Russian, foreign and unusual men's names on the letter "M. Russian names Men's Russian men's names in the letter G

Russian, foreign and unusual men's names on the letter "M. Russian names Men's Russian men's names in the letter G

Makar - Greek: "Blessed, happy." Versatile, energetic, hardworking, well, what is not perfect? He has many friends, because he knows how to listen.

Maxim - Latin: "The greatest, the biggest". Good and responsive, quickly finds a common language with any person.

Mark - Latin: "Hammer". A complex child, difficult to upbringing. He knows all your weak points, why don't they take advantage of them?

Martin - Latin: "Dedicated to Mars" or "militant, strong."

Matvey - Hebrew: "God's man, god God."

Mahmoud - Arabic: "Nice, kind." Troubled and undisciplined, he stubborn and wants to do only what he wants. But learns well and knows how to bring the case to the end.

Miron - Greek: "fragrant."

Mitrofan - Greek: "Found by Mother."

Mikhail - Hebrew: "Like God." Friendly and diligent, he will make any entitled to him in good faith.

Micah - Hebrew: "equal to God."

Mstislav - Hebrew: "Mustil".

Murad (Murat) - Arabic: "desired, achieved goal." Obedient and responsive, he is very sociable and easily finds himself friends.

Muslim - Arabic: "Conqueror".

Mukhtar - Arabic: "Chosen". Neat and careful, he knows how to be fair. Thanks to the high intelligence, many sciences are easily given.

Names for boys on the letter n

Nathan - Hebrew: "God gave." Energetic and purposeful, he seemed to be balanced, sometimes he could grow his emotions to violently. But do not think it is only a theatrical action.

Naum - Hebrew: "Comforter, Soothing".

Nestor - Greek: "Returning to his homeland." Perfectly owns, so it is always the first everywhere.

Nikita - Greek: "Winner".

Nikifor - Greek: "victorious, hero".

Nikolay - Greek: "Winner of Peoples." A calm and sociable child, easy to get acquainted, so never one.

Names for boys on the letter about

Oleg - Hest History: "Saint, Sacred". Born leader, he can rally around himself like-minded people. It easily gives any exact science.

Omar - Arabic: "I remember everything."

Orest - Greek: "Mountain". Poor and persistent, attentive and diligent. Do not be surprised if he once leads home homeless dog.

Osip - Option named Joseph.

Oscar - Hist History: "Divine Chariot".

Otto - German: "owning something." Idealist, he is looking for a standard in everything. He will never stop in his search for truth.

Names for boys on the letter

Paul - Latin: "Little, Small". Good and obedient, already in early childhood knows how to empathize. Perfectly distinguishes bad from the good.

Pat - Greek: "Wideless, healthy".

Peresvet - Slavic: "The light, glowing, very bright."

Petr - Greek: "Stone, rock, stronghold". Movable and unpredictable, it has an explosive character that absolutely does not interfere with his curiosity and thrust to fantasy.

Plato - ancient Greek: "Widewriting".

Prokhor - Greek: "leading in dancing dancing." Calm and confident, he is often closed.

Names for boys on the letter R

Ramazan - Arabic, originated from the name of the post from Muslims: Ramazan. Brave and decisive, it will become the ward in the yard.

Ramon - Spanish: "skillfully defended." Thoughtful and attentive, loves to learn and recognize everything new.

Rashid (Rashit) - Arabic: "Going right".

Rubo - Arabic: "Fairness, mercy".

Renat - two origin: Latin - "revived, resurrected"; In the Soviet era, the name received another meaning - a reduction from the "Revolution, Science, Technique".

Richard - Ancient Mechmanskoye: "Separating, conquering without mishai."

Robert - Anodna Mechmanskoe: "unfading, eternal glory." Quiet and calm, a bit closed, but not unlike.

Rodion - Greek: "Rosehip, Rosa, Spiny."

Roman - Latin: "Roman, Roman, a resident of Rome." Very curious, it is filled with real thirst for knowledge. You will have to keep the encyclopedia at hand.

Rostislav - Slavic: "Glory Glory."

Ruben - Hebrew: "Indicating Son" - or Latin: "Red".

Rudolph - ancient Germanskoe: "Red Wolf".

Ruslan (Arslan) - Turkic: "Lion, Lion". Easily excit, it is too irritable or the opposite is removed. Study is not easy.

Rustam (Rustem) - Turkic: "Mighty". Merry and movable kid, which does not prevent him from being disciplined.

Names for boys in the letter with

Savva - Aramaic: "Elder". Calm and shy, he is slightly closed, so often plays alone.

Saveliy - Hebrew: "Experted from God." Nerastoropic, modest and even secretive, he is kind and brave actually. Likes animals.

Svyatoslav - Slavic: "Holy Glory".

Sevastyan - Greek: "High, sacred, wise." He looks stubborn, irresponsible and even careless, but in fact he knows exactly what he wants and confidently goes to his goal.

Semyon (Simeon, Simon) - Hebrew: "Heard, listening, audible."

Seraphim - Hebrew: "burning, fiery angel, fiery."

Sergey - Latin: "Clear, high, rooded." Generic Roman Name. Active and sociable, he loves society and friends and truly suffers from loneliness.

Solomon - Hebrew: "Mirny, without hostility."

Stanislav - Slavic: "The most nice".

Stepan - Greek: "Wreath". Active, full leadership qualities can impress adults than skillfully uses.

Sultan - Arabic: "Power".

Names for boys in the letter t

Taras - Greek: "Embassy, \u200b\u200bBuntar". Active and cheerful, he knows how to get dry out of the water. May be captivated with mathematics or physics.

Theodore - Greek: "Dar of God."

Timofey - Greek: "Honor God", "God-fearing". Balanced and not conflict, easily comes out of any complex situation.

Timur - Turkic: "Iron".

Tikhon - Greek: "Successful, bringing happiness."

Trofim - Greek: "Kormilets". Friend, disobedient and moderately peek. May be given to laziness.

Names for boys on the letter F

Fazil - Arabic: "Decent, Excellent, Best". The desire for perfection will never leave him. The outside world is so stranger for him.

Farhat (Farhad, Fakhid) \u200b\u200b- Persian: "Dirty, Clear". Friendly and friendly, he is surrounded by friends and has no enemies.

Fedor - Greek: "Govned by God."

Felix - Latin: "Happy, sunny". Active and ambitious, he does not understand the meaning of labor, so it is difficult to make it be extremely difficult to do it.

Fidel - Latin: "Devotee, student".

Philip - Greek: "Loving horses."

Thomas - Hebrew: "Twin". Dreamer and philosopher, he will not believe you for the word, provide him with evidence.

Names for boys on the letter x

Khakim - Arabic: "Wise". Proud and confident, independent, he likes to be the center of attention, so often becomes the leader.

Hariton - Greek: "Generous, Sowing Milosts."

Christopher - Greek: "Baking Frare of Christ", arose after the emergence of Christianity. Fair, he knows how to respect the opinion of others.

Names for boys on the letter C

Caesar - Latin: "dissection". Curious and serious, he from the small years is full of moral principles. Sprocane and balanced, like adults.

Names for boys on the letter

Edward - Option named by Eduard. Silent and modest, he is very strong in spirit. Persistent in achieving its goals.

Edwin - Ancient Germanskoye: "Brought victory to the sword." Curious leather, from which a bold and persistent person will grow.

Edgar - Anodna Metermanskoye: "Guard of the city."

Eduard - Anodna Mezhmanskoye: "Care of prosperity, eager for wealth."

Eldar - Arabic: "Divine Dar". Serious and independent, masterfully knows how to avoid conflicts. Need support.

Emil - Latin: "hard, accurate". In the Roman Empire was considered a generic name.

Emmanuel - Hebrew: "God is with us."

Eric - Hist History: "Nobility, leading".

Ernest - Ancient Germannsky: "Serious, strict, solid". Serious and reasonable, it seems that he does not know how to smile. Smart and logical baby loner.

Names for boys on the letter

Julian - Latin, denoting belonging to Julia. Good and clever, but very emotional kid. Need some support from the mother.

Julius - Latin: "Curly, soft, fluffy." Recognized by the Roman generic name. Calm, reasonable and serious, he is like a magnet attracts the surrounding people.

Yuri - Latin: "Lampashts"; The form of the name of George.

Names for boys on the letter I

Yakov - the form of the name of Jacob. The obedient and serious boy, inquisitive and movable, he is often ahead of the development of his peers.

Yang - Slavic: "Dan". Independent, but obedient, it is easy to get along with his parents and adults, therefore it is often perceived on an equal footing.

Yaroslav - Slavic: "Strong, nice." Thoughtful and understanding child, loving animals.

Mavr. Black.

Mauritius. Mavrov (son, descendant).

Malsima. Perhaps the name of Maxim.

Magn. Big, great.

Mair. (Maor). Large.

Macarius. Makar. Blessed, happy.

January 12 (December 30) - Saint Makariya, Metropolitan Moscow and All Russia

February 1 (January 19) - Rev. Makariya Great, Egyptian; Rev. Macarius, Pechersky Postront (in the near caves); Rev. Macarius, Pechersky Deacon (in distant caves); Rev. Makariy Roman, Novgorod and Rev. Macarius Alexandria.

March 4 (February 19) - Rev. Macarius, confessor, presbyter Antioch.

May 26 (May 13) - Rev. Macarius, Archimandrite Kanevsky, Pereyaslavsky and Rev. Macarium Igumen Glushitsky.

August 7 (July 25) - Rev. Makariya Zhovetodsky, Uzzhensky.

September 20 (September 7) - Rev. Macarius, Archimandrite Kanevsky, Pereyaslavsky.

December 6 (November 23) - Saint Mitrofan, in Schima Makarary Bishop Voronezh.

Macedonium. Macedon. Macedonian, from Macedonia (area in the Balkans).

Macrian. Long-liver, durable.

Maxian. Perhaps the name of the name Maximian.

MAXIM . Greatest.

February 3 (January 21) - Rev. Maxim, Confessor and Rev. Maxim Greek.

Maximian. Maximov (son, descendant).

Maximilian. Perhaps the addition of the names of Maxim and Emilian.


Malachia. Malachius, Malafe. Messenger of God.

Malch. Supreme ruler.

Malet. MAMMOTH. Successive breasts, allegorical - maternal.

Mammy. Mamia. Matushkin, Mamochkin (Son).

Manuel. Manuel, Manuilo, Manuil, Mananylo. Abbreviated from Emmanuel - God is with us.

Mar. Mares, Maresi, Mari. Mr. or the Lord and the Roman name.

MARDARY. Mardiec, from Mardov.

December 25 (December 13) - Martyr Mardarius, and Rev. Mardarius Restress Pechersky.

Mardonius. Option named after MARDARY.


Marian. Marian. Mariyev (son, descendant) and the Roman family name.

Marine. Nautical.

Mark. Marco. Dry, faded and Roman personal name.

January 27 (January 14) - Rev. Mark.

April 11 (March 29) - Sacred Martyr Mark, Bishop Arfsi and Rev. Mark Pskov-Pechersky.

October 11 (September 28) - Martyr Mark, Shepherd and Rev. Mark, Pechersky Cracker.

Markell. Markel. Warlike, literally dedicated to Marsa, Roman war deity; Roman kindmed name.

Markellin. Pretty to Markell.

Markian. Markov (son, descendant).

Vintage. Option name mark.

Maron. Maro. Perhaps our Lord.

Marsaly. Warlike. See Markell.

Martin. Martyn. Military, see Markell.

Martinian. Martyan. Martinov (son, descendant).

Martyri. Martyr.

September 10 (August 28) - Reverend Martyrie, Deacon, Pechersk and Reverend Martyri, Restress Pechersky.

November 7 (October 25) - Martyr Martyrie, Reverend Martyrie, Deacon, Pechersk and Reverend Martyrie, Restress Pechersky.

Martyrokl. Milked for martyrdom.

Maroon. Maruph. Notable, dominant.

Marciel. (Marcial).


Matthew. (Matthey), Matvey. God's gift.

November 29 (November 16) - Apostle and Evangelist Matthew and Righteous Fulwian, Prince Efiopsky, in the Holy Baptism Matthew.


Medimn. The name of the measure of bulk bodies.




Meloxipp. Melasipp. Caring for horses.

Maleti. Melenty, Melanhy. Thoughtful.

March 13 (February 28) - Saint Reweli, Archbishop Kharkov and Akhtyrsky.

Melisssen. Milissan. Honey, bee.

Melitone. Filled with honey.

Melhion. Perhaps the name of the name of Melchior (King of Light).

Melchizedek. King Truth.

Memnon. Memnon. Remembering; The name of Greek, myth. Hero, participant of the Trojan War.

Mena Perhaps the name of the name of Meraya.

Menander. Strong, strong, courageous.

Meahery. Mean. Strong, strong.

Menigne. Perhaps holding firm spear, allegorically - fearless.

Mercury. Merkul. The name of the messenger of the Roman and Greek gods (see ERM).

December 7 (November 24) - Great Mercury Mercury, Martyr Mercury Smolensky and Rev. Mercury Pechersky (in distant caves).

Merity. Perhaps deserved worthy of.




Methodius. Oil. In order coming, allegorically - targeted, methodical.

April 19 (April 6) - Equal to the Apostles Methodius, Archbishop Moravian, Teacher Slovensky.

May 24 (May 11) - Equal-Apostles Methodius, Archbishop Moravian, Teacher Slovenian (and equivalent Cyril).

June 17 (June 4) -

June 27 (June 14) - Rev. Methodius, Igumen Peshnoshsky.

Mian. Maternal.

Migdonium. From Migdov.

Mili. MIL. Apple, apple or mission (area of \u200b\u200bsmall Asia).

Mina. Mine, Minai, Min. Moon, monthly, cf. Mena, Greek goddess of the moon (option - selenium; see Selinia).

Minion. Option name of Mina.

Mincife. I remember about God.

Mirax. Patterns, teenager.

Miron. Miron, Mironi. Surging world (fragrant oil).

Misail. Option named after Mikhail.

Metrodor. Dar of Mother.

Mitrofan. Mitrofans. Mother yawned.

August 20 (August 7) - (gaining relics).

December 6 (November 23) - Saint Mitrofan, Bishop Voronezh, in Shima Makariya

Mikhail. Who, like God, i.e. Like God.

MOOR. Dark-skinned (Greek).

MAURITIUS. Mavrov (son, descendant) (Greek).

Malsima. Perhaps the name of Maxim.

Magn. Big, Great (Lat.).

Mair. (Maor). Big (lat.)

Macarium. Makar. Blessed, happy (Greek).

January 12 (December 30) - Saint Makariya, Metropolitan Moscow and All Russia (Rus.)

February 1 (January 19) - Rev. Makariya Great, Egyptian; Rev. Makariya, Pechersky Postront (in the near caves) (Rus.); Rev. Makariya, Deacon Pechersky (in distant caves) (rus); Rev. Makariya Roman, Novgorod (Rus.) And Rev. Makariya Alexandria.

March 4 (February 19) - Rev. Macarius, confessor, presbyter Antioch.

May 26 (May 13) - Rev. Macarium, Archimandrite Kanevsky, Pereyaslavsky (Rus.) And Rev. Macarium Igumen Glushitsky.

September 10 (August 28) - Rev. Macarium Pechersky (in the distant caves) (Rus.).

September 20 (September 7) - Rev. Macarius, Archimandrite Kanevsky, Pereyaslavsky (Rus.).

October 11 (September 28) - Rev. Macarium Pechersky (in the near caves) (Rus.).

December 6 (November 23) - Saint Mitrofan, in Schima Makarary Bishop Voronezh (Rus.).

Macedonium. Macedon. Macedonian, from Macedonia (area in the Balkans) (Greek).

Macrol. Long-lived, durable (Greek).

Maksian. Perhaps the name of the name Maximian.

MAXIM. The greatest (lat.)

February 3 (January 21) - Rev. Maxim, Confessor and Rev. Maxim Greek (Rus.).

November 24 (November 11) - Blessed Maxim, Christ for the sake of Yurozhny, Moscow (Rus.).

Maximian. Maximov (son, descendant) (Lat.).

MAXIMILIAN. Perhaps the addition of the names of Maxim and Emilian (Lat.).

Malachia.. Malachius, Malafe. Messenger of God (Heb.).

Malh. Supreme Ruler (Heb.)

MAMANT.. MAMMOTH. Successive chest, allegorical - maternal (Greek).

Mammy. Mamia. Matushkin, Mamochkin (Son) (Lat.).

Manuel. Manuel, Manuilo, Manuil, Mananylo. Abbreviated from Emmanuel - God with us (Heb.).

Mar.. Mares, Maresi, Mari. Mr. or the Lord (Sir.) And the Roman family name.

MARDARY. Mardiec, from Mardov (Greek.).

December 25 (December 13) - Martyr Mardarius, and Rev. Mardarius Restress Pechersky (Rus.).

MARDONY.. Option named after MARDARY.


Marian.. Marian. Mariyev (son, descendant) (Lat.) And the Roman family name.

Marin. Sea (lat.)

MARK. Marco. Dry, faded (lat.) And Roman personal name.

April 11 (March 29) - Sacred Martyr Mark, Bishop Arfsi and Rev. Mark Pskov-Pechersky (Rus.).

October 11 (September 28) - Martyr Mark, Shepherd and Rev. Mark, Pechersky Catchcher (Rus.).

Markell. Markel. Warlike, literally dedicated to Marsa, Roman war deity; Roman kindmed name.

Markellin. Pretty to Markell.

Markian. Markov (son, descendant) (lat.).

EASILY SOILED. Option name mark.

MAROON. Maro. Perhaps our Lord (Sir.).

Marsaly. Warlike (lat.) See Markell.

MARTIN. Martyn. Warlike (lat.), See Markell.

Martinian. Martyan. Martinov (son, descendant) (Lat.).

October 20 (October 7) - Rev. Martinian Beloisersky (Rus.) (Accession of the relics).

Martyri. Martyrs (Greek).

September 10 (August 28) - Rev. Martyrie, Deacon, Pechersky (Rus.) And Reverend Martyrie, Restress Pechersky (Rus.).

November 7 (October 25) - Martyr Martyrie, Rev. Martyrie, Deacon, Pechersk (Rus.) And Reverend Martyrie, Provenant Pechersky (Rus.).

Martyrocl. Planned for martyrdom (Greek).

Maruf. Maruph. Notable, dominant (Sir.)

Marciel. (Marcial).


MATTHEW. (Matthey), Matvey. Dar of God (Heb.).

November 29 (November 16) - Apostle and Evangelist Matthew and Righteous Fulwian, Prince Efiopsky, in the Holy Baptism Matthew.


Medimn. The name of the measure of bulk bodies (Greek).



Melemexipp. Melasipp. Carrying about horses (Greek).

Meleti.. Melenty, Melanhy. Thoughtful (Greek).

March 13 (February 28) - St. Maleti, Archbishop Kharkov and Akhtyrsky (Rus.).

Melisssen. Milissan. Honey, bee (Greek).

Meliton. Filled with honey (Greek).

Melhion. Perhaps the name of the name Melchior (the king of light - Heb.).

Melchizedek. Tsar Truth (Heb.).

Memnon. Memnon. Remembering (Greek); The name of Greek, myth. Hero, participant of the Trojan War.

Mena. Perhaps the name of the name of Meraya.

Menandr. Strong, strong, courageous (Greek).

Message. Mean. Strong, strong (Greek).

Menigne. Perhaps holding firm spear, allegorically - fearless (Greek).

MERCURY. Merkul. The name of the messenger of the Roman and Greek gods (see ERM).

August 20 (August 7)

September 10 (August 28)

October 11 (September 28) - Rev. Mercury Pechersky (in the near caves) (Rus.).

November 17 (November 4) - Rev. Mercury Pechersky (in distant caves) (rus).

December 7 (November 24) - Great Mercury Mercury, Martyr Mercury Smolensky (Rus.) And Rev. Mercury Pechersky (in distant caves) (Rus.).

Mermet. Perhaps deserved, worthy (lat.).




Methodius. Oil. In order coming, allegorically - targeted, methodical (Greek).

April 19 (April 6) - Equal to the Apostles Methodius, Archbishop Moravian, Teacher Slovensky.

May 24 (May 11) - Equal-Apostles Methodius, Archbishop Moravian, Teacher Slovenian (and equivalent Cyril).

Mian. Maternal (Greek).

Migdonium. From Migdov (Greek).

Mili.. MIL. Apple-tree, apple (Greek) or from Mill (Last Asian region).

MINE. Mine, Minai, Min. Lunar, monthly (Greek), cf. Mena, Greek goddess of the moon (option - selenium; see Selinia).

Minion. Option name of Mina.

Mincfee. I remember about God (Greek).

August 20 (August 7) - Saint Mitrofan, Bishop of Voronezh (Rus.) (Accession of the relics).

December 6 (November 23) - Saint Mitrofan, Bishop Voronezh, in Shima Makariya (Rus.)

MICHAEL. Who, like God, i.e. Like God (Heb.).

February 27 (February 14) - Blessed prince Mikhail Chernigovsky (Rus.) (Transferring the relics).

May 15 (May 2) - the boring and equivalent king Boris, with the holy of baptism Mikhail (Bulge).

June 5 (May 23) - Rev. Mikhail, Confessor, Bishop, Sainean and Rev. Mikhail, Chernorizeta.

June 28 (June 15) - St. Michael, the first Metropolitan of Kiev, All Russia, the Wonderworker (Rus.).

September 19 (September 6) - ArchReart Mikhail (memories of the miracle, former in Honheh).

October 13 (September 30) - St. Michael, the first Metropolitan of Kiev, all of Russia, the Wonderworker (Rus.).

December 5 (November 22) - Blessed Prince Mikhail Tverskaya (Rus.) And Righteous Mikhail, Warrior (Bulgarian).

Michey. Perhaps the name of the name Mikhail.


Modest. Modest (lat.)

MOSES. Extracted, taken (out of water) (Egypt).

August 8 (July 26) - Rev. Moses Ugrep, Pechersky (and near caves) (Rus.).

August 10 (July 28)

September 10 (August 28) - Rev. Moses, Pechersky Wonderworker (in distant caves) (Rus.).

October 11 (September 28) - Rev. Moses Ugric, Pechersky (in the near caves) (Rus.).

Moky. Moko, moka. Mockery (Greek).




Mstislav.. Cunning to glory (glory).

June 27 (June 14) - Blessed Prince Mstislav Brave, in the Holy Baptism of George, Novgorod (Rus.).



Below are Russian men's names list:

Russian men's names for the letter A:

August- Majestic, Great, Sacred
Augustine(old.) - Summer
Avdea- servant of God Yahweh, clergyman
Avenir(Star.) - From Franz. Avenir - coming, future
Averky- turning to flight
Averyan- turning to flight, invincible
Avksense(old) - someone else's "xenos" growing
Auror / Aurori (new) - Son morning dawn
Autonom- independent, the law itself
Agap- favorite
Agafon.- Virtuous, noble
Agga- solemn, festive, cheerful
Adam- Created from the dust of the earth
Adonis (old.) - Vladyka
Adrian- strong, mature
Azarya- Help God's
Akim- Approval, Resurrection of the Lord
Alevtin(new) - alien bad
Alexander(old.) - Protector of people
Alexei(Star.) - Defender
Albert.(new) - wise
Albin(new) - "White"
Alfred(new) - good adviser
Amvrosiy- belonging to the immortal, divine
AMOS- loaded carrying
Ananya- marked by the grace of God
Anastasiy(old.) - RESURD
Anatoly(old.) - Eastern
Andrew- courageous, brave
Andrian- courageous, brave
Andron.- courageous, brave
Andronik- Winner of husbands
Anike- Historically established name
Anikita- invincible
Anise/ Anions(old.) - Sweet smelling
Anisim- execution, completion
Antip- enemy
Anton/ Anthony (Star.) - Entering
Antonin(old.) - Good
Antooman(new) - Anneasual reading of Anton
Apollinary(Star.) - Son Sun
Apollo(Star.) - Sun God
Argent(New) - from Franz. Argent - Silver
Arefi.- Life
Aristarch(old) - head of the best
Arkady(Star.) - Shepherd or "A resident of Arcadia"
Arsen(new) - courageous
Arseny- courageous, sublime
Artem- Impeccable health
Artyom/ Artemy(old.) - Credit
Artemy- Credid, healthy
Arthur(new) - big as a bear
Arkhip- Head over horses
Askold- Golden voice
Atheist(new) - not believing
Athanasius(old.) - Immortal
Athenogen.- Descendant Athens

Russian men's names for the letter B:

Bazhen- welcome, favorite
Benedict(Star.) - Blessed
Bogdan(Glory) - This God
Boolslav.(Glory) - famous in battle
Boleslav- Big Slava
Borimir(Glory) - fighting for peace
Boris.- Wrestler, warrior
Borislav.(glory) - fighting for glory
Boyan- fighter, violent
Bronislav(Glory) - Nice Defender
Budimimer(Dr.-Rus.) - Peace-loving
Bulat(new) - "strong"

Russian men's names for the letter in:

Vadim.(Star.) - Singing Trouble
Valentine- strong, healthy
Valery- be strong, healthy
Valerian- be strong, healthy
Walter(new) - managing people
Bartholomew- Son Tolva
Basil(old.) - Tsarsky
Vasilko(nar. from Vasily) - Tsarevich
Vaclav.- Big Slava
Velimir(Glory) - Lord of the World
Velislav(Slav.) - Missed
Velor./ Velly (new) - wealthy
Venedict- Blessed
Benjamin- Son of the Dandy (right hand), favorite son
Vincent- Winner
Victor(old.) - Winner
Victorin- Winner.
Vilen(New) - Reduction from V.I. Lenin
Vissarion.(old.) - Forest man
Vitaly(Star.) - Life
Witold(Slav.) - Forest Relief
Vlad.(Glory) - own
Vladilen.(new) - similar to Vladimir Lenin
Vladimir(old., Glory) - owning the world
Vladislav.(Star., Glory.) - owning glory
Owner(new) - similar to Vladimir Lenin
Vlas- sluggish, bad
Warrior(Dr.-Rus.) - "Warrior"
Vislav(Glory) - "Milk in War"
Volodar(Staroslav.) - "Vladyka"
Voldemar/ Waldemar (new) - the famous rulers
Volmir/ Volley (glory) - Lord of the World
Vsevolod(Star., Dr.-Rus.) - The Lord of the Total People
Heavy(Slavv.) - Mil
Vyacheslav(Star., Glory) - more than once famous

Russian men's names in the letter G:

Gabriel/ Gavrila/ Gavrilo/ Gavril(Star.) - Divine Warrior
Gavrila- Divine Warrior
Galaktion(Star.) - Star
Harry/ Garry(new) - tolerant
Gideon- Warrior
Gelian/ Helium(new) - sunny
Genius(New) - "Genius"
Gennady(old.) - Rooded
Georgy.(old.) - agriculture
Gerasim- venerable
Hermann(old.) - Native
Gertood(new) - work hero
Gleb(Star., Dr.-Rusk.) - Big, high
Gorimir(Glory) - "Light World"
Gorislav.(Glory) - "Light Glory"
Granite(new) - "solid"
Grigory(old.) - Do not sleep
Guri.- Lion

Russian men's names on the letter D:

David- favorite
Davyd/ David(old.) - Favorite
Damir(new) - peace-loving
Dan(old.) - God of the Moon
Daniel/ Danila/ Danilo/ Danil(old.) - "God's court"
Danila- My judge is God
Gift(new) - "Dar"
December(new) - Winter
Dementia- Taming, grappling
Demid- Thought Zeus
Demyan- conquering
Denis(nar. from Star. Dionysius) - God of life forces of nature
Gerald(new) - other reading of Garald
Joseph(new) - other reading Joseph, Joseph, Osip
John(new) - other reading Ivan
Dionysia/ Dionysis (old.) - God of vegetation
Dmitriy/ Dimitri (Star.) - God fertility
Dobrynya(Dr.-Rus.) - Good well done
Donalt(old.) - Lord of the world
Donat(old.) - Strong
Dorofa- God's gift

Russian men's names for the letter E:

Evgeny(Star.) - Noble
Evgraffic- nonsense, well -ft
Evdokim(old.) - Well-glured
Evlampiy- radiant
EVSEY.- Pious
Eustafium- Sustainable
Evstigney- Good sign
Elizar- God helped
Elisha- Saved God
Emelyan- flattering
Epifan- prominent, notable
Ememy- Halfed by God
Ermil- Forest
Ermolai- People and Hermes
EPOFE- consecrated from God
Erulanlan(Dr.-Rus.) - "Lion"
Efim(old.) - Pious
Ephraim- prolific

Russian men's names on the letter w:

Zzda(Dr.-Rus.) - Waiting

Russian men's names for the letter h:

Zakhar.(Star.) - "Lady Memory"
Zinoviy(Star.) - Zeusov Power
Zorii.(new) - Morning
Zosima- going to the road

Russian men's names for the letter and:

Ibrahim.(new) - other reading Abram, Abraham, Avrome
Ignatius/ Ignat (old.) - Unknown
Igor(Star., Dr.-Rus.) - Defender of God
Izmail- Hears God
Isot- giving life, life-giving
Izyaslav- Holding Slava
Illarion.- Cheerful, joyful
Ilya- Fortress of the Lord
Innocent- Innocent, immaculate
Joseph- God's award
Ipat- Supreme
Ipathia- Supreme
Hippolyte- straightening horse
Irakli- The hero of the famous
Isaiah- the rescue
Isidore/ Sidor.(old.) - Patron of fertility
July(new) - Summer

Russian men's names for the letter to:

Callistrath- Beautiful Warrior
Kapitail- Head
Carp- fruit
Kasyan.(nar. from old. Cassian) - empty
Cyprian(Star.) - Native of Cyprus or Copper
Cyrus(old.) - Mr.
Kirill(old.) - Vladyka
Claudius(old.) - Chrome or from the genus Claudius
Clement(old.) - gracious
Clementy- Mr., Lord
Klim.- vine
Clement/ Klim (old) - indulgent
Climeti/ Clementy(Nar. From Clement) - Meek
Colombiy(new) - "Pigeon"
Kondrat.- Quadugular
Kondrati.- warrior carrying a spear
Konstantin- persistent, permanent
Roots- Horn or Kizyl berry
Cornil- Rog.
Cornili- Kizyl berry
Kuzma/ Kozma(Nar. from Star. Kosma) - Decorated
Kupriyan(Nar. from Cyprian) - Native of Cyprus or Copper

Russian men's names on the letter l:

LAVR(old.) - Famous
Lavrentin(old.) - crowned with laurels
Ladislav- Good Glory
Lazarus(old.) - "God's help"
Larion(nar. from Hilarion) - joyful
a lion(old.) - "Lion"
Leon- a lion
Leonard(new) - strong
Leonid(old.) - Son of Lion
Leontius(old.) - Lion
Longin- a long
Luke(Star.) - "Happiness"
Lukyan/ Lucian (old.) - Happy
Radiant- Glowing, radiant
Love(Dr.-Rus.) - Handsome
Luxene/ Lucian(new) - light


If you are just waiting for the baby, then do not forget to track your condition according to our. This will allow not to worry once again for a particular occasion. But, do not forget - there are no ideal calendars! Each situation is individual and only the doctor can say, it is worth worrying or not.

Russian men's names on the letter M:

Mauritius(old.) - Black
May(New) - Warm Heart
Myslaw./ Maeslav(new) - famous in May
Makar./ Macarius (old.) - Happy
Max(new) - Music
Maxim(old) - Music
Maximilians/ Maximilian(old) - Music
Marian.- sea
Mark- a hammer
Martyn- dedicated to Mars, warlike
Matvey- God's man
Methodius- tracking, waning
Millova.- Nice Sword
Milan- nice
Milen.- nice
Mili.(old.) - Cute
Millica(Glory) - Cute
Miloslav(Glory) - Glory Mila
Mine- Monthly, Lunar
Miron.(old.) - Good
Mitrofan- Found Mother
Michael/ Mikhailo (old.) - Equal to God
Michey- equal to God
Modest(Star.) - Loader
Moses(old.) - Extracted from water
Moky- mockery
Monolith(new) - unshakable
Mstislav- Nice avenger

Russian men's names on the letter H:

Nazar/ Nazarius(old) - dedicated to God
Nathan(Star.) - Granted
Naum(old.) - Consolation
Neon(old.) - Shining
Neonyl(old.) - principal
Nestor/ Nester (old.) - Returning to his homeland
Nykandr(Star.) - Winner of Men
Nikan- Seeing victory
Nikita- win
Nikifor- victorious
Nicodem- victory and people
Nikolai- Victory of the people
Nikon- Victorious
Nifont- reasonable, reasonable
North(new) - North (n)

Russian men's names for the letter Oh:

Ovidi(Star.) - Savior
Odysseus(new) - hearts
Octavian(Star.) - (Roman) - Eighth
Octobrine(new) - autumn
October(new) - autumn
Oleg(Star., Dr.-Rus.) - Holy
Olympiy- Name of the Sacred Mountain Olympus
Onacyim- execution, completion
Onufry- free
Orest(Star.) - Dick
Oscar(Star.) - "God's spear"
Ostap- Sustainable

Russian men's names on the letter P:

Pavel(old.) - Little
Palladium(Star.) - dedicated to Athena Pallad
Pankrat- the strongest, omnipotent
Panteleon./ Pants(old.)
Panfil(Star.) - Loving all
Paramon- reliable, faithful
Partem.- virgin, clean
Pakhom.- Wideworm
Peresvet.(Dr.-Rus.) - Light
Peter- Stone, rock
Peter(Star.) - "Rock" or "Stone"
Pimen.- shepherd, shepherd
Plato- Wideworm
Polycarp- Fruit
Porfiry- magenta, crimson
Potap- mastered
Proble- Glory is ahead of him
Prokhor.(Star.) - Head of Choir

Russian men's names on the letter R:

Radium(new) - "Radiy"
Radislav(Slav.) - Glad to Glory
Radomir(Slav.) - Rad to the world
Ratibor.- Warrior
Ratmir.- Protecting Mir
Rodion- Song of Vladyka
Novel- Roman; Roman
Rostislav.- increasing glory
Ruben.- ruby, red
Ruslan- a lion
Rurik- Glory to the king

Russian men's names for the letter with:

Savva/ Sava(old) - desired
Savvathi- Sabean
Saveli.(old) - desired
Samson- Sunny
Samuel- the name of God, God heard
Shine(new) - "light"
Svetlan.(Slav.) - Light
Sveoslav(Glory) - "Slava Light"
Svyatogor(Dr.-Rus.) - "Holy Mountain"
Svyatopolk(Dr.-Rus.) - "Saint Regiment"
Sevastian- High
North(old.) - "North"
Severin(old.) - Cold
Nighman/ Severian (old.) - Northern
Northern(new) - Northern
Selivan- Frynaya
Semen- Heard
Semen(nar. from old. Simeon) - heard by God in prayer
Seraphim(Star.) - Flame
Sergey(old) - high
Sigismund(new) - ...
Sidor.- Dar Isida
Force- Forest, wild
Sylvester- Frynaya
Simon- Heard
Socrates- preserving power
Solomon- Mirny
Sofron.- Sensible, prudent
Spartacus- organizer, head
Spiridon- Body
Steel/ Stali (new) - solid
Stanimir- Peacemaker
Stepan./ Stephen (Star.) - Wreath
Standing- Strong

Russian men's names for the letter T:

Taras.(old) - Restless
Tverdislav- Solid Glory
Formimir- Mir
Teimuraz(new) - Analog Timur
Terenthy- driving, darling
Timofey- Honor honoring
Timur- Iron
Tit- Honor, honor
Tikhon.- Successful
Tristan(Star.) - Sad (Tristia)
Trifon.(old.) - Winged
Trofim(old.) - Pet

Russian men's names for the letter:

Ulyan.- belonging to Julia
Ustin- equitable

Russian men's names for the letter F:

Faddey- gift of God.
Name/ Faddey(old.) - "Praise"
February(new) - Winter
Fedor(old.) - God's gift
Fedosi- Dar of the Gods
Fedot- This gods
Felix(old) - succeeding
Foktist- Created by God
Feofan- The phenomenon of God
Ferapont- student, servant
Philaret- Lover of virtue
Filimon(old.) - Favorite
Philip(old.) - Loving horses
Phlegont(old.) - ...
Florentine(old) - blooming
Florentine- blooming
Florentz(new) - blooming
Florin(new) - blooming
Foka- Tyule
Thomas- twin
Fortunat- Happy
Fotiy- light, glowing
Frol.(nar. from old. Flor) - blooming

Russian men's names on the letter x:

Khariton.(old) - benefactor
Harlampiy- joyful light
Herbra(Dr.-Rus.) - Brave
Christof(Star.) - (Christopher) - Carrying Christ
Christopher- confessing faith of Christ
Cheswal- Honor and glory

Russian men's names for the letter E:

Electron(new) - amber
Elbrus.(New) - "Mountain"
Emil- diligent
Emmanuel- God is with us
Energi(new) - energetic
ERAST- Adorable
Ernst- serious, strict

Russian men's names for the letter Yu:

Juvenali(Star. From Iwenali) - Young
Eugene(new) - noble
Julian(old. from Iulian) - Curly
Julius(old. from Iuliy) - fluffy
Jupiter(New) - "Jupiter"
Yuri.(Star., Nar. From Georgy) - Agriculture

Russian men's names for the letter I:

Yakov(old. from Jacob) - Imprivering God
Yakub- Next
Yanuaria(Star. from Janaria) - January
Yaromir(Star., Slave.) - "Sunny World"
Yaropolk(Star., Glory.) - "Sunny"
Yaroslav(Star., Glory.) - "Burning Glory" or the famous Yaril, the Version Slavic God

The name begins with the letter "M" - it means the girl will always achieve his, although it may not be immediately - her talents reveal gradually. Its slowness only external, in fact she is smart and never forgets. In life, it is interested in literally everything - she wants to visit all countries, work in hundreds of areas and in general, to get as much sensations as possible - just to avoid boredom and routine. There are no patterns in communication - the girl can be quite closed, and the soul of the company. The only thing is always more prone to philosophy, reflections than to discuss household details.

  • Mayan - Translated from Greek - "Kormilitsa", "Mother". Girl with bright appearance, strong character and will. She likes people, but in communication is quite cold and strict to others. A rather complicated nature that does not know how to lose - she needs everything immediately. 55
  • Malika - There are several options for the origin of the name, including Arabic and Slavic (from the word "small"). Malika is a sensible calm girl striving for stability. -35
  • Malvina - The name from the ancient Germanic language means "weak", "gentle." In fact, Malvina is smart, creative, tough nature, with which it is dangerous to argue. -59
  • Margarita - (Margarita, Margo). Translated from Greek - "Pearl", "Pearls". The main quality of the nature of this woman is straightforward. She will say everything he thinks to any person, regardless of age and status. Honest, bold and impatient, it has an analytical mindset and logical thinking. 44
  • Marianne - (Mariaan) may have happened from the names of Maria and Anna. Folk form name - Marianana. This sociable, a cheerful girl loves everything without exception, and even matured, she still remains a common favorite. (8) 7
  • Marina - From the Latin word "Marinus", meaning "maritime". In life, Marina is ice and a flame. Susceptible, impatient and impulsive, with an infinite imagination. The main thing is what she is waiting for is love, tenderness and understanding. 33
  • Maria - The most common name in the world, because that's the name of Jesus's mother. Good, affectionate, balanced and responsible. She either becomes an ideal housewife and blooms during the motherhood or becomes a woman who will always prove to everyone that it does not seem. (4) 58
  • Martha - Perhaps this is the European version of Marfa. This is a girl confident in his abilities. (1) 11
  • Matrena - Ensured lady, Madam (from Latin). Calm, patient, a little phlegmatic girl who likes to observe more than to participate. (1) -46
  • Melania - (Melanya) dark, dark (from Greek). Feminine, charming, gentle girl. 23
  • Melissa - (Melis) from the Greek - "Bee", "Honey". Sociable, independent, creative nature, explicit perfectionist - neat, scrupulous. 11
  • Mila - From the Old Slavonic, it means "cute", and in the portable value it can be designated as "beautiful" or "gentle." Emotional girl, always in the center of attention. 14
  • Milada - Cute, good (from Slavyansky). Good, sociable, creative girl. -41
  • Milan. - (Milena) Slavic name meaning "cute." Strong personality, active and susceptible, a little mysterious. (2) 7
  • Milolyika - Cute Flash (Slavic Name). Artistic, charming girl, always ready to come to the rescue. -53
  • Miloslava - Nice, sweet (Slavic name). A kind, sociable girl with a sense of humor, not extinguishing alone. -21
  • Mira - (Mirra). There is no single version of the origin of this name. The world has an analytical mindset, strong, smart, seeking to attract attention. (1) 22
  • Miroslava - Slavic name, formed by their two parts "Peace" and "Glory". Smart, careful, decent girl, who is still new. Her desire for order can be crazy. 107
  • Michel - The name of French origin. Michelle loves comfort and beautiful life, but do not like to make efforts to achieve something. 0
  • Miya. - (Mia) One of the name of Mary. Proud, active girl, seeking perfection and seeking to be the best in everything. (2) 83
  • Mlada - Slavic name, means "young." Charming, smiling, easy to communicate personality. -55
  • Monica - The name Monica has Greek roots. Strong, active, sensible girl. -12
  • Muse - Goddess of arts (in ancient Greece). Sociable, smart, capable girl who can always rely in everything. -93