Stories and fairy tales about birds for children. Selected stories for children about birds

Stories and fairy tales about birds for children. Selected stories for children about birds
Stories and fairy tales about birds for children. Selected stories for children about birds


This is our old friend:
He lives on the roof of the house -
Long-legged, long-skinned,
Long-haired, silent.
He flies on the hunt
Behind the frogs to the swamp.
Since ancient times, people considered white storks with a symbol of good luck and success. If the storks flew the nest on the roof of the house - it must certainly bring happiness to his owner.
People wrote about storks a lot of legends. According to one of them, storks bring parents of newborns, and on the other - storks often throw the precious stones into chimney chimneys, on which they built a nest. For Annunciation to the arrival of storks baked cookies with a picture of a stork. The children threw up cookies up and asked for a stork to bring a good harvest.
Storks of the ages of Storks will settle next to the man. Aist-male chooses a girlfriend from which all his life lives. A pair of storks are a large nest of branches, which usually suits on trees or rocks, but more often - on the buildings erected by a person: houses, high factory pipes or on power lines supports.
The nest serves as a cozy home for many years. Every year, returning in the spring of warm countries, storks repair a nest, new branches in it come into it.
In the middle of spring, the female postpones from 3 to 8 eggs. They have both parents. After 4-6 weeks of eggs, small astendants are hatched. After two months, the chicks begin to learn to fly and go along with their parents for the first hunt.
Food storks with frogs and lizards, as well as mollusks, worms, insects and their larvae.
This blond bird
The zoo is not sitting.
So that people smiled
It flies with a convolution ... (stork)
(N. Kommert) Folk signs flying stork foreshadows to someone who will see his health and harvest, marriage and health; Fixed stork disease, drought, celibacy. Money in his pocket, when meeting with a stork, wealth is stolen, and empty pockets are losses.


On one leg stands
In the water it looks intently
Poys beak at random -
Looking for a frog in the river.
(A. Painting)
Of course, you guessed that these verses are devoted to the herle. Herons live on the shores of the reservoirs and the swamps of all the continents of our planet, except for Antarctica.
Favorite food of Herlin - small fish and frogs. Podcasya prey, the Heron can have a long time in one place still, sometimes relying on one leg. Having freezing floating fish, the Heron makes a sharp movement head and grabs the victim. The special structure of the neck allows the Herlel to perform very fast and sharp drops of the head.
The frogs are seen only moving items, so they simply do not notice a fixed hermit. And the fish is lifted, stamped in water with long fingers. Fish think it is crawling the worms on the bottom and float straight into the beak of the Herlel.
Herons will be populated by large families, nests are arranged on trees, and even just on earth. The female postpones large greenish eggs, of which chicks are hatched in about a month. They are completely naked and helpless. The chicks are asked all the time, and the Male Heron is forced to spend the whole day in search of food. The female remains in the nest. When the chicks are growing a little, the female goes on the hunt with the male.
It is interesting to observe how the herons fly. If most other birds pull the neck and head forward, then herons, on the contrary, make the neck deep into the shoulders.
In some types of herds on the head, neck or back there is a peculiar mane from long feathers.
This bird
Beak, like two spokes.
On the water she walks,
That and the thing is bathing.
* * *
This is who stands in a swamp
On one leg in the nap?
Who has a drop on the beak?
Well, of course, this ... (Heron)


Serious feathers!
Keep to push crumbs
I have a palm!
(S. Egorov)
Sparrows - long-standing neighbors of man. They build their nests next to the houses of people, and sometimes right on them - under the roof, in the creams of walls or outside the windows of windows and doors. Sparrows are surprisingly unpretentious. They eate any food, help gardens, destroying harmful insects. But if the case can harm and sow, operating the grains. "Vora Bay!" - shouted in ancient peasants, breathing on their fields a lot of small birds. Hence the name of Sparrow.
Sparrows are urban and field. City Sparrows are small gray birds, and the fields are painted brighter - they have a brown hat on the head and two light stripes on the wings.
Delivered Sparrow
Showed with asphalt
Before the packs of pigeons
And jump, and flip.
(Yu. Parfenov)
Sparrows communicate with each other with loud tweet, reporting on the grounds of the feeding or that the predator sneaks to the flock. Together it is easier to find food and avoid danger. Sometimes a flour of Vorobiev gave back even the Grozny Hawk!
For the warm season, the sparrow has time to put eggs 2-3 times and bring offspring. Scientists were calculated that with such fertility, the sparrows would have to already be out of our planet of all other birds. But this does not happen, because not all chicks survive, dilding in claws and the beaks of predatory animals and birds.
Little boy
In the gray Armenian
In the courtyards schyris
Crumbs collects.
(Sparrow) Proverbs and sayings
Hungry sparrow and sits on the poultry.
And the sparrow on the cat is chirika.
The old sparrow will not deceive on the punch.


He fertures the sun,
In the courtyard burglaries,
And our end
A flock of swallows shouts.
Flew ... quieter, quieter ...
With a cry wept at the porch.
These are swallows under the roof
Build nests of chicks.
(N. scored)
Some of the fastest birds are swallows. The shape of their body is perfectly adapted for flight, the flare-shaped wings, and the tail of the fork. Externally swallows look like a rifle.
The legs of the swallows are weak, it is difficult for them to maintain the body. Therefore, swallows never go along the ground. They are all the time in flight, and when they get tired, sit on the branches of trees or telegraph wires. Even drink swallow swallow, sculpting water from the river the beak.
Like other migratory birds, swallows with the onset of cold weather fly to the south, warm countries. In the spring they always return to their native places.
By behavior of swallows, you can predict the weather. If the swallows are circling high in the sky - it will be warm and dry. But they fly almost at the very earth - it means that it will rain soon. Why is that? It turns out, in front of the rain insects, on which moisture from the atmosphere falls to the surface of the Earth. The hunters are rushed behind them.
Swallows build nests from clay lumps, connecting them saliva. At the rustic swallow, the entrance to the nest is located on top, and the city swallow is on the side. Inside the nest is enjoyed down and feathers. Coastal swallows dig holes in the slopes of the steep banks of the rivers.
Flies to us with warmth,
Hovering a long way.
Building a house under the window
From grass and clay.
(Swallow) folk signs
Early swallows - to the happy yield.
Swallow the day begins, the nightingale evening cums.
Swallows flies high in the sky - to good weather, and if low - to the rain.
Cuckoo brings news about summer, swallow - warm days.

Storks on the roof

Stork in many nations is considered a bird that brings happiness, so he enjoys a special patronage in humans. According to an old belief, the stork in the village - fortunately and well-being. Eat the stork nest, means to bring a misfortune to the house, on the roof of which he settled. That is why no one's hand rises to kill this majestic bird. To attract birds, people sometimes help them to build nests: on high pillars or roofs of houses install special devices - stands or wheels from carts so that the birds are more convenient to build sockets.

A lot of legends are associated with a stork. He is credited with the opportunity to bring babies in the beak. In retaliation for the ruin of the nest, he can set fire to the house. Aist, as well as in humans, there are "courts", where the "cases" of the birds of the guilty birds are sought. Such examples can be given a few more. Why is such respect for AISS and what are these legends and beliefs?

Let's try to answer some of them, based on knowledge of behavior and lifestyle of these birds.

People endowed with Aist many qualities that they are most impressed. Especially since this bird has a lot of features inherent in people and it will bring them closer. Storks are beautiful and proud birds. Sophisticated couples are permanent and persist throughout their lives. This causes respect and sympathy.

Storks have been using the same nest for many years. The male usually flies earlier females and the first thing is taken for its repair. He will drive a little nest and begins to call the female selflessly: it is in the nest, throwing the neck so that the back of the back and makes a characteristic trisk with the beak. Stork - Birdless Bird, so he came up with a way to attract females. In such a posture there is greatness and pride. Do not these qualities cause respect?

Soon the female appears. Clearing ritual is: the male is importantly stunned along the nest and the beak feels his branches, as if showing this her friend the goodness and reliability of the construction. The female do the same, in fact checking the said. Almost like people. What a woman will marry, without checking the financial position of their chosen one in advance.

Finally, the marriage union is concluded, and both birds begin to hold a nest. Tested branches, drown them, linse the middle of soft straw, grass, rags, feathers, preparing it for future kids. Storks are so fond of their work, which, without disassembling, is enough all that neither getting into the way. They can even grab the smoldering branch out of the fire. Especially in a hurry, when for some reason the nest turned out to be destroyed. Isn't it from here the origin of the legend of arson at home in the destruction of the nest. In the old days of the roof of houses were straw. In the wind, the roof and the nest breathe quickly. A small spark is enough so that all this flashes a bright flame.

Soon, several white eggs appear in the nest, which alternately cause a female and male - mom during the day, and dad - at night. Such a mutual assistance also causes respect. Finally, the asiats hatch. Parents feed their frogs, lizards, snakes, mice, locust. Again, benefits. While the chicks are small, one of the parents (this is most often a female) is constantly in the nest, protecting them from bad weather. The bird opens over the socket of the wings, like an umbrella, protects its chicks from the rain and the scoring rays of the sun. The nest of chicks leave only two months later.

White storks are not afraid of people. Sometimes it is possible to observe how the stalls of Aistute led by the parents fuses along the village streets. Dogs are staying away from them, do not want to taste the shock with a sharp beak.

Stork, as a hospitable owner, provides his nest with small birds. In the "bunch of twigs" (the nest can reach one and a half meters in diameter), sparrows, starlats, shaks and other birds are settled.

Storks in the fall in front of the departure sometimes spend "cleaning their rows", scored to death of weak birds incapable of flight. Such birds will interfere with the flock in a difficult way. Apparently, it served as the basis of the legend about the presence of "courts" in white storks, which end up the death penalty of the "guilty" birds. Do people have in other people?

Stork brings children in the beak. If to someone to charge this delicate mission, so besides storks more and no one to do. Large, strong, noble bird with a powerful beak - is unable to bring such a crumb tuning. This, of course, joke. In fact, everything is much more complicated.

In the distant times in the south of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus houses in the villages were sacred, from an unconditioned brick, and roofs - straw. Such houses demanded permanent care. Every year, the outer walls were coiled with clay, and the roofs repaired. Unattended such houses were quickly destroyed. Only a young and friendly family could have a long time to keep such a house in due order, the potential place of the nesting storks. And where Love and Lad are always a lot of children. In addition, there is a belief: Storks avoid at home, in which family quarrels are not uncommon. This once again confirms said.

And the second, the number of children in the family is determined not only fertility, but also their mortality. And in those distant times it was high. Therefore, a large working family has always enough funds to have a lot of children, a good house where Stork can settle. Hence the legend - only one step.

Storks will settle mainly in southern areas, but recently this species has become gradually expanding the habitat. They can be found much north, right up to the Vologda region. And in the Moscow region they have already become a completely ordinary bird, bringing happiness, well-being and good luck to the house.

Crow and Kot.

In the cities of birds feed in the garbage tanks. What only does not overpass from the man's table. Cheese is no exception. Many different birds can be seen there, especially in frosty and snowy days. However, among the main visitors of peculiar "feeders" stand out permanent satellites of a person - Sparrows, pigeons and of course ... Crows.

Near such unattractive places you can observe funny situations that resurrect the plots of some literary works in memory. I saw someone to the crow, squeezing on a tree with a piece of cheese in the beak. Almost both in the most Basna about the ravene and the Lisa. At the same time, the occasionship of the situation and the urban situation are so different from the classic Basni style, which cause new associations.

Sitting on a crow tree with cheese in a beak and phlegmatic looks around. She, apparently, was founded and could not decide what to do with this product. You can, of course, strain about the reserve, however, when the stomach is full, I want something for the soul.

She sits and waits for her "fox." Who does not want to hear a compliment to your address. After all, this is the most natural need for people - large and small, women and men, rich and poor, bosses and subordinates. It is only her extreme form - flattering - "benus and harmful", as they say in the Basna. However, who can establish a line between praise and flattery? This is a rhetorical question.

Sits a crow and argues. Of course, it is not a fire-bird and not a nightingale, but everyone is good in his own way, and everyone sings her song. Will the Crow-girl not blossom when it flips black and gray handsome? Is it sweet, he does not freeze his heart when the skeleton hits the serenade of her adorable? Yes, she is not the first singer, however, and she wants to hear something good. For this, it is not a pity and a piece of cheese to give.

I observed somehow another episode on the same topic. On the tree sits a crow with cheese in the beak, and at the bottom of the cat - not blinking, stared at her. Cheese, it turns out, not only foxes, but also cats. The crow gives his head, looks at the cat with one eye, then the other, cheese interferes. Probably waiting for pleasant speeches from him, and the cat does not understand - sits and hypnotizes the winning. I decided other than a fox, the way to get cheese, although it was not more reliable and tested.

So the garbage dump can also be a source of inspiration. It is only necessary to look around carefully to carefully, to see in all this only pleasant and slightly to dream.

Bird charity

Scientists argue, animals cannot think. Perhaps this is so. However, what you have to observe in nature allows you to doubt it. Skeptics will prescribe this to our imagination. After all, depending on mood and fantasy, the same object can have completely different shades. The moon, for example, will look like a banal lantern, laughing facing face or the source of inspiration of poets. So we will not find fault with scientists and put the hero of our story with some human qualities.

On the fence sat a crow with a piece of bread, and the sparrows jumped below. They climbed the falling crumbs. It was cold, bread frozen, and the crow with difficulty was painted with him. She held her paw bread, and slowly "biled" from him. Turning the piece and watches the sparrows that continuously quarreled because of each crumb. Sometimes the crow dropped bread, and then the sparrows arranged a real scuffle. And she with curiosity and at the same time looked at them with Hitrea.

Finally, the crow ceased to eat. She began to feed the sparrows. Turning a piece and throws it to the great joy of Drachunov. And so many times. Sparrows conscientiously worked out their "bread", feathers and flew in different directions.

From the side it seemed that the crow provoked them to a fight. Perhaps this is the case, however, I still wanted that such a feeding was not a fee for the "sight", but disinterested charity.

Crow - speech therapist

Our son in childhood had problems with the pronunciation of the letter "P". Specialists tried to correct his speech, but there was no particular progress in this.

Once my son and I went to walk to the park. There was an early Sunday morning, so people were a bit. Only individual "dogs" walked their pets.

The weather was beautiful - the sun shone, the snow sparkled around, and silence and light frost gave all this special charm. Snow fell at night, and lay on the trees and bushes. It was worth touching them, like avalanche of the snow fell down. The branches were exposed, and all this beauty immediately disappeared somewhere.

Silence broke mainly birds. Some of them were having fun, flew from the branch to the branch, the other (crows) smoked at running dogs, which, in their opinion, was not a place. The remaining sounds in this fabulous place disappeared somewhere, - dissolved in the air, or they absorbed snow.

We carefully stepped on the track, fearing to sigh this beauty. After all, the slightest twinge of the breeze will reveal the trees and the fairy tale will disappear.

In this unusual place lacked only a fabulous character. And so he appeared. On the tree, slightly embarrassed, sat crowd. Such a pose attached to her a philosophical expression.

When we approached, she painted loudly, then looked at us from the height of the tree and painted again. It seemed that she wanted to say something to us. There was even a doubt about it. The unusual situation of the surroundings convinced us in this.

The child stared at her with surprise: "What did she tell us?" I replied: "She greeted you." "Hello, dear crow," said the kid. He understood that the fabulous ravene was exactly how to contact. The crow sat on the tree and looked at us. I suggested to my son: "She doesn't understand you, say hello to her in her native language."

We stood under the tree for a long time, trying to greet the bird on the crow. The kid published all sorts of sounds, and he did not get necessary.

The crow turned out to be a patient teacher. She listened carefully, turning one thing in our side, then another ear, and periodically corrected the baby: "Car-r, Kar-P". The student diligently copied her pronunciation, because with a fabulous crow it was impossible to joke.

Finally, from the lips of the child flew something similar to "Car-r-r". Crow crooked satisfaction: - "Well done!" - And flew away.

From this day, we constantly greet all the oncoming crowns. Many of them were quite satisfied with pronunciation and responded politely on our greeting. So the crow speech therapist quickly taught the baby to correctly pronounce the hard letter of the alphabet.

Surprisingly, the baby, imitating a bird, learned to correctly pronounce the letter, syllable. And if he, for example, could not pronounce many letters, could the birds would teach him? Stop! But how did our distant ancestors begin to say, which in those days were still short-sighted?

To begin with, let's a little distract and remember all the favorite fabulous story "Mowgli", in which the boy's brought up with the animals and people. With animals, he may have been able to talk (as it grown among them), but with people, it is unlikely. A person, unlike beasts and birds, is born in short. He learns to speak, only being in society itself like. If a person, for example, is born a deaf and hears the speech of people, he is unlikely to be able to learn to talk.

Ancient man lived among animals and birds. On some animals, he hunted, from others - was saved. To do this, he needed to know their habits and intonation of the voice. And this is just the "Language of the Jungle", with the help of which "speak" the beasts and birds in nature. To be their among others, he, as well as Mowgli, had to be behavior and intonation of the voice to show his animals around him, that he is "one with them."

An ancient person needed not only to memorize the voices of animals, but also to be able to reproduce them. It made it possible to lick them and ultimately, mined. Scientists believe that in those distant times, our ancestors could easily imitate the voice of animals and birds, as they do, for example, parrots or other "speaking" birds.

In nature, undoubtedly, the most hiking are birds possessing a rich palette of sounds. Beasts on their background almost "silent". Birds are warned by the sounds of danger, they are like forty and small birds, with a cry accompany the predator, report, like fines, about changing the weather, the songs attract females and protect the territory.

The man made up a scream and singing not only those birds on which he was hunted, but and whom he was pleased to listen to (as well as modern man).

There are several hypotheses explaining the occurrence of speech. According to one of them, the tongue was based on the sounds that the man pronounced, imitating singing and the cry of birds. For example, the primary word "danger" most likely, it was like a cry of some kind of loved bird (of course, taking into account the voice capabilities of a person). And now the scouts in the forest "speak" with each other whistle, that is, on the "bird" language.

Thus, by imitating the bird's voice, the primary components of the so-called "bird" language of ancient people were formed. Of course, such a language was very simple, contained a small margin of words, but at that stage it was enough. In the future, sound-resistant words changed, and gradually became already "human". So with the help of birds a language of people appeared in all its diversity.

If we agree with such a point of view of scientists, and we will assume that the birds taught a person to speak, it is not surprising that the wise of the crow could teach the boy to correctly pronounce the letter of the alphabet difficult for him.

Vesuchi Voronenok

In one people, everything comes from the hands, but the other - for the slightest, in full swing. There is a category of people with whom it constantly happens, even if they seek to avoid trouble. However, the lucky writing is much more pleasant than about losers.

Despite this preamble, this story is not about a person, but about the chick, who was surprisingly lucky in his yet a short life.

So, there was a veonenok. He, like any bird, was born in the nest, high above the ground. Being on top of the tree, you must be extremely careful not to fall from there. However, our baby was fidget, never sat calmly. He constantly looked out of the nest, despite the ban of parents. When Voronenok grew a little, began to climb on his land, which was very dangerous. He hurried to become an adult, and, as they say, all his time. Finally, it happened that he had to happen. The chick fell out of the nest.

However, as mentioned above, Voronenok was the lucky. Another one who does not know how to fly the chick necessarily crashed on the ground, and our veonenoka landed into the bath. Water in her was so much that he could stand at the bottom, one can say on tiptoe, stretching up the neck. If the water was a little more, the chick immediately choke.

Bath served to watering trees. It was periodically filled with water, which was used as needed. Just on the eve of this event, the water from the bath has crossed out. If the Voronenok fell out of the nest during the day before, he could hardly be saved something.

In that ill-fated (for a bluer, of course), we were not going to go to the cottage. However, things were resolved by themselves, and we decided to go away from urban noise. In cold water, the bird is unlikely to hold out for a long time, so the help arrived on time. Again lucky!

We pulled the chick from the water. He was so exhausted that he closed his eyes and hit the side. Probably, the feelings lost from the cold and overvoltage.

The crows flew over us and viciously a karkal. Some of them even tried to dive to us. It was a kind of mental attack. They suspected us in bad intentions.

We dried the bird with a dry towel, covered the rag and left in the garden in sight of the parents who continued to fly over us. Take the chick to the house did not risk. Parents, having lost his mind, immediately refuse him, and so perhaps they will help him.

In the morning the chickness was not in place. We hoped that parents took him away (he could not fly) to a safe place. At the same time, the thought drove that cats and dogs could deal with the bloveth, which in these places were abuse. They lived on other summer cottages, but they preferred to stay near our house, where they were constantly fed. At lunchtime, they were all located near the door and patiently expected when they would take out food.

In the afternoon, when all Cat - the dog tribe gathered at his usual place, Voronenka saw among them. He, like everyone, expected food.

One birds are worth a little to be called, as they immediately turn out to be a stomach, and for some reason, for some reason, no one has touched. Perhaps our porch was announced a peculiar "truce", as was already described in the beautiful work of Mowgli. During the drought, the animals of the waterproof were declared a "water hammering", which, according to the laws of the jungle, no one bold violate. And in our case, apparently, the "feed truce" was announced.

Voronenka was lucky in this life. How many are the same as he, chicks screamed cats, and he was lucky. Fell into the bath and did not choose, in time pulled out, made friends with cats. How much lucky accidents!

We started to feed the Voronenka. When the chick was hungry, he demanded food in a kind way, slandered her thumb on his leg. He lived on a porch among cats and dogs, and ate, one might say, along with them. So he lived with us about a month, until he learned to fly and independently extract his feed.

Anatoly Pavlovich Sadchikov,
Professor of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov ( [Email Protected])

Stories for children about birds.

Sparrow on the clock

In the garden on the track jumped young sparrows.
And the old sparrow sat highly on a tree branch and looks around whether the bird's predatory will not seem.
The backyards of the hawk-robber. He is the enemy of the shallow bird. The hawk is flies quietly, without noise.
But the old sparrow noticed the villain and watches him.
Hawk closer and closer.
I stuck loudly and anxiously sparrow, and all the sparrow disappeared into the bushes.
All smalcot.
Only the sparrow-hour sits on the branch. It does not move, the eye from the hawk does not descend.
I noticed the hawk of an old sparrow, waved the wings, straightened the claws and the arrow went down.
And the sparrow fell into the bushes.
Hawk with nothing left.
It looks around. Evil took a predator. His yellow eyes burn fire.
The robber was attracted and flew on. Again sat down the sparrow on the same branch. Sits and fun tweet.
With noise, sparrows were poured out of the bushes, jump along the path.



We looked forward to when old familiar will arrive in our garden again - Skzorts, these cute, funny, sociable birds, first migratory guests, joyful spring mosses.

So, we waited for the starling. They corrected the old birdhouses, who dreamed of winter winds, joined new ones.

Sparrows imagined, as if this courtean was done for them, and immediately, at the first heat, ranked back.

Finally, nineteenth, in the evening (it was still light), someone shouted: "Look - starlats!"

And the truth, they sat highly on the branches of the poplars and, after Sparrow, seemed unusual and too black ...

Two days of the Skvorts were accurately gained strength and stuck and inspected last year's familiar places. And then the eviction of Vorobiev began. Especially stormy collisions between the squorters and sparrows, I did not notice. Usually, the shirts of two sit high above the benchmarks and, apparently, the carelessly talk about something among themselves, and with themselves with one eye, the skeleton, look closely. Sparrow is terribly difficult. No, no - it will drown his sharp cunning nose from a round hole - and back. Finally, hunger, frivolity, and maybe the timidity give themselves to know. "Flew," thinks, "for a minute and right back. Avenue overheat. May not notice. " And only will have time to fly to the soot, like a star of a stone down and already at home.

And now I came to an end to the sparrow temporary farm. Skzortsa ENEGUAT nest alternately: one sits - another flies in cases. Sparobes never think of such a trick.

And so, with chagrins, the great parties begin between the sparrows, during which the down and feathers fly in the air. And the starlings are sitting high on the trees and even come to bed: "Hey, you, black and black! You won yellowogrudoy, \u200b\u200bnot to master the centuries. " - "How? To me? Yes, I am now! " - "Well, well, well ..."

And the dump will go. However, the spring all the animals and birds ... they fight much more ...

Song Skvortz

A little bit of the air warmed up, and the starlings have already reached high branches and started their concert. I do not know, right, whether the Skwort has its own motives, but you will listen to his song of anyone else's. Here and pieces of nightingale trills, and a sharp meow of the Orioles, and the sweet voice of the Malinovka, and the musical sheep of the foam, and a thin whistle of the cinema, and among these melodies they suddenly heard such voices, which, sitting alone, do not hold and quail and quietly: acknowledged on a chicken tree , worship the knife of the grinder, creams the door, the children's military tube will be hugged. And, by making it an unexpected musical retreat, the starling, as if nothing had happened, without a breather, continues his cheerful, cute humorous song.


Sokolov-Mikitov Ivan Sergeevich

Of the many sounds of the Earth: the singing of birds, the trembling of foliage in the trees, crucible cousin, the murmur of the forest stream - the most cheerful and joyful sound - the song of field and meadow laugs. Another early spring, when there are loose snow in the fields, but there are already dark protanes on the priest, they arrive and start to sing our early spring guests. The post climbing into the sky, flourishing the wings, through the penetrated sunlight, above and above takes off in the sky, disappears in shining blue. Surprisingly beautiful, the call of the song Lark, welcoming the arrival of spring. This joyful song is like the breath of the awakened land.

Many great composers in their musical works tried to portray this joyful song ...

Much can be heard in the awakening spring forest. Slim squeaks are thinly, the invisible owls are arguing at night. In the impassable swamp, the spring dance arrived cranes. Above yellow golden jackets of blooming willow buzz. And in the bushes on the banks of the river lasted, the first nightingale was called the first nightingale.


Swan for its magnitude, strength, beauty and greatest posture long ago and fairly named the king of all water, or waterfowl, birds. White as snow, with shiny, transparent small eyes, with a black nose and black paws, with a long, flexible and beautiful neck, he is incomprehensibly beautiful when calmly floats between the green roots on a dark blue, smooth surface of the water.

Swan movements

All swan movements are performed by charms: whether he will start drinking and, by jumping around the water's nose, will raise his head up and pull out the neck; Whether to swim, dive and splashing with its mighty wings, far scattering water splashes, rolling from his fluffy body; Whether it will begin to hike, easily and freely throwing the arc back his snow-white neck, correlacing and brushing her nose on the back, sides and in the tail crumpled or tame feathers; Will the air wing blossom, as if a long oblique sail, and also starts the nose to sort out in it every feather, venting on and drying it in the sun, - everything is picturesque and great in it.

Stories about the life of birds. Birds are our friends.

Kovrigin Artem, Grade 1, Maou Gymnasium No. 25 cities Kostroma region
Leader: Kuznetsova Ekaterina Alekseevna, Maou Gymnasium № 25 Cities Kostroma Kostroma region
Description: Data mini-stories and drawings Artem composed and painted independently, as it likes to read and watch birds.
Purpose: Mini-stories can be interesting to educators, primary school teachers, supplementary educational teachers, and used in the lesson of the surrounding world.
Purpose: Formation of ideas about birds through the reading of the story.
- tell about the life of birds;
- develop attention, curiosity, memory;
- bring up a feeling of kindness, sympathy, mercy to all living organisms, to retelling.

Pink flamingo.

Bird from Flaming Flaming. Color of these bird-pink-colored birds, purple-red wings.
Length ela-130cm., Body weight-3-4 kg. Pink flamingos usually live in large lakes with salted water, in marine lagoons.
Food in shallow water, in hard-to-reach places.
The nests of these birds have a cone-shaped shape (hill) from clay and yals. Birds nest with colonies up to a thousand couples with each other. In the masonry usually 1- 3 eggs. The duration of Flamingo-83 years.


Eagle-large birds of prey. In the eagles are long, sharp claws, strong beak. Color among the eagles of dark brown, black. The tail and head have a white color, beak and claws of yellow. Eagle-acute vision, thanks to them he looks out for small prey (snakes, mice, lizards) from a huge height.
In the air he steak high, notes the smallest movement on the ground. If he sees something edible, dive down the prey. Eagles live far from a person, choosing mountainous areas.


One of my favorite birds is owl. Owl is very beautiful, unusual bird. Owl has big eyes and big ears, beak bent, sharp claws. Owls have different sizes from the smallest to the largest types of birds. The smallest - sparrow owl. The largest-final. These birds lead a nightlife, possess sharp vision and hearing. Owls are predatory birds. Feed in small animals: rats, rods, small snakes, fish and other birds. Owls bring and benefit, they destroy harmful insects and rodents.
Once a year, they bring their offspring. Chicks are getting blind and deaf. Fit chicks both parents. Owls are never going to flocks. Birds (owls) hear four times better than a cat.
I love these birds.


Bullfinching rather small sizes, a little more sparrow. Length-15 cm., Body weight-34 gr. Snegiri have a color of dark gray, blue colors, around the beak and eye black sheep. Belubo and Boca have red color. Snegiri live in coniferous forests, you can see them in the parks of the city, gardens. Bullfigious birds. Birds feed with kidney seeds of plants, berries. Life expectancy - 2-4 years.

In one pretty Little Russian village there were so many gardens that the whole she seemed to be one big garden. The trees bloomed and fragrant in spring, and in the thick greenery of their branches a lot of birds fluffled, who announced the surroundings by ringing songs and cheerbetany; In the fall, many pink apples, yellow pears and blue-purple drops appeared between the leaves. But here are some evil boys, gathering the crowd, ruined the bird nests. Poor birds left the gardens and no longer returned to them. Autumn and winter passed, a new spring came; But the gardens were quiet and sad. Harmful caterpillars, who previously destroyed the birds, were divided, now unhindered and devoured on the trees not only flowers, but also leaves: and naked trees in the midst of the summer watched sadly, as if in winter. Autumn came, but there were no pink apples in the gardens, nor yellow pears, no purple drain; Funny birds did not pear off on the branches; The village was not announced by their ringing songs.


Gray cuckoo-homeless Sleavitan: nests do not live, in other people's nests nests puts, it gives his wrist, and he also pumped up, and he also poured, pursuant before man

- "Hee Chi-Hee! Ha ha ha! Looking for a hubby, as I am Oatmean on the joy of the Egg demolished."

And the tail of the hubby on the birch of Sidychuchi, the tail unfolded, the wings lowered, the neck pulled out, sides sided, counts, the stupid people do it.


The boy in the fall wanted to ruffled under the roof nest of a swallow, in which the owners had no longer: having revealed the approach of the cold, they flew away.
"Do not ruin nests," said the boy's father, "the spring swallow will arrive again, and it will be nice to find his former house.
The boy listened to his father.
Winter passed, and at the end of April a couple of rigorous, beautiful birds, merry, shrinking, flew and began to rush around the old socket.
Work boiled; Swallows dragged in the sprawl of clay and Il from the near stream, and soon Nestsdishko, a little pulling over the winter, was decorated. Then the swallows began to carry in the nest of the down, then Pyryshko, then the skelter of Mykha.
A few more days passed, and the boy noticed that only one swallow flies out of the nest, and the other remains in him all the time.
"It can be seen, she applied eggs and is sitting on them now," the boy thought.
In fact, the weeks through three of the nests began to look a tiny heads. How glad was now the boy that did not break the nest!
Sitting on the porch, he watched for a whole clock, as caring birds were rushed through the air and caught flies, mosquitoes and midges. How quickly they turned back and forward, how tirelessly mined food to their kids!
The boy was waved, as it swallows do not get tired of flying all day, without squeak almost no one minute, and expressed his surprise to his father. Father pulled out stuffed swallows and showed her son:
- Look, what swallows are long, big wings and tail in comparison with a small, light torso and such tiny legs, which is almost nothing to sit on; That is why she can fly so fast and long. If the swallow knew how to talk, then she would tell you about the South-Russian steppes, about the Crimean mountains covered with grapes, about the stormy Black Sea, which she needed to fly, not sowed, about Malaya Asia, where everything was blooming And Greenly, when we had already snow, about the blue Mediterranean, where she had to relax on the islands, about Africa, where she was a nnovesdyshko and caught the midges when we had baptic * frosts.
* (Epiphany. Baptism is an old winter holiday. Usually, strong frosts were on baptism.)
"I didn't think that the swallows would fly away so far," the boy said.
- Yes, and not some swallows, "the father continued, - the larks, quail, thrushes, cuckoo, wild ducks, geese and many other birds, which are called flights, also fly away from us for the winter to warm countries. For some pretty and such heat, which is winter in southern Germany and France, others need to fly high snowy mountains to climb on the winter in the flowering lemon and orange groves of Italy and Greece; Third to fly even further, flipping the whole Mediterranean Sea.
"Why don't they stay in warm countries for a whole year," the boy asked, "if there is so good?"
- It can be seen, they lack feed for children or maybe too hot. But here's what you will enjoy: like swallows, fluttering thousands of four ruins, find the way to the same house where they have a nest?


Eagle dear to all birds king. He is a nest on the rocks yes on old oaks; It flies high, sees far away, does not look Migaychi in the sun.

Nose in eagle sickle, claws crochet; Wings are long; Chest honeycomb-wellcome.

In the clouds, the eagle is worn: prey from above looks out.

He will fall on the duck shilkulya, on the head of red-headed, on the cuckoo a cheater, only the perugal will be sprinkled.


Knock-Knock! In the deaf forest on a pine black woodpecker cargo.

The legs cling to the tail rests on, he tapped the nose, -mussed goats due to the bark. The barrel circle will hang, no one will notice.

Frightened Murashi:

"These de orders are not good!"

With fear, they brighten up, they hide behind the bog, do not want to go.

Knock-Knock! A black woodpecker knocks his nose, Craer is hammered, a long tongue launches in the holes: Murasha, like a fish pulls.

Goose and Zhuravl

Smeats goose around the pond and speaks loudly with himself with himself:
- What a, right, amazing bird! And I go on the ground, and I swim around the water, and fly through the air: there is no other bird in the world! I king all birds!
Heaven his goose crane and tells him:
- Putting you bird, goose! Well, can you swim like a pike, run, like a deer, or fly like an eagle? It is better to know anything one, but good than everything, so bad.


Residents of one secluded village were in great concern, especially women and kids. In the near beloved their forest, where the boys and girls are minimized by the sinks, then for the mushrooms, the ledged. As soon as the night comes, it will go through the forest, whistling, meowing, and at times terrible screams are heard, exactly someone shed. How causing yes wanted, the hair becomes end. Children not only at night, but even during the day they were afraid to go to their favorite forest, where only I could only hear that Solovyov's sinking and pulled oriole cries. At the same time, the older chickens, ducks and geusy began to disappear more often.

This is tired of finally one young peasant Horte.
"Wait, women," he said, "I will bring Leshego to you."

I waited for Egor in the evening, took a bag, a gun and went to the forest, despite the requests of his cowardly wife. He dried the whole night in the forest, the whole night did not sleep his wife and he listened to the horror, as the very light laugh and Aukal Leshel.

Only in the morning it seemed Egor from the forest. He dragged something big and alive in the bag, one hand in Egor was wrapped up with a cloth, and the blood was visible on a rag. The whole hitter fled to the yard to the brave peasant and not without fear looked like he shake out some kind of unprecedented bird, shaggy, with ears, with red big eyes. She clicked with a curves with a beak, he told the ground with sharp clauts to the ground; Crows, Soroki and Galka as soon as they walked the monster, so began to wear over him, raised a terrible cry and gam.

Owl! - shouted here one old man. "After all, I am stupid, said that this is all the Filin gives."