Typical mistakes in the resume. I was looking for a job for six months longer because of these mistakes in my resume - I share secrets from HR

Typical mistakes in the resume.  I was looking for a job for six months longer because of these mistakes in my resume - I share secrets from HR
Typical mistakes in the resume. I was looking for a job for six months longer because of these mistakes in my resume - I share secrets from HR

How does a recruiter evaluate a job seeker's resume? Why is one candidate invited for an interview, while another, even with more experience, is not? We talked about this with Valery Polyakov, the founder of the first recruiting agency in Russia. The applicant's mistakes were analyzed using an example real resume a person applying for the position of director of logistics. We put the cap of this summary here, for ethical reasons, we change the name and some details.

Valery Polyakov is a business coach, development director of the VIZAVI Metropolis Federal Recruiting Network, Chairman of the Expert Council of the Association of Recruitment Consultants (an all-Russian professional organization of recruiters). Author of the books "Career Technology", "Recruitment Services in Russia", "Five Steps to Decent Work" and others.

- When you write a resume, you need to remember that it will not necessarily be read by professionally literate, intelligent and cultured people. It happens that recruiters come across capricious, picky, because of the formalities, your resume can simply be rejected. Therefore, every little thing matters. Remember that there are two main conditions for successfully promoting yourself in the labor market. The first is, of course, your professionalism. And second, no less important, you need to be able to sell yourself.

Resume design

This is how the "header" of a real resume of a candidate for the position of director of logistics looks like. In it we changed the name and contact information

1. "Hat"

Verbosity in the resume is harmful, including in the "header". The title should not be the word "resume", but the name and surname - Ivan respected this.

But the place of residence and age are not indicated - this information is placed at the end of the resume. According to the law, an employer does not have to take into account your gender, age and marital status when hiring, but they are really interested in this, so it is better to briefly indicate it right away.

From contact details, it is usually sufficient to give a phone number and an email address. Ivan still has a link to his Linkedin page - this, in principle, does not hurt. An email address with a first and last name looks simple and business-like, as it should be.

But I met in the resume and addresses [email protected]… ..Ru or [email protected]… ..Ru - these are bad options, comic, frivolous. How to treat a candidate who has sent a resume from an address with the name "toadstool"?

2. Purpose

After the contact details, the applicant must indicate the position or job for which he is applying for, so that the employer can immediately estimate whether he has such a vacancy or not.

Ivan immediately describes his skills - and as a result we see six extra lines that are absolutely unnecessary here. Of course, a smart and experienced recruiter would draw a conclusion - it is clear that a person does not know how to write a resume, but it is clear what he wants - to be the chief logistics officer in the company. But more often than not, such an inept goal setting does not suit those who read the resume.

Be specific. It is also not necessary in this section to list the different positions that you are willing to consider.

3 . Education

What do we see in this summary? 15 years ago, Ivan graduated from the Nizhny Novgorod State University of Railways and received a degree in electrical engineering. Does this add value to the person applying for the position of the head of the logistics department? I strongly doubt it.

Of course, this information is needed in the resume, but in this case it is better to place it after work experience.

4. Additional information

In addition to experience and education, the resume usually provides additional information that helps to better present the applicant as a candidate for a job in the company.

In Ivan's resume, half of the page is occupied by a listing of conferences and trainings that he attended. In my opinion, it is indecent for a person who is applying for a high-level position, in fact, a top manager, to write as his merits what he took part in a one-day or two-day conference. This is superfluous and does not add points to the candidate.

You also don't need to write that you like reading or traveling, dancing or gardening. Don't overload the recruiter with unnecessary information. Even though it can come in handy sometimes. For example, I had a story like this. A candidate for an alcohol trading company indicated on his resume that he is a master of sports in hockey. It turned out that the director of this company was also involved in hockey. He asked what the candidate was doing on the team. And his eyes literally immediately lit up: “Goalkeeper! So you know how to hold a blow. "

But this is a rare case. In the resume, you need to be economical and think about the convenience of the reader, therefore it is necessary to filter information, discarding secondary ones.

5. Scope of the summary

When you decide how long your resume will be, I advise you to proceed from the rule of "1 page for 10 years of experience." Remember, overly long resumes are bad news. One day I received a 27-page resume and, first of all, I started thinking about the mental health of the applicant.

Imagine a 50-year-old manager with 28 years of work experience who claims a salary of 400 thousand Russian rubles - he is unlikely to be able to fit his experience into 1-2 pages. Another option is that you are an electrician and you have only one job in 10 years after graduation. It is clear that the resume will be very short, but it will be quite enough if the company needs a specialist of this kind and his expectations are not prohibitive.

In this case, Ivan's work experience is 15 years, but the resume takes three pages in small print. For the reader, this can be annoying.

6. Font

In Ivan's resume, 9 pt prevails - this is too small. If you increase it to 12 point size, your resume will grow to 5 pages, and this is an unnecessarily large amount.

Ivan is applying for the position of a top manager. Most likely, his resume will be read not by girls, but by experienced people of age, and they do not always have good eyesight.

The optimal size is 12, and for a resume with a small amount of text - 14.

7. Abbreviations

Abbreviations that are not widely known should be avoided in the resume. For example, the name of the cellular company MTS is acceptable. But the name of the educational institution AVVAUL is undesirable.

In Ivan's resume, there are abbreviations TK (trading company), TB (safety precautions), SNiP (building codes and regulations) - these are relatively well-known words. But there are also abbreviations that many do not understand - goods and materials, for example.

It is clear that as a professional you write for professionals, but those who get your resume may have a much worse command of terminology and abbreviations.

8. Photography

Remember: no photo is better than a bad one. A business-style photograph showing the job seeker as welcoming and successful increases the attractiveness of the resume. But sometimes job seekers use photos that are suitable for dating sites, but not for finding a new job.

Ivan has a good photo, in the illustration we replaced it with a comic picture. I have only one complaint - the yellow frame. Ivan explained this by saying that yellow is the color of a leader, but, for example, this is not obvious to me. Moreover, it is not clear how it will look when printed. Therefore, I would advise you to remove the frame.

9. Literacy

If you are not sure if you are writing correctly, find someone who can check your resume. Other people's mistakes are annoying.

Ivan's resume is poorly edited, there are stylistic errors, in some places there are no spaces, in some they are superfluous, capital letters are used incorrectly, and so on.

If this resume gets to a person who is attentive to such trifles, Ivan will be given a minus.

10. Color

I have already spoken about the yellow frame and I will repeat once again - do not get carried away with the color. Very often, when considering candidates, resumes printed on black and white printers are used. Colored resumes that look good on a computer screen can lose their appeal and become less readable when printed.

Resume content

Now let's move on to a few important questions regarding resume content.

1. Your "pros" and "cons"

When you start looking for a new job, make a list of your pros and cons in relation to the positions for which you are applying.

Take Ivan's resume. He writes that he has access to group IV on electrical safety - he clearly considers this to be his plus, since he has separately highlighted this item. And this despite the fact that he is applying for the position of director of logistics, and not for the position of an electrician. And how will having such a permit be useful to him for work in the field of logistics?

Pros are your advantages over other applicants, your trump cards in the struggle for the right job.

But its disadvantages need to be circumvented or explained. For example, you have changed three jobs in three years. The recruiter will definitely pay attention to this and tense up. It is good if in your resume you are able to give a sensible explanation of why this happened.

2. Description of experience and job responsibilities

Do not describe your experience in the style of a work record book. Company, position, dates of admission and dismissal - and that's it! A CV can only work well if you are a highly sought-after professional with experience in leading companies. But such job seekers usually have no difficulty in finding a job.

Ivan has a different problem - his job responsibilities are too detailed. It doesn't grace the resume. It's not interesting to read, and there are too many words in the resume - it's hard to catch valuable information in such a stream.

3. Achievements

Results and achievements make a particular job seeker more attractive than other job applicants. Facts and figures are perceived most convincingly - Ivan, for example, uses them well (“Reduced the idle time of heavy vehicles under loading by 40%”, “Reduced the budgetary costs of supporting the activities of the logistics department by 7.5%” diploma "The best leader of 2010").

4. Information about yourself

I do not advise you to list your personal qualities and merits in your resume - this is generally superfluous and does not inspire any confidence in the recruiter. Ivan writes about himself - “Efficient, responsible, mobile, attentive”. Do you think that this will somehow affect the decision on whether to invite Ivan for an interview or not? I do not think so.

Another completely superfluous block in this resume is a description of key skills and abilities. Does anyone seriously think that recruiters read the list of skills? They look, first of all, at real experience and achievements.

Such a block in the resume is superfluous. Usually recruiters don't even read it.

5. Company information

Ivan indicated the web pages of the companies in which he worked. Good decision. It is also advisable to indicate some facts that speak about the solidity and success of the company, if it is little known.

Applicants with work experience in successful companies are usually more interesting to employers.

Ivan in his resume did not touch upon the issue of recommendations from previous places of work. This is optional for a resume. But a job seeker's willingness to provide contacts to check references from previous jobs is usually perceived by a recruiter as signs that the job seeker has a good business reputation and is not afraid to check reviews about him.

If you indicate people who can recommend you, you should not give their phone numbers and addresses in the text of your resume. Otherwise, you will look too open and unable to restrict access to information.


Making a good resume isn't easy. We have considered a number of important points, but there are still many particulars and details that need to be carefully and competently worked out in order to get a really good resume. Usually, when a job seeker finalizes a resume under my guidance and with my help, it is required to make 6-8 revisions in order for me to say: "Now it's good!"

Let me give you a real example. I helped a successful CEO to make a resume, who brought one of the most popular brands of toothpaste to the Russian market. As a sales professional, he was well aware of the importance of having a well-written product description. Step by step, we worked together to improve the resume. And only after reaching the tenth edition, they stopped, having received the desired result.

I never write a resume myself for a job seeker. On the Internet, you can find offers from those who take the money to write a supposedly good resume for you. I treat such proposals with suspicion. The applicant will have to communicate with the employer and "sell" himself to him independently. To do this, he must very well feel and understand every line and every word written in the resume. This is difficult to achieve if someone else compiles your resume for you. A competent career and employment consultant does not write a resume for someone else, but as an expert helps to make a good resume that maximizes the success of getting a new job.

British coaching company Personal Career Management studied 500 resumes of candidates (from university graduates to top managers) and found that as many as 98% of them are worthless. Therefore, it is worth recalling once again the typical mistakes that almost all applicants make.

So, here is a list of mistakes to avoid.

Lack of relevant information

Many job seekers have misconceptions about the importance of certain skills to the employer, so they do not reflect their core competencies. Finding this out and demonstrating to recruiters that you have the right knowledge, skills and experience will help the employer understand that you are the right candidate for the job.

Insufficient evidence

Simply declaring your merits is not enough - you also need to confirm them. For example, in addition to stating that you have good communication skills, you should give an example of their effective use: "I run a corporate monthly blog as part of our social media strategy."

Too general information

Many job seekers make a too general resume, as they say, for all occasions. However, if you did not clearly state your goal and did not describe the specific functionality, recruiters will find it difficult to choose which vacancy to offer you.

Grammatical errors

Nine out of ten resumes contain errors, and on this basis alone, their authors are not considered as serious applicants. The document must be flawless if your goal is to demonstrate your professionalism and attention to detail. Always give your finished resume for verification to familiar philologists.

Negative information

The resume should include only positive information about yourself. Never criticize past employers or talk about difficulties or disappointments (except for success stories when difficulties were successfully overcome).

Wrong choice of words

Slang, inappropriate language, or unfortunate clichés can spoil the impression of even the strongest candidate. Use strong, effective verbs to describe your actions (created, initiated, etc.) - this will energize the resume and confirm the impression of you as an active candidate.

Problems finding a resume

All recruiters, so make sure they are on your resume as well.

Corinne Mills, managing director of a coaching company Personal Career Management

It's impossible to write the perfect resume - if only because different employers have different ideas about a quality resume and the ideal candidate. At the same time, gross mistakes should be definitely avoided. The cost of making a mistake when writing a resume is high: being a competent specialist who meets the requirements of the vacancy, you may not receive an invitation for an interview from a promising employer and, as a result, lose a job opportunity.

What are the typical mistakes applicants make in their resume?

1. Too much information

A resume of three pages or more is nonsense. A maximum of two, and even then if your work experience is more than 15 years. Ideally, it is advisable to fit into one page.

It's helpful to remember that a resume has nothing to do with an autobiography. There is no need to talk about every position you have taken, and in it - about every task that you have performed.

A resume is a "mold" of your experience, allowing an employer to quickly get an answer to the question of whether you qualify for the vacancy or not.

Therefore, the key point for a candidate is to bring the resume in line with the vacancy.

Carefully read the employer's announcement and find the answers to the questions:

  • What knowledge, skills, skills does the employer want to see in the applicant?
  • What skills does he consider the most important, key, and which can be considered secondary?
  • What points in work experience are key for the employer (general experience, work with certain tasks / in certain projects, work experience in large companies / in international markets, etc.).

If there are moments in which the employer's requirements and your skills / qualities coincide, write about this in your cover letter and be sure to reflect them in your resume.

2. There is too little information

Some applicants list job positions in the "Work experience" section and indicate the tasks for each position very sparingly. Compare:

A) "Launching new products on the market."

B) “Launching new products on the market (on average, six products per six months). During the last half of the year, two products have received the status of a leader. "

The second option is more informative; in addition, it contains an example achievement, which adds weight to that line on the resume.

A useful nuance: in the "Work experience" section, next to the name of the company, indicate its type of activity and the number of employees (if you do not know the exact number, indicate that it is a small, medium or large business; for some employers this information is important).

3. The photo does not fit the task

The main mistakes when writing a resume can be hidden in the little things, which in fact are not small things.

For example, a photo for a resume: nothing seems to be easier. In fact, finding the right photo is not easy. The photo must be in a business style: clothing, facial expression and posture, background, environment must comply with this requirement. At the same time, the photo in the resume should be humane - not as strict as in the passport, because the employer wants to understand what you are as a person.

Photos where the applicant is in a circle of friends, at a party, on the beach, in open summer clothes, near a historical landmark (photo from a trip), etc. For a resume, it is better not to be lazy and take a photo purposefully.

4. Superfluous information

There should not be a single line in the resume that does not carry useful meaning.

For example, if you are a secretary, and in your resume you have mentions of electronic document management that you used, in the "Skills" or "Additional Information" section it is not necessary to write "Experienced PC user", because this is understandable.

It's another matter if you indicate that you have shorthand skills. Or that you have experience in processing documents for obtaining a visa.

Include in your resume only important information that has a useful meaning.

5. Grammatical errors

The errors can be different. The employer will easily understand the presence of a mistake in the document (perhaps he will not notice it). But if a specialist makes mistakes in professional terms, or in the names of software systems, methods that he uses in his work, the chances of getting a job are critically reduced.

6. Undefined search target

When you formulate your job search goal, follow the "One Resume - One Line of Search" principle.

Suppose the employer reads in the resume about the purpose of the search for a candidate: "Position of assistant secretary, translator, sales manager, tourism manager, administrator in a beauty salon." For an employer, such a motley wording is a sign that a specialist either does not know what he wants, or is looking for any job, just not to be left out of work. The second option is understandable from a human point of view, but for the employer it is an argument "against". An applicant who does not have a clear career strategy does not have a specific goal - the choice is risky, because at any time such a specialist can leave the company for a more attractive position.

7. The phone number where you are not available

Of course, there may be situations in which you cannot respond to the employer: for example, if you are at a meeting or talking to a client. This is not critical: you can always call back; it is important to do this promptly.

But if the employer calls you once, and twice, and three times, and hears the operator's message in the receiver that you are not available, the fourth time he will definitely not look for you (and the third is unlikely).

Make sure that your phone is always charged so that you do not fall out of the air. If you are going abroad and will not be available by phone, include an e-mail in your resume and check your mailbox while on vacation.

8. Description of experience that is not related to the job

If you want to eliminate unforgivable mistakes in your resume, make sure that each line in the "Work experience" section is useful for a specific employer.

The sales manager does not need to point out that he worked as a taxi driver for some time. What is really important is to indicate the category of driver's license and mention the presence of a personal car (if any).

The only exceptions are resumes of graduates. Since young specialists have little or no experience, it is recommended to include all types of practical activities in the resume - in order to interest the employer, show the availability of skills, and increase the competitiveness of the young specialist.

9. Inaccurate information

It happens that applicants indicate some information "by eye" - approximately. For example, if a specialist does not remember exactly the dates of admission and departure from a certain position, and this is not indicated in the labor, he can indicate the period approximately. At the interview, this question may require clarification. And to the employer's question "Have you worked in company N for a year and three months?" the answer may follow: “How much, how much did you say? How much is written on my resume? " This answer immediately causes caution: if the applicant himself does not know what is written in his resume, then it is not true?

Another example. In the resume, the applicant writes that he coordinated the work of the department, which consisted of 10 specialists. At the interview, answering the employer's question, the specialist says that there were 12 people in the department. Ten or twelve is a small difference, but for the employer, inaccuracy will be a sign of the applicant's carelessness or untruthfulness.

10. Resumes are hard to read

If you list the main mistakes when writing a resume, then you need to mention the lack of structure in the document: when paragraphs merge with each other, and at first glance it is not clear where the block about work experience ends and information about education begins.

Stick to a traditional resume structure:

  • title (your profession, specialization in which you are looking for a job),
  • contact information (full name, year of birth, city of residence, telephone, e-mail, marital status),
  • the purpose of the search (what kind of job you are looking for, with what form of employment, are you considering moving options),
  • skills,
  • work experience (list the job positions that you held; what tasks you performed; what successes you have achieved),
  • education,
  • additional education (refresher courses, online training, etc.),
  • additional information (information about personal qualities, hobbies; additional information about skills, for example, about knowledge of foreign languages).

You can be the ideal job seeker with a quality education, the right experience and speak five languages. And you are not hired to work. The problem may be that you make catastrophic mistakes in your resume on your resume. Because of these errors, your resume is sent to the trash.

1. You write about skills that are not important for the job. Handicraft skills and talent for make-up are not worth mentioning if you haven't come to your home economics interview or beauty salon. If you point out that you love shopping and are of great taste, your employer may think you are more interested in these activities than work.

2. Typos and grammatical errors. Be extremely careful about details. If you make a mistake in the name of the company where you are submitting your vacancy, you should not expect an answer. A mistake or typing error shows your carelessness, carelessness, and again, disinterest in your work. And no one will offer it to you.

3. Strange photos. Recruiters and employers pay attention to the photo on the resume. Of course, it is not necessary to send a passport photo. But keep within the bounds of decency and good taste. You can be the owner of a gorgeous figure, but you should not brag about it. A photo in a short dress and with a neckline will not show that you are a great specialist. On the contrary, it can spoil the prospect of getting a position. You will not be taken seriously.

4. High or low self-esteem. Candidate self-esteem problems can put an employer on guard. If you agree to a meager pay because you are so interested in the job, then this will not be a plus for you. A person who does not value his work is unlikely to be able to benefit the company. If you overestimate your capabilities too much, you may also be out of work.

5. Emoticons.The Internet has become a part of our personal and professional lives. At first glance, emoticons may seem to bring your resume to life, but they will ruin it. Such familiarity and expression of emotions towards a stranger, especially a senior in rank, will ruin your career.

6. Decorating the resume. You can be extremely creative applying for a position as a children's book illustrator, but your resume should be strict and specific. By submitting your resume in a Word file decorated with frames and flowers, you shouldn't wait for an answer. You will be considered a frivolous candidate for the position.

7. Not true.The lie in the resume always comes out: either at an interview, or in the process of work. And it won't be easy to hide its consequences. Remember that it doesn't cost a recruiter to inquire about you, and then you will lose everything.

8. Lack of a cover letter. Many candidates ignore this point. The employer also wants to feel like the only one to whom you have sent the vacancy. Therefore, do not be lazy and write why you want to work in this particular company. A cover letter is a guarantee that your resume will be read, because it will be different from others.

9. Too much personal information. A person who assigns the most place on a resume to the column "personal qualities", most likely, does not have sufficient professional skills and achievements.

10. Chaotic text. Maintain a clear, well-known resume structure. Recruiters go through a lot of resumes every day, so if it's chaotic, no one will read it. Start chronology with your last job. At the beginning, after the name and surname, indicate the desired position, the desired salary, your contacts and place of residence.

11. Detailed biography. “I was hired by gymnastics for seven years,” “the music teacher had a huge influence on me,” “I am raising my daughter - an excellent student and an athlete”. Recruiters have to read things like that. Such people are not invited for an interview - communication with them will take a lot of time, and time is money. The abundance of unnecessary details shows that a person does not see the most important thing, does not understand the task at hand - to get a job. Accordingly, he will make the same mistakes at work.

12. Not a word about the future. Most resumes consist of facts from the past, and almost do not relate to plans for the future: I worked there and there at such and such a time. It is more important for an employer to find out what you plan to do next, where your career is heading.

13. Unreadable text. Inconveniently written text annoys the reader. Instead of bothering with fancy or small print, the recruiter will simply close your resume. Stick to a common design style.

14. Funny email address. Job seekers often provide a personal e-mail, with the funny name beautifulprincess or something even crazier. But to the employer, such addresses will not seem funny, but simply unprofessional. This is not the main criterion, but it can be confusing. Include mail with first and last name, especially if you want to get a leadership position.

15. Multiple pages. The resume should fit on one page. If the employer is interested in it, then it is inconvenient to print and bind several pages, and they can get lost.

16. Enumeration of places of work without description of duties. Specifically indicate what was your responsibility at the previous place of work - show yourself as a specialist in your field.

17. Statuses.Family relationships, children, religious beliefs - nobody cares. If you write right after your name that you are “not married,” then the recruiter sees that your goal is to find a husband, not a job. This is alarming for some employers.

18. Hobbies.In this area, everything is vague and suspicious, and there is a chance to make a mistake. Your potential boss is a fighter for the environment and a vegetarian, and you will write that your hobby is hunting. It will be inconvenient and you will not get a job. Headhunters advise against writing about a hobby at all.

19. Overpriced salary. Before writing on your resume about the desired salary, study the market, find out what the rates are for such vacancies. If the situation is not critical, and you can afford to be in search for a long time, add 30% to the amount you are getting now.

20. Clichés.All resumes are full of the same words: good communication skills, diligence, stress resistance. Instead, write in your own words the personal qualities that you use in your work. For example, how your communication skills helped sign a contract at a previous job.

Happy interviews!

High-quality resume preparation pursues the only goal - to arouse interest in your candidacy from the appropriate authority and get an invitation for an interview. Unfortunately, many candidates fail to achieve this due to the fact that they make elementary mistakes in their resume when writing this document. Therefore, we suggest using the recommendations for correcting the most common shortcomings, which will help ensure a greater number of positive responses to your CV. Learn how to write a resume, follow recommendations and achieve the end result - a call for an interview.

The absence of a subject in the letter or it is incorrectly framed

A well-marked subject line will allow your resume to stand out from other candidates, it will be possible to quickly find it in the general mass. It is necessary to find out the specific contact person and then write down the subject of the letter as follows: “For Andrey Borisovich - full name. - Vacancy".

Filling in the "FROM" column

In the e-mail, in this column, you need to write down the real surname and first name, but not the login or some other symbolism.

From what address is the letter written

You should not write a letter with a corporate address, otherwise they may come to the conclusion that you are doing the wrong thing. They are not interested in such employees. In the best case, they can answer in about a month. But by this time you can already change jobs, and the response will disappear. Even worse, if your coworkers catch sight of him, you could lose your job.

Mistakes in writing a cover letter:

  • Some do not write it at all or are limited to one or two lines: “Hello. I present to you my resume. " It is not right. A good cover letter increases your response rate.
  • Never use pleading words like "please consider" or "I hope my resume interests you." There shouldn't be such intonations. You must offer yourself, but in no case ask.
  • Inaccurate references in a cover letter are best avoided. Instead of “Hello Ladies and Gentlemen”, “Good afternoon” or “Good evening”, it is better to just write “Hello”. You don't know who will read your resume and at what time of day. It's not bad if the appeal is to a contact person.
  • Mistakes when writing a resume lead to duplication of information in the text or the same information.
  • They forget to put contact information at the end of the letter.

Standard and anonymized file name

If it is not specific, it will easily get lost. And you don't need to name it "resume" or "resume-1". Call him your last name and first name, guaranteed not to get lost.

Errors in the name of the company or the position you want to occupy, and even more grammatical errors in the text of the letter

Errors when compiling a resume should be excluded. Check carefully what it says. The employer will certainly ask the question: "What kind of employee will he be if he makes gross mistakes in such a simple matter?" Do not get carried away with abbreviations of words, do not be lazy to write them down in full.

Using e-mail addresses

Sending a letter from an e-mail of a friend, husband, wife, etc. is not encouraged. Some companies provide e-mail responses to save money, especially when new dealerships open. The answer may simply get lost, or you just miss the time. Open your own box, which can literally be done in a few minutes, constantly refer to it.

Newsletter resume

Send it only to a specific vacancy, to a specific address. Do not send bulk mailings to all employers at once. The conclusion will not be in your favor. Sending a resume simultaneously for several vacancies in one company will speak of your lack of certainty. This can be done, at least with a break, at least every other day.

No file with your resume

It is often found in the body of the email itself. But the personnel officers have no time for you to create new files, it is easier for them to delete your letter. However, some companies do not open attachments due to the threat of viruses. A reasonable question is whether it is necessary to work with such a company at all if it cannot protect itself by installing an antivirus.

No need to archive your resume

It takes time to unzip, not every recruiter will do it instead of something else.

New software versions

Most employers save on this, so they don't pay for the latest update. Because of this, your letter may simply not open and there will be no responses.

Inattention when sending a letter

Excessive haste and fuss often lead to the fact that the cover letter is sent without a resume attachment.