Your own manufacturing business. Profitable production in russia

Your own manufacturing business.  Profitable production in russia
Your own manufacturing business. Profitable production in russia

The best way to get rich is to become a businessman. The circumstances and your skills will tell you which business to choose. So far, manufacturing has been very profitable, and today it is easy to organize even on a small scale. To do this, it is not at all necessary to have a huge start-up capital. In this way, you can set up, for example, or, as well as implement many. And having established your own business, you can easily quit boring jobs and.

Advice: experts usually do not advise for the sake of a business idea to quit the previous job before the start of its implementation or at the initial stages. At least when starting to develop your business, keep working until you are sure that you will no longer need it.

Open your own production - ideas

Of course, you can't build your own business out of nothing, even without an idea. Think about what you do best with your own hands. And if no thoughts arise, the Internet will always tell you what you could do.

Manufacturing of paving slabs

Making paving slabs is not a new idea. Some novice businessmen adapt their own garages and summer cottages for such production. And rightly so, because the equipment does not take up much space, so you can significantly save money on renting or buying production premises. Equipment required:

  • Concrete mixer;
  • Press;
  • Melting and heating unit (for polymer tiles);
  • Forms.

Depending on what type of tiles you will be producing, a standard set of equipment costing about 1.5 rubles can be supplemented. Tiles can be made from both classic concrete and outlandish from plastic bottles, rubber crumb, polymer sand. Based on the choice of the type of tile, you need to purchase raw materials.

Workshop for the production of plastic windows

Who said that it is impossible to organize mini-production on plastic windows? A workshop of small capacity can produce about 10-15 items per day, and the payback of such production will not be long in coming due to its relevance.

For the manufacture of plastic windows you will need:

  • PVC profiles;
  • Double-glazed windows;
  • Special fittings;
  • Rubber seals.


  • Milling machine;
  • Welding machine;
  • Saw for cutting PVC;
  • Welding stripping machine;
  • An engraver for processing grooves for a seal.

The total costs will be required in the amount of about 500 thousand rubles.

Production of corn sticks

Corn sticks are defined as cereal and are popular with people of almost all ages. In addition, it lacks seasonality. Therefore, the manufacturer can count on year-round profits. These products can be sold both as a separate outlet and through supermarkets and shops.

The production line of the workshop will cost a businessman from 400 thousand rubles to 4 million rubles, depending on its level of productivity, which can also be chosen at your discretion.

Raw materials that will be needed for production:

  • Corn grits;
  • Powdered sugar;
  • Salt;
  • Oil.

In addition, there will be expenses for packaging, maintaining cleanliness, and so on.

Cono pizza production

Despite the fact that the popularity of healthy food is not fading away, the number of fast food lovers is not diminishing. However, no one says that fast food must necessarily be harmful. And you, as a manufacturer, can take care of this.

Kono pizza is a relatively new product originally from Italy. In fact, it is an interpretation of traditional Italian pizza, only on a small flatbread with different cone-shaped fillings.

To make pizza you will need:

  • Oven for making and baking a cone;
  • Convection oven.

Equipment costs - no more than 100 thousand rubles. But here it is also important to think about how to market the product. If you want to release it under your own brand and sell it yourself, the costs will be much less.

Raw materials for production:

  • Mix for yeast dough (or separately flour + yeast + eggs + olive oil);
  • Filling products: cheeses, olives and olives, mushrooms, ham, etc.

Don't forget to keep cleanliness and packaging costs in mind.

Making oil and glue putty

The production of putty is a fairly simple process, which does not require huge costs, and is quite reimbursable. Moreover, such a product is highly profitable and always relevant. It is used for repair and finishing work.


  • Substitute;
  • Paint grinder;
  • Checkweigher;
  • Plastic barrels;
  • Sealer for bags.

And the necessary raw materials are even less: natural chalk, drying oil, methyl cellulose. Thus, for the production of oil and glue putty, only about 150 thousand rubles of start-up capital will be needed.

Small production - business ideas

More and more people today seek to earn money in addition to the official salary at the main place of work. In addition, the financial crisis is pushing for this. But what if there is no way to make large investments in production? Small-scale business ideas come to the rescue. Some of them do not require start-up capital at all, and some ideas can be implemented right at home, then in this case it is much easier.

Mini bakery

This is not to say that a mini-bakery will require a minimum investment from you. However, the profitability of such production is quite high - it pays off in a year or two. It all depends on the scale of production, the location of the point of sale and, of course, on the quality of the products. Fresh bread, buns and other baked goods are very popular (given the fact that store products are hardly very tasty and always fresh). As for the investment itself, then first of all it is worth thinking about the premises. If you already have one, then you should make cosmetic repairs and make sure that it meets the standards. Your activities must be officially registered with the relevant authorities. Then you can buy products such as milk, flour, yeast, etc. The equipment will cost a total of about 200 thousand rubles. This is:

  • Baking oven;
  • Proofing cabinet;
  • Dough mixer;
  • Flour sifter;
  • Exhaust umbrella;
  • Refrigeration cabinet;
  • Scales;
  • Washing equipment.

In addition to the standard set of baked goods, you can make custom-made confectionery, which is very fashionable and relevant today. Then the profit can be increased by several units.

Cheese making

Rural residents are most often the producers of natural cheese, which is not surprising. After all, fresh and high-quality raw materials for production in this case are much easier and more profitable to obtain. However, it is not so easy to organize production. Since cheese is not a simple food product, but with the use of milk and sourdoughs, production especially must comply with SES standards.

A mini-cheese dairy worth about 300 thousand rubles is suitable for. This amount includes the cost of the device itself, as well as delivery and installation. Do not forget about other expenses (wages for shop workers, cleaning the premises, purchase of packaging material, utilities, etc.).


Beautiful metal fences, patterned original benches in the courtyards of summer cottages and houses, lamp posts - all this is the work of craftsmen - blacksmiths who are ready to custom-make products of almost any type and size. For expensive houses, openwork forged products for decoration and protection are best suited.

Even a novice businessman can be engaged in blacksmithing. In addition, the purchase of equipment will not require more than 200-250 thousand rubles, and it can even be placed in your own garage, which will significantly reduce the cost of renting premises. One should not expect a lot of competition, since the production niche is quite free. And in order to attract customers, it will not hurt to create your own website, place advertising banners and advertisements in newspapers and on specialized Internet message boards. It is also possible to cooperate with construction companies and interior design studios.

Products are sold, as a rule, for about 200% of the cost price, so a business idea pays off very quickly.

Construction nails production

Another type of production that can be easily deployed in the garage, since there are no special requirements for the room. The equipment (production machines) can cost 300-800 thousand rubles. It all depends on the scale and whether it was previously in use. In addition to equipment, you will also need raw materials in the form of special wire. Moreover, for each type of nails its own is used. The price of such a wire is about 30-40 thousand rubles per ton, and the finished product can be sold for about a price that is 1.5-2 times higher than the cost.

Advice: garage production is ideal for a budding entrepreneur. Indeed, in this case, you practically do not have to deal with the premises. The main thing is that it is warm, dry and there is a connection to electricity. In addition, you can simply place a tire workshop in the garage by purchasing only. And in order to officially register the activity, a lot of paperwork is also not needed.

Most Cost-Effective Manufacturing for Small Businesses

Many businessmen say that in order to be successful in business, you either have to be the best at what you do, or choose business ideas that no one else has implemented. On the one hand, it is so. But on the other hand, this rule works to a greater extent for medium and large businesses. In a small business, it is important not only the quality of the manufactured products, but also the consideration of some important factors. Among them, a lesson in mind and soul, the selection of the most original idea, the choice of a niche with little competition, the answer to the requests of potential consumers. Compliance with all factors in general practically guarantees a successful and profitable business not only in production, but in all areas. This means that the desire to become an entrepreneur will not be enough. In addition, it is important to think about which niche will require less costs and financial investments.

At the stage of drawing up a business plan, each entrepreneur carefully studies the current situation in the market in order to determine the most demanded areas of business. This step allows you to create a profitable project that will become a source of regular income. However, it is not always possible to create a thriving business. Many beginners often make a mistake when choosing the direction of their future activities. In order to avoid failure, it is very important to carefully assess the prospects of the chosen activity and study consumer demand. In this article, we propose to discuss the most popular production facilities in Russia.

Profitability means fast payback, high income and low risk percentage

Analysis of the current situation in Russia for small businesses

Studying the situation in the modern market is one of the main stages of preparation for the implementation of a business project. It is important to note here that it is possible to create a profitable project both in the service sector and in various areas of commercial activity. It should be mentioned that the above areas have the highest level of competition, which leads to various difficulties in setting up a business. It is this factor that makes many entrepreneurs pay attention to the sphere of production and start manufacturing various goods.

This market niche is large in scale and includes several dozen different areas. Before starting your own business, an entrepreneur needs to carefully study all the subtleties and nuances associated with the production itself. First of all, you need to understand that opening your own production will require large financial investments at each stage of the project.

Despite the high complexity of the organization, the manufacturing business has the highest profitability.

According to statistics, the modern Russian market is rich in imported goods, the cost of which is quite high for most of the citizens of our country. This factor contributes to the emergence of domestic enterprises that are ready to offer similar goods at a lower cost. In order for the offered products to be highly competitive, the entrepreneur needs to create an ideal proportion between the quality of the offered products and their price.

When implementing a project related to the creation of production, special attention should be paid to the bureaucratic issue. In order to start your own business, an entrepreneur needs to go through state registration and receive a bunch of permits. The presence of a complete package of documents allows you to conduct a legal business and not be afraid of inspections by the control authorities.

In order to create a successful and profitable project, an entrepreneur will need to make a tremendous effort in the preparation phase. At this stage, it is very important to identify the most demanded products in the region where you plan to do business. This step will allow you to create a preliminary assessment of the sales market and determine the main stages of business development. It is quite difficult to identify a scarce product, but it should be remembered that all the efforts made will turn into profit. When conducting analysis, it is very important to pay attention to the pricing policy and the behavior of competitors. Based on the available information, you can create an individual scheme of the future enterprise, which will reduce the production cost of the selected product.

Business in the field of production practically guarantees the entrepreneur high profits and stable income

Most popular small business destinations

In order to choose the most profitable direction of production activity, a businessman needs to carefully study various product groups. The demand for goods is assessed based on criteria such as:

  1. Features of the region and economic conditions.
  2. The solvency of potential customers.
  3. Influence of seasonality and fashion trends.

You need to understand that in warm regions there is little demand for such goods as down jackets and fur coats, and in the Far North there is no demand for swimwear and shorts. In order to determine the level of demand for production, it is necessary to carefully study the magnitude and elasticity of demand for similar goods, as well as the amount of raw materials and consumables in the public domain. In addition, it is very important to determine the rate of return on investment. Based on these criteria, you can identify the most profitable production in Russia today.... Below, we propose to consider in detail several different areas of this highly popular business.


Construction and repair work is carried out both in large metropolitan areas and small towns. This aspect suggests that a building materials business can generate large profits. In order to correctly choose a specific niche for your enterprise, an entrepreneur needs to carefully assess the amount of equity capital.

One of the rather profitable types of business is the manufacture of paving slabs, facing bricks and foam blocks. This direction does not require large expenses for the organization of the workshop. It should be noted here that a significant part of production equipment can be made at home. Some entrepreneurs use industrial and household waste as raw materials. An example is the business of making paving slabs from recycled car tires.

Interior finishing materials are also in high demand. Today, many entrepreneurs open small workshops specializing in the manufacture of doors and windows. This type of business also does not require significant financial investments for the implementation of the project.

According to experts, the construction industry is a large segment of the market, consisting of dozens of different directions. It is necessary to choose a specific area taking into account both the material base and the existing professional knowledge. You need to understand that an attempt to implement a large-scale project can cause losses. It is more advisable to start a business with a narrow specialization. This approach will create an initial customer base and gain hands-on business experience.

Entrepreneurship related to the production of food or industrial products is complex, but long-term and promising business


Food products are the most profitable production for small businesses due to high and stable consumer demand. At the stage of preparing for this business, it is very important to conduct in-depth analytical research in order to identify scarce goods in a particular region. From the point of view of the economy, the production of food products is a budgetary direction of entrepreneurship. However, this area implies strict compliance with the strict framework that is established by the control authorities.

As practice shows, for beginners in this business, it is best to start with the manufacture of products with a long shelf life. Various semi-finished products and pasta can be attributed to this category. Dumplings, manti and dumplings are in high demand among consumers. The production of these goods can be established in a regular kitchen. The main advantage of this area is the relatively low cost of industrial equipment. Another topical idea is the creation of a cheese dairy. Despite the fact that this business requires large investments, the created workshop quickly pays off all the invested funds.

It should also be noted that some ideas from this direction can be implemented with minimal financial costs. These areas include a small home smokehouse or bakery. Another popular business is home brewing. Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that the manufacture of food products is one of the largest niches today.

Light industry

Light industry is a very popular area of ​​small business... Many residents of our country strive to improve their living conditions. This aspect contributes to the growth of demand for upholstered and cabinet furniture, garden sets and various interior items. The level of profitability of this direction is about thirty-five percent. In order to achieve this indicator, an entrepreneur needs not only to correctly develop a business plan, but also to correctly implement his idea. As practice shows, organizing a business does not require large expenditures, which significantly reduces the payback period of invested capital.

Soap, toilet paper and hygiene products are highly profitable small businesses. Products belonging to this category are in high demand and are purchased by thousands of Russians every day. Starting such a business does not require large initial investments and can become a source of stable income. In regions where tourism is highly developed, it is more expedient to focus on the manufacture of souvenirs. In other cities, it is more expedient to open a sewing studio and start producing leather goods and accessories.

Own business is a rather complicated and time-consuming process.

Goods for pets

According to statistics, every third family has one or more pets... This means that more than thirty percent of Russians are regular buyers of various pet products. All products on this market can be divided into four distinct categories:

  1. Dog food- products presented in this category cover about forty-four percent of the market.
  2. Cat food- the products presented in this segment occupy about twenty-six percent of the niche.
  3. Cosmetics and care products- about twenty-five percent of the niche.
  4. Food for rodents, fish and birds- about five percent of the market.

Based on the above statistics, we can conclude that the highest competition is in the production of pet food. In order to enter this business, it is more expedient for beginners to start from those niches where the competition is softer. Making diapers, shampoos and other cosmetics for pets can be a great idea to start your own project.

The issue related to the production of furniture for pets deserves special attention. This direction has its own characteristics in the form of the requirements of potential customers. The created product must have a universal, unique design and be made from natural materials. Today, high demand is observed both for bedding and sunbeds, and for whole complexes intended for playing pets.


Tourism is one of the largest market areas, both for Russia and the rest of the world... As a rule, novice businessmen choose this area to create their own travel agencies or hotels. Such enterprises require large investments. In the absence of a large amount of money, it is more expedient to focus on the manufacture of clothing, accessories and equipment intended for tourism. In order to successfully implement such an idea, it is very important to know many of the subtleties of active tourism.

As an example of one of the popular directions, we can cite the manufacture of roomy tourist backpacks. In addition, you can make hammocks, tents, rubber boats and sun loungers. It is more advisable to sell this product through online stores or specialized trading platforms.

Automotive equipment

Every year the number of car owners is growing steadily... This means that there will be a constant demand for a variety of vehicle-specific equipment. To organize a workshop for the production of basic units and body structure elements will require large capital. This money needs to be invested in the purchase of various machine tools, presses and other specialized equipment. For beginners in this direction, it is more advisable to start a business with the manufacture of covers, vinyl film or car stickers. These areas do not require large organizational costs, and the projects themselves pay off in a few months.

A rather promising direction is the manufacture of creative wipers. As an idea, you can take traffic police officers waving wands, animals that wag their tails, or any famous personalities. The manufactured products can be distributed through social networks, forums for car enthusiasts and marketplaces.

The most profitable areas of business are manufacturing and services.

Profitable prospects

It is important to pay attention to the fact that in many sectors of the domestic market only foreign goods are presented. This trend is observed both in the field of household appliances and food products. Many domestic manufacturing companies use raw materials and consumables as the main elements of their products. Today it is quite difficult to build a profitable production for small businesses, since the offered goods must withstand competition with foreign counterparts. In order to attract the attention of compatriots, a businessman needs to offer a quality product at a price lower than that of the main competitors.

When analyzing the current market situation, it is very important to take into account the needs of not only ordinary citizens, but also other businessmen. The B2B market is as wide as the consumer market. Working in several directions allows you to significantly increase profits and get a larger client base. Many entrepreneurs who own their own production seek to reduce costs by using domestic raw materials and consumable components. This means that entrepreneurs engaged in the production of products for which there is a high demand will quickly recoup their investments and will be able to expand their sphere of influence on the market.

Conclusions (+ video)

In this article, we looked at many different ideas related to organizing our own production. Each of these ideas has a number of features, subtleties and nuances. Choosing a specific project, a future businessman needs to develop a competent business plan containing not only a financial model, but also a thorough analysis of competitors. This approach will allow you to get a profitable business that will not require additional financial investments.

A section about production: business ideas, instructions on how to start from scratch and types of goods, profitability, equipment and manufacturing technologies, risks in small business, analytics and advice in this area of ​​industry. Details about which and how to open, what you need to start your own business.

It should be noted that modern production includes not only the material, but also the non-material sphere - the production of intangible goods and (new scientific discoveries, inventions, education, art and culture, health care, consumer services, management, financing and lending, sports, etc. .). But the development of non-material production and the service sector largely depends on the material.

Business ideas for production

Here are published articles not only on how to start and open your own business, but also various relevant ideas that can be introduced into your existing business.

Continuation of the business idea

About business in this industry industry

Often the word "production", as a rule, evokes associations with factories, large workshops, sophisticated machine tools and conveyors, a wide sales market and a large number of labor. Therefore, thinking about our business, we rarely turn the vector of our thoughts in this direction. But in vain, because very often you can stumble upon simply excellent production ideas in a small business that do not require large initial investments and the involvement of a significant workforce. Every day, if you wish, you can find your own business ideas, production for which is the main one. Yes, if you are good at something or you just have a thorough knowledge of how you can do something better or cheaper than others, and are looking for new business ideas, small production is just what you need.

Working for yourself is a very responsible decision. But, despite this, many people with an entrepreneurial streak have always tended to such a choice. After all, you can not only earn money by working for yourself, but also be useful to others by choosing your business in this production area among the many ideas.

In this section you will find many business ideas that are relevant today and you will definitely be able to choose something that suits you in spirit and material capabilities.

Mini factories for small businesses - 5 advantages + features of conducting such a production + 6 examples + 9 best mini factories.

People who decide to go into private entrepreneurship face certain problems at the initial stage. Which field of activity to choose? Where can you buy the right equipment? How to save money?

Mini factories for small businesses- a good solution for young businessmen, which simplifies the search for answers to the above questions.

Why is it worth purchasing a plant in a mini format?

Before starting your own manufacturing business, you need to pay attention to all the pros and cons of such activities.

The advantages of buying a mini-plant for business include the following factors:


    Small in size, compared to full-fledged factories, this equipment is easy to assemble, install and transport.

    Some mini factories are equipped with wheels, which allows you to quickly transfer them from one point to another.

    Small dimensions.

    This feature makes it possible not only to save on land and premises lease, but also, if necessary, to change the location of the mini-plant without special costs.

    Low cash costs for starting a business.

    Due to the small size of the mini-plant, it becomes possible to save not only on the territory, but also on electricity. In addition, maintenance of such equipment does not cause any particular problems.


    This is probably the main factor that speaks about the benefits of such a business.

    Relatively low economic costs allow you to create an effective enterprise that is able to compete fully in the chosen field of activity.

As for the disadvantages of mini factories for small businesses, there are not so many of them. They are mainly related to the fact that the equipment. This makes it difficult to purchase the necessary parts in the event of a malfunction.

But if you are serious about choosing a mini-plant, then you can pick up equipment that will serve you for a long time. In addition, many Russian enterprises have recently appeared that specialize in the manufacture of such equipment.

Features of doing business using mini factories

Compared to large factories, starting a business using such equipment is much easier. But here, too, there are nuances and peculiarities.

# 1. Choosing a niche.

To begin with, as in any business, you need to decide in which area of ​​production you are going to work. It is desirable that the chosen activity is close and understandable to you.

Competitiveness and demand in the region play an important role in choosing a business direction. It is best to occupy a niche that has great prospects, but has not yet managed to gain popularity among private entrepreneurs.

Time plays a big role. The faster you start making a unique product in your region, the more chances you have to take a leading position in this area of ​​production.

No. 2. Business plan.

A clear and competent drawing up of a project for your own business is a very important factor in entrepreneurial activity.

For your business to be successful, you need to work on the following key points:

  • Calculate all the expected costs, starting from the purchase of a mini-plant, and ending with the cost of packaging the finished product.
  • Methods of delivery of products to the consumer, transportation costs.
  • Market search.
  • The location of the mini-format of the plant, the search for employees.

    Most often they use rural areas, since the cost of land is low, and the level of remuneration for workers is much lower than in large metropolitan areas.

No. 3. Registration of the necessary documents.

The main advantage in opening a mini-format of a plant is that to start a business, it will be enough to take the form of an Individual Entrepreneur. To do this, you should study the corresponding section of the FTS website:

Otherwise, everything happens according to the standard scheme: obtaining permission to open a mini-plant from various municipalities; checks by the Ministry of Emergencies, etc.

The fact that your business is associated with social significance for the area has a positive impact on the speed of processing documents and obtaining permission from local authorities. For example, a mini waste processing plant will receive government approval. In this case, there will even be a good chance to receive financial support from the state for business development.

Mini factories for small businesses - an overview of the best options

Today there are many ideas for the development of small business in Russia using mini-factories. This popularity is primarily due to the need to make small investments in business development.

The quick payback of the mini-plant also attracts many investors.

Considering the above reasons, there are several areas of production that are of great interest to Russian entrepreneurs:


    The most popular area of ​​activity in our country, which contributes to the emergence of a wide variety of mini factories. There are separate units for the production of concrete, brick, consumable building materials, etc.

    Also has a wide range of activities. You can purchase mini factories in different directions:

    • meat processing;
    • manufacturing of dairy products;
    • manufacture of confectionery and bakery products;
    • production of juices, etc.
  1. Waste recycling.

    This field of activity, against the background of worldwide concern about the state of the environment, is gaining great popularity in the Russian Federation. A significant advantage of such a business is the approval of the authorities, which gives a chance to count on subsidies from the state.

    Light industry.

    It is quite profitable to open a mini-factory for the production of textile and knitted products (clothes, shoes), household goods, cosmetics, etc.

Whichever sphere of production you choose, the main thing is to have knowledge in this area, to analyze the competitiveness and demand for the product. This will greatly increase the efficiency of your business.

Let's look at a few examples that use mini-format factories for small businesses.

Example # 1. Brick production.

The cost of such equipment ranges from 1 million rubles and more. It should be noted that the costs of brick production are quite high. Buying one piece of equipment is not enough here - you will need different equipment. Also, the purchase of raw materials takes a lot of money.

For example, to make 1,000 bricks, you will need about 800 kg of cement, 300 liters of water and more than 3,000 kg of basic raw materials. The capacity of the equipment for such a business is usually very high, which also requires large expenditures - for electricity.

As we can see, a mini brick factory requires considerable material costs. However, the "financial exhaust" from such an enterprise is very good. Many aspiring entrepreneurs subsequently expanded their businesses, which brought in even more profits.

Example # 2. Compound feed production.

It is advisable to open such an enterprise in rural areas, closer to farm pastures. Thus, you will quickly acquire a clientele and save on shipping costs.

This equipment carries out processing and crushing of grain (corn, wheat, barley, etc.). The quality of the products depends to a greater extent on the size of the crusher sieve. In the form of a room, you can use a garage or a barn. No heating required.

Due to its convenient location (near grain fields), most of the raw materials can be obtained from local farmers and agricultural enterprises.

Example No. 3. Concrete production.

To organize such a mini-plant, you will need a concrete mixer with which you can get a high-quality product. This option is most likely perfect for large construction firms that serve large projects. This can greatly simplify the work of the organization and allow you to save money (you do not have to apply for the services of third-party companies).

The mini-format of a concrete plant is very often made mobile, so that it can be moved from one construction site to another. Transportation can be carried out using a tug or a tractor.

To buy such equipment, you do not have to be the owner of a construction company. It can also be purchased by a private entrepreneur in order to lease it to the same construction firms.

Example No. 4. Production of foam blocks.

Foam block is a very popular material in construction. The equipment for their production is somewhat reminiscent of concrete mixers. However, the mixture is mixed in such a way that peculiar bubbles are formed in the finished material. This is done with a foam generator.

The bulk of the costs for the manufacture of foam blocks will fall on the purchase of cement. Before starting such a business, be sure to find a cement supplier working on favorable terms.

The production of foam blocks attracts many entrepreneurs by the fact that it does not require the use of any special technologies. The business is pretty simple and straightforward.

Example No. 5. Milk processing.

The milk processing business is more complex than the previous examples. It is a whole complex, which consists of several stages of production. Accordingly, several pieces of equipment will be needed to create a full-fledged mini-plant.

Depending on the cost of equipment, such a complex can process from 250 kg to 25 tons of milk in 24 hours. As a result, you can get a variety of dairy products (cottage cheese, Adyghe cheese, sour cream, etc.)

When opening such a business, you need to be clearly aware of how much raw material you will have at your disposal. It depends on how much money you spend on the purchase of equipment.

To launch such production, usually small workshops are organized.

Example No. 6. Waste recycling.

This type of activity is very popular in Europe. The reason for this is the growing population in these countries, which leads to an increase in the amount of waste generated. In addition, the ecological state of the Earth is getting worse, which makes it necessary to come up with new ways of utilizing household waste.

Since this area of ​​business is highlighted by the state's increased attention and is related to the environment, it has some difficulties in paperwork. The bureaucratic process can take several months. It is necessary to obtain a license from the Ministry of Ecology, permission from the sanitary and fire services, and much more.

The cost of starting such an enterprise can be measured in several million dollars. However, you can limit yourself to a business that specializes in the disposal of one type of waste. For example, you want to start recycling plastic.

To do this, you will need:

  • sorting unit;
  • conveyor;
  • Press;
  • place for a warehouse.

You can improve your business and buy additional melting furnaces. Such a solution will significantly increase your income, since you will not only be sorting garbage, but also recycling it.

The following video will tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of mini-production.

An overview of the best business ideas for starting your own mini-business.

Rating of the best mini factories for small businesses

If you decide to create a small business based on the use of a mini-plant, then you need to study in detail the characteristics and capabilities of the equipment.

Recently, China has become a leader in the manufacture of such equipment. This is not surprising, because the quality of the equipment is at a fairly high level, and the pricing policy is very attractive for a Russian entrepreneur.

Mini factoryNamePerformanceCost ($)Note
BrickYufeng DMYF500
800-900 bricks in 8 working hours9 000 Raw materials: cement, water, clay.
10 cubic meters concrete per hour11 000 Capable of producing various types of concrete. The required area for organizing production is 300 sq.m. Net profit is about $ 30,000 per month.
BreweryBlonderBeer 300 L
300 l of beer / day10 000 4 - 5 different varieties. You will need to buy additional fermentation tanks. Net profit - from 3 to 4 thousand dollars per month.
Toilet paperXY-TQ-1575B
150-200 m paper / minute16 000 Raw material: waste paper. Water consumption: 3 cubic meters / day. About 9,000 rolls of finished products are obtained from 1 ton of raw materials.
Compound feed9FH-500
1500 kg / hour2 000 Functions: crushing grain, processing sawdust, straw, hay, bran.
Gas silicate blocksPremium Brick Plus
60,000 cubic meters / year13 000 Net profit is about $ 6,000.
Canned fishNPO "MINIPLANT"
800 cans per hour11 000 It will take 2-3 employees. Profit: from $ 10,000 per month.
TextileHengyu Hja-610
50 m of fabric / day16 000 Profit: 6,000 $ / month
Milk processingGEONETconsult
300 l / h300 l / hNet income: 14-15 thousand dollars.

Before opening your own business, you need to carefully evaluate your capabilities, monitor the demand market, competitors, and learn all the subtleties of paperwork. Only then can you decide what to buy mini factories for small businesses.

A good way to save money is to buy used equipment. This way you can set aside a significant amount to buy raw materials.

The main thing is to understand that a successful business largely depends not on expensive equipment, but on your aspiration and competent work.

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A manufacturing business can really start small. 10 ideas for mini-production will allow you to start with minimal investment, get real profit and expand the horizons of your business in the future, creating a real mini-factory if you wish.


The very concept of "production" alarms novice businessmen. It is perceived as something global and large-scale. But everything big starts small. Moreover, small-scale production has established itself as a promising and long-term business. Where do you start? Buy a mini-workshop for the production of pasta or sausages, or maybe start making screws or toilet paper? All this is hackneyed and requires a solid investment. We offer 10 business ideas of mini-production for small businesses that are relevant for 2018, which really have a chance to become a matter of a lifetime, expand in the future to a large plant and make a profit already at the start.

Table 1. List of 10 mini-factories for small businesses

Idea name

Minimum investment, rub.

Features of the embodiment

Yarn production

The need for specific equipment. Competent advertising campaign.

Fruit chips production

A room that meets sanitary standards.

Wicker furniture manufacturing

You will need special tools and a place to dry the raw materials.

Detox juice production

Purchase of a powerful juicer, volumetric refrigerator.

Production of paper bags

Purchase of blanks and equipment.

Packaging of spices

Search for quality raw materials.

Preparation of an office, obtaining a license, buying a 3D printer.

Sewing workwear

Purchase of sewing equipment, warm room, hiring of seamstresses.

Premises up to 70 sq. m. Purchase of tools and consumables.

Making a luminous decorative stone

You need a warm room, running water.

Features of starting a business in the field of production

Opening even a small production facility requires elaboration of the concept and key points. Before the start, you must:

  • formalize entrepreneurial activity;
  • analyze the market, distribution channels;
  • choose a room suitable for placing the equipment;
  • make a list of equipment and find equipment suppliers;
  • hire, if necessary, employees with professional experience in the chosen production area, or provide for the possibility of training;
  • work out the technological aspects of production;
  • find suppliers of materials and raw materials;
  • work out the sale and delivery of finished products;
  • assess the financial component of the business in terms of initial investment and potential income.

Let's consider the ideas of mini-productions in more detail in the context of the features of running a manufacturing business.

Yarn production

Handmade yarn is especially appreciated by craftswomen for its healing properties and quality, which is lost during production on an industrial scale. This affects the price of hand-made yarn, which can be used to organize your own business.

Such an idea requires perseverance, creativity. After all, the wool will have to be sorted out, cleaned of dirt, coarse hair - and all this by hand. From the equipment you will have to purchase:

  • carding machine;
  • spinning wheel;
  • electric spinning wheel;
  • winding machine.

You will also need a consumable in the form of cotton thread, sheep wool or goat down. In total, the initial investment will amount to about 73,000 rubles.

From 10 kg of wool worth 4,000 rubles. comes out up to 150 pcs. 15 gram balls, which can be sold for 35 rubles. per piece Goat yarn is more expensive - a ball costs up to 190 rubles. From 10 kg of down, which is sold for 16,000 rubles, you can wind up to 200 of these balls.

That is, it is possible to earn 1,250 rubles on a batch of wool, and up to 22,000 rubles on forcing angora. Net profit from processing 20 kg of raw materials will be up to 23,000-25,000 rubles.

The actual profit depends on the volume of processed raw materials, the quality of the finished product and marketing. The material will have to be purchased from private traders, therefore, when choosing, you need to pay attention to its quality, the presence of litter and impurities.

You can sell yarn via the Internet, or by renting a shelf in shops for craftswomen.

To expand your own business, you can start producing dyed yarn or making knitted items from your own threads.

Fruit chips production

Novice businessmen will like this idea with its low entry threshold and lack of competition.

But potential buyers can also include children and youth.

The technology for the production of fruit chips consists in cutting, drying and packaging the finished product. The main thing is to clarify the temperature regimes that will have to be selected at first not only for each fruit, but also for the variety.

The main costs are the purchase of equipment:

  • slicing machines;
  • electric dryers;
  • packaging machine;
  • kitchen utensils.

In total, investments will amount to 80,000 rubles.

The production belongs to the food industry, so the premises must meet sanitary requirements.

The production of 1 kg of chips will cost approximately 200 rubles. A 200 g portion packed in a paper bag can be sold for 150 rubles. Earnings per 1 kg will be 550 rubles. Up to 100 kg of goods can be produced per month without the involvement of hired employees, which will bring profit - from 55,000 rubles.

Wicker furniture manufacturing

You can embody your creative ideas and make good money on this by opening a workshop for the production of wicker furniture. From natural vines or willow branches, as a popular ecological material, you can make dining sets, country furniture, baskets, decorative figurines, stands for flowers and fruits, dressers and shelves, armchairs and baby cradles.

The main problem for the implementation of such an idea is the search for raw materials. You can not only buy raw materials, but also procure yourself, which will significantly reduce costs.

Initial investments do not exceed 100,000 rubles. and includes the cost of purchasing a tool and a drying chamber. In summer, raw materials can be dried in natural conditions.

It is possible to place such a production in an ordinary garage, but it is better to provide places for drying, varnishing and directly manufacturing furniture. Additionally, you will need space for storing raw materials and finished goods.

The wicker furniture business is highly profitable. The prime cost of a standard chair is 1,000 rubles, and such a product can be sold for 2,000-3,000 rubles.

Detox juice production

You can make good money on people's striving for a healthy lifestyle.

You can even start making fresh juices in your own kitchen, if it meets the requirements for a food production facility.

To start a business you will need:

  • Auger juicer;
  • refrigerator for storing raw materials and ready-made juices;
  • portable refrigerator for delivery of ready-made juices;
  • kitchen stuff and tools.

Ready-made vegetable or fruit juice is packaged in small bottles of 250 or 500 g.

In total, the cost of starting without renting premises will not exceed 115,000 rubles. The income from the sale of 500 bottles per month will amount to 80,000 rubles.

A significant drawback is that fresh juices are not stored for more than 3 days. Therefore, you will have to work out sales channels and an advertising campaign. You can cooperate with beauty salons, fitness centers, coupon sites. Website, social networks and a small online store will become a key tool for advertising and sales.

At first, you can do it yourself, but when you expand your business, you will have to think about renting a small workshop and hiring employees. It is possible to expand the boundaries of a business by increasing the range or geographical boundaries of sales.

Paper bags

Another ecological way to make money. Paper packaging is in demand among manufacturers of fast food, baked goods, bulk products, distributors of gifts, alcoholic beverages, and branded items. However, you have to use your ingenuity to win the fight against "plastic bags".

You can start an interesting business with manual assembly. In this case, the investment will be minimal.

You can buy blank packages and independently carry out only a step-by-step assembly, including:

  • gluing a seal under the handles;
  • longitudinal gluing;
  • formation of sidewalls and top of the package;
  • production of the bottom with a seal;
  • firmware for handles;
  • tie-in rope handles.

For production, you will need cutters, hand bending devices, racks for storing workpieces and finished products, long tables. In total, it is necessary to spend up to 50 thousand rubles for the purchase of equipment. The purchase of the first batch of blanks will take up to 100 thousand rubles. Costs can be reduced by purchasing paper in rolls rather than blank bags. Consumables include threads, tape, ropes, glue.

The cost price of 1 package of 300x400 mm is 25 rubles. You can sell such a product from 40 rubles. It is possible to make up to 3,000 such bags by hand per month. This will bring a profit of up to 45,000 rubles. But real income depends on the volume of products sold.

Packaging of spices

The production of spices is not so easy. It is necessary not only to understand the taste characteristics, but also to take into account the compatibility of seasonings.

At first, you can limit yourself to packaging ready-made spices in bags or glass containers. To do this, it will be enough to find a dry room and purchase a packing unit, which can be purchased from 150,000 rubles. True, some aspiring entrepreneurs start with manual packaging, which has a significant impact on productivity.

In the future, you will still have to involve a technologist who will compose unique recipes. In this direction, it is important not only to work out sales, but also to find suppliers of quality raw materials. If you do not rely on the supply of raw materials from China, but buy, for example, Russian herbs, it is profitable to locate production in the southern regions.

The profit from such production depends on the type of seasonings produced: homogeneous, multicomponent, raw, dry, liquid. But on average, the profitability with active advertising reaches 70%.

Making 3D orthopedic insoles

The use of innovative technologies makes it possible to model orthopedic insoles, taking into account the individual characteristics of the shape of the client's foot. To open such a business you will need:

  1. Find a suitable room, if necessary, make repairs, buy furniture.
  2. To register an entrepreneurial activity and obtain a license.
  3. Buy equipment (3D printer) and raw materials (thermoplastic).

In total, investments will amount to 180 thousand rubles. without the cost of preparing the premises.

On average, the manufacture of one orthopedic insole takes 30 seconds, and it can be sold for 4-5 thousand rubles. Such production with competent advertising can bring income up to 300-400 thousand rubles. per month. Additionally, you can earn money on the correction of finished insoles and consultations with an orthopedic surgeon. In the future, it is easy to expand the business by starting the manufacture of 3D shoes.

Sewing workwear

Overalls for personnel are constantly purchased not only by industrial enterprises, but also by hotels, restaurants, private medical centers.

To implement such an idea, you will have to find a suitable room for a studio with heating. The location does not matter, so you can save on rent by placing a mini-workshop in a residential area.

You will have to spend money on the purchase of sewing equipment and the purchase of fabrics, accessories. In total, the costs will be from 200,000 rubles. It is important to select qualified personnel, since it is the quality of sewing that will become a good advertisement in the future.

The huge advantage of this type of business is large orders. Therefore, you can count on the first profit after the first order is completed. The real payback period will depend on the volume of sales, but usually it is up to six months. In the future, it is possible to expand production by sewing school, sports uniforms.

Solar collector production

Alternative energy sources are a promising direction. The niche for the production of solar collectors in Russia is practically not occupied, and the demand will only grow over time. Such environmentally friendly batteries are in demand for heating residential buildings, small industrial premises, greenhouses, workshops, and heating water in swimming pools.

It is advantageous to organize self-assembly of collectors in your own garage or in a rented small room with an area of ​​up to 80 sq. m. You will have to invest in the purchase of construction tools and consumables, rental of premises, which in total will not exceed 300,000 rubles. The actual amount depends on the volume of purchased consumables.

The cost of one collector is 31,000 rubles. You can reduce the initial investment if you work on a prepaid basis. But buying consumables: cellular polycarbonate, water pipes, fittings, plugs, paint, rubber hoses is still more profitable in bulk.

The profit depends on the margin and the orders completed. If you install 1 collector every day, you can really earn up to 300 thousand rubles a month.

To install solar collectors, you will have to hire an assistant - doing such work on your own is inconvenient and ineffective. The hired employee can be initially involved in the assembly of finished products, which, when expanding production, will eliminate the need to hire additional workers and train them.

Do not forget about the seasonality of orders. In winter, we will have to work mostly "idle", that is, to make blanks for future orders.

Glowing facade stone

Lumo concrete is an original finishing material that glows in the dark. It is used for finishing external and internal surfaces.

The technology for the production of artificial stone is quite simple; even a novice entrepreneur can master it.

You can get acquainted with the nuances of the technology in the video:

The stone is made from a mixture of quartz sand, gypsum, cement, dye and the component itself that gives the stone a glow.

For production, you will have to purchase:

  • vibration table.
  • mortar mixer;
  • molds for pouring stone.

In total, the purchase of equipment and technology will have to spend 100 thousand rubles, for consumables - 270 thousand rubles. You can sell such a stone for 1,000-2,000 rubles. for 1 sq. m. from every 10 sq. m. of the sold products actually earn about 10 thousand rubles.

It is important to take into account when choosing a room for organizing production that the stone is dried at a temperature of + 30˚C, and water is needed to make the solution.