Sivilles are witches - the propheted of ancient Greece. Delphian propheted - Sibil Artemy Ten Most Famous Sivil of the Ancient World

Sivilles are witches - the propheted of ancient Greece. Delphian propheted - Sibil Artemy Ten Most Famous Sivil of the Ancient World

The antique world prophesied in the ancient world. Other ancient Greek and ancient Roman novels, who were called Sivilah (Sibillas - to the Roman Lad) were also discouraged. According to the testimony of Plutarch, Siville is mentioned in Herclite, which believed that their statements and predictions are not from the human mind, but from the suggestion of the gods. The very word "Sivila" occurred on behalf of the first predictor - the daughter of Tsar Dardan and his spouses. True, myths also say that the girl was not the earthly king of Dardan, and the God of Zeus himself, which was the second name of Svilles - Zeus.

P. Perughino. Savil. 1497-1500

But there were more terrestrial interpretations of the word "Sivil". Thus, the Ancient Roman historian Varon believes that it happened from the StarioLatin combination of "God's Will". And the Greeks believed that Sivila could be interpreted as "having ever had a call of the future."

In addition to the daughter of King Dardan, the Greek myths are called another older "hearing" - Siville Herofila Eritrean. According to one version, she was also a daughter of Zeus, but on the other - Apollo. But the mother is usually considered to be Lamia, the daughter of God the Seas of Poseidon. Lamia was beautiful, but was considered a witch, for it could have been able to lead the future. According to the legend, she was a beloved Zeus (or Apollo), who gave birth to her mother's daughter, who became Sivila. But the Lamy itself had to be not easy. The spouse of Zeus, jealous gera, lowered at her madness and turned into a monster that could not sleep. And the poor fellow became a vampire night ghost, which wanders in darkness and sucks the power, and even the life of children and boys. In short, lovers of the Vampire Saga, this is your progenitian.

Well, since the knowledge of the night otherworldly, it is not surprising that her daughter, herofila, became the best of Siville with such "hereditary". However, the girl, like the mother, there was no rest anywhere. Just like Lamia wandered around his cave around his cave, Herophile traveled around the world. No wonder, she was often depicted with a naked sword in their hands (a double symbol: on the one hand, it is necessary to defend themselves on the road, on the other - the sword is her distinguishing truth) and the apple that she threw on the road. Where it rolled, Sivil there and went. She prophesy in Delphi, on Samos, Delos and other islands. It is known that Gerofila also predicted the drop in Troy and the battle for this city. It was believed that she, like other Siviles, lived for more than a thousand years. Researchers do not believe that Herophile has heard so long, most likely, a lot of Siville prophesied under her name.

Other prosecutants, who were called simply in place of their habitat - cities and localities: Frigian, Tiburbinskaya, Kolofon, Samos, Roman, Persian, Chaldean, Egyptian, Palestinian, etc.

Frygian Sivila - Lampus was known. She prophesy in Ankira. She was particularly respected for the fact that, according to legend, it took place from the genus of the ancient Greek priest Kalhas (Calkhanta), which participated in the Trojan War. Calhas predicted the duration of the war and the preintection that its outcome will depend on whether the famous Warrior Achill would be fought on the Greek side. By the way, Kalhas himself was the grandson of Apollo, so he received his gift Lampus in a straight line from the future predictor of the future.

The ancient world knew that the gift of the prediction of Sivili received from the gods, and therefore predictors were respected everywhere. A simple people, however, a somewhat afraid of the priests, but he often turned to them, bringing solid gifts to the temples. Sivila could become only a young innocent girl who later had to spend the whole life in the temple. She could not get out of married. Well, if she succumbed to the feeling of carnal love, he lost the status of Sibylis and was expelled from the temple: it was believed that with loss of virginity, she acquires an inseparable connection with the earthly man and deprived of heavenly relationship with the gods.

Siville predictions believed. Historians quoted their prophecies. For example, the great Pythagoras himself talked about how one of the predictors predicted the epidemic to the duration of exactly 51 days. And indeed, on the 52nd day, the epidemic went sharply on the decline. Plutarchs also wrote that Syville warned about the upcoming eruption of Vesuvius and thereby saved many people who believed her prediction.

Over time, the spread of Christianity on Siville, as in other prophets-oracles, began persecution. But the three Sivill Christians were originally recognized. The first was the Eritrean Sievil (traditionally referred to as herofil), which allegedly predicted the birth of Christ. The second became Samoneph (for other sources, phyto) - Sivil Samos. She lived on the island of Samos somewhere in the 2nd millennium BC. e. And he always wore a book with me, and on the head a thorns. The book of Syvil called the Bible, and the wreath revealed the symbol of the future suffering of the coming ridder of the world. That is, it can be assumed that in the 2nd millennium BC. e. Samoneph predicted the phenomenon of Christ.

The Third Silila, who became the stories of Christian culture, became the famous Tiburbinskaya propheted from Italy. Sometimes it is even called by name - Albune. In 1 year BC e. Emperor Octavian Augustus wasveling to become a living god. The holiday began - apotheosis of the deification. But it penetrated the propheted. "You can't become God!" - she predicted. "Why?" - the emperor was surprised. "Because the true God will soon be born!" - Albunya replied and, drove out the comb from his hair, raised him to heaven. And the incredible happened: the heavens opened, and the emperor saw the Mother of God with the infant Christ in his arms. From Madonna, such an incredibly clean light came from such that the emperor abandoned the deification ceremony. Moreover, he took off his own crown and put it the ground as a sign of what he recognizes the future dominion of Christ.

Already in the days of the Middle Ages, the Western Christian Church recognized 12 Siville as a propheted coming to the Earth of Christ. This is what list of attributes with which they are usually depicted, correlating with the symbols of Christianity and the passions of the Lord, leads the famous historian of the arts James Hall, the author of the "dictionary of plots and symbols in art":

« Persian Sille:lamp and snake at her feet;

Libyan Sivila:candle and torch;

Etling (Eritrean) Sivil:lily of the Annunciation;

Kum Sivil:bowl (sometimes like shells);

Samos Sille:cradle;

Kimmerian Sivil:horn of abundance or cross;

Tiburbinskaya Sivil:cut-off hand;

European Sivil:sword;

AGRIPPINA SIVIL:perhaps the horn of the abundance of Egyptian Sibyli, whip;

Delphian Sivil:crown;

Gellespontius Sivil:nails and cross;

Frygian Sivil:cross and Ascension Banner. "

Sville's wisdom was recorded in Sivil (Sivillic) books. The many of them walked many, but the canonical was considered 14, which were written in Greek with a gecmeter. There was said about the development of society and human morals, the creation and destruction of states, about politics and diplomacy, there were reasoning about new and old religions, criticism of the modern structure of society. In a word, prophecy and predictions of Sivilov books were inclusive.

It is known that already in the Roman Empire, Siville books were in the temples, in particular in the Temple of Jupiter in Rome. The rulers and priests were checked with books, trying to find solutions to their urgent problems there. Known classic case of appeal to the books of Siville. In 293, a terrible epidemic of plague broke out in Rome. No one knew what to do. But on the pages of one of the Sivilov books found, the indication was found - lead to Rome the statue of the god of the healer of the Eskulap from the city of Epidaur. There were urgently sent the deaths, the statue was packed and lucky in Rome. And barely a cart with precious cargo drove through the city gate, as the epidemic went to the decline.

However, the books themselves were lost, they were. They were recorded anew, based on old texts, while adding new ones. To date, 12 books have been preserved. It is believed that they are written somewhere between the second century BC. e. and II century n. e. Their texts are a compilation of Greek, Roman, Jewish and later Christian views, since the books were written by people of different nationalities and beliefs. Today, their mystical meaning is already difficult to understand, but from a historical point of view they have no price. And perhaps somewhere else, the texts of ancient Sivilov books have been preserved. After all, as Shakespeare said, "there is a lot in the world, a friend of Horace ...".

Maximilian Voloshin. From the literary heritage of St. Petersburg, "Aletia", 1999

Kimmerian Sivila
(Memory A. M. Petrova)

At the heart of each talent lies an excess of vitality, which is barrier to anything opportunity to pour in life. Whether this obstacle is in circumstances, in the medium, in a physical defect, disadvantage or in character characteristics, it always necessitates the liberation of entities - physical - in spiritual. If this person has the ability of an incarnation - he becomes an artist if it is not, he lives his life peculiar, deep and acts on others as a charged Leiden Bank, leaving a deep mark in their lives and psyche. The influence of such talents, devoid of the gift of personal incarnation, is very deep and fruitful. But, unfortunately, it is rarely noted and fixed, we do not have records of our cultural life. To such people who feared many dozens of people, with her in contact with her, belonged to Alex Mikh Petrova, whose name did not come out immediately just because her work on collecting and researching Tatar embroidery was completed, according to her will, E. Yu Spasskaya (which she Itself, of course, would not do) and recently published. 1 But the personality and m far exceeded this work, and I want it to be immortalized. In the development of my poetic creativity, as well as in the development of the pictures of creativity K. F. Boyaevsk, and M has played an important and deep role. She served not only by communication between us, but also determined our paths in art. At the end of the last century, Feodosia was a very deaf and ceremony on the Black Sea coast. She did not have any signs of public life - neither theater, nor newspapers, nor a higher educational institution. Among the low level of the Russian province, she occupied one of the last places. And at the same time, in her life there were such features that were highlighted from the level of the usual Russian province. Whatever enough - but 1/2 thousand years at first Turkish, and then the St. Petersburg authorities did not destroy the secret of its dependence on their ancient metropolis - from Genoa. 2 among the orders were often Italian surnames. Some families sent their children to end education in Genoa. City department was in the hands of an Italian family. 3 But they began to push the richest Karai (Crimea). 4 Completely special place was occupied by Aivazovsky, who was so overflowing Feodosia with his glory and official recognition, which, without having any position, was everywhere recognized as a representative of the city, "father of the Fatherland". He gave her shine and Italian maestric. Feodosia was the "primary" Aivazovsky for generally silent recognition. 5 Whether the Vilensky Regiment was going to translate somewhere out of Feodosia, who was coming here for centuries, - asked Aivazovsky. Aivazovsky wrote in St. Petersburg. The regiment was left. Lee a dispute about the commercial port between Feodosia and Sevastopol, the word Aivazovsky solved the issue of Feodosia. The same was the road, and with educational institutions, and with a water supply. 6 In 1893, when the 16-year-old young men was translated into the feud. Gymnas, Zhelezn Dor, who finally connected FEO-D with Russia already existed, the port just began to build. Not far from the then gymnasium on the seashore, windows in Primors-with Square stood a small house in 3 windows. Through the monumental wooden gates, you were part of a tiny courtyard of the Spanish Patio type, all the autumn branches of the old acacia and covered with grapes. With a two-story ointment in depth. The family of Petrov lived here. The house belonged to the "grandmother". "Grandma" was half antelon (from durant). 7 calm, very beautiful, complacently magnificent, fulfilled simple and unworn everyday wisdom. Her daughter was the mother Alex Mich. 8 It was a strange, wordless and quiet creature. She lay on her babuscan beauty. Father and m was the original and captivating person. 9 Static tall old man with a huge gray beard to a belt, in black take the same velvet blouse, he was an artist, and a dramatic artist, and a musician. If he knew how to write and poem, and the dram play. He was inventor and hypnotism, and spirit. And in all this there was no charlatanism, no bad taste. Given all the proportions, it was a small, provincial Leonardo da Vinci, who spent his whole life on a peculiar order of Russian life in Feodosia, serving colonel border guard. He knew all the root Crimea and loved him as "grandfather Petrov." He had five sons - overatus and losers who were all excluded from the younger classes of gymnasium and everyone passed through the only refuge of the hooligan youth of those times - nautical classes. 10 A M was the only daughter, older children. She alone shared the interests and hobbies of the Father. The family was poor, and to maintain environments were taken to the guesthouse of the gymnasists. So I got completely accidentally and I, the gymnasium of the VII class, 11, together with the friend of my youth, A. M. Peshkovsk - now the professional Sanskritologist and the author "Rus Sin-in-school opaque." 12 Old Petrov this year was transferred to Central Asia for many years. Excessive vitality, if it does not give a congenital infringement of character, becomes a source of creativity. But humanity, as a society, is much more valuable to those people who are widely and fully interpreted their vitality, infecting it around. Such people belonged to A. M. P. after her death there was nothing left, which could perpetuate her personality. But its influence is deeply captured in life, and in the work of those who surrounded it. And she had a special ability to attract people to him, despite the fact that she herself sortily believed in her dislike and sharpness. Writing these lines had happiness by a gymnasium to get into her family "on the apartment", and all his poetic creativity is connected with her friendship and its influence. The artist Goyaevsky is obliged to her. She was a keeper of that spirit, the old man, which in the painting of the giant and in my poetry found an expression as the spirit of kimmeria. I remember clearly her appearance in youth: a serious, very beautiful girl with a low head, with strict features of the face - type of Athens, Pallades. I remember the old small house in 3 windows on the sea and a small, densely overgrown with the greenery, reminded by the Spanish Patio. I remember her room hung with paintings (Ayvazovsk, Lagorio, 13 Fez Slemer, 14 Bogaevsky), with portraits of Beethoven, Goethe, Bairon. I remember

Kimmerian Sivila

Excessive vitality, if the congenital infringement of character does not give him an exit, becomes a source of creativity - talent. Therefore, in live human communication, there are much more valuable people who are widely and fully interpreting their vitality, infecting them around. Their most insufficient giftedness to the fixation of the experienced is the source of their beneficial effects: the absence of the gift of poetic transformed into love and in understanding artistic works, passionateness by passion - a creative mystical feeling. Such people belonged to Alex Mikh Petrov, the posthumous meeting of the Tatar embroidery of which was completed, systematized and Comments by E. Yu Spasskaya. Perhaps this assembly is the only act of activity A M, which

We call the talent of those who are gifted by the ability to learn more opportunity to negotiate it. But those who extend their lives are putting their talent of life. The barbed passion becomes mystic. The strength of dark planetary bodies. They are invisible, but their influence is enormous. A. M.P is one of these dark concentrations. Theodosius of the end of the XIX century. Sea outback. An old house. Father M M. Paradox of Russian life. Colonel border guard - poet, artist, artist, inventor with beard Leon da Vinci. Saturated atmosphere at home. Meetings with a m on the way to gymnasium. Palked head Pallades. Pull and focus. Fate led us, me and peshk, settle at the apartment. "Grandma" - Italian. Beautiful, calm, majestic. Brothers - naval. Mother, silent, in Mantile. And M. Talk, the cult of great people. Music. Beethoven. Window west. Port. Actually nest. Pictures. Painting. Influence on me and Bogajevsky. Through it opened Kimmeria. She was a listened ear. On September 12, 1919, Voloshin recorded the sketch of the same name "Cimmerian Sivila" in the "creative notebook", in which Kimmeria landscape was given - as if on the face of "Siviles": from the ascended thrones of my plane. Among the dead swamps and deaf outdoors, it is visible to me all the fog and the happiness and the longing of the hijacked kimmeria. I have a pour bones of doptop monsters. Here, basalts are kept by the halis and nimbar of harvested radiances and the prints of the glory, the six-square crucified rocks in the rocks of the cherubs and dragons, tightened by Il, the ridges ... Next, the poet gives a few more fragmentary descriptions of the Karadaga and its environs, in conclusion again returning to the image of Svilles: in the depth of hopeless Forests and steppes Dimmets my wonderful ear. (Irley, f. 562, op. 1, units. Xp. 7, l. 49 about.). The plan of the poem directly about Petrova appeared only after her death in Voloshina's notebook: "Kimmerian Sivila and this broken body like a dilapidated rockey raincoat with shoulders slipped and thinned. 1. She had a concentrated look and tilted her head Palley. 2. Her house was standing on The foundations and arches of the Tatar-Italian antique. 3. The city, folded from the old stones, many times later in a new one in the new buildings, stood on the seashore. 4. He bursts, like sink, sea noises, and ground rows. 5. in a sensitive ear She listened all his life echoes of the Middle Sea and the deaf interruption of the heart of the Russian world. 6. While she lived, the guard fire was burning in the fog of the Kimmerian Night. 7. As Kimmerian Sievil, she sat over the city and the fate of Russia. 8. "(Irley, f. 562, on. 1, un. Xp. 468). Published sketches of the article on Petrova include, apparently, by 1926, and inspidated by Evgenia Yurievous Spasskaya (1892--1980), an ethnograph of Kiev. All 1921 she lived in Feodosia, talked a lot from Petrova - and that, "dying", tied her promise "to put in order and finish her work" about Tatar embroidery. In a letter dated April 26, 1926 Spasskaya reported Voloshin that his "note" about Petrova (also, apparently, only planned) is taken to publish in Baku Employee of the University of V. M. Zumbar. In a letter dated December 25, 1927, Spasskaya reminded Voloshin that he was "one time" even tormented "For remrections that I didn't write anything about a M." (Letters of Spasskaya - Irley, f. 562, Op. 3, units. XP. 1138). In the spring of 1932, working on the memories of learning in the Feodosian gymnasium, Voloshin described And your acquaintance with Petrova, and her family, and the atmosphere of Feodosias of those years, and separately - the death of Petrova. (See: Voloshin M.Traveler in the universe. M., 1990. C. 248-255, 264-266). 1 Article E. Yu. Spasskaya "Tatar embroidery of the Starocrymsky District on materials A. M. Petrova" was published in the 1st Collection of "Oriental Science. News of the Eastern Faculty of Azerbaijan State University" (Baku, 1926). In the preface, Spasskaya wrote: "A native of Feodosia, related to kinship, acquaintance and friendship with many old-timers of the Feodosi district, connoisseurs and collectors of objects of the art of Crimean Tatars, she, without having a special scientific training, working with exceptional love and consistency, still found faithful Ways of research, sending all its energy to collecting and sketching materials only in the field of Tatar sewing and only in one area "(p. 21--22). 2 Feodosia was the colony of Genoa (called Cafe) from the 70s. XIII century On 1475 - when the city passed under the power of the Turks. 3 Meaning Family Duranfrom representatives of which Iosif Vikentievich Duranta (1846--1895) was a city head, A Anton Gustavovich (1881 - 1937), Leonard Antonovich and Ferdinand Gustavovich (? - 1937) - members of the city Duma (in 1904-1911) . 4 Surname of the Karaizh family, among whose members: Aaron Yakovlevich Crimea(? - 1930) - urban head in 1911 - 1919, Sky Abramovich Crimea- Chairman of the Exchange Committee of Feodosia (1911), Solomon Samuilovich Crimea(1867--1936) - Member of the State Duma, in 1918 - Head of the Government of Crimea, Shebetai Samuelovich Crimea(? --1932) - Chairman of the city council in 1908--1917. 5 On the same Voloshin wrote in the article "K. F. Gogaevsky" (Golden Fleece. 1907. No 10. P. 24--25). However, his attitude to creativity and the personality of I. K. Aivazovsky was not deprived of critical notes (see: Kuchenko V.I. K. Ayvazovsky and M. Voloshin // Victory (Feodosia). 1974. 11, 12, September 13). 6 Ayvazovsky defended (in the maritime ministry) Theodosius as a place of construction of a trading port (for which Sevastopol was claimed) in the 1880s. The construction of the port began in 1892, then the railway was built from Gianco to Feodosia. Water pipe from the source of Subash in the estate of the Aivazovsky - giving the city "50,000 buckets of water per day" - was held by autumn 1888 7 Maria Leonardovna Rafanovich(Ur. Durant, Ok. 1826-1897). 8 Mother A. M. Petrova - Nina Alexandrovna Petrova. 9 Mikhail Mitrofanovich Petrov(1841 - 1903), Colonel of the Border Guard. As an artist, mentioned in the article Voloshin "Art in Feodosia" (Voloshin M.Traveler in the universe. P. 156). His miniature landscape is kept in the Voloshin House-Museum in Koktebel (entered in the late 1970s.). 10 Sons - Adrian (? --1920), officer, Alexander, Mikhail (see Note. 3 to paragraph 117), Orest (? -1911) and Peter (served in Nikolaev in 1921). 11 Voloshin settled in Petrov in the autumn of 1894, when he studied in the 6th grade of gymnasium. 12 For Peshkovsky, see Note. 2k p. 119. The book is meant: Peshkovsky A. M.Russian syntax in scientific lighting. Popular essays (M., 1914; 6th edition - 1938, 7th ed. - 1956). 13 Lev Feliksovich Lagorio.(1827--1905) - painter and watercolorist, a native of Feodosia. 14 Adolf Ivanovich Fesler.(1826-1885) - Faodosian artist, landscape system.

round Temple of Sille, Sibyl
Silila, Sibillas (DR. Greek. σίβυλλαι, units. σίβυλλα, lat. Sibylla, Sibulla, -ae) - In ancient culture, the propheted and showers, ecstatable future, often disasters.

  • 1 messages
    • 1.1 First Sivila
      • 1.1.1 Gerofila
    • 1.2 Other Silles
      • 1.2.1 Number of Siville
      • 1.2.2 Prediction
    • 1.3 Kum Sivila
  • 2 Silles in Christianity
  • 3 List of Siville
  • 4 books with predictions Siville
    • 4.1 Sivallins Books
      • 4.1.1 Predictions of Sivallin Books
    • 4.2 "Oracles of Silila"
  • 5 literature
  • 6 Fine art
  • 7 music
  • 8 Use name
  • 9 Notes
  • 10 literature
  • 11 Links


First Sivila

According to one of theories, originally "Sivila" is a personal name of one of the propheted, for the first time this character, according to the testimony of Plutarch, is mentioned at Herclite. It was then moved to other predictions. According to Varon, the Word of Syville translates "God's Will".

It is also mentioned by Plato and Aristophan.

The first Sivil was Trojanka, Darudan's daughter and Neso. According to Akseandra, she won on competitions in poetry on Pelia games.

Sivilestone in Delfa

Heraclit argues that Sivil's saying was the generation of not a human mind, but rather a divine suggestion. They also say that in the hall of assembly in Delphi, a stone was shown, which served, by legend, the sedalent of the first Sibyli, who came down from Helicon, where she was brought up with muses. Some say that she came from Malia and was the daughter of Lamy and the granddaughter of Poseidon. One of his poems, Serapion says that Syville did not cease to predict and death, and that the Spirit who left her by death gives the ability to prone to gadellers and predictors; The body of it, turning into the ground, grave grave; That is why according to the internships of animals, popping grass in this place, people can recognize the future. He also believes that the face, which is the moon, is the soul of Siville.

Clement Alexandria, "Stromites"

The Clement Alexandrian also mentions that, according to the ancient authors, the first Sivila was the Delphic Fömoyoye, which was advised by acrusius, and she only lived for 27 years before Orpheus, Musea and Lina, Gerakla teacher. Other sources of Fömoyoy are referred to as Pythia.



A certain confusion contributes the name "Gerofila", which is used to several sivils from different regions. According to the interpretations, Siville named Herofila was somewhat, on the other, this is the same prophetcher who lived a lot of centuries and a lot of wandered.

The Delphian Sivila - Gerofila (daughter of Zeus and Lamia) is mentioned in the fragment of Euvela Corinthsky (VIII century BC. E.). According to some, Sivile is called Lamia herself, daughter of Poseidon, who arrived in Delphi from Malida.

The Greek name of Herofila Sivil is named in a Greek story, given by PAsania, and its origin is associated with Apollo and Muses. The name of Siville, according to Pausania, was given by Libyans. The chamber of the temple of Apollo Sminfea, lived on the Samos, visited Clare, Delos, Delphi. Died in the Troadade, where he was buried in the grove of Apollo Sminfea. She called from Ephesus Persian King Cyrus.

The younger heofile, on the nicknamer Sievil, sang a prophecy in Delphi, predicted the Trojan War. The hymn for the delillians in honor of Apollo calls himself his wife, daughter and sister of Apollo; In another, the prophecy calls himself a daughter Nymphs and the Aidonea River. Some, Sivila is Frigiaka Artemis, who came to Delphi.

The third herophile came from the EDFR. According to EHFReans, born in a cave on a mountain cigrian from the shepherd Feodor and Nymphs. According to Apollodor Eritresky, predicted that the Troy will die and Homer will write complete fictions to the poem.

Other Silles

In the Hellenistic and Roman time there were legends about two, four or ten Syvilles, called their habitats, although some had their own names. Before the literary processing of late Roman authors did not have personal names, but were called on geographic habitats. In addition, the name of the previous one - Gerofila, could often be transferred to them.

Number of Siville

Initially, one Sivile eventually began to enter the worldview of the ancient Greeks to the number of nine Siville, the Romans added the tenth - Tiburinsky, probably Etruscan origin. According to the lactation, quoted in the IV century, the lost operation of Warreter I century BC. er, these ten were: Persian, Libyan, Dolphic, Kimmerian, Eritrean, Samaneskaya, Kumskaya, Gellevskaya, Frigian and Tiburbinskaya. Of these, the most famous were three - Delphic, Eritrean and Kum.


Like the Pythian oracles, the predictions of Siville were usually made in poetic form - a hexameter. It was believed that Syville could be predicted for a thousand years ago, so one allegedly predicted the eruption of Vesuvius and indicated the place of the battle, which put the end of the independence of ancient Greece.

Kum Sivila

More details on this topic, see: Kum Sivila.

According to Greek mythology, the Kum Syville was a Greek priestess, who left the Epira and lived in the city of Kuma (Italy). She was a beloved Apollo, who received a gift from God, the gift of prison and life, which lasted exactly as much as the priestess would be away from their native land. According to one of the versions of the legend, Apollo measured this Sivile as many years of life as the sand grades fit in hand. However, she did not think to ask God for the extension of youth, and therefore slowly dried, until he turned into a tiny wrinkled creature, dreaming only about death.

I lived a thousand years and died with a stale old woman, when the Greeks came to her, bringing a handful of native land. (Fellow citizens sent her a letter sealed with white clay, she saw him and died). According to Ovid, the meeting with Eneem has already lived for 700 years.

She is visited by Eney in the "Aneida" Vergil. According to Enei, I visited Sivilu in the idea of \u200b\u200beritra, he was predicted to sail to the West until the tables would be eaten.

Sibils in Christianity

The predictions of Siville, interpreted as prophecies about the embodiment of Christ, received a positive assessment from Christian theologians from the first centuries of Christianity. Justin philosopher in the middle of the II century in his first apology writes:

But on the action of evil demons, the death penalty is determined to those who will read the books of Istasp or Savils or the Prophets, in order for fear to turn away reading people from learning a kind, and to keep them in their slavery; What, how could they do forever; Because not only we ourselves paylessly read those books, but also you see, we present at the discretion, being sure that they would like everyone.

Justin philosopher, apology I

Eusevius Caesarian attributed to Sivilam Miriam - sister Moses, which is referred to in the Bible (Ex. 15:20).

Eritrean Syville predicted the arrival of Christ. She saw the trimalhion with his own eyes.

Already in the IV century, in the Christian environment, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe special mystical sense of the "fourth eclogging" Vergil, written in honor of his son and a patron, Poet Polulion, was widespread. With this event, as Vergili wrote, Sivil Kumskaya allegedly tied the beginning of a new era of justice and abundance. Christian tradition is the prophecy interpreted as the prediction of the birth of Jesus.

List of Siville

Name Picture Geography Description Famous prophecies
Territory of ancient Greece:
Delphian (Artemy) delphi He had a daughty look, in his hands wearing a laurel branch, pulled her head with their hair. I lived to the Trojan war. Mentioned in the "Stromites" of the Clement of Alexandria.
Frigian (Lampus) g. Ankira He had an old appearance, in his hand always wore a naked sword. There was from the genus of the Greek sophistant of Calkhanta, the participant of the Trojan War.
Eritrayskaya (Gerofila or Sami) Eritrea Her parents believed Apollo and Lamia. Hands she wore a naked sword, leaning on him, and a round apple, beautiful as the stars she challenged at his feet. According to legends, lived 483 before the taking of the fall of the Troy. According to ancient legend, the Eritrean Sivile predicted that Rome would be destroyed by periases.
Samosskaya (Phyto or samoneph) o.Samos He lived in the II millennium BC. e., walked in colorful clothes, carrying a book and a crown in his hands.
Delosskaya o.Deos.
Troyanskaya (GELLESPONT) thai He lived in the VI century BC. e. In the times of the Persian king Cyrus and the Athenian Politics of Solon. Hands she wore Ears of Wheat. Drop Constantinople
Territory of the Ancient East:
Persian, Babylonian (Sambaf) Persia He lived in the XIII century BC. er, had a daughty look, went to golden clothes. Described by Justina in his "Word to Gentiles." The place of her residence was determined as: "It is the ancient temple of the pagan, and then the lake, which is called Ambern. Near him on the left side stands mountain. The grief is a spacious cave ... there, as they say, lived Sivil " She is credited with 24 books of prophecies. Among them are about the affairs of Alexander the Great, about Jesus Christ. Her prophecies belong to 1248 BC. er
Egyptian (Agrippa, or Taracander) Egypt In her hands, she always wore a book, the age was average, went in red clothes. About Sivile reports Clement Alexandrian in his "Word to Gentiles." The destruction of the Ephesian Temple and the temples of Isis and Serapis in Egypt. There are prophecies about the embodiment of Jesus Christ.
Palestinian (Jewish, Sabskaya) Syria PAsaniy calls Sville Sabskaya to a prophet, who lives with Jews outside of Palestine, in the Syrian mountains. Roman Sofist III century Elian called her Jewish Syville. Theophil Antiochsky writes that the Jews have repeatedly appeared syvilles like Greek.

Sivila Sabskaya often adjusted to the queen Sava.

Prophecy of a life-giving cross
Territory of ancient Rome:
Kumskaya Kuma. "Sivallins Books"
Tiburbinskaya (Albune) Italy He lived at the time of the emperor of August. Hands wore an oil branch. "Golden Legend" mentions her communication with Octavian August on the issue of reacting his God. She brought him the image of the Virgin with a baby in his arms in the sky, and Octavian refused to take such a title. She also predicted the destruction of the Temple of Janus in Rome.
Kimmerian (Car money) Italy (Mount Karmala), about Oz. Amber Wore a rose flower in her hands. Evander, the founder of the temple of Pan, the so-called Luplekion, was her son. Prophecy that the world will exist 6000 years old (Souluscript is unknown)

Books with predictions Siville

Main article: Books Siville

Sivallins books

The so-called "Sivallins of the Books", which was considered from the predictions of the Kum Siville, played a large role in the public life of the Roman state.

The history of the emergence of these books in Rome is as follows: predictions were recorded on palm leaves and amounted to nine books. According to Dionysia Galicarnas Sivila, who appeared in Rome, suggested that the tar of Tarquintia proud (or Tarquinia) to buy these books from her for a huge price (along the Varon, for 300 Golden Philippov), and when he refused, burned three of them. Then she offered him to buy the remaining six for the same price and, again receiving the refusal, burned three more books. Then the king on the Council of the August bought surviving books for the initial price. It is noteworthy here that the coins of Philipses are named after the king, who lived for two centuries later than Tarquinia, which once again proves the gift of prophecy in Siville.

"SIVILA", the picture of Velasquez

Later, Tiburbinsky and other Siville were added to these books. Sivallins of the books were kept by a special priestly board in the Temple of Jupiter on the Capitol Hill in the Stone Box. Books played a big role in the religious life of the Romans. They were treated for advice in the critical moments of political and private life.

In 83 BC e. Books burned, but were restored during August and Tiberius, the newly compiled text was revised under the Emperor August in 12. Newly composed books were in the temple of Apollo on the Palatine Hill.

In 405, already in the Christian era, they were burned on the orders of Styhimon (ruler of the Western Roman Empire).

The Faofan Foother, describing the reign of the emperor Lion V Armenian (813-820), reports that he was afraid of one prediction that threatened him to death:

Predictions of Sivillic books

Under the influence of Siville, new rites and cults of new deities were introduced; The priests of Siville are priests.

  • In 293 BC e. During the epidemic of the plague in Rome, the epidemic found an indication that the epidemic ceases if the Rome brought the statue of the Eskulap's God from Askeyyon in the epidavra; And in 291 to n. e. On one of the islands of Tiber (Tiberina), the temple of the Eskulap was founded.
  • In 204 BC e. Similarly, a black stone, revered Fetish Kibel, the goddess mother, was transported from Malaya Asia.

"Oracles of Silila"

Prophecies of Sivilles, poems written on behalf of Sville's pagan. The compilers call them the pagans to appeal to the One God, give idolatry, evil and wickedness. Jewish authors belong to the III, IV and V part of the book. Dated time between the first century BC. e. and I century n. e.

In literature

MMLING. Sivila Sambeta. 1480. Wood, oil. Netherlands (Flanders). Brugge. Museum of Memling

The magnificent image of Svilles, created by twist in the VI song "Eniida", numerous references to Sivilk in Roman writers (Titon Libya, Varon) and especially the references to them from Christian apologists (lactations), all this contributes to the preservation of a legend of Syvilles and Sviline Books in The literature of the Christian Middle Ages (Anglo-Norman processing of the XII century, Starofranzaz "Dits Prophétiques des Sibylles", the XV century), right up to the Renaissance, which fastened the image of Siville in the unsurpassed forms of fine art (Michelangelo).

In fine art

The most famous image of Siville is the cycle of frescoes of Michelangelo in the Sicastine Chapel. The artist included them in the cycle next to the biblical stakes, as it is believed that the propheted spoke about the end of the agency, and announced the arrival of the delighthouse.

Domenico Girlandiao wrote four Siville on the villages of the Church of Santa Trinit, Florence.

Other plots:

  • Sivila and Eney.
  • Sibyl and Emperor August

In music

In the famous medieval sequence "Dies Irae", the prediction of the terrible court "certifies" by the testimony (biblical king) of David and Sivila (Lat. Test David Cum Sibylla).

In the era of the Renaissance, Orlando Lasso wrote a cycle of Motets "Prophe's Siville" (Prophetiae SibylLarum), the first of which became a classic example of chromatic music of the XVI century.

Using a name

  • In the English-language world, the female name Sibyl (Sybil) is common, and the word "Sivila" is written as Sibyl.
  • In honor of Sibil, the asteroid (168) of Sibill, opened in 1876, is named.


  1. Myths of the peoples of the world. M., 1991-92. 2 t. T.2. C.430-431, Licker F. Real Dictionary of Classic Antiquities. M., 2001. 3 t. T3. C.291-293
  2. De Pyth. ORAC. - about the oracles "Pythia", 6
  3. Lactation. Divine sets I 6, 7
  4. Fragments of early Greek philosophers. Part 1. M., 1989. p.235
  5. Plato. FEAG 124D, Fedr 244B; Aristophanes. World 1095, 1116
  6. Plutarch. Pagted conversations V 2, 1
  7. Clement Alexandria, "Stromites"
  8. EMMEL. Corinth, FR.8 Bernabe, seekom.
  9. Plutarch. The fact that Pythia no longer reassigns verses 9
  10. PAANSANIES, X 12, 1-3
  11. Pausania. Description Eldla x 12, 1
  12. 1 2 Myths of the peoples of the world, T.2., P.430
  13. Hygin. Myths 128.
  14. Pausania. Description Elfla x 12, 5-6
  15. Nikolay Damasky. History, FR.67 Jacobi
  16. Pausania. Description Elfla x 12, 2-3
  17. Clement. Stromets I 108, 1
  18. Stramp. Geography XIV 1, 34 (p.645); Clement. Stromets I 108, 3
  19. Pausania. Elfla x 12, 7
  20. Lactation. Divine setting I 6, 9
  21. First Vatican Mythograph II 51, 2-4
  22. Ovidi. Metamorphosis XIV 130-153
  23. Vergili. Eneid VI 10.
  24. Licofron. Alexandra 1255; Dionysius Galicarnassky. Roman antiquities I 55, 4
  25. Justin philosopher. Apology
  26. Augustine. About Grada God XVIII 23
  27. Petronia. Satirikon 48.
  28. Nikolai Spafari Book About Sivilch
  29. Claver Riva. Queen Sava in the Bible and Legends
  30. Ferofil Antiochian. Messages to Avtolik
  31. "The phenomenon of Siville Emperor Augustus." Picture of Paris Bordon in the collection of GMI them. A.S. Pushkin. Catalog
  32. Dionysius Galicarnassky. Roman antiquities iv 62, 2; Avl Gelly. Attic nights I 19, 2
  33. Lactation. Divine setting I 6, 10, from Warre
  34. On the appeal of the Romans to the "Books of Fate", see Libya, III, 10; V, 3, X, 47, XXI, 62; Xxii, 1, 9; XXIX, 10, XXXVI, 37.
  35. Faofan follower. "The lives of the Byzantine kings" (Book I. Lion V
  36. BSE. Aesculapius
  37. A.Men. On the threshold of the New Testament. Ch.23. Hellenism in Rome
  38. The work in different sources is attributed as a "portrait of the lady" or "Portrait of a young lady"; Meanwhile, the tablet in the upper part says: Sibylla Sambetha Quae et Persica, An: Ante Christ: NAT: 2040 (Sivil Sambetskaya, siren Persian, year from christmas Christ is 2040)
  39. A.Men. On the threshold of the New Testament. From the era of Alexander Macedonsky before the preaching of John the Baptist. Ch.22. Etruscan, Sivil, Carthage


  • Volnin A. Judean and Christian ideas in the books of Siville. Vir, 1899, № 2,3,5,8
  • Hepfkene I. Sivila // From the history of the first centuries of Christianity (translation from German). St. Petersburg., 1908
  • Gloianians N.I. The origin of peace and man and the subsequent fate of the image of the ancient Roman poets: Sivallins of the book. HF, 1877, № 1-2
  • Book Siville. Translation from ancient Greek M. and V. Vitkovsky. - M.: Enigma. 1996. - ISBN 5-7808-0004-9


  • SIVIL // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: at 86 tons. (82 t. And 4 add.). - St. Petersburg., 1890-1907.
  • SIVIL // Small Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: 4 volumes. - SPb., 1907-1909.
  • Books Siville
  • SIVILS Brush artist Leonar Limuzen (1505-1577): Sivil European and Sivil Kumskaya

round Temple of Siville, Round Temple of Savil, Silles, Sibyl

Siville information O.

- (σιβύλλαι), in Greek mythology, the propheted, showers, in ecstasy predicate future (usually disasters). Name "S." (The etymology is unclear), according to the testimony of Plutarch (De Pyth. Orac. About Oraclaces "Pythia", 6), first meets Herclita. ... ... Encyclopedia mythology

Silila - Sibil. Michelangelo's fresco at the Plafon of the Sistine Chapel: Delphic Sivila. 1508 12. Vatican. Sibilles (Sibillas), in the ancient Greeks and the Romans of the priest, in ecstasy predicate future (usually disasters). The most famous: Delphic ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

Silila - (SXBULLA, SIBYLLA) and Sivallins of the book (Libri Sibyllini). Sivilles in ancient Greece were called the wandering prophets, who, like Gomeov's gadels, offered every wishes to guess and predict fate. Like Bakids, ... ... Encyclopedia Brockhaus and Ephron

Silila - (Sibilla) legendary pruneraders mentioned by antique authors; There were up to 12 Siville. The most famous Kum Syville, which is attributed to the Sivallins of the Books Collection of sayings and predictions, which served for official ghosts in other ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Silila - In the ancient Greeks and the Romans inspired by appearances. With a herofila, who lived in Eritrea, according to legend, predicted the fate of Rome in t. N. Sivallic books that were kept in the Capitol temple. A dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Silila - Sibilla, legendary priests mentioned by antique authors; There were up to 12 Siville. The most famous Kum Syville, which is attributed to the "Sivallins of the books" a collection of spokes and predictions that served for official fortunes in ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Silila - Sibillas, legendary pruneraders mentioned by antique authors. The most famous S. from the city of Kuma (Italy), according to legend, gathered their predictions in the collections of obnomen (T, N. Sivallins of the book). With the legendary Roman kings of Tarquinia ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Silila - In the Greeks and Romans, the priests inspired by Apollo or other deities. Sivil Kum's most famous of them, whose cave in Kumami, near Naples, was excavated in 1932. In the aneid Virgin, she predicts the future and accompanies ... Encyclopedia Color

Silila - Sibilla (Sibyllae), legendary adherents mentioned by Greek. and lat. authors. According to legend, C. took place from different GG. Greece, Italy, etc. East; There were up to 12 s. Proving them, according to legend, were recorded and made up ... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia

Silila - Legends, showers in DR. Greece, to rye allegedly reported to the will of the gods. According to legend, S. Gerofila predicted the Trojan War. Especially revered by S. Kumanskaya, to paradise allegedly lived a thousand years. She is attributed to the authorship of 9 s Willius books ... Atheistic Dictionary


  • , Sklyarenko Valentina Markovna, Bati Yana Alexandrovna, Pankova Marina Aleksandrovna, Andleva Tatiana Vasilyevna. Nostradamus, Messing, Wang - these names are known to millions of people, for their owners owned a gift that always caused admiration and fear of others. They were clairvoyant and priests: ... buy for 267 rubles
  • 50 famous monitants and clairvoyant, Sklyarenko in .. Nostradamus, Messing, Vanga - these names are known to millions of people, for their owners owned a gift that always caused admiration and fear of others. They were clairvoyant and priests: ...

Sivilles were called semi-lodged women-propheted women who had a gift to protrude and open the will of the gods. They assured that they lived over 1000 years each. In the ancient world, Sivill numbered 12. We list them:

I. Siville Persian, called Sambiet, gentleborne, prophesied to ambiguous verses from his book.
II. Siville Libyan, who traveled in Samos and Delphi and, as they say, reproached people in idol.
III. Sivil Delphic, who was in the Temple of Dolphic, and, according to Diodorus, the first received the name of Siville. Scientists say that Homer extracted some thoughts from her prunes.
IV. Sivila Eretrayskaya predicted the fall of the Troy, and, according to Essay and St. Augustine, she was known to the book of Moses.
V. Sivil Kimmeria.
Vi. Sivila Samosskaya.
VII. Siville Kumskaya, named DeiFoba, a moreakable one, had his stay in Kuma. It is said that her father was Apolloni, but the mother chapter. This Sivila sold part of his books to Tarquia proud. In Rome, the books persisted in the Temple of Jupiter Capitolian, under the ground, in a stone urn. Quendecevirs, priests, coped with them in doubtful cases of the state. During the burning of the Capitol of the burned down and Sivallins of the book. After that, the departments were sent at different places for the meeting of the Sivillic sayings, which August put at the foot of Apollo Palatinsky.
VIII. Siville Gellespontskaya predicted during Solon and Craces.
IX. Sivila Frigyaya traveled with his predictions in Ankif and Galatia.
X. Siville Tiburinskaya, or Albüney was adored in Tibuur.
Xi. Sivil Epirus.
XII. Sivila Egyptian.

The most famous and later than all - the Ancient Roman Kum Sivila, who predicted the arrival of Christianity. According to her books, which she sold the Roman Tarquinities to the Roman, Roman priests wondered almost 700 years.
The prehistory of this case is as follows. Once, the old woman with nine books, copies of labor, who, according to her, was a prophecy of Siville, came to the King of Rome Tarquinia, and offered to sell them to him. But he did not suit the price, and she went away, burned three of them and returned, offering six books for the same initial price. Tarquinius just laughed, after which she left him for the second time, burned three more books, returned with the remaining three and again offered to sell them on the same conditions. This time, the king, surprised by her persistence, suggested that in these books there should be something out of a series of outgoing, and sent for August so that they suggest him what to do. After the fortunes, they accused him of the wickedness due to the fact that he rejected the treasure sent by heaven, and ordered him to give this woman everything she would not have wished for the remaining books. The woman received her money, brought writing and, punishing them in holiness by all means, immediately disappeared, as if evaporated.

Shortly after that, two patricians were chosen by the keepers of the prophecies that were hidden with all caution underground in the capital then the republic, and later the empire. It was impossible to apply without a special decree of the Senate, which was never given, except for the occasion of crushing defeat, the beginning of a serious uprising or rebellion, or for a different exceptional case. The number of keeper priests, Duumvirov (from the Roman Duo-Dawa and Vir - a husband), as in any other order, increased several times.

And continued to increase, while at the request of the People's Tribunes in 388, the law limiting their number of ten priests was not issued, half of which was elected from Patrices, and half from Plebeev. Since then, they were called december (from the Roman DecEm - ten), while they did not fifteen with Sulla, and they did not become known as Queentevirs . It is not known how many Siville was actually, but Varon testifies in favor of ten, although some say they were nine, or four, or three, or only one. They all lived at different times and in different countries, they were all naughty, and one of them, according to the general opinion, predicted the parish of the Savior. With regard to the difficulty, Dempster informs us that he was written on silk. And the books that Tarquini bought, according to Solin, burned during a fire a year before the arrival of Sulla to power (in 83 BC. Er).

What did Sivallins of the Books actually presented? It was a collection of Greek poems (hekzameters), containing prophecies about adversity and disasters and gave instructions, what rites and victims from them can be killed or stopped and to deliver the appropriate gods. Most often, the rites in honor of Apollo and other Greek gods, as well as the Majna Magna, and the Magna Majia) were prescribed. Thus, the "Sivallins of the books" was the reason that this foreign service was given in Rome, and the concern for him became the second main responsibility of the Ten College. This compilation probably came from Kum Majoria in Kuma in southern Italy, from there in Etruria and from the latter when Tarquinia Gord in Rome.
When the Capitol Temple burned down with the contents, the Senate sent an urgent embassy to Malny Asia (in Eritri). This embassy gathered about a thousand such poems predictions, which were then supplemented by many other collected in the Greek Islands and the colonies. They found the refuge in the new Capitolian temple, until August in 12 BC. e. It was not ordered to transfer them to the luxurious temple of Apollo on Palatine, where they were preserved until the end of the IV century. n. e.

Under the influence of "Sivallin Books" in Rome, Greek service was introduced. So, along with the local (Ritus Romanus), the cult of domestic gods (DII Patrii), which sent the pontiffs along with the priests subordinates, arose a Greek cult (Ritus Gracus) of other people's gods (Dii Peregrini). This cult, too, was running the members of the College of Fifteen.
The main among other people's deities was considered Apollo, about the oldest temple of which Tit Libya mentioned in 60 BC.

According to the "Sivallin Books" in honor of Apollo, sacrifices were made (Graco Ritu), leaking processes, lectisinia (rites of the gods treats) and games (Ludi Apollinares). These games for the first time spent during the plague epidemic in 208 BC. e. Steel then constant (Ludi Stativi). They included theatrical performances, betraying, horse racing and, finally, especially famous centenary games (Ludi Saeculares).
The cult of local Diana (Dea, Divajana) was gradually ousted by the Greek cult of Artemis, as well as Ceres and Proserpins, who were originally initially in the Romans. In 496 BC e. Cerere at the direction of Siville was devoted to the temple, and annual games were introduced in the circus (Ludi Cereris). In the same way, the Cult of Aida appeared in Rome, subsequently connected to Saturn's cult, and the cult of Mercury, which in 495 BC. e. The first temple was dedicated. The cult of Venus is also Greek origin - the Romans of Venus was originally goddess of vegetation. His emergence refers to 217 BC. E. When after the battle of the Trazimen Lake in Sivallin Books, they found an indication to establish the temple of Venus Eriic.

The cult of an eskulap was introduced in Rome in 293 BC. e. With the next epidemic of the plague during the third war with the samstitts, and the cult of Hercules - at the end of the V century BC. In 204 BC In Rome, the cult of the lowland goddess Idai (Mater Magna) was introduced: only so, according to the predictions of Siville, the Carthaginian enemy could be expelled from Italy. Then the Goddess Symbol was brought to Rome with the Great solemnity - a stone cone. She was built the temple on Palatin and established annual games (Megalesia). The sacrificial rites of this goddess constantly performed the priests and the priests from Frigia, who opened the same priests that they were guarded by Sivallins of the Books.
According to a special investigation by the order of the Senate, there were other works inspired by the "Sivillic books", or at least their copies or excerpts from them collected in Greece and other parts. These books were kept with the same attention as the previous ones, as long as theeodosius did not come to power, most of the Senate did not take Christianity, and these books did not finally come out of fashion. In the end, the favorite of Emperor Honoria Flavius \u200b\u200bStyhyhon (from the tribe Vandalov) burned them, for which strictly condemned by the poet steering wheel.