential.

In relation to each of them there are different control limits. The interpenetration of these two systems, as well as the presence of control and conditioning relationships between them, constitute the basis for a system of actions activating management decisions.

Features of the state administration of the socio-cultural sphere in the Russian Federation

According to Art. 7 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Russia is a social state, whose policy is aimed at creating conditions that provide a decent life and free human development. The state guards the work and health of people, provides support for disabled and older citizens, develops a system of social services that provide medical, educational, cultural and other services to the population.

The state administration of the socio-cultural sphere is a mechanism for the implementation of the goals of social and cultural policies based on legislatively established imperatives, which determine the real standard of living, social well-being, employment, their social support. The social policy of the state is the targeted activities of state bodies for the management of the socio-cultural sphere of the Company, aimed at increasingly satisfying its needs, improving the welfare of the population and compliance with the fundamental principles of social justice. It relies on the principles: goaling; reducing the mismatch between the specified and actual value of the controlled parameter (negative feedback); Continuous circulation of current information about the status of the control object, as well as control information from the control entity and closer control.

Characteristic features of the organization of the SCS management:

The focus of management to implement the constitutional rights of citizens;

Decentralization for more efficient management (strategic - at the federal level, tactical - at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the immediate provision of services to citizens at the local level);

Democratization of management through the involvement of all socio-cultural attitudes into it.

Thus, management in the socio-cultural sphere is based on the constitutional principle of the priority of the rights and legitimate interests of a person.

The state administration in this area of \u200b\u200bpublic life is aimed at approving such a lifestyle of citizens who contributes to the full development of personality, to maintain the proper level of socially useful activity and motivation of the population, to create equal conditions to meet the interests and needs of different groups of the population and specifically Each person, on the formation of a moral and psychologically sustainable, socially capable and responsible person as the basis of a healthy and prosperous society.

The main functions of state management of the socio-cultural sphere include:

Creation of favorable conditions for the reproduction of the country's population, the preservation of the health and efficiency of the population;

Organization of training personnel training for the national economy;

Strengthening family and care for the younger generation;

Preservation and enhancement of cultural heritage;

Organization of recreation and leisure of the population;

Creation of favorable conditions for science, tourism, sports, etc.

A significant place in the management of the social sphere belongs to the Government of the Russian Federation, which according to Art. 16-17 FKZ "On the Government of the Russian Federation", in the sphere of science, culture, education:

Ensures a single state social policy, the implementation of the Constitutional Rights of Citizens in Social Security, promotes the development of social security and charity;

Takes measures to implement the labor rights of citizens, develops programs to reduce and eliminate unemployment and ensures the implementation of these programs;

Ensures a single state migration policy, takes measures to realize the rights of citizens to protect health, to ensure sanitary and epidemiological well-being;

Facilitates solving problems of family, motherhood, paternity and childhood;

Takes measures to implement youth policies;

Develops and measures the development of physical culture, sports and tourism, as well as the sanatorium resort sector;

Provides a single state policy in the field of education and science, determines the main directions of development of general and vocational education, the development of a free education system, develops and implements measures for state support for the development of science;

Provides state support for culture and preservation of cultural heritage.

Each direction in the socio-cultural sphere is subject to specific state structures and ministries, which in turn organize and control work in their field. Currently, public administration in the socio-cultural sphere is carried out by ministries:

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;

Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation;

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;

Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

In the conduct of each of them there are federal services and agencies.

Thus, labor protection and social security of those groups that need to protect the state carry out Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, which, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 19.06.2012 No. 610, performs functions to develop and implement state policy and regulatory regulation in the field of demography, labor, standard of living and income, wage, retirement, including non-state pension provision, social insurance, conditions and safety, social partnership and labor relations, employment and unemployment, labor migration, alternative civil service, civil service (except for wages), social protection and social services, including social protection of families, women and children, guardianship and guardianship for adults incapable or not fully capable citizens, providing prosthetic and orthopedic assistance, rehabilitation of persons with disabilities and conducting medical and social expertise, as well as to manage state property and the provision of public services in the established sphere .

The ministry also coordinates and monitor the activities of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment, subordinate to federal state institutions, incl. Medical and social expertise, unitary enterprises, as well as coordination of the activities of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.

One of the mechanisms for the harmonization of relations and a combination of public interest is social protection - a complex of measures carried out by the state in various fields of activity that ensures the access of each member of society to the minimally necessary complex of social benefits that promote the overcoming of social inequality and support the most vulnerable segments of the population, families, citizens.

In its activities, state bodies in the field of social protection are guided by laws establishing state standards for servicing the population in need of social support. Support for socially vulnerable groups of the population - the elderly, disabled, unemployed - funds are allocated through social extrabudgetary funds: the social insurance fund, the health insurance fund, the Pension Fund, the Employment Fund. In priority procedure, funds are allocated for the implementation of federal programs: on social support for people with disabilities, the development of social services of family and children, etc.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees every citizen the right to protect health and medical care, social security in the event of health loss. The government of public administration in the field of citizens' health is Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

The protection of citizens' health is a combination of measures of an economic, legal, medical, anti-epidemic and sanitary and hygienic nature, aimed at preserving and strengthening human health, maintaining its long-life active life. In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 19.06.2012 No. 608 of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, performs functions to develop and implement public policy and regulatory regulation in the field of health, compulsory medical insurance, medicines for medical use, including the issues of organizing disease prevention, including including infectious diseases and AIDS, medical care, medical rehabilitation and medical examinations (with the exception of medical and social expertise and military medical examination), pharmaceutical activities, including quality, efficiency and safety of medicines for medical applications, the appeal of medical products, sanitary epidemic and logical well-being of the population, health care provider of individual sectors of the economy with particularly hazardous working conditions, medical and biological assessment of the impact on the human body of particularly dangerous factors of physical and chemical Nature, resort affairs, as well as in government management and public health services, including medical care, introduction of modern medical technologies, new methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation, conducting forensic and forensic psychiatric examinations, organization Middle, Higher, Postgraduate and Additional Medical and Pharmaceutical Education and the provision of services in the field of resort.

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation also provides coordination and monitoring of the activities of the Federal Health Supervision Service, the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, federal state institutions and federal state unitary enterprises, as well as coordinating the activities of the Federal Fund for Mandatory Medical Insurance.

Medical assistance in state and municipal health institutions, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, it turns out free of charge at the expense of the budget, insurance premiums and other revenues.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation also proclaims the right of every citizen for education, and the state guarantees the publicity and freeness of preschool, basic general and secondary vocational education in state and municipal educational institutions. At the same time, general education is mandatory. The right to receive free higher education is carried out on a competitive basis in state or municipal educational institutions and enterprises. The Constitution of the Russian Federation proclaims the establishment of federal state educational standards and the support of various forms of education and self-education, incl. In non-state educational institutions. The implementation of the constitutional right to education is provided for by the legal act - the Federal Law "On Education" dated December 29, 2012 №273-ФЗ.

Public Administration in the field of education is carried out Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia), which, in accordance with the Decree, performs functions to develop on the development and implementation of state policy and regulatory legal regulation in the field of education, scientific, scientific and technical activities and innovation in the scientific and technical sphere, nanotechnology, the development of federal centers science and high technologies, state scientific centers and sciences, intellectual property, as well as in the field of education, guardianship and guardianship for minor citizens, social support and social protection of students and students of educational institutions, as well as to provide public services in education, education , scientific, scientific and technical and innovation, including the activities of the science and high technology centers, state scientific centers, unique scientific stands, installations, collective use centers, leading scientific schools, national research compliment The new generation network and information support of scientific, scientific and technical and innovation activities.

Objectives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia:

1. Ensuring the availability of high-quality education for all segments of the population as the basis of social mobility and reducing socio-economic differentiation in society.

2. Ensuring the current and promising needs of the economy and the social sphere in professional personnel of the necessary qualifications, creating conditions for the development of continuing education.

3. Creating conditions for the active inclusion of children, educational institutions in the economic, socio-political and cultural life of society.

4. Creating conditions for the development and efficient use of scientific and technical potential.

5. Creating conditions for enhancing innovation.

General issues of education management are assigned to joint management of the Russian Federation and its subjects. Education is carried out in institutions of various types: pre-school; general education; primary, medium and higher professional; other institutions engaged in the educational process. The activities of educational institutions are regulated by typical provisions and developed on them with the charters, as well as provisions on licensing, accreditation and certification.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation provides every citizen the right to participate in cultural life, the use of cultural institutions and access to cultural values; guarantees the freedom of literary, artistic and other types of creativity and teaching; Provides protection for intellectual property law.

Public Administration in the field of culture is carried out Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federationwhich in the specified area is developing public policy and regulatory regulation. The priority directions of public administration in the field of culture are determined by the "Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on Culture". The main objectives include: Provision for all citizens without exception opportunities for creative development and access to cultural values, creating conditions for the preservation and development of culture of all peoples living in the Russian Federation, the development of the creative potential of Russian society and the protection of historical and cultural heritage.

State cultural management is carried out on the basis of the interaction of the state authorities of the Russian Federation, the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments. The executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation participate in the implementation of federal and regional programs, taking into account local and national peculiarities; contribute to the development of culture in municipalities; the territorial bodies of state regulation in the field of culture form; Create organizations of culture of relevant submission, etc.

In addition, the Ministry of Culture cooperates with interested federal executive bodies, creative unions, other public organizations, cultural figures, both independently and through the cultural management bodies created in the subjects of the Russian Federation, are most of the cultural facilities.

Thus, the socio-cultural sphere is considered as a subsystem of society that performs the function of reproduction of social constituents by incorporating them into a targeted process of socio-cultural activities.

This is a complex of sectors of the country's national economy, the real economy sector, producing goods and services intended for the life support of the population as a people with their own culture, labor, family and leisure life, the social purpose of which predetermines the social specificity of the profile of its industries.

This area includes: enlightenment, education, culture, health, physical education and sport, social work, etc. Each of the industries is structurally formed from the lower links (enterprises, institutions, organizations, etc.), the resources of which are organized in accordance with Socially - The profile of the industry, and in the aggregate represent the holistic system of resources of the socio-cultural sphere.

The cultural and educational function refers to the number of most important internal functions of the state.
Its implementation includes the creation and maintenance of favorable conditions and opportunities to obtain every citizen of education that is adopted in the state standard.
The importance of this function is due to the fact that at present, without education, the active participation of citizens in public life, in production, in all spheres of state activities is unthinkable.
Education is a targeted process of upbringing and learning in the interests of man, society, states.
Under education is understood as the achievement and confirmation of the student-specific educational level (educational qualification), which is certified by the relevant document.
The right to education is one of the main and inalienable constitutional rights of citizens of the Russian Federation.
In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the current legislation, the following types of education are guaranteed as public and free and free, the following types of education: pre-school, primary general, the main general, secondary (full) general and primary professional, and on a competitive basis - secondary professional, higher professional and postgraduate professional Education in state and municipal educational institutions, if the formation of this level, a citizen receives for the first time. Basic general education is mandatory.
Education Management is an executive and administrative activity of the competent authorities aimed at the direct implementation of state policy in the field of education.
The legal basis for administration in the field of education is constituted by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 "On Education" (as amended by the Federal Law of January 13, 1996), the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of August 22, 1996 "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education ", taken in accordance with them Other laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of education, provisions on the education authorities, the statutes of educational institutions and other local acts, local values. Education in the Russian Federation is also carried out in accordance with the norms of international law.
General issues of education are assigned to the Constitution of the Russian Federation to jointly manage the Russian Federation and its subjects. Local self-government bodies are also identified in this area.
In accordance with this, the system of education management bodies, which includes:
1. State bodies that in turn are divided
on the:
a) federal education management bodies;
b) departmental management bodies for the formation of the Russian Federation and its subjects;
c) management bodies for the formation of constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
2. Municipal authorities.
State education authorities are created by the decision of the relevant executive authority in coordination with the relevant legislative (representative) authority of the state authorities. Municipal education authorities may be created by solving the relevant local authorities.
The main task of all educational management bodies is to ensure the federal program for the development of education, state educational standards and the functioning of the education system at the level of state regulations.
The Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation is the federal executive body, specially created to managing the formation of the country. As the main task, it is intended to ensure the implementation of public policy in this area.
The main tasks and functions of this ministry are: the formation of a strategy of all types of education, determining its content; development and control of the execution of components of state educational standards in the field of education, promoting the development of national-regional components of state standards; coordination of regulatory acts of ministries and departments in the field of education; preparation of specialists of pedagogical medium, higher and postgraduate education in relevant educational institutions; Development of lists of professions, areas and specialties for which vocational training and preparation is carried out; creating a unified assessment system and a state assessment of the quality of the educational process in educational institutions; establishment of the procedure for licensing, certification and accreditation of educational institutions; development of the material and technical and experimental production base of the educational process and scientific research; Organization and development of international cooperation in the field of education, etc.
The management bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation are very numerous and differ significantly in their status and organizational forms of management. In the republics that are part of the Russian Federation are ministries or committees, in other subjects - departments, major departments, management or education departments.
The characteristic feature of the legal status of these bodies is that in the relevant territory they are the only specialized bodies that are comprehensively implementing government policies in the field of education.
Municipal education authorities are implementing government policies in the territories where local self-government is carried out. The competence of these bodies is derived from the competence of self-government bodies in the field of education.
In accordance with the current legislation, the exclusive competence of local governments in the field of education belongs:
planning, organization, regulation and control of the activities of local (municipal) education authorities, educational institutions;
formation of local budgets in terms of education and relevant fund development funds;
providing citizens living in relevant territories, the possibility of choosing a general education institution;
creation, reorganization and liquidation of municipal educational institutions;
the creation and elimination of municipal management bodies for the formation and self-governing school districts, determining their structure and powers;
appointment and dismissal in coordination with government agencies to educate the heads of local education authorities;
the appointment of heads of municipal educational institutions (unless otherwise provided by the Model Provisions on Educational Institutions of the Relevant types and species or the solution of the local governance);
the use of state and municipal educational institutions, objects of culture and sports in the interests of education:
establishment of additional taxes and benefits that stimulate the development of education and others.
Educational activities are carried out in educational institutions, which, in accordance with the Law on Education, are institutions that carry out the educational process, i.e. Recent one OL several educational programs and (PL) provide the content and education of students, pupils.
Educational institutions are legal entities.
According to their organizational and legal forms, they may be state-owned, municipal and non-state (private, institutions of public and religious organizations, associations).
The legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education applies to all educational institutions in the Russian Federation, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and subordination.
The Education Act provides for the following types of educational institutions: pre-school; general education (primary general, basic general, medium (complete) general education); primary professional, secondary professional, higher professional and postgraduate vocational education; additional adult education; special (correctional) for students, pupils with developmental deviations; additional education; For orphans and children left without parental care (legal representatives); Additional education of children.
Accordingly, the types of educational institutions are distinguished by the following types:
general education - primary, main, secondary schools, including with in-depth study of items, gymnasium lyceums;
primary vocational education - professional learning; Professional lyceums - Centers of continuous professional education; Training and course plants (points); Educational and production centers, technical schools, evening (replaceable) and other educational institutions of this level;
secondary special education - technical schools (schools, schools); colleges; technical school enterprises (institutions);
higher Professional Education - Universities, Academy, Institutes, Colleges.
The administrative and legal status of state and municipal educational institutions is determined by typical provisions on educational institutions of the relevant types and species approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, and we are developing on their basis by the charters of these educational institutions.
This particular role belongs to such important elements of the education system as government educational standards and continuity educational programs of various levels and guide.
State educational standards include federal and national regional components.
The federal components of state educational standards define: a) a mandatory minimum content of the main mandatory programs; b) the maximum volume of educational training; c) graduate preparation requirements. The federal components of state educational standards can be complemented by national regional.
Educational standards are established by authorized executive bodies in relation to the types of educational institutions and are mandatory for institutions engaged in educational activities in the appropriate area (specialty).
They serve as the basis for an objective assessment of the level of education and qualifications of graduates, regardless of the forms of education.
Educational programs implemented in the Russian Federation determine the content of the formation of a certain level and focus.
They are divided into general educational and professional, each of which in turn is divided into basic and additional.
An important role in the implementation of a unified state policy is played by licensing, accreditation and certification of educational institutions.
Licensing is the issuance of a document (license) confirming the right to exercise educational activities.
The license is issued by the state body of education or on his assignment to the body of local self-government at the location of the educational institution on the basis of the conclusion of the Expert Commission. It can only be issued according to the condition. The presentation of the educational process (state of the material and technical base of observance of sanitary and hygienic standards, staffing with the necessary personnel, etc.), imposed on educational institutions and established state and local requirements. The licenses are recorded by the corresponding control standards, the maximum number of the contingent of students or pupils, as well as its validity period.
Accreditation is the procedure for recognizing the state statute (type and species) of the educational institution, carried out on the basis of a survey of its characteristics according to classification features established by the relevant model provisions on educational institutions.
State accreditation is carried out by authorized education authorities (with the participation of interested ministries and departments) on the basis of the statement of an educational institution and the conclusion of its certification.
According to her positive results, a certificate of state accreditation is issued, confirming the right and ability of this educational institution to carry out its activities at an officially recognized level.
From the moment of receipt of such a certificate, the educational institution acquires a number of rights, including the issuance of a state-owned document on the formation of a state-owned state of the state of the Russian Federation for the use of the State Arms of the Russian Federation, on the inclusion of centralized state financing in the scheme.
Certification allows you to establish a compliance of the content, level and quality of training graduates of educational institutions with the requirements of state educational standards.
The condition of certification of the educational institution is the positive results of the final certification of at least half of its graduates within the last three years.
The certification of the educational institution is usually carried out once every five years by the state certification service or on its instructions by other bodies. Special procedure is provided for the certification of educational institutions of some types: pre-school; special (correctional) for students, pupils with development deviations; Orphans and children left without parental care (legal representatives).
The importance of certification also consists in the fact that, according to the results, the educational institution may be deprived of state accreditation.
Management of state and municipal educational institutions is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Charter of the educational institution.
Thus, the Model Regulations on the State Higher Educational Institution establishes that the general leadership of the Higher Educational Institution is carried out by the Scientific Council headed by the rector.
Early elections of the Scientific Council are held at least half of its members, as well as in the cases provided for by the Charter of the University.
The procedure for choosing the first composition of the scientific council is determined by the General Assembly (Conference) of teachers, researchers and representatives of other categories of workers and students.
Representatives of all categories of workers and educational universities, public organizations may be elected to the Academic Council.
The direct management of the activities of the State University is carried out by the rector, which occupies this position in the manner determined by the Charter of the university in accordance with the Law on Education.
The rector within its authority publishes orders and orders, mandatory for all workers and students in the university.
The scale of the activities of the university determines its structure, the main elements of which are faculties, departments, other units and services (training part, secretariat, department of personnel, etc.). Depending on the structure of the university and, in accordance with the charter in its individual units (faculties, offices, etc.), scientists can also be created.
The activities of the faculty leads the Dean of the Faculty, who is elected by the scientific Council of the University from among those who have a degree or title, in the manner determined by the Charter of the university.
The department is the main link of the university, directly carrying out educational, educational and methodological and research work. She is headed by the head of the department.
The departments play a leading role in conducting educational work with trainees.
Science as an element of public consciousness and a specific type of creative social activity, knowing the diversity of the surrounding reality, generates not only new concepts, ideas, but also forms the theoretical and methodological basis for the transformation of social practice.
The complication of social development problems, increasing interconnection and interdependence of social phenomena caused fundamental changes in the nature of cognitive activity: the development of the differentiation and integration processes of sciences, convergence of natural, technical sciences with humanitarian sciences, and as a result of interphone, complements of various industries of scientific knowledge It was possible to solve problems comprehensively, to obtain qualitatively new results.
According to paragraph "E" Art. 72 The Constitution of the Russian Federation General issues of science are in joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and its subjects, but the Federation holds a unified state policy in the field of NTP, use in the practice of achievements of science and technology, manages the state scientific institutions of federal significance.
The Federal Assembly - the Parliament of the Russian Federation (Article 94 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation) determines the economic basis of a unified state policy in the field of science development and is mandatory considers legislative acts relating to the federal budget, federal taxes, financial regulation (Article 106 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).
The direct carrying out of the Unified State Policy in the field of science in the Russian Federation provides the Government of the Russian Federation (paragraph. "In" Art. 114 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation), which, as a body of common competence, executes the relevant articles of the federal budget, controls the implementation of state-owned science support programs, coordinates work The sectoral federal executive bodies in the field of science, approves the provisions on these bodies, determines their duties and rights.
Internal science management bodies in their activities Rou-fed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" in the editors of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Amendments and Additions to the Law of the Russian Federation" On Education "of January 13, 1996 . № 12-FZ. Federal laws "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education" of August 22, 1996 No. 124-FZ, "On Science and State Scientific and Technical Policy" of August 23, 1996 No. 127-FZ and other -Con-estate acts of the Russian Federation, decrees and decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, as well as the provisions on science management authorities approved by the rule of the Russian Federation.
Inter-sectoral management of science is entrusted to the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Science and Technologies, which, as the federal executive body, ensures the formation and practical implementation of state scientific and technical policy, the implementation of measures to preserve and develop the scientific and technical potential of Russia.
The main tasks of the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Science and Technologies are:
analysis of the development of science and technology;
organization of scientific and technical forecasting, the choice and evaluation of the priority directions of the development of science and technology. Development and application of organizational and economic mechanisms for implementing you-fold priorities;
development of state scientific and technical programs and projects, methodical guidance of the preparation of regional and inter-sectoral scientific and technical programs, as well as proposals for legal support for the development of science and technology, public policy in the field of scientific and innovation activities, social protection of scientists:
formation of an information structure in the field of science and technology ensuring the collection, systematization, processing of scientific and technical information and the transfer of its interested institutions, organizations and specialists throughout the Russian Federation.
In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Art. 7, 39, 41), the state guards the work and health of people; Provides support for family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood of persons with disabilities and senior citizens; develops social services system, establishes state pensions, benefits and other guarantees of social protection; Encourages the act, promoting human health, the development of fans culture and sports, environmental and sanitary and epidemiological well-being.
Health, Physical Culture and Sports, Tourism and Social Protection of Citizens are the most important branches of public administration in the socio-cultural sphere.
People's health protection (wide, socially valuable) is a combination of measures of a political, economic, legal, social, scientific, medical, sanitary and anti-epidemic nature, aimed at preserving and strengthening the physical and mental health of each person, maintaining its long-life active life , providing him with medical care in the event of health loss.
At the same time, the state guarantees the protection of the health of every citizen in accordance with domestic legislation, generally accepted principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation.
Protection of health of citizens in a narrow sense is to adopt medical measures for the prevention of diseases, providing medical care, maintaining the optimal state of public hygiene and sa nitaria.
The implementation of these measures is carried out by an independent system of specialized agencies and bodies for which the protection of citizens' health is their main appointment and main activity.
Management of these institutions and bodies forms an independent branch of public administration in the social cultural sector - health care.
The coordination of health issues relates to joint management of the Russian Federation and its subjects. A detailed distribution of competence on these issues between the Russian Federation, its subjects and local governments is carried out in accordance with the principles of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of citizens' health.
Social protection of citizens is one of the most important functions of the State Dark.
That is why the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Art. 7) proclaims the Russian Federation by the Social State, whose policy is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of a person. The activities of the State on the practical implementation of this policy proceeds within the framework of the independent branch of the management of the socio-cultural sphere, called "Social Protection of Citizens."
The main forms and at the same time constitutional guarantees of social protection of citizens are: labor protection and human health; guaranteed minimum wage; State support for family, motherhood, paternity and childhood, disabled people and seniors; development and operation of the social services system; Establishment and payment of state pensions and various soci-social benefits.
These forms, as well as the activities of the state in their implementation and make up the content of the management of social protection of citizens.
The general management of the considered sectors of the social cultural sphere is carried out by the President and the Government of the Russian Federation.
Thus, the President of the Russian Federation, determining in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the main directions of the state's domestic policy, publishes the relevant decrees that are regulated by public relations in the field of health, physical culture and sports, tourism and social protection of citizens. The Government of the Russian Federation ensures a single state policy in the socio-cultural sphere; Develops and approves federal health programs, physical culture, sports, tourism and social security; takes measures for their practical implementation; Performs legal regulation of related issues and much more.
The Constitution of the Russian Federation and the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of citizens' health establishes a complex and inhomogeneous, from an organizational and legal point of view, a health care system, which, in turn, highlights the state, municipal and private systems (or rather - the subsystem) of health.
State, health system covers health authorities of the Russian Federation and its subjects, as well as state-owned medical and preventive institutions, pharmaceutical enterprises, pharmacy and other institutions that carry out relevant activities in the industry under consideration.
The municipal health system is municipal authorities of citizens' health care and those in the municipal property of the institution and enterprises are mainly similar to those included in the state health care system.
The private health care system includes medical and preventive and pharmacy institutions, the property of which is privately owned, as well as individuals engaged in private medical and pharmaceutical activities.
Direct state leadership of health care is entrusted to the system of specialized executive bodies, which form: Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; relevant ministries of republics that are part of the Russian Federation; health authorities of other subjects of the Federation - Departments, Committees, Main Department, Management, Departments, etc.
Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Health of Russia) is the federal executive body, designed to ensure the scale of the country to conduct public health policies.
The main tasks of the Ministry of Health of Russia are: development of the foundations of state policy, targeted and government scientific and technical programs for the development of health care, prevention of diseases, providing medical care, ensuring the population by drugs and medical products; monitoring the quality of medical care provided to the population, medical and pharmaceutical products; organization of licensing and certification of medical and pharmaceutical activities; development of regulations and standards in the field of health and control over their observance; Ensuring the sanitary and hygienic and epidemiological well-being of the population and others.
The main tasks of this ministry are: the development and implementation of federal and sectoral programs on labor, employment and social protection of the population; Development within its competence of social norms, standards and standards; organization of state pension provision; the creation and development of the state system of social services for the population, promoting the creation and development of municipal, private and other services that exercise social services; Organization of social support for family, motherhood, paternity and childhood, senior citizens and veterans; participation in the settlement of issues related to licensed activities in the field of social services of the population; Ensuring controlling the correct and uniform application of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of labor and social protection, etc.
The Federal Migration Service of Russia plays an important role in the implementation of state policies on the social protection of citizens.
Its competence includes: development of projects of federal and migration programs and ensuring their implementation; distribution of funds allocated from the federal budget to solve problems of migration; organization of reception and temporary placement of refugees and internally displaced persons in the territory of the Russian Federation; assisting in arrangement at the main place of residence, the protection of migrant rights; Preparation of a proposal for improving the legislation in the field of migration, control over its observance, etc.
In accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 10, 1995. "On the basics of social services for the population in the Russian Federation" Social services is the activities of social services for social support, the provision of social and domestic, socio-medical, psychological and pedagogical, socially -Ortic services and material assistance, social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens in a difficult life situation.
The State Committee of the Russian Federation on Physical Culture and Tourism plays an important role in the implementation of state policy in the protection of public health. In accordance with the basics of the Projectation of the Russian Federation on physical culture and sports, other legislative and regulatory regulations, the Compection of this federal executive authority covers: the development and implementation of targeted federal state pro-gram of the development of physical culture, sports and tourism; development of state-grade standards for financing physical culture, sports and tourism; Direct financing of the activities of subordinate benefits, institutions and organizations of physical culture, sports and the Tu-rismity of federal significance;
A large role in ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population is played by the state sanitary-epidemiological supervision, which is the activities of bodies and sanitary and prophylactic institutions aimed at preventing diseases of people by preventing, detecting and preventing violations of the sanitary legislation of the Russian Federation.
The content of sanitary and epidemiological surveillance includes: observation, assessment and forecasting of public health due to the state of habitat; identification of the causes and conditions of infectious and mass noncommunicable diseases; the development of mandatory for execution of proposals for activities that ensure the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population; control over the conduct of hygienic and anti-epidemic measures, compliance with sanitary legislation by organizations and citizens; Suppression of sanitary offenses and attracting persons to the liability of their co-peaks; The maintenance of state accounting of infectious, professional and mass infectious diseases and population poisoning due to the unfavorable influence on human health factors of its habitat, as well as sanitary statistics.
This type of state supervision is carried out by the system of subordinate to the Ministry of Health of Russia and institutions of sanitary-epidemiological supervision in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, Goro-Dah, districts, as well as on water and air transport.
A variation of this state supervision is the Vedent Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, which is carried out by individual ministries and departments and with respect to the objects to them.
The Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees every citizen the right to participate in the cultural life and use of cultural institutions, to access cultural values.
Under the culture in the broad sense of the word, it is customary to understand the socio-cultural appearance of society - the state in it of science, art, education, educational work, etc. The culture content is cultural values: moral and aesthetic ideals, norms and samples of behavior; Languages, dialects and dialects; National traditions and customs; Folklore, art crafts and crafts; works of culture and art; having historical and cultural importance of the building, structures, objects and technologies; Unique in historical and cultural attitude of the territory, objects, etc.
At the same time, this unit in content is divided into subproductions of culture: art (fiction, cinema, scenic, plastic, musical, architecture and other types and genres); Artistic folk crafts and crafts, folklore, conversion and rituals; amateur artistic creativity; Museum business and collecting; book publishing and library; television and broadcasting; Aesthetic education, art education, PE-Dagogic activities in this area.
The federal executive bodies exercise direct financing of cultural organizations in federal leadership, create and conduct a set of monuments of history with culture of the Russian Federation, coordinate foreign policy in the field of cultural cooperation, regulate the export and import of cultural values, etc. Thus, the Government of the Russian Federation develops federal state-financial programs for the conservation and development of culture, monitors the federal executive authorities of the state policy in the field of cultural development, ensures support for the development of culture and maintaining particularly valuable objects of the cultural heritage of nationwide importance, organizes identification, Accounting and protection of cultural monuments, provides accessibility for citizens-data of cultural activities and cultural values, etc.
The executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation participate in the definition of republican and territorial cultural policies, form territorial and other bodies of state regulation of cultural activities and the organization of cultural subordination, create funds for the development of culture, establish local taxes and fees on cultural development goals, carry out by journaling cultural ties, etc.
The current legislation obliges the state authorities and the management of the Russian Federation and its subjects to take into account cultural aspects in all state programs of economic, environmental, social and national development.
Thus, the culture management is the executive and administrative activities of the competent state bodies in order to implement the state policy in the field of cultural development, the practical implementation of the cultural and educational function of the state.
The legal framework for the management of this industry is: the Law of the Russian Federation of October 9, 1992. "Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on Culture", legislative acts of the Russian Federation and its subjects, other legal acts of state bodies adopted on cultural management issues.
Cultural management bodies form a unified system, which includes: the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture of the republics that are part of the Russian Federation, and the corresponding organ management bodies of other subjects of the Federation; State Committee of the Russian Federation for Cinematography, State Committee of the Russian Federation for Press, the Federal Service for Russian Federation on Television and Radio Broadcasting and the authorities of the Federation of Federation's constituent entities.
The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Culture of Russia) is the federal executive body that implements state policy in the field of culture. Its main tasks are: creating conditions for the preservation and development of culture of all peoples living in the territory of the Russian Federation; implementation of state policy in the field of protection and popularization of the historical heritage of the Russian Federation; Coordination of international cultural relations: ensuring state support for professional art and others.
The State Committee of the Russian Federation on Cinematography (Goskino) is a federal executive body that regulates and intersectoral coordination of activities on the development and implementation of state policy in the field of cinematography.
Cinematography is an area of \u200b\u200bculture and art, which includes a collection of professional, creative, industrial, scientific, technical and educational activities aimed at creating and using the works of cinematography (films, film tops).
In accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of August 28, 1996, "On state support of cinematography of the Russian Federation", cinema is an integral part of culture and art, which should be maintained and developed with the support of the state.
The State Committee of the Russian Federation on Cinematography is valid on the basis of the provision approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on January 6, 1993 in accordance with which the following main tasks are entrusted: the development and implementation of federal federal programs in the field of cinematography, including on improving the film service of the population; Promoting international relations in this area. At the same time, Goskino must contribute to the creation and coordination of the activities of associations, councils, other organizations and associations designed to promote the development of Russian cinematography.
The State Committee of the Russian Federation for Press (State Committee) is the most important link of the system of government agencies of culture, implementing government policies in its sub-section, covering periodic printing, book publishing, printing and book-proliferation.
The main tasks of the State Prints are: Development of events aimed at implementing public policy in the subordinate sub-section; Ensuring the protection of freedom of speech and independence of the press; development and participation in the implementation of federal publishing programs for the release of literature; creating conditions for organizations and the functioning of federal, interregional, regional, local publishers, newspapers and magazines; Organization of international cooperation in the field of periodicals, book publishing, printing and book trade.
Publishing companies, printing enterprises, wholesale book trade enterprises are under the guidance of state typ. The structure of this committee functions the media management.
Federal Service of Russia on television and broadcasting
(FSTR) is intended to ensure the implementation of state policy in the field of television and radio broadcasting and monitor the technical quality of broadcasting.
It operates on the basis of the situation approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on May 7, 1994.
In accordance with it, the main tasks and functions of FSTR are: the development of long-term programs and plans for the development of television and broadcasting in the Russian Federation; promoting entrepreneurial activities in the field of broadcasting; Development of activities aimed at implementing public policy in the field of television and broadcasting, as well as the implementation of measures for the development, operation, standardization and certification of the technical base of television and broadcasting; Registration and licensing of state and non-state broadcasting organizations; coordination of the activities of all-Russian and regional television and radio organizations; Hand-watering by subordinate organizations, enterprises and institutions-mi; Implementation of control over the implementation of television and radio organization-rations of license commitments, etc.
Broadcast licenses are issued by the Federal Commission on Broadcasting and its territorial commissions. This commission produces government policies in the field of licensing radio and television broadcasting and conducts it as directly. And through the territorial commissions on TV and radio broadcasting. Training tasks Answer / decision in one of the autonomies of the Russian Federation there were mass riots caused by the conflict between the indigenous population and refugees, incl. From the Caucasus.
Unfortunately, the actions of the indigenous people received the actual support of the local administration, which adopted several decisions exacerbating the conflict. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation in the region, the PE regime was introduced, with the establishment of a temporary administration. The head of this administration, taking into account the situation and the authority, issued a decree on the temporary suspension of the activities of the regional administration, directly subordinate to the chapter of the temporary administration of all executive bodies and the city and district administration.
A separate order was removed from the position of the mayor of the city, the head of state-owned enterprises and organizations was prohibited for the entire period of emergency to dismiss workers at their own request.
Give a legal analysis of the case.
At the airport there was a seizure of the aircraft with passengers.
Employees of the Department of Internal Affairs of Mikhailov and Stozharov stopped the driver of Lyguli Senka - on which they demanded to deliver them to the service.
The driver refused, explaining the refusal to the need for a trip to the personal trans port to the mother-in-law and in another direction.
Then Mikhailov, who has driver's license, removed Senkin from the management and three of them went to the airport,
Give an assessment of the actions of the participants in the situation. Is there any reason to submit a complaint of Senkin to the court?
The pretty person on the phone caused a police outfit for the purpose of premiting her husband into a medical detox, as he arranged "Drunk Debach" in the apartment.
The request of the request was fulfilled, but the husband filed a complaint to his wife and by the police.
Give a legal analysis of the situation.