Performance at the bottom where goes. Performance on Dn.

Performance at the bottom where goes. Performance on Dn.

Watched with the son and niece (schoolchildren) "at the bottom." Stunning performance. The actor's game shakes to goosebumps. Bravo! The main thing is that the guys are not disappointed, comparing with the fact that they read from Gorky. In general, the theater did not disappoint. Thank you very much to the whole team.

Lydia K., September 19, 2018

... The performance is built on monologues, very strong and to goosebumps who touch the original texts of the author. There were many schoolchildren in the hall and the first idea: if I had 16, I would not understand anything. But apparently when a little more than 16 question is: "Why does a person live?" It often sounds in the heads of people and therefore they write about it and it is playing. And, in general, everything is simple - "a person lives for the best", each with his truth and for everyone she is real. So I want that there is always a sort of onion, which will not look for a trick in each, but will work "like an acid to a rusty coin." And bitterly actually just because it is about life !!! How important is the good word! Banal "Do not worry, you can cope" can give a lot of strength and help someone. I am not a bow, but still it is important to someone.

GBOU School 283.

"Theater is full. Lodge shine. " On October 6, the group of students of the 9th "and" class visited MCAT. M. Gorky. The guys looked at the play by the play A.M. Gorky "at the bottom." Modern setting did not spoil the idea of \u200b\u200bthe plot and the problem of drama. The musical performance, the magnificent game of actors, scenery - all left pleasant impressions. Saturday evening of the first day of vacation guys spent with benefit.

Marina M.

I love MCAT for a minimum of decorations and maximum games. "Master and Margarita" - tin shields, "at the bottom" - Iron Nara. And all! And more, in fact, nothing is needed. And Boris Bachurine and Ivan Krivoruchko - a personal "Bravo". Standing.


I ask everyone and everyone who is interested in my alignment opinion ... Read "At the bottom" or urgently look at this production in MCAT. M. Gorky. Before the goosebumps, to tears, from the tire to that there are depth ... I have already 5 years old, it may be a little less, attending the theater stably 1-3 times a month ... It is extremely rare, when it remained unhappy, however, such (positive) According to its strength of healing, as today, only twice ... smoothly flowing to today: 11 Of the 20 main characters are accounted for by the deserved and folk artists of Russia and in this case it is not regalia, but true merits. When the focus of a gouache falls not on the scene of the scene and the entourage of outfits, but on monologues / dialogues, musical accompaniment; When the light defines all and no attribute change. Iron Nara, white robes of heroes on the background of a black huge scene - all this only complements the unique images, played by the best actors of the theater with all returns and love for people and the great Maxim Gorky. I am each of them, maybe you?


Very cool, and goosebumps on the skin the whole performance ...


A wonderful evening in Mchat them. M. Gorky! Spassiaii. The performance "At the bottom" liked, the game of actors fascinates. I want to visit the theaters also!

Olga Segheevna

"At the bottom" (MCAT. Gorky) - Classical statement strictly by play. Minimum decorations (4 bunk beds), inconspicuous costumes - all this focuses on personality and fate of heroes. The performance makes think about your life, about humanity, about the soul. From the mouth of heroes, actual problems of modern society sound. And the play was written in 1902, and everything is as now. The actor's game is definitely excellent ... "On the bottom" you need to look after all ...

"At the bottom" - a classic dramatic play M. Gorky, put on the scene of MCAT. Gorky director Valery Belyakovich.

About the play

Belyakovich clothes all the heroes of the play in white clothes - they say, admire, we are all different, with our sins and drops, but before God are equal. Judging the actions of the characters can only God and the audience, which will come to the performance. Against the background of this implausible White Mariene in the middle of a dirty basement and the whole production will go. Usually in white in traditional versions, a wanderer of Luka appears, the hero of the play is the most pure in his spiritual plan, but Belyakovich, as it were, equalizes all the heroes, saying that each of them has its own truth. And this very truth, each of them will be conveyed to the viewer for 3.5 hours.

Successful people live in a gloomy bedroom, which belongs to Kostylev. Prostitutes, criminals, fraudsters and even killers gathered here. They are evil on themselves and each other, so the atmosphere here is dangerous and cruel. Someone does not lose hope to get out and again to heal in the old way, and someone has long lowered his hands. The black-worker tick is deadly sick wife, the wife of the ashes is sentenced to kostyleva's wife for killing, he loves her sister Natalia himself. Satin, actor and Baron - another permenged inhabitants of the night. The wanderer Luka will soon come here and will try to save each of them. But how to save those who do not need it?

The premiere of the play was held on March 3, 1999. This year, the production turns 20 years, which means that it will be extremely difficult for tickets to it. "At the bottom" in 2019, he continues to actively hold on to a layav of the theater bills of the season.

Creative Group

The acting on the play on the writer's play, whose name is called the theater, attracted the most exist and skillful. The conflicting satin, which has its own particular view of life, plays the People's Artist of Russia Valentin Clementev. The image of the desired Baron tried the Honored Artist of Russia Alexander Samoilov. The role of a broken actor was performed by People's Artist of Russia Vladimir Rovinsky, and Skaltz Luke - People's Artist of Russia Ivan Krivorucko.

Valery Belyakovich, director and People's Artist of Russia, put on the stage of MCAT. Gorky "Masters and Margarita", "Romeo and Juliet", "Hamlet", "Taming of the Shrew".

How to buy tickets on the play

We offer tickets on the play "On the bottom" in MCAT. Gorky at affordable prices. Why it is worth useing the services of our company:

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Spectators will show one of the most diverse and interesting Russian dramatic plays of the 20th century, which passed the test of time and today looks with ecstasy and to the trembling.

Unexpected reading for me. Characters in this postulation older than indicated in the play. When the prospects of getting out of the night, young people say, this is one. When people lived, the hopelessness is right here. On the play it is a pity that rather young life burns, then here is right here as the last desperate attempt at least somehow change something. At the same time, a lot of life in this bedroom, in this basement. Anyway, passions are raging, but not at any age you want love, attention? I repeat, on the energy and azart of the game actors of this play, the heads and many young will give, but really another look at the play for me came out. The same Nastya. When a young girl fasses and shouts that "I was, it was," well, refer to these fantasies. Think. There will be more. Let not since it dreams, let him not Raoul, but still .. Yes, even if there is no, but there is a chance. And when you dream, how are you not in youth? When the lady is so infantile, the lady far from the young years, despite the fact that the image itself on itself on the verge of caricature, then it was "there was a straight knife in the heart. She clings for these fantasies, because there was no, of course, nothing, but also you understand that now it is also hardly. It is like a straw. I don't even want to laugh forward, but for evil comments of the "cohabitants" right now I want to kill them all. Surprisingly tragic image with all the outer caricature ... and the same actor - somehow even the logical ending of his "storyline". The same ash - he really ashes. Not, flashes, annealing, but it seems now that all his life it was so nickened, which is so choking. And if you think with 30-year-old ashes, and what will it be there in prison, and after? What will come out? Then here are experiencing stronger - this is the end! Now, there is no new life ... It remains to touch ...
And these dances ... young people can only dance from a young strength, right there is a desperate attempt to forget, drown out, "drove" ... all my life is so .. not because it pulls to dance, but because otherwise there is already nursing! In the end, I didn't want to slap on this dance .. straight and I want to write "death" ...
And the placement itself is a basement, a low ceiling - everything enhances this feeling of graveness, life. No matter how you dreamed, no matter how blood did not boil. At any age, I want to live and dream, but life is such a thing that scans just all ...

Vasilisa and Natasha - Olga Ivanova and Tamara Kudryashov. Not girls, therefore, they are afraid of their disassembly even more. Not a momentary desire and jealousy, know what they are divided. Well, whom ... and especially felt by this calculation Vasilisa - an experienced manager is a plan. Long hatched, did not appear rapidly. And love here is not in love, there is also an insult clearly mixes. And Natasha continues to dream, although it would seem .. And suddenly someone takes the hand and he will lead ... hope is indestructible ... And both beautiful people .. such a house to introduce the hostess anyone any honor ...
Medvedev - Denis Nephetranov. Funny. And it seems to keep the face - the bosses! And clearly tied here with all the affairs and relatives. Speed \u200b\u200blike hawk. Well, that's not twisted ...
Luka - Sergey Borodinov. What a wonderful image! For some reason, I perceive Borodinos pretty brutal, and he is so bright! Image out of age and time. And you will not name blessed - quite an ordinary peasant, and says "usually", does not prophesy. But so folded! I liked it very much!
Vaska Sidel - Alexander Naumov. Energy is very strong! Here it would turn the mountains! But before it was necessary, before ...
Tick \u200b\u200b- Alexey Vanin. Angled ... In my opinion, including even a wife who leaves him. She didn't wait for his caress from him, but here it is clearly he and without it, and there is a sinner ... Has the vampire fought from her? ... In the role of his wife - Tatyana Gorodetskaya.
Bubnov - Oleg Zadorin. To be honest, the role of Luka I would give this actor. He so intelligently reasonable things says. And you willingly believe that I left my wife everything - for it missed everything wisely. Even this life at the bottom justified - well, I do not like to work! Ideological beggar :-))))))
Satin - Evgeny Bakalov.
Actor - Alexander Zadokhin. Beautiful image. Art still lives in it! And now, now the audience is no longer the one that wore it in her arms, but still alcohol artistry can not kill. But the question why live? Old memories of success? And I even suspect that he is not the fact of wearing himself in the hands of fans, he recalls, but what he played so that they were worn! I needed! Wear a heart verb! And despair Well, that forgets words. How to play on stage, if the memory refuses, if you do not remember the favorite poems? !!! What is terrible, maybe? And probably, it was so easy, he believed in the "Land promised", which he was so on the "map" and did not show Luka. Once there is no hospital, where we will cure where they will help, there is no promised thing, then why is it all now? Dreaming stopped, so what remains? "Eh, a song spoiled! Fool!"
Baron - Vyacheslav Grishechkin. Obviously from another world. With this importance, there is an inappropriate, readily for humiliation. "You would like me to eat me then" - now what? Beat the lying - what interest? But the patchy dinner - and others are ready to read. How does the same Nastya laugh? Voulez Vous Coucher Avec Moi - How does French just cut a rumor here. Let at least so, but just above the rest will become.
Asanca - Farid Tagiyev. Wonderful Tatar came out !! Picky!
Nastya - Galina Galkina. The texture actress and roles are often such with a comedy bias. And here at first glance, it seems like the same way to laugh at her. But at all is not funny ... you can survive, living last, memories. And then an attempt to survive, clinging even for what was not, and then in desperates absolute shouting that "it was, it was !!" And there are no these cellmates, sorry, she convinces her neighbors, she convinces herself. Because if you also take these dreams, then there will be nothing at all!
Quashnya - Irina Sushina. Economic and pretty good young lady. But also the price itself knows what.
Aleshka - Maxim Lakomkin. The role is small. But also bright.
Kid - Vadim Sokolov. He is what is doing here? .... Tikai Schudova ...