Russian version of the musical notre dame. Notre Dame Cathedral (Notre Dame de Paris), description, photo! Inside the holy of holies

Russian version of the musical notre dame.  Notre Dame Cathedral (Notre Dame de Paris), description, photo!  Inside the holy of holies
Russian version of the musical notre dame. Notre Dame Cathedral (Notre Dame de Paris), description, photo! Inside the holy of holies

Notre Dame de Paris (Notre Dame Cathedral) is one of the most popular attractions in the French capital. He is known primarily due to the work of the same name by Victor Hugo. This one was a real patriot of his native country and with his work tried to rekindle the love of the cathedral among his compatriots. I must say, he succeeded quite well. Indeed, there was no longer any doubt about the love of the French for this building: during the French Revolution, the townspeople meekly paid bribes to Robespierre, who otherwise threatened to destroy the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris. We invite you to learn more about this Parisian landmark, the history of its creation and how it can surprise tourists today.

Notre Dame de Paris (France) - the architectural inspiration of an entire nation

This structure was erected at a time when the majority of the country's inhabitants were uneducated people who passed on the history of religion exclusively by word of mouth. The Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris, built in the Gothic style, keeps within its walls paintings, frescoes, portals and stained glass windows depicting biblical episodes and events. By analogy with other Gothic buildings, you will not find wall paintings here. They have been replaced by a large number of tall stained glass windows that act as the only source of color and light inside the building. Until now, visitors to Notre-Dame-de-Paris, the photo of which is adorned with almost any tourist guide to France, note that passing through the colored glass mosaic gives the structure mystery and instills sacred awe.

Someone knows this landmark by hearsay, someone remembers it from the novel of the unforgettable Hugo, but for someone it is associated with a popular musical. One way or another, the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris is an amazing place with a rich history. If you are planning, do not deprive yourself of the pleasure of visiting this attraction.

The history of the founding of the cathedral

The construction of this structure began in 1163. The interior decoration was completed only after a century and a half - in 1315. In 1182 the main altar of this church building was consecrated. The construction work itself was completed by 1196. Only the interior decoration lasted for a very long time. The Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris was erected at the heart of the French capital. The main architects of this monumental structure, which is 35 meters high (the bell tower of the cathedral rises 70 meters), were Pierre de Montreuil, Jean de Chelles.

The long construction time affected the external appearance of the building, since for a century and a half the Norman and Gothic styles were mixed, due to which the image of the cathedral turned out to be truly unique. One of the most notable features of this building is the six-ton ​​bell located in the right tower. For centuries, Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris has served as the wedding site of royalty, as well as their coronations and burials.

XVII-XVIII centuries

This magnificent building underwent great tests in the last decades of the seventeenth century. During this period, marked by the reign of King Louis XIV, the most beautiful stained-glass windows and graves were destroyed in the Cathedral. During the French Revolution, Parisians were warned that this magnificent structure would be wiped off the face of the earth. However, they can prevent this if they regularly pay a certain amount of money to the needs of the revolutionaries. Rarely has a Parisian refused to comply with this ultimatum. Thanks to this, the cathedral was literally saved by the local population.

Cathedral in the 19th century

During the reign of Napoleon in 1802, Notre Dame Cathedral was rededicated. And four decades later, its restoration began. In the course of it, the building itself was restored, broken statues and sculptures were replaced, and a spire was erected. The restoration work lasted a little less than 25 years. After their completion, it was decided to demolish all the buildings adjacent to the Cathedral, thanks to which a magnificent square was formed.

What should you look out for today when visiting Notre Dame Cathedral?

In addition to its majestic appearance, the cathedral can offer visitors a lot of interesting things hidden within its walls. So, it is here that for a long time one of those nails has been kept, with the help of which Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross. There is also the famous bas-relief of the alchemist of Notre Dame.

If you come to the cathedral on Sunday, you can hear organ music. And the organ located here is the largest in all of France. All believers are given the opportunity to bow before such relics of the cathedral, as well as a piece of the Lord's Cross with a nail preserved in it.

Indulge in the opportunity to admire the surroundings from the observation deck located on the south tower of the cathedral. However, keep in mind that you will have to climb 402 steps to climb it. Also, don't miss the bronze star in the square in front of the cathedral. It marks the zero kilometer, and it is from it that all French roads have been counted since the 17th century.

Make a wish

It is safe to say that a visit to Notre Dame is a very significant event for any person. This is probably why from time immemorial there is a belief here that if you leave a note at the gate of the cathedral with your desire, it will certainly come true.

How to get to the cathedral

As we have already mentioned, Notre Dame is located in the eastern part of the Parisian island of Cité. You can get here either by metro or by bus. If you decide to take the subway, then you need to take line 4 and get off at the Cite or Saint-Michel station. If you are planning to travel by bus, then use one of the following routes: 21, 38, 47 or 85.

Cathedral opening hours

The main hall of Notre Dame is open every day from 6:45 am to 7:45 pm. However, keep in mind that from time to time the flow of visitors is "hampered" by local ministers. This is done in order not to interfere with the passing masses.

If you are planning to visit the towers of the cathedral, take note of the following information:

In July and August, they are open to the public on weekdays from 9:00 to 19:30, and on weekends from 9:00 to 23:00;

From April to June, as well as in September, the towers can be visited from 9:30 am to 7:30 pm every day;

From October to March, they are only accessible from 10:00 to 17:30.

Experienced tourists recommend coming to the cathedral from October to March. During this period, it is not so crowded here, and you can enjoy the relative silence and explore this attraction in a calm atmosphere. Also, if you get the chance, come here at sunset. At this time, you can enjoy a magnificent picture, which is a play of light passing through the interior of the cathedral through the fancy multicolored stained glass windows.

Paris, Notre Dame Cathedral: cost of visit

The entrance to the main hall of the cathedral is free. Please note that all year round, every Wednesday at 2 pm, and every Saturday at 2:30 pm, there is a guided tour in Russian. It's also free.

There is a small building near the cathedral, where the temple treasury is located. Here are kept various old items made of precious metals, as well as the clothes of priests, and the main exhibit is the crown of thorns of Jesus Christ, as well as a piece of the Lord's Cross with a preserved nail. Adults will have to pay three euros to enter the treasury, schoolchildren and students two euros, and children from 6 to 12 years old - 1 euro.

If you want to climb the tower of the cathedral, then adult visitors will have to pay 8.5 euros, students - 5.5 euros. For those under the age of eighteen, admission is free.

He has been under the tutelage of the Gypsy Baron Clopin since the death of his mother. After a gypsy camp tries to infiltrate Paris and take refuge in Notre Dame Cathedral ("Les Sans-Papiers"), on the orders of Archdeacon Frollo, they are chased away by the royal soldiers ("Intervention de Frollo"). Rifle captain Phoebus de Chateaupert takes an interest in Esmeralda ("Bohémienne"). But he is already engaged to 14-year-old Fleur-de-Lys ("Ces Diamants-Là").

At the buffoonery, the humpbacked, crooked and lame bell-ringer of the Cathedral of Quasimodo comes to see Esmeralda, with whom he has fallen in love ("La Fête des Fous"). Because of his ugliness, he is elected King of Fools ("Le Pape des Fous"). At this moment, the guardian and mentor of Quasimodo, the archdeacon of Notre Dame Claude Frollo, intervenes. He strips off his clownish crown and forbids even looking at the girl, accusing her of witchcraft, and then orders the hunchback to kidnap the gypsy and lock her in the tower of the cathedral ("La Sorcière").

At night, the poet Pierre Gringoire follows Esmeralda ("Les Portes de Paris") and witnesses an attempt to kidnap her. But a detachment of Phoebus was on guard nearby, and he protects the gypsy ("Tentative d'Enlèvement"). Quasimodo is arrested. The captain makes the rescued one a date at the Shelter of Love cabaret.

Gringoire finds himself in the Courtyard of Wonders - the abode of vagabonds, thieves and other lumpen. Clopin decides to hang him due to the fact that he, not being a criminal, went there. The poet can only be saved by the consent of any of the women living there, to take him as husbands. Esmeralda, after an offer from her guardian, agrees to save Pierre ("La Cour des Miracles"). He promises to make her his muse, but the gypsy is absorbed in thoughts of Phoebe. She asks a man about the meaning of her lover's name ("Le Mot Phoebus", "Beau Comme Le Soleil").

For attempting to kidnap Esmeralda, Quasimodo was sentenced to the wheel ("Anarkia"). Frollo is watching this. When the hunchback asks for a drink, the girl gives him water ("À Boire").

On the market square, all three - Quasimodo, Frollo and Phoebus - confess their love to her ("Belle"). In gratitude for the water, the first shows her the Cathedral and the bell tower, inviting her to come in whenever she wants ("Ma maison, c'est ta maison").

Frollo pursues Phoebus and goes with him to the Shelter of Love (L'Ombre, Le Val d'Amour). Seeing the gypsy with the captain ("La Volupté"), he stabs him with the gypsy dagger, which Esmeralda lost in the attack of Quasimodo, and runs away, leaving the victim to die ("Fatalité").

Act II

Esmeralda is arrested and imprisoned in La Sante Prison ("Où Est-Elle?"). Phoebus recovers and returns to Fleur-de-Lys, who asks him to swear that the lovemaker will be punished ("La Monture", "Je Reviens Vers Toi").

Frollo judges and tortures Esmeralda. He accuses her of witchcraft, prostitution and attempted murder of Phoebus. The gypsy says that she was not involved in this. She is sentenced to death by hanging ("Le Procès", "La Torture"). An hour before the execution, Claude descends into the dungeon of the prison of La Sante ("Visite de Frollo à Esmeralda"). He confesses his love to the prisoner and offers to save in exchange for reciprocity, but Esmeralda refuses ("Un matin tu dansais"). The archdeacon tries to take her by force, but at this time Clopin and Quasimodo penetrate into the dungeon. The Jester stuns the priest and frees his stepdaughter ("Libérés"), who is hiding in Notre Dame Cathedral.

Residents of the "Yard of Miracles" come there to pick up Esmeralda. The royal soldiers under the leadership of Phoebus engage them in battle ("L'Attaque De Notre-Dame"). Clopin is killed. The vagabonds are driven out ("Déportés"). Claude Frollo gives the gypsy to Phoebus and the executioner. Quasimodo searches for her, but meets Claude, who confesses to him that he did it because of his refusal ("Mon maître mon sauveur"). The hunchback throws the owner off the cathedral and dies himself with Esmeralda's body in his arms (Donnez-La Moi, Danse Mon Esmeralda).

December 3, 2013, 08:43

Notre-Dame de Paris / Notre Dame Cathedral (1998)

music: Richard Cocciante

libretto: Luc Plamondon

Musicals have not always been popular in France. Even a few years ago, even the famous Andrew Lloyd-Webber shows, going around the world, were received with restraint by the local public. Perhaps this was yet another manifestation of "Great French chauvinism" - the French would have been much more eager to watch a musical performance on a theme close to them. Schonberg and Bublil took into account this peculiarity of the French audience, and their works - "French Revolution" and "Les Miserables" immediately won the love of their compatriots. Moreover, these musicals were well received abroad as well. True, the "French Revolution" was staged outside the country only once - in neighboring Germany, but "Les Miserables" became a real world sensation and successfully competed with Webber's blockbusters. In 1998, everything changed.

Victor Hugo

Notre Dame Cathedral is the most famous symbol of France and its capital, not counting the Eiffel Tower. And if we remember the greatest French writer - Victor Hugo, who glorified the Cathedral in his novel of the same name, the musical "Notre-Dame de Paris" was doomed to success, at least in Hugo's homeland. In the end, this story has everything the viewer needs, that is, in the words of Stoppard's Actor, "blood, love and rhetoric."

The idea to give new life to the characters of Hugo came to the head of Luc Plamondon, a native of French Canada, the author of the lyrics for the French rock opera "Starmania". He says that once, trying to find a theme for a musical, he looked through a book about popular literary characters. It is curious that it was not Esmeralda, but Quasimodo, who attracted Plamondon's attention. It was this character, whose name became a household name, that prompted the librettist to make a rock opera out of Hugo's classic work. Plamondon was not the first to have the idea of ​​using Notre Dame Cathedral as the basis for a completely different genre. Hugo's great book has been filmed many times; there is also the oldest, still silent film with the famous Lon Cheney as Quasimodo, and later pictures and television versions; even ballets and musicals were created based on the novel. In addition, Hugo himself suggested that "Cathedral ..." could serve as the basis for an opera, and even wrote a libretto.

So, Luc Plamondon drew up an approximate plan for a musical (about 30 songs) and turned to composer Richard Cocciante (French by his mother, Italian by his father, who grew up in Italy), with whom they had already worked together, having written, among other things, a song " L "Amour Existe Encore" for Celine Dion Cocciante immediately offered him several tunes that later became hits - "Belle", "Danse Mon Esmeralda", "Le Temps des Cathedrales".

Work on the musical Notre Dame Cathedral began in 1993, and the French premiere took place in September 1998 in Paris. A concept album had been released eight months earlier. In the recording, as in the production that followed it, Canadian pop stars took part - Daniel Lavoie (Frollo), Bruno Peltier (Gringoire), Luc Merville (Clopin). The part of Esmeralda in the studio version was performed by Noa, and in the performance by the Frenchwoman Helene Segara. The Marseille (half Armenian) Patrick Fiori played the role of F :). Eighteen-year-old Julie Zenatti played Fleur-de-Lis. For the role of Quasimodo, a previously unknown but promising singer Pierre Garan was invited, who chose the stage name Garou (a native of Quebec).

The famous avant-garde French director Gilles Mayo was involved in the production. The performance, executed in a minimalist, concert style, was carried out by the opera designer Christian Ratz, the costumes were created by the fashion designer Fred Satal, the lighting was done by Alan Lorte (who previously directed the lighting of rock concerts), and the dancing was done by Martino Müller, who specialized in modern ballet choreography. Despite the outward simplicity of the scenography and the unusual format (the show did not fit into the standards set by the musicals of Webber and Schonberg), the audience immediately fell in love with the performance. The first year of the life of the musical "Notre-Dame de Paris" was so successful that this fact was noted in the Guinness Book of Records. The single "Belle" stayed on the first line of the French charts for 33 weeks and was voted the best song of the fiftieth anniversary.

The story told in the musical is pretty close to the original storyline of Hugo's novel. A young gypsy girl named Esmeralda with her beauty attracts the attention of men. Among them are the archdeacon of Notre Dame Cathedral Frollo, a young handsome man - the captain of the royal riflemen Phoebus and the ugly bell ringer Quasimodo, a pupil of Frollo. Esmeralda falls in love with the most beautiful of them - F :). He does not mind taking advantage of this, despite the fact that he has a bride - Fleur-de-Lys. Frollo is overwhelmed with jealousy and tormented by doubts - after all, as a priest, he has no right to love a woman. Quasimodo admires the young gypsy woman, seeing in her that unattainable unearthly beauty, which is his complete opposite. The poet Gringoire, whom Esmeralda rescues from death by agreeing to become his wife according to the laws of the inhabitants of the Court of Miracles (gypsies, thieves and vagabonds), proclaims the girl his muse. Clopin - the "king" of the Court of Miracles - treats her with paternal care. The whole world seems to revolve around Esmeralda.

By coincidence of tragic circumstances provoked by Frollo's jealousy, the gypsy is in prison - she is accused of attempted murder of F :). Frollo gives the girl a chance to free herself - if she gives him a "moment of bliss". Esmeralda refuses, but she is rescued by her gypsy friends and Quasimodo. But not for long - soon the heroine is arrested again. Esmeralda ends her life on the gallows. Quasimodo, having learned that the culprit of these events is his tutor, throws Frollo from the tower of the Cathedral. He then hugs Esmeralda's dead but still beautiful body and remains with her for the rest of his days.

If anyone is interested in the details of the plot, listen to the musical and read Victor Hugo.

After phenomenal success at home, the musical began to win over fans abroad. In 1999, Notre Dame Cathedral was staged in Canada, still in French. In the same year, the performance toured France, Belgium and Switzerland. Then Will Jennings, lyricist for some of Celine Dion's compositions, including the famous "My Heart Will Go On", was commissioned to write an English libretto. The show was played in Las Vegas and finally opened in London in 2000.

The performers included the stars of the French production - Daniel Lavoie, Bruno Peltier, Luc Merville and Garou. The role of Esmeralda was played by the famous Australian Tina Arena, and F :) was played by the Englishman Steve Balsamo. In 2001, the musical was canceled, having stayed on the West End stage for only about a year. Six audio versions of Notre Dame Cathedral are now available to fans of the musical. in French: studio concept album (1998), double album recorded live at a show at the Palais des Congrès in Paris (2000) and recording at the Teatro Mogador (2001). After the London production, a collection of hits from the musical was released in English (2000). One of them - "Live for the One I Love" (originally "Vivre") on the bonus track was performed by Celine Dion. In addition, there were albums with Italian and Spanish versions of the musical. There is also a video recording of the French version of the musical with the original line-up.

Notre-Dame de Paris "did not manage to compete with the Broadway and London shows, but in Russia it was expected to be just as much loved as at home. This is evidenced by numerous translations of the libretto and individual songs and no less numerous amateur performances.

On May 21, 2002, a domestic production of Notre Dame Cathedral was opened by the producers of the musical Metro, which have exclusive rights to show the show in Russia for a period of six years. Work on the project began in 2001. 1482 people took part in the casting. The creators of the Russian version selected 45 performers - singers, dancers, acrobats and break dancers, of which three cast were formed.

For the role of Quasimodo was invited the soloist of the group "Dances Minus" Vyacheslav Petkun, Esmeralda - Teona Dolnikova, Febos - Anton Makarsky, and Frolo - Alexander Marakulin. The production was staged by British director Wayne Fawkes, the libretto was translated by Julius Kim (except for four songs translated by Susanna Tsuryuk (Belle, Sing to Me, Esmeralda, Live) and Dasha Golubotskaya (My Love)). The Russian "Notre-Dame de Paris", in which two million dollars were invested, is being staged at the Moscow Operetta Theater.

Cast (France)

Esmeralda - Helen Segara

Quasimodo - Pierre Garan

Frollo - Daniel Lavoie

Phoebus de Chateauper - Patrick Fiori

Fleur de Lis - Julie Zenatti

Cast (Russia)

Esmeralda- Teona Dolnikova, Sveta Svetikova



Quasimodo- Viacheslav Petkun

Frollo - Alexander Marakulin

Phoebus de Chateauper - Anton Makarsky

Fleur de Lis - Anastasia Stotskaya, Ekaterina Maslovskaya

Great writer. The action begins with a story, tramps who arrive in Paris and try to make their way to Notre Dame Cathedral. They are stopped and driven away by a regiment of royal riflemen led by Captain Phoebus. The captain, betrothed to the young Fleur de Lys, looks at one of the gypsies - Esmeralda. She is under the auspices of a gypsy baron, since she was left without parents.

Esmeralda is no stranger to male attention. The bell ringer Notre Dame, a hunchback named Quasimodo, who is trying with all his might to please the gypsy, is also in love with her. Priest Frollo is also partial to the beauty, but his love borders on hatred. He accuses Esmeralda of witchcraft and persuades Quasimodo to kidnap the girl. The plans are thwarted by Captain Phoebus, Frollo hides, and Quasimodo is arrested by the royal guards and sentenced to wheel, but he manages to escape, not without the help of Esmeralda.

Meanwhile, the gypsy woman falls in love with Phoebus: she agrees to come on a date, spends the night with him. Having learned about this, the priest bursts into their bedroom and wounds the captain with Esmeralda's dagger, and he disappears again. Now the girl is accused of being on the royal shooter, a mortal awaits her. The judge is the two-faced Frollo: after Esmeralda refuses to become his mistress, he orders to hang her. And Captain Phoebus, having recovered, returns to his bride.

Only in 1163, already under Louis VII, one of the leaders of the Second Crusade, when a special Gothic style developed, they began to build the cathedral. Bishop Maurice de Sully supervised all construction work. He strove to create an unusual temple that would accommodate a whole


A musical is, first of all, a show. And also there are fifty love songs, stunning voices, melodic music combining French chanson and gypsy motives. "Notre Dame" captures from the first second. From the first second to the very curtain. Now it is difficult to find a person who would not have heard about the musical or would not have listened to the musical itself, if not all, then at least excerpts, perhaps without even realizing what it is. It is safe to say that this musical is the most recognized and most famous all over the world. And the performers of the main roles have won worldwide recognition.

The fame of the musical spread long before the premiere, which took place in 1998 in Paris. The official premiere was preceded by a disc with the songs of the musical, which made a splash, conquering the top of various charts in many countries. The most famous song of the musical "Belle" became an independent world hit and received several music awards. Of course, after such a success of the released album, the premiere was eagerly awaited, and not in vain. The musical was a huge success and even got into the Guinness Book of Records as the most visited in its first year on stage.

We can say that success was predetermined. It was based on the brilliant work of Victor Hugo "Notre Dame Cathedral", the music for the musical was written by the talented Italian-French composer Riccardo Cocciante, the libretto was written by Luc Plamondon, known all over the world for his enormous contribution to music. He is even called the Most Popular and Greatest Lyricist of the Francophonie. If we add to this the stellar cast of the musical and the excellent well-coordinated play of the participants, it becomes clear why queues are formed at the ticket offices, and the audience comes to watch "Notre Dame" the second, and sometimes even the third or fourth time ...

"Notre Dame de Paris" - the history of the creation of the musical

Based on the novel "Notre Dame Cathedral" was created several films, and even a cartoon. For several centuries, the story of a beautiful gypsy woman Esmeralda and the hunchback Quasimodo takes the soul of readers and viewers of the whole world. Luc Plamondon also decided to devote the musical to this tragic story. In 1993 Plamondon compiled an approximate libretto for 30 songs and showed it to Cocciante, with whom he already had experience working together ("L'amour existe encore", which he performs). The composer had already prepared several melodies: "Belle", "Le temps des cathédrales" and "Danse mon Esmeralda". The authors have been working on the musical for 5 years. 8 months before the official premiere, a disc was released with studio recordings of 16 theatrical songs, performed by the artists of the musical, with the exception of parts Esmeralda... This album rocketed to the top of the charts, and the performers of the songs became stars in an instant. The composition "Belle" was written by the very first and became the most famous song of the musical.

Having won great success in his native France, the musical began its triumphant march around the world. Brussels and Milan, Geneva and Las Vegas. became the first French musical to make a breakthrough on the American stage. Broadway audiences are accustomed to the fact that the best musicals are created by their compatriots. And although "Notre Dame" broke not on Broadway, but in Las Vegas, the success of the musical was undeniable.

The premiere took place in Russia in 2002. The sensational musical was staged at the Moscow Operetta Theater. Julius Kim, who translated the libretto from French, compares working on the text with hard labor. When it was announced that work had begun on the Russian version of the musical, the authors began to receive translation options from both professional and non-professional poets. And some of the translations were so good that Julius Kim agreed to include them in the final version. Thus, Susanna Tsiryuk became the author of the translation of “Belle” in the final version of the musical. Also included was her translation of the compositions "Live", "Sing to me, Esmeralda." And the song "My Love" was translated by a fifteen-year-old schoolgirl Dasha Golubotskaya.

"Notre Dame de Paris" - the plot of the musical

After the death of her mother, a gypsy Esmeralda ended up under the tutelage of the gypsy king Clopin. The Gypsy camp tries to infiltrate Paris to seek refuge at Notre Dame Cathedral, but is chased away by the royal soldiers. The Rifle Captain, Phoebe de Chateaupert, draws attention to Esmeralda... She attracts him with her beauty, but the captain is not free, he is engaged to fourteen-year-old Fleur-de-Lys.

The humpbacked and lame bell ringer of Notre Dame comes to the feast of the Fools to see Esmeralda. Quasimodo in love with her, he sees unearthly beauty in her, she is his complete opposite. He receives the title of King of Fools. But his stepfather and mentor Frollo, archdeacon of Notre Dame Cathedral, rips off Quasimodo crown. He accuses the hunchback of witchcraft and forbids him even to look up at Esmeralda... Frollo is also secretly in love with a gypsy, and jealousy overwhelms him. However, a priest has no right to love a woman. So he wants to kidnap Esmeralda and lock her in the tower of the Cathedral. The archdeacon shares his plans with Quasimodo.

Esmeralda trying to kidnap, but Phoebus's detachment, which protects the beauty, was not far away. The poet Gringoire, who followed the Esmeralda... Frollo managed to get out of the water clean, no one even suggests who was involved in the abduction. A Quasimodo arrested. Frollo hears Phoebus seizing the moment Esmeralda meeting in the tavern "Valley of Love".

The "Yard of Wonders" is a place where criminals and thieves, vagabonds and homeless people gather. Grenoir is neither a criminal nor a vagabond, but ends up in the abode of such people, and for this Clopin wants to hang him. Grenoir is promised to save his life if one of the girls agrees to marry him. Esmeralda agrees to help the poet, and he, in turn, promises to make her his muse. Thoughts Esmeralda full of others. She is madly in love with the handsome young Phoebe de Chateauper.

Quasimodo accused of attempted kidnapping and sentenced to the wheel. Frollo is watching all this. Quasimodo suffers from thirst, and Esmeralda brings him water. The hunchback, in gratitude, allows her to enter the Cathedral and the bell tower whenever the girl wishes.

Frollo watches the captain of the shooters. Phoebus realizes what the young beauty gypsy likes. He wants to take advantage of this and heads to Esmeralda to the "Valley of Love". The archdeacon catches the lovers in bed, he grabs the gypsy's knife and wounds Phoebus, and the accusation of this crime falls on Esmeralda... When Phoebus recovers, he returns to the bride Fleur-de-Lys.

Trial over Esmeralda... She is accused of witchcraft, prostitution, attempted murder of the captain of the shooters. She denies everything, but she is sentenced to death by hanging.

Dungeon of La Sante Prison. Here the unfortunate awaits death Esmeralda... Frollo comes to make a deal: he will let her go if she agrees to accept his love and stay with him. When Esmeralda refuses him, Frollo tries to take her by force.

At this time, Clopin appears and Quasimodo... The gypsy king stuns the priest to free his pupil, and Esmeralda hiding in Notre Dame Cathedral. The inhabitants of the "Court of Miracles" come for her, but they meet the royal soldiers on their way. A group of gypsies and vagabonds enter into an unequal battle in which Clopin is killed. Esmeralda is arrested again, and Frollo gives her to the executioner. Quasimodo looking for a beloved, but finds Frollo, who confesses that he gave Esmeralda to the executioner, because he received a refusal from her. In anger and despair Quasimodo throws the vile archdeacon from the tower of the Cathedral, but he himself dies, hugging the dead, but still beautiful Esmeralda.

"Notre Dame de Paris" - musical video

Musical "Notre-Dame de Paris" updated: April 13, 2019 by the author: Elena