Phased butterfly drawing diagrams for children. How to draw a butterfly - the most beautiful insect

Phased butterfly drawing diagrams for children. How to draw a butterfly - the most beautiful insect

I will teach you how to draw a pencil with a pencil in stages for beginners, in fact, at the beginning, the butterfly draws quite simple, but with each stage everything is complicated. An important point is how you will make the drawing of the wings of this beautiful creation. Naturally, after painting a butterfly, you can decorate it, but little kids love to do it. And I will demonstrate it all from the very beginning, we will begin naturally from the torso.

The picture will be present third-party lines, for a visual example, if you have some skill in drawing, you can not do these lines, let them not be erased by their eraser.

The beginning of hand drawn butterflies is light as I said. We carry out a vertical thin line and draw three oval shapes, at the top of the head, it is a more round, then a torso consisting of two parts.

The next step: the bottom of the body we sketch with small horizontal arcs. And at the bottom of the first half of the torso, we carry out the first parts of the wings. Thus, how to draw a butterfly is already drawn.

Rays who look up on the wings connect arcs next to the butterfly head. From the first half of the torso, I drew the line down, for clarity, you can see that the lower wings are drawn smoothly.

The following drawn butterfly pictures are already decorated with no major elements. You can repeat after me or sofantize yourself. On the wings draw winding divorces, be sure to stick to the symmetry of both wings, such a feature of butterflies in our world.
First, we draw the main divorces (lines).

How to draw a butterfly? It is easy enough, but it looks like a picture very beautiful. Representatives of many cultures consider it a symbol of the human soul and its further rebirth. Pictures of butterflies that remained on the walls in the caves belong to those days when primitive people lived there.

First we take a clean album sheet and a pencil of medium hardness. It is necessary to take care and that the lighting is correct. Thanks to him, it will be possible to choose the light, as well as the shadow in the image. Then it should be done a light horizontal line on which the body will be drawn, and the vertical line to be repeated during the image of the wings. Then you should draw small mustache.

Artists advise before entering the work to include pleasant music. For this purpose, a classic or melodious romantic rock, which help tune in to the appropriate mood. You can also consider the pictures with the image of Motalka or their photos.
The next stage is drawing wings. The front wings must be noticeably smooth, so they are drawn using multiple lines with slightly rounded corners. And the rear possesses more sophisticated contours. It is necessary that the butterfly wings are symmetrical about its body.
Coloring wings each can choose at its discretion. After all, two absolutely identical moths in our world does not exist. At this stage, in addition, it is necessary to form the final shape of the body of the butterfly and make contours clearer.
You can draw a butterfly as a simple pencil or paint it colored, but it is better to use paints to look much more effectively. The drawing will look beautiful if the shape of the body and the wings of the moth will be depicted on the technique. To do this, it is necessary to gradually perform patterns of their wings and create shadows.

On the Internet there are a large number of instructions, how to draw a pencil with a pencil in stages, so you can safely use them.
Draw common contours
Before drawing a moth, it is necessary to make an outline of its contours. First, the oval should be depicted, which will serve as a tel, and the circle is head. Initial forms contribute to the correct image of the butterfly. In addition, you need to draw additionally two pairs of lines for future wings.
Head and contours of wings
First of all, it is worth drawing a mustache of the moth and thickening on their edges. Then add the upper contours of the butterfly wings and the lower curtains. At the same stage, the contour of the rounds of the upper part of the two lower wings is applied. The initial contours should be applied as much as possible, because the entire future picture depends on the initial sketches.

This stage is nothing complicated. It is only necessary to connect all the applied lines to get a common circuit for wings. Drawing these lines, you should not press too much for a pencil, because later you will have to make minor changes. Wings have "wrong" forms, so you should not stick to special rules, depicting them. The contours can be drawing arbitrarily, the main thing is that the wings looked symmetrically.

Patterns on wings

Butterflies have gentle and even transparent wings. Inside, there are noticeable accommodation, and they should be drawn. This can be done arbitrarily, but it is necessary that they look like symmetrically on all wings of the moth. Then you should add the picture you like and finish on it.

On the nail plate, the moth is drawn with nail polish. It can be both ordinary and gel based. In addition, it will take dots for nails and a flat bruster with a straight or a little bevelled edge, and a short brush, the so-called hairs. Neil-art is not very difficult to perform, using elements from Chinese style painting techniques. First you need to make a nail, making a manicure.
On the Internet you can see pictures, how to draw a butterfly in stages. Neil-art is made a few steps, starting with the application of a special coating that serves as a base. To do this, choose soft shades. Then, when the main coating is completely dry, you can start drawing. Then two colors are applied to the palette, for example, red and black.

A corner of a flat tassel must be taken first tone, and another color is another color. Thus, on the tip of the brush will be at the same time two shades. Before you, you can see photos on which it is shown how to draw a beautiful butterfly.

The next step is framing the pattern. You need to dip a thin brush in the tone you like and circling the wings of the moth in contours. Then you should depict the internal accommodation so that the butterfly looks more realistic.

At the third stage will have to use Dottom. It is necessary along the wings to draw black dots, which will be imitate the Taurus Moth. To obtain the most bright design, you can apply small skirts by contours, for example, a white shade. And with a thin brush, you need to draw black neat mustache.
For elegance, they decorated with a glitter or various pebbles. For durability of the pattern, it must be covered with a protective layer of nail polish.

Ideas for Neil Art

In order for the image to look gentle and trembling, you should not choose a dark or bright color as the basis. It is better to prefer the light palette that will make butterflies elegant. Girls loving classic can combine Frenc with an attractive design. For a bright Neil Art, try to draw moths and coat a saturated monophonic varnish. For an accent on the nails, you can make a clear and contrast contour of the pattern.

Learn to draw butterflies at all. It is necessary to simply follow the steps of step-by-step instructions, and the result is a beautiful moth. First of all, it is better to thoroughly think through the patterns for the wings. Some butterflies pictures drawn show that on their wings drawing in the form of large eyes, which help them defend themselves from birds with romance by moths. With such wings, the picture will be very efficient.
If you do not work beautifully paint, then color pencils can be used for coloring. In this case, the shadows can be created using a simple pencil. There are also other difficulties in the image of various elements. So, pollen on the wings should be displayed with strokes of pencils, which should be directed in one direction. Then they are rubbing them with a girlfriend, for example, an eraser or a sheet of soft paper.
Butterflies on their wings have a large number of patterns, so you can draw any, which only have to do. However, almost every garden moth has on the wings of the bodie of black, and rare thin lines with small circles are characteristic of cabbage butterflies.

Butterflies are definitely one of the most beautiful insects that can almost leave anyone indifferent. They are pretty widespread, so in the summer it can be painted with a butterfly with cabbage or, for example, peacock eyes. About how to draw a bowl perfectly knows every painter, but novice artists drawing this elegant insect is often given with difficulty. But to succeed, as a rule, it is enough to know the features of the structure of a butterfly, as well as try to achieve symmetry in its drawing, that is, that the right and left parts of the body, including wings, were almost the same. To explain to the child how to draw a butterfly in stages, not at all difficult - after all, the kids love bright and colorful objects and with pleasure to study this wonderful insect.
Before drawing a butterfly with a pencil, and then paint it, you need to prepare:
one). Paper leaf;
2). Multicolored pencils;
3). Pencil;
four). Eraser;
five). The handle is best gel black.

If all items that have been listed just above are ready, then you can draw a butterfly in a pencil, and after painting:
1. Draw a vertical line. Mark the beginning and end of the segment, and then divide it into two approximately equal parts;
2. Focusing on these marks, draw two rectangles, and in their middle, make a butterfly body;
3. In the upper rectangle, you will depict two large wings;
4. In the lower rectangle, draw two more wings;
5. Draw the body and butterfly head;
6. Easy lines, locate the pattern outline on the wings. Studying how to draw a butterfly, remember that for each species is characterized by a certain color and pattern on wings. In this case, it is a butterfly of peacock eyes;
7. Circuit outline with a handle;
8. Eraser elastic lines, proceed to coloring the image. First fill your head and butterfly taurus, using for this, besides a black pencil, red-brown and light brown shades;
9. Black pencil draw the pattern on the upper wings;
10. Pencils of yellow, brown and black tones, squeeze the edges of the upper wings;
11. When adding a blue pencil, continue working on coloring the upper insect wings;
12. Sharp the main part of the upper wings with a dark red pencil. Then draw the streaks with dark blue and black shades;
13. Light brown and black pencils color the edges of the lower wings;
14. The central part of the lower wings is squeezing with a dark red pencil, and then the black streak on them.
Figure Butterfly Peacock Eye is completely ready! Now you know how to draw a butterfly, as well as how to properly paint with colored pencils!

Deciding to write about how to draw a butterfly with a pencil stages, I realized that there should be no simple instruction with photos of the master class of other people or their video. In parallel, I will show how together with you will perform recommendations for beginners so that we have the most beautiful of the beautiful, the most winged of the winged, and the most unusual of the original, floral moths! Go!

First step. Draw a cocoon

How to draw a butterfly? Where to begin? It's amazing, but that our picture came out smooth and beautiful, a ruler needs. Knowing herself, I was equipped with a rubber band to wipe what would spoil the picture.

What do we need:

  • Colour pencils;
  • Paper;
  • Line;
  • Grater.
So, we start drawing a butterfly in a phased pencil with a cocoon. It should be a little thinner than an egg, but at the same time why the cocoon is associated, from which to appear to our moth.

Draw a line across our cocoon so that its upper part consisted of a 2/3 cocoon. I took it the simplest example of how to draw a pencil butterfly in stages.

The second step. Making wings

It's time to draw wings. They differ in shape and size. The bottom stretched vertically, the top slightly horizontally.

I surrender the same cut line on the left and to the right of the cocoon. It is here that the upper and lower wings will touch. How to draw bottom wings? They come from one point at the bottom of the cocoon. Top - not in touch at the top.

Their form may not be perfect, but it is advisable to try to be rounded and symmetrical one to another (top to the top, and the bottom wing to the bottom).

Third step. We draw our monarch mustache

butterfly complement the important detail. In those places where the upper wings are departed from the cocoon, we will have a mustache. We make an at the top of each drawn tolets of the loop.

In the same item, you need to slightly change the cocoon, making it already to the bottom. Now he looks more believable.

An example, how to draw a butterfly in stages, I took from my children's lessons in the midstland. But you can choose more "adult" image of our noble "moth" by making it more similar to the real one.

Fourth step. Let our beauties appear patterns on the wings!

The pattern can be selected arbitrary. But the most traditional is circles and divorces. How to learn to draw patterns? I made them very simple: on every wing there are two mug - one bigger, it will be located closer to the edge of each wing. The second is closer to the cocoon, and I will draw a smaller size.

In this image you need to paint the patterns and "Taurus" a moth. He is across the arcs of several bands. You can learn how to draw a butterfly with amazing patterns, invent or take an idea on the site yourself.

Fifth step. Removal of extra

We will examine our masterpiece. It is not ideal, but it is already seen that the "mole" depicted on it promises to become a beauties. And in this we can help her, if neatly elastic erase all extra details and dashes that helped us draw it. Now they are not needed and we carefully remove them. Then, draw a butterfly, and feed her contours pencil.

Sixth step. Painting with colored pencils pictures

The most pleasant moment has come, you need to give paint to all the details and then our ward should "come." We use color pencils. We drew a butterfly, and it is possible and you need to make a motley, colorful. That is why I paint her to her yellow, I paint the wings with a red pencil, and decorative specks on the wings do blue and orange.

But our monarch (and this is exactly what is it, if you judge the beauty) even more beautiful will look at a bright background. So I draw a leaf. So, as if our adorable creature sits on a leafle and the sun substituted her wings! Beauty!

If it is interesting to learn how to draw a butterfly on a flower, you can use the same technique as with a leaf. Already a ready-made moth we "plant" on chamomile, cornflower or other floral composition.

With your participation, I managed to draw a beautiful butterfly. This is a very simple drawing technique. It is easy to master someone who has never been friends with pencils, and even for children it will not be difficult. Parents who want to spend time with their babies can draw such a moth with them.

Perhaps one day the child will surprise adults when they will give a purchased postcard with the photo, but made them himself. And his handicraft will be decorated with a drawing of an adorable butterfly!

Talent for drawing may not only be given from nature - it is easy to develop it if you exercise hard. Starting with simple pictures, such as butterflies. It can be performed immediately in several techniques using a pencil or watercolor if you need a brighter and juicy pattern.

How to draw a butterfly

Before drawing a butterfly, you need to decide on the stages, because in order it is much easier to do it, especially beginners. The sequence of creating a picture of a colorful creation is as follows:

  • body;
  • top wings;
  • bottom wings;
  • patterns on the upper and lower wings.

An important point is the insect color. After drawing patterns on the wings, the pencil proceeds to this process. You can use paints, markers or color pencils. Although if you leave, then the drawing will serve as coloring for children who will be able to show their fantasy. Another important nuance is auxiliary lines that will help beginners in drawing, but they will need to erase the eraser at the end of the picture.


Pencil execution has several basic steps. Observing a simple instruction, you will get a beautiful picture. Here's how to draw a butterfly with a pencil stages (instructions for beginners):

  1. Draw the direct line of the length in the center, what is the body of the insect.
  2. From above, draw a circle that will serve as a head, and from it on both sides straight 2 wavy - they are insect body. From the circle up symmetrically, spend 2 smooth lines with curls at the ends - this mustache.
  3. Build a rectangle, in the center of which there will be a previously spent straight line. Spend inside the diagonal and the central lines, and the lower side divide into 12 parts. Squeeze on both sides of 2 parts and connect these points with the upper corners - it turns out a trapezoid.
  4. The upper wings are accommodated in the 2 top rectangles, having them in the diagonal direction, the lateral edge should match the side of the trapezium.
  5. By choosing the shape of the lower wings, for example, in the form of roses or drops, draw them on the same principle as the top.
  6. Extract Extra line, draw your wings contours at your discretion, and sketch the symmetric accomplishments inside them.
  7. Circuit the contours of the finished picture.


You can leave a picture in pencil form or continue to draw watercolor. To do this, you will need several tools:

  • paper for watercolor of the desired format, enough A4 or A3 for a larget picture;
  • water jar;
  • watercolor paints;
  • palette;
  • bELICHESHES №3 and №8.

For watercolor drawing, you will need a pencil basis. To make it use the instructions described above. After performing a picture in a pencil, you can start painting with watercolor. Here's how to draw a bowl with paints:

  1. Watercolor drawings have a transparent structure, so you will not only exercise with an eraser, but also a bit basic so that you can easily distinguish the contour, but at the same time they did not appear through the paint.
  2. Tassel more fill the wings with blue or any color you like.
  3. Take a smaller brush, on the palette, spread the brown paint with water and cover the plots between the streaks.
  4. If you have mastered the main lessons, how to draw butterflies, you can use different sketches and perform drawings more comprehensive. In addition, it is worth trying ways to draw with oil or even with hands, which will especially like children: their drawings you can hang on the wall so that the baby is proud of his work. For easier drawing in the initial stages, sketches and photos of finished pictures will help you as examples.

    Video: How to learn to draw a beautiful butterfly

    The butterfly is popular not only in simple drawing, it is used for tattoos or wall decoration in the apartment. For this, a higher skill level is needed, so it is necessary to stretch first on paper. To learn how to draw this excellent creation in different versions, see useful videos with step-by-step instructions of the process itself.

    Contour butterfly

    On nails

    Pictures for children drawn

    On the face

To understand how to draw a beautiful butterfly with a pencil in gradually, it is not necessary to be an artist. Making a drawing, do you want to get a thick caterpillar with wings in a circle? Then this article will be useful to you. In the eyes of a surprised child, the line on paper stages will turn into a beautiful butterfly.

Sticker Drawing Butterfly Pencil

Like live flowers flying in summer over green lawns and urban flower beds. A child with admiration looks at beauties, and coming home, trying to portray them on paper with a pencil independently. After several unsuccessful attempts, the baby asks for your help. How to draw a beautiful butterfly? It seems to be very easy to do, but the drawing, far from the original, will not satisfy your inquisitive preschooler. Caterpillar with two circles instead of the wings, he will draw it himself. The child looks at you hopefully, and is waiting for a miracle. Try to follow a simple step-by-step instruction to feel like a real artist. Below is a description, how to draw a butterfly with a pencil phased:
Step 1. First make sheet marking. Conduct a simple pencil thin vertical line. They draw a butterfly torso, so that the line passes exactly in the middle of the image: at the top of the head, then chest and abdomen.

Step 2. For the wings, you need to draw two symmetric lines with a pencil, descending from the bottom of the butterfly chest horizontally in both directions. Across the abdomen paint arches, making it striped. Soon the butterflies will appear wings, and it will become quite as real.

Step 3. The symmetric semicircles of the bottom wings of the butterfly are drawn further with a pencil. For the upper wings, they are drawn from the main horizontal lines of two beam running up. On the head of the butterfly paint small invasses - it will be a mustache.

Step 4. Now you can completely draw up the upper wings by connecting the upper points of the rays with the base of the head. To check how symmetrically it was possible to draw the lower wings, they spend two beams down at the same angle on both sides of the butterfly torso. All the irregularities of the drawing is corrected using an eraser and a pencil.

Step 5. Finish draw in stages, decorating the moth at will. Erase the excess markup on the torso, which helped create a symmetrical pattern. The edges of the wings make more rounded and relief. Draw large eyes and curved pencil bents.

Sewing a beautiful pattern on the wings of a moth in nature or draw yourself.
On a note! It is important to ensure that the drawing is symmetrical on the right and left wing.
Scientists believe that 100 thousand of the described types of scales are only half of the existing on Earth. Another half of the beautiful moths, an unknown person, may well be like that butterfly, which you want to draw. The most interesting in drawing a butterfly with a pencil stages - this is a great variety of options. Beautiful moths differ not only by patterns on the wings, but also a form - in moths, cabbagers and Mahaon them are different along the outlines and size. Butterfly can fly, sit on a beautiful flower or flutter on a sheet of paper in a multicolored dance. Such drawing is a great exercise for the development of children's fantasy. You made a miracle - helped draw the baby butterfly in the pencil, and now do not interfere with his further creativity.

Video for children How to draw a beautiful butterfly

Another about how to draw a real butterfly in stages, without taking the markup of the sheet. If you do not work the first time - do not worry. Having some experience in drawing, you can see all the proportions on the eye, create a drawing quickly and easily like on this video.

Butterflies are wonderful and very beautiful creating our planet. They appear every summer and please the eyes. Today we will learn to draw a butterfly with a pencil, and then paint it. This lesson is suitable for children, adults, novice artists and, of course, experienced artists :)

In drawing this wonderful creation there is nothing complicated. The only difficulty you can meet is with the symmetry of the wings. But not trouble, the more you practice, the faster learn to draw them correctly.

How to draw a butterfly in stages

Finally, it's time for drawing our insect, draw our butterfly with a pencil!

Stage 1
The first step is the easiest step. We draw a straight line, the line must be direct. This auxiliary line and it denotes the length of the body and divides it in half.

2 stage
The second step is a little more complicated than the first, but we are sure that you will handle it anyway. We draw a torso separated into two parts. At the same time, the lower part of the body is slightly larger than the top.

Also on this step, we make a circle that will be our butterfly head, and spend long alerts.

3 stages
It's time for wings. We will draw them in stages, first the upper part, and in the next step below.

So, usually at the butterflies, the upper wings are much more lower and they grow, respectively, from the top of the body. In our case, they have a triangular shape and almost identical in size with lower. If you do not like the triangular form, then you can easily draw any other shape.

4 stages
Now we work on the bottom wings. We have rounded, big and strongly overlook the body of the body, which we painted in the first step. If you did not notice, the upper wings should also go out for this line.

The most difficult thing in drawing butterfly is to make symmetrical wings, of course, if you work on a computer, then it will not be difficult for symmetry, but if you draw a pencil butterfly on paper, then you may have problems. Therefore, pardimate patience and eraser :)

5 stage
Now comes the most pleasant stage in the drawing of the butterfly. We work on the patterns on the wings! Patterns can be the most diverse, namely round, linear, monophonic, multicolored, etc.

So, we make the symmetry of the patterns on the right and left.

6 stage
Patterns are not wings, they can be symmetrical or not symmetric at all. Even if you want to draw a butterfly with absolutely different patterns on different wings, then it is quite normal.

7 stage
Complete patterns on the upper wings.

8 stages
You already know a lot more about the pattern, so try for the bottom wings to come up with some kind of pattern.

9 Stage
At the last stage, paint our butterfly and she is ready.

There are an infinite number of variations of drawing butterflies. Experiment with flowers, shapes, patterns, size and you will have wonderful creatures.

Another butterfly drawing option

Butterfly - a beautiful insect, the Russian name of which comes from the Old Slavonic "Baba", which translated into our modern language means "old woman" or "grandma". So, novice artists, let's start drawing this beauty!

Necessary materials:

  • color pencils of yellow, brown, orange and green colors;
  • simple pencil;
  • marker;
  • line;
  • eraser.

Butterfly drawing stages:

1. We will start this drawing from the image of simple lines and geometric shapes. First, we need to draw a vertical straight line on a sheet of paper.

4. From the horizontal line, the pencil should be drawn according to one arc to the side, left and right.

5. We will spend another torso to the endings of the arcs. So here we get the top halves of the wings of the butterfly.

6. Now draw the bottom parts of the wings in the form of circles.

7. Through each plot of the wing, we will carry out a line that will go beyond the circumference.

8. Draw below the tips of the wings, we make them wavy.

9. Upper parts of the wings change in shape. We make them necessarily symmetric and without sharp corners. Everything should look gently and beautiful!

10. Detailing the torso of the butterfly: draw eyes in the form of tiny circles, ends on the mustache, smooth out the shape.

11. At this stage, all unnecessary auxiliary sites should be removed and prepare a drawing to apply contour and colors. In these sketches you can already find out the future butterfly!

12. Next, the marker is starting to circle every ward and the mustache, and also do not forget about the body, where the head with eyes is placed. In some places you can make a beautiful thickening of the edge. Make it very easy: just spend the marker on this site more than once, but two or three times.

13. Then begin to decorate the butterfly - in the middle of each wing with a pencil, we apply patterns at your discretion and desire. You can also leave them in such a not touched form and simply paint bright colors.

14. If you chose patterns, they should be circled with a marker or a marker of black color.

15. Now we start painting the upper wings in yellow color.

16. Add orange bright accents.

17. Bottom wings are drawn by green colored pencils.

18. Torch and head with brown pencils.

Now we have got a beautiful phased drawing! We were able to draw a porch butterfly!

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Butterflies are definitely one of the most beautiful insects that can almost leave anyone indifferent. They are pretty widespread, so in the summer it can be painted with a butterfly with cabbage or, for example, peacock eyes. About how to draw a bowl perfectly knows every painter, but novice artists drawing this elegant insect is often given with difficulty. But to succeed, as a rule, it is enough to know the features of the structure of a butterfly, as well as try to achieve symmetry in its drawing, that is, that the right and left parts of the body, including wings, were almost the same. To explain to the child how to draw a butterfly in stages, not at all difficult - after all, the kids love bright and colorful objects and with pleasure to study this wonderful insect.
Before drawing a butterfly with a pencil, and then paint it, you need to prepare:
one). Paper leaf;
2). Multicolored pencils;
3). Pencil;
four). Eraser;
five). The handle is best gel black.

If all items that have been listed just above are ready, then you can draw a butterfly in a pencil, and after painting:
1. Draw a vertical line. Mark the beginning and end of the segment, and then divide it into two approximately equal parts;
2. Focusing on these marks, draw two rectangles, and in their middle, make a butterfly body;
3. In the upper rectangle, you will depict two large wings;
4. In the lower rectangle, draw two more wings;
5. Draw the body and butterfly head;
6. Easy lines, locate the pattern outline on the wings. Studying how to draw a butterfly, remember that for each species is characterized by a certain color and pattern on wings. In this case, it is a butterfly of peacock eyes;
7. Circuit outline with a handle;
8. Eraser elastic lines, proceed to coloring the image. First fill your head and butterfly taurus, using for this, besides a black pencil, red-brown and light brown shades;
9. Black pencil draw the pattern on the upper wings;
10. Pencils of yellow, brown and black tones, squeeze the edges of the upper wings;
11. When adding a blue pencil, continue working on coloring the upper insect wings;
12. Sharp the main part of the upper wings with a dark red pencil. Then draw the streaks with dark blue and black shades;
13. Light brown and black pencils color the edges of the lower wings;
14. The central part of the lower wings is squeezing with a dark red pencil, and then the black streak on them.
Figure Butterfly Peacock Eye is completely ready! Now you know how to draw a butterfly, as well as how to properly paint with colored pencils!