Drawing portrait of dad for children. What should dad draw? What to draw for a mom for a birthday from a daughter or son: a simple step-by-step instruction

Drawing portrait of dad for children.  What should dad draw?  What to draw for a mom for a birthday from a daughter or son: a simple step-by-step instruction
Drawing portrait of dad for children. What should dad draw? What to draw for a mom for a birthday from a daughter or son: a simple step-by-step instruction

In this lesson, I will show you how to draw a dad for a child in stages. It shows how to draw dad with paints, using the same principle you can use pencils or draw on a computer. Such a drawing can be drawn for dad for his birthday, if the card from this lesson did not suit you, or for dad's day, or even just like that. So let's get started.

Prepare paints, paper, brushes, and clean water. First, draw a beige circle. Mix some yellow, red and white paint for a milky beige if daddy has dark skin when add brown. Draw an oval like this, which will have the shape of the head. If you don't have white paint, leave white spots for your eyes.

Draw two small ones on the sides of the large oval - these will be the ears of the drawn dad. Below we add a wide strip - the neck. I also paint a sky-colored T-shirt, you can paint any clothes, for example, a shirt or a sweater.

In the center of the ears, I add spots a little darker than the skin color - add more brown to the paint, just don't add black, otherwise the colors will turn out to be muddy. If you're painting dad in watercolor, wait until the first layers dry. We draw shadows above the eyes for the check marks and a shadow near the nose - we do everything as shown in the picture below.

If your dad is not bald, he needs a haircut. My dad has dark hair, that's what I paint. Also, do not forget to paint your dad's eyebrows in the same color as your hair. Dads usually don't pluck their eyebrows, so we won't try too hard on their shape.

Just below the nose, between the nostrils and the chin, we need to draw a mouth.

    From childhood, children perceive their father in drawings as a person who wears formal clothes, that is, in a suit to work and they rarely see him while mother spends most of her time with them, we all know about this.

    Therefore, I propose several silhouettes from which you can sketch the image of a man in a suit, you only need to correct the facial features and appearance of your beloved daddy and the drawing is ready!

    Here, a man in a suit of short and tall stature is shown successfully, because all dads are different.

    A father with a small child can be drawn like this.

    You can also see:

    How to draw a man with a pencil step by step?

    Depending on the age of the child, it will turn out to be a dad. The easiest way to draw daddy is to draw a face in the form of a triangle. Draw eyes, mouth, nose and hair in it. The body is also a triangle, to it draw the legs and arms.

    In such a simple way, you can draw a dad.

    Here are some options for how to draw a dad. The first option is for older children (the main difference from a woman is a shirt, tie, chess), but the second drawing for those who are still studying is to draw their family Dad, mom, myself and a cat ..)

    Hello, you can draw a Man in both a difficult and an easy way, we need an option for children, to get started you need to have all the necessary things (pencil, eraser, paper, and patience.)

    Firstly, we draw the outlines of the drawing, we do not need to draw too much, because in the future we need to remove the extra lines, in the second stage we give the drawing rounding and remove the extra lines, in the third stage we already draw the hair, eyes, mouth and nose, and give the drawing the final look !

    Any child can draw a dad if he is shown a sample. For example, a photograph, or other children's drawings. You can draw clothes, and instead of a head, glue a photo from a real photo of dad. Here are the options

    It is impossible to describe exactly how we can draw a dad, because everyone's dads are different and they all look their own way. Someone has an oval face, someone is round, someone is fat, someone is thin. You can make a dad in a working form.

    Children have a richer imagination than ours, so they are better at coping with this task. And we can only admire.

  • Draw Dad!

    Any person that a child can draw is drawn.

    Children distinguish between mom and dad by two things: hairstyle and hat. Usually they are drawn side by side, even if you say draw dad. She also draws her mom!))

    Both men will be the same, but dad will be wearing a hat and mom with big hair.

    Older children add more shoes and a handbag to their mother. And they don't add anything to dad. He has nothing..))

    Once upon a time, children used to paint a mustache for dad, but now no one wears a mustache ...

    Now the child is more likely to finish drawing a gun or a bottle for dad))

  • A portrait of dad will be an excellent gift from a child to his father, for example, for his birthday, or for the holiday on February 23.

    And such a drawing will not be difficult to complete, even if the child does not have any special drawing skills. It can be created from simple geometric shapes. And you will need pencils, colored pencils, paper and, of course, an eraser.

    First you need to draw these figures.

    And then take a black pencil and draw the outlines and add some details.

    Then draw the hair for dad and shape his face, eyes and lips, draw legs.

    And then paint the drawing with colored pencils or felt-tip pens.

    The easiest option for how to draw a dad, the child himself will show you.))) My daughter is 3.5 years old, dad draws only the head and from her arms and legs go, without a body)). In general, dad can be drawn like this.

Dad is the strongest, bravest, most caring and courageous person in the life of every child. It is with dad that you can jump through the puddles to your heart's content, make a bow out of a branch (almost like Robin Hood's!), Play in a typewriter, show a bruise received in a fight with boys. That is why now we will learn how to draw dad.

Strict dad - draw step by step

Each parent loves their child, but sometimes each of them has to be strict. After all, discipline is not only fun, but also the fulfillment of rules, requirements, duties. It is with this example that we will learn how to draw a dad in stages.

First, we will depict the face of the pope. He enthusiastically tells something, because the parent's mouth will be wide open, the eyebrows are raised, and the eyes are closed. And one more cute funny detail - curly hair.

Then we draw the torso.

Then the legs. Dad will be tall enough, wide, strong. But the clothes on him are quite everyday - trousers and a jacket with long sleeves.

Now we will paint - stock up on paints, pencils or felt-tip pens. Dad's jacket will be blue, and his trousers will be brown. We will also add light stubble to the father of the family - this will make him look more solid.

That's all, we did it.

Loving father of a family with children

Although dads are sometimes quite strict, they never for a minute stop loving their children, showing tenderness and care to them. Even the most brutal man, at the sight of his children, involuntarily spreads into a smile and becomes "plush" and very cute. This is what we will depict when we learn how to draw dad with a pencil.

Let's start, again, with the face. It will be round and very, very smiling.

Then we draw a little daughter with long hair pulled into a ponytail, reaching out to her father. The girl hugs her dad by the neck, and he, in turn, holds his hand on her back.

Now we will depict the little son. He is younger than the girl, curly and very funny. And in the same way he reaches out to his father, and his father hugs him back. We will also add the back of the chair behind the back of everyone present.

Let's color the picture. Let everything be bright: the chair is green, the dad's jacket is blue, the girl's dress is red, and the boy's T-shirt is yellow. An orange book can be seen below - we probably found the father of the family reading aloud.

Now our picture is completely ready.

Daddy's daughter - draw together

Probably, "daddy's daughters" are the happiest children in the world. It's so great when big strong men treat their little daughters with care and tenderness, choose dresses for them in the store, arrange puppet tea parties, play tag and hide and seek with the baby. We will try to display all this tenderness on paper and learn how to draw dad beautifully.

We will paint a picture in which a girl hugs her dad. So first, let's draw a happy smiling face of the girl and the top of her father's head.

Then we will draw thin arms with which the daughter hugs her parent by the neck, wide daddy's shoulders and a toy bunny clamped in one of the children's hands.

In the next step, we will depict the girl's legs. Yes, they took such a big girl on the arms. Also draw the elbows of the parent and the line of his shirt.

Let's color our composition. Both the girl and the man will be dark and black-haired, so it is worth adding a little more brown to the flesh color. Their clothes will be quite bright: pink shoes for a daughter, a blue shirt for a man.

The drawing is complete - you must admit, it was not at all difficult.

Business dad in a formal suit

All fathers work in one way or another and provide for their families. That is why they have to put on firefighter suits, military or naval uniforms, coaching sportswear, a strict business suit and go to work. Now we will focus on a business suit and learn how to draw dad easily.

First of all, as before, draw the face. It will be very funny and funny: curly hair, small black eyes and ears sticking out to the side.

Then we will depict the torso. A strict jacket, tie - everything is as it should be for a business man.

Now arms and legs. The man will have one hand behind his back, and the other raised in greeting. Pants will be straight, strict, without any contractions and extensions from top to bottom.

It remains only to add color to the picture. For this we need paints, pencils, crayons or felt-tip pens. The black suit is considered a classic option, but we will deviate from the rules a little. And we will make the jacket blue, the trousers gray, and the tie turquoise with white stripes. It turned out original and not boring at all.

Cheerful, fat and very funny dad - draw with kids

Dads are different - tall, short, fat, thin, black-haired and blond, snub-nosed, freckled. But they have one thing in common - they are very, very fond of their children. And therefore we will figure out how to draw a dad for children.

First of all, we will depict a face - round, cheeky, with a wide smile and a button-like nose.

Then we will make the body - it will be full, rounded, almost spherical.

The legs will also be thick, with smooth lines. But let's make the hands quite miniature. Dad will be dressed in a shirt with a collar, a sweater and trousers.

Shall we paint? You can choose any color, even the most unusual, but we have made the men's hair black, the sweater - dark green, trousers - gray, and boots - brown.

This concludes, the drawing is ready.

For a loving mother, even the usual scribbles of her own child look like a real masterpiece, touching and very cute. And if her own portrait is depicted on the album sheet, the gift becomes priceless. It is a pity that these are the drawings that most often upset the "artists" themselves. Kids always try to draw their beloved parent as the most beautiful, bright and fashionable, and older children create a more realistic phased portrait with small details. Both those and others put maximum zeal and a piece of unconditional childish love into the illustration, but the result is not always successful and flawless. As a result: joy for mom, tears for the child! How to act so that the process of children's creativity becomes a real gift not only for mothers, but also for children? The answer is simple: it's worth reading the detailed master classes before the drawing lesson. And then simple artistic basics will help children make a beautiful postcard-portrait with their own hands, using an ordinary pencil or paints.

How to draw a mom for Mother's Day and what to draw for mom for a birthday, see the following sections with step-by-step master classes.

How to draw a postcard portrait for mom with your own hands as a gift for Mother's Day

Every child knows: his mother is the kindest, bravest, smartest and most beautiful woman in the world. It is precisely this kind of children who are used to drawing their dear ones in funny drawings, small cartoons and colorful postcard portraits. At the same time, the majority of young artists skillfully draws all the small, but such familiar details: curly mother's hair, a mole above the upper lip, a birthmark on the forehead, etc. Do you know how to draw a postcard-portrait for mom with your own hands as a gift for Mother's Day? If not, we will teach you. Follow our step-by-step master class with pictures.

Required materials for a postcard-portrait to mom on Mother's Day

  • a sheet of thick white paper
  • the pencil is soft and hard
  • sharpener
  • eraser
  • black gel pen

Step-by-step master class on creating a mother's portrait for a postcard for Mother's Day

On a note! Now you know how to draw a postcard-portrait for mom with your own hands as a gift for Mother's Day. It remains to supplement it with beautiful congratulatory inscriptions ("To my beloved mother", "To the best mother", "I love you!") And small festive details - bows, flowers, a frame or ruffles.

How to draw a mother and child with a simple pencil step by step

"Mom" is the first word of the child. She is the most important person in the baby's life, the best friend and loyal teacher. A beloved parent opens the door to a big life for children, surrounds with warmth and affection, holds the hand tightly during the first timid steps. Mother and child are inseparable in essence, so we will not separate them in our next illustration. Let's find out how to draw a mother and child with a simple pencil without much difficulty.

Necessary materials for drawing "mother and child" with a simple pencil

  • a sheet of thick white or tinted paper
  • soft and hard pencil
  • black pen
  • leaf
  • sharpener
  • a piece of blending paper

Step-by-step instructions with a photo of how to draw a mother with a child with an ordinary pencil

  1. Lay a sheet of heavy white or light-toned paper horizontally on your desk. Divide the field visually into two equal parts. In the center, draw the outlines of two faces - a mother and a daughter.
  2. Add outlines for the hairstyles. Sketch the strands of hair falling over the face.
  3. With a hard pencil, draw the features of the daughter and mother - closed eyes, eyebrows, cheeks, mouth, nose.
  4. Replacing the hard pencil with a soft one, leave shadows on the faces, as in the picture below. Shade the inflowing areas with light strokes.
  5. Blend the shadows around the eyes, under the nose, in the corners of the lips, on the neck and cheekbones with a piece of clean paper. Leave the cheeks unpainted.
  6. Use a soft pencil to paint over the hair, drawing lines from the roots to the ends. To make the hairstyles more expressive and realistic, add some bright strokes with a black pen.
  7. In such a primitive way, you can draw not only a mother with a child with a simple pencil, but also a father with a son, grandparents, young people in love, etc.

How easy it is to draw the whole family in stages: mom, dad, daughter and son

A large and friendly family is the dream of every person. And children are no exception to the rule. Boys and girls, as well as adults, are happy to have a warm home with caring parents, brothers and sisters, and happy joint holidays. Someone was lucky enough to be born and live in a complete family with all that it implies, while for someone a full-fledged house is just plans for the future. Let's try to draw a whole family (mom and dad with a daughter or son), and thus visualize an ideal social unit.

Necessary materials for drawing "family" with mom, dad, daughter or son

  • a sheet of thick landscape paper
  • soft and hard pencil
  • eraser
  • sharpener
  • colored pencils or paints

Step-by-step master class on drawing a whole family (mom, dad, son and daughter)

What to draw for a mom for a birthday from a daughter or son: a simple step-by-step instruction

The birthday of a beloved mother is a special reason for a daughter and son to draw a beautiful gift for the birthday girl with their own hands according to simple step-by-step instructions. On a smart-white album sheet, you can depict a bright box with a bow, a delicious cake, a beautiful bouquet of flowers, or mom herself with a baby in her arms. Such an unusual drawing will momentarily return the culprit of the holiday to the past and fill the whole day with pleasant nostalgic emotions. See how and what to draw for a mom's birthday from a daughter or son, in a simple step-by-step instruction.

Necessary materials for a drawing for a mother from a daughter or son for a birthday

  • a sheet of thick landscape paper
  • pencil
  • eraser
  • sharpener
  • colored pencils or paints

A simple step-by-step instruction on how to draw a birthday present for mom from a daughter or son

  1. Start drawing with mommy's face. Using the schematic circle shown in the photo, determine the tilt of the head. Draw the outlines of the face and hair.
  2. Detail the profile: paint the eyes, eyelashes, wrinkles on the eyelids, nose, lips, teeth, cheeks, and more. Add curves in the auricle and strands in the hair.

    On a note! To make the drawing more accurate and realistic, use one of the photographs of your mother with a baby in her arms as a "nature". It is much easier and faster to depict a non-moving object from a finished illustration.

  3. Sketch the woman's skeleton using straight lines. Draw the lines for the arms and outlines of the baby in the diaper. Its body will be rectangular, and its head will be round.
  4. Detail the head and body of the baby, draw handles, ears, depressions on the face.
  5. Following the straight lines of the skeleton, sketch out the woman's torso. One hand supports the baby under the head, the other hugs the legs. Don't forget your mommy's clothes. Locate the collar and cuffs, buttons and other details.
  6. Erase all the guide lines and draw folds in both the woman's clothes and the baby's diaper.
  7. Shade the recessed areas, thus creating shadows. Leave all prominent and well-lit elements white.
  8. Using crayons, watercolors, or gouache paints, color in the drawing.

What to draw for my mother just like that with watercolors or pencils

In the previous master classes, you mastered drawing a mother's portrait, a woman with a child, and even the whole family from photographs, living models, or just from memory. But there are still many original and unusual ideas of what to draw for a mother just like that with watercolors or pencils. For example, a dining table with a tea set, mom's favorite flower bed or a mother cat with little kittens. The last option is the most relevant and symbolic for a drawing for Mother's Day or the birthday of a dear parent.

The necessary materials for drawing with a pencil or paints for mom just like that

  • sheet of paper for pastels
  • soft pencil
  • eraser
  • colored pastels or watercolors

A step-by-step master class on creating a beautiful drawing for mom with paints or pencils just like that

  1. Lay a sheet of paper horizontally. In the upper central part, draw an oval (the middle of the cat's body), and to the left and below, a circle (the future head of the animal).
  2. Next, draw the outlines of the mother cat's body, her face and ears.
  3. Divide the area below the torso into three parts, forming a triple trapezoid.
  4. In the center box of the trapezoid, draw the outline of the little kitten. Don't forget the baby's ponytail and ears.
  5. Draw one more "baby" on both sides. To make the image more vivid, put the babies in different positions.
  6. Draw the mom's torso, keeping the proportions in the length and thickness of the legs, tail, belly and other details.
  7. Erase all the auxiliary lines with a soft eraser, give the fur of the cats fluffiness using dashed lines.

What should dad draw?

The most pleasant gift for dad from a child is a handmade gift. You can make a postcard from paper yourself, and draw something beautiful and original on it.

What to draw for dad for his birthday

If the son and daughter are very small, then mom can help dad make the drawing. Let Mom trace the outline of Dad's hand on a piece of paper. And inside the large contour of the hand, you will need to circle the outline of the baby's palm. Color the background of the drawing with bright colors with the crumbs, and leave the images of the palms white or make them flesh-colored. Sign the child's date and age against a bright background. Many dads will be moved by such a birthday present.

For older children, you can draw a drawing for dad yourself. We suggest using one of the following ideas:

What to draw for dad on February 23

In addition, you can draw a black and yellow ribbon of St. George, a tank or a red star for the Pope on February 23, if for him this holiday resembles military service and personifies the defense of the Fatherland. Special schemes will help you to draw a soldier, plane or sailor step by step.

What can dad draw for the New Year

As a rule, for the New Year, they draw a green fluffy tree with toys, a snowman, gift boxes, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden or a winter landscape. Dad will definitely have a New Year's mood when he sees a thematic drawing from his child.