The most famous recording studios. The most famous recording studio

 The most famous recording studios. The most famous recording studio
The most famous recording studios. The most famous recording studio

Each musician from time to time dreams of his own musical successes. In a number of images floating at these moments, we must appear with luxury studios, not a few-ways who have become witnesses of birth in their walls of real hits, subsequently confused the world. We want to present you some of the most beautiful studios of the world, bold dreams of writing in which should be in the "gentlemanic set" of each self-respecting musician:

1. Hans Zimmer "S Music Lair(Los Angeles, California)

The famous film composer Hans Zimmer must be a vampire under cover. Just look at these interiors!


Built by Jimi Hendrix in 1970, Electric Lady, probably, one of the most visually recognizable studios in the world is the absolute eclecticism and funk motifs in the design.

3. REAL WORLD STUDIOS(Wiltshire, England)

English Real World Studios is the brainchild of Peter Gabriela. In the photo - the main room. As you can see, thanks to the interiors, any session of the recording can be turned into a real concert.

4. JOEL ZIMMERMAN "S Home Studio(Campbelville, Ontario)

Joel Cimmerman (not to be confused with Cimmerman Hans), more famous as Deadmau5 - Canadian DJ and a musical producer. And he heads like this studio! Who would have thought..

5. ABBEY ROAD STUDIOS(London, England)

This is not only the first studio that we learned about, just starting to be interested in music. Room # 1 There is the largest room in the world, built specifically for recording.

6. Blackbird Studio.(Nashville, Tennessee)

It seems that designers of this studio sought not only to satisfy acoustic needs, but at the same time and participate in architectural and interior contests.

7. Allaire Studios.(Olter County, New York)

This studio is outside the New York City, it is built right on the top of the hill. The interiors correspond to the wonderful views of the valley.

8. Ocean Sound Recordings(Yis, Norway)

Norwegian Ocean Sound built almost at sea. Here all the musicians in the world are dreaming here - from harsh black metalists to gentle indie rockers.

9. La Chapelle Studios(Wem, Belgium)

Looks like a glamorous club and a great place to carry out Fashion photo sessions, and Belgium itself is far from the first rows of rock and roll countries. But these facts do not interfere with La Chapelle Studios to be among the world's top studios.


Well, another futuristic studio, photographs which place in architectural magazines. Despite the fact that in 2006, Van Morrison acquired to personal use, it was also known, first of all, as Studio U2.

Theme of this article - moscow sound recording studio (eng. Recording Studios). Moscow employs a large number of different recording studios. Each long-building studio has its own main style orientation and a certain circle of regular customers. For a person who has had a need for recording service for the first time, the question always arises - what is the studio to choose if the search engine offers a very large number of different studios. How to choose the one that as much as possible will satisfy your requirements?

In our arsenal - only professional high-quality equipment, allowing you to record a very clean sound, deprived of any interference. Topsp

For a start, read on the studio website about its orientation, goals and achievements. Be sure to explore the examples of the product already produced to understand at what level it works. Check the client list and read the reviews.

Prices for recording services

ServicePayment methodCost
Record voiceHourly750 rub / hour
Recording toolsHourly750 rub / hour
Creation of drum partiesHourly750 rub / hour
Mixing and masteringHourly750 rubles
Rap near minusFixed3000 rubles
Rap under the minus "Premium" (with add. Effects)Fixed4000 rubles
Song for minus "Light" (1 hour records + treatment without tuning)Fixed2500 rubles
Song under the minus "Premium" (1 hour record + processing and deep tuning)Fixed5000 rubles
Creating an arrangementFixedfrom 15.000 rubles
Create a minus oneFixedFrom 15.000 rubles.
Studio rental without sound engineerHourly700 rub / hour

Moscow sound recording studios are varied at prices, which ranges from 500 to 2000 rubles. per hour of work. Choosing the studio should be understood whether you need to pay 2000 rubles per hour, renting a whole hall and gaining access to the drum installation, commissars and a large number of other equipment, if you, for example, to use only a microphone to record vocals. If you want to record a song for minus (minus track), it is better to choose the studio that specializes in this and asks the corresponding price without cheating and additional unnecessary services.

The most famous recording studios. April 2nd, 2013

... or where creativity begins ....

Popular artists, our favorite songs. All and each have associations with a particular composition. In the life of each of us there are at least one song attached by personal memories. But where and when these songs were recorded? Who or what caused the birth of these songs? And most importantly: what situation did the record occurred? Today we will go through the largest and most famous producer centers and recording studios of all times and peoples.

Let's start, perhaps, with one of the very first, but not lost its relevance of the studio RecordPlant. . Gary Calgen and Chris Stone annonize the opening of three studios, in New York, a year later in Los Angeles and in 1972 in California. It all started in 1968. The city of New York opens the first in America recording studio RecordPlant. Studio was doomed to success, because the first project was a new record, at the time, the album of the famous Jimi Hendrix -a.

"ELECTRIC LADYLAND" with hisscandalously known cover . Later, the studio is visited by the famous John Lenon and Paul McCartney. Such an increase in popularity could not leave all indifferent, because the studios, which were discovered after the 1968th year simply did not withstand competition from RecordPlant. In 1978 Studio burns to the tla With all the equipment in it, fortunately no one was injured. But by this time, the studio has achieved great success, and the fire does not become an obstacle for the second opening of the studio, in the same place in 1980. Further, things went only to the mountain. In 1987, the studio in New York was successfully sold and closed, the same fate expects a studio in California in 2008.In 1999, the Studio reconstructs and improves one of its four studio rooms, which was not analogues, with a budget of $ 1.5 million. In 1994 and the 2000s, Recordplant deserved to be called studio of the year according to TEC (tECHNICAL EXCELLENCE & CREATITIY). Today, only the studio in Los Angeles is susceptible. Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake, Beyonce, Rihanna ... The list of all of us known songs and performers can continue for a very long time.

Other Studio Dreams is located at the address of United Kingdom, London, Abbey Road 3. Studio name Abbey Road Studios. Received in November 1931, founded by Gramophone Company. ABBEY Road Studios received world fame in the 1960s, when the studio is solo to the newest, at that time, equipment. As well as any doomed to fame, Abbey Road Studios in 1964 visited The Beatles, where they recorded their second BEATLES FOR SALE album. The building in which the studio is located was originally a residential building with eight rooms. In 1931, Sir Edward Eulgar for the first time with the participation of the London Symphony Orchestra conducted the opening of the studio. D 1958 ABBEY ROAD STUDIOS informally announced " center Rock Music"Studio is visited by rock performers such as: Cliff Richard and The Shadows, Oasis, Pink Floyd, Radiohead, Duran Duran, as well as the Time Machine (2007). In 1969, The Beatles record their famous Abbey Road album with a famous, perhaps All, cover:

Added to the official website of Abbey Road Studios. Now everyone who wants, in real time, can observe the "the most zebra", on which the Beatles passed to shoot on the cover of the legendary disc.

Hansa Tonstudio - Sounds Proud! Initially, the studio is located in the very center of Berlin (Germany). Among the English music performers, the studio was known as "Hansa Studio by The Wall", as it was near the Berlin Wall. Founded in 1964 by the brothers Peter and Thomas Meizers, the studio was not located near the Berlin wall. In 1972 Hansa moved to his current location. The famous studio has become after the British musician and the producer Brian, who helped Bowie's Devide to record a song called "Heroes". Here they recorded their singles Depeche Mode, Iggy Pop,
as well as U2 with its famous album Achtung Baby.

At the end of the story about the creation of songs, themed video from Justin Timberlake:

I want to notice: Studio - First of all, the atmosphere of creativity. If you are an artist, then the decision to come to the studio is not born to a certain scheduled time or under certain circumstances. If you are an artist, then you know that inspiration does not have a temporary framework, location or mood. If you are an artist, you know when ready. And the first thing that should not be unnecessary questions in these moments - the studio, where nothing distracts you from inspiration, and on the contrary, will give the opportunity to create.

Professional sound recording studio (Moscow) is always trying to maximally answer the questions of students who often cut about the brilliance of glory and the tops of the hit parades, anchlats at their own concerts, often forgetting that being a singer is a serious work. However, the one who tried himself in singing overcame several difficult moments when he wanted to quit everything from despair, it would not for sure. Today best Studios of Moscow Reconciliationgive some advice to those whose ambitions pushed them forward, continuously repeating: "I will be a singer!":

  • Learn vocal. The resilience of the pop vocal was invented by no accident, they help to create the basic basis of the future career, to instill initial skills or develop existing, improve themselves as an artist, to achieve new vertices.
  • Watch, remember, learn artists who causing sincere admiration. Do not imitate stars - it often looks like a parody, disobey your individuality, but do not miss the opportunity to observe the experience of successful, make your own conclusions, to benefit.
  • Classes with a teacher - the fundamental "brick" in the whole career. The specialist will help really high-qualityly traine your vocals, while trying to change for the better will be noticeable very soon. Professional vote in the future will create the basis for the development of its strength, and with improper independent singing, the voice can be seriously damaged. A recording studio in Moscow Discolife Music offers to use the services of talented teachers who will help you quickly find comfortable for singing notes, advise exercises to expand the range and other improvements in vocal data.
  • Have fun in the role of the artist. If there are fears - it is worth trying to overcome them and practicing in singing everywhere, where it is appropriate, before any audience. Learn to establish a connection with the listeners, singing in public is an excellent rehearsal for the newcomer.
  • Develop a personal style that will make you recognizable against the backdrop of other pop stars. Notice, a successful singer, not to become, while people are not ready to pay pleasure to listen to you. Singing in the local group, the restaurant helps to change the lifestyle to the singing, and, it means that the thinking changes. The main thing is not to dwell on the achieved and know that you are capable of significantly more achievements.
  • Vocal lessons in Moscow will necessarily help you choose a song in your range, and together with the teacher you will sing a lot. Would you like more? Boldly go to the karaoke bar and practice the soul.
  • The recognition does not prevent any artist. Creating its accounts account in numerous social networks, you can promote singing, without having the ability to go to a large scene. But when it happens, it is likely that an impressive crowd of fans will expect the release of your album.
  • Sound recording studio in Moscow will help you to record vocals or a ready-made composition with professional specialists and high-quality equipment. The record can be sent to castings and contests, as an example producers and production companies. If such to notice your song online and want to hear more, you should be ready!